‘ln : varictyr of fabrics. styles and prim. in a“ sizes for women. men and children, and guaranteed by your own dealer. Patents Secured Free I prepare patent, applications free of charge. It you have an invention send sketch 10-day for free opinion. 24 years‘ expcriunce. l". H. Gibbs, 52 St. James St., Montreal. {$7 to $10 per week easily earned; wool, ;elc., furnished free; disiance no hin- ;dx'ance. For full particulars address the [Dominion Knitting Co., Dept. W, Orill‘m, .Ont. ’ STARR QUALITY Throughout 10mm. TOIONTO. (VITAWA t QUEBEC THE FEATHERWEIGHT mo latter feature secured by using a ‘ web bracing. LIMITED' DARYHQUTH, NOVA $897M. BRANCH : 126 Wel'xington St. Wast. - Toron Write [or 1906 Catalogue. No one should sufler a moment er \vilh Piles, [or Dr. Leonhardl’s Roid will cure any 01190. No matter what kind you have, Bleeding. Internal. External, ltchi Sunpuraling. Dr. Leonhardt’s IIen‘ No matter Bleeding. In Suppurating will cure yu ANTEDâ€"RELIABLE PARTIES to do machine knitting {or us at home; Light In Weight AND Exseeéingiy Sï¬ï¬ Visiting Uncleâ€"“There is no beast that has a roar so terrifying as a lion.†Small Nieceâ€"“Did you ever hear papa when dinner wasn't ready in time?" THE FIEEST TEEPERED STEEI (“LY Uï¬EB. will cure you. Thir. statenm sand lestimoni been permam‘l It you are 11 money buck. [HE STARR M’F’G. (30.: If [he evenin " ’ I " 346E ounmo I I I CUITS On- bo do“ when] by our hone. Prooeu. Try A IRWIN! AMEN?“ DVIIM 00. ‘he Wila 'alis, Ont Tom .okin ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR HOCKEY SKATES IN USE -\\'hat did SHE LIKED IT kissed her when THEY MEAN IT ms‘ $1.00 SI CU l‘C ublic sald when she wasn‘t All dez’ilei‘s'. or Limited, Niagara a moment 10anr ‘eonhardt’s Hem those who )ll wngmm Toronto. the rest Blind. mg 01' l-Roid thou- have your She was newly mar know a. little bit about ing or shopping, and s ï¬rst. order. It was a grocer was a clever m to 1111 kinds of orders, pret them easily. fresh “A pound of (les He wrole, gliny “Nothing more, some nice horsem "No," she said, ‘ lo us; we don‘t ke it Keeps the Muscles Piianl.â€" Men given to muscular sporls and exercises and those who suffer muscular pains from bicycle riding will ï¬nd Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil something worth trying. As a lubricant it will keep lhc muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant use of them. without softening them or im- pairing their slrenglh. For hruiscs, sm‘ains and contusions it is without a “And is this man come unto this with unblushing footsheps, wilh the of hypocrisy in his mouth, and 10 ï¬ï¬‚een bullocks out of my client's 9*. with inmunHy‘I" asked a bar There was no reply. pairing sprains peer. Litlle Sister: “Any new studies this lerm ?" Little Brother: "Onc~elocu- tion." “What's that?" “It‘s learning how to read a. thing so ii will sound as if you was at the other end of a drain- pipe." MAKE A NOTE OF IT, “ The D & L" Menthol Plaster is [Imam/rod to cure the W011“; C5140 of bickache, headachs, stitches. Avoid substitutes. Get the gonuiuo mape by Davis do Lawn-moo (Jo. A Pleasant Duty.â€"-“Whea I know any- thing worthy of recommendation. I con- sider it my duty to tell it," says 139v. Jas. Murdock, of Hamburg. Pay. “Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has cured me of Camrrh of ï¬ve years standing. It. is certainly magical in its effect. The ï¬rst application beneï¬ted mo in ï¬ve min- utes." 50 centsâ€"9 The efï¬ciency of Bickle‘s Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arresting inflammation “l the lungs, can be established by hun< dreds of testimonials from all sorts and “How in the world, Mrs. Wisely. do you manage to have all of your three daughters in so early when they spend the evening out?" “The last one home has to get breakfast next morning.“ “We want a man for our information bureau," said (he manager. “but he must be one who can answer all sorts 0! questions and not lose his head.†“That's me." replied the applicant. “I'm the father of eight children." “I used ter think," remarked Meanderâ€" ing Mike. “that I wasn't popular wi’h dumb animals." “Are ye?" inquired Plodding Pete. “Tremendously. 11 three dogs 10-day, and every one them thought I was nice enough eat." conditions of men. It is a standard re- medy in these ailments and all affec- tions of the throat and lungs. It. is highly recommended by medicine ven- dors. becausa they know and appreci- ate its value as a curative. Try it. Do not delay in getting relief for the lillle folks. Mother Graves’ Worm Ex- terminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do you let it, suffer when a remedy is so near at hand? Eat what you IIke.â€"Give the digestive organs some work to do. These functions need exercise as much as any part of the human anatomy, but if they're delicate. give them the aid that Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets nï¬ord and you can eat anything that's wholesome and palatable ~60 in a box, 35 cents.â€"8 n awn)“ HenrJvâ€"â€" she began. “Don't try to excuse yourself," he in- icri-upled. “Look at (his room! I was going to bring a friend home with me. but 1 refrained for fear the house would be just, in the condition that. I find it in " “It you had sent word, Henryâ€"" “Send word, Maria! \Vhy should anyone who claims to be a house. keeper have to be notified, so that she can scurry about and make thinks look respectable? And that dress, Maria! It's outrageous to be dressed in that fashion at this time of day.†"I could have changed itâ€"" “Oh, of course. You could have done lots of things, but you didn’t._ You should be ready to enterlain your hus- band's friends at any time. I suppose He md ow a. litlle bit about. either housekeep- g or shopping. and she was giving her st. order. It was a crusher; but the ocel' was a clever man, and was used ‘all kinds of orders, and could inter- ei them easily. “I want 1015. of paralyzed sugar," she gem. with a businesslike air. “ch’m. Anything else?" "Two tins of condemned milk." “mun.†Vfll' Anylhin \VIIAT SHE \VANTED with ï¬ends ; more. ma'nm of fresh salt. HIS TU RN FIRST What nex of desecr: v, "desicc ma‘nm dish just ‘it would »ep 0. her ma codï¬sh ‘ I had 1 e‘d have it was. in." be of no us: 1nd did not sure cod." We have l to draw \l's pock- barrister. AV nr and supp court cloak ï¬i‘ï¬ï¬ï¬iflï¬ï¬ GWGE Don't let the child Buffer. Instant relief and a permanent cure is obtained with It heals and soothes throats that are worn and inflamed with coughing arrests the progress of disease, and eï¬'ects a. complete euro speedily. Sold by all druggisls. Price 20c. ".11.! 273:. per bottle. Dr. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. “Hair “Think thinner you do “I was Judgeâ€"“And your wife. aimed at and struck your head with a cup" Witness â€"â€"“Yes. sir." Judgckâ€"“Well. all I have lo say i: that you ought to be very proud ITO“. Manse. Prairie flcramhm and every form of connexion: Itch on human or “annals cured in 50 minutes by W01- iord'a Sanitary Lotion. It never (Lila. A young stick of bambon strelching its head above the ground looks much like a stalk of asparagus. In Japan these young shoots are as much sought. for food as asparagus is here. A Small Pill, but l"ow0rful.â€"â€" They that judge of the powers of a pill by its size, would consider Parmelee‘s vege. table Pills to he lacking. it is a lime wonder among pills. What it lacks m size it makes up in potency. The 1-6. medies which it carries are put up xn these small (loscs‘ because they are so powerful that only small doses are re- quired. The full strength of the ex. tracts/is secured in this form and do their work thoroughly. “I hear your ï¬rm “Yes; but I wouidn't if they hadn‘t added WELCOME AS SUNSHINE after storm is the reï¬e.’ when an obsflnata. pinion cough hu ham: driven away by Allen‘s Lung Balsam. Nu opium in it. The good eflect lasts. "How?" “’l‘h {in my place WWIâ€"v“ â€"-w- Ewamm? i Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirtyâ€"four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough 01: Cold appears. ‘ SHILOEE wjl] curgyou, and all druggis’té'ï¬a'ck uï¬ï¬ié Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that. but~ why go to all the trmzhle and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescrip! ion ï¬lled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to ï¬ve dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you asrgyickly? r W Bwéw is getting so?" “Yes.†about thirty not look mm thirty yesterd an. SLQ‘CUME ‘adn't added insult “They advertised f (la y‘. prelty thin, sir.†“But it was much years ago." “But 11 older than that." u, and all ;tat€ment The young physician 1001 and conï¬dent, “Well,†he must have what chou' [Hall Hand Water, “OSHAWï¬-‘a†$t€ae§ ï¬hingles nsctian w Ste rm 5k: rm Fire fiï¬ï¬iï¬'gï¬l. 8118. 321-3 w Craig St GEO‘ \‘V. KGRN RAZOR M THE REM? ammuy d_aac “chins. Burning. VCreoplng. Crawling Th FlRE. WATER AND LIGHTNSNMHOOF- We also manufacture Corr-again! Iron In long sheeis. Conductor Pipe and EAVI‘L‘S'I‘R‘H’GH, Etc. ME’I‘AL Slmms. in imimtion of brick or stone. METAL (IEILIMIS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 149 and free samples 01 "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write today. CODES Made fmm Painted or Galvan-12nd Steel, at pri-éps varying hom to $5.10 per humlred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns. StonesJSle- valox‘s, Churches. etc. Any handy mm can iay the "OSHAWA" shingles.,A hammer and ships are [he only tools required. We are the largest and oldest ccompany of [he kind under the British flag. and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Ctnada. making them 30- W. KGRN RAZOR ma-‘G. cu , SAFETY RAZOR my $5~ é ME $1.35 Don't {an o mention me of this mapaw >§" We \ym sand you. FREE 05‘ ANY CHARGE whatever, a hgndaome ring. a: pattems, inflating our wonderful valus Blue and Black Ser u and Cheviot Tweeds, together with our latest New York Fashion Plates. T EN JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Our home memuremeu system 15 so SIMPLE: chat we re nlro only 5 measurements (which anyone can take) to enable us to give a. HERE ‘1‘ m- TING tuner-made gmeut. All goods are shipped 5 days from moist of order. ‘ 3‘55 ï¬Ã©ï¬‚-ï¬? Clï¬i’ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ £0. say that with my {‘12 :uccceded remarkably did you relieve him‘ “Five dollars,†said 35933133'4.&R PEOPLE, Write your Marco: OflicO.-HKAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont Agents \Nanbed. says raids Enlimry treatment, _bub 7'1: d by Wo;vo:‘a Get-3.30 used In con mum-'5 Symn. AMILY of skin dimms i3 by the word Eczema OI is 0m MGMW. maxme 423 annex st. 11 Colbono at 60 Bundas at at \V as e wasn't I J to have the ï¬ne ex: Tho man “rim :5 temicr .«rln'n and a. tough beard may now shave hnnself with cowlurt a.“ New. Xowous mon ueod nwt he fluid, they mam: out themselves. This Safety givoc the pmth thaw-cut mad doe: not‘ccmpo. It Tidgel handio in p-rrper pad‘im which gxm better ‘ ha). The many devicn is sdjuuwle and oz.» bo turn- ed tram ï¬g“ 2.» ion luml without removiu AM bin-10. .lstai; price $2.03 sash. Every run: in a £1th gun'- anteN, 2.111 is (all cencavod .u good as tho lian barb" nun. Sand for circulam and information to am on: In all 3m Bram Has Pmméui One Pair of $5.00 Trousers (made to maxsm‘o) and a really elegane pa- tent Suit-Case given entiroiy FREE with nvery order. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO BUY, and two will REFUND your money I! yen {and either the Special Sun: or the FREE GIFTS are NOT EXACTLY u adverthed In (his paper. \V in d.d sho he Lin Pauam Dept. I 274 Moan Roya! Ave, Mean-cal. Can. WERE. m 76 Ward at LH‘TLE VALLEY, N. Y. mm. m Hmumm nly ju me once." Kind string. Bo'sura avim." If? ltistha name «I \p {he nys’uuqL given 615 Ponder at lave been out L back.†“Did should say I in them in- imcslincs is they pass a bowels. tacked on All Four an very on \J o Pins LII '11 m in- Pills the have ml to sorry 1r bill