215 I per annum, in advance] “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†[Single copies, 3 cts. 'rs rumirsnnbsvnm i THURSDAY MORNING } AT THE LlSEflAL PRINTING .t PUBLISHING HOUSE! R!Cri.‘.t!JNDHILL,ONT. ' l '1‘. F . McMAHON. EDITOR r'; Pnormnron. BUSINESS in rural. \ ~***‘ '“ ' ’ ‘ k, R. s. J. BOYD. it. B. \l '\I M. It. (I. 8.: I). Ii. (1. P.. ling. g (iUCrflCSS‘).( 'r‘o Du. Drmx) ‘KQIchinond Iâ€"Iill NViIl occupy his product-ssur's HIIIN‘ air] is pr‘rz'parcrl to do g -n.~n-al practice and also“) treat. cyc. ear. nose and throat. discases. 7 Steam. it . .i. H. W. ANOERSOI, l)euti.~st, Cor. ‘. r - I ' - (Jrrltor‘i .ml Xongr Sts , loronto \Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nusday of each wr-r-k. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hours â€".‘€.3r) a. m. to 5 p. m. Delia. J. VVoodas DENTIST, ‘p‘uhcis Block, TIâ€"IORNIIILL, Ont. Odd» hours: Tuesdays, 8~12 a. m.- ‘â€"e to. in. ’ Torionto Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST. ettrirmm JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fllornhill. lls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Ir H. SANDERSON. V ‘TERINARY SURGEON RigCHMOND HILL cur, 1.13. My and nigh, mummy ,,_ Issuer of Marriage Licenses. tended to. J, II. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yo k Goods sold on consignment General sales atoc are promptly ittonded to at. reasonable. rates Resrdeuce Unionviile 8'}sz; doubling, Newron Brook, agent for the J J T Ssigeuu, J k McEweu Map a Weston Saigon“ ï¬r fllcEwcu. Licensed Auctioneers (or the Count} of York. Belestttenderlto ous‘uortestuoticr and 8. rec.- ilmable rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLOUGH, License Auctioneer for the County of Y0)“: re. specttully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sLovtest notice and at .ensouaberstes. P. U.udrrress King rmn‘, .,, ,-,,, . .\ (I S I‘lllllï¬lï¬y.li C (i G F‘ I. twrcuce W ltrdout \‘v‘nuswnrth Lindsey. Lawrence & w adsworth. Barristets , Solici‘n†"I... a. Phone Main Z‘JHI . I Notaries. 81:. Home Lifc Building,r (formcrly Fri-c hold Loan Bldg). (1m. Adelaide & Victoria Sis†Toronto. WILLIAM COOK BARRISTEH. SOLlr‘l'l‘OR, No'mRv, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. \\ 41st, \Vcsloy Buildings. RIchmond Ilill Office, Standard Bank Building, every Suturdny after- noon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Fivc Per (.‘r-nt (57;). {rim "3; mam. Bnl’rislcrs and Solicitors. . Mouev to loan onland anrichntter mortgagesat ‘ lowest rates Auroraofhceâ€"lleiuovcd to the old past nine.) one door west, of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmm’het officeâ€"Three doors south of the p ist orIiI-e E Haunt-233' LENNth (l S'rV MORGAN Mir-urn, Nownmrkci Mulock. Lee, unlike-n & ierk Barr-istcrs. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Corner King 8; Yongc Strr-cls, TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowust current ratcs. A J. . o Duncan, Dunn c... Boaltbee Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST (lllAM RERS 2t) RING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. I FRANK DENTON. K. (I. IIErrImuT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK Borrr'rmm .lOllN \VALTER MCDONALD Pliono Main 311. Mr. McDonald will bc at'THr: LIBER- AL OIIICP. Richmond Hill, on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. NE‘NTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, Eastern: MELLS â€"i_vs. ER FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER in THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFII‘E. H. A. NICHOLLSâ€" NOTARY PUB LIC Commissioncr, Couvcyanccr. ctc. Insuranm‘: Fire and Life. v Richmond Tâ€".â€"" in WRIGHT BROS, Undertakch a Embnlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & IHORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at. both places. Ontario Bank Savings Department \ it will be as accessable to you as ifcarried in your pocket. IT WILL BE SAFELY KEPT For you against the time you require it, and IT “'Ilil. BE ADDING TO " YOUR INCOME from the interest we pay on your balance Compoundcd twice a. year. It is w.rhdrawable without notice bearing interest every day it is on deposit. Capital SI, Rest 35 H. An. 17‘ 141E Ui‘li’, 1 YOUR MONEY should be kept in a sate place. If it is deposited in the 500,000.00 700,000.00 Manager King City Branch. THANKSGIVING SONG Lct songs of thanksgiving and perms of praise, In jubilant gratitude rise, I To (ind thc (lispcnscr' of good all our dast bounlics Skit'S : For blcssings sn lavishly strewn o’cr lhc way, From sourccs r-xhaustlcss, bcstowcd catch ncw day. In from and earth, sea For care and protcction ‘mid llflllgt‘l‘n' unsccn, From fearful disaster and dcaih: From ourthquakrs and tires which lately have- Ilt‘t‘ll, Overwvlrclmingthcirvictim h-rmath. “'hilc Iir-rcc toogucs of I'lalnr‘, lcapcrl forth to consumi- The romants of grandeur, pronouncâ€" ing thcir- doom. From dirr-ful floods whcrc the waves of tho am». In fury madr- basic to dcstroy. Engulfiug,r poor mortals as if in wild glee, As thcy sank out of sight like a toy: “'ho hclplcssly yin-bled, as if to appcasc The tyrant. old Nr-ptrrnc, tlic god of the scas. Our land has br-n blossrd with rich harvests of gr :rin; Her storehouscs iiIlr-d with the yicld, \thrc plenty for all, \vintcr nccds to obtain 'Frour gar-don and orchard and ï¬cld : A vast cornucopia ï¬lled to supply, The hungry with food, 1mm thc (iivcr on high. Her pcoplc are loyal to Canada's laws, \Yould rlic for her honor and name: ’l‘hcir aim to support and advance so cry (‘:lll.\L‘ That would aid in sustainiughcr fa Inc: The " \Vatchurcu " are wary encroach- to qucll. Am “Zion †is guarded, where the rightcous may dwr-ll. Are striving to extirpate wrongs that cxrst, The evils protected for gain; Their forccs uniting the wrongs to rcsist, Detcrmiucd right laws to ohtaln; Though slow he the progrcss, and foes oft. assail, \Vith God in the vanguard, thc right must prevail. \Vlrilc war and revolt are rampant toâ€" day, And death dealing weapons are rife, \thre dcspots are ruling in lands far away, The tyrants engcndcring strife, For crucltics past and just freedom dcnicd, Demolition and anarchy sprcad far and wide. This land in prosperity freedom and peace, Is steadily making advance; Her cfl'orts not. waning her wcal to in- crcasc, And all that is righteous, cnchancc; \Vhilc. under her banner, by cruelty driven, The refugees ï¬nd happy homes and a haven. No land ‘ncaiir the sun is more favored than ours, SO houndlcss its mineral wealth ; So great in extent with unlimited powers, And aclimatepromotinggood wealth. Our-rlcar native land! of all lands, is the chief, Her emblem, for sugarâ€"ticc lcaf. (Mrs) P. L. GRANT. Richmond Hill, Ortobr-r S. 1906. >7 O.â€â€" For’l‘hunksuiving time we quote:â€" 22 lbs. of pure cane extra granrrlalr-d sugar for ; 20 lbs. of powdcred sugar for $: 18 lbs Rcdpath‘s Par-is lrrmp sugar for $. Atkinson & Sn itzcr. THE ART OF PLEASING Smut-body said it is both-r to be beautiful than to be good. But it is certainly hotter to be good than to he ugly. It is bcttr-r to be charming. A Woman cannot charm because. she wants to. A because he sets out to bc. Quite the reverse. In elfort is failurc. The proper effect must, like repartce. be spontaneous and unprcmcditalcd. It must, hc radiatcd naturally. like light, and 1m 9. Books there aI c that prctcnrl to tell how it is done. Tlrry do so quite as competenth as grasshoppers [each entomology. Thc ability to charm, to he agreeable, to entertain perfectly, and to be perfectly cuter-- raining, is an art apprchensrble only through intfucncr-s generally parental but, always prolongcd. 'l'lrc Incl-c technique is so volatile that it must be iuhalvd. Like the Mayfair intonation little by littlc, it must be absorber] Kings and thugs may abash the amateur in tlh.‘ art of pb-asiog but the artist is at homo with [hr-m. He puts himself in harmony with them. In thc ability to do that is the whole secret of the art of plmsing.â€"l£dgar Sultus in the October Delincator. sweetness, the man is not. agrucable. .1).Alilll'3t‘. of this year i'rcc. Mame A Thanksgiving service will he held in the Methodist. church on Thursday, at 10 a. In. l The monthly meeting of the \Vom- cn’s Institute was hr-ld at the home of Mrs. ’I‘. Cousins on “'cdnesday after- noon of last \Vlâ€"‘t‘k. A. domonstration . of honing: fowl was given by Mir-Isl Duncan of Emcrv. Quite a number worr- prcsr-nt. It is r-xpr-ctr-d that. l’mv.\V. and MN. Siirlvy, who shortly lcavo for Chino, will bc prose-Iii, and arlrlr'css the inch- ing of the \V. M. S. ncxt \Vulncsdav :Iftf'l'nr (Ill. Mrs. “'ilson of Barrie. is visiting licr son, licv. .103. E. \Vilsou. Mr. If‘nil'rzlutil of East Toronto, was 31)†a guest at tho Parsonage on Sunday. Mr. McDonald and Miss Morrison. teachers in the public school, have been rcrngagcd for next. yea r. 'l‘hcre was no servicc in the Presby- terian church on Sunday on account of communion service at St. Paul‘s. Au intercsting report. of thc Ep- worth League Rally held in Elm St. church, Toronto, last week. was ivcn on Monday owning by Miss Abel Hupcrt. and Miss Millie (.‘Iraddock, who wore delegatcs. 1 Miss IS. Rupert was visiting at. Nohlcion last. wcck. ’ The annual plowing match of King and Vaughan Plowmcn‘s Association will he held on the farm of Mr.Andrew McNeil, Vcllore, on Thursday, the 8th of Novcmbcr. Meals will he served in the Township Hall, unrb-r the manage- . mcnt of Mr. James O'Connor. fl. Think of Dr. Shoop‘s Catarrh Cure if your nose and throat dischargesâ€"If your hrcath is fun] or fcvcrish. This snow white soothing balm contains Oil If Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, elc.. incorporatcd into an imported, crcamlikc, \clxcty pctrolaium. It soothes. heals. purities. control. Call at our store for fire trial box. “I. A. ' Sanderson. O.â€" PICTURESI PICTURES! The namvs of the “Graphic†and the I “Illustrated London News" are house hold words whore-ver- the English ‘ tongue. is spoken. But in this county I thr-y cost six dollars a year each, a sum that plur‘cs them among,r the lux- I urics in which only a. few can indulge. 1, Now, however, Canada has something' that. fora merc fraction of the cost, will talcc the place of these highâ€"grade illustrated pcr-iorlicals. The Iii-stormi- bcr' of the “Canadian Pictorial" has just been issncd and it is a striking number. Everybody likes picturesâ€"â€" specially piciurcs of live interest. And it has bccn unfortunutf‘ that for such pic‘rurcs Canadians halve up till now had to depend on the high-prior-d pub- lications from Britain and the United States. which contain a large propor- tion of pictures and other matter of little or no interest to Canadians. But we are glad to see that Canada’s necd in this respect is to be most worrhily ï¬lled by the “Canadian Pictorial" l which is evidently going to equal the high standard set by such publications as the "Illustrated London News." the “Gl'HDlllC,†"Frank Lcslic’s" or “Col- licrs.†And yet it will he very much chcapcr than any “some, for it has its name and fame yr-t to urakc. And though clicapcr, an issue of the “Can- adian Pictorial" will contain about a thousand “relics of picturcs, some of them full-page pictures, many of them of intcrualionul interest, and none of them but will he of live interest to Canadians. The price is $1.00 a your, ‘ of the , The latter says: Published at Blontrcal. ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Q¢.â€"â€"-â€" Prm critics, as the name implies. pr'mcnt all Colds and Grippc when! “lulu-n at the sneeze stage.†l’roâ€"' \crrrics arc toothsome candy tablets. Prcvcnrrcs dissipate all colds quickly! and taken car-Iv, when you ï¬rst feel] that a cold is coming. lhcy chcck and I prcvcnt them. Prcventics are thor-i oughly safe for children, and as“ effectual for adults. Sold and l'ecolu-i Incndcd i115 cent and 22.) cent boxes byi \V. A. Sanderson. KING CITY The initial meeting, 2nd annual serir-s, under the auspices of King City Temperance Lcaguc will be held will Sunday, October 2,], at 3.30 p.m. and , at 7 pm. The meetings will be lrcldI in King Methodist Church. At 3.30 Mr. T. U. ltohincttc. K. C.,ofToronlo, will dclivcr' an addrcss‘. At 7 o‘clock, J. S. Rolaci-Lsmr, Esq, of Toronto. (President Canadian Tcmperance’ League.) will (Ir-liver his Famous Stoi'yl Sermon (illustrated with Iriagrriï¬ceirc Liruc~light Vii-\vs), emit.ch Lights and j Shadows of a Great. City. Mr. George I B. chctman. of '1‘orr.nio(\vell known I as the Chairnmn of the Board off Control in connection with the, Canadian 'i‘cmpcrancc League), will he i iresunt and deliver a short address: r'ot only will Special Music be providI-d' by the King (Tity Choir, but Tau Famous Boy Soprano, Master Earl Ludlow, of Toronto will sing. Every- body will bc made Welcome. Special collcction in aid of King City Tcmpcr aucc L 'ague. FALL FAIRS. The dates of cxhibitions and fall fairs popular in this section so in): ur- rangcd are as follows: \Voodhridgc, Oct, 17â€"13 DIED SUDDENLY 0F HEART DISEASE. How frequently does a. head line simiâ€" lar to the above greet us in the newsâ€" papers. The rush, push and strenuous-- ness of the American peo 1e has a strong to va. vulnr and other affections of the eart, attended by ir- regular actlon, palpitatron, drzzmess, smothered sensations and other distress- tendency to lead u 3 lug symptoms. ’ ‘hr ee 01 the prominent in ‘edlentecf which Dr. Pierce‘s Golden IV edrcal Disâ€" covery is made are recommended by some leading writers on Mavterm Media» for the cure of just suchcases. Gordcu Seal root for instance, is said by the UNITED STATES; DISPENSATORY, a stand- ard authority, “to lmpsrt tone and in- crensed power to the heart‘s pen 1." Numerous other leading authorities rep- resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for the muscular system in choral, and as the heart is almost whol y comâ€" osed of muscular tissue. it. naturally ollows that it must be greatly strengtlr ened by this superb, general tonic. lint probe.ny the most im ortant Ingrodrent. of “ Golden Medical iscovcry," so for as its marvelous cures of valvular and other attentions of the heart. are con- cerned, is Stone root, or Collinsonixz Corn, Prof. Win. Paine, author of l‘nrne‘s Epitomy of Medicine, says of it: "I. not long since, had a patient who was so much oppressed with valvular disease of ' the heart. that his friends were obliged to - him in -stairs He. however-gradually ggddiiered uiider the influence of Collinsomn (medicinal principle extracted from Stone root). and is now attending to his busmess. Heretol’ure physicians knew of no remedy for the removal of so distressing and so danâ€" zerous o. maled . With them it was all guess-work. an it tearinlly warned the afflicted that death was near at hand. Col- linsonln unquestionably affords relief in such cases. and in most. instances efl'ects a cure." _ Stone root is also recommended by Drs. Hale and Ellingwood, of Chico-go, for valvular and other diseases of the heart. “It is a heart term: of direct and permanent influence." “Golden Medical Discovery," not only cures serious heart affections. but _is a. most efï¬cient general tome and Invigor- ator, strengthening the stomach, rnvrg- crating the liver, regulating'the bowels and curing catarrhal aï¬ectrons in all parts of the system. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure Constipation. 9§§¢§+6¢§§§§§§¢§O99¢4‘006QflI AGENT FOR‘ D e eri n g Farm Im- plemenis AND Fire and. liars ni- suranee Any one needing,y anything; in these lines call or write ii. ii". Glass RICHMOND HILL P. O. ¢¢§§§§+§Q§§¢+Q§§§§§¢6+ 4N4? I. EARIE NEWTON Pianist Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory {uprrsrntativr- for Richmond Hill nor: vicinin of ycolulr- l’irmc oi Hellman». and Company, Limited. manuf..c.o~ crs of high grad. pianos.