Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1906, p. 1

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IS PUBLISHEDEVEM \ DHURSDAY MORNIJ VOLXXIX. \ AT THE JSERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE ' RICHMOND mumom. 1‘ . F. MCMAHON. iekprvp “HQ, tn dis-Ru“ (Balk by telephone from Richmond \ Hill charged to me. ‘D&. H. W. ANDERSON, \Vill he Licen‘aod Auctioneer [or me County of 3'9 1; Goods sold on consignment General $3.169 stoc etc uromptiy attendedto at reasonablt rates Residence Uuionviue G B- Goultlxng. Nuwton Brook. agem for tha J. H. SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL J T Baigaon, J R M Map a Wes Salgcon as NHcEu’en. Lloousad Auctioneers (or theVCounty of York Bilesunendedbo onshortestnoticeand a. res. couable rates Patronage solicited License Auctioneer for the County of Y-ur‘r re- zbfully scheme: you patronage and friendly , ueuce sales atsnuded on the shortest notice 5 at reasonaberatea. P.0.a.ddmgs King 7' G R Gouldan above JOHN R. CAMPBELL, {1.118 by day and night promptl \. ' tended to. $I per annum, in advance.] saving Made Easy 331'- 13. J. ‘Voods‘ DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNIHLL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a â€"T$ p. m. Richlnon llm'cuxw l]i\‘{11‘1‘11('( Office Tun-mum Office, 450 CHURCH ST DR. S BUSINESS CARDS. M. R. ( VETERINARY SURGEON, am flax ‘3‘U( tl'e‘lt (-ye Enn‘ou Unlll‘s Thornhill. Ibentist, J. ll. PI entire. D. G. ELGUGII. xt du-n 1H p1 ’13! ‘fliz‘ 3&1 ctrrinarg J. BOYD. M. B iichm w “fl $1.1“ w m and Tm‘un t-n fleutnl. '1‘ 0 Spending has ever been an easier matter than saving but less wise. We offer excep- tional inducements and iacihtles to help you to save. H. A. FLEURY, Manager King City Branch Put your money where you can get it when \ou want it. 30:1,. m. tn 5 p. m $1.00 opens an account in our Savmgs Department BOFBIETOR ('cesmr's nfilce n nm-nl practicw :I r. unsu and Lhn ml Hill on \V ach wvek. north of Stand m k. a! DR. DEANi 1d Iii” lid 3'1 Hill on \Vt week. nnge Special ‘attention given to Farmers’ Sale J K McEwen Weston N G y at. m tt RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1.906 £11- LLLU'le, Prian NA'I‘fON-kh TRI ‘20 KING ST. E, 'l‘ AL 0mm. Richmond urday afternoon. W Ridout Wadsworth MONEY 'fo L( Home hold BARRISTER. Snucr’mn, NOTARY, ETC. Tm-untn Offivo. 33 Richmond St. \Vest, “'98le Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofi‘ice, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday aftv‘n 110m). Monev to loan onland andchattel mortgages“ lowest rates Auroraofllceâ€"Removed to the old post offie.’ one door west, of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmmket orificeâ€"Three doors south of the postozfica '1‘ HERBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Aurore, Newmarket Maple, ‘mn'sduyafternoon. Money to loan at Five Per Cont (5%) LENNQX & MORGAN, coumssloxnnm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ElJGIN hill-414% DI. TEE}«‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC RANK DOMINIO Richmond Hill IAS. N EVVTON G S Lindsey.K C Barris BITCO‘LL H. An NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers Commissioner, Convoyancm‘, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. HUI)!“ Uf I“ Barristers and Solicitors. 1h rontu “10.5637, MCD \“JILLIAM COOK Life Building (fmmorly Free ern Bldg). Um‘. Ads-laide (is Victm'ia SLS.‘ Tm-nngn. T. M. L AING dcnv 563*. Lawrence W adsworth, ter Dunn 52. Boult'ba Solicitors. Not .ee, Milliken Clark Solicitor, Etc In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity LUST 0“ A M! TORONTO, ( THUG 36 Toronto Si reet. AT LOWEST RATES Iicitm Reserve $0000.00” Capital} 314.300.000 [UNIS it In! 50 C H A I‘d-REP. S Yumre Stu-o m at THE LmEn Hill. every Sat V61 11mm“ R MCDONALD [[98 Phone Main 2984 nth-vast cor- x-y Thursday taries, M. um v 4 e \dn. The vanship council met, at Vellm‘o (m Tnpxdny, 13m inst. Tho members we‘re all [wt-59m, Reeve Boyle in tho chair. m1C.P.R. fm ing he m‘nnu Mr. UI-quh Maple. “'ns hunk l‘PCUiVfl a pm shipncmunt. Nu McNau'râ€"vains- he and is he-why ‘nl E. Francis the SH] fur 'i‘hnr-nhil‘. puhI Devinsâ€" Vmmm-n uror be and is ho nnv the followingI \V' bridge .. . . .: . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . D. \Vitliersponn, drawing tile and rl'puil-ing culverts . . . . . . . A. Benn. I‘Opairing picks 910.... Elliott Bros, 1-vpnii-ing picks etc. J Onwan, repairing mud planer. J. Pi: my. repairs. Mr. . . . . . . . . . S. Plnnkett, 211de gmvel . . . . . S. Plunkett, 33 yds gravel, div. S. Plunkett, 20 yds‘, gravel, div J. O’Connor, .5 curd hardwnnd . G. \Vray, thawing plank, con. J. Be‘ll, repairing Thm-nback’ _ layidge .. . . . . . L. AfW'hitmorv fm [mils . . . . . . H.V\\'ilsun filling washout, can. Jucksun Bu trough .. H. Hnmhlv, A. \V._ Stvvphenénn m‘pipe . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 1’ \V, M, Rankin. 12 loads gran-1.. I E. Langstnff, 50 lnudsigravv]. .. 1 A. Patterson, repairing washuut ' Ynngo St. Account. Half paid Markham. \V. Chatteriy. 4 days’ work . . . . . E. l’uursnn, 2 days‘ Naming . . . . F. Pearson. édily hols:- and curb \V. Chatterley. 3g day‘s work. . . D. James. 2 {also stone . . . .,.. 3 (10 G. H. Hupper. sharpening picks 2 45 G. B. Newhei-y, 10 I‘Hllnd post, . . 2 (N) G. B. Newhei-y. 45 split pusLs. .. 6 75 B. Grady, 2 days’ work . . . . . 3 09 J. McCarthy, 1 day’s work l . . . . . 1 40 F. Grady, 2 duys’ teaming . . . . . ('i 00 Devinsâ€"Longhrmseâ€"Jl‘hut a cheque be drawn rm the Treasurer fur the sum of seven hundred dollars ($700) payable $0 the order of Mary Thomson, such sum to be in full settlement, and sat- isfaction of all claims by her against the Township of Vaughan. said cheque to be. delivered to said Thomson when she executes and delivers to the Town- ship a release in form satisfactory to Mr. \V. H. Grant. who is acting fUl' the municipality in the matter.â€" Curried. This nffcr from the Council was promptly accepted by Mrs. Thomson’s solicitor. Mr. Snmke, of Watson, Smokp & Smith, Toronto. McNairâ€"Uamemnâ€"Tlmt the Trans. urei' he and is lie-why instructed to pay the following accounts re Abbott vs. annship of Vaughan: Judgment against. Twp _ . . . . . . $670 00 Plaintiff's costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 00 A. G. F. Lawrence, costs, etc... 117 44 LnnghnnseuMuNuir~-'I‘hat the tondm‘ of JumPS O’Cmmm- for repairing Town Hall stables he accepted. ‘Ian-ied. By-law No. 819 to authorize [hv sale ()flnnds OVH' and acmss Lots 12 and 13. Con. 8. Vaughan. was l'rud u second amd third time. The (Mum-i1 the-n adjourned to Tues day, Dec. 11, at 10 u.m. Curried. Lnnghnnsequ-N of Jame-s O’Cmmur Hull stables he :U‘Cr The December Delinentnr is a typic- al Clnistmns number. It is sufficient- 1y premature to assist Christmas-mak- ers with hints for Christmas gifts and holiday entertainments, hrsides con- taining an abundance of sensonable literature calculated to fit in fmm now until va Year’s Day. The us- ual amount of space is devoted Ln up; to-date fashions in' garments and an], linm-y. practical pupa-s and depart- ments for housekpppers. and Snme ex; cellent articles on live subjects. Devinsâ€"Cnmoi-nnéTlmb the 'I ‘91‘ be and is hm-ohy authorize :y the following Fund nccunnts: I. \Villiams,' making cement (‘nlvm-t on Tostnn sxdewulk . . .53 L. Cm-d. plank fur Huwlzmd’s Think of Dr. Sh; if ymu‘ nose and th your breath is fun snmv white south I , , snmv white sunthing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thynml, Menthol, etc.. incm-prurzm-G inm an imported. creamlike. yeh‘vty petmlntum. It soothes. heals. pmifiPs, cnntru]. Call at. our store for {we trial box, \V. A. Sanderson. bridge Anfiings, u Edgoly ..._ TH} 2 CHRIST)! breath is foul white southi f Eucalyptus, ix)cui-pr).x-uu-d Hike. velwty es. heals. puri VAUGHAN COUNCIL rd. plunk for Gnnn’s J. B. MCLEAN, Clerk Ill Ill In dmwing sew- firing wan-1‘ p s Datum-I at dischalg u' feverish. bridge at, 7,011 to my fifle-n all INEATOR $1,066 44 $92 ‘I‘PilQ 10 00 6 80 5 20 rit Th 31 O 40 90 20 00 lll 30 Frank Bu; {hm-v. inl Thisllohm Sump of m Tm-nn Among Ll] Stanley R undm-smn Quil’v a numb attnrdvd the pi lm-e last \vvvk. Frank [hugs (m 5mm- of our young him) have gone lo Toronto to spend the \Vintm‘. Amng thv numlwr are Frvd \Vorley. Slnnluy Robb. and Wm. Anning. We nndn-rstvnm‘l thr‘l't‘ :n'r- more to follow. Mr. John Hum: has luaiswd Mr. L. “'hitmmo’s farm for a term of years. Mr. Johnston. who occupies it at present. is going to Seal-bore Tp. Om- 'l‘umpm-nnce House has been pretty well patronized of lute. Indeed people who came from a distance to the cider mill would have found it rather incmivnnient if they could not have svcurod accommodation. Ac- commodation to the travelling public is a necessity which should not be overlooked. Misses Shunk and Snider collected last week in aid of the Bible Society. We notice that Mr. Hall’s coal wag- gon makes numerous trips to our vil- lage. He seems to have a good trade in this direction. Mr. Jnl‘ “'hitmmt Mr. John prvsent. is Our Tel pretty we pvnple w} Mr. Dun \Vhitmnre has bought Mr. Wm, Moody’s fifty acre farm part of Intv3, in can. 4. He will remove to it in the sp_ring. _ Mt. Gilus and family have removed from Satanville to the Seventh line of York. Messm. Johnston and Williams took champ uf the League last. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Thompm’m are spending the winter in tho City with their daughter. Mrs. Wm. Dunn. Mr. Archie BI-uwnlee, who is study- ing telr‘grnphy in Tomntn, spent Sut- mduy and Sunday at his hum? hare. The municipal nominations this: year will take place rm Monday. the. 31st. of December. and polling on Monday, the 7th of January. This is the latest the nmninations have been for many years. The Act says that nominations must he held on the last Monday in the month ()f December. and the 3lst this year is the last Monday as well as the last dny (If the yeur. Hereafter the x-em'e (If the municipality will he the representative in the Cnuntvy Council. If the municipality his mum: than 1,000 \‘OlPI'S it will alsu he emit}: ed to :1 deputy-weave: if over 2,()0€),t.wn deputy-reeves; and if over 3,000, three deputy-mews. ' “I am pleased to my that since annl Option was adopted in our village we have had no uppvnrnnce of drunkf-nness in our community. I have not seen :1. person in uur village the \Vurse‘bf liquorsmce the beginning of May. wlwn luml uptiun cmno intn farce. At our annual Agricultural Exhibitinn. held on the 21th of May, where there were svvurnl thmmmd people present, m'Px-ything passed off very orderly. Our nnighlmrhnnd in general and several families in partic- ular have in a great, measure benefited by the passing of the get, \Ve haw nut in any way lost by the) new under uf things and we certainly do nnt want tn gr) lmck to the uld order.” Rev. Mr. \Vilson \vriteszâ€"“ When Lnuul Option came into force last May sm’en bars were clused. The law is Working wrll, tl‘ongh there may he minor breaches of it in certain parts. At Maple n syndicate nf tewporzmce pt-ople haught out the furlnPr hotel- kevpvr. and have rentvd the hullie to an estimable family to kerp n. clean, up.1,, gemmino tmupprnnce hnuse furthe men-nf-thp-grip. and stahling for horses. At Edgvly the former hutel has thn sold. and the pt‘OSPllt owners furnish me-uls and stablng f0:- the travelling public. We are in Pur- nest, arth are making Local Optlon :1 The Pioneer, a weekly newspnpm- printed in Toronto in the intm'ests of LL-iupeI-ance and moral I'anl'lll sent. out letters asking the opinions from reliable sources relative to NW working of local option in municipalities where the Act is in force. Paragraphs fpum Rem J. A. Grant, speaking for Rich. mund Hill. and Rev. J. E. \Vilbon, speaking for Vaughan tnwnsliip, in last week’s issu», will be intpresting. Rev. Mr. Grant says :â€" “I am pleased to say that sinee anul Option was adopted in our village we have had nn uppr-nrunce (If hotel owner- the tr; nest, : SUCCL‘S pt-opl kcopv a n es up-lu Z>slimnblo fumilj Inflate, gemwino the men-of-tlw- horses. AL E VIEWS ON LOCAL OPTION (TOO LATE FOR LAST ISSUE.) nple a syndicate n * bought out the r'. and have renth ixnnblo family to has hpon sold. 5 furnish mm] «willing public Ilt .V n Edgely. MUNICIP. pinw or from our vicinity owing match at. V91â€" VVe cnngmtulnle Mr. his success. not only at, Streetsville and ‘tKL ’ temp :m'mer the hu Is a. oweriul, iuvi crating tonic, impart- ing ealth and s rcn h in particular to the organs distinct y feminine. The local. womanly health IS so intimately related to the general health that when diseases of the delicate womanly organs are cured the whole body gains in health and strength. For weak and sickly women who are "wornâ€"out," “run-down" or debilitated, es ecially for women who work in store, 0 co or schoolroom, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear hmv household burdens. and ior nursing mot are. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has proven a. priceless benefit because of its health-restoring and strongth-givin powers. As a soothing 1m strengthening nervâ€" iue. "Favorite Prescription " is un- equaled and is lnyaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritabil- ity, nervous exhaustion. nervous prostra~ tion, neuralgia. hysteria. s )asms. chorea, or St. Vitus 5 dance. and 0t JOI‘ distressing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic discuso of the womanly orizans. It induces refresh- ing sic? and re ieves mental anxiety and despon ency.‘ _'v< .. n,,_ Cures obstinate, cases. “Favorite Pro- scription " is a. ositivo cure for the most. complicated an ohstinate cases of “fe- male weakness," painful periods, irregun laritios, prolapsus or {all ng of the pelvic organs. weak back, bearing-down sensa- tions. chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration. Dr. Pierce’s medicines are made from harmless but eflicient. medical roots found growing in our American forests. The Indians know of the marvelous curaâ€" tive value of some of these roots and imâ€" orted that, knowledge to some of the riondlier whites. and gradually some of the more progressive physicians came to test and use them, and ever since they have grown in favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe we harmlessgnaliiles ._.-. ,,AAÂ¥ LA ” Your druggista sell the "FAVORITE P33» BC‘RIPTION" and also that famous altera- tivo. blood pnrlfier and stomach tonic.the "GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY." Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced hysiclan and will treat your case as con dential and without. charge for correSpondence. Address him att \e Invalids' Hotel and Sur ical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which a is chief con~ sultlng physician. . ¢§§96+¢§§§¢§O§¢¢§§9§+066¢9 Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription AGENT FGR D gazing Farm im- plements AND Eire am}. Life in- sumnce Any one needing in these l-ines call A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both placPa. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHH L N 3. Glass 999§§f¢¢¢§§§§§§0096§6§ 46+. RICHMOND HILL P. O. Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Representative for Richmond Hill and vioinity of ye olde Firme of Heintznmn 1nd Company, Limited. munufm-tw- 91-5 of high grade pianns. Undertakers & Emhalmrrs. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist [Single copies, 3 cts. WRIGHT BROS, anything No 21 or writ e

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