Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1906, p. 1

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License Auctioaem for the County of Yor': re- spectfully whens your patronage and friendly influence sales “traded on the shortest notice and a: xensonub eratas. P. Quadrant. King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Bales Ltzeudedho on shortcsmoticcand a. ten.- nnnuble rates Patronage solicited Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Y0 k Goods sold on cnasigumout Geuom] sales moo etc promptly utendedco at rensonubh runes Rasidauce Uuionvillo G R Gouldxng. Newton Bruckngeutfor thy -L‘.” J '1‘ Siigeon, Maya Calls by telephone from Richmond \ Hill charged to me. 'G R uoummg above calls by day and night promptly at. tended to. J“.- H. SANDERSUN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Saving MafigEasy JOHN R. CAMPBELL, \Vill nccupy his‘ is pa-vpm-eJ ‘w d .-_1l~m li) treat eye (list-uses. Will he Uni-:0 hours 7â€"\‘ p. m. \Vill IS PUBLISHEDEVEM L'HURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. D; ll VOL. XXIX. Office Hunts I) 1". IE. J. \Voods DENT EST, Francis Bm-k, THORNIIILL, Ont. (Mi-:0 hum-s: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 :1. m Tux-unto ()I‘fi Cur. Curlth and Yungo Sts , Tux-unto ill be in Richmond Hill on \Vezi nosduy nf each \Vé’t‘k. Office, mth dour north of Stand- :ml Bank. [Rich (6 VETERI'NARY SURGEON, 'Pixornhill. . F. McMAHON. DR. S. BUSINESS CARDS. v. 8.: L. {A (3-. R. Eng on To Du. DEAN) Mayo Weston Snigcon & McEwen. @111: (gm: D. G. BLOUGH, Emro a J; Paomuuon 1):»ai1tisat, HI. [He-nice. attrvium‘y Minx; J'. BOYD. M W. ANDERSON, s pl-(‘dcccswr's office and flu gvnz‘ral practin and ye, cur. Nude and Ull'uikt Special attention given to Farmers’ Sale notes. $1.00 opens an account in our Savings Department H. A. FLEURY, Manager King City Branch Put your money where you can get it when xou want 1t. IlOlldl Iii“ Spending has ever been an easier matter than savingâ€"but less W1se. We offer excep- tional inducements and lacilities to help you to save. Bank of Montreal 53:31“ imam: annual. 150 CHURCH ST. 30 a. m. to 5 p. m J K MoEwan oonmxssmumxm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of IvIaJriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN DIIIJLS 3L 'l‘E'E'FY. ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC. Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Comer King S: Yunge Streets, TORONTO. Barristers and Solicilors. Money to loan on land anddmtw) mutt-gagennt lowest rates Auroranlficeâ€"Remuved [0 Lbs old post or}ch one dour west, of the entrance to 1.1m Ontario Bunk Newzxmrket orificeâ€"Three doors south 0! the 1: mt O‘fiue 'I‘ HEBBEB'A LENNOX G STV Mona“: BARRISTER, Somcrmn, NOTARY. ETC. Tm'nntn Ofi‘ir‘e, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, W'esley Buildings. Richmond Hill ()fiiw‘ Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after nnnn. LENNOX & MORGAN Maple, Thursday after-mum. Mnnoy to 1mm at, Five Per C F Luwfeut‘le: ' idout “Wadsworth RICHMOND H ILL. ONT J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor. Etc Richmund Hill Office. smith-vast 1- “(‘1' 01’ Lurnc Bldg” every Thursd afternoon. A. G, vainaaew c M (mmy T0 LOAN AT LOWEST R Taichmond Hill NATIONAL TRUST (‘H A M BE RS 2!) KING ST. 14).. ’I‘ORONTO, (L-madu. FRANK DENTON. K. (1. HERBERT L. Drxx \V. MULUCK BOULTIHEF Jam; WA 11mm MCDONALD Phono Main 311. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC rivate and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current, rates. Commissioner, Conveyancor, etc‘ Insurance: Fire and Life. b‘ Danton. Dunn & Boultbéé Turman Office, 36 Toronto 8! root Lindsey. Lawrence £2 W adsworth. Barristers. Solicitor WILLIAM COOK Barristers. Snlirtum, Etc Aurora. flunk Reserve- $10,000,000 Capital $14,400,000 In Essentials, Unity; in G STV MORGAN s. Notaries, 8.c. Phone Muinzgm Newmarket [wast (-nr- Tlnu'sdav mt (57;). LATES. ABER- y Sat. day sud, ST McClure; in sinfifile, Ed. Mai; luy. O‘Connor. The judges in the sod classes was: Mr. John Morgan and Mr. Thus. Cain. After the judging was cmnpkted, the nzunes of the suc- Cessful Culnpetitms were read by the secretary, Mr. J. T. Suigeon. The winm-rs wermâ€"Fixst classâ€"“"1”. Houstruusrr. “'(mdhill; R. H. Bnyes. \Youdhill; Jus. (Jamel-on, Vaughan; Thus. Mchul. Tuxnnto; GM). Mc- Laughlin, (h-ahamsville; J. \V. Reive, Churchill; S. MuClurv, Vaughan; R. Plll'dI’t‘. Pickering. Second classâ€" Fl'ed Garhmt, 7:1rltnn \Vest; \Vm. Baker, Vaughan; James Butler, Scur- hm-u. Third classâ€"Ed. Smith, Stan- lvy Mills; “'In. (Jan-son, Vaughan. Fourth cluss~li Kennedy. Aging-hurt; ank Buggs, Vaughan. Fifth clubsâ€" Calnemn \Vulkingtpn, King; Uecil \ankm-, Ideal weather favored King & Vaughan plownxen at the annual match hold on the farm of Andrew McNeil, Esq., 6111 con. Vaughan. last, Thursday. Fuin 1,000 people were present. comprising represrntative farmers. Immut'nctnrcrs and all chases, with :1 good sprinkling of ladies, Twenty-nine plowmcn competed. Good meals were served in the Town- ship Hull. Vellore, by Mr. James O’Connor. The judges in the sod classes were Mr. John Morgan and Mr. Thus. (,‘ztin. After the judging was cmnpkted, the. nzunes of the suc- cessful Culnpetitoxs were read by the secretary, Mr. J. T. Saigeon. The winm-rs wert‘:~Fixst classâ€"«\Vm. Houstruusrr. \Voodhill; R. H. Bnyes. “'oodhill; Jus. Cameron, Vaughan; Thus. MuLmuL ’l‘oxunto; Geo. Mc- Laughlin, (h-ahanmville;_J. \V. Reive, toast. was proposed by H(‘\'. A. 1;. Bruce, and respnndod to by Ml. Saigeun and Mr. Kirliy. The bride and groom h‘ft ft 1- their futurr home at Cnncm-(l, later in the evening amid happy congratulations. The bride’s guing-mvay pmvn was a tailnr made suit of brown clnlh, thi- pony jacket npeninguvvr lnlnuso of white silk and hat of while pamw vr-ln t, and white plumes. The prom-Ills WH't' mum-runs and unstly. :m‘iuiig the-in bring a sale- huard and a; (lnzvn knivvs and forks from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rumble; (-hina tea set frmn Mr. and Mrs. “7m. \Vumls: ClU('l\' frmn Mr. John and Lnuis Ulrmonl: lI'llNIlNHll' si-t, Mrs. Thomas liumhlv; china five o'clock Iva Si't, Mrs. .lnlm Dl-an; china berry sot, Mr. .li-hn Dram ; crystal berry set Mr. J. Fisher: Silwr pickle cruet, Mr. and Miss Graham; silier lread tlay, Mr. and Mrs. Jamvs Klll))’; salad liuwl, Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Rumble, jr; Biscuit jar, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rumble: two \‘asvs irom Josie and Nuttiu anlrlv; china lea service. \Valter nml George- Rumlrlo; carving But Mr. and Mrs. I. Mord. 1 dozen table napkins Lizzie and \Valler Humble; china cheese dish, Mr. and Mrs. Saigon": sufa, cushion, Miss Daisy Saigenn; silver pickle cruct. Mr. Albert Rumble; parlor lamp, Mr. Arthur Rumble; pepper and salt shakers, Mr. Huber Rumble; jardiu- lll'O, Miss Lizzie Humble. Pattersmi; toilet set Mr. H. O. Bailey; bed spread. Mr. and Mrs. \\'illi:m1 Ult-ment; rocking chair, Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam Bumble and family: parlor lamp. Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Graham, Patterson. the strnins uf Lnlwngrin‘s Bridal Mun-cl), plnyml by Miss .lvssir Graham Hiolmu-ml Hill, and was attirvd in :gnwu (-f \\'lllt(' ()rgundie. with lung tulle veil, and can-iod a bouquet of bridal roses. She was attvndod by Miss Daisy Snigenn. Maple, guwned in white 0rgnndlv, and ('H-l'l‘iul pink and white carnatinns. The groom “ins supported by his brother, Mr. Roy \Vouds. After (:r-ngi-ntulations, about, fifty guests l‘(‘p2|l’€d to the (lining ronm \\‘ho1'(' :L snmplnum l'f'pust was pre- pared. \Vhen all had dune justice to the guod things pinvide'd a hearty ()n \‘Vrdnosdny evening. Nov. 7. at 7 o‘clock, .‘I. may pretty wedding was SUIt‘lIlniZl'd at, the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humble, Fuirview Farm. Vaughan, “'hvn lhvil' only Iluughte‘r Ethel Boulricu um] Mr. \Vm. George “'uods of (Yum-0n]. 2nd Run (If Mr. and Mrs. “'m. \V.»(;ds. Newton Brm-k. \vvro united in the holy lmnds uf matrimony by Rev. A. 1’. Bruce, 3.1).. of Richu‘mnd Hill, under an arch of vvmgl‘evns \rlu-r-e :1 he-nutiful \Vedding Bell \vus snepe-ndvd from the (It-nu». The bride e-nte-wd lhv drawing I‘Onlll. Ir-uniugm. lhv urm 0f hel- falher tn the strains of thungx-in‘s Bridal Mun-ch, plnyml by Miss vasir Grahzum Hirhnunnd Hill, and was attirvd in a King and Vaughan Plowing Match 0n \‘Vrdnosd aughan: §ikth 012125, stub- WOODSâ€"RUMBLE Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1.906 Junior Pall't ILâ€"Geurge \Vhite, l Alex. Bishop. Gladys Hesp, Susie Fenwizk. Dolly \Veller. Senior Part I. â€" Levi ‘Valsun. Johnny Julian. Teddy Ewing. .' Junior Pant, Lâ€"Ross Irrlzuzd. Suxie Jarrett, Mervin Wilson, Melville I \Vilsun. ‘ Smiur II.â€"â€"â€"Donzlld McNaughton, Lizzie Fenwick, Lulu-n. \Vutsun, Viola. Jarrett. Junior ILâ€"Agnes McNaughton. Johnny Grveuwnod. \Villie Wild. Senior Part II.â€"Gurlield Farr, Olive Farr. linkbie \Vcller, Roy “"ilsun. i\,, Dav: Ju October. Jumor IV.-â€"-I\Iuriol Kinm’e. Senior III.â€"Lizzie \Vhite, Bertie Pun-rim ugh, Flossic Pute: buugh, Bu-tlm Murray, Madge Jarrett. Junior [ILâ€"Alma. Hewgill, Ruby Hewgil], Lnum Murray, Jennie Bishop, Bun-Lucy Farr. ‘ The young men of the village are going to build an open skating rink on Mr. J. Martin’s lot, and are talking of giving :1 concert, to raise funds. A club for the pin pose of x-ecieatiun has been organized lny a number of young men. They have rented the hall at the temperance hotel and have issue-d a large number uf inviLatiuns to an assembly on Friday evening. Owing to the state of the weather the attendance at Bible Society meet- ing was not; very large. The church was nhnuL half filled and the lecture was w-ry intm-esting. Mia‘s Nuhlv lvft lust week fUI'Hill'VPY, 71]., where she will spend the winter wiz‘ l: hm' biotlici' Dr. T. Noble. M inns Annitnge and Miss F. Rosnmnd nf Nc‘wmzu-ket‘, visited (wei- Sunday at: ti)“ lmnw of Mr. J. H. Kirby. The public schunl was closed Inst Wt‘( k nn account of scarlet. fever, but. l‘t‘»(|;)( ned on Monday. The public library committee are nbnut to make an addition to the library. At a meeting on Saturday uighL thpy decided to expend $40 on new hooks. Thv judges weanâ€"In sod. S. Rennie, J. Mnrgnn, \V. 01 nun-0d; in classes 3, 4- :1nd 7, J. McLean. A. Pearson and I). Ynuumns; in classes 5, 6. 8 and 9, J. \Vz-ir. G. Smith and E. Pickering. The judges of the turnâ€"outs were:â€" VV. Patton, “X McGowan and D. SeWell. Good pink Fraser River salmon. tins, 2 for 2%.; Quaker Brand n tows. for 25m; John Bull pickles. 1‘ b.)ttle. IUu. Atkinson & Switzer. Ninth «lass, in riding plowsâ€"“7. Thomas, Ellesmere: 1“. Elliott, \Vex- ford. Specials. hest. plowed land in sudâ€" T. McLean: hast six crown furrows, T Shadinck; bust finish. T. McLean. Best crnwn in sound class. B. French: lwst finish in second class. R. Frunch; best crown in third class, A. Lmvery; best finish, A. Lowery. Bvst crown in fourth class, R. Low- my. best finish, R. Lowery. Best, crown in fifth class. B. Cox~ worth: best, finish. B. Coxwurth. Best r-mwn in boys‘ class, G. Sellers; lwst finish, R. Harding. First [my finished, winning :1 prize, R. Harding; second hny finished, G. Sellers; hesntinish, R. Harding. Bn-st, crown in seventh classâ€"JV. Blake; best finish, J. E. Kennefly: best . Bn-st crown in seventh classâ€"WV. Blake: best finish, J. E. Kennedy: best plowed land in stubble. R. Luwery: best turn-nut in sud. team and harness â€"â€"I_3. Kennedy. \V. J. Reeve. Best, tum i'n' stubbvleâ€"JHLEJ‘ey; Munroe. Best turn-nut; in lmth fieldsâ€" Best gum-med teamâ€"H. Ley; Munrmu Seventh class, in 50d, jointer plows â€"â€"\Vm. Blake. Agim-ourt; A. E. Ken- nedy: A. \ynltul}, Agiycoult. More than 1,000 people gathered at the plowing match held on the farms of Lymwn Kennedy and J. Elliott, on \Vednvsduy uf Inst Wnek. There were 39 entries. The prim list, is as fullnws: First. class, In sod~Thos. McL'uln, Tuman 'I‘hns. Slmdlock, Agincouct; Gem-go Little. Brown’s Comm-s; J. \V. Reeve. Churchill. Th \Vild following is the report for S. S. No. 9, VAUGHAN. East York Plowmen. m'u Loamâ€"n. Ley; \\ . H. ; \vel'o:~In sod. s. Rennie. I E N T R N. ()1 m-cx-od; in clussvs 3, ‘ McLean. A. Pe-zu‘son and I z; in classvs 5, 6. 8 and 9, Smith and E. Pickering. ‘ s of the turnâ€"(mls wormâ€"1' \\'. McUuwau and D. ; *W 'Farm Im Fraser River salmon. flat - 5L3; Quaker Bland toma- ; John Bull pickles. 16 oz. f Atkinson & Switzel‘. â€"â€".o jplements H. Lay. \'\'. Ii. Instruction in Piano-playing und Theory“ Rupresentntive for Richmond Hill and Vin-inin (If yvulde Firme of Heintzmuu and Unmpuny. Limited. mnnufuctuv ers of high grade pianus. Fire and. Life In- [ sumnce A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL §§§§¢§§0690999609§§§H9690 N. J. Glass RICHMOND HILL P. Any one necding anything in these lines call or write 9’0¢§¢§¢OO§O§§§§QOQOO¢¢O¢O Underlnkers a Embulmors which later came to the knowledge of the settlers and which are now growing rapidly in professional favor for the cure of obstinate stomach and liver troubles. These are (on to be safe and yet cer- tain in their unsin and invi crating efiect upon the stomac , liver on blood. These are: Golden Seal root, Queen‘s root, Stone root, Bloodroot, Mandrake root. Then there is Black Cherrybark. The medicinal principles residln in these native roots w en extracted w th l c- erine as a. solvent make the most relm lo and efficient stomach tonic and liver in- vigorator, when combined in just the right proportions, as in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Where there is bankrupt vitalityâ€"such as nervous exhaustion. bad nutritionâ€"and thin blood, the body ac uires vigor and the nerves, blood and a l the tissues feel the fevorable effect of this soyereign remedy. l... , , Although some ph sicians :have been aware of the high me icinal value of the above mentioned plants, yet few have med pure glycerine as a éolvent and usually the doctors’ prescri tions called for the Ingredients In vary n3 amounts, wuh alcohol. The “Golden Medical Discovery” is I scientific preparation compounded of the glyceric extracts of the above mentioned vegetable ingredients and contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist A great many American both then end women, are thin, pale puny, with poor circulation, because they have ill- treoted their stomachs by hasty eating or too much eating by consuming alco- holic beverages, or by too close confine- ment to home, omce or iactory, and in consequence the stoth must be treated in a. natural way before they can rectify their earlier mistakes. The muscles in many such pie. in fact in every weary. thin and t in-blooded men, do that work with great dlflicn t . As a. result fatigue comes earlst ex and lasts long. The demand {or nutritive aid is ahead of the supply. To insure periect health eve tissue, bone nerve and muscle shou d take from the blood cer- tain materials and return to it certain others. It is necessary to repnre the stomach for the work of tak ng up from the food what is necessery to make good. rich, red blood. We must go to Nature for the remedy. There were certain roots knOWn to the Indians of this country before the advent of the whites WRIGHT BRO S Trust to Nature; [Single copies, 3 cts. AND No 20

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