I Wish tn thunk thP Cunfvdorntinn Life Assouiutiml, tlnnngh their agent. - Mr. P. G. Suvngo. for $1.00001wque on Nun-y carried by my late husband, a {d for courtesy and prumpt‘ payment. \_ (Signed) MRS; H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Oct. 24. L006. The furnu‘r Sign at the Metropolitan Station and \Vuiting-Roum has been replaced by a lww une- bvm'ing the missing wmd "Richmond Hill.†The workmanship is ï¬rst-class, and (he s Company has the thanks of our citizens \for their willingness in making the (lesixed change. The Annual Meeting uf tho Ril’h- mond Hill Curling Club will he held in the Council Ghumhor tanOrrmv (Friday) evening at S n‘cluck. A full attendance is reqnpsted us matters important to the club will 50 discussed. The elvctiun nf ofï¬cers will take plat-e, and Lh_e auditul's' repurt will he “rhen the tip 0f a dog's nose is C(Iltl and moist. that dog is nut sick. A feverish dry nnsv menus sickness with a dog. And so with the human lips: Dry. cracked and colorless lips mean feverishness. and are as well ill appear- ing. To ban. hl'ulltlflll‘ pink, velvvt- like lips, apply at bedtime :1 muting of Dr. Shunp's Green Salvo. It will soften and lie-:11 any skin ailment. Get-afreeAnul hux,at (nu-store. and hv convim-ed. Large nickel cupped glass jars, 25 cents. and the. lCCk‘lVed. To $011 at a fair price is quite HS im- portant as to pmduce the best? No farmer can sell in advantage unh-ss he is posted on market cund‘llinns. There is no bettex mmms by which a farmin- can bvcnme postvd on ste mnditjuns than by regularly reading'l‘he \Vevkly Sun. which is pre-emincutly the fur- mer’s business paper. “’(hen husinvss people are pu‘vonted tlwl'loasure of li\iug in our village and %.hers are moving away because- we ha '8 not a car going to the City curly e ough. L119 question should en- gage t-h thuught of the MetL-npnlitan uï¬cialm‘, Of course, iL is difï¬cuib to Rev. Ajf’. Brace preached tho funeral sermon anal buried Mrs. Geo. Routliffe at \Villow "lo on Saturday aftm~nunn. Mus. Hunt itfu was in her 80th year and was one uf [hp landnmI-ks of New- ton Brook. Suifpring fursnme time. she died peacefully on Thanksgiving evening at, the home of hvr sun in Tn- mum. blï¬cinls} Of L‘Uln‘ please ev\eryhody. L ark’s genuine wool mitt cowred hm; ehlde fact and bm-ro back at, 650. is an eally gnud thing at a really low price Atkinson & Switzn-x'. Mrl Geo. A. MCCugue of Victoria Squuré, is xw-prusvntiug Mal-khan) township at; the Px-m'im-ial Suhlmth School Convention held in the city of Kingstcln. Mr. Wm. Frisby of the same place is the de-legaLe from the Victoria Square Sublmtn Selma]. Mr. Robert Bowen has rented from Mrs. Dulll-x-y the bnick voltage and 11 acres. being part of Int 43, con. ]. Vaughan, on the Mill Road. Mr. Bil-ch. the present occupant, will 1-9- mm‘e about the ï¬rst of November to is own residence in the City. C ark’s genuine wool mitt cowred Four prizes came to Trent-ifs Cal-- riuge \Vnrks for rigs vxhihited at \Vumlhridge Fair. The ï¬rm was also successful at, Markham, taking fuur \{nur ï¬rst prizes and two second prizes. \ The many fl-ir-nds will be pleased t-u 193141-11 that M r. Gen. Hop )er, SUI] of Mn} Thomas anpz-r. who had a very ser-rv zlttzlck of typhoid, has taken a turn for the hotter, and hova are now entertained for his recovery. A special service for tho. younger people will he held (m Sunday morning in the Mathndist church, which will he addressed by Rev. A. P. BPHCI’,B. D. In the evvning Rev. \V. S. Irwin will spvak (m “Four little things, exceed- ing wise." \Ve please those who want the best Atkinson & Switzer. Next Mundny evening. at eight o‘clock the lvague- will have a social. A good prugmm will he provided. If you want A good tea do nut, fail to come: Silver (-ollectinn ut the door. “"9 help you pmvide fm present, needs. ALkinson & Swilzmx ln Methodist church on Sunday night. a small mere-d ivm-y and silver brunch. Finder kindly leave- at LIBERAL Oflicc amd rccvive reward. There's standard quality Atkinson & Swilzer. Mrs. T. Hopper suifeI-H] nn ancidvnt in few evenings ugh hy gvlling a fall down the cvllm- stt'ps. She wenâ€"ivvd some severe bruises but nu serious results are anticipated. The \V. C. 'I‘. U. will mt-vt at Mrs. I)Hry‘s m~xL Tuesday ufteI-uuun at 3 o'clock. Post cards WIth Richmond Hill Views sent to any address from THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce at. 30 cents a duzvn. 7&3le Eliï¬ihsmi. In mu- 25c. and 30c. Japan tea pvery ‘mnce is wonhy. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Rxcammn HILL, Ox'rq Oct. 23, 1906 14()(7 A1196. CARD 0F TH \NKS TO CURLERS LOST hero. The Juuiur Mis Pl vshth-riun churc Hunk-offering uw un-n! (If the church “he'll a very into; ()llf pa p readers. “’0 refer to the Family Her:le and \Veekly Star of Montreal, the greatest family and agrirultuunl paper (m the American Continent. Its success is well deserved ton, fm' every year it‘gms on improving and today is certainly {he greatest value to be had in the newspaper line. The home \Vithuut it is missing a great. deal. To funnels it is almost indispz-nmhle. Their beautiful picture gift “A Tug of \Var." is nlune worth far more than the year’s snhseriptiun. which is nnly one dollar. Canada easily has the best of our neighth fol" a great news- Americans houst of their great, busi- nuss houses. newspapers, etc†and tin-y are right, in doing Sn; but, Can- ada has :l newspaper that outstrips must Ivf the American papers, and (,‘unadi'nns are proud of it. Think of in: In this: sparsely settled cuuutry we haw: u pner that reaclws uver 1:30.000 hmst Hatch week. IPprose-nting 750.000 wadvrs. “'0 refer to thP Family Hen-11d and \Vel‘kly Star of Mnnn-eul, [he gl'vutvst fumilv and mrripnlm-ml is cent": but] in t withuut funnms Thr-ir lu- Dun’t foxgpt the “Dutch Supper." Hullmve’en. in the Temperance Hall. in aid of the W'illing VVm-kels’ Mis- sion Band. 001119 and sup, picnic- style. in the uncanny ghre of the pumpkin lanterns, any time: after 5 o‘clock. An intem-siing musical pru- grnnnne will be given during the even- ing. No charge for admissiun. “The lusses feat, :«m’ cleanly neat. Mair hrnw than when they're ï¬ne; Thnir fHCPS blithe. fu’ sweetly kythe’. Hearts lenl. an’ warm, an‘ kin’. Th9 lads sue trig, wi’ \vom-r hubs, \Veel knuttrd on their gartcu Some- unco hlaLe. 5111’ some Wi‘ gxhs, Gur lasses’ hearts gang sturtiu’ \\'hiles fast nt, night." ~Fx-nm “Hullowe‘en†. hy Robe] Yesterday, \Veslvy Palmer’s hay pony hitched to :1 light \vugnn, stole a mzu'ch on Charles Glover, ran suuth nlmut a mile and Was stupde by coming in routaet, with a held nf cattle on Ynnge street, nppnsite M. Vanda. hm-gh's gate. Practically no injury was dune. The. puny endeavored to turn in at the gateway lending to its own stable, but by an heroic act of Mls. erditt. mother of Rev. J. J. Redditt, ex-president of the Toronto Confer- ence, standing at tlw entrance and waving her handkerchief. was kept on Yonge street. Had the run-u-way turned into tlw narmw gateway llu-re would Certainly have been a smash- up. About 10,000 people attended “load- ln-idgv Fair last Thursday. There was an excellent display of agricultural pruductsand ï¬ne arts, the show (if horses was good, but it was generally remarked that the exhibits in cattle were nut up to fox-mm years. The spoeding in the horse ring was excit- ing, Blackhii-d making a trotting record for \Voudbridge track of 2.1%. The Gm‘ernnr Genet-111’s Body Gum'd Band furnished enchanting music. The usual banquet, was given on the evening of the second day. Mrs. H. F. Hopper wishes thmugh TEE LIBERAL to express the heartâ€"felt lhanks of hvrself and fumin to the Ancient Order of Fun-esters. the Ancient Ordvr of Unitvd VVm-kmau, and the Ancient Free and Accepted Mnsnns, fur their vuhwd assistance during the illness and after the death of her late husband. Alsu to the many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness in the hour of trial. \Vhat a dollar will do at Atkinson & Swilzors, it will lmy each nf the fulluwing, 2211»: pure cane extra gran- ulntvd sugar; 7 (runs rich red Fraser River Sockeye Salmon; 9 cdns quakr-r brand tomatoes; 20 lbs. polished ranâ€" goun rice, 13 lbs. best, Furd dates 25; bars Richards pure soap: 7 lbs. best pure lard; 4 woman’s good hygeiau vests ll) per cent. won]: 7 yds. ruck fast drill; 5 pairs men‘s heavy genuine wonl sucks: 1 pair Clark‘s horse-hide CUVH'Hl mitts; 1 suit, men‘s heavy covered mitts; 1 suit, woul fleeced underwe brand Worth $1.20. McLaughlin‘s spirited team hitched to the suda-“ator wagon lu-oko away from the Palmer House shed Friday and mu west along Arnold street. The. hmscs'd'an into Lhn fence near M r.†Frank VViley‘s rosidencé and threw Lhmnsvlves. Ono of the horses was badly injured, but it. is thnnght it will not, die. The fence received a. bad jult. ‘ - eiféclfml for adults; Sullivï¬'ndr {ecum- uwnded in 5 ccnt and 2.5 cunt boxes by \V. A. Smndcxsun. The new brick residence nf"\lr. Muses R. Hemingway, Uniunvillv, wus dwatmyvd by fire uhoub 5 o'clock, Tuesday morning. with all its con- tmts.= The fun:in was away m‘er night. and [heurigin'uf the ï¬re is a. mystery. The building and rnntuuls ware insure-d In the British American, by the agent, Mr. Norman Glass. PreventiCS, as the name implies. prewnt all Unlds and Grippe when :‘mkrn at the snepze stagv." Ple- vmntim‘ are Umthnme candy talllels. Px-e-ventlcs (lissipute all colds quickly. and taken early, when you ï¬rst feel that a fluid is Coming. they check and px-PWHL them. I’xew-ntics are thur- upghly safe for clxildlcn. and HS l ymu’s ‘ dullzu‘ 0111‘ he )or snct 'x-um ‘ Burns. \VH ERE CANADA LEA DS. HEROIC BUT DANGEROUS JI‘NIOR MISSION > Junior Missiun Band of the yteriun church held their annual .-ntfering Inn-ting in the base- (If the church Mnnduy evening. a very interesting programme FI HE AT UNIONVI LLE. THANKS CONVEYED “DODBRI DGE FAIR “H ALLO \V E‘EN.†RUN-A-W’AY BAND pen angfe Robert. i ~3- +++++++++-:~++++++~z-+++++++++ 1'4"?+++++++~r++++++++++++++~f The Masonic Hall has been secured for the public meeting in the interest of the Home Industry, tr. he held here nn Monday evening the 5th of Novem- h 'l‘. The meeting will he a. joint one f :r the three I‘lLllllg of York County. ROUTLIFFEâ€"AL the residence nf her sun. 0. H. Routlifl'e; 491 Brundview avenue, Toronto, on Thmsdny. Oct. 18, 1906. Murgan't. Widan of the late Gem-g9. Ruutliï¬'e of Newtunbl-ouk, Ont, in her 80th year. SMITHâ€"At. Victoria Square, Wed- nesduy. Ocmlwr 21. Myxtle Estbtr Luella, infant daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Smith, aged 4 months, 21 days. ma}b§&. 6.)} Also nmnu _‘_y €159 MR. HOPPER‘S FUNERAL The funeral of the. late Henry F. Hopper took place from the residence \Vcdnesdn) afternoon of last week. The funeral was \‘e-ry large. and the ohsoquies on the solemn occasion Were impressive. Before leaving-the house for the village crmetery Rev. A. P. Bram- made :1 short. ilddl‘PSS, and Rev. F. Elliott (lï¬f‘l'k‘d prayer. Mr. Brace who had regularlv \isitcd iilk‘ deceased during his illness spoke wards of com- forl' to the mourners, and atrongly emphasizch the need of living a pure, holy and religious life. Mr. Hopper had long betâ€"n a member of Richmond Midge, No. 23. A. F. mid A. 11).; Court, Richmond. No. 7046, A. O. F.; and Ivy Lodge, No. 114, A. 0. U. \V., and those societies with brethren from Thornhill. Aurora and other places showed their respt-ct for the deceased hinther by walking,r in procession. The funeral was under masonic honors. and the Wor. M., Bru. T. A. Lamon. read the masonic cermnony at the house and at the gmve, R. \Vur. Bro. H. A. Nicholls giving the grand honors. On the casket, weie wreaths of flowers from relatives and from the three Societies to which the deceased brother be- longvd. was pxesentel. The chair was taken by [he pastor. Rev. J. A. Gram, won in a happy and encoumging speech to- wnrds the‘ehd'of entertainment congratulated the children on the gm (1 Work they were doing. and their ability to entertain, and expressed the thanks of the congregation to the president. Miss G. Boyle. for her un- tilin \ efforts in training the Mission Bum ., The follo“ ing is the programme rvndered :â€"l. 0 ening chorus, hy Mission Band; Prayer; 3. Solo, Miss Maggie (Zowie: 4. Recitation. MisS‘Agnes Boyle: 5. Uhmus. Mission Band: (I: A talk to the children by our minisu-rand chuixman; 7. Recitation, Miss Glndy's Cowie; 8, Solo. Miss Lila. Hill; 9. Missionary. clock hy Band; 10. Chorus, Mission Band. Before separating the Band served dainty refreshments which Were thor- oughly enjode hy all present. Little Miss Laura Innes presided at the organist during the evening. That’s too bad! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. I 3 Yo I! r Hair Sick? The best kind. of a. testimonial- “ Sold for over sixty years." that It is time to get up. Price $1.10 to that will remind you shorter it is more difï¬cult to rise early. I sell alarm clocks JERRY SMETH ALARM PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER As the days grow Made by J. 0. Aye: 00.. Lowe“. Mass. Axao manufacturers or DEATHS CLGCKS SARSAPARLLLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. Have just arranged with the. Veter~ inary Specialty ()0. to sell the follmv- ‘ ing remedies : Stu'ck Tunic and Blond Puriï¬er, Indigestion and Culiu Cure, Spavin Cure, \Vorm Powders, Cough Remedy, Poultry Tunic, Luuse Death . AuLisceptic Healingr Oil, Sprain Emul- isiun. Black Oil, Heuve Relief, Lump ' .lzuv Cure, Aphm'disiac and Anti-Ster- : ile Powders, Diarrhoea. Cure for Cults and Calves, Leaking Naval & Joint Dismlse. l Vnnzant & \Varing. Veterinary Sur- igenns, twenty-ï¬ve years of pmutical ' experience. _ “KVé‘ilrupon in every package entitling t-hP holder {0 Free Veterinary Advice. Fur sale Satisfaction Guaranteed FARMERS“ TAKE NOTECE ++++++++++++++++H++++++~3~+‘ wi‘+++-§‘+++++++++*§ +++++++++++ ++++%++%+++++++4‘+++H++++; b+++ +++++++++++~M++++++++++++++++++~z~+~z~~z~»z«+-z~-s-+++~i« ++++++++++++++++++++H++++ ++++++++++++++++++++. F. J. PETHICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. Repairing and IE ave- troughiug pronlptly done 1%:111g't‘3s. {Furnaces and floaters is now on Land‘ and we invite your inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. Our fall Stock of Richmond ï¬iii ï¬ardwam 3m October 25, 1906 Atkinson & Switzer C. SOULES in making selections for the men folks we exercised in theistock for the ladies and childrenâ€"best values and weight: suitable for this climate. The prices are right tor we bought early and got anti- season’s discounts, and another thing, every garment was made in 1906. There is a freshness about them that careful ladies appreciate. Underwearâ€"the kind you wantâ€" whether you feel able to pay 25c. or $1.35 per garment. We have under- wear in natural wool and a full stock of Turnbull's Sanitary Underwearâ€"these are something pretty nice, fleece-lined, and serviceable. It is none too soon to buy winter wear and it is to your advant- age as the stocks are unbroken. They will never be cheaper here and cannot be cheaper elsewhere. The same care ‘l-++++++++++' Â¥+++++++++++++++ Th1 eshers’ Coal on hand QIEE’Eï¬LH $1.08 IE ADVANBE. June: 11. 1905 Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices RLght. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. LIVERY COAL Michael Bros, RICHMOND Riolnnond Ilill WOOD 'FTTT