Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1906, p. 4

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iiiéésidxoinioro“. Oct. 13. 1906 M _,_.___.. .OCAL OPTION ON TRIAL. In view of the fact that County Police Magistrate Hunt of Elgin recently charged the citizens and the law officers with “ moral cowardice " the License Branch of the Ontario lovcrnmcnt has drawn the attention or” editors to the statement. relative to getting their views on liccnsod anl unlicensed houses. Magistrate Hunt openly charged til it the former “licensed hotels" were now nothing short of “unlicensed lnuses kept for immoral purposes." The magistrate also charged that “.emperance men" often became excit- ed when a vote on local option is being taken. but that they lack courage when it is necessary to convict of- I'cnders for selling liquor illegally. While we admit that there is a great deal of truth in the last state- ment we cannot but sympathize with the temperance people who are con- demned for not enforcing the law. In many cases they hold back not so much on account of “cowardice,” but because when it comes to the test they dislike to expose their neighbors. and possibly send the hotel-keeper to j‘ril. It is not necessary to go to I‘llgin County to learn that illegal l‘qiior selling is practised, but only those who wish to condemn local option will say that houses of immorâ€" ality are the result of carrying local option in a municipality. The whole question is a difficult one, and may be viewed from many standpoints. It temperence people who carry local option would furnish reliahle men to take the places of the men who formerly sold intoxicating liquors the question would be solved. But it is too much to expect that men who have their licenses taken away will conduct temperance houses properly, and endeavor to show that they will pay. The temperance people. however, and all good citizens, should endeavor in every legitimate way to see that the laws of the land are respected. But the duty of the Government is plain. The challenge given by Magistrate Hunt cannot be ignored. Tire Government and the Attorney General‘s department must under- take the enforcement of the prohibit- ory laws. HOME enhance IRELAND. Mr. T. P. O'Connor, member of the British House of Commons, was given a reception in Massey Hall, Toronto, on Saturday evening. The g'iest of the evening was greeted by an immense audience as he delivered his message of hope as to Ireland' future. The speaker was earnest and forceful as he expressed his belief that the day is not far distant when Ireland so long ruled by lard- lordism will have all the rights that have hecn accorded to Canada and Australia. Ir. O'Connor made it clear that the people of Ireland des- ired “One Crown and one Empire," l-ut that they would never be satis- fied with only one Parliament for, England, Ireland and Scotland. l The speaker of the evening stated; that the Campbell Bannerman Gov- ernment were in sympathy with the question of Home rule, and expressed ‘ a hope that the long standing dilii-i culty would soon reach a liappyl m by the Capitals of Ottawa bv Iâ€"rl in n ‘ Il()lnl'-8lldvllflan game for tho cham- pionship and the Minto (hip. The final 1 will be played at Ottawa next Sotnrâ€" i (lay. -â€"aâ€"â€"â€"â€"<cOâ€"â€"~ \Vhet! the tip of a dog's nose T91 cold and moist. that dog is not Silk. A feverish dry nose means si('knr'<.\' with i j- :r dog. And 80 with the- human lips. I Dry. cracked and Colorless lips moan ‘ - feverishness. and 3110 as well ill appearâ€" . " ing. To have beautiful. pink. velvet-l like lips. apply at. bedtime n roaringt of Dr. Slioop‘s Green Salve. It will soften and ln-al any skin ailment. Got a free. ll‘l.’ll brunt” our sit-r0. llIllI be convinced. Large nickel eappoil glass jars, 24') (This. â€"â€"â€"-o-â€"â€"oco-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Sale Beglster FRIDAY. Oct. Iiiâ€"Auction Sale of fresh milk cows. springnrs. stor-kors. shoe and horses. at the Palmer House Yards. Richmond Ilill. Sale at. two o’clock. ’l‘errns3mnntlis. Serigr-on & MeEwen. Auctioneers. MONDAY. October 22â€"Aur‘tion Snlt‘ of household clients, opposite Post Office. Thornhill. the property of Mr. \V. R. Holton. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms. cash. Saigeon & Mcl‘lwen, Auctioneers. Vt’mnivnsnav. Oct. Zlâ€"Au’iion sale of household furniture. (‘lt'.. :ri lIir-li- mond Hill. the property of Miss M. Goulter. No reserve. Sale at one. Terms, cash. Saigoon & Illclfiiven. auctioneers. SATURDAY. Oct. Tieâ€"Auction salo of valuable farm property in the Townâ€" ship of York, on west half of lot 2|. 2nd con. East York. lhoproporty of the estate of the late David Harding. For terms apply to T. U, Street. New- ton Brook, or Jacki-s & Jar-kins. 228 To- ronto SL. Toronto. Sale at 3 p. In. J. II. Prentice. auctioneer. â€".â€"â€"_‘o.â€"â€"â€" Piles quickly and positivrly cured with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. Its made for Piles alone-and it does the work surely and with satisfaction. Itching. painful. protruding: or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Largo, Nickel Capped glass jars, fill cents. Sold and recommended by \V. A. Sanderson. f - l 5 . i t-.- and 2.: :2r:.‘:.;:.:f;,z;ggg._ Adventure mgr; tercsted in country life. ask your newsdealer for} ‘ “FOREST AND : g 0 STREAM.” or send ‘- us twentyâ€"five cents for four weeks trial trip. A .â€"' large illustrated weekly 1 journal of shooting, ‘ fishing, natrrr :1 his { tory and yachting. A A new depart- " : ment has to , do with the ~‘ C o u n t r y I Home andits i surroundings. ' Terms: $4 '1 a year, $2 for ' six months. .3 Vie send -'_ free on re- ; quest 0 u r : catalogue of i t h e b e s t , books on outdoor life and recreation, _. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. '; ‘ 346 Broadway, New York. " Cider made every day of the week except VVe-rlnesday during October and Novem- ber, at Magers Cider Mill. W. MAGEQ Proprietor "'“rr_ii.iii.iiir ‘ Farm Property â€"IN THEâ€" TOWNSHIP OF IURK‘ Underinstructions from Mr. T. ('. Str'N-i. Exw‘uiru' of the Estate of the. late David Harding. llwre will be oil fer-ed for sale by public nut-lion by John II. Prentice. auctioneer. (in Satâ€"i s zttlemcnt. Extend your hand to Atkinson S; Switzor and get a pair oi tine winter 1 gloves. 1 â€"_â€"»*o>â€"- â€"â€"â€"- News Notes. . Dunel Ituwards. an Old urrn -'|I‘.(I * 11...”. is M... “,1.” “f gnnd “Wham. very deaf. waskillod \vhilr'cros‘sing [hr- ‘ ('. I". R. track at Markham lust. ’I‘nurs- ‘ ‘ living the westlialf of lot No. '21. in dire 2nd eon. east of Yonge Shoot in V frame l1(9\l>‘":lntl bar-n buildings. The. urday. October 27. at 3 u'r'look p. in.. (‘nthe property, that valuable farm the Township of York. containing one l:lllldl'("l acres more or loss. On thi‘ property is pron-tori a good Soil :5: Clay lo rm and wall \\’:lli*l‘1'll.illlll 2 i For further information. terms of sale. otc.. 9:0,. apply to '1'. (I. Street. i a ‘Y- 1 Newton Bl‘mrhk. or the undersigned. Snow d'rl on immvnso amount of (Irrlrr-rgo to tho orchards in wustr-in' and southern Ontario. 'At Slraihirvy' on the llllli of October the fall was sixteen lllt‘llt‘S. JACK ES S: JACKES‘. 2* Toronto SL. Tor-onto. Solicitors in: Executor. Dated at Toronto this 13111 day or September. A. II . 1.“. .3. .Black and to secure an rrbir‘ntizm that will most quickly and surely til you for tha- practir-irl (llllll'S of life. is oilr-rr-d by this Si'llrinl. I'nder now niunagonmni \vith improv- (1l r-qiiipnii-i:i and ('oui'srw. our oldest school in the I)t'\\'*‘.\I and on" of tho br'st. “'rili' for (intu- logno and i'rr-o budget of "Hurri- nr-ss \Vriting." Y. M. ('. A. “big. Yongo & Mr‘Gill Slir'rls. Toronto T. M. WATSON, Principal was 9“an has? 'm . 14¢" . ’ soar incurs Spent at Shorthand and liookltte‘.‘cpl[itc t‘l‘lll'N'l‘S‘ such as we [('.-it'll by Mail and lltr College will increase your urine to the community I and in r i (I o n l a I I y your l “'t‘fllll]. It will cost only it i post card to get the cheap- est. terms ever offered for l first ratr‘ C0 age or Mail l courses. 2W sits. last year. l R. A. Farqnliarsoasa. FRENCIPAL street: @ttttt‘rtlittfit l i l l. . t i instants @nllegt 'lank of Commerce ‘l'angc 3i Blaor Sts. 795 Yonge St. ‘ TORONTO assent to Take-A True, Genuine, s Remedy. ,T’ "’1'l do nit rave free. easy and regular 7r r- Mm; s of (to: toxels ,\ On 1 wk the prime and first two; lei of d hPulL 'l'hl? ' r ’ lzizlri ’ vr s. irritate'wnd lw crrcirlutor sâ€" '.'L"‘.‘.t) 11 ’ not triiiing but a r u l'raua’hi signlnennce. ' let in . z , rAvrnir all: \ , «a» '8’ 'd'lLl unltrr \ la a, . "Qé’ih’lun-l you health arc to k e Lax-ms. The 5' box SliuW it to your fam- I.'2:{»i".\' are. put up in a. flat moral tablet form â€"one tablet taken b»- '= or on retiring always brings rrsltvf, take!the mos: potent yet court if s~a eennine help of Nature‘s .i tic-vol 1., . . e which cures constipation. Ru: JQICIJIK’ndL’d and for sale by a. sarosasoa My Stock OI \Voolens tor FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch 'I‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Best quality. A. .i. was,” Tailor. Richmond Hill W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Cali: from a distance promptly attended to. l t r l l l l l RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL' rSI‘l‘VIt’t‘ on thr- promises. .95 q: «.13.? L d £3037 in: ante Boy \vantr d! -l.~;rintailr.1ing. Apply to A. .I. III'MI“. bf Iiii'linmnil IIiiI Wanted Young woman to lir-Ip with housw wink. 'i'mro in family. , MIIH. \\'ll.I.I.\.\IS‘ . I l-Z‘l (‘.rir- of Standard Iliiirk j Firm to Rent, a Imtsill and 3.3 iii the Iii-d run. of Vaughan. bui- l\'|llii'lll:ll‘~‘ apply to J. l‘7.l,ll.I.|1lNlli. (i- i. I. lull 71’. (Ink Iilllg"\'. “’3 For Sale or inth IIirllx‘!‘ and lot. irmnorliatoly south ol’i Iliin Hr'llrml. lIii'liliirmil Ilill. iv‘m- in-‘ irrrniirlirm apply in .l.-\.\ EH NIT‘r‘v'TON. 15-1 f I‘Ilglll Mills. : Qt ' d .5 toys (‘amo into bit 13?). ron. I. Vaughan. on or about Supt. the leh, one large It‘ll I-rl’iirw l'll.\'. 'I'iio inviit-r iiisry lrrvr' llll'.5\'7llil(' by primingr pr rpr-rty and paying L‘xpi'lis‘wL Ii. \VICIJHIII'R. I33 I.: llj‘fwliii. PLEASANI VIEW FARM The proprir-tor of Pleasant View IIorrI Ilr'lsiein Cattle and Iir‘octlorirf Iuipiovi-d (lllt‘l-‘lt‘l' \Vhitr‘ I'Iogs. Iml 29. 1st. ('un.. Vaughan ('I‘bornhill) has for ‘~llll{‘ sumo good young: \‘ltll‘lx’. 'l'boioiighbiiâ€"‘(l bull and bog lit-pl. for I). U. GUUIIEIIII Alli. Proprietor "73 "i I: or sale The l‘li'It'l'ilgllt‘ll. Int ‘13. lst, PHIL, Vaughan. Mill Road. wishes to sell by private sale the whole of his house- hold efforts. Intending purehzrsors may come and examine furniture at any time. ED. BIRCH 13-2 IIn-hmond Hill Farm To Rent Fourteen acres. con. 1. lot 13. Vaughan. one mile south of the vil- Inge of Richmond Ilill. (in the Mill load. known as tho Mill Property. on which is situated a. large brick house. stable and shed. Imnirdiitti- possess- ion. Apply CHAS. II. ELLHTON. 41 Mai'pln-rson A venue, Il-lf Toronto. ~ as Saiew' ' A good sovmi room biir-k bingo, with two acres of land. being the north-“est quarter of lot I“. 1st con. Vaughan, I} miles west of llii-liniond Hill. On the premises are it stable. hard and soft \Villt'l‘, fruit trims, Ce-llzrr, ole. Pusswsslilll given at any time. I’rice. $000. Apply to JAM ES \VIGMOIIE. 11-! Richmond Hill I’. O. For Sale. The 11ll(Il‘l>‘i}Illt‘fI. who has bought the Cedar-dale Mills. located on line of St'lllllllllt'l‘g and Aurora Ry” 6th Con. King. has for mime; PU Umds dry hard and soft wood slabs; L’Utl Cords (Il y bard Wood; 250 (lords hemlock wood; 401) (Ir-(lat posts: And Shingles and Lumber of all kinds. \Vill (lt'Ith‘I’ at. any station or siding of the frlclropolitan Ry. ALFRED LLOYD. 15 3 Pottageville. Onl‘. Furnished House ti Loâ€"t. FOR SALE Finpiire on the premises of Peter IIoli'. or \V. T. Boyd. Barrister. 23 To- ronto street. Toronto. A Good Opening for a Shoemaker THORNHILL. YONGE ST. r, l LOCAL SALESMAN, WANTED ' At once for RICHMJND HILL and surrounding districts. llltill ('IASS smat'iAixriEs in“ I’m?! and Ornamental Stuck grown and for suit- by IIIG II CLASS SPECIALTIES A permanent situation for the right party. Liborzrl llltllll‘t'!)l'*lll.5. I’.ry Weekly. Handsome fire outfit. \Vi'ito for terms and catalogue. and send 23v. in stamps for our I’UCKI-t'l‘ MAGNIFYINU (li..\.~:s. (r two. for our “ANDY METAL II.\(‘K Saw. STONE AND W'ELLINGION Foothill Nurseries. tOver 300 note: i TORONTO. ONT. ' ’bwwsmmér as Y»: quflm-gm .43 I" Ix.

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