Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1906, p. 7

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)slnughlcred during the i1005. And this only :1 ‘dogs and horses killed gmenle supervision. It i ‘Imnong the poorer classl sort. to dog and horse 1 clusion of American an meals from the countr: elion of this sort of flarger than the official 1 Be our Agent in your locah'ty. earn money in your spare time selling our Perfumes‘ Soups, Toilet Requisites and lI-‘lavoring Extracts. articles that are used every day in every home; 50 per (cent. profit in this for you. Write us. The J. B. Eager Company, Toronto. Wei/7011 7' In a vatifly of styles, labn'cs and prices. for women, men and ‘childrcn. Faun-filled. Dcalets are authorized to replace instantly and at our cost any Pen- Angle garment faulty ‘in material or making, 1,066 acres of clean unbroken prairie. the finest wheat land on earth, on the banks of the Red River, ’15 miles from Winnipeg, four miles from two railway 1slalions. $15 an acre takes it, $5,000 leash, balance easy. No better farm, no lbeller investment. Having no commission to pay, and selling for cash, The Eastern Townships Nurseries are thus able to offer you Standard Apple Trees 4 to 6 feet high. grown here, hardy and thrifty stuck for Full And Spring delivery, for 815.00 per mndred. > LOUIS GERVAISJ Prop, A SNAP IN A WHEAT FARM NEAR WINNlPEG. Fruit Growers, Attention lied: flanr In a varifly of styles, bbn'cs and prices. for women, men and children. Foxm-fitled. Dealers are authorized to replace instantly and at our cost any Pen- Angle garment faulty in material or making, Pen-Angle Under- wear is form-knit so it can’t help fitting-yourfigure, â€"it’s made of long - fibred wool so it won’t shrink â€"and it’s guaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to make it so good you can’t afford not to buy by the trademark (in red). 205 UNDERWEAR PEN-Amm Ind lulled Bull: would 150k better dyad. If no um \I' 0min your town, wnle direct. Month-Al. Box 153 HORSE AND BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINO 00. Drop us afosfal card and we wt'fl mdyoufru (y’charge our 1mg: {11% hated (dialogue quewclry. Silt/ware, Leather Goods, dc. (1 Our Catalogue contains specia men: of engraved Wedding Invitaâ€" tions, Society Stationery, Etc. q The card stock used is made specially to our order and is of the thin "snappy " sort, that denotes qualityrelcgmce. (11 Your name engraved in graceâ€" Ful Ryrie Script on a Copper Plate will be furnished by our Stationery Department for $l.00. The supplyâ€" ing And plateapriming of one hundred Calling Cards will be done for an additional $1.00. \VAUGH & BEATTIE. 12 Merchants Bank Building Winnipeg, Man. YOUR UVERGMTS .f this sort of meat than the official records LADIES ! DOG MEAT IN GER- MANY. 0 same‘ accounts id under is eslimt Laure‘néevillo, Quo SHOW y 0 111‘ One aflernonn club nursing the cluhman of new pnthelically aska “Lame. Colonel “X05. sir.” was expressiny solem “Been riding, s There is a certain peppery 0 who claims to have been wow years ago in the leg while sc country in some potty 1m! fight. He is very proud of that log. “But. as Huxley pointed out. mathe- matics will not give a true rmult. when applied to erroneous data. It has now, within these last five years, become evi- dent that the earth’s material is not» self-cooling. but, on lhe contrary, self. healing. And away go the restrictions imposed by physicists on geological time. They now are willing.' 10 give us not merely a thousand million years, but as many more as we want.” Holloway's Com Cure will remove! Give it a trial and you will not 1 “This is a tremendous fact,” the pro- Tessor‘ continued, “upsetting all calcu- lations of physicists as to the duration in past and future of the sun's heat and the temperature of the earth‘s surface. “The geologists and the biologisLs have long contended that some thou- sand million years must have passed during which the earth‘s surface has presented approximately the same con- ditions of temperature as at present, in order to allow time for the evolution of living things and the formation of the aqueous deposits of the earth‘s crust. “The physicists, notably Professor Tait and Lord Kelvin, refused to allow more than ten million yearsâ€"basing the estimate on the rate of coolingr of a sphere of the size and composition of the earth. They have assumed that its material is self-cooling. Professor Ray Lankestcrfs New Theory Contrary (0 Geological Time. Professor Ray Lankeslor, in the course of an interesting outline of the advancement of science in the past. twenty-five years, which he gave at the opening of the British Association at York. raised the question of the age of the earth. ‘ He said the discovery of radium far exceeded all other discoveries in im- portance. If the sun consisted of a fraction of one per cent. of i'zidium. it \voud account. for and make good the heat, that is annually lost by it. ' “This is a tremendous fact.” the DI‘O- 511‘ James (,Il’ichion Browne. [hen said that he had lalely been the vic- tim of a banlam cook 01' amazineg in- defatigable and examieraiing habits. “But,” asked Dr. llyslop, “have you ever heard a really good, healthy tom‘- catvâ€"not a melancholic cal, but one really and properly in lore? It can give points to any cock that ever crew." more serious 1111 cd of. He had [ants who lived greatly arrest“ quieter loculilio recover. Eminent Physician Allm'kfi One 0! Br?- lain's Cherished lnslimliuns. “The noises of clocks. 11011:, chimes, such as Big Ben, are nnii but relics of barbarismâ€"thc banoful companiments of the night.” /Ailer Dr. Ilyslop's speech lhc {cronce passed n,rosolulion asking Central Council of the association lring the subject 0! noise before Ccunly Councils. Sir James Crichton Browne said that he had laloly been the tim of n baniam cock 0f amazimrh W Why {:0 limping our cm‘ns when A \VOUND TIIAT MADE HISTORY l‘l 1U HO‘V OLD IS THE \VORLD? I1 mm which 'lmr 1nk V0] said 1119 discovery of radium far 0d all other discoveries in im- ce. If the sun consisted of a n of one per cont. of i‘zidium, iL account for and make good the nflucncc riding, sir?” .Ihis time \\-i have not bee DU LIV/'0 NOISE AND III-3. LT". m trust- it w ame in 11 Ray Lankeslor, in the interesting outline oi the of science in the past, 9ars, which he gave at the he British Association at the question of the age of )nn, when the injured s the re mn pau: ent in prm (‘11 and whining ahm (1 25 cent bottle ( re will i'emox'eihen rilh rev 2011 ridir s not (1 peppery 01d 00101101 been wounded long dc He ‘qua UPI]? DC lh Cl] e serving his little frontier that wounded man he axle out. mathe- rusult. when It has now, become evi- erizrl is not. am lame mm was m'face has same con- fluent, in solulion of o a {all nolhin; cful ac JI‘ 1T drt stem- slr about in \\‘ pro- alcuâ€" llion and 11 HOW 3'11]- can- the [hon and in “I-Iow ?' “When lâ€"little g h-her WE ARE ALL FAMILIAR with the deep. hoarse bark. grimly called “a, rave-yard cougan ’l‘ake Allen's Lung alsam. a remedy for pulmonary trou-, blc. highly urommended even I!) the- enrlier stages of Consumption. Mrs. M'Duffi mice are attl'ac believe it.” M M‘Durfâ€"“Bec‘au around when 1 â€"“Woll, that the paper‘s s \1 Howell : “R 1rouble." Pm fellow who, if ‘ ‘ igualxty 1~1ng n 1 sir.” Hcâ€"“So your husband ha sn’loliing? It requires n [31" will to accomplish that.” .‘ I‘d have you underslund the strong will.” to get the we Medicine will prolong life7 bul oi the qualilics of tho medicin is prolonged by keeping llio i from disease. Dr. Thomas’ El used internally will cure con; colds, eradicate asthma, overcc and give slrenglli lo the i‘cspir ,qans. Give it. a trial. bonn tlmt.’ \Vifit new “By Medix â€"So wrote hundred ye \Vifie iron at PLEASE “FEAR IN MIND that what is called a. skin disease may be but a symptom of bar‘. blood. In that case. Weaver's Cernte. exccrnally apphed, should be supph'mcnted with Weaver's Syrup, taken daily. “FERROVIM” S'I‘IM U LA NT t: aiding dig pmients rec diseases 10 wuhout a : era] store; nd not for Mother vaos’ pleasant to lake destroying worn with host results. Minister see you I‘ll 1".” Minisle mled to say n at her accident met. NC a sure cure for Indigestion. Bil-lous- ness, Dyspepsia, .Consmpation and all ailments amiiqg therefrom. Mailed free. in a plum ckagc. on receipt of name and dress. F11] in your name and 0le oflicc address on dotted lines an send to Made in Canada a_nd Sold by all Drugznsts This can on is good for one ton cent (100.) rial Bottle of the celeâ€" brated Dr. Leonhardt’saAnti-Pill 58V ARE YOUR FEET GERMAN. THE WILSON-FYLE C0., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. fat, would go out ghL before he got i girl ansm 1] 11110 \V 1‘ AN'I‘ to the stomach, thereby digestion. As a tonic for recovering lrom fevers and all lowering the vitality. it is a rival. At all drug and gen- Hubby : “ Of course not. Mrs. Nei ‘ lmsbam 81‘s RETAI mildl 10 mi M ill M’Duf! Chara \VQS M L' play [he e kidneys are not per- nctions in the healthy and these pimples are that the blood protests. elable Pills will drive 1nd will leave the skin Try them, and there WilllCSS to their excel- sat down on couldn‘t do a K1111 iIe May be Prolonged.” kespeare nearly three ago, It is so 10-day. lent m a n \\'( liS wor M 1'. HPV ll} ru IS A G EVTLE 05011 HON Yen in (1mm mildly rd, the It is so lc life, but, be ')'( rs lhr‘ew a flat- L night- because '11 on her new and ‘93 ar that I 01‘ says that :C; but, I don‘t ' not?" Mrs. see any mice riano.” 511)qu AI The l‘cllj' Sheâ€" fll‘E m are serv- willyâ€"“Yes, ')â€"“I only at I use the exclusively, are - rr are alv HE 1ghs ome body free loclric Oil 11-have a 0 out 0! ‘6 me as her he“ thing: lilu [cry or. 11011 3 nt: have a all -mam- d just y“ on lbiing Sl'l \VC‘] run thout slual tried Hing I We and ‘oup JLOT my flat the 1\'( nd xre .ife DU For Inflammation of the Eyes.‘ â€" Among the many good qualities which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills possess, he- sidies regulating the digestive organs, is their efficacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure in the pills. They affect the nerve centres and the blood Given a reasonable chance for life. the Indian child is as happy, hopeful, am- bllious, and playful as is the while child born under much happier circum- slances. He is, too, quite as imitative, and, like his white cousin. he apes (he in a surprisingly active way, and the result is almost immediately seen. One Flct Is Better than Ten Hearsay;â€" Ask Dr. Burgess. Supt. HosPital {or Insane, Moml Breal. {or his opinion of ‘ The D ALL" Menthol: Planter. Yard rolls 81. also 250. tins. He (who has known her three days munâ€"“May I call you Edith?” She â€"-"I don’t see why; my parents thought Emily was quite good enough.” Husband: “On lhe contrary he puts milk in the water.” [hat milk Near Neudoi‘f, Saskatchewan. A great bargain. $12 per acre. Close to two railroads. Branch line of Grand Trunk Pacific surveyed almost through the property. r“ 7, 4:91;,- _._r . J“ 5:. yr '5 :5; lg Elm-15, 2“ ; ‘zl-e‘? 5:71., .1: .fi .-‘ U 5. :2, :- ‘1' 53¢; -. ‘- ';. ‘3' 3’ ' '3. 7" FQR SALE Colds, Coughs. Group, Whooping Cousin. Asthma and an TM! and Lung troubles. Your druggisi not only keeps it but recommends it. Price, 25 cents. Thousands of sufferers have been permanently cured by this wonder' ful remedy and thankfully write to tell us so. Keep it in the house and use it for \Vifc Wind, Water, WIHHIDEU, Mflfl. VflflCOUVGI,B.G. 76 Lombard st. 615 Ponder 56. 10mm, but. 11 Colborne 5t HOHIFBUL OUR. 321% W Craig St. OllflWf], 0m. (23 Sussex st. l0fifl0fl. 0m. 69 Dundns st. Proof Stcrm Fire “OSHAWA” Stee Shfingles. BABY LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS Lx'en and METAL SIDING, In imitalion of brick or stone. METAL (ZEILINGS. in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of “OSHAWA” Shingles Write wâ€"day. We are the lhrgest and oldth CcompaInQ a the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best. buildings throughout Canada. making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $185 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the. most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an idea} covering for Houses. Barns. Stores.Ele- vulors, Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and snips are the} qnlyrloms required. We also manufaclui'e Corrugated lrErxiwi-ri-lb-rig-Ehée't-s: Cbhductor Pipe and EAVESTROUGH, Elc. to: “I’m inclined our millunan puts 1n the young man \ BOX 21, 73 WEST ABELAIDE STREET, TOROHTO. dignified THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, With cry eliminat srt for him IN PORTIONS Write your Nearest 0H!co.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, 0n! The highest medical knowledge in the world has produced is white cousin, he apes (he mannch of his eiders and lir occupations in his play. Indian possesws rather more n the ordinary white child. HID FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING'PROOF- CGLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT EXP‘EC Tbfixm l, 11' mt to r to hold TRUE to think, water 1'1 3 IS I, dear, in the I think if Brains of great men very very much. It is found that men of cneyclopaedic mind have large and heavy brainsâ€" Gladslone had to wear a very big hatâ€"â€" with an enormous bed of grey matter and numerous convolutions; on the other hand, men whose genius is concentrated upon one line of thought. are of small brain, and, consequently have small heads. Newtorn Byron, and Cromwell were in this class. Cholera and all summer complainls are so quick in their action that the cold hand of dealll is upon lhe victims before they are aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay in gel- ling the. proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysenlery Cordi- al, and you will get immediate relief. It acts wilh wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. “I married you. my dear, because you were different from other women.” “Flallerer! In what, way was I dif- ferent?” “You said ‘yes‘ when I proposed.” Your Doctor SHELGH SPECIALISTS" SMALL [IF/‘DS ap ears. HILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive_ guarantee. The hext tifier yéfi'fihve 8 Cough or Cold cure it with Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough 01‘ Cold apgears. Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, butâ€" why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH’S CURE for} quarter. Why. pay two to five dollars when a. twent -five cent bottle of SHILO will cure you as quickly ? 7 u". - [5511: NO. 42â€"06. UNIQUE. \‘olulions; on the other genius is concentrated thought are of small soqucnlly have small Byron, and Cromwell Sides looked All Four

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