Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1906, p. 1

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c _~u./ ‘VOL. XXIX. ,: . n “ Elie gamma IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY EHURSDAY MORNING ATTUE LISERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. '1‘ . F . Mc MAH O N. EDITOR v.93 Ppormnron. SINESS CARDS . BU __‘ I critical. DR. s. J. fioim, M. B. M. ll. 0. 8.: L. It. (1. 1).. Eng. (Succussou T0 DR. DEAN) {{ichxnond Rail] ,. . }\ lll orcupy hIS predecessor s oiilccan l 1»: prepare d in do general practice and also to treat rye, ear, unst- and throat- dist‘lhxt‘s. Dd. H. ' W. ANDERSON, 13021 tie-3t, Cor. Carlton and Yongc Sts , Toronto “’1” be in Richmond Hill on \Vc:l~ iii-sday of each weel Olfice, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"3.30:1. m. to E) ’1‘: 5 p. m. E. J. ‘VV'oodS DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. , ,.()Ii‘ii:e hours: .. . a â€"b p. in. Toronto Office, 4 Wici‘iziiz Tuesdays, 8~12 a. 111.; 50 CHURCH ST. .- .» can... WW4 ‘ .... VETERINARY SU..GEON, 'I‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ~,J. H. SANDERSONI VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL calls by day and night prom t-l at- tended to. p y _ m 1. ll. Paentice, Licensed Auctioneer tor the C GJods sold on consignment G «too am promptly attended Residence Unionville G R Goulnling above eunty of Y0 k oueml sales to at reasonable , Newton Brook. agent (or the J '1‘ Saigeon, J I; McEwen Map > e Weston Snlgcon d: NlcEwcn , Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Balasttteudedto on shortestuotictand a. reh- soneble rates Patronage solicited D. G. 61.0 EIGH. License Auctioneer IOZ'thSCO‘Jnty or Yr.“ re- Spottfull)‘ solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on tho sLnrtest Vimice and M rousounbcmtes. 1’. 0.o.-idress King F3 .5évii??§x~xae Spending has ever been an ea than savingâ€"but less wise. tional inducemeu save. you want it. our notes. dc Easy ‘ .A Bank of Montreal _H. A. FLEURY, Manager King City Branch, .7 Viriliâ€" J. M. LAIMT Barrister, Solicitor, lit-C, l Richmond Hill ()fllco. south-ms! (‘(-l'- luvr of Lorne Bldg” every Thursday 1 aftriuoon. Toronto Office, I‘a’i Toroqu slim-t. Moxnv 'l‘O Loan A'I‘ Lownsr RATES. A (l S Lindsaydi U G G1“ Lawrence , Phone Mc' 2084 W Riduut Wadsworth “I tarzcs, BEITlStEIS,30llCltCI5. lie Homo Life Building (fornicin Free hold Loan Bldg), (for. Adelaide & Victoria. Sis. Toronto. in. WILLiAiiCUOK _. BARRISTER, SoLIcrron, NOTARY. ETC. Toronto Office. 33 Richmond St. W (1st. \Veslcy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- noon. 7 Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at. Five Per Gout (53;). T3. .7 r "â€" ‘ LhNMtX & MORGAN. Barristers and Solicitors. ' Monev to loan oulanil audchnttel mortgages at lowest rutea Auroraofliccâ€"Remmeo to the old post oak-J one door west of bh Ontario Rank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the pistod‘ice 'I‘ Hennsnu chnox I} STV Mono“: Aurora Ncwzuorkei Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION lANK CI AMBIERS, \V. (Joiner King & Youge Streets, TORONTO. Private and Trust. Funds to loan at lon'est current. rates. Danton: Dunn 8. Boultbeie Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. .MULOCK BonL'rnEF JOHN \VALTER MCDONALD Phone Main 311. Mr. McDonald will be at THE LIBER- AL Office, Richmond Hill, every Sat.- urday afternoon. JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BEIIJLS n1. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. ooumxasxoucmu THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Couveyaucer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. 'Riohmond Hill S C ier matter \Ve offer excep- ts and facilities to help you to Reserve $10,000,000 Put your money where you can get it when $1.00 opens an account in Savmgs l in Ontario. 6 enhance to the Capital $14,400,000 ‘ Department! [Single copies, 3 cts. Concord. The following is the report of the pulic school for the mouth of October: Senior IV.â€"â€"}li-nry Bowes. Ireuc Gordon. Estella “'itty, Vera Bellman, “'ilfrid Kt'fit‘l'. Sl'lllt)!’ Ill. Lloyd \Vhiimore, Huston Harrison. Ia'igh Page, Norman Bmves, Ilussa Poul“, Eddie- Clarke. Junior III.~Nellic Vanderburgb, Edna Fisher. Senior II.â€"â€"I’I-rr-v Ilariison. Lylc Murphy, Ernie l’oolv, Evans. Junior ll. Haxvl Page, l'li'lt‘ll \V'hite. Arthui Hows-s. IImvai-d Baker, Hilda Ellis. Ill-1i.ii~llakcr. Isaac Baker, Austin Baht-r, Fll‘llzllt‘ Goiduu, (1‘ race Gordon. Part II.~~\'m-n (‘larruibavrs Part I.-â€"May Rudd. (‘laia llai riaou, Charlie Harper. MP“ in “'itty, Fanny Evans, Ida “'ilty, llarl'y l’oolc, Nel- son Harper. , QBOâ€"â€"- Victoria Square His many friends are pleased to learn that Mr. Fred. Graham has been rc-uugagcd as teacher in S. S. No. 7 for thc ycar 15:07, with a handsome in- crcase of the “filthy Incl-c.“ Mr. Geo. A McCaguo, township delegate to the Provincial Sabbath School Convention held in Kingston a short time ago, will give a report of thc proceedings at tho Sabbath School heie next Sunday afternoon. A number from here aillnded the Quarterly Rviigipus Servims held at Richmond Hill on Sunday morning. \Ve are sum y to report that Master Gordon [lead has been vnutim'd to the house for a ft-w days suiivriug with an abscess. The following note, taken from the Old Boy‘s Column. 0. A. (V. Review. applii-s to a young man in Zulaudia. Saskatchi-wau.ouc of Victoria Squawk~ boys. Mr. Cecil Kliuck: “Cecil was an agronmuisl; a great boy for experi- lllt'llliil wox k with goods. He never lost his tenfper once during the whole four ycuis of his college life. and, as evci-ybodv knows. experimental woik is second only to the pilsSr‘SSltlll of a kicking cow :isaicstofa man‘s )1): int: ianity and good tempt-r. May serenity be his lot through life and crown his days with peace. and placidity as he routinues his cxperiuwuta with seeds on his farm iu the \Vcst.” ‘0 Dollar The Free Will Offering at Zion Methodist church on Sunday, the 28th October, was very sut:ccssful. Thu church was appropriately decorated with vines, grains and the products of 1906, and the receipts netted $68. Rev. J. A. Grant of Richmond Hill, preached good sermons afternoon and evening to large congiogations, Miss Druiy assisted with two solos, and the Unionville Quartettc also sang in the evening. Mr. 0. Brooke, our postmaster, has remodelled the store. erected a new fence. and made the place very comfortable and homelike. Mr. \Vm. Ncss Jr. has rented fifty acres known as the Smith farm. _.___... PUBLIC MEETING. A public meeting embracing North, Eastaud \Vcst Yolk, in the interest of the Horse Industry, was held in the Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill, on Mon- day evening. Mr. \Vin. Mossop of St. Mary's. one of the commissioners ap- pointed by the Ontario Government, was present, and explained the object of the meeting, which was to give stallion owners, breeders of horses and others an opportunity of expressing their views to the ronnuittt‘e with a view of improving the various (flltSSl‘S of horses. The commissioner \\'l.\lll‘d to get information relalixo t0 the number, type and quality of breeding stallions and brood Illilll‘S in tho county; what class of horses can be most profitably l‘ilisrll: whether pri- vale ownership or owning horses by a syndicate is prefeiabl»; the advisabil- any ()[llt'l‘ suggestions {but might improve conditions of horse business I generally. 1 Among those present who offered Suggestions wore .lobu I’aluii-r. .l. E. lTr't‘SUll. and ll. (iiaiiain. (:wum's of stallions; A. .l. llt‘ylmldu. Si‘L'l't‘tllI‘y East York Farmers" Institute; alsoJ. H. Sanderson. V. S; Reeve (li-osby, PX-Ht'eve Savage, ti. Duncan. (‘uuncil- lor Nirholls. .I. II. Brydou, J. Tyndall i and others. The gcum‘al opinion was that a stal- ; liou inspection art “'llllld be in the in- ] ten-st of th9 hot-s.- iuduslry, but that stallion svudicatcs worr- noi gvuerally ' successful. A Vote in favor of inspec- ? [ion was recordwl. l VQOHâ€" partmt-uts. qoi d value as can ll!‘ sI-cu: ml :inywlicic Atkinsout‘v Switzcr. l Louise \Vitl y, . ity of a Stallion Inspection Act: and l l I . Sunday, November 11th. at. 7 p. m. Choral Service. ’ Methodist church, Richmond Hill ORDER. or SERVICE Doxology and Invocation Authcuiâ€"(lantate Domino . . . . . . ‘â€"â€"-- Announcements , Hymn ! Soprano Soloâ€"[ms Itameaux. . ..Faure , Prayer Anthemâ€"O Love ilN' Lmd. . .Ashford Isl stflnn ! Soprano Soloâ€"Au Evening $0112.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gounod Tenor SolowO Happy Day . . .. Harris Auihiauâ€"Hastc, Traveller, Haste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fearis Ba: itouc Soloâ€"The Coming of, the King . .. . . . . . , Roéckel 2nd Lossou . van Sermon by the Pastor. Rev. A. P. Brace “SubjI-rt: "The Song of Moses and of the Lamb" l Soprano Solo-Just as I am . ...Cutt1‘ Baritone Soloâ€"The Man of Galilee. . I Anthemâ€"Rejoice, the Lord is King. . . . . . . . . . Gabriel Benediction Organ Voluntaryâ€"lllarche dcs Flam- hcaux . . . . . . . _ . . . . . â€"â€" ' ,____ l Think of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrb Cure if your nose and throat. disohargesâ€"If . your breath is foul or feverish. This, snow white soothing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol“ etc. incorporated into an imported,E creamlike, velvety pctrolatum. lt‘ soothes. heals. purifies. control. Call at our store for free trial box. \V. A. Sanderson. o>â€"â€"â€"â€"- Vaughan Ministerial Association. The regular monthly meeting of the be held on Monday, the Nov. 12, at 2.30 p. in., in theMci-hodist church, Maple. when the Rev. J03. E. \Vilslm- will give a paper on “The Minister in his Study.” The following programme has been arrangt-d fol the association:â€" In Novaâ€"Subject by J08. E. \Vll- on: alternate, M. McKinnon. Decâ€"«Subject by A. 1’. Brace; alter- nate. C. L. VVisswaesscr. Dec. ’07â€"Subject by \V. E. Gallo- way; alternate. Geo. R. Kitching. Fenâ€"Subject by U. A. Fish: alter- nate, \V. G. Back. Marchâ€"Subject by Geo. R.Kitc_hiug; alternate, A. P. Brace. Aprilâ€"Subject by W. G. Back; al- ternate. Goo. \Valkcr. Mayâ€"Subject. by Geo. McKinley; alteiuatc, .105. E. \Vilsnn. Juneâ€"Subject by Geo. \Valkcr: al~ termite, \V. E. Galloway. The alternate will come prepared to lead in the. discussion, or to give the paper, in case the principal fails. -â€"â€"<~1>â€"--â€"â€" Maple Quarterly meeting services held here last Sunday morning. 011 Friday evening the annual meet.- iug of the Bible society will be held in the Lutheran church, Rev. \V. E. Hassard will give an addrcss illustrated with stereopticou views. The usual Hallowe’cu trirks were played by the boys, but on the Whole the evening passed off quietly. Mr. Clarence Monkman has gained the reputation of being a skilled marksman. L;th Saturday morning while he was aiming at a rabbit. a hawk swooped down upon it. and the one shot killed both the bird and the animal. Mr. R. Rumble has route-d the Richardson House and is moving in this week. ‘ strin-lvly temperance lines and good arcmmu’iIdation will be provided for tho travelling public. The Sterling Bank will occupy rooms in the 'I‘emperaucu Honsc. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Bislmp in the ilt‘lllll of Ernest their only child at the ago of six years and six months. He was ill with scarlet fever lt'SS than a week and , passed away last Saturday night, ‘ The interment. took place on Sunday evening. I ‘ol' l “'CI'P «coâ€"~â€" S. 5- NO- 6 MARKHAM the The following is October. report 1 Senior IV.â€"Stauli-v Boyntou. 9]“; Herbie Sanderson, 80 2,. Junior 1V.â€"Vl'l'll Jennings. 91f; Gracie Boyuton. 87 °: I’parl Fi'isluy,, 85?; Duncan Iliad, 7i“; Edgar Sanderson, 55“, , St-niur lI.â€"llc1-m:u'. Morison. 'l .lunior III.â€".\h-ttic Stone, 77:: Olive Glover, 72",; liny Glow-r, flficf: Eva Donnie. 5U“ ; Marjorie .lvuuiugs. 46,. Junior II~~IIarry Madill, Clare-uri- lGlovt‘l‘. Our stock is may cmi.ploto in all dc- Valiws Wei-o never better. I \Vuoau sell a bill of goods- such as Rrynar. Special attention given to inrmers’ Sale fi'm‘ll'wf‘lm‘"“‘””‘Y"““”vg““”g“s Senior Pm u._wmis Reyuar. ! Senior I.~l‘)lm«~r Buyutou. Jr. Iâ€"Muljorle Johnson, Glau'it' V. â€" litho-l Moi-tsou. I.:‘.u::u (taken no exams.) l“. L. LYNDY, Te :chcr. 1 90°; (z'irta . l Vaughan Ministerial ASsociatiou “II The house will be kept on i Do You Want to Know What You Swallow ? There is a. growing sentiment. in this country to favor of MEDICINES or KNOWN COMPOSITION. It. is but. natural that. one should have some Interest In the compo- sition of that. which he or she Is expected to swallow, whether it. be loud, drink or medicine. ‘ Recognizing this growing disposition on the part. of the public, and sotlshed that. the fullest. publicit. can only add 90 the well-earned reputat on of his medi- cines, Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y... has "taken time b the Iorclock,” as". were, and is public lng broadcast a list of all the ingredients entering Into his leading medicines, the "Golden Medical Discovery” the opular liver Invlfiorntor, stomach tonic, lood purifier an _ been. regulator; also of his “Favorite Prescrip- tion" for weak, over-worked, broken- down, nervous and invalid women. This bold and outrspdten movement_on the part. of Dr. Pierce, has, by showmg exactly What. his well-known modican are composed of. completely (lisarmed all harping critics who have licrctoioro un- ‘ustly attacked them. A little pamphlet as been compiled, from the standard medical authorities of all the several ' schools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredients which enter into Dr. Pierce’s medicines. A copy of this little book is mailed free to any one doâ€" siriug to learn more concerning the valu- able, native, medicinal plantswhmh enun- into the composit' n of Dr. Piercc’s med- icines. Address r. Pierce as above. Dr. Plerce's Pleasant Pellets are't-iny, sug- ar-coamd antl-bilious granules. l‘hcy rogâ€" ulaw and invigorate Stomach. Liver and Bowels. Do not beget the DI” habit." but. cure constlpatlon. One or two each day for a laxative and regulator. three or four for on active cathartic Once tried always in favor. GIVEN AWAY, in copies of 9 The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser. a. book that sold to the ex- tent of 500.000 copies a few U years ago. at $1.50 per CODY- . L ‘ Last year we gave away r $10,000 worth of these mvalua- . his books. This yearwe shall give away $50,000 worth of , them. Will you share in this " benefit? It so. send only 31 one-cent stamps to cover 095:. i of mailing only for book in _. stiff paper covers. or50 stamps for cloth-bound. Address Dr. B. V. Pierce. Buflalo. N. Y. ¢§§¢N§§§§Q§§§§§§§¢4+¢¢éfO AGENT FOR ‘ snrance Any one needing anything in these lines call or write N. J.Giass RICHMOND HILL P. 0. § §¢¢¢++¢Q§¢§§¢¢~>¢Q¢OQQ9999 Undertakch a. Elllhfl IEEIOI‘sa RICHMOND HILL & THOI‘NHII. I. A large stock of Funeral Flirtisliinpn kept at both plum-s. I~-1"‘ .145“, â€" ‘1. in E ‘ Pianist li-r‘zzictinzi in Piano-planng and flu-wry {"llll‘Ft Mativv for llil-hmiv' .llill Moi \‘ir-i':i!y of ye- ultlt- Firms» oi :: iut‘uua n and Ci-zupzmv. Limited. vv lllflli‘ill“ ll"~ L. . in gltulv hi is.

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