Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1906, p. 3

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In a variety of styles, hbrics and prices. for women, men and children. Form-fined. Dealers are authorized :0 replace instantly and at our cost any Pen- Anglc garment faulty in material or making. HEWâ€"fig Eyeing I cleaning! GILSON MFG. co. m rm 5:. Porthhkémwm. Patents Secured Free I prepare patent applications free 0! charge. If you have an invention send sketch 10-day for free opinion. 24 years experience. F. ll. Gibbs. 52 St. James St.. Montreal. OR SALEâ€"IF SOLD AT ONCE. butcher shop, stable and slaughter house, tree from mortgage. in the thriv- ing Town of Milton; population about 1,800; within two miles of two large brick works, the largest, in Canada; one capitalized at $250.000.00t the other at large amount; within 3 miles of 4 lime kilns employing in all about 200 hands or over; wages from $1.50 to $3.50 per day; average daily sales between 40 and 60 dollars; a moneymaker; a chance in a lifetime; don’t write, come and see for yourself. GEORGE PATTERSON, Box Monkranl,Totonm. Ottawa, Quebm 3, Milton, Ont The tallest woman in the world is said to be a native of the Tyrol, who has just arrived in Vienna. Twenty- seren years old, she is 7 feet 5 inches high, and weighs 374 lbs. She is spare rather than stout, hard of features and voice, and somewhat of the masculine type. Her father and mother are not above ordinary stature. u ‘1n; nu A u r. _ unemic. p.116. listl . 7 FFerRiVirfi" um besf ionic. It builds, makes strong. it gives new life. ‘here are many tonic: but only one " Frerovim.‘ “Intelligence has just reached meâ€"" began Mr. Blodgcr, as he sat down at the dinnerâ€"table. “Thank goodness it it has at last," exclaimed Mrs. Blodger, and the food was parlaken of in silence. Give Holloway’s Corn Cure :1 trial. It removed ion corns from one pair offeet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. “If there were twenty chickens in coop." said the teacher. “and two we: missing one morning. how many wou] you have?” "Well," said the leadin ruiiian of the class. “if they were In chickens to begin with I’d have eigl teen. but it they were somebody else -I d have only two." W HAT D0 PEOPLE .‘j 112 who .arourun dnvr “ BRITISH AMERICAN BYEIHG GO.‘ look [or mm. In your town. or land direct 7mm.- dart 101 the "I, no" lead you: work ‘0 an there were twenty chickens in a ’ said [he teacher. “and two were ig one morning. how many would nave?" “Well,” said the leading i of the class. "if they were my TALLEST OF \NOMEN Pen-Angle Under- wear is form-knit so it can’t help fitting your figure, â€"it’s m a d e o f long - fibred wool so it won’t shrink â€"and it’s guaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to make it so good you can’t afford not to buy by the trademark (in red). 205 BGASOLENE GlLSON ENGINE that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart act‘s directly and quickly. stimulates the heart's action. stops most acute pain, dispcis all signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking, smothering. or paipitation. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart-sick patient, into tEn' haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heari disease in 30 minutesâ€"11 l every Parson Timminsâ€"“Well, John, how did you like my sermon?” Johnâ€"“Very well indeed, sir. I always did like that sermon." The efficacy of Bickle’s Anti-Consump- tive Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arrestng inflammation of the lungs, can be established by hundreds of testi- monials from all sorts and conditions of men. It is a standard remedy in these ailments and all affections of the throat and lungs. It is highly recomâ€" mended by medicine vendors, because they know and appreciate its value as a curative. Try it. Rinksâ€"“You’re putting your boy early to work.” Jinksâ€"“Yes, he’s a clever lad, for he’s learnt everything the mas- t": knows.” “He has?” “He huslhat. That maSEer said: ‘I can‘t- hammcr any- thing more into that head of his.” werlasling rm .ion of trade. at the employ: “That man may scam to be somewhat uneducated. and yet he makes a fine. living by his pen.” “Why, I would never take him for a writer." “He isn’t; he breeds pigs.” ITOH. Mange. Prairie every form of contagious or animals cured in 30 I ford's Sanitary Lotion. “So she was led to the altar at last?” remarked the girl in blue. “Led!” rc- pcated the bride’s dearest friend; “lo-l! I fancy you didn’t see her. She didn’t have to be led. When she started down the aisle you couldn‘t have driven her ofi with a regiment of cavalry!" IT'S EASY TO LET a. cold hang on. Each night and day we are sure it, will be gone. but it stays with us. Allen‘s Luz: Balsam will check its ad- vance and restore baa. ch. “Ah, met” exclaimed Mrs. Naggett. “My shopping was mos‘f unsatisfactory iii-day!” “Indeed!” grunted Naggelt. “Trying to get something for nothing, I suppose?" “Yes. dear; I was after a birthday gift tor you." Not a Nauseating Pill.â€"The exeipient 01' a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That, of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. The Doctorâ€"“You have a bad cold, Mr. Jiggs. I‘ll give you some pills for it.” Eggsâ€"“Oh, never mind, doctor. You can have it for nolhing." POSI- disease of the skin, like barber's. Itch. is cured by Weaver’s 900mm alone. But where the blood is loaded with im uriby, such as Salt Rheum, Weaver’s Syrup 3 so should be used n Users Said to he Immune Slrurmles of the “'orld. MARK_THIS_ DISTIN‘CTIOX :_> 4 gureiy 1993! A most interesting 'periment on a lar rmed at the ball MODERN BULLET \\'OUNDS CLERKS AS "(BRANDS 1m Slrugg sanitary officers x ining being pres< wounded in the mle upon by 15 ny stru interesting and far-reaching: 0W 1r! 18 man whose poem ’nc momh is empty [1' {gles with the world,” with the busy compe1 hich tum grey the ha do not affect the clerk Prairie Scratches 1nd Ltagious Itch on human in 30 minutes by Wol- >tion. It never fails. ‘lul 1ttlefic la; scale was per- 21d of Mukden. with good sur- cnl, out o! 100 a abdomen 50 11' unv I‘ I' ‘I‘OI , the nent lh Ih 1n young and trusting heart!" “No, sir.” The plaintiff pulled at the counsel‘s sleeve, but he paid no attention to her. “Ah, indeed i” very sarcasticnlly, "I presume you never called her ‘Lizzie’ in your life, eh?” "Never." The counsel brought his fist down and simply glared at. the defendant. “I‘d like to know why you never did, sir?” he asked, with the air of a man who knew he had the facts. The witness was as cool as a palm-leaf fan could make him as he replied, with an exasperating smile. “Because that isn’t her name.” Then it. was the counsel heeded the plaintiff‘s wild clutchings, and wanted to hit himself in the neck with a law- hook; but. it was too late. Kidney Duty.â€"It is the particular func- tion of the kidneys to filter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys are diseased they can- not do their whole duty. and should have the help and strength that South Ameri- can Kidney Cure will afford in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours.-â€"14 « “Jecsie, I've told you again and again not to speak when older persons are talking; but wait uniil they stop." “I’ve tried that already, mamma. They never (1‘) slop." Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and kindred ailments, take wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham, 0nt., took his preacher's advice. followed directions. and was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. He has recommended it to others with gratifying results. It’s a. great nerve builder.â€"12 How to Cleanse the Systemâ€"Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result at scientific study of the effects of extracts of certain roots and herbs upon the Ji- gcstive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many instances that they regulate the action of the liver and the kidneys. purify the blood, and carry off 511' morbid accumulations Lrom the sys- tem. They are easy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial. lain?" “Thati ed the captain {he lady. “I gentleman he Greece." “Well, doctor, do you think it is any- thing serious?” “No, noâ€"just a sore place of your neck. But you must keep an eye on it." PLACED AT THE BACK OF THE SPIKE. ‘ The D d: L " Menthol Plaster allay: nervous ex- cite want, They are equally as efficacious in non ralgia. backache and muscular pains. Cheapest of all Medicinesâ€"Consider- ing the curative qualities of Dr. 'l‘ho- mas’ Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose required in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many doses. lf 1". were valued at the benefit it confers it could not be purchased for many times the price asked for it, but ‘n- creased consumption has simplified and cheapcned its manufacture. see." H I eat to J: 111 â€"“Good gracious me, your money I’m losing my see." Husbandâ€" Mrs. l Hunter.p :an and tired. w Says Results are “Truly \Vnndertul." Mrs. I. Hunter, 01' 111 m Raglan Road, Kinp‘tnn‘ As a steamer was leaving lhe harbor Athens :1 well-dressed young passen- i' approached the captain and, point- g to the distant hills, inquired: “What lhat while stuff on the hills. cap- in?” “That is snow. madam,” answer- MRS. HUNTER’S STORY. 1in have called h( had not been 501 ng and trusting hc GIVING THE REASON ndant 1V uma Lizz n] y lens, or the‘ \Vilsor Niagara Falls, Ont. PCS much in. "Is it. I thought has just three that, w in shov had enu the )rosecuUn nde Her ( Ont ‘3" Husbandâ€"“No; but health.” Wifeâ€"“Oh, I â€"“\’os. The doctor says m 1r the f -fa 1111,? madam," answvr- really?” remarde so myself, but a told me it was Kin 1k ing in a breach llhful and fresh ving himself of! red the witness- her pet names H Ar did K116 after ‘that new Mint win ii with and he H ‘1] [RAELROADING “HI thHI-II "flu [or all Railroads. Experience unnecesi Wm sary. Firemen $100. become engineers and earn $200 monthly. Brakomon 57;. became Canlluctnrs and earn $150. Positions awdtlng str mg. competent young men. State age, height and weigllt~<impnrtant.) Name position preferred. RAILWAY ASSOCIA'I‘ION. Room 112.‘ ’7 Monroe St” Brnyklyn. N.Y;_ That sounds good, doesn't 11? Never a cold or a cough but always perfectly well and hearty. You could be like that with a little care and Keep it in the house and use it at the slightest ” z z- , Sign of an approaching cold or cough. - 1t positively cures Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma and all Throat and Lung troubles. A pure vegetable syrup. Your druggist keeps it and recommends fl. Price, 25 cenis. x cc. E Water, Ulnd, “osmawm Sfieei Shingl’efs. Stcrm Fire Proof IOEUOR. 0m. 69 Dnndas 51:. mm. 0m. 11 Calhoun: st 01mm. oh 423 Sussex st. Kflfllfflfll, HUB. 321-3 W Craig St. The STARR MANUFACTURING C0., Limited DARTMOUTH, N. 5., CANADA. BRANCH, and LADIES’ EWER SKATE A man COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT FIRE WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. We also manuiaciure Corrugated iron in long sheels. Conductor Pipe and EAVICS'mfil'F-ll, Elc. METAL SIDING, In imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of ‘OSHAWA" Shingles. Write toâ€"dny. 'The “use Grass ” Event WILSON’S HORSEMEN’S H EADQUARTERS Monday, November 26, 1906 FASIG - TIPTON 00., Made from Painled or Galvanized Site]. at prices varying from $2.35 to $5.10 per bundled square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal cm'vring {or Houses, Barns, Slores,Bleo valors, Churches. etc. Any handy nmn can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only 1001s.- required. We are Hm largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the British flag, and haw covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them AND “’ILL CONTAIN A QUANTITY OF QUALITY in the i7 Sla’llions, .7’) Choice Mares (Dams of Winners). 50 Weanlings (from Winning Families), and 190 Yearlings and l{ucol:or:es in training. ACCORDING TO CONTRACT Skaters who mike a point of good appearance like the Ladies’ Beavar, which is also to be recommended for the comfort It affords the wearer. It’s the skate for r nfc use. Dispersal of Capt. S. S. Brown's Senor M'Donald. Conaignmon its. Stud, Ch»; F. McMoekin‘s Oaklawu MMdon'a Hunburz P184 Stud, R. 11. Antlemon's 'l‘es‘s Over Stud, Young’s McGrathiana : Due Gidean's llolmdel Stud, 6. W prominent breeders. Headly's Rosemeade send, Est. J. R. CATALOGUE NOW READY. Write tor copy to COMPRISING 627 HEAD OF THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS, MAIIES. “’EANLINGS, YFARLINGS and HORSES IN TRAINING. Sale will be held at TEE PEDIAAR PEOPLE, Write your hares! (“fleaâ€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS OSHAWA, Ont asig - Tipten Go. LEXINGTON, KY., THANKSGIVING \VEEK, BEGINNING FOR SALE BY ALL CP-TO-DATE DEALERS MADE BY 7th Annual Kentucky Thoroughbred Sale I26 Wailington Ntreet We“, was very r )f hay yea 11‘ TORONTO the boarded year in price he will be the \\-'.\NTED FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEI‘ W a M'Donald. Comignmenh from John E. MMdon's Hamburg Place Stud, Milton Young’s McGrathiana Stud and othor pmlnineac breeders. it: 8. W0” Manufacturers am of the famous " Micmm " and “ Bax " Hockey Sticks (Copyrighted) ‘nd [11 ricos varying from $2.35 to $5.10 This is the most durable cov- ; [or Houses, Barns, Slores,Ele- lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A nADlsoN SQUARE GARDEN NEW YORK. Wlflfliflefl, H0“. VflfiCOUVBLB.G. 76 Lombard at. 615 Ponder fl. ISSIJE .VO. 47â€"06. never leas I‘lm .equ: (lid age The

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