Mr. \V. 'I‘. over Sunday \\‘ hmc. m spent. Thu cousin Miss @113 iii: Large-sized, shaped, jute-linvd Horse Blankets, $1.23, regular $1.63 value; men‘s solid. hand-knit \Vuul Mitts. 11 B K, Covered with Umnko leather, {‘00. Atkinson & Sn'iLzex'. R'glintnn. M m. {Hus High St! cisvs will ht on Friday r with Mrs. spout ‘ and M St. Mary‘s pust- lmkling 0f December. A‘g‘m‘d act: ndam-e is J the Bible Society meetin in the mehyturiun chun- (F1 iduy) evening: The new \V in the .park um- wit-izens hut ‘be‘pui1nl.t Gukleu Sy 1 up. in Golden Syrup, in Spanish ()nimm, 3c Onions, 25c. peck. J Mrs. 11mm I‘Iglinlon. b Next! Sunday morning Rev. A. 1" Bruce will preach, and will continue the study of giving; subject, "0m Duty to God in RolaLinn tu Missions," This mm ning‘ the municipalil for guvernnwul; In the 115% is Hit 100 1101-59 pmvex -Mr. J. M. Laing (If 36 Toronto St, Tm'nnt'u. has opened a law ofï¬ce in the Lorne Bldg†and will he in Richmond Hill every Thursday afternoon). (“)21-4 Many-70f our citizens will long re- member the opening day ml the U. N. 0. Railwayâ€"especial]y those who waded through the mud to see the ï¬rst train go north. Beuts and sinus. rlurge pm chase buy In \Villiums Shue (20., l the trade. Get, our 1 ing. Nnughman-us llic. tin; Quake: Corn, 10c. Lin; (Q llc. tin: Petit 1 Sugar P8115, 10c. Switzer. Jan at 10 u. m. :11“ quiltng and an to Deaconess w cases. \Vill them-r5011 “1101 Chair from Lungslufl Elgin Mills, “bomb [ht Uomlnumcale at, (mm li-ury, Lungstutl’. \V. M. A good repre: to go from here stitnte. to he he teruuou to Sat Some of the best tine-ht, will be. 1h Next Monday" will be in clnugc department. Mrs Inmutn, will he p1 The annuu Ym k Reful m at. Unimn‘illc of December. the meetin "‘going up' threatened the begin! probably w not zulvunc same as so: in) address pronded. 4 m Mr. \VuLL and Miss Dmnininn MN M 1-. M Div Mr. pmsvm pnyin 21 “ll-Kll'hl‘l'. liss The 1H nin he W Alumst ammo HI L‘\V xv Rice, 10c. ll)‘ tturdny Ladies uf the Victmizt Square 5. sue tn meet on Tuesday next: a. m. and will spend the. dny g and arranging their ofielings ,coness walk and (\tht'l‘ needy fMl 1t H. Mnme (If : A, and Mrs. R. punt; u few day I!) » lwld \ e-nil day‘s with ydbn Lhis Ml indâ€"mill has been erected and looks well. Some of say its chief utility will d-cut Lill nomination day. ng’s “Ru-1d gives a list (if alities that have upplled .‘Ht l,)U\\'6‘l' fI‘UHl Nlilg’i‘llil. Ch A REQUEST iLl) HE 10c. ti n Lll( ‘I'SOII puwer humnd it: once with luck .Htll of Eng] want here um 'uthm- notice n “‘lmtook theIuvuli ngsluif tn be left, : ml. the lust. of Jun Canned .-r, Sugar, Quaker A; uncnt m chard} tu-munuw 6 lb in 2~lb. tins. 1003.“, in 5-H). pails, 25c.; 30.. 11).; Domestic . Atkinson & Swit- enmtion is s {u the Missio d from Thur 11-day of mi 1h p1 towns. MOI Ill Ill 21111 L1H» Lin int the bes price -b s, Elgin M l'unln, visited on Mil nu" m next (ll) 1N llll but 1 wee k vnm-me-nt Just arrived a. Ls made by the 2 best value in the missionary D. Atkinsml. of it. and will gin: ins mcy (Ian £5 Swilzex 11111 ilslil Sundsiy n will b y, the i pens to-dn y requested at, I}! LU he held NM. Mid Atkinson (If Mhnrt .s a historic ï¬rst powey e- tirst; train In} Railway 1y. Ito. and Tomatoes, ‘md Creme . Tax-onto wants Mr. llle mvmm'k rt with hm 'ugslvy this “'4 md expect“ )uary In late ills. 5 week the con In]; Mr. 1906 lllu with v the sdny ht huy pm iZLh 4nd for I)“ and j]'.. Miss China land. I M". to tht chasm Hui-1h of Y0 son, A ellers The New Idea \\"x)inaii’s Magazine for December contains an article 0f some pages in length concerning the painting of miniatures. Interesting amounts are given uf the leading American women miniature painters, amongst. \thm are Miss Laura 0. Hills, Miss EthL-l Blanchard, Miss Martha Baker. Miss Magda Hunt'rinan and Miss Anna Lynch. THE COSMOPOLITAN The December number 0f the Ons- mopnlitan Magazine is second to 1mm: muong the $1 magazines. The last numhercuut‘uiusalI'Lich-s lxy the bust wrileys, and the Table (1f Contean shuws :1, hi“ cf feta-e wmthy of perusal ed the ï¬rst cuuncil meeting t0 “quash the Canadian Nurthcrn . Railway (James Bav) to survey 't'heihie 3:) us to tum-h at Richmuud Hill, he was 0n the ï¬rst deputation appointed by the council to wait; on the directors, he paid the company the ï¬rst and only debenture fur the purchase (If the land fur station yards. and he dxnve tn the station lu-st Muniiuy morning the per- SUM who purchased the ï¬rst, tickt’t snld «In the line between Toronto and Parry Suund. shows nï¬hill cf fa frog) lugginning It arugle ls heaulm m-s. vNofamily : least‘nnovmmdam when train t heie on her an They pm-p« at term of h Hess.†l~ masterly perimvnt gu moms. sl ln-mg a M l'. MVCH ll] 61 n the smm l'()\V(.1('d for Miss Flux-e lughter of mi sister of The six 'en in '1 Ahhl IL-‘v ICk '1] little incnnv “'lwn Ir. Gen. Der the Tily 1h 5m] :1 huuse H1 afthe U. Yonge Strqw , Mr. Doug] ‘m fur Tornr left L1( RE MOVED TO TORONTO their} thus ‘ul \v i DEUE 390. Derry and family remuvvd (7in this \ve-vk, having pur- .-1 house (:11 \Voudluwn Avenue, ;f the U. P. R.. a few dam-s wvsc go Strefr‘t. As Mr. Del ry and r. Douglas Derry, are both trav- (W Toronto {ix-ms they found it 9 incnuvvniunt, residing here, hwy wished-tn catch 1le early SH address on “Rt-ligiun in Busi- He lmndlva his subject in u y manner and frnm a l‘lel) ex- tnl knowledge pointed 'lx'is ar- 5. Everyone will I‘f‘llll'lfllN’l‘ this “(ltll'OSS and will hp glad to hem- ‘mthy again. This was the ï¬rst "I'Lson w] ill Luke 1 HH' mun Ming at, Ll: hear Mr. address on He bandit r manner : tn} knuwk SU PE fnl hmvew Ackir I'I‘IV l) (er :{ddx'csse husinoss'mex m inLu actual )uyil llcl AGC H Ht tail 11‘ Id 1) itish MBER NU nce Murtsnn, youngest Mrs. Thomas Mort/son, Mrs. “’11). VVilshinghm Chimm Tbmsduy night. :1 who is a pl'nfessiunal ke up mission work in marriage with Dr. Freo- Tursduy Hamiltmnis annuunced a] in the foreign land. remaining in China for years. mt of spam in'ly :1 rich twat «t the Epwm-th Mr. J. 0. Me l‘t-pol‘t Sun-m- rs. Ch an y mornings M is ODE to 91141. Alums} £‘\ cry ‘ullv illustrater in col- should be \viLlwut at. azlgzlzine. ntnn’s "V t [S at ntnn 1 Northern Rail nk the train Mun hmond Hill Stu claims that he cull- visit Iche 1~ts fruln neigh- e shall ask the u 'make the n“- ccu‘fiy um ‘much cup‘ ‘ ill'l RSI Hl't 1ftvrnmrn was attendance at an’s Magazine an article of (mcerniug the . Interesting f the leading M BER. sale of fm-ni eon 5mm dis md ill»:- r for Sou: glad to hem- wus the ï¬rst pected from m are curl-y- notice. failing eye- 101) will 11:- :md daugh- untlex‘son at McCall-thy": (m in Busi Lihject in 1 'x'vlm hm‘e Canadian in the in- Iim'utl the 1 Monday. 1m of Mr. nll banal-‘21 sumetimes msbfr for , lust cun- day, was and Wus curl-ed (m ,. and the u house of (.11 Mon- League pricvs ‘5: eye insert . 100;; ,enmu IC. lhd Tug of “311-,†is away ahead of the ordinary premium picturp, and will adorn any home. The Fumin Hm‘uld is certainly very superior value this season. JAMES BAY RAILWAY ‘La‘st Monday, Novemhm' 19. wus a histurif: day all along the'lineu‘f the Canadian le‘hém Rxflw'af . from To- nmtn to Pan-v Sound. a distancv uf almut149 miles. The road was upen- ed on Monday for rogular passenger h-nï¬â€˜ic. the ï¬rst. train stemming nut 0f the Union Station at. 8.10. Cruwds of rpm-plea gathered at most uf the import. ant, stations. and shuttled their ap- pwclatinn (,f the nv\'v line'hy chedi-ing and waving of lullKlkL'l‘Clllt‘fS. At anvox'tm} a hand was at the stutiun. and smaller den)nnstmtions were held at varinus other places. Many of the prominent citizens at Richmond Hill flunvod their lute-rest in the railroad by their presence {IL the ope-njng, and anvorton a hand and smaller demnns ut vnrinus nthor pla prominan ciLizens showed their iute-n by their presence :1 vxprossod a belief tl town is sure to H'Sll went nm-(h was 11: class passenger cur. 01', and a muiI-‘zind "(‘CUlHnludilt-iUII Wn‘ The principal stntii tlw h Hou Sat, vume 91] an d 1' [0 1"1 ï¬n :XHNES {I I'll OPENED. mtiv Sm lt‘ owner property ntitlin; Advice ‘ents d Hill the VVeekly Star, Montreal JBERA'L wi and Lhe F f the great Nat family ‘ami resu mil] in il inture tied “ uni] TUG Ob Herald and 91' given to erald A 1' ez-kly Star w .v.7~;pu7pv1f roudf <21 mamga} it is IBI il y “'01 ill bé in an or Amer- -ubt the best the English Herald und Mk flhe LUIS