Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1906, p. 3

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A somewhat. unusual operation Fn wreck-raising has been carried out in Kiel harbor. Some time since the tar- pedo-boat. “R 1‘26" sank in port, after collision with another warâ€"vessel, and notwithstanding the known condition of the sunken boat. the authorities decided to have it. brought to the surface. For this purpose two floating cranes of for- midable dimensions were utilized. and .the broken and twisted Jmll was fished 111) from the depths and swung through the air like a bale of merchandise to :1 lighter, on which it was laid. The boat was of steel, and it is proposed seri- ously to essay and turn the apurently hlexlricable mass to some use. Trade mukcd thus in l “712w a! alylcs. fabric: and pricesfarwamcn. mcn and children. For m Fined. Dealer! are nulhorized to replace mslgplly 9nd}! our cos. y reg} men! fault; In mulcnal 01 m A k l n g. 206 Having no commission to pay, and selling for «nah, The [Caatern Townships Nurseries are thus thin to ofier ynu Standard Apple Trees 4 to 0 feet high, grown hem, luudy and thrift ' stuck {or Fa.“ and Spring delivery, fur $15.00 per inundrad. LOUIS UERVAIS_, Prop. Fruit Growers, Attention HUB UURTAINS I”le AHERIOMI DYEINQ 00.. Box 158. Monti-nu “The Mark Tim! Tells UNDERWEAR OHENILLE CURTAINS REMARKABIE “NECK-RAISING. Dru; u: a fixtul card and we m7] sendyou frte of charge our large illus- trated catalogut. Articles are sent post free, of course. Rwafiamfim 7mm. um I“ klmh ol houn- lluugiugn, nlao MAINS “53.2% i‘:fi."“' Write to Hi About you”. Pen-Angle tradef mark (in red) on every Pen-Angle garment, tells you it will fitand won’t shrink,â€" your 0 w n d e 2.] er so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, m o r e flexible, b e tte r wearing. Laure'nécvillefluo 'Mu l‘l After six years’ waiting, the Victoria cross and donation, together with the usual annuity, has been received by John Ross, who was a trooper in the High- land Mounted Infantry at Paardeberg, and at great personal risk ran to a wounded officer‘s aid and carried him out of the zone of fire. The incident. was seen by General Lyttelton. Ross is now a gardener in the employment. of an Elgin nurseryman. He is 33 years of age. and a native of Aberdeen. Information has been received at Stornoway of the death at Lucerne of Mr. William Lees, an old and well- lmown citizen 0t Stornoway. The de- ceased, who was 8/1- years oi age, was in his early life a shipmaster, having served his apprenticeship with his fa- ther. who was a. weleown master Sir Wm. White is a behovor in the turbine for maritime propulsion pur- poses. In a lecture on' the 26th ult in London, on “Modnrn Warships" he reâ€" {ered to the turbine machinery of the Clydelmnk-built CunardEr Carmania as a marvel of modern cngincéring. He expressed satisfaction that the turbine ‘s to be adopted in all new British war V0550] b Mr. George Ferguson. the oldest mas- ter joiner in Glasgow, has died at his residence in Lenzie. Born eighty-four years ago at Carstairs, deceased became a joiner on his own account as far back as 1846, and among: his contracts were Coats’ Spinning Mills, Paisley; Kelvin- grove Art Galleries, and the Technical College. He was a widely travelled man, and was a keen curler and bowler. The Docks and Pilotage Committee or the Aberdeen Harbor Board reported that they had under consideration the subject of providing an additional pon- toon dock. They recommended that, as suggested by the harbor engineer, the deck should be 150 feet long, 42 feet wide, with draft on keel blocks 16 feet, and a lifting capacity (deadweight) of 600 tons, to cost £11850. There has passed away in her hun- dredth year Miss Macrae, who resided with her nephew, Baitie Macrae, Beech- wood, Nairn. She retained all her faculties up to the last, and could tell many stories relating to stirring times of last- century. Miss Macrae was pre- sent in l-‘erintosh Church when the joy- tul news of a\‘Vellington's victory at Waterloo was announced, and she could recall the rejoicings in Aberdeen on the coronation of Queen Victoria. There is no remedy so easily obtained as water, and yet nine persons out of ten will pass it by in the emergency to seek for something of less efficacy. There are but. few cases of illness where water should not. occupy the highest place as a remedial agent. A strip of flannel or a napkin folded lengthwise and wrung out of hot water and applied around the neck of a child who has croup will usually bring re- lief in a few minutes. A towel folded several times, then quickly wrung out of hot water and immediately applied 0\'Cl' the seat of the pain in toothache (r neuralgia will afford prompt. relief. This treatment. in colic works like ma- gic. Cases on record having resisted other treatment for hours have yielded to this treatment in ten minutes. Pieces of cotton batting dipped in hot water. then applied to all sores and new wale culs‘ men [1115. “Oh, I ki: people It Pieces of cotton butting dipped in hot water, then applied to all sores and new cuts, bruises and sprains is the treat- ment now generally adopted in hospi- tals. Hot water taken freely half an hour before bedtime is an excellent ca- thartic in the case of constipation, while it has a soothing effect on the stomach and bowels. This treatment. continued to? a few months, together with proper attention to diet, will alleviate mild cas- NOTES OF INTEREST FROM "Ell BANKS AND BRAKES. subm'l years of age. quarter of a Berwicl; and pany. ceused, who was 8/1- years oi age, was in his early life a shipmosier, having served his apprenticeship with his fa- lhm‘, who was a. \vell»lmown masler mariner, sailing out oi Siornoway in his own vessel, in which he visited nearly all parls oi ihe world. After his retiring from the sea, Mr. Lees was ap- pointed harbormasier and collector at Liornowuy. Mr. George Ferguson. the oldest mas- M the lcnnn q HEALING PROPERTIES OF \VATER the Donne llouse Aviemore. The death has of Mr. Thomas (1 known FROM BONNIE SCOTLANDI What Is Going On In the Highlands 'cenlly. ] nding 200 The [on s I‘m: coming ‘ant, jun, of nerifl Grant, lcbrutcd by impl \ 3G , lhen applied to : bruises and spra now generally a Hot \valer lake: before bedtime is c in the case or Cl ; a soothing elfecl vowels. This lrea M (l nl. Ihl and Lonlands of Auld SDCI ink ion 1t J3 \V n 1H lh e to kiss you at. the sla‘ Fd you do?" Daughterâ€" him too, so as to make the we were relatives." has occurred (1! Borwich .5 George Turner, (1 wclL mm. Mr. Turner was ’2'4 He had been for the pasw century secretary ~ of 1m 'l‘wcedmouth Gas Com- sovorul use, Rt UK l] n 111‘ ll 1n ntily 10\\‘( olia. 'al funclions held Rolhiemurchus, no fnsl Rolh ‘ employment. of an He is 33 years of Aberdeen. been received at nth at Luccrno 01' an old and well- rnoway. The de- vean‘s of age, was V of Mr h( lu‘ h! other slair easily obtained persons out of the emergency of less emcacy. of illness where Mr s landed 11 msby lmw lblt‘ in \V ohn of a fire- nssun' “or s lh "CS 111 21nd The sur- nut Ht tor m. Mistress: “Bridget, I don’t suppose you mind having dear iiHle Fido in [he ki|chen wilh you when we go out?“ Bridget: “No, mum; Oi loike L’ have him here. Y‘see. whin things go wrong an’ Oi gits mo dander up it's a moighty big relief lo have something to kick ’round.“ There can be a difivr‘ence of opinion on mosL subjecis, but there is only one opinion as 10 the reliability 0! Monm- Graves’ Worm Exterminator. it is safe, Be There a Will Wisdom Poinls the \\"ay.â€"â€"'l‘he sick man pines for rellei, but he dislikes sending for the doctor, which means boilles of drugs never consumed. lie has not the resolution to load his stomach will) compounds which smell villainouslfl and taste worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with his ailment. wisdom will direct his allcnlion to Parmelee’s Vege- lable Pills, which, as a specific for indi~ gcslion and disorders of the digeslive organs, have no equal. The general prosperity of New Zea- land is remarkable. Out of a popula- tion of a little leS than 1,000,000 one- third have money in the savings banks. The wealth per head is nearly £300, which is the largest of any country in the world. Statistics show for New Zea- land the highest health and the lowest death rate of any country. Ethel : “I ralhvr Doubleday. He has a and chin.” Myrtle: “1 been kissing you, too? Bear Memes“ may enlin 111 At Sprimonhin Belgimn,on June 71h, an hour before noon, people at work in offices were surprised by a sudden darkness which obscured their rooms. Going outdoors, they saw above the centre of the town a dense cloud, like a great mattress, which hid the sun. Here and there the extraordinary cloud was gathered into thick flocculent masses, from which filaments were seen falling to the earth. These filaments turned out to be sprays of hay, and in a short. time they lay thick in the mar- ket-place. The cloud Was composed of a great. quantity of hay, which had been carried up into the sky by a whirh and then transporlcu to a great dis‘ by the wind. The cloud drove north to south, and occupied near minutes in passing over the town DO NOT ALLOW yourself to hecwmo alarmed became you have lost your appetite and are lasing flesh, but commence taking “ Ferrovim " the but tonic. It. will build you up quickly. 1nd .ll l‘C inion as to 1113 -a\'es‘ Worm Ext re and effectual m ,y [1111 asleep at, any umo, mg. 110 wastes to a skolc ht months at the outside NEW ZEALAND'S PROSPERITY. Made in Canada @nd Sold by all Druxgnsls This sou on is good for one ton cent (10c.) ‘nal Boule of the cele- brawd Dr. Leonhardt's’Ami-Piu a sure cure for Indigestion. Bilious- Bess. Dyspepsia. Constipation and all ailments Miaiug Kherefrom. Mailed free, in a plan) package. on receipt of name and address. F111 in your name and as: oflice address on dotted lines an send to THE WILSON-FflE (50., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. Your little ones are a cousin! care is Fall and Wmtex weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh} Consum tion Cure. (he Lung Tonic. and what it Ea: done for so many? I! is said 19 be l'ne_ oply mfiablc remedy for all I‘ll diseases of the air passages in children. his absolulely harmless and pleasanl to lake. It is guaranleed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25¢. per bottle, and All dealers in medicine ac“ 3x4 SHELQH This rapgiz‘y should be in every household. ‘n aus< Ill] 1U Much is anon on 1 David Bx‘uc sed by the A CLOUD OF HAY. 11m hcrt have been Selous and In on the 1 11L 1L develops I 00.1) himself ) at, any Um at fir deve] arricd OF AFRICA Goodne lilv 1d 1| Dm-l‘ by a whirlwind, a great distance oud drove from :upied nearly 10 rman 3n p1 nlil awa (h 11' hat young firm mouth 55! Has he lh 1 mm A h-ica m. down J lh lryp n While and in a dead 1n vic- and “Life,” mor.‘ what, it se’ems “Perhaps.” “you have me side of it.” It Needs no Teslimonial.â€"ll is a gu- arantee in itself. If testimonials were required lliey could be furnished in thousands from all sorts and condi- tions of men in widely different places. Many medicines are put forth every year which have but an ephemeral ex- istence and then are heard of no more. Dr. Thomas‘ Ecleclric Oil has grown in repulation every day since it first made its appearance. smarlel match: did the “Madam,” said the master of the house, authoritatively, “when I put my tool down it, stays there!” But the little luck on which he brought it down took all the point out of his illustration. l‘h for Colds, Coughs. Croup. Whooping Cough, Aslkma, and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Are you a sufferer with corns? If you are, get a bottle 0! Hollaway‘s Corn Cure. It has never been known to fail. of the highest medical authority in the land you are earnestly advised to use This famous remedy is a pure vegetable syrup and should be in every home. Your drugglsl not only keeps it but recommends it. Harry: “Blanche says she has in- supcmble reasons for remaining single.” Horace: “Yes, I know what they are.” Harry: “Then she has told you?” Horace: “No; but I have seen her.” MONTE AFTER MONTH 15. cold sticks, ana seems to tear holes 111 your thmm. Are you nwzro that evop a. stubborn and loug~neglected cold is cured \nm Allen's Lung Balsam? Cough and worry no Longer. Ferdinand: 1 me?” Penelope: Why, only yeste I wouldn't 500116 I refused!” Vilma, Water, “GSHAWA” esteel' Shingles. Proof Fire Storm 10mm, 0m. lwmmneu. Mun. Vancoum 69 Dundzu st. 76 Lombard st. 615 Ponder at. Hflfiimfil, HUB. 01mm, 0m. TOI0fl|0.0{ll. mm W Craig 8:. 423 Sussex st. 11 Colbome st E JAPS did it. They Bi plied the Menthol in Hm “ D a L " Memho Plaster, which re- M rs HS 11 and FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF- We also manufacture Corrugated iron in iong sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVRSTROI‘GII, Etc. METAL SIDING, ln imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. HR and free samples of "OSHAWA" Write toâ€"day. Shingles. Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 pcrlhundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov~ erin‘g on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores. Ble- vnlors. Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and snips are the only fools required. We are the largest and oldest coompaiiy of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them NO COLORS IN ACTION [din 1nd duties men TEE PEDLAR PE 0 Plan, Write your Nearest 0fllco.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont “Tht man moralized the king m {T .Vouh Dyse ” suggested the professor. never looked on the seamy 'nbk ymalch DDS SEEMINGI l\'€ re yours. And from an you,too" Mr. Hasly‘ must have been. How {e to crawl out of it?” m in ainls‘ And do you really love “Love ion, Ferdinand? ‘z'day papa asked me if ‘1‘ have a pug dog, and 1nd green fruit attacks. To 5 recommend D1 Yer-v Cordial a eds CGLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT 1V EXPEC T0 RAM periodical a dysentery or use great p master 0! the “when I put my e!” But the little doctor, “15 not at precau Change 0 Price. 25 cents. dozen from SUI‘C money in Perfumes, ; Flavoring used every cent. profit, The .l. B. ASNfo IH WHEAT FARM NEAR WINNIPEG. “His wife is very accomplishm]. She can cook 01‘ play a piano with equal facility.” “That is an accomplishment. I have never before heard of anyone cooking a. piano.” A gentleman Niagara (when A Clear Healthy Skimâ€"Eruptions M the skin and the blotchcs which blem- ish beauty are the result of impure blood‘caused by unhealthy action (I the liver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Par- metee‘s Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the Elotches and eruplions will without. leaving any lrace. Passer-by : blind ?" Mt times is so 1 great. that keep his eyes business at c cash. balance easy. N0 better [a better investment. WAL‘GII & BEA'IVI‘IE, 12 MCI-chants Bank Butldin Winnipeg, Man. 1,060 acres of clean unbroken prairie. the finest wheat land on odl'lh. on the banks of the Red River, 45 miles from Winnipeg, four miles from two railway stations. $15 an acre takes it. $5,000 cash, balance easyl No better farm, no A SKIN THAT BURNS with eczema. and in ,covered with eruptions that dischargu a thin fluid, may be made smooth and sight] with Weaver's :Corate. Bgt this external reme y should be used in osmium}: EM Weaver’s Syrup. our Ag r: “I thought you were Mendicant: “We”. misler, ) hard and compelilion is so L even a biind man has to ‘85 open fl he wants to do any‘ L 011.” gent in your locality, your spare time selling Soaps, Toilet Requisiles Extracts. articles that day in every home; 50 in this for you. Wrili Eager Company, Toron‘ LADIES ! ISSl'S N0 '01‘ was in house 10 imid to go 11 'm m aid befo Write us. Toronto. Jlity, earn Sides looked All Four a visit to and low- use) went Uness the lawn him lurne< u" bup Lion, Par- 1 at the and the disappear nchitis 11 min Hy in‘ plie min {he our and are per

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