@112 ‘éï¬ihmfl. Mr. Whitney is condemned in {mice editorials on page 1. Under the heading, “Our Point of View,†the ï¬rst paragraph of the ï¬rst article reads as follows: “Mr, Whitney has oflended the Protestant sentiment of West Hast- ings and all Eastern Ontario by his appointment of a. Roman Catholic to be superintendent of the Institute for ‘ the Dent and Dumb at Belleville. 1f the Government has tried to alienate a large body of its supporters, a more elfective means could hardly have been discovered than the appoint- ment of Dr. Coughlin. It has dis- heartened the warmest supporteis of the Government in West Hastings, and excited a feeling of dissatisfaction that it will be difï¬cult to overcome.†In another editorial The Sentinel admits that Dr. Coughlin should be rewarded for services rendered the Conservative party, but adds that “to put him at the head of a Public School where the very deï¬ciencies of the children increase his influence over them is nothing short of an out- rage upon the Protestant sentiment of this country.“ RICHMOND Hth The above shows that The Sentinel's heart is not all bad. It would allow a Roman Catholic to hold a position. provided it was not a very good one. Had Dr. Coughlin, who was formerly a Public School teacher and afterwards a High School teacher, been made janitor of the above Institute, Hon. J. P. Whitney might not have been threatened with extinction at the next general election. To allow a Roman Catholic to carry water and split kindling wood is apparently The Sentinel's idea of '“ Equal Rights," and should go a long way in building up “A United Canada." “ EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL." T‘otninion Parliament has been summoned to meet on the 22nd of Naveniber. The liduse will have three clear weeks in which to do business befu‘e rising for the Christ~ mas and New Year‘s holidays. The Government will submit their tariï¬â€˜ policy very soon alter the debate on the address has been disposed of, and cousidu'able headway ought to be made before Christmas. Hum-l. Schmulwrg. on Saturday 27. Memlvvrsullpu-smt. Mim last meeï¬ng wad und (‘unï¬rlm-d The cnuncil in Cumuxittco t Whole with Mr. MCMurchy i chair, Olden-d the puynwut f usual mud accounts and gnu-1 counts. Noununâ€" B|lX‘llSâ€":â€"Thi\t She 1 Goo. Baker. ing thu' The ahm e~cmmcil met utel, Schmulmrg, 0n 8:: £0 m-umnâ€"ï¬urnsâ€"' sheep clnjms he *l'suns he [3 Blackburn. King Council A. Du \' 88: James 1 â€"Bn:-nsâ€"â€"’I go“. Nov. 8, 1906 sl‘.0\\'â€"ft'l Pezwsrm. 35* “mt the A nxid hein 11 William It Suttun 15.40. ' fulan ES 01’ I“ H]? the (he Nurumnâ€" McMurchy â€" That the reeve und cnuncillm-s be a. committee to meet; in Lloydtmvn on Nov. 10. 10 road matters. at. 2 p._g|. C(mncillor Norman move-d that council adjourn to meet, at. Temper- ance Hull. KetLleby. on Saturday. November 21. The tuxpuyvrs of the municipality of King township are llt‘l'k‘hy untitled that. all taxes must he paid in) m be- fm-e the 14m day of Dvccmhmu 1906. After that date the collectors are in- structed and requested by hyâ€"law of this municipality to add 5 per cunt. to all unpaid taxes. No money :u'cept- ed by muil after 14th December with- ou_t_,»t.hc penalty. ‘u- I x I , AA,.!».. “I w“, v.“ rum“... This notice is published by order of the Council. J. L. JENKINS, Clerk. The Ontmio Pun'incml \VintI-r Fair will he hvld :It Guelph. Dccembvr 10, 11, 12. 13 and 14. n , -V_,VV 7 , George Ade contributes to Success Magazine fur November. 1L cullection of choice tales which he Let-ms “The Running!" Stories I'VE heard." It is in~ ‘Funniégi Stories I’ve heard.†It is inâ€" teresting tn see just what a. funny man himself considers funny in others). Fullnwing is the public school [apart for the month of October:â€" V.â€"Gei-tie Lane. Senior IV.â€"Polly Koï¬â€™ni‘. Junior IV.â€"â€"C(:1‘a Locke, 70m Jack- son, Ross Kelfel‘, Edna Rood, Law- rence Keffer. Clara. Williams, Bel-L Williams. Senior [ILâ€"Frank Morton. Junior [ILâ€"Sid. Smith. Milly Winger. Lama. lVIlIl'th. Frank Locke, Senior [ILâ€"Frank Morton. Junior [ILâ€"Sid. Smith. Milly Winger, Lama. Min-ton. ank Locke, \Varren \Vhituim'e, Jim. Aiming, Reuh. \Vhilmnre, Grace Pm ter. Senior II.â€"â€"E<lg:u- \Villiums. Junior Il.-Nm-man Vv’illiams, Carl lVinger. Gordon Anderson. RUSS Au- dersnu, Edgar Aiming, Alvin Rnlih. Part; ILâ€"Ada Rubi), Roy Keffer, Elewm-th Keï¬el', Lilly Lynn. Part Lâ€"(a) Annie \Vingex-, Joe. Keï¬er; (b) Allan Smith. Max Smith. LaumAuning, \Vinnie Rnhh. Harold Williams, Hazel Morton, Juli†Snider. percentages. I V. (Geugrnph y)»â€"G ertl ude Nelson, The following is the repnrt for Octuher. The ï¬gures 11-pxesent the Senior III. (Geography H0()\'(’1'83. Rulph \‘ViHiums S \ViHiums 59. Phyllis (‘lzn'k 27 Bukvl' (uhsrn‘n ). Junior III. (Gvngz-np‘ny)â€" Cusgx'uve 9‘0", \Veslt-y Hummi- rude Cnsm-nve 43. Fem-1 Hunt Senim‘tii (Dictation)-â€"â€"Isuzu: Mary Fink-y 92, Reuben 1L Emily Fund 44. Juninr II. (Al-itlmmtiflâ€" El: 100, John McUngue 90, Ervie W. Burner 75, Fred (Yosg Bessie Finley 75, Ruth Hm-nv Gunner 55. Ethel Svhrll 4f McCugue 25. Dvuglns Read 25. Lâ€"VVeslvy Schell. Gemge R‘ John Besteu'd, Verna Bestzu'.., G01 Road. annic Classâ€"George Finloy, 1 Sn]! Buynton. Percy Sclwll. I. Finley. Russ Baker. Elmer Hnl'nel- Number on rnll for month 37. Average attendance 29. The follmving attended school munth â€"â€" Jimmie Cosgmve, J McCague, George Read. ' ‘v 7,, “'e trust that the efforts made by Cannn Davidson of the city of Peter- bm-u' to unite thP'chx-istian people of vurinus denominationslhere, will be fulluwed by ministers in (Many cities and tnwns. so as to remove silly denomination prejudices and jeal- nusies in u cmumunity Whil'h must have a buxwï¬viul influr-uue upon it: business. puiiticui and I'Piigious life. Mr. I Custmn unn] that wk after 5') 5 grand pm cLHmmhm; I the famil mut. [went Lrlml in N am and st)- V0 for his 11 u-go News Notes. Mount Pleasant S. No. 4, Markham. \tum prvjudices and jeal- \ u cmumunity which must bmwï¬viul inflm-nce upon its pn‘.itical and rdigiuns life. ‘_- ... .. - 1n n Sgt-ipes. He still 5 native land and Edgely. NOTICE ’. Sill of Portal. N. D.. :er. returned hume last Minding a few days with «his M r. and Mrs. James g with H19 m her members Iv. He lvfb this village Ly ï¬ve years ago and anth Dakota under the lles aloneâ€"and it does and with satisfaction. 1. protruding or blind like magic by its 1150. Capped gluss jars, 50 that, we are led 1193 move sluwl ‘ factory will 1n Mmdvn eturned in tho smnuu fleeing fro n region. -Geprgo Finley, Rus- Pex‘cy Scholl. Lulla ker, Elmer Hnl'nelz II for month 37. lmmLi':)â€" Elsiv Doner 19 90, Ervie Hunt, 80, Fred (‘-mgmve 75. Ruth Horne:- 60. Eva ‘1 Suhrll 45. Heber gins Read 2:"). hell. Gemge Read. 'rna Bestzu'u, Gordon LOUIS L. NICHOLS. night for winter use. n nule. drain remains L fuihn'e the sp: v‘ny)â€"Jimmi0 nvm- 89, Gert- FInnt (absnnt). Isuzu: Nigh 92‘ n Homer (50, ux' l' theâ€). n the su spy an i-Inse thi M :ptains a he umon mde by : Peter- »nple of will be 1- CitiPS uggxe A rthn 1' )1 for John ll'l like ‘x'uxs this Commercial. Shm-flmnd. Mntriculatiuu Coursc m-e. SiLuaLLious secured graduates. \Vz-ite now. ++M+++lz~z~++¥¥++++++w+++ B. A. Farquharson, B. A, E: 796 YONGE ST., TORONTO 4+“?++'1"1"?++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ +§~4r++++++++++++++++ Vaughan V‘Vl; "_ TUESDAY, NOV 'W. A. SANDERSON Shoop’s Restorati tumâ€"not a Sym Ripzms Rinans hitish (flaundim ï¬nss‘iurï¬ï¬ (13011ch Richmond H111 is nothing as good and could be better. eating of the Con 5v of V luchnu w: Tabuies cure baa Dram. Tabules cure constivat 31(‘001' “P to $3.10 5‘ ER CAKE He dizziness. e bad breath. Counci‘ t on. UU'O Ono fH'SI] milkktnw. lot Vaughal}. Lots 3%. and V zluglmu. Ft Good [muse tn 1 of Moodie’s stm-e. Enquire at the For Sale or Rent House. and lot, in High Sclimvl, Rich] fut-mution apply‘ty‘ Came to the premises of signed, Int 10. con. 2. Mark about the ï¬rst of Nm‘em Pig; The OWn'Qr may have s ing‘pruperty and paying nxv: 19-3 AIJ()G now ready The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Brvoder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hugs. Lot 29. 15L (301)., Vaughan (Thm'nhill) has fur sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred hull and bag kept for 29. 15L 0011., Vaughn fur sale some good yu Thoroughbred hull service on the premis PLEASANT VIEW FARM V Nuticp is herehy given pursmmt to R. S. O.1897andamendingmrts.thutnll creditors having claims against the estate of the said Edwzud Gallnnuugh who divd on or ahnut the. 30th day of August 1906, are required tn send m deliver to the uudprsigned at his ofï¬ce 59 Ynnge Streth Tot-(into, on (whefure tho 25th day (if Nuvomln-r. 1906. their names mldrvsscs and descriptions and it full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any. held by them: And further, that after the said 25th day of Nm‘emhm‘, 1906. the (-xccutm-s will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the palties enti- tled thereto, having; regard only to tho. claims of which they shall then have notice ' H E N H Y Late of the Vii! all creditors estate of LI] Farm to Rent DAVID Notice ‘ S. O.‘ OTICETOCREDITURSI [‘0 WARD GALLA Apply to WILLIAM CLEMENT 1i) .1 To Rent Layter bm her shup. f (11¢ Strayefl Suliuitm‘ f‘ Gallzmough deliver IRY F. HOPPER EXECUTORS 9'1 here MMES NEWTON GOODERHAM, 15 in thu 3rd cnn. n1 particulars apply to . CLUBINE. Lut 70, Oak Ridges tors village of Thornhill, deceased. them “age of Richmond Hill, deceased. \VM. COOK l\‘ innnvdiately south 'hnmnd Hill. For ll BOSW’ELL rincipal y desimhk by given puts :d anmnding at imz claims aga F. VAN HORN. Dollar 1’. O 13395 of the under: 2. Markham, on or Nm‘emher, a sow lvl-lem-y mom: \Inplc xt door north 1' the Executt-rs, and Fred Powell 28, 3rd COIL, une by prov ire requix eir fthe Proprietor the 5th names th mant to (its. that dust the Hopper. .‘ulills 11y 1t day ad- full iHEGHEST GURREHT RICHMOND H ILL AN D MAPLE Received in Saving. ment and interr'st Money Luillll'll nu Farmers" Sale. [\olvs. Blank hale ran-ms Supplied Fri-c. Eeneral Banking Business Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. For other particulm = EDGELY UIDER NELLY MILL tuber and November as folluwsEâ€" Starting Monday, Oct. lab, will run first three days of each week dur- ing October and November, up to and including Nov. :21, 1906. \Vill run on custom work‘ during 0L AS is Well knuwn we make l'uw Cider, boiled cidvr. apple butter. and jolly all frvm your own apples. Cider can he-lmllml l‘nuny thickness. Jelly apple-s slmuld be Well ripened_ and two-thirds swept. Parties wishing apple butter should keep their pee-ling apples separate from lhe cider apples. \Vill buy a few peeling apples only. No cidm- apple's Wanted. As we have now. after many im- pl-nvr‘lnt‘nts, a capacity of about 3000 gallons of cider boiled intu jelly and apple butter per day. we hope to give our custonwrs every snLisl’uctinn. Customers are respectfully request- ‘ed to do business on the almve men- tioned days as we live a distance from tho fnctt-ry and customers coming any nther day would ï¬nd it Very incml \‘mlienl. Notice 0f withdrva sary. Alldepmits on demand Capital Rest: \Ve hope to see all our old custom- ers back again this smut-n as usual with as many more as possible. Thanking: the general public fm‘past fnvms, we sulicit a tuntinuance of the same in the- future. FRIDAY, Nnv. 9â€"Cash sale of horse, harness. implements, Furniture, etc., on east-end of 8th lot. 15!: 0011., (1} miles east of York Mills). the property of Robert, Innes. Sale at 1 o’clock, miles east of York of Robert Innes. No reset v9. J. H. P THURSDAY, Nov implant-Hts, ‘etc., M :I-x-kha m Stacey. months‘ a months H. H. LOOSE‘MOR ()1 Canned a J. WINGER )erty 'EDSE H'UIB DEPOSITS Auction Sales. E. Smith, auctioneer. :smA‘i. Nov. 28â€"Auctinn sale stock, implements. etc., on m- 3rd 0011.. Markham, the of Arthur Ground. Sale at <. No reserve. Terms. 11 J. IL Prentice, auct. J. H. Prent ice. Auctioneer Y, Nov. l5â€"Farm stock etc., on lot, 6. con. 8 the pmpelty of James. Me at 1 o‘clock. Eleven dir. J. H. Prentice, aunt. Nnv. 16â€"1’101'898, COILS, ynune: cattle, otc.. on lot. m-hm'n, the property of 0. Sale Hi; 1 o'clock. Eleven ‘dit. J. H. Prentice, nuct. 9 now. utter many 1m- l mpncify of about 300( er boiled intn jPlly and .er day. we hope to gin : every satisfaction. we respectfully request RF‘MORF 1ftm~ many im~ y of about 3000 i into jelly and we hope to give a t the L3G ENT. MES‘ ill: Dvp 5:11 dock «mic:-