Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1906, p. 6

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IDry "1 90 A-D- 0" the Site Of “‘0 Dre-[stumbling in all directions. screams Ol 5”“ Basmm ‘0 mark the SDOL Where the children and cries of anguish were remains of St. Peter are buried, no such Hem-d on on sides‘ and for a row mo. dflsmrdly OCEUITGHCO is NOW} in “16 (111‘ mcnls it seemed as if nothing could ob- nms 0‘ the (/hUTCh- viute a grave disaster. The vast size of MASS JUST CONCLUDED_ the church, however, gave room for the . crowd to scatter, and at the end of a few sunday was the anniversary of the moments the people were surging to- dcwcuhon 0‘ [he 133511103 ‘0 St- Peters ward the doors, excited and nervous, but and it. was beautifully decorated for the orderly. occasion. lloly relics were exposed, and ‘ , a large number of the faithful attended NO ONE INJURED‘ the services. The last mass had just. As soon as the smoke cleared away a been concluded when the explosion oc- hasty examination showed that nobody curred, and only one canon, who had had been hurt in the crush, and, further- more, that, no one had been wounded by not. quite finished, remained at the altar , _.. .. of .LA mmtncann‘ {‘alm mm m‘aduallv I‘e- SEWS‘E-Wcl-thrlla.‘ This allalVis at the end of he right aisle, and it was near here that the bomb had been placed. As the crush. The church is so large, how-' noonday gun,” ever, that. there was ample room for the ms words‘ however crowd to scatter1 and no one was in- they were refuted by 1 jured. No trace of the perpetrator of the pungent 5mm) of powd deed has been found- continued their headlo Since Saint Anuoletus, who was or- were overthrown, molt domed by Peter himself, erected on oro- more serious. Men tory in 90 AD. on the site of the pre- summing m an dircc sent Basilica to mark the spot where the children and cries remains oi St. Peter are buried. no such I Imm-d on all sides‘ [11 was ( The c CCBS Women and children screamed, and. men tried to prolch their families in the crush. The church is so large, how- ever, that there was ample room for the crowd to scatter, and no one was in- jured. No trace of the perpetrator of the deed has been found. LEADING MARKETS They fl: her of v VVhe asked, asked. ted. i0 Baled Hayâ€"3m m $16.50 for N0. 1 “moth in car lots here; No. 2, $7.50 to $8.50.‘ Buffalo. Nov. 20 â€"â€" Flour â€" Steady. Ithalâ€"Spring. quiet; No. 1 northern, BAXC; winter, firm; No. 2 white, 79c. Cornâ€"Steady; No. 2 yellow, 5234c; No. 2 com, 510. Oatsâ€"Firm; No. 2 while, 38c; No. 2 mixed, 36%c. Barley- BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, No. 20.â€"â€"WhenLâ€"â€"Ohmrioâ€"â€" N0. 2 white, 720 aéked, outside; No. 2 rcd, 71%0 asked, east; mixed, 700 bid, T( side for export. Manitobaâ€"First palems, “.50; second patents, $4; bflkCI‘S', $3.90. Millieedâ€"Ontario bran, $16 to $16.50, in bulk, outside; shorts, nominal, $18.50 to $19. ‘ Baled Slmwâ€"SG per ton in car 1015 here. Butterâ€"Prices continue firm. Creamery .. do solids dairy prints do pails do tubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inferior . . . . . . . . . . 17c1013c Cheeseâ€"Large. 13%c to MC, twins, 1.5.: to 14%c, in job 1015 here. Eggsâ€"Fresh, 2m to 23¢, pickled 20c Potatoesâ€"Ontario, 55c to 60c per bag; eastern, 650 to 70c per bag, on track here. T1 SAN FRANQESW’S S€ANDAL 'A despatch from San Franci‘ "A new invg§ligalion is progn lhe course of deVelopmenks in Relief Money \Vhich Never Reached the Committee \VCI‘E tunds come Submit Burns. )astardly Attempt to Wreck Great Temple of Catholicism. Ryeâ€"73%: asked east. . Buckwheatâ€"5ch asked, 550 bid. i’vl'onrâ€"Onmrio, $2.70 asked for 90 31' 42an paienls, buyers” bags, outside, r export. Manitobaâ€"First patents, ‘hin 0MB IN 81. PEIERS,, RGME nto R. north. entâ€"Manilobuâ€"No . Pl. Edward; No. 1 . 73c bid; No. 2 nc SCENES wimin COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUFFALO MARKET. canon so quiet. the in all dix non fainu unxl S . . ants . u... . u... u... v. . -... 0m 1 St rd; N0. 1 northern, No. 2 northern, 77c OF CON FUSION 'emcndou. 12M by me says ople, but ions, and nru m hard, Slc n Sund 1 1m in L follow on as the roar had assuring in vain. i a num- 250 to 230 to 22c to 23:: 19c to 200. 18c 10 20c 17c 10 18c 1orlhern, Buyers lacked a supply for choice lilC, 79c. butchers’ heifers, and [or these $4.50 to 3346: NO- $4.65 could be obtained. Common and 2 WI‘MC‘ lair cows sold at low prices. Good cows 1331193" could be had at $3 to $3.25 per owl. and bomb says: [era] ask out 11585 260 seized the pCOplE ONLY THE As soon as the smoke cleared away a hasty examination showed that nobody had been hurt in me crush, and, further- more, that no one had been wounded by the explosion‘. Calm was gradually re- stored, and people returned to view the extent 0! the damage. The ( the tidt‘ in‘ th 1h Slrong; Strong; the can Toronto, Nov. 20.â€"A fair trade was reported at the \Veslcm Market 10-day on moderate deliveries. Montreal, Nov. 20.â€"There was some enquiry for Manitoba wheat from for- eifin sources. but cable otters were out of line with the markets on this side. Supplies of oats are being absorbed as quickly as they arrived, and the result is that stocks continue light. Dealers are succeeding in getting higher prices than hitherto, and purchases could not be made today at less than 30% to 40c for No. ll- store, 40% to 410 for No. 3 and 41% to 420 for No. 2. Manitoba Spring wheat. $4.60; strong bakers’ $4.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.10 20 $4.25; straight rollers, $3.75 to'$3.8‘); do., in bags, $1.65 to $1.75; extras, $1.50 to $1.60. Feedâ€"Manitoba bran in bags, $20; shorts, $22 per ton; Ontario bran, :n bags, $20 to $20.50; shorts, $22.50 to $23; milled mouille, $21 to $25 per ton, and straight grain, to $30. Provis- ionsâ€"Barrels short cut mess, $22 to $24; half-barrels, (10., $11.75 to $12.50; clear fat. backs, $23.50; long cut heavy mess. $20.50; half-barrels, (10., $10.75; dry salt long clear bacon, 12% to 12%c; barrels plate beef, $12 to $13; half-bar- rels, (10., $6.50 to $7; barrels heavy mess beef, $11; half-barrels, do., $6; compound lard. 8 to 9%(3; pure lard, 12%to 13c; kettle-rendered, 13}; to Me; hams, 14 to 15%0; breakfast bacon, 15 to 160; Windsor bacon, 15 to 16%(3; dry salt long clear bacon, 12% to 12%c; barrels plate beef, $12 to $13; half-bar- rels, do., $0.50 to $7; barrels heavy mess beef, $11; half-barrels, do., 86; compound lard. 8 (o 9%): pure lard, 12%t0 13c; kettle-rendered, 13% to Me; hams, 14 lo 15%0; breakfast bacon, 15 10160; Windsor bacon, 1510 16%c; fresh-killed abattoir-dressed hogs, $8.50 to $8.75; alive. $5.85 to $6. Eggs â€" Se- lecls, 25c; N0. 1 candled, 20% to 210. Cheeseâ€"Ontario. 12% to 12,9“; Onebec, 12% m 12 Spring wheat, $4 $4.10; Winter who $4.25; straight 1‘0 (10.. in bags. $1.65 e l‘)’ tor 23} NEW YORK \VIIEAT MARKET. New York, Nov. 20.â€"Spot steady; N0. red, 80%0 elevator; No. 2 red, 82c f.o. afloat; N0. 1 northern, Dulum, S1%c Lf. Buffalo; No. 2 hard winter, rage i.f. Buffalo. ich 9AM nme ‘hou BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. n)’ '50 to 600 Western c.i.f. Ryeâ€"- N0. 1 held at 630. 100T] LIVE STOCK MARKET tin‘ thi: 1r ilies Hus 1t 1‘114 Butlerâ€"Choicest cre ;c; medium grades, because of me inter- of Um postal service, :ed was criminally tam- he altar t' He shouk is nothing NOONDAY GUN even had lillle by the smoke a .owder, and lhe adlong flight. making the 001 ion and womc n and bless th Far )n m of money was H m1 at in one p 0! Searchli committee md which :1 lillle effect“. make and the nd the people light. Chairs the confusion women fleck ;. screams of mauish were flee to mic at ‘d out: “Dc . merely the whi to stem A: “Do 011‘ ram- 231/. \V ght. say M m I that A despatch from Ashcvitle, North Carolina, says: Fighting bravely in (te- tence of their lives, Police Captain Page, Patrolman Chas. Blackstoek and Wm. Bailey of this city, were shot‘ to death on Tuesday by a negro. who also killed one negro and fatally wounded another. The murderer gave his name as Will Harris of Charlotte, NC, a desperado for whom a large reward has been standing for some time. Prior to the death of the two officers, a negro res- standing for some time. Prior to the death of the two officers, a negro res- taurant keeper named Ben. Allison, was shot and killed by Harris, without pro- vocation. Another negro named Tom Neil lies mortally wounded, he. too, be- ing shot. before the officers took a hand in the melee. Harris. starting out on his tour, fired into two houses. Later he wounded Allison. On Main Street he encountered Tom Neil and fired at him. Police Captain Page and Officers Bailey and Blackstock rushed from police head- quarters in pursuit. Captain Page. who met the negro in Main Street. received a bullet in the arm. Page called upon A dcspalch from Deseronto says: has escaping through a sewer pipe during the. night was the cause of death by suffocation of the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright, of this town, The family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, two sons, and one daughter. aged about 21, retired as usual on Thursday night, the two sons sleeping in the upper (lat. Friday morning they were around the house, but appeared to he dazed through inhaling the gas, and it was 3 o‘clock in the afternoon before they recovered sufficiently to realize the condition of the rest of the family. A doctor was immediately summoned, but when he arrived he found the daughter had been dead for some time. The father and mother are now in a very serious condition, with but slight hopes of their recovery. An inquest will be held. Deseromo Young Woman Succumhcd [0 Deadly Vapor. Blackstock to fire. but before the officer could do so Blackstock SCH dead wilh a bullet in the chest. Bailey fired twice without hitting and the negro then shot and killed Bailey. The negro escaped. The 'Coiorcd Man Was a Dead Shot \Vith Revolver. Exceeds the Brilish Dreadnought in Tonnage. most interest was felt in the launching of the new battleship Salsuma, which took place on Tursduy at \‘okosuka m the presence of the Emperor. The keel of the Salsuma was laid on May 15 or last year. She has a length of 482 feet and beam of 83% feet. llcr draught jg 27% feet. Her tonnage, which is 19,200, exceeds that of England’s biggest hat,- ex'c‘eeds that of England’s biggest but, tieship, the Dreadnought, by 1,200 tons. Her nurse-power, it is said, will be 18,- 000. ller speed will he 20% knots. While this is slower than the Dreadnought, it 15 expected that the Satuma’s Mya- bara boilers will give her greater steam~ mg stability. The armament will con- sist of four 12-inch guns, ten 10-inch and 12-120 MM. guns. The Japanese naval architects have utilized in the construction of the Satsuma the valu- able lessons learned in the late war. An inq A despatch from Maidslonc, Sasha. says: A man named Joyce, an experi- enced miner, who has been prospecting between Muidslone and Birling, arrived here on Tuesday and reported having discovered rich placer diggings just east of this town are similar t: it is possible larger area III 1nd There Is Great Excitement at Maid stone, Saskatchewan. 1 1‘ Mil any :hcr prices than lhc odd ones. Good 1‘ ‘rlhem O the llVCS V cwt. Mch cc buyer at to $00 each. »,<,:s were steady at $5.65 for selects, $5.40 per cwt for fights and fats. sin JAPAN’S NEAV BATTLESHIP. despatch f1‘01n_'1:91\:i0 says: The A DEATH BY ASPIIYKIATION. hziveralready visile< the findings and It as those recent] NEGRO KILLS FIVE MEN. rush nilar to that ossible the g area than lh 'eeders lar to that Iound at Bmlng, a: sible the gold will cover a mu rea than was at first reports xcitement prevails, and peo; shing here in great numbe: claims having already be and it is thought that. hero sets in many large compani formed to extensively opera roperties. Experienced mine fair to gm cows, $3 were dull RICH GOLD MINES. 3.50; canne; from Dcscronto says: Gas mgh a sewer pipe during 15 the cause of death by the only daughter of Mr. ck \Nrighl. of this town. cnsisting of Mr. and Mrs. sons, and one daughter. more mm m [here LI rkel. dstone is the point. to the d The influx of 100 Pricrs [358 riccs wcr ‘o 1.250 1 e were only paid ads brought $4.25 loads. at $3.75 to mixed but . $1 to 81. 11h DI‘ the liS in Monh‘eal hold of mos 1111ng Iron nat at $3 to $6 in nti L reported. md people , numbers, ndy been 18!. before companies ly operale :ed miners place slate ion are as cavered in ndoubledly ers to this U) u yuauu v... interlocker al Beachville-Inge train, with tm and one Pullrr and three of 1 one day coac' side. It is 01111 was killed am was not great suffered more arezâ€"Edward back badly ini [ill 3n, was )ul, proâ€" :d Tom 1.00, be- a hand out on Later m m SIS t in and U113 40 30 11 A despaich from Bowmanviitc says: Considerable excitement has been created among farmers of West Dar- Itnglon, in Durham County, over an outbreak of the deadly disease among cattle known as symptomatic anthrax, or more familiarly known among farmers as blackteg. Two valuable cows belonging to 1he herd of the Mun- day Bros., Wr‘st of this town, have died, and another has suspir-ious symptoms. Dr. F. H. S. anrey‘ V.S., was called and pronounced the disease anthrax at nnr-o Dr. Robert Young, Dominion Dr. F. H. S. anrey, V.S., was called and pronounced the disease anthrax at once. Dr. Robert Young, Dominion Veterinary InSpeclor, was notified and confirmed Dr. Lowrcy‘s diagnosis and ordered lhe animals burned to prevent the disease being communicaled and took immediate action to have all the other catlle vaccinated. The disease is new to this locality. Seven Cases Transport Drivers \\'ilh German Forces Join Them. a great handicap. At. the close of the threshing season the ranks of the railâ€" road builders were considerably nugâ€" nienled by the engagement of a large mmibm‘ ot~Eoslern harvest hands, the high pay offered beingr an inducement to them to terminate their stay in the West a month or two later4han usual. A noticeable fact has been the large number of applications and notices at applications for the construction (it new roads with which the Provincial Govern- ncchanienl engineer, was entered by burglars between midnight and day- light on Wednesday morning. Among the zirllcles taken by the thieves was an automatic revolver recently purchas- ed by Mr. Forman to prolee! himself against any occasion of lhis kind. Despalches to the Associated Press from poin!s in Alleghany County onl- side of this city, and also towns in neighboring counties recount seven stories of crime and violence. A despatch from Berlin says: A tele- gram, dated Windoekt, German South- west Africa, Wednesday, says that tour Boer transport drivers attached to the German expeditionary force that is operating against the rebellious Hererros, have joined the band Fer- reira is leading in Cape Colony. The German frontier stations have been ordered to disarm all armed Boers who may attempt to cross Over into British territory. A despatch from Cape Colony reports that twelve Cape Colony farmers have joined the raiders. Three of the followers of Ferretra, the Boer raider, have been captured. One of the prison- ers is a brother oi Ferreira. A despalch from Piltsburg, l says: Despite the efforts of city on and the police department to put at t.) the burglaries and hold-ups in ci'y, and notwithstanding the ver drug-net that has been thrown 0' the public protectors, reports of ups and burglar es continue to the public. In the fashionable ens. section of the oily, where most ( recent. crimes have been committc house of W. A. Forman, :1 pron’ [\nxici MAY ENVADE WW 0NTARIU A despatch from Woodstock says: Grand Trunk express No. ’1, Chicago to New York, due in this city at, 4.10 a.m., was wrecked early on Friday morning at a point only a few yards east of the interlocker at the crossing on the Benchville-Ingersoll Road. The entire train, .with the exception of the engine and one Pullman sleeper, leit the track and three of the coaches were ditched, one day coach being thrown on its The Engine and Puilman Alone, Kept the Rails Pierre, Mick MORE CRIMES NEAR PITTSBL'RG. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Rail-mum a construction during the past month . munl ; been greater, and more has boon: Wi omplished than in (my other month« Sour years past. Realizing that wintertCann anadian Northern 13 Considering the Question BOER RAIDERS REINFORCED. at bly ANTHRAX IN DURHAM Among Darlinglon Over Outbreak. past 1nd. en of Ruhht‘ry and Assault Added to List. when jcd, lhe LlI'E badly out about the head er than est a miracle from Pittsbur Wilkinson men ; contrac with all 1. howcv to reach east end at of the xittchthe romincnt n on at no 10 'armers Perm rmcial an en this 1ble ald- Jr During the Season 110.000 Strangers Landed :1! Quebec. A despotch from Quebec says: The- season of navigation of the St. Law. rence is drawing to a close, and only two more posmnger steamers are due this fall. which will close the immigra- tion, according to information derived from the agents here. One hundned and ten thousand immigrants were landed at the port oi Quebec this season of navigation, twenty‘eight thousand more' than last year. The immigration was composed not only of a superior clas . of new settlers from the British lsland ,. but of people of fair means. The la b two ships brought out quite a num'er of foreigners, including Norwegi 115, which is unusual at this season of, the 1 year. . tirln has likelihood worchd 5 The exc A Hamilton Boy Shoots [limscll at- North Sydney. A despateh from Halifax, N. S., says: It shocking tragedy occurred in the Avar lon Hotel, North Sydney, on Tuesday night. about 9 o‘clock, when Ernest K. Cate, a native of Hamilton, OntarioI placed the muzzle of a 48-calibre revol- ver to his forehead and blew his brains- out. The unfortunate man came to North Sydney about. a month ago, and Wi-rked for a short period as chemist at the Nova Scotia steel plant at Syd< ney Mines. He held that position m orly a few days, quitting work of his own accord. The general opinion is- that he left his job in a fit of mental aberration. As evidence of this a let ter was found in a pocket. of the de- ceased addressed to Lord Stralhcona, in which Cate asserts his inability to at'end to official work. Cate left his father but. a short lime before the dread- fol act was committed. They had been playing a game of cribbage at a nearby hate], when suddenly the boy got up, went about a hundred yards to his owa sleeping place, locked himself in his room, stood before the mirror, and“ fired the fatal shot. The executive agent, Hugh Sutherland,. oi the C. N. (L. at present in Port Ar- thur, is considering the early projec- tion of the raitway east to meet the line just opened at Parry Sound. When that connection is made the C. N. R. will' have a through line from Toronto Iu Edmuntnn. Announcement is expected in a few days. A despaich 1 season of nav rence is drawir two more pass this fall. which lion, according from the agents two m( this fali tion, 8: from ih ten UK Montreal Ex-Bookkeeper Receives a- lleavy Sentence. A despaich from Montreal says: Marv ris M. Jacobs, formerly bookkeeper toe Diamond & Co.. wholesale merchantsr St. Paul Street, who stole some $6,000:‘ from the company by means of forged cheques drawn on the Ontario Bank and other banks was condemned by Judge Piche in the Court of Sessions on Friday to ten years in the penitentiary. There were eight. other charges of for- gery against Jacobs and one of theft, 0n the former he was condemned to five years, the terms to be consecutive. A Hamilton The United Slates Government has umlcr'uken the dissolution of the Stand- ard Oil trust. Peter Jorgessen, Mcnden, Neb., left lncerated. Mr. Hicks. Buffalo, thrcc and l ankle wren hurt this is probably u on I 11 With ERNEST K. CATE'S SUICIDE. TEN YEARS FOR FORGERY. ruj: 111:] Live 0m at both neously 1e correct 1 announced, but the )th schemes will be deluged during the Mr Shoots Himself at onnt L Ar Th sma 1r Parry (1, me My [0- clwcen ut the hand the that and

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