Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1906, p. 7

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dred. “Well, madam," he replied, “vou mny depend upon my doin u v bcysl." "0h. do." replied the old lad? #should so like to reach par.” The grandmother of a well-known financier, having reached the age of ninety-nine years and eight months, looting very weak one morning. sent, {or her doctor and nskcd him if he thought she would attain the age of one hun- dred. “Well, madam," he replied, "you mny depend upon my doing 11? best." "0h. do." replied the old lad_; " should \‘.‘Will you grant me one last favor be- }oq‘e I go?” asked the rejected suitor. ‘Yers, George, I will," she said, drop- pinig her eyelashes and getting her lips into shape. “What. is the favor I can grant. you?" “Only a little song at the piano, please. I am afraid there is a dog outside wailing for me, and I want you to scare him away." Prevent Disorder.â€"â€"At the first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills should be resorted to immediately. Two or three of these salutary pellets. taken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succes- ‘sion‘ will serve as a preventive of at- tacks of dyspepsia and all the discom- forts which follow in the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the way is known. 1,066 acres of clean unbroken prairie. rlhe finest. wheat land on earth. on lye banks of the Red River, 45 miles from Winnipeg. four miles from two railway stations. $15 an acre takes it, $5,000 cash, balance easy. No better farm, no better investment. A SNAP IN A WHEAT FARM NEAR WINNAPEG. Dyeing I cleaning! Montualfl'oronbo. Ottawa, Quasi. " IRWIOH AMERICAN BYIIHG 00." Inch In nun: In nu no". or and and. WACGII & BEA'I'I‘lE, 12 Merchnnls Bunk Building. Winnipeg, Man. our In 73: illustrated catalogue. Our illustrated catalogue will tell you of other remark, able pricersavings in highest quality cut glass. NLY as manufacturers is it possible For us to ofFer our special eighbinch Cut Glass Bowl at $5.00, packed at our risk and car; riage paid to your door. [t is of clearest crystal glass, deeply and brilliantly cut in " hobrnail" star design. Cut Glass $5.99 Bowl For tho Ion Maud you: van to no 1V: send ufion requexffru q/c/mm the first symp- jer, Parmelec’s be resorted 90 three of these light nor gem the same in b lrea fers but ink Character reading irom the features is a very fascinating study, and the eyes are, perhaps, the most interesting subject of all. Large clear blue eyes de- note a ready and great capacity, also sensibility of character, but thefl' own- er is difficult to manage, jealous. in- quisitive, and font} of enjoyment. Deep- seated eyes receive impressions accur- ately, definitely and deeply. Round- eycd persons live much in the senses, but. are not great thinkers, although they A late judge, whose personal appear- ance was as unprepossessing as his legal knowledge was profound and his intellect keen, interrupted a female wit- ness. “llumbugged you, my good “'0- man! What do you mean by thutY”, said he, slernly. “Well. my lord,” re- plied the woman. “I don't know how to explain it. exactly, but if a girl called your worship a handsome man she would be humbugging you." and Is there anything more annoying than having your corn slapped upon? [5 there anything more delightful than gelling rid of it? Hoiloway’s Corn Cure will (10 ii. Try it and be con- \"inccd. ill “I don‘t think I‘ll let. my daughter marry you‘ young man.” “Why not, sir?" “Well, you have somewhat ex- pensive tastes." “How do you know that?" “Why, you want, to marry my daughter." Husbandâ€""A new set of china already! \V‘hy, how long did the old set last?” Wifeâ€"“Two girls and a half.” In its issue of the 15th insl. The Ross- land Miner says: “Two cars have been spotted at. While Bear Mine, and these will be loaded 10-day or lo-mon'ow for shipment to the Granhy. The ore is that taken out in lhe coulse of development. The work of developing and making available the ore shoots found on the 700. 850 and 1000 foot levels continues. The shoot on the 1000-foot, level is the largest yet found. “Splendid. Since the doctor gave him the non-destructive draps 1 have kept him in [he drawingq-oom. The cook was going to leave [his morning, and I gave her a big dose of slaying solution? and she swears now she’ll never leave me." May : worry." “I wonder who invented the phrase, ‘Silence is gelden‘?" “Probably'some poor beggar that had a wife, a parrot, a 10-year-old boy, a phonograph, and a barbgr‘.” A man’s dearest friend is seldom the most expensive. Worms cause feverishness, moaning and restlessness during sleep. Moiher Graves’ Worm Exterminator is pleas- ant, sure and effectual. If your drug- yist has none in stock, get him to pro- cure it for you. “Then spooning baby?" Alice : marriage‘ chc am A FIRE SPREADS in dry grass, so does an inflammation in the throat, grow down into the Inn 8. Deal promptly with a cold 8.5 with a fire. am when you begin to cough use Allen's Lung Balsam. who mas‘ U lhc nnll .ll' .111! ic‘uer than wn Her husband avoided her gaze. “Forgive me, darling, he murmured, ; he went obedienlly lo the medicine- )03!. and d d as she desired. “By the way." he continued. present- ', “is that young man calling upon our lughter Penelope yet?" “Yes; she expects him to-night." “Then tell her to take those unli- waning tablets. And how is the “Did y aka the "Darling, can I As she Spoke, are not much. think ‘nsity. CHARACTER AND THE EYES. rnin Tl WHITE BEAR’S PROGRESS \‘v'HAT LIFE IS COMING TO THERE ARE SUCH CASES THERE ARE SUCH MEN. nan n ‘\'01‘ ( she {altcrc take it at 0] dress habit. her turn now. 6 club,” she repeated triumph- ‘And so, dear, you, too, have 1138. Did not the doctor when last week order you to take an lsbnnd »u not,” 11 fashion pi ‘ppery May, do you ever think about ‘F psule 1nd nv en :enem Men JI‘ ine n I have a new dress?” :e, the head of the house ng the part of her lord an 1 at his wife rcproachfu rw-eyed Jl] D JIt FD ’. 1'9 ’I‘ ark, j xcs. observed I left [or \\’ mill) great The haz much or I‘ andal, m got it." be cured of mg down to severely, you this 11 r pu near The pens used by the children of Ja- pan consist of bamboo and rabbils’ hair. The pen itself is a tiny brush of hair lied to the end of a bamboo stick It does not seem possible that writing under such circumstances could be gOOd, but Jupa‘nesp children really write K'ery' well indeed. Some people regard life as a perpetu- al indignation meeting. Do Not Delay..â€"Whon through de- bilitated digestive. organs, poison finds its way into the blend. the prime con- sideration is to get the poison out as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may mean disaster. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills will be round a most. valuable and effective medicine to asâ€" sail the intruder with. They never fail. They go at once to the seat of the trou- ble and work a permanent cure. Teachel Small B4 it‘s an ei preceded by the bridegroom, form in procession and walk round the room or into an adjoining one, signifying that he is carrying her away 10 his own home. The guests then throw rice at the coupleâ€"a custom we have borrowedâ€" and the ceremony is over. The Rossland Miner says: “Le Roi 2 has just declared an interim dividend of two shillings a share on its issued capital stock, amounting to $60,000. The virgin ground," says The Miner, “owned by the company. and particularly the ‘Annie,’ is believed to carry at least one of the Le Roi ledges, and is valuable. There is." it adds, “a lot of unexplored ground which is thought to be rich, and when exploited should yield good re- sults." Commenting on the above, a prominent local mining man points out that the Annie Mine and White Bear Mine adjoin, and are surrounded by the California Giant and Novelty on one side, with Le Roi 1 and Black Bear on the other, the latter now being the pro- perty of Le Roi. lle expresses the opinion that this locality contains rich ore, and will yet produce some start- ling mining sensations, as the richest ore ever taken out has been from this section. A LITTLE UIET is the best of all diet. yet. it; will not make one and muscle but “Farrovim " will:1 Try it. All drug and general stores. 31 but es. all the bridesmaids leave the the disconsolale mother takes side the chair of state where sits. The bridegroom now 0] four of his best men. The m the throne on which the brid which the blushi of her best Indy silence prevails, V leads of! in a cry the bride echoes her am Your Doctor Aft ali \V n a sure cure for Indigestion. Bilious- uess, Dyspepsia, Constipation and all ailments arising therefrom. Mailed free, ins. plam package. on receipt of name and address. Fill in your name and post oflice address on dotted lines and send to V Druggists This coug‘on is good for one ten cent (10c.) rial Bottle of the celeo brated Dr. Leonhardt's .Anti-Pill Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, butâ€"- why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store In Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH’S CURE £053 quarter. Why- pay two to five dollars when a twentg-five cent botth 9f S_HILO will cure you as uickly'! hy not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirtyâ€"four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold 3 am. pgfllLOH will cure you. and all druggists back up thi§ EEtement a positive_ guaranteg. SHILOH The fiext tir‘fie yaij fave a Cough or Cold cure It with Made in Cuqada 9nd Sold by all ‘r the dress FREE Chine THE WILSON-ME (0., Limited. Niagara Falls, Out. 161‘: “What is an octopus?" Boy: “Please, sir, I know, sir; eight-sided cat!” MINING 1N RUSSLAND. VVEEPING WEDDINGS. JAPANESE “PENS.” no ]( emnily ‘hange of presents wilh much care ie or silln if she ( mama levity lhc friends. ‘hen finally me maids in the chc bride ainlcd a deep b avy red veil alta ass, from which indnnt over the read upon a lab] leave the tabh her takes a sc ute where the idegmom, form in round the room 01' we, signifying that. away 10 his own an throw rice at the ‘ is all ceremonyâ€" and much crying. 1 funeral prevails. now enters, v The men pick )m which imi- over the fore- )on a table, to is led by five 'lhc utmost tty the mother is follow, and bows. Then the table, and lies a seat be- tere the bride v enters, with 1 men pick up the bride in a rm an sits and, form in “Ah. at it. The reslau Afler with (ions. ordere “Your mother-in-law accuses slealing her trunk. What. havc say?" “Your honor. I simply trunk; l was so afraid she'd le‘ He was given eighteen months’- stealing and lwflve {or lying. "Why is a great man more appreciâ€" ade after he is dead?" “He is not more appreciated," ans- weer Senator Sorghum. “He is more freely complimented because he is less feared by envious rivals." A Time for E\'erything.â€"The time for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is when eroupy symptoms appear in the chil- dren; when rheumatic pains beset. [he old; when lumbago. asthma, coughs. colds, catarrh or ear-ache attack Pilhel‘ young or old; when burns. sealds, ahra- sions. contusions or sprulns come In any member of the family. In any (I these ailments it will give relief and work a cure. 4.1; LPN flaring u a...“- 5' been spotted at WHlTl-I * course of dt‘vflnpmonl. :1 aswssnbh‘). v while the rest i'oalizvd 5:10 not In iis issue (it the 15th insi. BEAR to-morrow for shian-m to the The \the ore shoots found on {no 700. SHOOT ON THE 1090 I’OOT i. WHITE BEAR MINE shurr-s The last Eli‘pmvnt, the most careful and iigiil im' 2 opportunity for tho iii-mgressiw Secure an interest in this pro: joins the famous Lo RM and Lt Eagle and Annie Mines. COBAL? In giving away your man \‘ing away how you got, it. If en This is what COLTSFOOTE EXPECTOEULNT is among cough remedies. “ It leads. others foliow." A safe and permanent cure for Colds. Coughs. Cit-cup. Whoopind Cough. Asthma, Throat and Lung ‘rouhles. This famous remedy has been produced by the highcst med!ch Iggp'yylodd. and is the result of years of careful experimenting. Your dmdéist not Only keeps it, but recommend. it. Price, 25 cents. Wind, Water, 321-3 W Craig St] 423 Sussex st Stcrm Fire Proof “OSHAWA” §ieel Shingles. raumrem. 0H8. it closely. the plate. flash is. and In its Issue of the 15th insl. Tho Rossland Miner says: "Two vars have been spotted at WHITE BEAR MINE, and lhcsr will be loaded lo-day or to-morrow lor shipment to [he Granny. The ore is that taken out in the course ol dcvelopnwnl. The work ol clevehping and making available the ore shoots found on l‘no 700, 850 and 1090 (not levels mnlimu‘s. THE SHOOT ON TIIE 1090 FOOT LEVEL [8 THE lAllGl-LS‘T YET FOUND." WHITE BEAR MINE sham: are selling around 9% lo 10 cents (non- assessable). The last shipment. of orn brought $24 a (on for concentrates, while the rest realized HO nol allw all r-xpvuces. This stock wiII stand the most careful and rigid inveshymion and offend at above price is \an \\‘9. My a1 . H any of "w [oilowing2 4 Foslm‘. Sih'er Queen. Silver Bar, '4 Silver Ital. Kerr Lake, University, ._; Red lhn‘k. ’l'flniskaming and Hud- son Ba). Buffalo. 'l‘r;-thewcy. Also all other Mining and Induslrial Slacks. For I‘elmbh- inlommtion or price, buying or sening‘ conmlunicaL) with us. Wire orders at our expense. FOX & ROSS, Stock Brokers, TEL ““é‘°; ,n Read This ! We also manufacture Corrugated Ironiin Vlronrg Eneéis: Cbnduclor Pipe and EAVESTROUGH, Etc. METAL smmc, In imnntion of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,300 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of Write to-day. “OSHAWA' Shingles. We are the largest and oldést ccompahy oi the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands o! the besl.bujldinga throughout Canada. making them Made from Painlad or Galvanized Sine], at prices varying from 82.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most. durable cov- ering on the market. and is an ideal covering {or Houses, Rams. sun-es. E10» vators, Churches. etc. Any handy mm can lay the “OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. come from hungry individual enl ml. and ordered a la: long delay the waiter ] chop of m.croscopical the news believe, a 0 all the l Sayu' 1 chop PRAISING Tl 1E DEAD. THE PEDLA.R PEG PIE-Ii, Write your Nearest 0ificl.â€"HRAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSI‘IAWA. Ont Established 1887. Members Standard Stock Exchange 9.” “Yes. sir; m1 replied the diner “I thought it wa: :paper reports ‘11 brides are I): homely marr FIRE. WATER AND UGHTNING-PROOF~ NVESTRfi Hfflfllflflfl, HUB. VWCOUHBLM. 745 Lombard st. 615 Panda: It. [0, 0m TOIONO, 0m. asset at. 11 Oolbom 3‘ 10mm, 0m. «9 Dundus st. EXPECTfifiANT 1h Yo you tc y hid hex leave us.‘ invesh ;ive in womisi . _..) - 150.733 is in clc ned DOV )1“ minute m She: “Ha since you've yes. thanks. She: “I'm 51 glad to hear Do not lol. a cold smile on your lungs. Resort. in Richie's Anti-Consumptive Syrup at, the first intimation of irrilaâ€" lion in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in lhe pulmonary organs. Negiccied (‘nlds are Hm cause 0! un- lnld suffering Ihrnughout the couniry all of which could have been prevent- vd by the applir‘htion of this simple but powerful l)itdi"il1|‘. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. It generally makns a man mad have people compliment him upon success and then add that they ca: understand it. x ONE OF THE BEST old time romadC/Js for A skin affections. such as Eczema. Ringworm. Build- head and HImiIar aflectious is Weawr’s Comte.“ It in an ointment that buy brought relic! to thouandm bea UAHEBON’S Asthma Care rprise proxi! H .1111th WRITE FOR FREE uuN‘T WAIT. BUY NOW. rise at once. While Bear ad- oximity to Centre Star, War DEW ISSUE NU lric I‘m-hand “What u More Good News [ram osaland are Hm cause 0! un- u-nughout the country ‘ul have been prevent,- Jion of this simple but P. The price, 25 cents, the reach of all. FREE 8AM PLE or Asthma. has never fsiled f cure those than rufl'erim: {ram Owen Sound, 0158 that we have a my cured. my address. Toronto Bronchitis tchfo Sides looked Four All hink rmot.

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