â€"â€" CONDENSED NEWS l'tEl‘JlS HAI'I'EXINGS Pitt)“ ALL OVER Till-i i GLOBE. Telegraphic “t‘lt‘ts From Our Own um) Other Countries 0’. Recent Occurrence. CANADA. \Vinnipeg/is free. of smallWV Arrange-meats aue in pl'OjJrrss for opening of t‘arliaunmt on Novetubm‘-» The Ontario Imvwrmurnt has exl"ll-l|"ll n: for live :nunitn‘ the Sou bum #‘tiilitl'lwtit-nil.» of shampoo, Arrangeuwnls have tor the erection of a scvyu-stmiv’ In London, Ont. Sir Henry l‘ellatt Males that Niagara electric power would not. he tlt‘lth‘l‘I'Wl a: Toronto fur a couple of weeks ,vct. An increase of pay from ten to thirty cents a day has hem granted pnuzu‘ employers of the lntercdnnial Railway. Several defects are reported in tllC first issue of the Ross rifle to the North- west Mounted Police. The work of the revision of the sta- tutes will be completed in time for its sanction by the Legislature at its next session. Three of the five Judges of the Crawl of Appeal decided that the betting; booths at the. \\'oodbine were gambling houses. The l‘rivy Council has decidcd that the members of the Christian Brothers who teach in the Sv'llt'mls of Ontario must be properly qualified teachers. Mr. 3. Leonard Shannon. accountant in the Department of Railways and (2'1- nals. has teen appointed Controller and Treasurer of the Guvermnent Railways, a new office. ln’dvl : The increase for the present. ï¬scal year in I. C. R. earnings up to Oct. 2... overlhe same period of last year is $110,316. Mr. James Cowan has been awarded a contract for 1.0011000 ties, 6.000.000 feet. of logs and 300.000 feet. of piling for the Canadian Northern Railway. The Ottawa authorities have been ad- vised that the New Zealand Government has voted £20,000 annually for direct steamship service with Canada. The Dominion Government is suing the Ocean Steamship Co. at. \v'nncouvcr for failure to return two Japanese, who art afflicted with trachoma. Capt. Neweombe. of the Government fishery cruiser Kestrel, now protm‘tinc British Columbia waters, is reported in spended as a result of an enquiry by the Minister of Marine. The captain is ac- cused of buying supplies for the ship at excessive rates. GREAT l3RlTAlN. The British Admiralty is 11"'l)l05lllg to train colonials for naval service. An attempt is being made to get the winner of the Oxford-Cambridge boat ‘ace to vixil. America next year. Mr. Whitelaw Reid. United State-1. Am- bassador to Great Britain. has been gnu 1:11 the freedom of the city of Dundee. Mr. Redmond declared in Parliann-nt on Wednesday that Irish landlords should be compelled to sell “1311’ au- tenantcd lands. It is announced that the l7nltlo=hlp Dreadnought will be attached to th‘ new home tlcet as flagship for Rear Admiral Francis C. Bridgeman. UNITED STATES. A locomotive engineer was scaldcd to death on Sunday in a train wreck at Home. N. Y. The National W. C. T. U. convention a; llartiord passed a resolution depra- caling mob law and lynching. Charles N. Whitney has been arrested in Chicago on a charge of swindliug to the extent of $3,000,000. The employees in the ofï¬ce of the late Russr-ll Sage have received. in addition to thrir regular October salary from the estate. checks front .\lrs. Russell Sage for an equal amount. \V'ith llt'l‘ infant ld'utllt‘l‘ in her arms. Jcnuio Donate. aged 13 years. was struck by a trolley car on Friday in Pliiladeb pliia. She was dragged 00 feet and both were, dead when the car was stopped. Patiicli Hurley. :1 llccbestcr policeman. shot himself in the heathen Friday. lie \\'itll\'0'l into the morgue, and after a brief conversation with the man in charge placed a revolver to his head and pulled the trigger. Death was in- stantaneous. til-health is given as the cause of his deed. Olliciats of the United States railroads who have ben conferring: with their cm- ployecs regarding the demands made by the latter for increased pay and short- e.‘ hours have announced that the cin- fercnce has beiu satisfactory. An at- tempt will be made to introduce a uni- form system of pay by the mile. l l l l i l l l l i been complth 1 Mid trn'ii-llt'd l A Grand Jury at Burlington. \‘t.. on: imiirtments Connrctiivn eight in Tuesday ictnrncd againd two companios beef and cattle in the State. Two men: hers of the Guile (immuhsion were nicotil at tr in ‘2.†‘l' “U 1 indicted for Fl‘lli' dLscasrd cattle 1ch two c- “Panic-.7 i0 _._._..- Gizxizait- to l t‘ivll war is sail .c imminent Vine: :el-i. l-‘ren h dw [or the slim tors have dick vr-rid a are \ tt'l{ Japancu‘ : '2‘ l .1 . ii in my; n-uutuh‘ f. r the tnitrd .\‘ ..: .ll\\’~‘ liilt l’t‘ltl'l"-llj" it the [‘1.\n;. 't‘» at St, l‘vteixiuirg; ltii'ic trvza‘ ftiialdui to attend lt‘.‘llit‘-‘\‘. ' llandl< have lwt~l sev-‘ral vj‘. in the n:- glibi-rl‘owl n1 Tangier. MLri The 12/. has gran‘c-l lull 'l-‘tV it" u s..:‘1~riil~: Lettill. huzi. religious llCn has lucn swnpt 1;; a t l l t l with the sale and exrortation of (liseas'ed : 1' U l'll‘lw AERth \l‘T‘r? \DVT'ZN H'Rti. Valve lit-nan to Lrnli at :2 "right (it 5.0th Fiat. nt'il‘rti'i t- "1 5,: p ht:- 11‘5le 5 .Tininu‘ .iiNr'r. i ' .ig :. i‘ll\.|il ill l‘ 111'." in \ein»-d i_\'. t . bullion .i the ‘ " Hounds .w ill-«lain0 Trim lln‘ 13V- â€l' turd . '1 l-‘ inllilwt >I.l!]|‘ l‘ld-N‘ it‘\\fn_\‘. illhl it ‘\.'t~ inli'inltvl in MY: ll tvv UH' grounds up tho canal. ’l! v ftll'le't lll'w‘w'll l1“! lt'till till-l lln‘ ' ' til“ (pienlly rairjtzt :n trw ~ :Ilil t'l' lt‘>\' din rl. \\,.;,ii :n»:;' :1 Hi‘ {tul‘t it» thi~ ll.’. 11.1 ' 1' "'i’ lrii plum-:1nl‘nl_p.i.;i.1;iigl lilti‘i i113 ‘ H-frlid i. Him": in it ' Wt}â€" :.nd rt 1. :ivvziy iln‘ t tiTtulL’l' d H‘mhl‘t- 'lt'l' lud‘uin ru-i- l:l.i' a .‘ti-l i‘l u Slililiu\\'l'\,l"l'l}' d.r~‘â€" tu'vu to an I'~}illl.ilt'(l hw'uht 1.150011 fut. . \‘Vln'ti about .Et‘\'>‘il llilll‘S ll‘i‘iii August;l the \nlve. whit-h bad twin damaged Monday. and had Mgr-n litil.‘li"tt with fill'grnn‘s :nihvsiv‘u pimp." lit":filll lent.- lll‘ I‘ltplelly, and the :irrmninl. s'n’d dr ‘.\'t’i\'.’:ird in») rapidly it r ('0' "1. Nut llil\'lll;{ any l~nllasi, hr rnd pied in “Hitâ€! the ship by cutting All his show- and lu-avy loathhr leggings threw away his mat and the contents of his pot-kids, 'lhe llt‘\."t‘llt was but little checked. and lie plumped down in the middle of a Clillfl-ll field. Owing to his location in the. rigging. llr. Thomas was unable in all front under. and was caught in the folds of the balloon when it struck. it Iii-3n started acro<< lhe ticld. dragging llr. 'l'hninas marly a quarter of a mile bm'nrc he could extri- cate himself. He vas badly scratched and lair‘raicd, but not rt‘l'lUil‘Sly injured. . and a.-.“ GREAT BI'ILDING BOOM. Toronto is. Seventh in the List of Pros- perous Cities. A dispatch from Toronto toys: The building pr-rmils iwued from the lily Architect's oilit‘cs show that ‘i‘xironlo E< the seventh most. prospirmw city hit this continent. so far as bull-ting! is con- ccrned. Two rcc~ rds have been broken. as shown by the returns inst issued. The permits for October rrprcsrnt 5:1.- 51‘..l.;')7'.'i, against $1,009,005 for Octohi‘t‘. 1005. The only previous months which have mine anything near this total was last May. which reached 561.502.100. and Angint of 1000. which totalled $1.117.- 155. The. total values repierented l.y permits issued for the ten months at tlll.‘ year reaches $tl.ltlfl,fkl5, against Sflï¬fiijï¬tl for the same. inn iniaitlis of , 10 ). The total values of last yrar were Sill.3l7.tl'tl. so that the ten months " 191:0 already excerds the lot: of whole at last year by $755.4.IJR. buildings crcclid thi< vear so 1.0213. as compared with 2.085 same ten months of last year. d.- 'l ll'.‘ tar total for it; wâ€"wa “A RR] .‘u (it? CENSORPSHTP. t‘lan Efroposed to li’rcvent the {‘nfit From \Vedding. .‘\ desphlcll from Chicago. lil.. says: \\'cdding bells will ling only for ltnnd‘ ‘inppy young prrwns who :d-n'eed in p'sMng a State irlpcï¬tion twt if the ideas id the Anmr n Strut; Bl't‘wlt'l'o‘ .A'xvia‘laiicn :ue wariiid out. The inw- oration has turned 11-1‘ the ninnirni from the consideration of rattle. .‘llt'l‘p and hops to ill-i culture of hu;.i:i.-i<. and it will la‘ 1an ullinnitt.‘ lilzxinw OI lln} (It‘lllil litre id l'lugcnics. just appointed, 1? kw.) an r-ye out. for ill-in:th pa.r<:. A marran (who do may t'ccult iltue inc-palm†Mm p. we< 1': a. ti able. l’ri ~ lessor Ifhailcs ll.ndr.~.r:u id' the llnivrrsdy oi Ch co Strxiologv Depart- mint. is u llln‘lllllt‘l' It the .‘i'uimlittoe. of which lh'. Aim intixr (Iridium ilcll t.‘.iiani.r.n. 'l'li-r inurwi Culnnultwistosprri iinf< motion card to the ill effects of the marr' delta-inc }Jt‘l‘>ttll>'. insane per-.11», innit-d dz tlil'lgd< and nurral (b :ilt‘ in be r- »liaincd in L'Uluiliu: and l-(cpl from marrying. ll. 'ic outlast of Him in â€"â€"-â€"+â€"- CROP IS 90.8%.!“ REFER-23.334. Increasi- of Nearly 0‘“- “‘04. crn Yield Last Year. A tin-ind h in Eli pm,“ enquiiic-I mutic l-j. tl tlif lll'tl:’ r and trim tl;.. mpgâ€); ‘l'lirlflm ‘ti‘.‘ril. ill" \\l1"(ll.tltrl_l if it") L i“. W" _-‘. pri \intws f: r llll: ymr l: Pltich 1d Uda‘fidvil ~i;t»i;cl~‘. Gs: t‘l'fil- pared “31h :2. .3231) buxlicl< last. year. The llg‘dlt.‘ Iwi' i'JH‘u' an; givun a; fi. l- loxvsâ€" : ltl~nilolia Sault'atchnnan Alberta 'l'hrsi- tiguriu' d.-13 r it Grilllliltt‘ mad» tliti-rtiir of t-ivpi-z' hurling “p thinks l‘:.t‘~ giwi-l \\ .. , t q;.r.».1 my...“ .I' l . IL r. ' ‘v‘.illt" .II. 1 0.1.1 IAN". llup .i . v ' Sunni. ,\luiistvr .i ‘ and (Mr ‘ v! 1‘. plus. 5 0 \‘u .rr-J rudi- 'cts. _.___..§.__.._ litlt.i17\.\ t'Nt‘itAltDt-ID. ST. in Troops .\!l \Vitlnhd‘ivn t'loni Vnptdun'g laud F't'tsull. ] r . c l .j .- »' 1-. i \3 “"01 i t » -\:1 '.' ‘ ’ lr tll‘xl ' v‘p‘it in. id at. lâ€˜ï¬ lt'l'lll‘ST NORTH RECORD. 1 \ri'lic Explorer Pear} Reaches Latitude ! nit ti? llegru's 6 \iinntrx. ‘ {rii'gi Ni u. ‘i. :' ll. ‘ . iii llii‘ l‘i-zi;:’_ t'..ll . , [1.11 u. lipid. . l'~-..rj‘. 1» t'llit-‘a‘i. :11 hi1 ludin‘ la I». l'v‘. r \x d :. tl'h- 'r’l'mu 11‘ ill l‘rury ldrli rhnr' d the? 'lu' ""lrtuh’r had a tinned 57 .ii- rum: 11 ltlzfl-t . i l Nil. «' tip-Ntay n‘ght. THE Bl‘CKlNGlIAM TRAGEDY. ‘ Strikers and Mill Owners ltetd to be Guilty. lit'trt'tiv cs. .\ diupatrh from Ottawa. says: The \- .t‘w‘i‘. shiftile bcfiu‘c right o'clock on y Eighty-six \\'ltll1‘.\it‘\‘ tiuvl tun cvamined in the live days that. 1'7‘1515 \\-l\ in progress. The Chief w. ‘ '. t: in u " m! "l. - ,l‘ 1‘ [h {"3 "1 \hMJ, I ‘_ {,1Ԡx “I ,1 tor-lav were .\l:ivur \alle.‘ . ,lt " ‘I ‘,“ '\ I" H" ‘ . . ‘ 1‘] 'rH f -“ WW“ I l --‘ .i;.i u..- n... Marldircns. Albrrt xlziv.» :\ :.h title. lrand; 't-d in») statute I I “I...†\r, ' ’. “T 8“ um] “um m “h, 1'! lr< that means ‘Jtltl.L:ii llilit'\ from thr- " \ ‘ “N l"‘ “ ‘ ii. 5:.l that hm town the pad Ar-lw ‘l-il'r'ts i-rr _\ini~ \xuiwul ind. laxity 1w n hilt-r 1h ,~ mi 1‘ rin‘e W'l. Hf 11w (Hematn lt-‘fltl‘. - “tiara-dale. l,:il.rudm- (\m 'l'\\'iilillg.< ;.tti-, Nivx‘fviiltiiltl’linl‘. X1 Y. :3. ‘ln lttilnl'l l. lillllgt'lliftlii “ l uN-v'ult ‘,V.l!]'t rut “mil; v'iiJ‘sl tittllll- hunt, ,x..n:.n.'li..t mirth Airl't ‘.‘..litt‘i Illiilllt 1}. llv-rlv'la and (1‘1 up... ll"- \\rnt north with "lrdc'rs l‘rb-l that: of iiir- tight with a revolver. swore imam a that 1;» had no \V'Cili'On- W†at lwtit‘ tint: ll’ the strikers came up he in be had handed his revolver to Illlt‘l‘l.\" tl'Xt‘ll. run li‘l‘ Ali'\ldltt‘)n math I1 ltlnlln‘y main». 1) ill“ pay, will: then retired. 'lhw‘. ‘.‘.tli‘ tint hi- nrnrly four hours". lib. l l‘l'ill} of contention bring the. with of Dr. litultigti", the local car- iinf'r. who rode in the strllu-ra‘ vehich 11.32:) \m . l:ij.id by H and ST: (tale Otlt‘il “WM 1‘ lull'd't'i'll il‘gl‘x‘m‘. R"}t‘l£ttl 34’» M‘v‘ il'l}.~'. ‘It‘\l'it[tlt‘4l (li‘ï¬l‘n'r) -‘(l t:ll"lt'\" till it†:tllillllllt'illitlll with supportng lruitrs land in ifird due r-nst. lienr‘hcd :47 deprqu .13 Ininutm llrii'iiI l-itilmlp .iwr h-w, dull» mg .«liadily eastward. iii-turning ate li‘lijld, dog‘s. Drilled e:.t>l\\'urd. deldyrd by open water, roar-hull north mast 'ilH-l'lttlnl in straitrni-d conditions. tlx'itlrd mush nan .‘thl l'itllJlWl nirnil ltirncnlrind mast to ship. 'I no .xnpnni inn; tplirtn .\ driven on north roast. tlrm-nlnnd. t‘ne rim-tied by llll‘ in starving eniulu lion. After one \vtw‘li recuperation til Roosevelt. slutgt-d wed. completing north ct’iast (irnntlnud and tern-haul ttlln'l' land. near ltttlth meridian. "Homeward voyage inc-"want. battle with ice. storms and lnad winds. l}|ltl<t‘- vrlt and sea boat. de'diis rr dint-x. in expe- dition. (Signid) l . “mnqu ..____..... EPIDEMIC IS HI‘RIT \DING. Further Outbreaks of Smallpox in New Brunswick Districts. A despatvh from St. John. N. ll...<:1y<; t Though provincial illllllttiitlt‘S ttllllllltlll lo iséuc rmnsuring rixporis. tll‘ smallâ€" pox ri'ridemic is undmibtwlly sprradinc and considerable alarm is foil. in addi- "tion to the 75 cases in Kent. County. t‘VlllCll have, now born firmly quarantin- ed. there me about half a hundred cases of the must \'.l'tllt’tlt type of the disease vin Nuithampton, Ymk tiounty. and one (Ilse has developed in thi-i city. 't‘tii- Village of Salidury. in Albert County. ihzis born pineal in danger of inlth u truu Kent. County. through four men, who have been exposed to the dirrase, maunitii-cnt No inc-tighter ircturniin.’ to their homes thrrc. The 'prwtal authorities have closed ail post- .oilccs in the infc iwd di<lrict. 1 #MW 1 \'i)tlt£tt‘ft' Ol’ MANSLAtjtitt't'liil. Believille Jury Finds Kit-Enghcit Killed "is \‘t'itc. A despairh frmu licllzvilie says: 't'E.c Chill'tvl'tltllll ~was crowd-“d U'i l’rid'ty tmoruiug. win-n the court rdu‘ib‘tl at. t) o'rlcir-ic. .lnstire lh-illiin. addrcmd Ihc jury about an hour in Hnnnung up the) lx'lengbcil untrdrr trial. lbs Lordship nub-wot at lcngth li.c r‘iidcnm) suliniit~ and dwelt upon 'hz: fact that tin- piisiin-r had repeatedly .nicd that he did :1 with his~ fish. "he ground [til‘ liurauily. his LUltl‘hlp stated; could not i»- rdinidn id, as thrre was; no evidence adduced to show that lie was insane. The charge was: rather sinmgly against the lll'i>‘;lli‘l'. The jury retired at It; tot-lock. and. after deliberatingV for nc-«r- .le live la ur<. returned :1 vrrdict (1 man- .slaughtcr. with a strong recriunicmia- [furl] ed‘ nnri-y. Mr. .luxlii'e llritttin Slut- ed that ll.‘ would '11" :nattcr' ll‘wfuro passing sentini-e. and the old tindll \‘ms l't‘lilti\t'lt ti) t'n- (wits lulu“; i‘lllSt‘tNlil’. tili'l‘s 17(IL‘i‘. \‘lCAltS‘. At the opt-l I of it.“ as" .v.-s 'Sziluriuiy l‘i 'dllniild lxli-iiipln'll. axes fwunl crui'y r-f inandmtphtw lduiiy‘l'l'u lit“. All'. dining trr bL‘lilL‘llt". ld'iï¬ulll‘i' ..d mg. thing to is l.~rd~hip in pro~ twinning KetilwILri'. ' "d in the ad- tint. 1?I'Iil~i'li i‘ t‘dl \\:l~; llrittnn lit! rill. ii |\:l!llrt.l1 ï¬g}; [’1' It." til: . {.lltl Ht i'ilift that the. Jury liwl >ll' . ‘ l‘uv'iulihn‘inf- I,†“Mâ€; lip-w law factors liw‘ turd .-.,:..;.1. mi and \‘v iii iv _. in fiiiii- twin.“ of the .‘t.'t“'ll)'". ills t.|.'l"l:~‘litj) thv "3011114 in tin I - y in}: nut. it'ti'l upâ€" l[.='iilâ€. "ll [rli'tiswl :it ill.‘ “"1 -, ,t. nth‘. w in: 1» U-d. t l .§._m..._._ i FIRE IN HPRtNtititLl. MINE. Number Three Colliery May lime to be Scaled. A (punish 1min Halifax. N. ‘ ’1'1,.:1-.) i\ no dv Itit noxv :n to the naturv: >2. s'ivs: int L‘h‘ tr ublv‘ in .\'«*>. It ll‘..ll: :1 1",»- ’ lli‘l culli-‘L‘w-a llb‘ l t id;- Ili\t‘,ll'l'llll‘t‘< nus tlixrivvniut on linizslngu. and the unthalarm-iv pio- till it it.“ t' v' ‘.\ln«'. '. nutrian in» to n LilttitthtE .tttitttitt l.\ v’L'l't‘t\\‘\. \dvnnred a Dollar inn to llll'i‘l‘tt‘t‘tl (Inst ..§ E‘rn't‘~ Punishâ€... ‘it'l‘ii" ‘i‘.lm‘ :i \\'«.t. n“_’ containing the guns. and covered them “it “turn attention was drawn to tin-m. tivrntnully the jury brought in the fol- lowingt verdict» â€\\e. the undrrsiwiwl jurors. declare that \\l' turd tiril 'lllminrts ilrlancer mill i-‘Iaiu-uia 'l‘in‘riault tdllnl to their deaths in the 'l‘uwu of Ilucltinghani. in the. dis- tt'u't of Ottawa. on the 8th October. 1006. bring lvilbd in the course of a riot by l’ddlltx lxii't'tlfln and Juli!) (I. Cummings. tmlh of the Town of Buckingham; l‘icrre Hunt. of the. City of Montreal; Roy l-Iulxraui. prrsfntly of the Town Of flndiinuhain; l“. \V. \Varlvr. presently drad. and the othivr constables shooting :u. “will, in such ctrcums inees that. they :‘»'tltl be sent before, a criminal court. ‘\\'-- find that Allmrt Maclaren and Alcxandt‘r Mill“l.tll't‘ll, both of the Town of llut-ltiughanl. are guilty of their dentin; in bringingr in those men. and slioull ,L'vi before a criminal court. “\‘xe also ï¬nd that Adeiard llainelin. tlilah'e (Iharetle. John Baptiste Cle- tiit‘itl, (iulbert Bastian. George Robinâ€" son t'irotnau. all of Buckingham. and many others. are. guilty in that they mwanpaniwd those men in this riotous assault, in which they met. their deaths, and should lie sent before. the criminal Court. “We also ï¬nd that. Dr. Alex. Rodri- cue. of Buckingham, is more guilty than any other of the i'nacistralcs of the trwu. in that, be anticipated serious trouble. and Neglected to do his duty. and that. he too should go bcfore the criminal rmtrt." Two jurors. Moire (ionic! and Janvier llamrliu. both of whom arc related to Sli‘ilu‘i'x. dissented from this verdict. 'l‘\\'lil.\"li AltitliS'i'S MADE. .\ despatch from Ottawa says: Twelve min at. Buckingham named in the verâ€" dict of the Coroner's jury as being gutlty if nunder or ncei‘ sit-ry thereto in con- nrcliuu with the sir "e riots were form- ally arrestrd on Saturday aftoruoon. ‘l’ivas iii not guilty Wore r-nti‘rn‘ml in each «am, and the plti‘ule was continued un- til next Friday without ball. A guaran- tr. \‘-.'2I\‘ given by the lawyers that. all 1v. wild appear in-xt Friday. On that day t‘lu‘apzetto will ho present. and [Id’ the pi cliininary hearings. }. AH; :‘thlH't‘lvltl'fi .‘tit-ZDIA'TION. ton. :‘tir. Month-1h Hears Complaint Oi Itcct Growers. |.ludgn arrange A lltԤllitlt'lt fi‘Olll TOl’OlltD says; Two llt‘tltlliillOtlS (‘alb'd upnn llou. Nelson .xliinicith. hliiil<lf‘i'\0t Agriculture. on \\‘ednu~d:iy. As a result of a patina“ [plum Hit: Dt’Utllit‘v'i'S (If ', ('llltflly .1,â€an of Tort; t'ounty. rwpr scntallvcs at the Rt'l‘llll Sugar Company were in with the Munster. .w.n.~uliati in A0 “Hump: 1., hi.- i-ontract Litwccn the t“mniczgiun-i-s and the tfi ~w1‘l‘S. the [01.1mm “no to supply l‘ttll\‘.d_V cars to For some Iin.\' n this um not dnrw. and now the |.l-._i.l,1.wrs me rxi‘u‘iwlng a desire that it... (,anénuin‘llt Lw‘ t‘ill'l'it‘tl int.) pffect tilltl liit‘ til-il‘vt‘l‘y‘ til til" i‘lilils‘ lie fucj“. wand, A; the (iiiwrmuent still pays a i,.;3,t,t3' 1;] tj‘tJllllt'CthiI \\'it.tl the lJ'c‘t‘l Slt- guy hidintry. it is in a position to speak “my Man.) nutluirdy. However. “an. txtr. xtn lllg‘ltll‘t'lle‘t‘tl the two parties to Mighty together and rndeuvor to reach a is Sis of agri-Pnrint. In the event .irl‘ tin-y \‘xltl have to renew their my. lion t‘l the Government. wo___. l't’lt‘ltt-ZD WATT-IR ON (‘RD‘WIL ‘r'd‘Ly {he lu‘t‘l\' to this In 'lu‘y. J . l 0 {ill p Dispel-ac Mob. A .1. mg. n front iii Pas-o. Texas. says: TM... 1%.. .11 w are ill the morgue ind two 1;...†[induct] Excited w “Nut 1... nus in a hospiiai as the “will (.1 a u .‘rtl-Jr iii-re on Wednesduv. ($156,“ ivy an t-xclmltgc 01 shots be- ta.“ hi: murdu'vr and a policeman. AWLâ€... 11.,.|;-1,;n.-/. liillcd his wife when [THU-HR.) huilc and found him in 'tll_‘- with another woman. Rodri- “.1 thulltl ltamlr-ra, the woman him. \xurc killed. and (lily Detrc- .i. ,5... not; ;:,- llamdd and Jack t'ilover. a H.;[‘i1.\‘.ut1ii-ltil in the light that ensui d. : :n-u ttt‘inti‘lllll'llt \‘.it.\' called out and ‘ “grown! 1h.» t.\"ltt,‘tl crowd that had ;. {it ivy pouring water on it. {rum 1. i'vt‘. ? -~â€"~â€"+~â€"-> ; .t‘.‘.-\l..\.\(‘.iltl.5 OF Mth. l \rc Pouring [town From Vexuxius. "t N‘iplrs stir}: the Sides of Tim " . his tA1rill:->ti< .xtlll ; ;. 'l_ ed 'i'ls. .\ in In": t ' :I'l 'v‘l't' ll ' E l _\ l t"|ll~i'tt l '"q'i :t\'.t' ,‘llj. .n the Buckingham inquest reached. t LEADING MARKETS BREADSTL‘ FITS. Toronto, Nov. 11â€"Hour ~â€" Ontarioâ€" Dlttl. 32.70 bid for 00 per cent. patents. buyers‘ bags, outside, for export. Mam. tubaâ€"First patents. Sigh); second pat- ents. $i; balirrs'. $0.110. .\tillfce-lâ€"â€"t'ntario bran scarce. $16; slud'WS, uglgjtl. (tornwxo. 2 yellow. 53C to 533310 T" runto. in more outside. liveâ€"72c outside. lliieim-tieat--~5it: to 55c outside. (jail bard quotations 10-day were:â€" tlrnnâ€" 3.50 bid, outside. \\'hunt~â€"L)nlnrio ~â€" No. 2 bid. ouls'di‘. \\'h al~â€".’\lanitnl\a~.\t lalic ports, Nâ€- t northern. Hie, bid. Burlrwao. ll extra. 58C bid. 73C 1'†L‘tlll. loints. t7.l’.lt. t't'eix'w-"t‘lz‘ bid. outside. tlatsâ€"ilï¬jtfc asked, outside, 3'30 bid. main line. ltyciâ€"Tsir asli'cd outside. 710 bid. Budtw‘hcatâ€"Jic bid. G.T.R. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Rutterâ€"Montreal trade papers report lutlter prices as lower. but here they Continue firm and unchanged, with ligh‘ receipts. Creamery . . . do solids . dairy prints do pails mixed. 70c BBC to 26¢ .. 230 to 25c . 22a to 28c . 19¢ [091k do tubs :7: III. isotozoc Inferior . . . . . . .. 17ctotSc Cheeseâ€"1340 to 13%c for large, and tie to 14%0 for twins. - Eggsâ€"Prices are very firm for fresh 21c to 22 . Po'atoesâ€"Ontario 55c to 60c per bag: fasten-n, BBC to 70¢ per bag, on traelr tCl‘C. tit. Poultry â€"â€" A considerably increased ," supply was on the market. and the de .' mom] was mute brisk, keeping pricea/ steady. ‘ ' Chickens. dre<sed do live Old fowl. dri‘ssed do live Our-ks, drcswd .... 9c1011c Geese. dressed .. 9ctoltc ’t‘urlieys . . . . . . l/icto 16c lialml Strawâ€"Firm at $6 per ton in with light offerings. N0. 1 timothy. $10 ti; $10.50 per ton in car lots here. Baled Stravv-â€"â€"Firm at $6 per ton in ear lots hcrc. 9eloltc 70 to Sc ï¬cto De (Soto 7c â€"â€". ' MONTREAL MA RK ETS. Mon‘real. Nov. 6.â€"Grain â€" Business at ntinurs quit-t on the local grain mar- ket. '1 here were some inquiries from Over 111* cattle, but bids showed little 11': improvement. Buckwheatâ€"Stir par bushel, ex-stor. (tornâ€"American, No. 2 mixed, 57c, 3x- sbnc. Oatsâ€"On spot. No. 2 While. 40y , to tile; No. 3 white, 30).;0 to /10¢; N 4, tinge to 33c per bushel, ex-store. hemâ€"Baiting peas $1 in earloadtlots, $1.10 in juhbzng.V lots. I r c Flcurâ€"M:.nitobaâ€"Spring wheat, $1.25 to $3.60; strum,r bakers'. $3.00 to $1.10; \\'liilCi‘ wheat patents. $1.10 to $1.25; straight rollers, Ruiz) to $3.70; do. in bits. $1.65 to $1.75; extras, 81.5010 51.5.3. MilifecrlHManitoha bran in Laos. SIS to $21); shorts. $21.50 to 322; Ontario lJIlel. in bags, $18.50 to $15); shorts, $215.0 to $22; milled mouille. $21 to $2" ; slraicht'grain, $28 to $20 per ton. hollot Oatsâ€"Per bag. $1.05 to $3 in car lids. $2.10 in jabbing lots. (ii'irnuicalâ€"t’ced meal. $1.25; lated. 3|.55. tinyâ€"No. 1. $12.50 to $13; No. 2 bay, $12; Ni. 3, $11; clover mixed. 3 1; pure clOV'L‘i', $11.50 to $11 per ton in car lots, - ‘fllltl‘ BUFALO MARKET. / Buffalo. Nov. 6. â€" Flour -â€" .thady. \\'h.-:itAS;irin5_§. dull; No. 1 Northern, any; \\‘int.vr steady; No. 0 white, 7x1; Cornâ€"Strong; No. 2 yellow. up; 3 corn. 521/; to Sit/ye. Oats Firm: No, 2 white, 38c; N0. 2 mixed. 36%, to 1118,16. Barleyâ€"Firm; \Vestern. c.i.f.. quutcd. 51 to 530. Canal heightsâ€"Steady. NE\V YORK \V'ltliAT MARKET. New! York, .‘x‘ov. G.â€"§pot ï¬rm; No. 2 rril, 819:0 elevator; No. ‘2 red. silo lob. altoat; No. 1 northern l)ulutl1,SR%c 1.0.1). allnut; N0. 2 hard winter, adj/,0 1.0.1). afloat. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto. Nov. (Lâ€"Trude in cattle was only fair. and inferior stock sag;ng in prices. The offerings of cxporters’ Cf‘tlnprised a few medium loads. and the values thereof were low. Cattle weighing 1,330 lb; \\.\:l‘0 :Uttl at 33.12% per cwt. and a, imcdium load of cxporters' brought, $4.20 per cwt. «, lntc'ncrs‘. cowl. ‘l W: . 81.25 to $4.50; fair to good. $0.1.) "0; medium. $3 to $3.25; common. (it) to $3; $2.30 to $3; export cows. $3.50 to $3.75; ‘ canncrw'. $1 to $1.75 per cwt. ,- lt‘i-udcrs. 1.000 to 1.050 lbs. of good’ quality. sold at. $3.50 to 83.05; tlio<e of man to 1.21:†lbs “Tilt? wut‘th $21.75 to $1; feeders. 1.2110 to 1.300 lbs were sold (11511 to $1.25; slackers of Out) 1’59 bpmnrjlit 8;; to ‘ and lighirr ones sold :.1 no to Kit w- my ï¬nders, Stâ€) to 700 tin. could be. obtained at 31,75 ti $13.31! 1111‘ r‘v‘,'l_ Limit," mild tit M t-’) $6.13}; export, . 7i. A“ m , and export bucks (‘1 $1; la) -. . ("TL I HHS “H.- _ m pricc though the . ,Iï¬t'JHt'll 231?. 3015, $5.75; 'MM “(5‘ 33.31: per cwt. I mtg,â€- v,.~ri- in good demand at :35†NHL “mm-Ljdig to quality. __...â€"â€"4_sâ€"â€"â€"â€" Railway Unnpany cars for is Atolllv'l'C‘)‘, roli'o .5 i‘cci Ni). ’ fat cows, v / 1 . \:'J