Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1906, p. 8

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Church of Enghu 9nd and 4th Sungay‘ month ' Public let vy and’ Beading hntnmmv evenings. .c- -A- nunâ€"1' Until further notit‘o Mans win he cmfiod at the Richmond Hill Post. Olfico as follows :â€" MORN'LNG ....835 BVaNING . ..f..36 Hours for issuing Money Umor MORNING EVENING .. N. B.â€"â€"Registered letters must at least Fifteen Hinmes earlier t mentioned hours for closxug. Emilfi‘ih Lem! firgfito’k-Hfirk Radial Rainay Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Change in Time Table Hi“), 12A)“. 1’. 3 5.00, (3.0%, 7.00, 9. Thm-nhil] A. M 10.3."), 11.33. I’. l4.35. 5.35. 6.35. 7. Richmond Hill 9.30. “LEO, {lg-N. 3.50. 4.50. 5.5% (H Bond Luke Jm 9.03. 10.0.3. 11.0.3. 3014.05. 5.07). GA Auroral A. M. ' “.2”. P. M. 1'73.) 5.2“. 6.20, 7.20, S.‘ Nownmrket, ( mnemy ascenmu um u,-...... lnkuon Is prnhnhly pntevt nuns strictly confidenum. Ha tent free. Oldest RI'OHCY for | Patents taken 1. rmuzh M "rectal not-1w. without charge - . n A. Of” . ‘12.“. P. M. 12.210. 120. 2.2.0, 5.2“, 6.20, 7.2“, 8.20. man. vamnrket. (Hm-0n SL.‘ Ah“. 7.40. 8.40, 9.40. 10 P. .\‘I. 12.40. 1.40, 2.40, 3.4-0, 6.“). 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. G OING SOUTH. A fiandsomely mush-Med wenw l-ulntlon of any scientific jmm1 yenr: fogr [nogth 5). Sold by 305T OFFICE NOTICE MEN?!" o 1%, 0 {ii Nowmarkot (Huron 8L}, Leave, A. M. 5.45, 0.45. 7.4.313 8.45. 9.43. 10.45, 11.15. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 145. 3.45, 4.45. 5.-15+. 6.45, 8.4:"). Newmurkot Station A. M" 6.00, 7.00, 3.00, 9.00.1000. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. 0.00, 7.00. 9.00. " nv- nut 01: 01.”, Aurora. A. 10.15. 11.15. 1 4.15. 15. (5.15 Bond Lukt‘ 8.31), 9.30, 111 1.30. 2.30, 3.30. 4.: Richmond H111 9.45. 10.45, 11.45 2.1-3. 3.45, 4.423. Thurnhill A. N 10.53. 11.53. 1'. I 1.55, 5.55, (3.53. 7.: 1‘. 1’. 1i. Cu) 7.41), 8,40, 9.40. lt‘ 1.11), 2.10, 3.10. 8.10. 10.40. Anxnne sagging a 51m! x» h...- A. 7.4", 8,4“, 9.“), m. 1. H), 2.40, 3.40. 8.1.0. ll). 40. \Vudnvadny my a late car louvvs Nowmzu-ket and m‘cuu nubuu. n u. Scientifié Vfimerican. Mm somoly innanmefl wevmv Largest (1 Lu .. "a nnl' nrlnnYlfiP inurnul. Tan-[15 " ab 11.30 p. m. Every \Vednesdny night- u lute car will It Stutiun flu' Tm‘nntn; mints at 10.45) p. m. ’rCunnecL with Suhu Railway. EXTRA SERVICE ox +++++++++++++4â€"++++++-;-+++>:~ Hfigh rade Train= ‘firifia'cb 6mm. (52% Village DirectorY- 1y ascenéhnu om‘ opinv remon !s prnklyflyupr‘nexl; OFFICE CLOSES AT M. TEE Beginn‘; .\I. 6.00. Englandâ€"â€"Satvioes at 9p. m. In, iunday. Third Sunday at. 11 o. m u Churchâ€"Services M 1). a. mnnnd |a.y $chool at 2.30. Prayer meeting venmg. nmlic Churchâ€"Sanka: on ulter- 5 M9 :1. m. and 10.30 a. m. Snatchâ€"Services an [0.30 n‘ m.. and lav School M 2.30. Genera} prayer MONEY ORDERS uiug Money Orders: TORONTO. ONT. [lullruuv Izvvu ,.. zueâ€"Moets evorv Monday GOING NORTH 11.0.3. P. 31)."). 6.05. 7 A. M. 7.2M M. 12.2“. 1 7.21). 8.20. 1 Crossing on, 9m. A. M. 6.33 I’. M. 12.‘ .15; 6.50. 7.50, 9‘ :J Jum-l inn A: 0.36‘Bmadway. u-vMJ‘ 55. 7.55. 9.5.”). Gun-sing. Arrive, A. M. 40. 10.40, 11.40. 1". M. 12.40 3.40. 4.40, 5.40. 6.40, 1.40, F St“ Washington ‘, 7.15. 9.15. Jnncbinn A. )1. WICE ON ALL HOLIDAYS \V. H. MOORE. M:umg( :sing (Tm-onto). Lr-nva UK). 8.00‘r, 9.00. 10.00 M. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00 :ketcn and desert firm may \- opinion free w ether 1m ynntenluhle. Communica- mm. Handbook on Patent: 1103' for neruring patents. muzh Mumyls; Co. recelva July 30th, 1906 'md Saturday awnings as (V. l". R. L‘rnsslng fur mi intennediutu points .ncbinn A. M. 6.30, 7.30. , 11.30. P. M. 12.39)‘ .30. 5.30, 6,30. 7.30.930. ll A. M. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, P. M. 12.45. 1.4.”), | 45. (3.45. 7.45. 9.45. 5 AT 7.30 1’. M. TEEFY. Posbmnsuar [inn A. M. 7.05, 8.05. .’. M. 12.05, 1.05.105. . 7.0!), 8.0;), 10.05. in. 8.25), 93%). 10.20, 1.20. 2.2.0, 3.2(L 4.20, gé‘homhm-g & Aurora 'M. 6.5:“. 7.50 M. 12.50. 1.5(i must ho handed in Ho: than the above and Saturday inu- Nt-szu-kvt md intermediate Largest fir. IL Terms. $3 a u“ newsdgslerg St. ), Arriye ‘l’ul'w. 11.40. 40, 4.40, 5.40, Rnom- 0P9“ 3.3, 2.35, Néflurk 5( l. D\â€" nu. nun“. J. :- + Train “1* . ’4.‘ '3‘ + the kind 5 J. 8.15, 9.15. s,, 50, ...5. .3 93. £30, 50, 12‘01‘ Steel and cast Ranges, all kinds,[ sizes and prices. Heaters, Parlor Cooks, etc. We have a, few good second-hand Parlor Cook Stovesi will sell Cheap. W U snhstnntiuily made and rightly mm. D Yuu'll gt‘t svnicc and style nut, oi" what we sell you. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill ++M++ THE LIBERAL to January 1,,1908 “ “ and \Vcekly Globe u u n u E ,HL H H i‘ ‘l‘ (C (G 6‘ ‘( Lalpuunu -.v J.-....__ l‘ (C l‘ including the beautiful ture “Grace” Sun Farming World Daily \Vorld 8: Family Herald & Weekly Star, H (I H I6 H (( H (t H. II M and \Vcelilyw’Globe to Ian. I, 1908 “ Maile Empire tojan. I, 1908, pic- “ (5 (t H (‘ lo I year, including the beautiful picture “A Tug of War” ” Daily Globe. (York Co) “ “ Mail & Empire, (York Co) “ Farmers’ Advocate, “ New Idea \Voman’s Journal (‘ (I (( Subscriptions taken for all magazines. \\ hen sending subscriptions write name and address plainly. Enclose postal note or expr mail to H H |L ‘J H H U H Special rates on Toronto Daily Star and Daily 1‘ CSS 01‘( M . Q . ~§‘~§-+~§‘~'r' v++++ Jacob Eye]: & S011 Starting on one month at 6 for cash (only). New \V'illiams Se Standard Rotary Shuttle, hmn-ing - . . . . , , . . . .. . . . . . . . . Standard Rmury Shuttlv, envvred top, 3 lwnring . . . . ‘ .. . . . , . . Standard Vibrating Shuttle, autnnmtic lift. D Unlnninl “ “ “ “ The Fm write, hand lift. (Imp hvad, 5 drawers Ali the above me in oak hon (luring Exhibition in L2 CLUBBIN ++++++++++++++++~zi++4-»; Hamesg Qi’iamcifii’ McMahon, TH “ THE LIBERAL ” wing Ma chine, Frida i, A110. 2‘ , and lastina on} 3' o 4 r: Y gures as quoted below and these CANADA NAHONAL chine, fun cabinet, ball bearing, $45.00 " (ll-up head, “ “ . . 33.00 “ cover top, “ “ . . 30.00 full cabinet. hall hearing . . . . . . . . 50.00 automatic lift, drop head. ball 0:“ (\1 4211. ‘+++++4 '¢ +++++*++++++++v ++++++$ AH nf these will be in full ope .lics’ Building. aux": ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is character in harness (-rytme should know how to sc-lu host. Thnse who don‘t know In: pend (.1) us. The hursewmn‘ “'9 9m“ all m‘m- [his country ‘atunds for us. and we stand by it. Our attenti atic lift, D.H., magazmes. ons write name and P. 0. a1 note or express order and RAL, Richmor 100D HAHN ESS drawers, bull m is given to really 5 drawers 7 druwel s 3d Hill, Ont. 33 35.00 O N e w ct the ~y do $35100 75| Square Gear. Ovc Machines placed MELOTTE SEPARATOR +++++ ++++++++++++++4-++++>{' +++++++++ w+++++++++++++M“‘ o l Him-9y Loancd on Farmers ‘ Sale Soles. Blank Note 1 Forms Supplied l’n‘c. RICHMOIN TD HILL AND MAPLE Received ment H!GHEST BURRENT RATES. '44-9‘” - .m. , W M Paints . Mixed Paints Robertson’s Palms General Banking Business Transacted. Purity 2 Bumbiiity There is nothing :13 1 nothing cuuld be bener “Imporial m m-lcv as nan-1's. Our stuck of mi! nishe-s,xvhiting, z'w putty. illuhustiu 5: prices right. w. A. Sandersma GLAZIER, G PAPEPIâ€" all-Gm Capital Bess Notice of withdrva szu-y. All deposits on demand ‘or r terms given on SIDENCE. 0!? RH BANK OPEN FROM 10 to xther purlicul 01 Canada Over [25,000 in daiiy use need on week's Lriul fl‘(‘( n equa in Savings‘ Bank Depar and interest allowed at; Richmond Hm H. LEO’SEMORE. Talking Machines, Records and Needles HH‘HSlH'C ’ $1,000,000 $51,000 000 13737513: 8 alled for oils, paints. var~ zine: whit <1. glues, ismiusâ€"full, :md [CH NONI) HILL E MILL ROAD. SOUTH IUIOND HILL. GRAINER and HANGER HTS C In.“ I. Frmq- nvlimx :md fn-w hull-hear- ings Lhnn any n t. h o r m :x- chine (m the Imukvt. Me- lotte lmwl is shallmv and xvi d e :1 n d it can ilv (:19 all at the Bank not neces- payable md part, (:1 1w ens anod. v use. um- \\'i! h muting FrHT in Sil me AGENT 1 n d the (11.1 t in New Automatic throw-(4f of NM ed with hull hearings. Full (1 of lute-st :lHnChIHPIIIS. Much ed on tliall free. J Silent THE EDGELY' CIDER NELLY MILL VVilh Starting Monday, Oct. 15h, will ru‘n first: three days of each week dur- ing Ocmber and November, up to and including Nov. 21,1906. lill‘l I."\"LIJII\I~v ‘.. Partivs wishing apple butter should keep their pee-ling apples separate from the cidwr apples. \Vill lmy a few pee-ling apples only. No cider apples wanted. As we have now. after many in)- pnwe-ments, :1 capacity of about, 300“ gallons of cider boiled into jelly and apple butter per day. we hope to give our czrstnnmrs every snLisfaction. Customers are respectfully request,- ed to do business on the above mon- tinned days as we live a. distance from the factory andunstnmex's coming any nther day would find it very inconâ€" venienl. “ ‘ As we have now. u pmvements, :1 capacitj gallans of cider boiled nppIe butter per day. ‘ our customers every 5:1 v rl|A\ nu. \VP hope to see all our old custom- ers back again this season as usual}! with as many more as posflhle. Thanking the general public for“ pus favors, we solicit; a. continuance ( ' the same in the future. 3 As is wvll knuwn we make rnw idvr, lrnllt'd cidr-x-, apple butter. and ally all fun: your mvn apples. ()Irzlm' can be boiled Emmy thivknes» Jelly apples slmuld be well ripened ml Lwnâ€"Lhiuls sweet. _ u “I: A MONTHLY MAGAZKNE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLlSH. JOSEPHINE TURCK BMSSR. 'Eflitm. Course in Course in Pupil. How to increase One‘s Vocabulary. The Art, nf Conversation. Should and \Vould: How tn use them. Pronunciations (Contury Dictionary). Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. ‘.tht, to say and \tht Not to Say. Com-5e in Ikfierâ€"Vv‘rlting and Punctu- atvion. Alphabetic list of Abln'vvintions‘ Business English for the Business Mun. Compound \Yurds : How tn \Vx'ilu Them. Studies in Sl.00 a Sea”- 553 subscribe for CORRECT man s @mrrri Ganglia}:â€" fiimv tn use it.” illiams Sewing Machine Partial contents for thi an on custom wmk during 0( 1- and Nuvmuher us foliuwszâ€" Simplrf‘. I . PETHECK, Agent lNTERESTlNfi RICHMOND HILL. . WINGER Strung. English for the B English for the Sample COP} gents Wanted. 1r. Send 10 cents fox :lish Literaturi {nmnng BuLh diw md cylimh ricos H, Ewrsim, Ill 00 up. mo and 11‘ SKA]. INS’TRUCTW E. ‘m‘ds {Hum 11$ "15 HP qu un gi n n (31'. Ad va need the-m Month. fru'm

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