"That excellent, independent paper." is the manner in which the. \Vingham advance chzu'nclerizes The \Veekly Sun. The chzmmterizaliun is just. The Sun has no friends in dealing with pulitical questions. It lle“'s to the line, utterly regardless us to whom the chips may fall on. See that The \Veekly Sun. the one paper chat ï¬ghts the farmers' battles, is in yqu‘ home (lining the coming year. \Vhen the tip of a dog’s nose is cold and moist. that dog is not sick. A feverish dry unsemvans sickness with n dug. And so with the human lips. Dry. cracked and colorless lips menu feverishness. and are as well ill appear- ing. To have beautiful. pink, velvet- Iike lips. apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shnnp’s Green Salve. It will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get :1 free, trial box, at mu- store, and be convinced. Large nickel capped .glass convinced. 1 jars, L5 cents. Do your letters go astray? Every- one. knows the inconvenience and often loss caused by a letter missing its destinatiun and never being return- ed. All this may be obviated by lmv» ing your name and address printed on your envelopes. We have a. large stock on hand and can give you sums- factiun in goods and prices at, THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. ‘Correspondence in yesterday’s \ urld stated that tenders for carrying lll\e mail to and from the James Bay Rajilway station to Thornhill village were being called for. The present arrangements by which the mails axe brought to Thornhill, Richmond Hill and other places are very satisfactory. and it is hope-d the government will not alter them. By leaving your orderat THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬ce Now. you can secure a. copy ul’ The Christmas Globe, which is fre- quently asked fur aftei the edition is sold. The publishers claim that the holiday number to be issued early in December will fully sustain the world- Iwide reputation which it has made for itself. Men‘s heavy wool lined chrome tzm d‘ruh “hm-$9 hide†glove. brat, and Wet proof, wool-knit wrist. at $1.35. At~ ’kiuson & Switzur. Men's fancy wcnl-lined genuine Remdeer Mocha. Glove, embroidered back, one dome, at $3 pr. Atkinson & Switzer. An interesting meeting of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Ontario was held in Aurm‘a on Mon- day afternoon. which Rev. A. P. Bruce, the Grand \Vor-Lhy Assnciatve. attended. Arrangements were made vfm-the Annual Session of the Grand Division which meets this year in Onllia, Dec. 5 and 6. Men’s dmh mnleskin heavy W001 mitt, covered welted thumb, :xt‘ 400. [umâ€"very special. Atkinson 8; Swit~ zer. {Readers of THE LIBERAL should (‘0!)- sult our clubbing rates on another page. Take advantage of the cut rate by taking a city paper in connection with your local paper. New subscx-ilwrs in most cases get the balance of this year free. Hume Blankets-4V0 are showing a great snap in HUI‘SP Blankets. Naugh- tnn 81-05., Elgin Mills. A give :1 talk. on Angelic Visitation. :1 gnnd Program will be given mid the roll call. All are invited to come. Mr. J. Nightingnlp, over Sunday with Mr. Mr. N. D. Beck, K. C.. solicitor for '7. hr City Hf Edmnnlmnvisitvd with Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘eefy on his way tu Ottawa. Qnm-tm-ly I'Pliginus m-nic-os will he held in the Methodist ('hm-ch next Sunday. commencing at, 10.30. In the evening Rev. A. P. Bump will take us his suhjvct: "Dues M usculur Strength (‘uunt?" Kng Township Council decided on Saturday to submit a by-lnw to the electors in January relative to Local Option. A petitihn healing the [180032 vit Monday evening Th9 Lenng will he in charge of the Christian En- dyuvm' (lgpnl‘tmgnt. “MEI-Pethhk will Mr. John \Vxllinms of Jackson‘s Point. visilvd with his daughter. Mrs. \Vun-en Hewisnn, last week. H. (a; draw, 1-1. 'Rnlnbm-sâ€"Mm quality. all size: (‘lxildreu's Rub Naughton Bros Black. niLdv-ossvd leather cont. Eng- lish tweed-lined body. duck-1ind sicm’es. Kent wrist. patent clasp fast- rnvrs, $6.00. Alkinsun & Switzor. a 17y number-of signatures {{‘as present- vd tn the Council. Elm Eifibcmi. Mr. J. Shth of Newmnx-ket L$.1'turduy with Mr. M. Ransom. The Aurora. High Sohunl {notlmll mm came down Monday afternoon uhl played a fliondly match with out i. S. (mm. The game ended in n. RICHMHND HILL, ONT.. Nov. 1. 1906 ]J()(j A3195 rsâ€"Meu‘s Huhhvr Bouts. ï¬rst all sizes. Men’s \anr-n‘s and Rs Rubbers in large variety. gin Tun-onto. vspent Llnyd Smiles. Mills spent. \Vestel-n ( the first ra Montreal ; story for c Flzuneland feature sales and retails groceries factories and retail stores all country. It is a dramatic with :1 mural which he who 1 ‘7 " ""J Cough Cure containing Opium, Chloro- form, or any other stupifying or poisonous drug. But it passes Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure as made for 20 years. entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. ;Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure is absolutely safe even for the youngest babeâ€"and it, cures, it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and reliable Cough Cure; by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop‘s. Let the law be your protection. \Ve cheerfully recommend and sell it. \V. A. Sanderson. Black. oil-dressed leather, corduroy, lined throughout, single breasth re- versible coat, hall and socket. fasten- ers, $7.45. Atkinson 8.: Switzcx'. Vocal duet, Mrs. Manson and Mrs. Switzer. Recitation, Miss Mam-l Smith. Solo, Rev. A. P. Brace. Paper on “Early Methodism in Rich- mond Hill,†Mr. Harrison. Solo, Miss Hanris. The prize in aguessmg contest was awarded to Miss Eva. Hill. Mrs. Sloan presided. Refreshments were served at the close, and a. social hour was spent. ' The following programme was given {It the Epwoxth League Monday even- â€â€˜EE" , The new Pure Food and Drug Law Sill guy-k it on_ the [abel of every The Curling Club re-m‘ganized Fri- day evening with the following oï¬icers zâ€"Patron, J. Slater Esq.. reeve of Markham; President, 0. P. Wiley; 1315 Vice Pres., T. A. Lanmn ; 2nd Vice Pres. Gr. Gowie; Treas., G. A. McDon- ald; Secy.. T. F. McMahon; Chap†Rev. A. 1’. Bruce, B.D. Committeeâ€"- E. Barker, H. A. Nicholls. J. Michael, J. H. Sanderson. Representativesâ€" Thc President and H. A. Nicholls. The club decided to remain in the Ontmiu Uurlers’ Association, and to enter for both the Tankard :md the District Cup. Tln= Rov. 11'] R. Hicks has bevn cmn- pt-lled hy the popular demand to re- snme the pulilicnlinn of his well known and popular Almanac for 1907. This splendid Almanac is now ready. For sale by nvwsdmilers or sent post- paid for 25 cents, by VVm-d mid \Vorks Publishing Company. 2201 Locust. St. Louis, Mo., publishers of \Vnrd and \mGs, one of the best, monthly magazines in Ameiica. One Almanac goes with every subscription. Think nf Dr. Shunp‘s Catm'rli (‘ln‘e if your nose and Mix-vat, dischargesâ€"1f ynur breath is foul m- feverish. This snow white soothing balm contains ()il nf Eucalyptus. Thymul, Menthol, etc.. incorpm‘utml into 2m imported, «Tmnnlike. \clvcty petmlutmu. It Sonthes. heals. puriï¬es. cuntrnl. Cull nL our store fur free trial box. W. A. Sanderson. “taken at the sneeze stagv.†Pre- ventics are tonthsmne candy tablets. Preventlcs dissipate all colds quickly. and taken early, when you ï¬rst feel that a cold is coming. they check and prevent them. Pxeventics are thnr- nugllly safe for children. and as effectual for adults. Sold and recom- mended in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by “K A. Sanderson. The annual plowing match of King & Vaughan Plowmen's Association will he held on the farm of Andrew McNeil, Esq., lot 18, con. 6, Vaughan, (Vellnre). on Thursday next, the 8th of November. There are altogether nine classes. besides good prizes fur m-vemlspecials. Lunch will be pro« Vldt‘d fur plnwmvn on the ï¬eld. and dinner will he provided fur all comers at the Township Hall. by Mr. Janws O’Connor, for 25 cents. The direct- ors have secured good ï¬elds and prospects are bright fur a good match. Hnn. W'. S. Fielding was returned HIGH SCHOOL REPORT FOR 00 Yesterday ‘nv a majority of over 1,000. TUBER. Hallowe’en Fanningfliï¬iffor sah». . FORM Iv' TOFAL May be seen in frnnt of THE LIBERAL { Ad“ Mun" ' ' '- ‘ ' ' ' ' - ‘ ' ° ' ' .301 Ofï¬ce as we gu to press. \Vill sell -‘ G' B""“'“ - ' ~ - ‘ ' ' ‘ - - ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ '3' 8" ‘ - ~ . chm? fur cash 3 ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . .n \ . g! T H E Preventics, as the name implies. prevent all golds and Gripr w_hen showing Ste SMALL MAN VS. LARGE CURLERS RFDâ€"ORGANIZED UNION PLO \VING MATCH. REV. IRL R. HICKS 1907 AL MANAC. EPW’ORTH LEAGUE. Uumma: *ailwny bet ; and n Sp} children, 9 d.†The C T0 H ORSEM EN I‘CSS in in its :; the children? Are they thin, f pale, delicate? Do not forget 1. 'Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You 11‘ . . 5 :_ know It makes the blood pure 1,; and rich, and builds up the gfl general health in every way. 21‘. Thachlldrencannot oulhlyhaveknodhealth 1 unless the bowuln are npruper condlllon. Cor- ‘ r 5 not any conni ntlon luv giving axnnll lzcxnllve la ‘ doses otAyer‘i ills.All'vcgumble,sugarcoated. e A m. by J. O. Aym- Co.. Lowoll. Mun. . COOKâ€"At Can-ville, on the 30th Octuher. to Mr. and st.‘1‘hos. Couk J r, a son. ' GIBNERwAr Victoria SQt'lkrlrr’GVVbn the 26th October, to Mr. and Mrs. Gibner, a daughter. NEILLâ€"At‘ Jéf‘ferstm, on the 18th Ocï¬tpber to My. 811(171‘11'8. Neill. a son. LANGSTAFFâ€"At Richmond Hill, on October 28, to Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Lnngstnfl‘, a daughter. H. Farr .. .. H. Chapman E. Little ... L. Rankin , H. Lnusby . F. Grady . . “7. leper H. Smith . . . F. Farr . . . . . . . . H. Buse M. Cook . . . . . .. E. Houck . . . . . . . H. Palmer . . . . . I. Read . . . . . . . . . C. Cosyrove . . . W. Palmer .... G. Malsh . . . . . . L. McNair .. .. R. Little .. . A. Killnugh ... M. Vanderhurgh J. Broakey .. ... (.‘v. Suigenn . . . . . R. \Vilsnn . . . . . E. Hughes . . . . . 0. Hoover A... N. Brydun . . .. L. Gnoderhum M. Houck . . . . . Z. Ball . . . . . . . . F. Hicks . . . . . . M. Ball . . . . . . . G. Grice . . . . . . E. Quantz M. Risebm-gh. L. Naughton. . F. Bloor. . . .. L. Keffer . . . . . J. Scott E. Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 A. Calhoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614 N. Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . 614 H. Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 E. Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl . - 537 L. Johnston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 H. szghton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 E. Cosgmve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 J. Gamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 I. Marsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 O. McDonald . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 429 P. Hagermun . . l . . . . . . . . . . . 418 M. Boyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 R. Boynton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 E.McNair.... .. . . .. O.Mm‘gan........ . . W. Redditt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 M. Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 M. Blain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 M. Vanderburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 34 H. Murphy has taken no exams. this month. L. Snulvs .K. . I. Perry . .. .. S. Murphv . . . . . N. McMulnm .‘ J. Topper . . . , , E. McNaughth J. Elliott . . . . . . F. Hickson . . . . H. \Velsh ‘ . . . . . . G. Leggc 0. James . . . . . _ W. Scott . . ‘ . . 0. \V M. M . M. Boyle .. M. Helmkay A. Ball . . . . . 1). Cooper . A. Palmer . S. Read , . . . . Gen. Topper E. Page A. Winch ‘ \V. Lawson U. Hopper \V. Carleton N. Brown. . . Ada Milne . . G. Brown . . ‘ . . U. Kiunie . . , . ‘ G. Dickinson . E. Alcombmck H. Smith . . . . A. McConaghy To succeed these days you! must have plenty of grit, cour- rage, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Hezunan . Campbell Jackson . Jackson . Bowes Clement. Paige . . For Me Children We hive no secret-l We publish the tonnqu or In our medicines. Max}. 0. Aye! 00.. Lowell. Mn: IO pamutnowurorn of HAIR VIOOR. I 9 er AGUE cune. cuamzv pecwomL. FORM I. FORM III. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 250 50 . . . . . 46 }ane not taken exams. this month BIRTHS TOT TOTAL . 215 72 Tom 331 333 320 291 208 178 126 433 420 417 411 411 410 372 356 342 34- l 336 525 521 , 518 510 492 491 470 460 450 4 49 449 448 437 540 353 345 674 646 614 614 433 430 429 418 403 531 487 4'74 457 409 393 321 '279 648 644 605 602 575 572 336 322 267 “AL % A L 52 59 51 58 56 2 50 47 45 42 54 38 1 71 70 l FARMERS , TAKE NOTEGE Havejust arranged with the Voter. iuary Specialty Cu. to sell the follow- ing remedies : Stuck Tonic and Blond Puriï¬er. Indigestion) and Colic Curr, Spavin Cure, \Vorm Powders. Cough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Luuse Death AnLisceptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sion, Black Oil, Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphmdisiac and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea (lure for Cults and Calves, Leaking Naval & Joint Disvasc. Vunzant & \Varing, Veten‘nnry Sur- geons. twenty-ï¬ve years of practical experience. A cuupou in evm-y package entitling llw holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For sale +++++++++++++++é ++++++++$++ +H‘+++MMW+++*MMM4 ‘_l~+++~:-+++++++++++++++++++HH+M+++++~ v++++++++++++sa - of Richmoï¬d Hill Satisfaction Guaranteed. V ‘5. PM"? $++++++++4~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++H+++++H++++++H++ ++++++++++++++ +++++Â¥ F. J. PETHICK These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. Repairing and Eaveâ€" troughing pronlptly done I§anges. {Furnaces and Heaters is now on hand and we invite your inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. Our fall Stock of Richmond Hill Hardware Stare October 25, 1906 Atkinson & Switzer Cold Weather Comfort The Live Genet $1.35 per garment. \Ve have under~ wear in natural wool and a full stock of Turnbull’s Sanitary Underwearâ€"these are something pretty nice, fleece-lined, and serviceable. It is none too soon to buy winter wear and it is to your advanto age as the stocks are unbroken. They will never be cheaper here and cannot be cheaper elsewhere. The same care in making selections for the men folks we exercised in the stock for the ladies and childrenâ€"best values and weight suitable for this climate. The prices are right for we bought early and got anti- season’s discounts, and another thing, every garment was made in [906. There is a freshness about them that careful ladies appreciate. Underwearâ€"the kind you wantâ€"â€" whether you feel able to pay 25c. or C. SOULES ‘, Luuse Death Sprain Emul- Relief, Lump md Anti-Ster- (Iure for Cults uval & Joint éjï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬Ã©o ' Colic Oul'v, 191's. Cough .uuse Death )x‘ain Emul- ilief, Lump June 11. 1905 Thresher-5’ Coal on hand. Coal and \Vood Dellvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. LIVERY COAL Michael Bros., RICHMOND $1.00 I?! ADVAEGE. Riclunond [-Iill WOOD WTT