Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1906, p. 8

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++-:--.â€" s- .u ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wednesday and Saturday ovmdngs a law can- leaves 0. P. R. Crossing fm- Newmarket and iuLclmt‘didLe paints at 11.30 p. 111. Every "Wednesday and Saturday right a late car will leavr Newmarkm SLatiun for Toronto and intermediate p hints at 10.45 p. m. ' fliuunect wit-h Sclmmlmrg & Alu'ox‘ Railway. ELJ‘RA SERVICE ON ALL "GI‘IDA‘VS. “'. li. MUUK Ii. Manage Thurnhill A. M. 6.55.155. 8.55, 9.55, 1 3 ~ 10.55. 1.55. P. M. 12.55,1.55, 2.55, .53, 4.65, 5.55. 6.55. 7.55. 9.55. C. . R. Crassiug. Arrive, A. M. 7.40, 8,40, 9.40, 10.40, 11.10. P. M. 12.40 1.10, 2.10, 3.40. 440,540, 6.40, 7.40, 8.40. 10.40. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45, 7.45, ' 9.4;,. 10.45. 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 2.4;), 3.45, 4545. 5.45. 6.45, 7.45, 9.45. .4 Bond Lake Junction A. M. 6.30, 7.30. 8.30, 9.90, 10.30, 11.30. P. M. 12.30, 1.39. 7.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30. 10.15, 11.15. P. M. 12.15. 1.15,; 4.15. 5.15, 6.15. 7.15, 9.15. Newmaiket Station A. M., 6.00, 7.00, 00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. P. B1. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, o 9. 1.00 9.00. . M. 12: . 1:20. 2.20, 3.20; 4.20; 7.20, 8.20. 10.20. t P ‘1) Newmarket (Huron Stu). Arrive, A.M. 7.40, 8.40, 9.40, 10.40, 11.40. P. M. 12.40. 1.40. 2.40. 3.40, 4.40, 5.40. 6.40, 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. GOING SOUTH. Newmarket (Huron St). Leave, A. M. 5.45, 6.45.» 7.4513 8.45, 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 4.45, 5.451: 3.45, 8.45. Bond Lake Junction A. M. 7.05. 8.05, 9.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. I“. 12.05, 1,052.05, 3.05. 4.05. 5.05. 6.05. 7.05. 8.05. 10.05. Richmbnd Hill A. M. 6.50. 7.50, .50 l .50, 9.50, 10.50, 11.50. P. M. 12.5 , .50, 3.50. 4.50. 5.50. 6.50, 7.50, 9.50. N“) 10.35, 11.35. P. 4.35. 535, 6.35, 7 Change in Time Table gives to its studpnrs. Rpm-nt- swdents ha ve taken positiuus at, sahu‘iea M: from $50 per nv-nth to $1000 per an‘num. IT IS A WELL-KNOWV PM"? 'rnvr nr'R SCHOOL IS THE BEST me H's KIND IN CANADA. This nmuLu is a. splendid t-inw tn «nu-r. All graduatrs get pusnLiUns. The de- mand is man“ 21) {hm-s llw sup- pi)’. Wline tummy lm luugulli- cent cuLuiugue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. (Othuuge; ' mun “I m... Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Hours for issuing Money Orders MORNING 8.00 EVENING ...0.00 N. B.~â€"Registered letters must be handed in u lssst Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. High Grade Train= mg Days and that is 1:2: ma the iamous I'i-i‘vaz'fempemnceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of nob monch FirohBriZudoâ€"Meem first Monday of every mom jpublio Lubruy and Reading Room-011811 Dnfil further notice Mails will be closed at the Blohmogd Bill Post Otfico as follows :â€" Ivy Lodge. A 0 U W-Meets thiri Wednesday 01 each month 703ml) Elfin. S 0 B â€"Meets second and touxth Wsdaesqaj __ . .. A ... ., A3,- 'i‘deéhi}. Eifd' mura; eVe'fiihga'T 7 Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Monday AprtfvmflA._M.i 6.15. 7.15, 8.15. 9.15. Aurora A. M. 7.2U. 8.20, 9.20. 10.20. J47 2 5:910“ 67% ’ ' -' I/ 4 , :1 age/277% TORONTO. 02:1". \/ Q- 1?; R; QI‘OESi'Jg K129170119» Maw -303-Fei-igfifiiénd, A O 4F â€"Meota second and o_nrth_ many "Emit? GEEK ‘ifirou 1i “MEET? W90th vgltlngut c 11â€"1-30 In the_ A handsomely Illustrath weekly. Largest cir- culntlon of my sclenufic oumal. Terms. 33 l {9131- 1110512115. $1. 50 d by alLyewsdgglex-g. Anyone sendhng a sketch and descrlgtlon may quickly ucennln om- opimon free w ether an Invention in probably patentable. Communica- tion. act-[cu] confidential. Handbook on Paten tagging. Orgest npency‘fogpecuripgyate WHERE‘S}EF‘EQNEWYQEK Stiéiitific Hmerican. 'n'diiai: é‘mEeTéza F St. Waahu'a'zt'oh'. ‘5. 6: POST OFFICE NOTICE Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOING NORTH OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M‘ fiéfifiifié EVrJNING Village Directory. MONEY ORDERS M. TEEFY. Postmaster a.+%+++.v.~ hind .- n. unagor 835 I THE LIBERAL to January I, 1908 ihLiU (L l‘ H l‘ U (i (C ‘1 H (i H (6 L‘ l‘ t‘ ‘l H L( H ‘I and \Vcekly Globe to Jan. I. 1908 “ “ Mail & Empire tojan. I u u Sun u u “ Farming \Vorld “ “ “ Daily \Vorld “ “ 8; Family Herald & \Veckly Star, I “ Daily Globe, (York Co.) “ “ “ Mail & Empire, (York Co) “ “ Farmers’ Advocate, “ ” New Idea \Voman’s journal “ Special rates on Toronto Daily Star and Dd Subscriptions taken for all magazines. “lien sending subscriptions write’ name address plainly. Enclose postal nate or exnress I ! substantially made and rightly sold. \ You'll get sen-ice and style but of what we sell you. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hi1} f++~z~+++++5~+++++++~z~+++MM+ ++ Steel and cast Ranges, all kinds, sizes and prices. Heaters, Paylor Cooks, etc. We have a few good second-hand Parlor Cook Stoves; Will sell cheap. Jacob Eyer £5 Son CLUBBING RATE bourng .. Standard Rut bum-in}; . Standard Viln Culnniul “ The Faun-ice. All the nhnve mo in tiun during ExhibiLiou i New Williams Sewing Machine, full cabinet, bull bearing. $45.00 “ “ “ “ drop head, “ “ .. 33.00 cover top. “ “ .. 30.00 Standard Rutm-y Shuttle, ful-l C:ll)il‘]et:_!)illl bearing . . . . . . . . 50.00 H u u u Starting on Friday, Aug. 24, and lasting only one month at figures as quoted below and thgse for cash (only). SALE ear SEW ééégéémés P. G. $AVAGES “’illiams Sewing Machine, H +~:~~:~+++++++-:~+-z‘ band lift. Shuttle, autuumtic lift; “ “ " “ 7 druweh‘ . x..- ‘ . . 7 zuy Shuttle, cm crodi VtVoVfi,‘ (‘l‘rliuxor ‘ taken tor an magazines. 1g subscriptxons write’ name and P. O. Enclose postal note or express order and E LIBERAL ” luak. All nf these will 11¢ in full up: in Ludics’ Building. HE drop head, 5 automatic lift, drop :--:v +++++++++++++++++++++++++é~ The-re is character in harness. Ev- m'yune should knnw lmw in select th best. Thnsc who dnn'b know may de- pend on us. The hursews-zu‘ we so“ all over this country stands fur us. and we stand by it. Hamess fiharamei d1 awel’s Our attention {ichmond Hi”, Ont. GOOD IIARN ESS and Daily N cws. is given tn wally ad year 1908 41~6m RESIDENCE. MILL RDA D. SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL. GLAZIERIGRAINER a PAPEl-‘HANGER General Banking Business Transacted. Nion‘y Loanul on Furnn Sah- holes. Blank Tunic Forms Supplied F1120. ReCPiVPd in Suvings’ Bunk Dvpur went and interest alluwed at HIGHEST ()1 Canada RICHMOND HILL A N D MAPLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ i . I Palms g Mixed Paints if + 9 E Robertson‘s E 3; Pamts i o r other particulars call at the Eu HOUSE PA’I Capital RUSK] Square Gear. Over Machines plncé'd u LaS)‘ [ENDS glven Din-stuck (If oils, paints, nisht-snvhiting, zinc white. 3 pul Ly, alahustin stainsâ€"{11H prices right. “Imperial nmxsm'e at same num- .- 5‘ “thus.” ’I‘hs-re nut hing BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. Purity 5;: fiaarabéiity H. H. LOOSEMORE sat-y HELOTTE 8 EPA RATOR ’All huhclic BI l; C I l Bumis El ’ I .. . 11 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DEPBâ€"SITS Unequalled for RICHMOND HILL P. O. Richmond Hill is nothing as good and uuld he better. withdrawal not, uece All depnsits payable on demand. CURRENT RIMES. Talking Machines, Records and Needless few hull-hoar- ings than any n t, h e 1- m :I. chim- nn the. markt't. Mu. Futte hnwl iv. s’hnHmv n m1 w i d e n n (I npmns in the ' 1‘ cum-e- snthnt 3;" P3,". PVC'I‘)’ 11mm (If ~H ft mm w ens- ”wdkr ily (ilvnnf’d. 1' [25.000 in daily use. on week‘s trial from NTER :I rmers’ FWD. AGENT. Onfy mn- Chino with self-Inland ng howl. 1911‘”- nctimn :md all. lu and ml $1.60 a year Cun'ez \V) Course in Pupil. How to in The A rt 0: Should mu - I ' C “rr""' "- Nu cider apples wanted. As we have now. after many in:- provmnents. a capacity of about 300“ gallons of cider boiled into jolly and apple butler per day. wv hope to ghe our (:ustuuwxs every satisfaction. Oustulm-rs are respectfully I'Pquest- ed to do business on the above men- tioned days as we live a distance from the factory and customers coming any other day Would find it Very incon- venient. f \Ve hope to see all our old customâ€" ers back again this season as usuglfl) with as many more as possible. Thankng the general public forpawt favors, we solicit; a continuance (M the same in the future. ' ' =0 l'x'm ’x'ununcia Lions Jelly apple-S SIM and two-thirds 5w Pal-Lies wishing keep their pee-1i frum lhu- cidvr up} \Vil] buy a few ‘uurse in Starting Monday, Oct. lst, will first thrve days of each week ing OuLulm-r and November, I and including Nov. 21, 1906. wm run an rnstr'm wmk during 0( tuber and Nuvvmher us fallows:â€"~ EDGELY UIDEB MELLY MILL THE W. C Amhetic list of Abbreviation: duess English for the Businw npouml \Vm-ds: Hmv U. Them. Autmnutic thrt‘w- ed with lmH hearing of latest uttnr‘hlnem ed on trial five. fim‘mi @uglifih Efinw ta :35: New Williams Sewing Machine iiiâ€"KKK J. VVENGER ECT ENGLISH, Evansmn, li' Silent, SimplP. Easy-Running Strung. iTflLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE TL'RCK BAKER, Editur. to say INTERESTING Subscribe for ll] in English 1m] \Vuuld 'n 1 contents for this Month. . PETHECK, Agent English fur the Beginner. English for the Advum Sam gum in tho Schme y and \tht Nut tn Say Muck-“Witng and Dunn Ulmvel Agents War RICHMOND HILL. islling apple- hutter slmulcl pee-ling apples svpal'ute- 'lvr npplvs. a few pevllug upplus only. \se Ont Send 10 cents for pie Copy, ys or each week (lur- zmd November, up to sutiol). Hnw In uh 'ntm-y Dig-L the II( me. the Schme LIBEE lllll 0C INSTRUCTWE hear Rucm'ds from 1}( )l h d]- Ind H ‘Ulllt 3 can: r it. lum ‘ Mun. “‘rile {AL In up ylim “Ill HI HIM ’l H u (I ~ UH]

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