{Elli guano locum-xv IItLL, 1312.0le ln‘, moo‘ 14¢»)(3 Ailï¬ï¬. Th!- Ilm‘lk of Toronto has opened launches at Aurora and Newlllarket. Thursday of this week, 'l‘llanksgiv- in: Day. is the last day of \\'ood- ht illgl- Fair. Mrs. Iligh. sister of the i.:tn .Iamns Sillllt-r of 'l‘llol'nllill. was buried ill that village last Monday. Mr. IC. larkerrvpresl-ntl-d Richmond llill at the ()‘olalio rolling lust-tillg‘ held in Toronto on 'I‘ul-sdny. Another street lamp has lu-en electâ€" ed on (Jr-litre Sll‘l't'l west, near the lesidence of Mls. \Voods. As Thanksgiving Day falls on on!†3 gillar puhhshing :lay ’l‘nzc LmImALl is published on \\‘etlntv.al.ly ot' thi: week. Rev. A. I’. Brace. I’». 13.. pl-ezlt-hetl spot-ial sermons on Kit‘lilltlll;; t-irr-llt last Sunday. Mr. lllart-‘s work lltl'l‘ was taken by llcv. H. A. Il‘isll. '. Mr. John McDonald, merchant, at. t'oncorll, spent last Sunday \vltll hi< nephew. .\lr. Flank hIIJUAxlltlltl, who is lt‘t‘tllt‘litlg l‘loln an attark of typhoid. . Next Monday evening the l-ague Will he in change of the missionary department. A good proglaznme will Implovidcll. Aliall-iluilx-dtoattetld. liev. J. A. Grant. and Ill-v. (ieo. Mcâ€" Kinley \\ ill have an exrhange of pul- r pits on Sunday. 214th inst. Mr. Grant \will prearll at Zion afternoon and lmeniog. Mrs. James Andrews who spt‘tlt the preater part of the summer with her parrots, Mr. and Mrs. G. \\‘il.-y, stintrd for herhome ill Carman. Mam, yesteltlay. Rev. A. T’. Ilrare. l3. 1)., will preach in the. Methodist t-llurr-ll next Sunday evenlug. A specially inter. sling lllllslcal service \\’lll be given. Every- body welcome. In reply to “\Vitness" we would say that as Judge Ming-In was unable to hold court here on October .3, all the cases on the docket were adjourned to Novrlnher 2t. New books were handed out at the Public Library Tuesday evening. Them. was a regular rush. and Mr. Cowie. the librarian, was kept. busy “'ltltlllg on his ptltltHlS. l‘ The People’s I’lownlen’s Association “till hold their annual plowing lllatt'l} utillMarkllavn Village on Tuesday. the (it ll of Novelnher. The match will he held on the farm of Mr. \an. Robinâ€" son. Tile usual united Thanksgiving ser- vice. will he held in the Methodist church on Thanksgiving Day, 18th October. at: 11 o’clor-k. lit-l. J. A. Grant, M. A.. will preach the sermon. A collection will he taken up to lieâ€" llalf of any poor In the \‘lllngt‘. Mr. E. J. (lalllt’, under instrnt'tions from the Village Council, has sunk a tubular well in the Palk. near the south entrant-t- of the Skating link. A faillv good flow of water )l'as struck int a distance of tilt feet. The council have oldel-ed a wilrlznill which will he t‘el't-ctrd this fall. )ur citizens lime been looking westward these last, few nights the objhct of attraction being the balloon about: the rity of Detroit. As the distalnce to Detroit is l)\ rr 3430 miles the Balloon must rise ill the all sevelal lnilesl llefore it can he Seen here. Detroit is a little south of West of this place; Rev.l Dr. (‘hown out. with the Vaugll'an Ministerial Association at “‘oodhridge on Monday and discussed with the ministers the Moral Reform question. and Chlistian Citizenship. Dr. Chown also gave one of his excel- lent ll-t‘lul'es on the same snhject, to the public in the Methodist church Monday evening. A notite in the Tax onto Glohe a week or twu ago stated that the government had made Fliday. followian Thaks giving Day. a public school holiday. It seems that the notice was ot’dcial. Tile Richmond Hill Board. however. as well as may other hoards. have derided that thc schools will be rinsed Friday of this Week. Ill the county court house Monday morning. John Strader of the Dayls- ville-Hotel. was (loud $T5 and costs or ‘ three months ill jail for ohstlnctlng, provincial oflicel-s ill seal-thing his place for liquors. Defendant got time to pay the line. This decision ill- (lit'ates that if a house has the reputa- tion of sellingr liquor illegally otlit-ers can enter it any time without a war rant alld searrll the house. The new I’tlre Food and Drug Law will mark it on the lahel of every (‘ough Cure containingr Opium. pillow)â€" folln, or ally other stuplfylng or poisonous drug. But it passes ill. Shoop‘s Cough (‘ure as made for 20 years. entirely free. llr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or n:erotics. IJr. Shoops Cough Cure is ahsoltltL-ly safe even for the. youngest latheâ€"and it cures. it does not simply suppress. (let a sate and reliable Cough t‘ure. by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. .et the l'l\\' be your protection. “ e t‘llt‘t‘lfllilY recommend and sell it. \V. A. Sanderson. g . 0 not ‘ At the annual lllPl'lill‘L: of the Out» :ll lo ('lll'lers' Association held ill Toron- l... on Tues-lay, ltt-v. H. N. lulns of Brampton was (‘lcrjtt-(l president. and Mr. .I. A. .\l<‘l"ay«ll-n of Toronto. see- l-ct-lry. For the Tankard Iiirhlnond llill t'luh is ill the group witll the Toronto links. Litltlsay, l’olt Ilopc ('Il‘.. to play in 'l‘olon-to; and for the Ilistlit-L Cup with the Toronto rinks, Urol'g--lo\\'ll, t-tc.. to play at Brampton. : 'l‘lllc ltUltsl-J thlis'l‘RY. The following is Ill" proglmnme for York County. District, No. 5: Public Mel-ling. llichlnontl llill. Nov. 5. 7.30 m.: North Yolk Instillltr- District. ()rloht-l- 2% to .‘ltl, starting at. Newnlar- kt't: East York Institute I)ls|ll<'l. ()ti. ‘3‘. to NM. 2 tlllwlllillg‘l. stalting at Ilistl~ l p. Sharla-loJunction: “est York .tult- liistl'icl. Nov. 2. (at'tclhoonl to ‘1\u\'. 5, Sttllllllg at \\'t~stoll. i PIlI‘ISBY'I‘IZIIIAN (‘IIIFliLTIL The Junior Bliss-ion Band of the Presbyterian Clllllt'll will hold their annual tlmnk-oli'elint,r nu-rtint: Mon- day t'\'(‘lllll;:. October 23. The little ones ll:l\'l‘ pl:p:lred .t pl-oulamme lwllicll will I'olnmvllt‘e at eight o‘clock, lat the l-lost- ol' “lllt'll they wlll serve lllv'il'tiz'ielnls ;- flip of tea. A silVM' it‘ullcclioll in aid of [ht-missions will lll' taken up. A vely neat sign ill the shape of a shield has been plaecd ontllesonth- \vest color-r (if the Methodist church. The sign heals the name of the pres- ent superiutenden-t and assistant. the hours of Sunday services. Sunday St-llool, Epworth League and I‘layel Meeting. The letteringr is ill gilt, and tile workmanship has been - well exe- cntrd. Members of the church are now expressing stllprise that such a sign was not placed tin-re years ago. But. better late than never. PICTURE POST CAR DS. I .l CST TH 14 in l m? l Good collection of pictule post cards at THE LIBERAL store. These include snapshots oi Ilirllnlond Hill High Hrhool. Public School. I’rrshyterian Churrh, (‘hlltoh of England, and a pretty seen:- at Lake \Vilcox. Some of the cards are olnanlcnted with the [)il'lltl‘t' of a typical Canadian gill sur- rounded by a wreath of vines and maple leaves. while others hear the Union Jark and the Canadian ha :lver. These Cards are 30 vents a dozen. Send a souvenir to distant flit-lids. I’NIQIIIC ENTERTAINM ENT. The \Villing “'orker‘s Mission Band Will give a uniqueentr‘rtainnlent~tak- lug.r the form of a Dutch Suppersâ€"in the 'l‘enlperrlnce Hall. on \Vcdnesday, October Slst (Hallowe‘cn). Such dainties as. only Dutch maidens know how to prepare, will he Served. lhtr~ ing the evening an interesting lnusittal programme will be given. Supper will he served from ï¬ve o'rlor-k. No admission fee to the hall, but each person huys what he wuuld like best for a Hallowe‘en slipper. Bring your friends and picnic ill jolly Dutch fashion. Baskets will he provided for the guests. LITE IARY NIGHT. The followingr interesting pro- gramme was given at the llpwol-t-h l.(‘:'gllt‘ liter-ting Mood-«y mulling: llyluns :3“. 7t) and 210'. Canadian Ilylnnal: Billie reading. I’rovelhs 15; Solos, Mrs. A. G. Savage, Mr. A. J. Hume: Essay, 'I‘ennyson's “In Me- 9 lnorizlln.‘ by Miss Morden. Mrs. Home, Miss Barker and Miss Trench presidth at the olgan. Rev. Mr. Brat-tâ€" conducted the devotional exercises and Mr. 'I‘. l“. McMahon was chair- lnan. Miss Morden‘s essay was i):'.l tic- uldrly interesting. The salient points ill tho poem were cleverly Ill-ought out. and the essay was highly apple- eluted by the large audience present. THE ONTARIO FARMER. The falmer, if he only knew it, is a little, nearrr the kingdom of heaven than anyone else on earth. lie is certain of three square meals a day and is the-only luau who ran fence himself in alld live ill spite of the rest of mankind. A few rattle and sheep and foul plovide llilll with food and rlothing. while his fields yield lllll) flour and a source of levenue. So generous me these provisions and so .connnon. that hardly one farmer ill tt-n makes any account of ll’ll‘lll. although the ordinary business man thinks he has done well when he teaches the end of the year and limit; that he has a little more than made lends meet. i H. F. IIOI’I’ER‘S DEATH. Few names sound more familiar ill this village and vicinity than that of Harry Hopper. Our esteemed Citizen passed away Monday folenoon at 10 o‘clock. aged 5‘5 years. Det‘eased had led an artive lift-as a hntrller and drmer. :llltl.\\'.l.‘~' a favolite with old and young. His ailment dates back many years. though nothing serious was feared until June last when it was disvoverl-d he was suit't-l-ing t‘lonl a growth ill the fare knoth as sallazma. Since that thin» many operations were perfollned by specialists. and he was several wet-ks in the hospital. but ‘ all hongh he rem-h rd temporary relief. the hrs! of attendance. and the best of ealc floln lt'lfllin‘s and flit-lids could not save llllll. lit-sides a widow deceased leaves a family of sons and dauglltels to mourn the loss. The sons are Herbert, Frederirk and Frank of this village: the daughters, Mrs. Frank Sims also (‘f this village, and Mrs. Imver and Miss Edith Ilopper of Tolonte. The sisters are .\lls. Evans. Port Perry: .\Ils. Bell, Blythewood: Mls. t'rrandall. Lindsay: and Mls. Smith, Leamington. The ill-others are Thomas. Richmond Hill: Itohert, in Montana: and \Villianl in lllnnois. The \Vednesday afternoon at 2.3M. l -+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++~l~++++++++~t~++++++++++ l t l i t l I l I littlsmll? will}? SATURDAY, NOV. 22.. 1906‘ funeral from his lat» residence BIRTHS SHAWâ€"In Richmond Hill. Sunday, Ot't. It, to Mr. and Mrs. Ruhr-rt Shaw, a duughtt-l. DEATHS l\I(‘(lt‘I.L()(‘lIA«0ll Tuesday. Ot-toher l‘l. Joy, aged 10 years. (3 months. hr- loved twin danghtcr ot' the late Rev. tietl. Mct'ullorh and Mrs. McCullocll. Interment at Newnlalket on Moll- day. 15th inst. Horruuâ€" At Riehnlood Hill, on Monday, October 1.3, Henry F. Hop- pt-I'. aged 38 years. Funeral from his late residenee to ill" Richmond Hill cemetery. “'ednes‘ day, 17th inst.. at 2.30 p. lll. """" assaults Mr. A. Moodic attended the Schonl- berg Fair lust Fliday. lrv. \V. G. Slnlth. Mrs. Smith and son spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .I. ll. Sanderson. Miss Emily (‘anlphell of Islington. is \isiting fl'it‘lltls ill the \ illa;:e and is the guest of Kills. \V. A. Santlelson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Ian-oil of I“l"‘t‘llllllli. Nl'ill‘Jhlx’J. and Mrs. David L‘qlllylp~ 'l‘oronto, visited at The Manse and at Dr. Laogst:ltl"s this week. Miss Clara Teel is home for a wet-k or two. and her mother, Mrs. “'ln. Tet-l. is making: a visit in Stolli'fvillc with her daughter. Mrs. l‘lli Mantcll. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. F. Lawrence and two cllildrcn. Toronto. spent Saturday ’ternoon in the Vicinity and were the ill guests of Mr. and Nils. John Duncan. Mr. F. \V. IIarrison. who was teach- ing at “'hitcwood, Sask†since May, returned a few days ago and left Sat,- nrday to attend the Ontario Nonnal College at Hamilton. Prof. II. R. I‘l'lytner. Principal of the Canadian lIorologir-al Institute, Toronto. accompanied by three stu- dents, came up Saturday and spent the day with Mr. Jerry Smith. One of the students was Mr. S. O‘Brien who worked for Mr. Smith during the month of August. Another student was Mr. K. Ikeda. who (‘alne from Tokio, Japan. to learn watchlnaking at the Institute. If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- 3" bility, nervousness, exhaus- 7‘ with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor 3: : knowsintoo. Ask him aboutit. '3 > Uninss there is daily action of the bowels. , ‘ poisonous prndur‘s are almorbcd. causing head- ; acho, billousnes‘, nausea. dyrpepsln. amtlllns ‘ g preventing the Sarsaparilla from doing its best i, 3 walk. Aver’s Pills are live: pills. Act gently, r; all vegetable. ‘ J. C. Ayer 00., Lowell, Mans. “ o manumcturara of ‘ 9 HA“! neon. . AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. 5‘. We have no secrets ! We publish the formulas or all our medicines. made BY A. .4»;- v I ALARM CHECKS 4.4.4.. c 5 As the days grow shorter it is more difficult to rise early. that will remind you v -+++ ++++++++++++++++++ t that it is time to get up. Price $1.10 to Id Us .15. JERRY Sll’ilTll PRACTICAL WATCliliAliER ..;..;..1..;. .j..;..;..;.. .v . .g. .3. .g. .g. .g. +4. .g. i .3. of ’I‘ +-:-++++++i +++++4-4--2‘+++-t‘-t<++~:~:< The Next Sitting of Illl :sion ("om-t 101 No. 3, County of York. will he held in the t'our: Room, RICHMUN D liILL _U.\'._ (‘etnnu-ueint; at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK ‘. o .z. .g..;..;..:..;.+.g..;..;.“4.4.4.+";.g.+.:..:..;..;.4.. 3..§..;.+‘..;..g.+.§..}..;..:..;.+4. | ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ++‘2'43++'{‘+++++++ ‘1"§“§"§“§"§‘ Q‘ .g. ~l~ 4- .g. _ + A Turkey Flrst catch your bird and cook it ‘+++++'5â€i‘+++%+++ v o . right, then put the knife in deep. . .{4 n a ’ slicing it neatly, As Atkinson 6: Switzer Carve Prices and distribute the best bits among . “0:. 4‘4"“ é+++MH++++H+++++++++++ '4‘ .1. . -+~z«:~++++-:-+++ 0 .5 v I ++++++++~t~++++++ H++++++++++++++++++++++++ your friends, As Atkinson 8: Switzer D tribute Bargains Fall ’. n 0 IS “9+ -w+++;‘++++++++s+++++++++< ++++++vX-t-+~t‘+~l-t'++-:‘+++++++4++0Z- ’. from their new and \Vinter stock And Thus Enjoy Thanksging Day in the real old-fashioned way. We quote the iollowing mixture of \Neston’s Na~ +++++++++++++++â€":-':«++~:«z«t«z~z« + Fine Biscuits at 10c. per ll).: "2-4"? +4-++-§"§" +++é++++t++i++++++++++++++ +++++++++ .- v A tives, Lemon Molasses ~r++-:-+«l«w++«:o+++++++++++~l~++++++++++++++++ “4‘4"'X-é'tubrt-++~{‘++§~t-++’t«+~§+++++++++~£~+++++H+++++++*+Ԥ"3Ҥ"1'+ԤҤâ€1"IuHut->l-i"!-§“'X‘+'X"Z~t'-I~t"§"2‘ s++++++++++++~r+++++++ +~z~+++++++~z~ S n 3 ps, g Snaps, and Automobile. E E August 13, 1906 n E f+++t+++++~t~+++++++++++¢t+++~t°+++++++++++++++++++Zi i :«2‘-§-~t++~t«1~t+*§-+M+~t +++++++++~z~+ +++++++~i~+++++++++~iWW $39 Richmlntl lllll llalllllala Stills Our fall Stock of Inlauges. [Furnaces and floaters is now on hand and we invite your inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. «a l - so These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. .1 w». ,1 Ike )airino‘ and ICavo- 1 .8: trouglung pronnptly done "7773;? , N I sell alarm clocks i C. SOULES V: E _ \iyt. I its TAKE NOTICE Have just arranged with the Vl-ter' inary bprcialty (lo. to sell the follow- ing remedies: Stork Tonic and Blood ' I’urillt-r. Indigestion and ('ollc Cure. ‘Sllluill Cure, \Vurm Powders. Cough Ilelnedy. Poultry Tonic, Loust- Death Antisceptic Heahng Oil. Sprain Emul- sion. Black Oil. Hellve Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aplloldisiae and Anti-Ster- ilt- Powders, Diarrhoea (Pure for (,‘olts and t‘alvcs, Leaking Naval & Joint Disease. Vanzant & \Yaring. Vetelinary Sur- geons, twenty-live years of plactical It-xperii-nce. _ . i A coupon in every package entltllng l the holder to Flee Veterinaly Advice. i F. J. I’ETII ICK & SON. The Live General Agents l of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guarantor d ' ‘v a] 57%“,4 GOAL WOOD Coal and \Vood Dcllvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Thleshers‘ Coal on hand. Michael Bros, Ri(‘}llll()lld I]. ill .Innc ll. lilo?) RICHIWOND HILL 5mg gluing; 531.3??- li‘t Alli/Allflï¬.