Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1906, p. 3

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The material used Is straight grain selected mound growth yellow birch. Young Mother: “Do you think baby looks most like me or his papa?" Nurse: “Like you. mum. Mr. Jenkins is 11 mighty handsome man." Advcrlisc- ment : “Wantedâ€"A competent and well-mannered nurse." From our own factory comes the ficth chased Pompadour Pattern in heavy Sterling Silver. A sixrpiecc setâ€"censisting of Clolh. Velvet and Hair Brushes, with Mirror and Comb -is unprecedented value at $30. OILET WARE in mistic abundance is pictured in the pages of our Catalogue. Whether your taste turns to Silver. Ebony or Ivory. it will find ample variety from which to choose. Ficus are sold singly if desired. so that l set may be added lo, year by year. Drag us a finial card and we will :tudyaufrce of dmrgr vur lurgt illus- tralrd tatalogvz q/Jewehy, Siimmn, [JAM-tr Goods. ctr. “Ry/u; flaming Tmm'tmGnt. IS MADE FROM SELECTED SECOND (mom 11 YELLOW BIRCH, GRAIN OF‘ \voox) RUNNING wrru cuwm 0F BLADE. some OF ITS EXCELLENT FEATURES ARE; 1st stifiness and lightness. ‘ 2nd. Does not fray at bottom, j 3rd. Keeps its cerrect shape. 5 4th Weight and design correct“ an: EEO‘V stlck carafuliy “1.: spected before leaving factary. ‘ ARTISTKC Toilei Ware Hackey Stick THE STARR M’F'G 00., LIMITED, DARTMOUTH, u - e M‘éc- £5iacl “WE REX 126 Wellington Toronto Napoleon Bird In nudien the cl:- lined “'8 1m (wk crl through Durin formed OWiD [0 Chan a note < Catarrh for twenty years and cured in a law daysâ€"Hon. George James, of Scranton, Pan, says: “I have been a martyr to Catarrh for twenty years, con- stant hawking. dropping in the throat and pain in the head. very offensive breath. I tried Dr. Agnew's Catarrhajl Powder. The first. application gave in- stant. relief. After using a few bottles “Why on earth woman?" “l’erh wants practice." Powder. The first appl stunt. relief. After urtir I was cured. 50 ccnts.â€"--1 canus agent doc Dr. Thomas‘ Eclcc py symptoms am when rheumatic 1 when Iumbagn, a: Express Daily M 1y cons me 1' “Thought ik meant James McKiw. of Dof her almos :niraou! taller Hearty: "Uutxl 1 began taking- this roma- dy I despaired of my life. I had heart failure and extreme prostration. One dose gave me quick rehef and one bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled like magic.”â€"3 holde able SCALD HEAD is a. disgu: disease, frequent in children feet cleanliness and a. gene Weaver' (.‘ernte. Mothers w this. ITCHLMango, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured m 50 minutes by W01- ford’s Sanitary Lotion. It. never fails. they case ill ll)J xum JV I‘C The ‘ people )urself. “'5 11TH tin pm m )‘lS cord .‘Hnunping hc nnge of piano to lhe slil’mes I111 mnnmuvm and n l) \V 48 HOURS AT PIANO T111 H HE m the forty-0 >00 scparm 1 Hum) co: dancing. I p doubtless who talk too ll( ll] 1t D)‘. A5 util I beg instruments without me song he was playi 1d 1h m Popu pulzu' pills fro. an 5m nth are 11103 ’erhaps they n 1 rack ;vcrylhing. :lcctx-ic Oil of Dnnnville iracuhus cm" Ague\v"s ( urns, rains 1hr from pains asthma ‘le atla ahlisln‘s a New “0 nu “Dmninoes.” thing n2 ti Mr In \V A R m death ed w Juth in ‘ting and obstinate Treatment: Po:- 'oua application of ill be glad to learn 1x lk‘ Cure for king this 1 ar 1N iasm and in hf sure."~,Out. a DI .1! pula an.“ 1h work do 11d ‘11 \l Iudi 10 inâ€" "orhid m this she hut in lhc mn II \l' iI‘t' mg ns, the 1i] Dear Mother still whc in the moulh? Does your head ache, and have you dizziness? It so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not like medicine. He that , prefers sickness to medicine must suffer, but under the circumstances ihe‘wiso man would procure a box of Parmeieo’s Vegetable Pills and speedily get himself in-heallh, and strive tolieep your tc um 1h pmm looks oihcrwis As=u matter of fact, 1 burning. through UH getiing focussod by ‘ mmo sight BY BRIBING THE NERVES with opium you may stop a. cough but the inflammation goes from bad to worse. Allen’s Lung Balsam, contaiuiu no upium, goes to the root M the trouble an cures deep-seated affections o! threat and lungs. Two Years suffered as no tism; for two n r Toronto m UI‘E High Heir «:0me a Cure 3m mt igna a. sure cure for Indigesfion. Bilious- ness, Dyspepsia. Constipation and all ailmch arising therefrom. Mailed free. in a plain package. on receipt. of name and address. Fill in your name and poet. 031cc address on dotted lines and send to Made in Canada {ind Sold by all Drugglsts This com on is good for one ten cent (10c) rial Botllc of the cele‘ bmted -Dr. Leonhardfi’soénti-Pill livin Your little one: are n comm care in Fall and Winn-J weather. The will cgtch cold. D_o you .kno_w 31:935. iloh’g Consum ion Curie, the Lung Tohic. and what it done for so many? I! is said to be the only rclixble remedy for all diseases of the air plunge: in children. his absolmcly harmless and pleasant to lake. It is guaranteed m cure or your money is rammed. The price is 25¢. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 3.4 could nOL SHELOH a X‘ rgmggy should be in every household. s in the in the side 1d THE WILSON-HUS (30., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. much endbd (Ix- 11 DI And led arll mil \V l on little NEEDED NO Ardupp Merely of the m ' I am as John Cook .\ n 0 take m the green Dang uni: Abed.~“For eight. years I one ever did with rheuma- years I lay in bed; could as food myself. A friend is food mfself South lmeric: er three doses \‘GIJSH MISER Does dizzinc dripr lâ€"nn ‘0]11 :cornI: undex Il’ sh" sh 1L 1 y 101‘ 11‘1 ave you a I an unpleasant as your head ‘se healthy enough. “1050 are caused by ,e rays of the sun me drops of morn- . ldst ssibly SDC ssibly live with (cheerfully): “ managing to 0: :5L rigid ccon‘ox ny American Rheuma- doses I could sit strong as ever I ill U1 C \V out on a (l as compelled cat on the s 1 u‘ Have ' discus healthy “ELI I]( ‘7 Clinton street we no 1 of Mani ll aves ( which "So you‘re you to say, eason, that. ive without Kl COl' 1h ught acne] ulsidt a? lift move dunfi lost lied ll not the A L n'l Hm, has : has been I Ipupel‘ firm ho‘ SUGCCS their ‘ lily of A modern weapon in the battle for health.â€"â€"1f (lisvase has taken your cita- dv] of health, the stomach, and is tortur- ing you with indigestion, dyspepsia. and nervous prostration, South American Nervinc is the weapon to drive the enemy from his stronghold “at, the point of the bayoncn,” trench by trench. but swift. and sure, it always wins.â€"4 WEAK WATERY BLOOD cauaea much trouble. That tired fccling and many more 5 mptoms fulluw in its wake. 'l‘ry “Fen-ovim." *t is the best tonic to make you strong and well. All drug:th sell it. in‘ has lilt] “I h 1'ch been Cure th 1H Water. Wind. “OSHAWAW” Steel Shingles. Proof EQHHGUL HUB. 32145 W Craig 5%. Ollfl'flfl, 0m TOIOHIO. am. 423 Sussex st. 11 Calhoun“ Storm Fire The 1 n, N] d age!‘ and Eternal vigilance is the price of sue- 355, and it. is in this way that the recescs‘ of the Starr Mfg. Cofs )ckey skates and sticks has been night. The makers are eyer i the alert to‘know what the hockey- ls’;requirements are and in this way icorporate these features which make teir line the most popular in the mar- at. They are also alert to see that ieir goods cannot be excelled in qua- ,y of materials and \t‘brkmanship. This )licy, which will always be maintained, IS made the firm and its goods fam- IS thousands of miles away from the lite Nora Scotian town where the fac- 111 .\\'h FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipq and EAVI’STROI’G". Etc. METAL SIDINH. In imilnlion of brick or stone. METAL CEILHV‘GS, in 2.0M“ (Ir-signs. ' Write for Catalogue No. 1m and free samples of “OSHAWA” Shingles. Write was y. y 1S Mot We are the largest and oldésl ccompahy of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market. and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Slores.Ele« valors, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and_ snips are the; only‘tools required. )1‘ nmienal y, which \made the thousands Nova Sea is situated \\'II\' your corns harder to rcmovethzm that others have had? Have they 1d the same kind? Have they not cured by using Holloway's Corn Try a bottle. 1n I the D: \\' THE PRICE OF SUCCESS 11’ 111 THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, hl “You 5 an art . a den Write your Nearest 0ff|u0.â€"â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont hank? awkins ire yes ling h ullhy g1( and mo: are sure In. Do I : Graves’ effectual The sign that drives away Colds. Coughs. Whooplnd Cough. Asthma. Throat (roubles. Croup, etc., etc. Produced by the highest medical knowledge and science. 13’s sh 1h you SEA-SHELLS has ll gannot be 115 and v will ahx‘z 3 firm In cslerday home to Your druggist not only keeps it, but recommends fl. A pure vegetable couéb syrup. $3 I the Castle Hotgl, Pres- bnen in existence since elapsed. The property [used by a local news- business purposes. got a good square meal ‘ first in several weeks, to thank for it.” Friend: Well, that’s news to :he will never marry a a hero." “Bht she can any man into a hero." felting 1him to marry aid you were going st, and new you’re 6 ist.” Flo: “Well, £51 ‘e draws from real life II rm I know. 1 wired morning that you dinner with me.” lppearin Ind r09” me MURMUR fiXPfiCTORANT EXPECTORANT Price, 25 cents. terminal going to you’re en- Well, isn‘t {rt Lle Winnipeg. Mun. Museum 76 Lombard at, 615 Fender at. lflflflflfl. 0m. 69 Dundas st. “Do you think that practical benefit?" “cynic, “judging from of eminent violinists, hair from falling out!’ pany She': “I marries th drowning?’ wonders 1.:- WE CLAIM that “The D & L " Menthol Pluto? will cure Lumhagu, Backache. Sciatica. or Neural- gia Fania guickar than any other plaster. Bo- commeude by everybody. wing I Waning! V to"; Churn. \V ash) . _ Ice Cream 'MSeud for B m. any MontanLTorouto. Ottawa, Quebfl, No. 1??) Dmvu [- five Y1 ch: half-m -. . for Pumping. _CmmSe _wr. Churn. \V mun achlne, . _ Ice Cream k anew. mkud for catalogue. GILSON MFG. CO. -4 u 4.- Im. “ BRITISH AMERICAN DVEINB 00.‘ boo! £0: aunt In your so". or and an“. . ,. Forty yun no you wuld bu bong!“ Inn in Dmvcr for 3100 g: which now nun! tloru which bring $15,000 : yar rent. Dmver bu a Regulation 0f 200.060. In five ycm ch: populgtinn will nub (ll: half-million naer Ordn'mry ruidcuc his in difln'cn Illudy pop u- lned bring from 5750 :0 52.000 cub. 9 CASH :3 PER MONTH THESE In: In Lama 19 FREE-n loath in I‘ll" w Ilu any and h ‘1 Jam. In! nu u I-. Washington Heights THE CENTURY LOAN AND TRUST CO. Th Cur-v1 Buildiu u u n Bum. Cdtuic ll m In. "up-n7 n I.“ in'u n For the vary but lend your work Io Iho Th “(hue and man lflhdy addition in Denver: furnishing l pgrfcn vitw of Pike} PCIL 1nd (he Rocky Mountahu for u dinuncc f 75 mil". Ovulaalill.\Vuhin§ton Park. An idcal spat. Lots 25x125 Fact for $100 var (.52: GOES LIKE SIXTY SELLS LIKE SIXTY sausgron SIXTY 2 fl GASOUNE enemas WE ARE MYING OUT A NEW ADDITION 0.34. ha I. «L... uh ran-J prowl; l!qu uni 15 Ill "cm Adan [ml-cl. lat-[I‘ll 'ul. FCR SALE. T31 W1 :1 ISSUE NO‘ 43â€" 9‘. man who r( Elle: “Thar: think that why a woman “W music ‘Péifiviémngzonmu cues her what the re Sldaa locked All Four of any ied the ‘graphs :ep the {M ways from man

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