Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1906, p. 5

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l ‘t c 2 {ticHin iND IIiLL, Orin, \. N;.;..';.,1.ou 140(‘1 A1434. I ’ I’ree \Yill Offerings will be taken in the, Methodist church next Sunday. lilankcjt;:\t'e showing extra ‘vnlur: in \Vhite “Wail Blankets. Naughton Bursa, Elgiii Mills. Mr. Geo. Reaman of Concord has sold his farm to a neighbor, Mr. lZowes. The “TC. T. U. will meet; at the Parsonage next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. King and Vaughan Plowing Match H being held to-day on the farm of Andrew McNeil Ifsq.. Vellore. Sir. Frank Hopper is picpared to (ii-litil'll cattle. This is the season of th: year to per-foriii the work. Flags on Schools and other public buildings will fly to-iiioirow, Nov. 9, in honor of King Edward‘s birthday. A good deal of snrpi ise is expressed beca nseonr Town Fathers have allowod our Park to be turned into a cattle ranch. Maconoehie‘s round tins Kippcred Ilerriiigs, It)c.: Maconochie's Seville Orange Marmalade, 15c. ajarâ€"special. Atkinson 8; Switzer. Charles E. Hughes on Tuesday defeated \Viii. It. Hurst. in the election of (lovenor for New York by a majority \\ 0f ‘ _ ‘ The person who has the pair of riibber boots belonging to the Fire Hall is requested to return the. same to the caretaker. Shirts and Drawersâ€"Men's and and boys’ shirts and drawers, men’s mer- igitirald NEW' LA\V OFFICE It will be seen by professional card on another page that. Mr. J. M. Laing, barrister, Solicitor, etc., whose Toronâ€" to oilice is So Toronto street, will be in Richmond Ilill every’I‘hnrsdry after- noon. commencing toahiy. Mr. liming's otlice \vilb be. in the Lorne l Building, south east. corner, foriiieily occupied as a. law titiice bv Mr. F. “'- (i‘rarvin. ' Preventics, as the name implies. prevent all Colds and Grippe when “taken at. lllt' sneeze stage.” Pre- venties are tootlisonio candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, ,an-l taken early. when you first feel that a cold is coming, they check and prevent them. I‘ie\entics .ire thor- oughly safe for children, and as cll't ctnal for adults. Sold and l'Q'CUlll- mended iii 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by \\'. A. Sanderson. HARD TO G ET A QUORUM. The Board of Education has been called to meet. on Friday, 9th inst. at 4 o‘clock. It is hoped there will be a quorum prorriptly at the hour. There has been no quorum since August. 10, although the board was regularly notilirtl at the proper time in the months of September and October. \\'lien I'iieii accept ntlice on the board they ought to be prepared to fully per form the duties of the otlice. Mr. A. B. Davidson, B.A., late Public School Inspector for North York, was banqueted by about. sixty of his Ncwniarket friends on Monday evening of last week. There was an intciesting toast list. presided over , by His \Vorsliip, Mayor Roadhouse. ails. boy‘s overalls, men‘s sweatersâ€"' great value. Naughton Bros, Elgiir Mills. The executive of the Vaughan S. S. Association nth on “'ednesday after-- noon iii-tlit Zion Lutheran church to arrange for the usual township con- vention. Edgar Davis of Davisvillc. 17 years of age, son of the late. Nathaniel Davis, died Sunday morning at his mother’s residence, after an illnes of :1in three days. 'pecial value. in men‘s and boy’s F1 ecedined and “'ool Shirts and Dra wers, men’s Heavy “'ool Socks, Over 1115 and Smocks. Atkinson «S: Switz ei. ‘ The. Trustees of the Methodist church met or Monday afternoon and decided on :1 Ct niprelieiisive scheme of Church rcnov; tion to be completed in the coming spring. Some of the tricks played on Hallowe’eii were not creditabie, to the parties concerned. To destroy a neighbor‘s propeity should never be looked upon as a joke. “'0. can make to your measure a go nine winter-Weight, Scotch Tweed Sn , stylish over-check, everything firs -class, for $16; money back if not (l. Atkinson & Switzcr. id habit is bald to break. The bay po iy that gave 0. Glover the slip a weeklor two ago took another dash Monday‘ evening when it got. toThoin~ hill llefuu‘t‘. it was stopped. The November number of the New Idea Woman’s Magazine is replete with the latest fashions and choice reading;’ for the family. This magazine ‘ is only 50 cents a year. Leave orders \{t THE LIBERAL Office. Mr. J. \V. McDonald of the law firm of Demon, Dunn and Boultbee. who has been in Richmond Hill on the. first and third Satuiday of the month, will in future be in his office here at THE LIBERAL Office, every Saturday after- noon. The tax slips show that the rate- payers will have a little less to pay this year than they paid last year. Of course the amount of $555 given the James Bay Railway for station grounds was paid last year in one debenture. Next Monday night the Epwm-th League will be in charge of the litera- ry department. Rev. Mr. Grant. A., will be, present. and ivillgivean address on “Impressions of the Old: n L it )1] ntry. ei . Good music will be. provid~ All are welcome. The annual thank offering service of the auxiliary to the \V. F. M. Society will be held in the Presby- iterian church on “'ednesday evening the 14th inst. at 3 o‘clock. The Rev, Dr. Mc'l‘avish of the. (‘eiitral church. ’il‘oroiito will deliver an address. {are welcome. M.‘ ‘ Tuesday, Nov. (3, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred All‘ "__- . ‘ The Sun as a farm journal is written ~ for the. practical, everyday farmer. is not filled with long essays or doubt. ful theories. but gives in plain, every- day language a host of helpful sugges- tions to the tillers of the soil. In this particular The Sun is without an viaqual. You ought to read it regular- v. The. last session of Yolk County Council under the present act. Will open on Monday, the 26th of Nov- ember. Hei-eafter the council will be made up of reeves and deputyâ€"reeves elected in the various municipalities. A number of those now holding office as county councillors will stand for re- election, while others have signified their intention to retire. It, The speeches were of a high order, testifying to the worth of Mr. David- son as a public officer and a private citizen. A couple of days afterwards the ladies of the Presbyterian church showed their esteem for Mrs. Davidson by a. pieSentation. Mr. Davidison has bought a small fruit farm at Beams- ville. to which place the family will remove this fall. A HANDY HOME BOOK A book with the above title. has just been issued by the Family Herald and \Veekly Star, of Montreal. It certain- ly is Well named, being an encyclo- paedia. fairiin doctor and cook book all in one. It contains the. thousand and one things every one iiriagines they know and yet few people do know. lt will settle arguments on any suhjet t. It Will save doctor‘t bills, make it easy for the housewife who wants to pre~ pare nice meals. It. must be seen to realize what. a valuable work it really is. The, Family lIerald otfers it as a free premium on certain easy condi- tions and every person should write for one. The Family IIe raid and “'eekly Star certainly gives a big dollar's worth in a year. “hen the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist, that. dog is not sick. A feverish dry nose means sickness with a dog. And so with the human lips. Dry. cracked and colorless lips mean feverishness, and are as well ill appear- ing. To have beautiful. pink, velvet- like lips. apply at. bedtime a Coating of Dr. Slioop’s Green Salve. It will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free, trial box,at our store. and be ('ulH'inttl‘tl. Large nickel capped glass jars, 25 cents. BROUGHT HERE FOR BL'RIAL Mr. Thomas \\'ilson, for inanyyears a respected resident here, died at his home, 2718 Jarvis street, Toronto, on \Vednesday of last week. in his Ulst year. Funeral from the home, and interment in the Richmond Hill Cemetery Friday afternoon. Many friends attended and looked on the placid countenance of the genial old gentleman for the last time before the casket was lowered. The funeral ceremony at. the grave was conducted by Rev. A. P. Brace. Deceased was born in Arniagh, Ireland, and came to Canada in 1820, the. family settling at Oak Ridges. During the troublous times in 183133 Mr. \Vilson was arrested as a rebel, and spent six months in the Toronto jail, a viSit of which he was never ashamed. He witnessed the execution of Lount and Matthews from the window of his cell. On his liberation he carried on for many years a successful fanning mill business here. Mr. “Iii-on married in 1&39 Miss Lyiriburner of this place, who died nine years ago. He is sur- vived by six sons five daughters. a nd MARRIAGES \Yoonsâ€"R unitsâ€"At. the residence of the bride's father, Mr. (.‘harles Rumble, by Rev. A. P. Brace, B. IL, on \Vednesday. Nov. 7. “'11). Geo. \Voods of Concord, Out, to ICthel Beatrice. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rumble of Maple. BIRTHS IItll‘PER~ll‘l Richmond lill (ill Hopper, a son. The following is the school report for October. Senior I\'.â€"â€"Garlaiid I.aiigst:ii‘f, Emily Rankin. 4 Junior IV.»Alice Page, Gl‘tflys' Ball. lll.â€"Nellie Page, Irene Chapman. Lizzie Rankin. Senior Il.r-Stewart Page, Jo» lie- Iand, Amy Ball. “'elliiigton Monk- riian. Violet (‘:iseley, Kate ('hapnrau Junior ll.â€"Ells\vortb \Veldrick. Part 11.7Kathleen Rankin. Senior Part I.â€"Russell Monknrtn, Donald Drury. Elva. \Yeldiick. lCiiid Drnry, Lornie \Veldrick, Dudley \Vhite. Junior Part I.â€" Ethel Banks. r l i Hair Vigor. PERSONALS. Mr. Ed. Lyneit is in Toronto as H. i juryma n. Mrs. (DR) Aikins visited over Sun~ day at the. parsonage. ‘Miss N. Edwards of Hamilton visited with her sister here over Sunday. Dr. J. M. Lewis from New Ymk. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. Bassiiigth- waite of Vaughan. Rev. Mr. Brace gave an address on Monday evening to the Aurora Ep- worth League. Mrs. J. Morison and Miss Olive Mortson are visiting for a couple of weeks in the. city. Miss Minnie Rawlings of Toronto, is spending the week with her sister at “Maple Leaf Farm." Mr. John Grady and Mr. “K Cos- qrove drove over and spent. Sunday with friends at “May Field." Mrs. Jolly and son, Mr. Edgar Jolly, of I’arkdale. made a. short visit. with Mrs. Amos \V'i-ight. last Thursday. Mrs. Stocks who has spent some- time with her daughter Mrs. Brace returned to her home on Thursday last. Mr. Lloyd and Miss Lillie Kcrswill of Temperanceville, visited at their- uncle’s, Mr. Daniel G. Kci‘swill, on \Vednesday. *‘Q The new Pure Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing Opium, Chloro- foriii, or any other stupifying or poisonous drug. But. it passes Di. Shoop’s Cough Cure as made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr. Hhoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure is absolutely safe even for the. youngest babeâ€"and it cures, it. does not. simply suppress. Get a safe and reliable Cough Cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop‘s. Let the law be your protection. \Ve cheerfully recommend and sell it. W. A. Sanderson. wâ€"‘oFâ€"â€"4 S. S. No. 5, VAUGHAN. The following is the report. for the month of October, with names in order of merit:â€" Scnior IV. ~Florence Nixon. Minnie “'atson, Annie Iioiles, Ethel McQuar- i'ic, Gertie Thomas, Myrtle McQuai-rie, Eldon \Vade, Senior III.wElta \Vade, Hattie NiXon, Edna \Vatson, Emma McQuar- rie, Roy Crook. Elmer Orr. Junior III.â€"Gertie \Vindas, Edith Clement, Pickering McQuari-ie, \‘Villie. Hoiles. Senior II.â€"Fanny Gray, \Vilfrid “'indas, Maud Jones, Johnnie Orr, \Villie Mai-wood, Pearl Mar-wood. Junior II.â€"Bertba Leece. Della \Vade, Flossie \Vatson, Emma Gray, Sidney Juries. Roy Espey. Senior Lâ€"Vera Orr, Victor Orr. Junior l.â€"Eariiie \\'indas, Iladwcn MCQnarrie, Albeit O'Brien, Isaac Mc~ Quarrie, VVillie Jones, Russel Espey. C. MONICMAN, Teacher. .â€"â€"â€"â€"oooâ€" s. s. iio. 7, iiARKiiAM. Following is the report for October, the figures representing the percent- ages:â€" Senior IV.-Ella (ii-nickshank, Elle Heise, 71; Laura Tennyson, Lorne Cross, 63. Senior llI.â€"l\iarjorie Forester, Fred Thompson, 76; Annie Cuber, Elsie Colic): 54. Junior llI.â€"Giahaiii Forester, ’71: Annie Lover, 71; \Vesley I‘Ieise, :31; Violet Lehman, 5t); Fied 'l‘ennyson,50; Henry \Videirian, 45’. Senior II.»â€"Alex. C‘iuicksliank, ’75; Mary Cross, 75; Bessie l'Jageirnan, 63; Flossy \Videniaii, (52' Tommy Smith, 50; Louis “'ideniaii, ~15. Junior lI.â€"-Iloy Smith, 60. Senior Part II.-Ada Conner, 80; Pearl Tennyson. 7t); Mildred Ground, 6:3; \Vilson Johnson, till. 72; 70; 78; 56; Junior Part Il.~lilla Cola-r, 83; Fred “’ideiiian, Hi; Viola 'l‘hourpson, 77; Percy Cuber, 722; .\l\ in Smith, 03. Senior Part l.~~liriiest \Vidciiiaiiflfiz Edna \Videman, 49; FrankThompson, 4:). Junior Part I.â€"Percy Farmer. . Gladys Mocrby, Annie Tennyson, Beulah Stevens. F. T. GRAHAM, Teacher. The hair was saved! Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular 3 x. Falling hair is ‘1 scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The best kind of a. testimonial: “ Sold for over sixty years. de. C. yer Cm, Lower}, Hus. :. Also manubc:urar.i cf 9 smswanau. BPS "(tremors mos in; 23% v i, scuba Ripans Tabules cur.» ;. wee. Ripans Tabules cure ilnrirlenca. i This was because cream PECTORAL. % I ++~I<+++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++~ i++++++++++++++~r .1. and serviceable. ladies appreciate. October 25, 1006 +++++++<~i~+++-i«:«:-i~+-i~+++++-i +++++++++++++++++++++++~t~+~i~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++i ++~i~+++++++++++++++~i~i~++++++ ++++++~2~+++++++++++' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ M.++++++++++++++++++Hui-i-+~r ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘1- 1» M '1' «z» 4. .. ++++++M+++++++H+++++++ +++++++++++++++++++~E Cold Weather Comitirt Underwearâ€"the kind you wantâ€" whether you feel able to pay 25c. or $1.35 per garment. wear in natural wool and a full stock of Turnbull’s Sanitary Undeerearâ€"â€"tliese are something pretty nice, fleece-lined, buy winter wear and it is to your advant- age as the stocks are unbroken. will never be cheaper here and cannot be cheaper elsewhere. in making selections for the men folks we exercised in the stock for the ladies and childrenâ€"best values and weight suitable for this climate. The prices are right tor we bought early and got anti- season’s discounts, and another thing, every garment was made in [906. There. is a freshness about them that careful Atkiasaa 6: Switzer MM i+++++++++++++~i«:~+++++++++++++++++-i-++++-i~+++~i- It is none too soon to '1' \Ve have under- They The same care “2.9+. g..§..;..§..;..g..g. .1..;..;..;.. .3.“ iw+++++++oz<+++¢++fiw+ *+%%+++M+++++%+M++++++++ %+*%++++++++++M+M++++H H+++M+++H++++HM+++M+ ++++++++++++++++++Mw++++ ++++++++++++ ++¢z~+++++++++++ HWfiMHeH-HMHH » +++-i~+~:~:~+++«i +++++++++~H~ +4-4-++++++++++M+++++++++++ “ / its as l‘. - y {figaeawefigoasaeefisasgh timiiitl iiiii ilal’llllate this / 453% lkzniges. makes. "weaker the market. [7» east "7: «a Gar fail Stock of l“ill'llfl(§f3§ Ileaters is now on hand and invite your inspection of a lull stock of the leadingr These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on Repairing and lflaveâ€" troughing promptly (10:10 and Mfiéflffihfifisw Faiths TAKE series Have just arranged with the Veter- inarv Specialty (.‘o. to sell the follow- ing i'I>iiietlies: Stock Tonic and Blood I’iiriiier, Indigestion and L'olic ('nre, ‘Spaviu Uni-c, \Vorm l'cwders, (‘ougli leinedv. Poultry Tonic, Louse Heath Antisctiptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sion. Black Oil, Heave Relief. Lump Jaw Cure, .-‘Lphoidisi.'o: and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for ('olts aiz-l Calves, Leaking Nzual & Joint Disease. Vaiizaizt f.‘ “'ariiig. Veterinary Sui-- geons. twenty-five years ot~ practical t'>2[l'"ii>‘lt;'(‘. A (:(i'lllvtll in every package entitlingr ‘ C. SQULES -I[ f, 5k5%%%asw&sao@m l l the holder- to Free Veterinary Advice. . For sale F. .l. PETHICK .\' HON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed, c972: Is... 3‘. r’ I coat , W 00 D Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Tlii'eshei‘s‘ Coal on hand. Michael Bros, IQiuiunond [Iiii June il. 19.53 a 555523353 ’ $1.33 iii awaits.

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