sectionalism and prejudice, and prob- ably the present generation will never fully appreciate the good work be has done in drawing more closely together the citizens of Ontario and Quebec. The residents of the two provinces, separated by the Ottawa River, are also divided in religious forms, but if they are wise they will OWEN SOUND STILL DRY. Last January the town of Owen Sound carried a by-law in favor of local Option by a vote of 1,238 to make due allowance for the passions 762. For alleged irregularities in and prejudices of their fellow taking the vote the by-law was after- countrymen, and make every reason wards quashed by Judge Mabee. able effort'to live side by side in temperance people appealed against peace and goodwill. the decision, and last week the ____.._w,. Divisional Court decided in favor of MP- TOImie. Liberal, was elected the appeal. The court in giving MP. for North Bruce on Tuesday, by judgment said that there was nothing a majority 0f nearly 450. The by- to show 01‘ even to suggest, any in. eICCtIOII WilS held to the vacancy tentional violation of the directions caused by the death of Mr. Bland the of the act nor any reason for believ- late Conservative member. Among the r . . mg that any disregard of the speakers during the campaign were .statutm‘y formalities called for by HOD. A. B. Aylesworth for the the a“ aï¬'ecmd the result There Liberal, and Mr. W. F, Maclean for was no evidence to show that asingle the Conservative. grant (Canadian “giantess (tullth VVIN'FIC 1R CAL'12§IT()G now ready (‘orniirercinh Shortlmnd. Matriculation Courses. Evcl'y desirable frutâ€" i Situiitlons secured graduutcs. \Vritc now. ‘ ll 11’. B. A. Farquharson, B. A, Principal , 796 YONGE ST.. TORONTO Farm to Rent Lots 34 and 35 in tlic 3rd r‘on. DUTCH SUPPER. The "Dutch Supper" and musical entertainment given lust cvcniog in the Temperance Hall in aid of the of \Villiug \Vorkers' Mission Band of the Vaughan. For particulars apply to Prmbytcrian church, was successful J, 15, ULUBINE, and enjoyable. The ball was appro- (l- t, f, Lot 70, 0.11; Ridgcs. For Sale Onc brood sow, due Nov. 20. some lambs. Apply to II. ll. HEISIC, Victoria Square. priatcly decorated for liallowe'en, the pumpkin lanterns giving the place a weird though inviting appearance. Booths along each side containing choice sweet rucatsainl other delicacies were fantastically and artistically ar- ranged. and the prctty “Dutch Girls," neatly costumed, found a ready sale for thcir tempting dainties. Later in the evening the following interesting musical progrannnc was rendered, Mr. Also 18-2 elector was prevented from recording his vote, or that the return was not made in strict accordance with the some hard “looks from PinghSh voting. All the objections were editors for appearing at T. 1’- overruwa and local option remains O'Connor's meeting at Ottawa and m f speaking in favor of Home Rule for Ireland. Most Canadians believe ' that Ireland should have a provincial legislature, and will not be, and can- not be, happy without it; most of us feel that there would be no danger, but a gradually increasing beneï¬t in giving Ireland home rule in home affairs. Out here we have some experience in these matters. No stir has been made in this country, there- fore, by Sir Wilfred Laurier’s remark on the Irish question, for he has merely said what he has said be- fore, and what rival political leaders vie with each other in saying on this subject. And yet, it would be as well, perhaps, if the Premier 0 Canada kept clear of such aquestion, and can see no reason why the Premier of Canada should butt into 11 “ Sir Wilfred Laurier has received muâ€" arrnRâ€"ï¬ians YEARS. The Leader and Recorder appears to be well satisï¬ed with Local Option in 'l‘rmonto Junction. In a recent edition. discussing the subject that paper editiorally said:â€"â€"“ One fact is indisputable. Store property has greatly increased in value and a number of new stores will affect the business of some older merchants but if so it is foolish of them to attribute it to Local Option. It is a good many years since stores have been built in Toronto Junction up to the year 1905. The very fact that a lot of new stores have been built in the past two years is about the best argument in favor of local option so far as it affects business that could be produced. Will anyone get up and tell us how business will be beneï¬ted by the opening of ï¬ve or six saloons taking in ï¬ve or six hundred dollars a day over the bar, mostly out of the wages of working men? We are glad to note the attitude of our con- the Tribune which The above paragraph appeared on the editorial page of last week’s Toronto Saturday Night. Away with such milk-and-water advice to our broadminded premier. Sir Wilfred would not be true to his own con- . r . . “s mmpma . he would \vithhold from Ireland }:_ declares in no uncertain way where , ‘ . ,1 .t d this “65mm The what we, ourselves, enjoy. Sir ‘ Stan 8 on q ' Wilfred is accustomed to so called majority will be bigger than it was before or we are very much mistaken. Local Option has been in force nearly three years and the town is still here. Property is selling on the main street at $250 a foot and net for a saloon either but fora bank." mg BEWARE OF FIREBRANDS. an in the Dominion An ofï¬cial of Cnpp, PLObably no m ‘. . ., testified before the Text Book commis- Parllamont has been more Clmcued sion that $30,000 had been paid by bv The “form during the past; ï¬ve that. ï¬rm to Thomas Nelson & Sons of ' Glasgow for the privilege of succeed- yl’al‘s than Mr- Boumssav the mem' ing that firm as contractors for the her for Labelle’ Quebec. Scores of Ontario public school readers. times The World has referred to him as disloyal and an enemy to British institutions. To day the world holds Mr. Bourassa up as “cleanhanded and progressive," and a man to be preferred before Sir Wilfrid Laurier. And why is The World now taking “hard knocks,†often given below the belt. And no free man should be asked to retrain from expressing an honest opinion even if it should “give offense to that influential section of the British public opposed to Home Rule." News Notes. Clark & Co. A strike occurred at the Heinlzman Piano \Vorks, Toronto Junction, last week. Of 180 men only 61) went to work on Friday. A large number of special constables were sworn in to quell any riot that might take place. J. D. Reeves died at his home, 360 King Street East, Toronto, on Satur- day, 27th October, aged 62 ycais. Iiiâ€" terrnent in the Aurora cemetery on in its arms we member for Labelle? il'lgéiday. Deceased was a veteran of‘ 8". e‘i lr ‘- u‘ th latter is not ull- , . , , mp? be“ be e , b , p Benjamen \Villmot, died at the rumâ€" ing With the Canadian Premier and dance (if his daughter, Mrs. (Di-.i Nicmelei'. in Toronto Junction, sud- '*v- 1", *\V‘ )n- hls (Jo‘unl'eat Tim 011d 0f 10 denly, Sunday night. in his 81st your. ' day says “The Conservatives are in opposition, and it is their business by any honorable means available to oust the Laurier Government." We admit that as a. politician 311‘. on the farm now owned and occupied by \V. I). t‘iubiiic, Iilgiu Mills. -â€"-â€"â€"~â€"o-.â€"â€" JEFFERSON Muster John Stock, 10 years of age, Bourassa's record has been clean, 3 W110 “H's With his "m"?- MII “ugh bw t1 \ ‘ '. k V w d T! ‘t‘ullllllll‘ll. was thrown from a horse t‘ 11" plmmce n‘)““- a“ le j and lrampld upon last Thursday, and World ought to know, that he is i'e-ceivul it compound fracture of his. llog llt'lH\\' thc' linen. Dr. Boyd of; tainted With racial prejudice which Ri,.h,,,,,,,d m†,,,.,1,,,.,.d the f,.,,,.,,,,,.‘ i needs no encouragement this 1 and although 1 1 v , . :lrurt it is lioici {but gum L‘tllC \viii country. he doubt {\lr. hourassa is mm" mm .,,_,l,u,ld 1,, my 1 . a . .5. . honest in his outspoken cxpressions,l . ~°~â€", , . ~.,. ,1 15., l \v. ; 1,_ . ' l’ilcs liziiikly and [)IiSlIlYl‘l)’ cured but bigotci itiiCi . .ltmllll .sin iii with DL Mumps, Magic (mman Quebec should be denounced Its made for 1)llt'> adorn-fund it (lot-s strongly as oigoted Orangeisni in On- in {IS llie tvork suroly and \\'1111 >ziil>l.t('lltlll. Itching, painful. protruding or blind lllli‘b dis-ippt-ur like magic by its use. tariJ. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, a brawl}; Y, ‘ , _ , d , ~ . inigc, Nicki-l ( :ippcd glass~ jars, ,vi) ‘ man and a Amman C3L|101lcv 1‘35 cents. Sold and iccoiiiiiieiidt-d by \V. A. Sanderson. always taken a stand against extreme science nor to the Canadian people if, 'l‘hc family formerly owned and livedl ‘ tlu- boy was svverrly; ' l Ev""ll'l"l‘ I‘ll . ' MATIU R‘I'EIII. For Sale or Rent Housc and lot, immediately south of High School. Richmond Hill. For lll- formation apply to JAMES NEVV'I‘ON. 15-t f Elgiu Mills. Arthur Boyle acting as Cllilil'lllllllZ~â€"- Solo, Miss Switzcr. Solo, Miss Lilia Hill. Solo, Miss Marsh. Piano Solo, Mr. Remnan. Solo, Miss Mortson. Solo, Mr. Hume. Solo, Miss Switzer. Piano Solo, Mr. Newton. Solo, Miss MortSon. Solo, Mr. Hume. “'IIAT'S IN MCGLUR E'S The Novcmber McClure'sisa striking number and will bc remembered long beyond the usual term of magazine literature. The leading article is a brilliant challenge to the advocates of Spelling Reform, coming from no less an authority than Professor Hugo Munsterlrerg, Harvard’s noted psy- chologist. In a manner sometimes satirical and again full of impressive gravity, he delivers some of the most crushing blows the Spelling Reform movement has bad to meet. Burton Hendrick concludes “The Story of Lifeâ€"Insurance," summing up in a few consisc and signiï¬cant pages the con- ditions which he has brought before the attention of the American public. “The Hanging of Mary Dyer," by Basil King. remarkable romance deal- ing with the Quaker persecution in America, is one of McClui-e‘s most original departurcs in ï¬ction. There are many other able articles on import- ant subjects, and the Novemlwr number is a particularly strong art number, containing full-page color illustrations by Howard Pyle, Alice Barber Stephens, and Jessie \Villcox Smith. The cover design is a. striking decorative drawing by N. (.l. Wyeth. M A Good Chance to secure an education that will most quickly and surely tit you for the practical duties of life, is offered by this School. Under new management with improv- cd (*qilipnlt'flt and courses, our- oldcst school is the newest and one of the best. V’Vrite for cuta- loguc and free budget of "Busi- ness \‘t'ritingï¬â€™ AIM/2W Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Yonge & McGilI Streets, Toronto M. WATSON, Princip ‘T‘Farm to Rent 7A 100 acres, clay loam, brick house, good outbuildings, lot 1-51, 4th line. Markham township. Apply THOS. REA I‘D. Victoria Square. 17-2 PLEASANT VIEW FARM The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vliite Hogs. Lot 29, Ist 001)., Vaughan (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for service on the remiscs. . G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor FORflSALE House and lot on Colborne street, containing about 94 acre of land. Also buggy, cutter, cart, two sets harness. robe, organ, writing desk. The above articles belonging to the estate of the late Edward Gallanough. may be seen at the residence of Mrs. Gallanough. Thornhill, after Monday. 29th October, or apply to DR. F. J. GALLANOUGII ’79 Albany Ave. Toronto ‘Execulorsi Notice in tritium EDWARD GALLANOUGH late of the village of Thornhill, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897 and amending :icts. thatall creditors having claims against the estate of tlu-said Edward Gallanough who died on or about the 30th day of August 1906, are required to send or deliver to the undersigned at his office 59 Yonge Street, Toronto, on or before the 25th day of November, 1906, their names addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their- claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them : And further, that after the said 25th al » 4° " "v a ' 33 day of November, 1906, the executors gs Qt“ will proceed to distribute the assets of 3 93:: the deceased among the parties enti- «32313 tlt‘d thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice A. R. BOS‘VELL Solicitor for the Exocutors, Frcd J. Gollauough and Fred Powell 17-4 Furnished House 8: Lot 1 i F0 R SALE 3 l Enquire on the premises of I’ctci'l “off, or \V. T. Boyd, Barrister, 33 TU- i'onto street, Toronto. A Good Opening for a Shoemaker t THORNHILL. YONGE ST. Eggâ€"CIDEE , Dr. Shocp’ Brmg 3 Rheumatic Remedy Will the Utmost Relief that Medicine Can. .t- r w svstem or the Rlit'uLil: ire cause of llli Rho ICII, Gout. is 1.31:. . . ' in. mils .vnnre ;.t'Lth’ is 1‘“: Jrli‘ i \ Luv" 3 i .in pain; n r i Pmoztiism rt ingv'sofpu damp \"r‘ii 1 { Clder Illade every day Of ".ics'i:)" d: 1'1 â€"i§§;tâ€trryvirï¬Â§Â¥iofi?s ribs-r? the week except \Vednesday t 3 watt 0 cu offlrt'ï¬n'Vly . , , " ,during Octooer and Novem-i l tn-i: ocr 'mpllbhes results. Sold and recon..- .ber, at Magei‘s Cider Mill. w. MAGER _, W.-A. SANDERSOEI _ Proprietor i i To Rent I Good house to rent, next dotrr north l of Minniie's stare. . 1- 4 Enquire at the barbershop. 18-3 "' t Sale Register THURSDAY, Nov. Iâ€"Auctiou sulc of fresh milk cows, springer-s, stocke-is. sheep and horscs, ut II:|l]n*l"S Hotel. Victoria Square, the proportfr of ll. H. Iloppor rind \\’. Hurpor. Solo :rt '3 o'clork. Tcrlus.llirPI-monllis. Saigi-ou & Moliwcu, Aurtionm-is. FRIDAY, NIH‘. 2â€"-v(‘-lr-dit Sillt‘llft'(l\\'~'~. at lot. 17, con. 4. “3st York, Ill.- propci'ty of Arthur Barnard. Sah- of Io'rlm-k. Tor-ms,“months. Suigroo & )lrlCch. Auctioneers. SI'I‘K'RDAY. Nov. 3â€"â€".‘.ur~lion Solo of borw. cow, pigs, wagon, harness, iiu- plcmwots and household furniture. on lot lil, lst con. Vaughan, .‘-li|l IEoinl, l milo-soulh ofllichmond Ilill.tl19pl'l~p‘ (Why of Ed. Birch. N0 rcscrvc. Sale at 2 o'clock. Terms, cash. Suigeon dc Moldwcn, ant-ls. \Vnoanlmv, Nov. 7~-.»‘ sale of frcsh milk cows, etc. at the l’nlmcr Ilousc. Also horso, buggies. catllc, luirrwss, implcrm-nts. r-tc.. lu-longiug to the estate of the late ll. I“. Iloppi-r. Sah- :tt 2 o‘clock. Tcrrns. 3 months. Saigcon A: McEwcn, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, Nov. Qâ€"Ullsll salc of horse, harness, implcmcnts, Furniture, etc†(In cost. 0nd of 8th lot, 1st COIL. ll} milvs cast of York Mills), thr- pi'opcrl)’ of llobcrt Inncs. Sale at 1 o‘clock. No i-t-soi vc. J. H. Prentice.Auctioncer. 'l‘r'iasnAY, Nov. 2")_Aut-tion sulo of farm stock, implements, ctc. at lot 7. con. 1, Vaughan, the property of \Villiain H. \Vingcr. Salcat 1 o'clock. Terms, 11 months. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. \VEDNBSDAY, Nov. 28â€"Anction sale of farms stock, implements. 910., on lot 31, rear 3rd corn. Markham, thc )l'trpt'r‘ty of Arthur Ground. Salc at I o'clock. No reserve. Terms, 11 months. J. II. Prentice, auct. +{sis-l»!-++++++++++++++++++H~+ TABLE KNIVES For a ï¬rst class table knife more use- ful than ornamental, the josepli Rodgers takes the lead. These knives are made of ï¬ne steel andcarefullyternper- ed; they are really / +4- ï¬rst-class through- out, price $6.00 per (102. ,4 JERRY smurf PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER +++++++++H++++++++++++H LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED At once for RICHMOND HILIj/ and surrounding districts +++++++++++++++MM ~ ++++++ ++~ic+++++++++++++++++++tats-H +1 +++++++++++++++~i~ ++++++++ ++~3~b+++++++++++++f+++*++ 'l‘ HIGH CLASS SPECIAL IES in Fruit and Ornamental Stor- grown and for sale by l 3 HIGH CLASS SPEC] AITI ES A permanent situation for the right. party. Liberal inducomcnts. Pay weekly. Handsome free outï¬t. \Vrite for terms and catalogue, and send 25c. in stamps for our Pot‘KE'r MAGNIFYING GLASS, or We. for our HANDY IVIETAL HACK Saw. STONE AND WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries. (Over 800 acres.» TORONTO, ONT. l: . My Stock of \Vooicns for FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Black and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, I’ancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill