Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1906, p. 5

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Next Sunday evening Rev. A. P. \Bmoe will preach a. special Temper. afice sermon msz the :lmpim‘s of the \V. C. T. U. The Slllljt‘Ct: will be “\tht is the Bible Mvssage on this Question.” Special music will be mudâ€" ui'ed by the chuir. \Q‘n the 7th of Nm‘cmbm- Mr. Thus. St ders and Miss Annie Chatterley. lml. of Thnrnhill, were married. A large nuniht-r of guests wvrv present at ($9 wedding. including several friends from the ()icy. A (fOl‘l't‘SpUndE‘ht asks: Hmse mun gs-t thvix 1in sum: walking with nno' «flu-r (‘w-ning.” ()(hm's‘ \snme qm-stiun. On Monday M‘s-Hing: next at the Ep~ wm-tlx League. Mr. J. 0. Mc )ux-thy. manager of the Great, \Vvst- Assurance Uo’y. und Past Grand \Vm-thy Put- riuv-ch of the Sons of 'I‘anvrunce, \viil give nne of his eloquent, heartâ€"stirring addresses. Everybody is welcome. The sale of the house and lot on Elizabeth street, advertised to be offered by public nuction next; Tues- day with Mr. T. F. Buynlun's house‘- hnld effects, has hevn withdrawn. Mr. Buyutnn has suld the property to Mr. F red Hopper. Cunsidering the unfuvnm Me weather there were good congrugutinns at, the Methodist church last Sunday. The free-Will ntferings amuuntvd to $108 and considerable more is expected from those. absent last Sunday. The choral set vice in the evening was thor- oughly enjoyed. clothing at. greatly reduced prices to make room fm- new arrivals. The Men’s and boy's suits are nearly all new stock but must be cleared out to make mom for Christmas goods. At the vices quoted the goods should be Lquic ‘ly snapped up. (TaIifm-nin seeded raisins, fancy, 16 oz. packages, 2 packages fur 2.50.; chmce. 16 oz. packages, 11c. package; fancy, 12 07.. package, 100. package. Mr. H. C. Bailey of Maple placed on sale this morning’a large q_nam_tit.y of Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P. fm Centre York. was one of the pmmin- (Ant visitors at the King and Vaughan Plowing match held on the farm of Andrew McNeil Esq. 12st Thursday. A Specially inten-vsting svnico was held at, Victoria. Square on Sunday nftevnuon and evening, whl-n Rev. \V. S. Irwin “"18 assisted bv Mr. F. J. Pethick, and the Misses Jones of To- u‘uuto. Mr. Loosemnre. lately manager hf the Standard Bank here, has been up? [minted Assistant InspI-ctnr. He has commenced his new duties, but the fzumly will not, remove to the City be- fore the spring. “1-. Loosumm-e is succeeded by Mr. Byrne. A buggy, cutter, lialrm-ss, curt, writ- ing desk and other arlviclvs, the property nf the lute Edwm-d Gallan- uugh, may he seen at the u-sxdz-uce of A115. Gullnnough. ’l‘hurnhill, "' \Volsh lime flint lump chimm-VS. l . v .' (‘ffltll chimney lulu-lied, sum“ lev, mu: mo-dium sizw, 6:2; lm-gu sizv, 25c. Cult] blag lantern globes, 80. each. Atkin~ sun 6: Switzm: 'l‘hv 3mmty Sabbath Schunl Asmciaâ€" Hun will hnld their annual cunvmltion in the Methodist Ohm-uh hex-c about. {hr end of thmary. The exact date will be gh en later. Mvu’s Rubbers and Sucks, buys” i’mhhers and Sucks, men’s \Vm-kiug Bouts, lmys' and gifls’ Svhunl Rnnls. at; right pricvs. Nnughton Bursa. Elgin Mills. fancy, 13 oz. pncku Atkinson & Switzer. The mr‘mhers of the Victoria Squme \\'. M. S. met at, the 11mm: of Mzs. 0. Dennis on Tuesday aftm mum, and did llu-ir quilting pi-e-pnl-utorv to sending Lhuii- supplies to the needy. A nmv [(-lophone was instulh-d ym. h-uluy at, the lt‘SidOllcP nf Mr. “any nggv. .h-tfvrs'nn. That umkvs :xlmut 36 phones un the Richmnm] Hill linu. it Was nmrinlly nnnnmm-d yostmL day that rvgulnr pnssnngm- trains will run (In the Canadian Nm-thrn R. R. (IL-Inn‘s Buy), wun'nemzing nerd, Mum ‘( av. Mr. Frank McDonald. Whn RHfiI'I‘Pd :m "Hm-k of typhoid n-Iumml MnnJuy In n-smnv his Work in the .‘Stuudzud Bank at Sluufl’ville. A nweting hf the W'hist Cluh will he {add at the hm'mo nf Mix»: Pn‘lnu-r nrxt Monday evening at S n’cluck. Mr. 3. \V. Mnllny. P. S. Inspvflnr fm' North York. paid his first “ official" Visit. to the schools 1101-0 an Tuvsduy. The flag flmltcd 3 Public Hr-hnnl Inst. 1“ {he {45th birthday " Hut] saw the King Mr. J. A. E. fnnt-rnl of n s (h-m-gL-Lmvn, on Mr. Juhn Glun-rhnstakr-n nu puian- in Speight‘s “'urks, Markham. «*4 «line Rxcunuxn Hun, ().\"r.. N L (‘) (3‘ A I; HOUSE A. E. Switzer :lttmulml the of a sister. Mrs. Price. in g flnutcd prnudly over hnnl last. Friday in hunnl FOR SALE. AND LOT SOLD as!) flyihsmi. thvir quunr who wvrt wiLh uneven sLt-ps Lho' ‘ ()Lhm-sure:Lskingllu Tuesd «if King Ell\\'i|ld ny. 0V \‘i'ht-ro (1 id ‘I nsfifiull burrm gt- 1906 I histilntm fvll breaking cup. Miss Kathleen w hump, 282 Avenue Run umhulnncv. Mr. Isaac Crosby. Rr-cm-der of Iv-v Lodge. No. 114, A. 0. U. \V.: ' DEAR Simâ€"On 1whnifuf myself and family, I wish to offm our sincere thanks to the order for the cheque of $2.000. being amount uf beneficiary certificate of my deranged husband, Henry F. Hopper. Hoping the order may always prosper, 1 remain sincerely ymn‘s, CATHERINE HOPPER. The Council held its regular meeting an Novemhpr (5. All Lhe memhem present. Minutes 01' Inst meeting read and confirmed. The following accnunts were presented and on motion the treasurer was instructed The Epwm-th League of the Method- ist church showed. "(x-unlng to the statenu-nt of VicP-Presldvnt R. Shaw, the largest, attendance in many ye-n‘s. on Monday evening. ley Were szv- and with :L lecllne frnnl Rev. Mr. Grant. who fur over an lmm-entlined his "Impressions of the old Land.” “'ith description, wit. and lmmur the spmxker gave (.0 all present, a great treat. The pmgmmxne cunt-dined tlw following lnusicul sekw:tiuns:â€"duec, “By Grace Alone.“ Mrs. Amns \Vright and Miss Mmden; $010, “I Know He’s Mine." Mr. Ashl’m-d \Vl'ight. The chair was ablv filled lry Dr. Buyd. ‘Wlien the tip of :l dng‘s “use is cnld and mnlst. that dug is not sink. A feverish dry nnso means siukm’ss with a dog. And so with tlw human lips. Dry. cracked and color-loss lips mean feverishneSS. and are as well ill appuur- iug. To huvu beautiful. pink, \‘9lvetr- like lips. apply at bedtime a coating (If Dr. Shun ’s Green Salve. It, will sullen and 9:11 any skin nilnwnt. Get, :1 free, Lnul hogan our stun-9.31m he convinced. Luge nickel capped glass jars, 25 cents. Tho fullowing memlmrs (If the Board of Educutiun War-e present all: their meet-ng lust Fu‘d:1y:â€"â€"~G. McDanald, J. Switzcr, J. Muckie. W'. C-luhnw. A. Newton. F. McConnghV. J. Paulin, G. Redditt.. A. \Vright, D. Hill. The salary of each teacher in the Public Sclmol was raised $25. The salaries next, year will he as fullmvs:â€"MI. Lamun, $600; Miss Scanlun, $32.5; Mrs. McConnghy, $300. Richmond hnghly safe for 'childlen. effect.qu for adults. Snld a1 mended in :3 cent, and 25 cent \V. A. Sanderson. Mr. R. Shaw. Missionary Vice-Pros idan of tlw E. L. and 1st, Vicv-Prosi (hint, 9f_thf* annntn 09711111.] District also :lbte-ndvd on Monday evening. 5th. the fun-W0” given in Broadway Tabor- nacle Lu va. E. \V. Mow-gun, B. A... prior to his leaving fur China. Preventing as the. name implios. preyent all Colds and Grimm when “taken at the sneeze sta 9.” P19- ventics au- tnnthsume cum y tulllots. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly. and taken (nu-Iv, when you first, fm-l that '1 cold is coming. they check and prevent; thou). Pwvvntics are thnr- Rev. Dr. McT. church. Tamntn. inst melting at, LI 313;; SE‘I'ViCt‘ of t‘ Rev. Dr. McTvaish nf the Ovntml church. Tm'untn. gave an nhh- «lddl'tâ€"‘SS inst melting at, the annual “Hunk-offer- ing sew-vice of the Auxiliary t0 the W. I“. M. Suciely. The Dr. spoke principallv on missmn work in China. Japan and India. Rev. Mr. Grant was in the chair. and Miss Melht‘l Marsh contributed n smlu. attended the District EerL‘utrriGt-flfll‘ééa ing rm Saturday evening to plan the “:intcr's campaign fur the district. He BROKE KNEEâ€"CAP. Relatives and frivnds here were Sorry In learn on ’I‘m-sdxy that Miss Kubhleon Prnrmnr, daughter of Mr. W. R. Pun-bur, while at, (*alisthenics the day hvfnrp, :It Hurhnrd Sty. Cnllvqiute hwld in L110 I’mshytm'ian church Fri- day evening. Nm‘. ‘23, at 8 n'clnck. Rev. \V. E. Hussurd. B.A., B.D.. Fivld San-many, will speak on the Biblv Sucivty work. illustrating his address with lantern slitks. A curdiul invitntimn is (‘xteudod to all. Thc annual meeting of the Upper Canada Brxnrh Bible Sucivty wil! be lwld in L110 I’mshvtm'ian church Fri- Hue. Japan Rice, and Um-blinn. Rice and Tupmcn. Atkinson Sr. Switzor. 1t. nur store for free trial bux. Sanderson. chiul value in B Ric9 Ranmmn I . n PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GRAING ERâ€"TYRRELI VILLAGE COUNCIL. CARD 0F THANKS. BOARD MEETING. Hill. Nov. adults. Snld a'nrl realm‘u: cent and 25 cent, boxes hy ’1 St. Cullvgiilte ht-r right lume- ns (II-ivon tn her d, in a. private nume implios. l Grippo when stagv.” Ple- 1906. and as SATURDAY, NOV. 24. DE‘JHSEflH - BUURT. Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. The Next Sitting uf Divxsion Coux‘tiox N0. 3, Cunnty of York, will be held in the Court Room. Calls from a. distance promptly amended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL PENNYROYAL WAFERS. One of Ayer's' Plils at bedtirfiéWTfi hasten recovery. Gently laxatlve. \N. HEWISON The now Pore Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing Opium, Chloro- fnrln, or any ol‘hvr slnpifying or poisonous drug. But it. passes DI. Shoop‘s Cough Core :15 made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Slmnp‘s Cough Cure is ahsolutely safe even for the youngest babeâ€"and it cures, it (1003 not simply suppress. Get a. safe and reliable Cough Cure. by simply insisting on having Dr. Slmop‘s. Lot the law be your protection. \Vo chem-fully recommend and sell it. \V. A. Sanderson. to pay the sumo:-~ Jnn. Sheurduwn, :mc‘t» tn dute.$ 104 30 H. Blanchard, ncc't, tndate 172 U5 J. Hull. oil. matches, etc ‘ . .. . 15 18 S. Shoul'duwn. work on streets 11 25 \Vm.Trench &,Snn,ncc’c todntc 9 ‘25 Ont. Lime Ass‘n. sewer pipe .. 10 20 L. Innoa. lump post, . . . . . . . . . l 50 C. Sunles. acc't to date . . . . . . . . 6 45 T. & Y. B. R.. freight . . . . . . . 91 A letter was read from Miss Louise Hennes‘se-y, which was kit, in the hands nf the leave. Council adjourn- ed. We send I free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation News: 9 yers Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. pcricnccs ofanglcrs, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- ing; or Aifli‘vemure m terestcd in country life. . ask your newsdculer {0% “FOREST AND 0 STREAM,” or send us twenty-five cents Home and it's sulloundmgs. STREAM,” or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial tri . A P large illustrated weekiy journal of shooting, fishing, natuml his- tory and yachtinfl. A new depart- ment has to do with the Ripans Tabules cure flatulenca. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Riyans Tabules: for sour stoma‘ Then tell him about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in (he house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc- tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. Have You a F riend ? HOUSE PA IN TE R, The best kind of a testimoninlâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years." RICHMOND HILL We haw. no secrets! We publhh the formulas of all our modiclnaa. ‘ummoncing IXISCLLLI’Zu: flu uh” or paine'nn up punch New wed by over 80,000 Indie-L on“; used will we ngJin. qugomze- than 1)er Buy or your dmggisl only thaw with our 'nnzum um {mootlgbeL Avoid nulls llulca. salad ruoulam IDAHO-l 20 lit-mp. gm £31. Adana. mum-u CE All AI. Loans 1'. Dmon. Ila. A Imch monthly mediums (or Indie. :0 tutors and Immune um manic: proquclm; (In, Lynn!!! 98:17 Vpaflnleu noncing at 10 a. m. '1‘. F. MCMAHOX ERKCL If you ? like to read of the'cxâ€" pcricnccs ofanglcrs, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- J. 0. Aye! 00., Lows“. Mlle. no manutunuron of __ON.._. A. J. HUME, Clerk. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. “All VIOOR. 24, 1906 Vanzzmb & “fairing. Veterinary Sur- geons. twenty-five years of practical experience. A cnupun in eva package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. F or sale WMM%%®%M%$ ++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ ++++++M++++++++W‘ f+++++++++++++ FARMERS TAKE NOTICE {AfiMWMMwawM Satisfaction Guaranteed f’P’i‘é' VTTT‘s"?‘P‘P‘A‘T‘HH‘H++++‘H‘I’++++++M+; $+++++M+++++++i +++++H+++++++++++H+++++ ++~2-++++++++++++++++4€ I Repairing and Eave- troughing promptly done These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. Ranges. P‘urnaces and Ileaters is now on hand and we invite your inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. Our fall Stock of November 15, 1906 Richmond Hill Hardware Store F. J. PETHICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Good Things are Cheap And Cheap Things Atkinson & Switzer Men's Ready-Made Suits from $4.50 up; very fine Black Worsted, made-to-measure with best trimmings, in latest style, $17.75â€" this is special $20 value; Men’s solid wool Mitts; covered with good leather, 40c. pair; Men’s Mitts, H B K Bionke. 50c. pair; Men’s heavy wool Mitts, covered with water- proof horsehide, $ I per pair; Men’s fur-lined Winter Caps, 50c., 75c., 85c., $1 and $1.25. Ladies’ Lace (,‘ollars, regular 30c. value, for 240 ; Bed Comforters, large, regular $2.25, for $2; Men's Initial Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c.; Men’s Excelsior Hem- stitched Handkerchiefs, 15c. Here is Where Sensible Servioeable Satisfying Goods at equally Right Prices We aim to secure your confidence and our prices are calculated to make us good marksman. ++++++++++++++++4 +M+++++++++‘++++m++++++$ C. SOULES ~1~+++++++++M+ : Uure, Cough Death Emul- _L_gmp ‘ June 11. 1905 Threshers’ Coal on hand. Coal and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. “223E Llfiflfiflé. ’ 31.00 IE :‘wafifiE. LIVERY COAL Michael Bros” Richmond Hill House Are Good ~2-++++++++++++4-+++Â¥. WOOD ‘ a. um “I

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