Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1906, p. 4

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Ricnnofib Hindâ€"0hr" Nov. 15-, {908 At the Lord Mayor's banqiiet last Friday night, in responding to a toast, War Secretary Haldane ex- pressed regret that he and the First Lord of the Admiralty could not see their way clear to diminish Great Britain's fighting force. The War Secretary saidzâ€"“It is the duty of a. Christian people to set an example for reducing the expenditure for armaments, but unless they had a re- sponse from other nations this is im- possible. I hope the time will come when nations will look back upon these days as a period of barbarism and wonder why they have spent millions in this manner. But, until that time arrives, it is in the interest of peace ilself that no nation let down its strength, and it is the duty of Great Britain to maintain its fight~ ing efficiency." COMMENDABLE A nnmbc'r of gentlemen in the vicinity of Maple who advocated and voted for local option last January, and expressed the opinion that hotels could be made to pay without the selling of intoxicating liquor, have shown that they are prepared to "practise what they preach." They have purchased the Maple Leaf Hotel, and have secured a good man in the person of Mr Robert Rumble to cater to the wants of the travelling public. The gentlemen who invest- ed their money are to be commended. 'That is facing the question in the proper spirit. In every campaign for the closing of bars advocates of the measure are heard to say ” we must have accommodation for travellers," That is very true, but the task of furnishing the accommo~ dation is generally left to those who voted for the open her. That is the reason that the so~callcd temperance hotels so often fail to give satisfaction. They are in most cases “kept” by the men who believe in dispensing strong drink, and who have said that hotels without the bar will not pay. Those men will naturally want to show that their prophecies were correct. There is every reason to believe that the new hotel-keeper at Maple will keep a. strictly temperance house, with first class accommodation. It therefore behoves every man who believes in local option to give the house a fair trial, and assist in every reasonable and legitimate way. Those who hope to see the house pay under the new management should give their patronage whenever an opportunity presents itself. A local option campaign is now in progress in several surrounding munciipalities. It the Maple Leaf Hotel can be run successfully, it will be an incentive to others to “go and do likewise." Expiesslon of Sympathy. The following letter of sympathy has been sent to Mrs. Hopper, in ac- cordance with a. resolution pnssrd at the last meeting of Richmond Lodge: Mrs. H. F. Hopper: Dunn SIB’I‘ER,â€"It is with feelings of sadness that we, the undersigned Cum» mittee appointed by Richmond Lodge, No.23. A.F.& A.M.. extend our deepest. sympathy to you and the members of your family in the loss of your lute unlmnd, their late father, our late bmllier. His genial presence was al- ways welcomed by us in our lodge meetings. and his kindly face we shall sadly miss. \Ve always found our dc- pnrted brother ready to take his share in any charitable or benevolent \vol'k, he was agreeable and generous. hi-I was ever ready to clasp a. brother's friendly hand. and he was always quick to forgive those from whom he I "CW5. the I Sale 2 o'clock. dilfeied. “’c mourn our brother‘s absenco, and realize that we are all passing away, and the place that knows us now shall soon know us no mom for- eu‘i‘- “'e feel that. cxistrnce here would be unsatisfying were it not for a hope beyond lhe grave. and in pay- ing this tribute of inspect we are cheered by the promise that peace will finally come to the faithful and obed- icnt of the human racr. \Ve believe it in a duty as well as a ‘ privilege to hear each other‘s burdens. and if it \YCK'Q possible uc “(Lid “'ltll to lighten the sorry of those bereaved: May we all be cheered by the belief that though sorrow mny endure for z'. night. yet joy ‘coinetli iii the morningi T. A. LAMON, \V. M. I). HILL, l. l’. M. '1‘. F. MCMAHON, P. Mi Richmond Hill. Nov. 2, 1900. Beat Association- Gnod roads and a lover night favored the King and Viiughnu 'l‘owu- line Bccf Association at thcir liith annual martin and entertainment held at the rrsi ance of Mr. :lllil Mrs. \Vm. “’alkington. The Association ilit'ludrszu fnriiici‘s, with 5 :idiiiliuuiil hulf slinios. Tickets \vci-c (bowl) for another year, and the following officers elected :â€"-l’l‘(‘Sl(l(*nl., A. Uaiiiri - on: Secretary, N. A. Mnlloy; Judge of beef. J. Soott; Butcher, \V in. \Valkiiigton. After the regular business was transacted all sat down to do enjoy- able tea which had born provided by the ladies. No less than 68 sat down to tea. Refreshments bring our all repaired to the spacious drawing room where an excellent entertainment was presided over by Rev. W. G. Back, a substantial member of the Association. Short addresses were giicn by the chairman, Mr. A. Cameron, Mr. R. 0. Harvey, Mr. J. Scott and others. The remarks went to show that the beef surpassed in quality that of any previous year, the average weight of the20 young catlli- killed bring 566}, lbs. The business had been conducted in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, and the genial butchrr come in for :i goodly share of praise for his courtesy. and for the able manner in which he had performed his duties ever since the Association was organized. Musical selections were contributed by Mrs. Back. Mr. J. Blough and others, and a happy evening was 5 out. The closing numbers were “Go Save the King." and “Auld Lang Sync." Etobicoke Plowing Match. The tenth annual plowing match of the Etubicoke Agricultural Society was held on the farms of Bert Barker and James Kingdom, Thistletown. TQenty-six plowrnen competed. The winners were as followszâ€"Champinn classâ€"H. Hoslrawser, Vi’oodbill; T. McLean, Toronto; R. H. Boyi-s, \Vood- bill: Gr. McLaughlin, Grahainsville. Best crownâ€"R. H. Boyvs. Best finish â€"W. Hostrawser. Glass lâ€"Jnnics Cameron, Teston; Fred Garbutt, Carl- ton West; S. McClure, Elders’ Mills. Best crown James Cameron. Best finishâ€"James Cameron, Second class â€"Ed. Smith, Stanley Mills; “'ni. Baker, Uzirrville; Frank Brigg, Grahamsville: U. \Valkington, King. Best crownâ€"“fin. Baker. Best finish â€"Ed. Smith. Thiid classâ€"John Kil- lzim, Etrobicokc: A. Biigg, Edgely. Best crownâ€"J. Killam. Best. finishâ€" J. Killam. Fourth classâ€"T. Farr, Thistletown: S. Johnson, {lob-view, Best crownâ€"T. Farr. Brst finishâ€"S. Johnson. Fifth classâ€"J. Tliurklo. Richview; J. Frost. T'bistlctown. Best crownâ€"J. Thorkle. Best finish, J. Thui'kle, Sixth classâ€"E, Mallory, Vaughan: Herb. Wright, Tiiistlotown; Ken. “Wight, Thistletown; '1‘. S. Tingle, Vaughan. Best crownâ€"EMM- lory. Best finishâ€"K. \Vright. Sev- enth classâ€"VV. Nix, Grahamsville; E. Tomlinson, Malton; J. Lowery, Scur- boro. Best crownâ€"\V. Nix. Best finishâ€"E. Tomlinson. Best outfit, consisting of horse, plow, elmâ€"S. Mr- Uluic, Elder-8' Mills. Best young tcuni in plow harnessâ€"W". Buki‘i', Vaughan. Youngest boy plowingâ€"4V. Nix, Glitlinmsvillc. The judges wormâ€"James Jiiriis, Milton; James hit-Loan ju, Richmond Hill; James Young, \Veston; \‘i'. VValkin ton, King: \V. Dawson. Rich. view; \ . Scott, Vi'esion. Piles quickly :inl positively cured with Dr. Shoop‘s Magic Oiutun-ut. its made for Pile-s alonrâ€"and it docs the work surely and with satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disa pear like magic by its use. Large, ickel (lapped glass jars, .’ cents. Sold and recommended by W’. A. Sanderson. «soâ€"â€" Auction Sale . FRIDAY, Nov. 16*Horses, colts, fresh cows, young cattle, etc, on lot. 5, con. 3, Scan-burn. ihc properly (if U. 'S. Tyndall. Sale ill. 1 o'clock. Elevi-Ii uiouths' credit. J. H. Prentice, nuct. ’l‘UEi-umY, Nov. 20â€"â€"Auct.ioii solo of fill!!! stock, implements, etc. at lot 7, con. 4, Vaughan. the properly of \‘l’iiliuui H. Vi'iuger. Salcat 1 o'clock. Terms. 11 months. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. TUESDAY, NOV. Zilâ€"Holis‘chold ef- ects, the proprrtyufThos. 14‘. Boynlon. Richmond Hill. Sale at 1.30. Tor-ins, cash. Saigcon & McEwrn, aucts. THURSDAY, Nov. 22â€" Tattle and sheep. at. the Maple Leaf Hotel yards, Maple, the property of H. A. Jil'kins. No rescrvc. Sale at l p. in. Terms, ten months. Saigeon & McEwcn, aucts. FRIDAY, Nov. 23~Fariii star-k. ini pleuients. etc. on lot 12, con. 3. \Vliit- church. the property of A. G. Mortâ€" son. Sale at 1:2 o'clock. Terms, ll mos. N. E. Smith, auctionecr. TUESDAY, Nov. STâ€"Vuluablc farm , property. lot 12. con. 2, Markham, 85 property of A. B. Elson. Tcrins, ten per ccnt. ; cash, part in 30 days, balance on mort- ; gage. J. H. Prentice. Auctionecr. l WEDNESDAY, Nov. 28â€"Aucticn sale 'of farms stock. lillplellfl‘llbs. eic., on ,lut 31, rear 3rd con.. Mziiklinm, the g property of Arthur Ground. Sale at i ll o‘clock. No reserve. Terms, ll , months. J. H. Prentice, nuct. l \Vnnnmnav. Dec. 5â€"Fill‘ll) stock. ; implements. furnituic, etc. on lot 11, con. 2. East York. York Mills, the property of James Ryan. Sale at 11 io'clock. Ten months crodi‘. J. H. Prcnticr, auctioneer. @ritifih cimmdiaa Eliminate (foliage ‘VVIN'I‘ ECR CA'I‘A]4()G now ready (‘oiiimci'ciuL Sliorilnind, Matriculation Courses. leL-i‘y druirnblc frui- lirv; Hitliwiifina scoured graduatcsa “'rilc now. B. A. Farquharson, B. A, Principal 796 YONGE ST.. TORONTO ...-v-.. ... -~.. .Vz..-”- --- .. Tweniy Minutes H :2 ()iw fi't-Jsli milk row, lot 28, 3rd (loin, \. ouglmu. Apply in \\' ILLIA M CLEMENT )liiplc Farm to Rent Imisi‘ll and 3-3 in the 3rd con. of Vaughan. l’u: piiiiiwuliiis apply to J. 1‘). (‘LIIIHNFL 11(‘t7()y ()Nk Iiidgcs. To Cure the Worst Headache From Any ? C3use~New Reduction Method. 192 i‘fostlirndaches nrd pains yiclnl instantly M the nuw Reduction 1.18lizodâ€"llr..\2mop s ’1 son'- .\"i:iute Headache L‘iirc. ’i‘he cause for L: e-w o .Ill‘i is (‘OUSZCSLEODâ€" a ‘ in: of blood to ll;- ntrvc cr-nir‘rsâ€"â€"wn‘rh u r~nds the veins l ‘ warly the bursting point Bouilpn and - ‘ --‘. 6_ t f‘<(’. veins nied capiun. us J'xf'll. on i ‘ ' p "‘Sillr‘ on Liminyri is (i! iiriie br'in . imrt'e-s. Thomtliorn's n 4'.1i'.in.ztnil fiiiii. ‘3- ill. overuciatiinh ccnsr- gt,\\ )9 s ache Tins- :1- Reduction Method /~ 235 ihi Urn, «liNlJ‘llJ‘Jll‘S the " and (. rr-crsitto the pro- " "s. â€"â€"â€" 32rd” Grind lif‘JlHi‘ in rent, next door north pa ins and of Mondic‘s :il'll". l‘ml'l'fcausc Enquiri- ill the b:ii lN’l‘ shun. 13-3 has born rr ‘ . ‘1| ’ tryu :liou- . (in. iron may - y, - drug Z‘ill s: pity the nerves , ,i? ‘f into su‘wv, <v ~â€"hut the remedy _‘ ’ $3“ w h i c h hr i n . prompt relief and A ‘ - ,' permanent or sill be successful becausr‘ it rcdu the conuestli n â€" it "6 must mum; y -. R r «i u c tion Method. Mndioh‘v has l-i ind a. waj~simple and sor , tho (Mi- . “to Lborouzlilvovt-r. Dill" {iv-<8 tracks or v-:. nchc and Ncnralala. ’7 he effort of Dr '~'i-’»w ’i‘irenty Minute Headache (‘nrc is prompt-1r ' icrtly snitvd to all forms of Hcaidachc and ltl'h luielv positive in every temperament. )‘or so. Ind recommended by w. asamsason For Sale or Bent House and lot, iiiimediatoly south of High School, Richmond Hill. For iii- foi'iiizttion apply to JAMES 15-h f NEWTON. l'Iigin Mills. “Strayed Como to lllé‘ pit-iniscs of tho nndor- signed, lot lo. con. 2. )lill‘kllrllll, (in or about the first of November, ii. sow pig. The owner may have same by pror- iug property and paying expense-s. F. VANHORN. 19-3 Dollar 1’. O. fi+++++r++++++i+++++++++++ : Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paints Unequalled lor PLEASANT VIEW FARM The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Gallic and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hogs. Lot 29, ISL Uun., Vaughan (Tllhl‘llhlll) has for sale Some good young stock. Thoroughbred bull and bog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERHAM, Purity 2 burabllity There is nothing as good and nothing could bc bc‘ii‘cr. Sll me Exercise little it tighter. EDVVAREJGALLANOUGH lute of the village of Tlici-nliill, dcrciisrd. “Imperial iiiensuic at price as others." Our stock of oils, paints, vzir~ l]lSlli‘S,\Vllli,lllg, zinc white. glues, putty, alabustin stains~~full, and prices right. til. i. garrison Richmond Hill . Notice is hereby given pursuant, to R. S. 0.1897andniiicudingncts.tbiitzill creditors having claims against the estate of the said Edwnid (inllanougb who died on or about the 30th day of August lllUii, :ll‘t‘ icqiiircd ‘ui scnd (ii deliver to the undersigned .‘Lt his office 59 Yonge Street, Toronto, on or before the 25th (lily of Novciiibcr, 1906, their iiniiics :iddrcssrs :ind (ll-Scriptions and a full stnicuicnt of particulars of their claims and the nature of the Sccurity, if any, held by them: And further, that after the said 25th day of Nln‘i‘llllwl', 1906. the executors will proceed to (list: ibute the assets of tlic deceaszil among the parties enti- tled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they sluill then have notice A. R. BOSW’ELL Siillt‘llul' for the Executor-s, Fred J. Gallanougli and Frcd Powell 17-4 ++++++W++++++++++++++++ M+++++++++++H++++++++++ +++~P+++++++++++++‘H+++H+¢ ++++++++'i"§‘+++++++‘§‘+++~ir+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FRUIT lllSll Among the most at- “M tractive patterns in fruit dishes is the dish with quadruple plate base and bowl. The embossed pattern of the finished plate, adds much to its ++++++~r+++++s~++++++++++ ruby glass Naiiiiiiiiiiimis HENRY Thomas Late of the Village of Richmond Hill, deccnsed. in gold bowl, beauty. Price $5 40 JERRY SMITH PRACTICAL WATCH iiAKER Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, and wounding iii-ts, that estate of tlio Said Henry F. Hopper, [who dicd on or about the 15th send or deliver to David Hill (one of tlio vaculors), at his UfllCi’. Rich. liiioiid Hill, Hll or licfui'i- llH‘ 51b day i+++++++++<rrs+++++++++++++ .‘ (if l)€CL'llll)l'l‘, 19043. lilt‘ll‘ names. .‘l(l- ++++++~r+++~i~t++++++++++++++ ++++++~b+++++++++++++++++++ ++~l~l~++++++++++++++++$+W+M+ ~ *idrosscs :iud dcsmiptions. and it full _ _ stilleiiiclii of particulars oftbcir i lziiiiis To ‘ and the nature of the security, if lnny, held by them. _ And flll'thl‘l. that after the said 5th Prelim?“ ‘ l" ‘ day of December. loco. the executors “"P'O" ed . will proceed to distributc the assets Inf the dcceuscd among the parties cu~ lillcd thereto. boring rcgiirtl only to the claims of which [bi-y shall then have notice. “'31. COOK. iiiideisignul is CittllL‘ liLleSl. l l The deliorn method. FRANK HOPPER Richmond Hill , by .4 -3 fields are same. but (have who wrli.‘ 5:1an 5: Cn..l‘onlnnd, Mains,wlfl [KUVC ’ free. full information than! work which may can do. and live at homeJlinl will pry them from S," to $15 per day. Some have ' Coplisl 1 TI: ndnv Ei her >ex.youn:otold “T333351? Vail an; - ‘srlcd irre Tlime when"! at one: on makq nu. o.’ sou; hull: {VIE'ABEL All ‘1 ml. if‘ATHARINE HOPPER DAVID HILL 19-4 }Execulors‘. l’l‘i ipricl or :ill creditors having claims against the . idny of October. 1906, are i-eqliii-cil to , Solicitor for Executor-s. ‘ a.“ I (1” Canada fRICllMOND Him. - AM) MAPLE ' Capnai srccocoo 5 .Rest shooooco l Durbsrrs [Received in Savings‘ Bank Dcpni‘ iiii-nt :iiid iiiiI-i-r-st illillui'tl :it _ HIGHEST CURRERT PATES. Nlllll‘i’ of \villulinuol not iii-rus- sin-y. All lli‘LlH.\ll\ pi.) iii-lc ()ll (li'lllrllhl. Mont-y Lon-ion on E‘nrmri's’ Stair hon-s. Bliiezii Role l-‘uraiis Mappliul B‘rro. General Banking Easiness Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM ii) in I}. For other :ii-iicnlni-s (‘Hli :ii the Bank P H. H. Lm’samom. A G EN T. mencscv‘ UIDER (NELLY MILL \Vill run on custom work during: 0c tuber and Novciiibci- as follows:â€" Starting Monday, Oct. ist, will run first three days of (-ach week dur- ihg October and Novrmicr, up to and including Nov. 21, 1900. AS is “'1'” known “‘4' iiiiikc i'iuv rider. boiled cider, applv butter, and jelly :ill from your own npplcs. ('idrr can be lllllli'll loamy thickness. Jolly ripples should bc \u-ll ripened :md two-lliiids swcr-l. l’urtics \visbing apple" butter should keep their peeling npplr-s separate from the cider apples. \Vill buy a few pooling apples only. No cider apples \\';ililt'(l. As we have now, nftcr many ini- pi-ovr-iiieiits, a. capacity of about 3000 gallons of cider builth into jelly and apple butter pcr (lay. \vc hope to give our (-uslomri s (‘\'t'l'}' 5:11 isl'iwtion. (Iiistuiiiei's a'll‘(‘ rcspt'ctfully i'cqucst- ('d to (lo businch on tho above ineli- tinned days :is we livo a distance from the factory and ciistoiiiors coining any other dziy would find it very incoii vr-iiieni. “'0 hope to sew all our old custom- ers back again this scam-n as usual with as many more as possible. ’l‘luinkingr [be general public for past favors, we solicit it continuance- of the some in the future. J. WINGER ' 1.3:: is.» 1532;69- A Good Chance to secure an education that will most quickly and surely fit you fur the practical duties of life, is offered by this school. Ull(l(‘l' new niiiiiiigriizcnt with improv- cd (-quipnicnt and courses, our oldvst school is the newest and one (if the best. \Vi'itc for cuta- logucund from budget of "Busi- ness “'i-itiiig." fiMa‘“‘r??_Z’.si’ / _. l ,légzgggéiyigéégézzzy. Y. M. U. A. Bldg. Yonge do McGill Streets, Toronto T. M. WATSON, Principal .~‘;:-:~!i‘.-R.€f 8'4 5:441 ~‘râ€"‘n2- vow-4m. -. ‘ Chill, Wfifih Alli] GEiéiElll Having purchased the above business from H. \Vinger 8i Son I am prepared Ito give every satisfaction to imy patrons. I have on hand :a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. . \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- llull Station, G. T. K, every HYedncsday and Saturday to 'wait on those who wish to :draw their own coal. l Have just received a car of l :cement. , A. B. HALL i Thornliill P. O. , Ripans Tabules cure constipation. l Ripaus 'l‘abnles cure dizziness. ' ,_i .J Rinans Tabules: at druggists. . ./ JV“ .-..,

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