\\' @112 git-mil. MEN DON'T ALL Both of the newspapers in Toronto Junctionâ€"The Tribune and The Leader and Recorderâ€"arc in favor of continuing local option in that minty but neither of them is ’satisï¬ed with the manner in which ‘Glel‘gymen and other temperance Workers are presenting the case to the rate-payers. The Tribime takes Rev. Geo. Dewey to task for speak- llig ot the coming contest as between tbtal abstaiirers and the liquor ti'atlic. The Tribune claims that such a division might lose the votes of many men who are not total abstainers, but yet are opposed to the open bar. The Leader and Recorder raps Mr. Ben 11. Spence over the knuckles for advising the temperance people to ‘l have nothing to do with procuring hotel accommodation." Mr. Spence is imported as saying that “hotel‘- keepirig should be lelt to Capitalists." We believe the newspapers are right in drawing public attention to Such shaternents. It seems to be the Kid story over again, “We must have betel accommodation but let he other fellow lurnish it." . . lPai‘ents occasionally commit an Qtro‘r by taking their boys from the 1l'ublic School at too early an age. ‘Good advise is to keep them at school ’as long as possible. After they hare received a good foundation in the home school a term or more at a High School or business college will greatly strengthen them for their {inure work. But again, they are ofte‘n rushed off from home without having ï¬nished the public School :studies. Boys often fail at a busi- ness college because the value of a. thorough Public School education has been underestimated. Parents need not ckpect their boys to learn book-i keeping and other commercial Work properly if the elementary loundation !has been neglected. â€"â€"mâ€"â€" The Catholic Register is not pleased with the recent decision of p the Privy Council afï¬rming Justice McMahon’s obligation of having legal qualifications on the part of all teachers of Separate and ’schools alike. The Register's attitude Will not help matters. 'b;fore whom the ease Was heard 'had to take the law as they found it. Their duty is not to make laws, but to iu‘crrret them and give their ‘decisirns ‘accordingly. To compel some. laitht’ul teachers who may be 'doing good work, to give up their schools because they do not possess the necessary certiï¬cates may seem a hardship in some cases, but it need 'not be called an injustice. We believe that if The Register would advise all those for whom it speaks to cq uip themselves with the necessary papers to each it would be better than ï¬nding fault. with the courts and the judges. -â€"_â€"-â€"â€" Idapre The party given by the "Fortnight- 'ly Club," l; 5:. week “VHS not voi y Lu ge- ly ulterith ‘, but those who Va't‘l't! pics- rut. appear to have hard ii. good Lime, Mosic was furnishrd by Mr. A. Collins . Business English for-the Business Man. 'Of Toronto. Next Sunday evening Rev. .1. Brown 'of Victoria College, will preach in the Mctlrodi.~ 6 church. Mr. J. ll. Kirby left. this “rock for a trip to British Columbia and (lrrlil'r-r- 'iiiu, with his brother. Dr. '1‘. \V. Kirby. He will be absent about a month. Miss Uiiliillly Carter of 'l‘llltnjitl' visited U\\.‘1' Sunday at. .‘rlr. J. H. "Kirby's. 7 Mr. Burt Jackson returned last “oil; from :i llllllLlll" in) on north, biizrr- . h . l . a rug two line deer wrth him. Public. The judges 1 Con l l l Mr. Forrest- Oliver, who went west ‘ on the haiwcstvis‘ excursion, :rr-iivcd borne last Thursday. .‘dr. '1‘. 0. Nixon, who went to the Cu in rill Hospital last. Friday, had :in or .. :iii-n performed on "oiiday for a; n .. 21:} "' t 9'. .'.~...iiig favorâ€" al. N, ..i..r ..) ‘1: .c} .i were in Left-0y on \Vednesday of last week, attending the wedding of Mr. Cnarlcs Keys and Miss M. McCullough. Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Its made for Piles lll()llt‘-â€"'illld it docs the Work surely and with sutisfuciioiig. Itching, painful, protruding or blind pilcs disa pear like magic. by its use. Large, 1 ickcl Capped glass jars, 51) cents. Sold and recommended by \\'. A. Sanderson. «nuâ€"â€" BANNlSTERâ€"PATTON A very pretty wedding took plane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goo, l’uttoli, Laskay, on Thursday but, Nov. 1511), when their second daughter Ethel was united in marriage. to Mr. Russell A. BiiiiiiistcrofBr-antford. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. G. \Valker of King City. The bride was given away by her father. The groom was supported by his cousin. Mr. Fred Bannister, and the bride by her sister, Miss Bortlni Patton. The wedding nuirclr was played by Miss \Vright of Toronto? The bride‘s dress Wer made of cream voil, trimmed with allover lace, and wore a. wreath of Orange Blossoms. The bridesmaid's dress was made of dotted swiss. trimmed with lace and insertion. The groom presented the bride with it gold extension bracelet and the bridesmaid With a gold locket and chain. Her travelling dress was made of ladies“ red brrurd-cloth, trimmed with velvet and buttons, and her hat was white palm Velvet. with white- feathers. The guests present were as follows :-~ " Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. \Valkcr, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Patton, Mr. and Mrs. J amc's O’Connor, Mr. an‘d Mrs. John Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Sinclair, Mr. Uri-o. Sinclair and sister, Mr. Fred \V'illis, Mr. Frank Teasdale and sister, Mrs. \Vri'gh‘t and daughter, Miss Ger-tic \Vat‘s'oh. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Badger, . Miss Ella. O‘Connor, Miss Myrtle" McCalliim, Mr. Herbert Patton, Mol- villc Patton, \Villie Patton, Miss Eva McCabe. Mr. \Valter Rolling, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mallov. The newly-married couple left for their home in Brantford. ,__â€"oc.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘â€" Auction Sales. FRIDAY, Nov. 23â€"Fariri stock, iin plenrcnts, etc... on lot 12, con. 3, \Vhit- church, the property of A. G. Mort- son. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Terms, 11 mos. N. E. Smith, auctioneer. , TUESDAY, Nov. ZTa-Vzilir’ablc farm, property. lot 12. con. 2, Markham, 85 acres. the property of A. B. Elson. Sale 2 o'clock. Terms, ten per cent. cash, part in 30 da ys, balance on mort- gage. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. \VEDNESDAY, Nov. 28â€"Auction sale of farms stock, implements. etc., on lot 31, rear 3rd con... Markham, ‘tlici property of Arthur Ground. Sale at 11 o‘clock. No reserve. Terms, 11 months. J. H. Prentice, aunt. \VEDNESDAY, Nov. 28â€"Farm stock and implements, on lot 41, coir. 1, Vaughan, the property of John Baker. No reserv'e. Sale at one. Terms, eleven months. Saigeon & McEwen, :iucts. WEDNESDAY, Dec. Sâ€"Farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., on lot 11, con. 1, East. York, York Mills, the property of James Ryan. Sale at 11 o'clock. Ten months credit. J. ll. Prentice, auctioneer. ~ Aspeci'lir monthly medicine for ladies to rcslum and rerulaiu the menses: pl’lKlUt'H-M free, limbo)" mil pniirlea‘l dlSClL‘Ig‘). N,- n-‘hx-s or prom on up prouun 5‘)“ urn-d by over 84,000 ladies Our» used will use again. invigorate. these organs. Boy of your druggist pu!y use with our signature acres: K‘nt‘ul ubcl. Arum sumo s. Scaled pour. numeric-i n: 51:17 . 1.00 per aux. airman. mutt.er 0, Wheat. comma): Linton. nu iNThREsriNG «‘2 5:: XNSTRUCTH'E. “ Gianni caper:â€" Eigima in as»: it.†A MONTHL‘? MAGAZINE DEVGTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE reiicrt MAKER. Editor. 1 Partial contents for this Month. Course iii English for the Beginner. Course in English for {he Advanced 1 Pupil. How to increase Ono‘s Vocabulary. The AI t of Conversation. Should and “'euld: How to use thrnr. Pronunciations (Century Dictioira’i-y) Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. \Vlint. to say and \Vhat Not to Say. r-sc in 'Lr-ttcr-“u'iting and 1’unctii iitioii. Alplnrbctic‘lTst of Ali‘orcxiations. Compound \Vtrds: How to ‘\\'ritc 'l'lrz-rn. _ Silitlli‘e in English'Litr-raiurc. m Agents Wanted. 1 51.9% a year, Send 10 cents for Sample Copy, + ++++++’l"+++++'++'§‘++m+++++++ ++++++++-§"lâ€l~+'§'+-K‘++‘Z- {‘"b'h'b-b-l‘ - m‘ t,.".zrint-.v.. . iro about work P33; +~i~+++ l r ‘ e4r: I?" , I...†:,~. aavsvc? LI??E:2%§ZL, a p all the monev you spend at College. season. Don‘t delay. a!) The Sigas of lien ‘i'i'aiihi PM W You can Surely and Strength thro Restoraii: Tienrt weakness which Mn be dealt with Pt 3.111s ni-rre VI?-Llil‘.(‘~&. .ill‘i :r-~ your hand ticni- birs wncu its ilr‘l‘ ‘ 's i'hcn your ll' 't nerves :irc “'04:! if tiers and p. mites. Orin-r slot ‘ o s r f brcz tli ‘5' - slight exercise: 1'. pain oi m3. rims about tlw boar cair- action; cooking 5 a A1... n .' in the throat; uneasy Er‘ n < chest‘, showing that /.“" w or ti ng right; on one side~ side, F’t'rt fr'.» right, painful breathing; ' , remind/3%éfJ eolniely on‘ $h§ml=kk irr-ui i: Lb», t. mm A \ afion in in: (A toe. .irairt isn't \ pain \rl‘wn vou .ir‘a Us‘lnlyy t:..~r lr-ta r hi... 't. 31% smorhcrr 1 r-.“\ 'l‘h'ï¬â€˜c is en- lv one w ‘ t- ">3 to. treat a\}"’l‘£g;?§_ gï¬ï¬i’lnma bl'rlll',’ Tnotisto= ‘1‘ ‘F/‘n ‘ 'v \ _ g: w, {'1 slatx nritural and a i“ ’ 'rmaricn: strerzihieits‘ ' ' r‘urmq im lr'm' any- dnnr- Dr. Shoop's‘? brie;r back the heart no rs alwzi 51 r-rre )5 within); .n this re to stimu- lair: Ruthie: tl“t lcius to aczmn. The strmgrh lhor. r. grim-s ts natural and rmrm‘iirent. 1'. is jll<' tut: SII rtrcurrih :7.\' Nature “li'c‘l to th so who are w ‘. Dr. Simon's Rusk; hive (’T‘u rum or 1.10. :. Frentcsstrrnszrii w': :.i Qxb‘flkis 'i-r Lh; h"iin.t. .nsi-lr‘. nci‘vo stair-m 'it over-cornea the Curiae of tire trouble as tv-c-l'r as the result. So‘d by W. A. SANDERSON 4-++++++++N++++++++++++++ Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paints Unequalled lor . a: a Purity g Darabrl + rty There is nothing its good and nothing could be better. “Imperial measure at satire price as others.†Ourstork of oils, paints, var» nixlrr-s,whiting, “inc, white. glues. putty, :ilabastin stuinsâ€"â€"l'ull, and prices light. it. i. Sentient Richmond E111 #Â¥+%‘+++++%%$*++++HH+M++ +-2‘~l-+-§'+++¢++e++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++M++~$M++ ++4'l'++++~l~i-++d«b*++m%++4~++ 'l- +++ +++++++++++~§~§‘+%++++++++++ ++++++++++~r+++++++ “ WATCH VALUES The pricesofladies ‘F-b'i‘d-‘P'b-ï¬'i‘ watches have been reduced ; a good watch can now be bought at a small Outlay. The full- jewel‘led VValtham in a gold case, warrant- ed for 25 years at $1550 is good value. These watches are good choice as christ- mas gifts. JERRY Sis/11TH PRACTICAL ' ivrrcniuitsii . +-l-+++++$+ib++++++++++'+++~i~+ +4-+++++++++++++'§"§'+-§"§'++++++ .;. ++++++M+++++++++e++ a Cat '7'ch iiiirluis:gi:i-rl is prepnud 1.. ’ ri. cattle by latest improved r :1; id FRANK 1’-3PPER I ‘3 li'."_'!:uiid “fâ€. \Vll‘r' NOT STA KT \‘.Ol‘.l£ AT arm-511 Willie M. titgilllai’ttild ’» ha vc noticc. .r .W. H E‘v’ViSON : Glazier, Grainer and Paper-i tie Gainers; ' -'..-~33r:xcr. RICHMOND Address. 7‘36 YONGE ST. _ TORONTO , Lotsfll and 3.3 in the 3rd con. of Vaughan. l"or particulars apply to J. E. ('lrUlllN l'l. Lot 71), Oak lr‘idgcs. 6- L. f. m For male or Rent lloiiso :iiid lot. immediately south of lligl! Srbool. Richmond llill. For in- l'oi motion apply to J .\M ES r'E \‘t'TON. lillgiii Mills ilStrayed Cofme to the picrnisos of tho ‘illltlt'l'- signed, lot 11), con. 2. Markham, on or about the ilist of Novcnrbri, a sow pig. The owner may have same by prov- ing proper ty and paying: exIprinsr-s. 1’. VAN lORN. 19% Dollar 1’. O. PLEASANT VIEW FARM The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Iinprmod Chester \Vliite Hogs. Lot: †29, Int Con, Vaughan (Thornhill) has l for sale sr-nio good young slot-k. Thoroughbred hull and hog service on the premises. D. Cr. GOODERHAM» Proprietor EXméUToas l iiiiicnoriiiiiioii . HENRY F. HOPPER Late of the Village of Richmond Hill, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 1!. 0., 1897, and amending arts, that all creditors having claims against the estate of the said Henry F. Hopper, who died on or about the 1.3L!) day of October, 1906, are required to send or deliver to David Hill (one of the executors), at. his ofï¬ce, Rich- mond Hill, on or br-forc the 5th day of December, 1906, their names. ad- dresses and descriptions, and :l. full statement. of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And further, that after the Said 5th day of Drcr'iillit’l‘, 19116, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets. of the (loci-used :tiiiong the parties en- titled thereto, having rrgnril only to the claims of which they shall thou \VM. COCK. Solicitor for Excciitoi's. (‘ATH ARINE 110 PPEl’. 1 DAVID HILL I 19-4 ioiitimiiiiiiiis IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE NEIL ALFXliiDizii SMITH VVATSUN Late of the Township of Vaughan in County of York, Farmer, deceased. Executor-s. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1597, Chapter 129, Section 38, and Amending Acts, that all per-sons having any claims against the estate of the said Neil Alexander Smith \Vatson who died on or about the 29th day of Sr-ptenibcr 1906, are required on or before ‘the 15th day of Decosziber, 1906 to send to John \Vu‘tson, .\l. 1)., 829 College Street. Toronto, the Administrator of the said Estate, 3 full statement of their claims, with1 names and addresses, and the naituie {siiiiiii to a Month alter a Shortlinnd or Book-keeping Dlplimncour-sn will. us and in tlzo next six liiiillilia, <11. You can do it with l‘itmiiii Snortiiand Min 1!! Si 5;.pvc, Book-keeping. the best methods vet discovered. Our Girls and has sccurcu 262‘. positions ,3. Get catalogue at once. kept. for (19E (innards: ' RICHMOND 1111.]. AND MAPLE “riocooco icco cco DEEâ€"oâ€"sm‘s liL‘i‘X'lVi‘i'i it“ Savings' Bank Dr‘por llll'lll. and iiilcrczil. allowed at HEQHEST SlifliiEilT FATES.‘ Notice of withdrawal iii-t sol-y. 'n Capital Rest (. m. 1’ llt‘l't'S‘ .\ll ilopo<ilu puyulilc on ilriimiul. Murray Loanâ€! on :‘nin Cl‘rs' Baal:- Aou‘s. erk fume I’m-ms Supplied Fur. '. . ‘ , cred Banking Esszness Transacted. BANK OPEN PRC“! it) to fl. F! “a An a nun. .4".'â€" For other particulars call ill tlir Dank BYRNE. M A N All 131’». A Good Chance to secure an education that will most. quickly and surely ï¬t you for the practical duties of life, is offered by this school. Under new management with improv- ed equipment and courses, our oldest school is 1111- newest. and one of the best. \Vrito for cam: logiie and free budget of “Busi- ness \Vriting." THEE/WEE†. ____ cadre/rid Y. i 2 ill. (l. A. Bldg†Ymige & llchill Streets, Toronto T. M. WATSON, ’ . J.§‘...4.'-'r31 ‘ will. iiiflliï¬ all Eiiriilll Having purchased the / above business from H. «‘ \Vinoer & Son 1 am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard an Soft Coal which will be deli cred at lowest market price \Vill be at the yards, Th n- hill Station, G. T. R., very \Vednesday and Saturdiiy to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. Have just received a car of cement. A. P. HALL Cl‘hor'nhill P. Principal / 3‘ t. Annual Meeting The Regular Annual Meeting of the EAST RIDING OF YORK Retain legislation \Vill be held in Vlctoria 1.12111 UNIONVILLE ON MONDAY. DEC. 3, At 2 p. rm, to transact the regular an- nual and any other business that mar come before the meeting. of the security if any, held by them. And take further notice that after t the said last mentioned day the said ‘ Administrator will proceed to distr-ib- { utc the zisscsts of the said dccoasi-d among the parties entitled their-to, having regard only to the claims ol 1 which he shall “rile-ii have received; notice: and the snrd Administrator, will not be liable for any claims of. which he slrirll not then have receivr-d ' llk'lit't', \VlLlJAM (700K 3311ichrnond Street \Vcst Toronto Solicitor for Administrator- 21.: l H... l l i l l OUSE PAINTER, ll . Hanger. ils from a distance prompt! attendcd to. y i I“ til 1- . ARCH. CAMPBELL, M. P., gtnd (itl‘rr‘rs will address the meeting; A good rcpr-escntation desired from each polling sub-division. DR. SlSLEY, R. A. STIVER, President. Secretary. g. Uniornille, Nov. 10, 1906. 21-2 ' EVERY . / COAL WOOD Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. LIVERY IN CONNECTION, Thr'cslrcrs‘ Coal on hand. Michael. Bros, 7 b ' , . V. GOOD a . "'V‘|IA ‘- ‘