xx JOHN R. CAMPBELL, umu mums & PUBLISHING Hausa? mumzoun mnn,0m. l 'E’ . F . 3E UM AH O N, Licensed 3uotioneers (or the Count-y of York sues “tended to on shortesmoticmud a. tee.- Ionable rates Pntrouuge solicited License Auctioneer to: theConnty of Yo: « rg, lpe-tsfully whens your patronage and friendly influence sslas acts-Ides! on the shortest. notice and at ,ouonnberatas. P. 0.!1ddr668 Kim; nuanced Auctionqer (or we Cwunty of Yo I: (bode sqld an oousunment (ieuami axles anon at; pmmptly ~1,c(/.=n:1dedto ac reasonnnh rages, ResideucaUuiouviHe J T Surgeon. Hapâ€: mm by day and night promptly atâ€" tended to. “ (if R Guulrling. FéQiCothmokmgeut {or the abuw \V H m-uupy his m'E-do i< prvade In «1:» gm: :II~' : to n-e'll. eyv. Bur. (“mu-(SH. Sikhs by telephone from Richmond <I Hill charged to me. VOL. XXIX. Is PUBLISHEDEVEBY E HURSD AY MORNING \Vill h J. H. SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON 13 E Spending ha& .4 than savingâ€"abut tional indUCemem Savingï¬lï¬fgde Easy Oiï¬m' l)1-~ w. J. ‘W’oodé D E N TLS T, mum-x,- Blur-k. 'I‘HORNHILL, Ont. Ofï¬ce. lmm's; Tuesdays, 8â€"12 3. m «3’ p. m. $1 pcrannum, in advance.) ‘( Dina M. R. 1". 14.: L. R. C. F. Eng. (Sim-(7125501!- To Du. Dam) “14623123105111 XI“! DR. S. ‘uL-uu: VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1’hornhill. RICHMOND HILL v‘nl‘ Saigeon a: McEWen . may @ihmi H, \va ANDERSON, ll Emrog G.u'lt<m and Ynnge 8&8. 'L‘urun (.0 in Richmnnd Hill on \Ve'l x-wday nf each wvek. next. (lg-Ir mirth of Stand- ,0. Ofï¬ce, 452') CHURCH ST. J. ll. Prentice. mm D. G. BLOEGH. 131-)xatzist, an! Bvuxk. luvsâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wetvriuary NESS CARDS. “it! ‘dirzfl J. BOYD. M. B. AT THE genial. Special attention given to Farmers’ Sale Bates. $1.00 opens an account in our Savmgs Department Spending has ever been an easier matter than savingâ€"«but less w18e. ‘We offer excep- tional inducements and iacxlmes to help you to save. Bank of Montreal *3::::::2:2:2:£:293 Bank of Montreal 85:25:: $12zi‘83ï¬8 H. A. FLEURY, Manager King Uity Branch Put your money where you can get it when Vou want it. ROPRIETOR 'essur‘s ofï¬ce and mu] practice and “use and throat J 11 McEwen Wanton 5).; RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906 Mouev to loan on land andobattel mortgageaat lowast races Auroraomceâ€"Removed to the old post om“ one door west of the entrance to the Outnn’u Bunk Newmmâ€"ket ofï¬ceâ€"Jrhree duora south 0: the po‘lh (mica 'E Bmum‘meox G s'x-V Mona)» Aux-om Newmuket LENNGX Barristers. Solicitul's. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. S. “K Corner King & Yonge Streets TORONTO. Malock, Lee, Millikan Clark NATIONAL TRUST CH AM BERS 20 KING ST. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTLN. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. Mm.ch BOULTBEF . JOHN WALTER MCDONALD Toran Ofï¬w. 36 Toronto stretth MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. A G S Liï¬drs’ey:KÂ¥a’ G G E Lawrence Phone Manage; W Rxdout Wadsworth HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Private [’11an Main 31!. Mr. McDonnid will he. atTHE LIBER‘ AL (Mi-Eco, Richmond Hm, evexy Sat m-duy after-noon. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Richmond Hill Office. South-Past vor- ncx- uf Lorne Bldg, every Thursday :tftH-nnon. Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free bold LOAD 3163.), 002‘. Adelaide £6 Victoria. Sts.. Tux-onto. BARRIBTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Erc‘ Toronto Olï¬ce. 33 Richmond St. West. VVesIey Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after JAS. NEWTON BOOT). Richmond Hill ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BIIIAIJS Mt. TEEFYT†NOTARY PUBLIC Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Commissioner, Convey insurance: Fire an L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC WNGX & MORGAN arrislors and Solicitors. :indsey. Lawrence & w adsworth. BurrisberS. Snlictnrs, Etc. WILLIAM COOK J. M. LAING and T1-n.<t Funds tn 1mm at lowest current rates. COMBIXEBIORER IN THE £24181. In Essentials; Unity; in N (wt-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." ()unveyancer, etc, Fire and Life. Newmuke‘ All the members were present at the meeting of Mnrkham ()cmnci) hem «m Saturday, Nov. 17. Comm'uuicmim ‘ were receivod and read {mm D. Fothwingham, Niagara. inm‘ Union, Jae. McCufinugh and the Iuspoctur of Asymms. A grant. nf $10 Was gh‘en to the. Pub- lic Library at Markham village. Thos. Hat-grave was paid $19.38 for 2 thrwough-hx-ed Cntswuki lambs and 1 grade lamb, wnnipd by dog. Jun. “Williamson was paid $23.50 for 134 shade trees, in accordance with by- huv 581. 0n motian of \lpssz‘s. La pp and Nigh. a grant. of $10 was Innï¬e m the. \Voumn's Ixmtitute alt Bux Gl‘fWO. tn hr used in establishing n. lihraly at that p!:_\_co frgr (fu- 959 of the lnstiputo. A grant of $50 was made on Hagar- nmn’s Hill and Cnuncillm‘ Hagmmm. appointed commisflonm‘ to superin- teqd 2hr: P 'pvnditm'e. A grant nf $50 was mnde to the Markham Township Agricultural So- ciety to assist in liquidating the debt on_bhe grounds. Severn! notice? of mutinn Werve given. The Session wxll last several days yet. Very special vahxe in men's fur~lined winter caps, at; 50c.. 7.5m, 85c. and $1 each. Atkinson _& Smtzer. ' Frank Gmbnm was paid $20 for three slwep killed by dogs. A large munher of gem-m1 :lcrrnnnts W918 pzlssefl‘ and. undoj-ed to he paid. Pad-get, Rvesor and! Slater “:er ap- painted-:1 mfmmissinn m repair bridge (:ppnsite 1012?. cm). 1. V The Feeve and Councillor Padget- Were appoint-ed a unmmisainn m ex- amine cx-nsaiugs of 1h? Canadian Northern R. R. Co. and report at next meeting. Also to pxnmme ditch np- pneite Int 30, ('nncession 2. and if thgught advisahlp‘h) npeu flu; sa me. T V'l'lrxe Council granted $151) fprliï¬myr ing the expense of the nnmm) target matches hf the 12L!) Yuyk Rangers. Robert Uaunphell was Paid {BAHRS he~ ing for work pm‘Im-m \d in Comm. Statute Labor Division 3, said amount m he charged against the huhnL‘e of commutation mmwy due thatdivishm. A grant, of $1.50 a Week was made Mrs. Edward Bruithwaige during the plvnsure (If the council. dating from Nuvvmber 10. 1905. The ulmve Council opened its Inst spssinn under the present system on Mnndny. Warden Johnston was in the chair, am] every member of the cmmcii was in his pl;L(:e with th excoptism of J. H. Kirby who has taken a trip to Byitish Columbia and Califul‘nin. ' On Tuesday the Cnuncil decided tn petition the Ontario Guvernlpenn with a View of svcm-ing a change In the law for the convictim) nf horse thieves. ‘ Smut- uf mu' young men and young women have hw‘n ()ï¬b‘l‘k‘d inducenwnts m go to the North-west. The proba- bility is that, some of them will tdke advantage of we opportunity and leave us. A hy~law was pnssml tn provide for bnlding municipal elections. The names of the various deputy ramming olï¬cers, p0“ng sulmdixisiuus, eLc., were mentioned and other arrange- ments made fur holding the election. Ununcil adjourned till Ds-cexuher 15. Miss Harrisan of Richmond Hill. has been engaged as teacher fm‘ the en- suing yl-ar. Since- the vanme amendâ€" ments of the School Act have cnme inâ€" to fame. thwe is some rumor of th? union of Thurnhill and Langstnï¬ school sctions. Messrs. D. M. Boyle & Sons are we" pleased with theirfseasnn‘s thresh- ing. In fact, it is the best. since they commenced 1h» business. Mr. D. James has Come back from Gus»! h, where he has been spending at few ( ays. He reports a. plvasaxut and pryï¬pnblqtime. Unfortunutely the mill dam of Wright Bros. was damaged by the fresher, of last, week‘ but, with their usual enm‘gy, they haw. C(lmnwnccd pilingand will lime ï¬nished repairing the break belgwe wintvr sets in. M'r. and Mrs. L. Vallion'e uf Tumm- The VVomen’s Institute meets at the hnme nf Mrs. R. Thompson on Friâ€" day afternoon of this week. Miss Nellie Dun-y has lwen vis'n'mg her parvnts. who are always glad to hear her cheerful Words and see her happy fag-e. Misa Emma Clubine has quite recov: ered her health and is presiding again at_£;b9 nrgjw pf the‘Mgghudist gun-ch. Messrs Night and Shunt of Townt to, representin the Epwmtb League Of the Crntm District, spent ovu- Sqnduy: ab “()hSPg-vuzox'y Farmi†Pluwing will he ï¬nished in this vicinâ€" ity this “‘Pek. MT. and Mré. L. Vanioyre uf Town- to. have been visiting at, the home of Milt R. ignselvy. “ï¬ns Ewen very quiet at the home. nf Mrs. D. Bnyie during this dun week of rain and cloud. York County Council. MARKHAM COUNCIL. LANGSTAFF- The public school emérminment will be held in Mount. Pleasant Term .pemnce Hall on Friday evening. the $ 3(le; Nm'. Tickets for adults, 20 cents. (he proceeds to be upplicd fur the hpne~ m of the school. The teacher, Mr. ’1'. )EW. Mch-aq, is making preparations SAMPLES 0F CHOICE GRAIN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0F SEED To the Editor of THE LmEmL DEAR Sim-85! instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture n. distri- bution will he made this season of samples nf superior sorts of grain to Canadian farmers fur the improvement nl‘ swrl. The Stock for distribution is nf the \'\'l‘_\’ hat and has been secured mainly frum the excvllent crops racemly had at. the branch Experi- menml Farms at, Indian Head, Susk.. and at Brandon, Man. The distri~ [union will consist nï¬ samples oi Oats. spring wheat, barlc . Indian. com (fur ensilage only) an: anuLor‘S. The quantity of outs to be sent; Will he 4 lbs“. and of wheat or harle 5 lbs.‘ sumCir-nb in each case to sow one~ twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will wei h 31m. each. A quantity of each of t 19 fullnwin varieti98 has been secured fur this ( istrihutiun :â€"« Oatsâ€"Buu‘nem “Tideâ€"Awake, White Giant. Danish Island, Thnnsand DUMM, Improved Ligowo (white Varieties) 1mg Goldï¬nde (yreikny). Barley. ~â€"â€"Six rowed. â€"- Mensury, Odessa, Mansï¬eld and Claude. ‘Two- rowedâ€"Standde Invincible, Unn- udimg Thorpe and Sidney. Indian Gum (for ensilage).â€"-Early sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton‘s Early and Lungfelkxw: In (er varieties, SPiected Learning. Ear-JV Mastodon any \V)))te Cup Yellmngent. W be» t, -~Re'd Fife, Pliestnu. Prlngle‘s Champlain, Percy, Sctxnlev, Huron and \Vhim Fife. Bihi’e Society collectama will kindw remember that, an cullections are re- ueswd (a be returned to the Bible nusv ",1; Toronto before the ï¬rst. of January. so that they may appear in their annual report. Visitors who have been here during part of the summer for the beneï¬t of their health. having left with the re turn of €016 weather. have left an aching void which only their return can ï¬ll. \Ve hope their return may be soon, Oniy une sample can be sent to each applicant; hrnce if an individual rpceives a sample of oats he cannot. also receive one, nf wheat, hark-y ur putatws. Lists nf names fruu: one individual, or appiicntions for more than one! smuple fur nne household cannot, be Huertained, The samples willlhe sent free of charge Lln-uugh the max . Potatoes-“Curman No. 1, Early W'hit9 Prize. Rachester Ruse, Money Maker and Lute Puritan. \V. McLean, is foggy good time. Appliczvtigzns should be addressed to the Dix-eutnr of Expt-x‘imentnl Farms, Ottawa, and muv be sent- m any time bpfm‘e Hie 15th ()f February, after which the fists will he closed, 3,0. mm (,he samples asked fur may he sent. nut, in good time fgu' sawing: Applicants should nwntiun the \‘m'kty they prefer, with a. second sort as an alim- nntive. Applications will be ï¬lled in the orderin which thin are lei'n-iVPd. so Jung as the sup iy of seeds lasts. Farmers are advisvd‘ to uppiy early to avoid p1 wimp disappointment. Those applying for Indian com or potatoes will please bear in mind that the: corn is nut usuaily (“summed until March. and that potatoes cunnab be- mailed from hsre until (hinge-1‘ fl'nm frost in transit is over. No postage is I'Pquigvd (in mail matter addressed tn ' the Central Experimental Fan-mt 0L§§iwa. \VM. SAUNDERS Directmv Experimental F arms. Ottawa. November 2lst, 1906, During this Lime of prosperity the 0M saying is true “large bodies muve slowiy," as no sound at the digger is heard in the Gavan long swamp drain. on which operations were to be begun on fhe 15:53? Oct. gust2 as reported. ' Think of Dr. Shuup’n Untarrh Cure if your nose and chm-nut dischzu'gesvff your breath is foul n1- feverish. This sgpw white soothing balm contains 011 of Euuulyptus, Thymnl. Menthol. etc.. incul'pul‘RLPd into an imparted, cveumlike. velvety petrolutmn. It soothes. heals. purifies, cnntru}, 03!] at our store fnl‘ free trial bux. \Y. A. Sanderson. Th» sound vi the threshing mill is heard making the grain ready fur market, su \hat farmers can make de- posits in son_xe good 59qu bunk. Mr. and Mrs. prn Best of Peter- bom, have been visiï¬ng relatives here nnd enjuying the fresh air of this [n- cality beful-e )eavingfm‘ B’nfl, William, whvru they intend remaining with their daughgezr during the winter 595lsl)nr Messrs. A. P. McLean and Mnn-is Rnsenbm‘g M Peterhoruugh, made a. short, Visit to the parental humr of Mr, and Mrs. J. McLean. Mount Pleasant Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory RPprvsenLntivo fur Rivhmnnd Hill nud vicinity of ye olde Firme of Heiutznmu and Company. Limited. manufucu: v era of high gmde pianos, Alargestock of Funeral Furnishing“ kept at both places. Undertakers d: Embnlmt-rg. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL +WH+MW+MM++++++ +++++++++++H+H+++M+++++ has been proven to be one of the best proï¬t paying com~ panies doing business. ++HWHH$H+NM+H+ ++++++++H§MH+++ ~Z‘H+++++ 4~%$++WM+MM++W+++++++ +++ W+++M+Héï¬++++++++++ The further (act that. neither Dr. I’ierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the great stomach tonic ï¬ver )qvigorator. mart regulator and b30041 puriï¬er. nor his “Favorlw Prescription†Ior weak», over- worked, broken-down. nervous women. commas any alcohol, also saunas them to a. place all by themselves. Man years ago, Dr. Pierce discovered that c emically pure g2ycerine. of proper strength. is a. better soivem. and preserv- ative o( the medicinal princiglea resid- ing in our Indigenous, or native, mpdi~ cina] plants than is alcohol; and, further more, that, it. possessas valuable medicinal properties of its own, being demu‘tceug nutritive, antisaptic, and a most. eï¬ictem antiferment. Every bottle of Dr. Pierca’s world» famed medicines )eavin§ the 3mm. laboâ€" ratory at Buflalo. N. ., has printed upon its wrapper all the In (en‘s enterin Into Its commiuon. ' ‘hls mch alone p aces Dr. Pierce's anï¬y Medi- cines in a clan an. by timehxm. They cannot be cleaned with pawn: or sear»: medicines because they are neither. This Is why so many un rejudiced physicians proscribe them an recommend them to their patients. They know what they are composed 0L and that the ingredienu are those endorsed by the most. eminent medical authorities. Ensure Your Life IN THE London & Lanna.» shire Life Ass. Ca. Neither of the above medicines con- tains alcohol. or an harmful, habit- forming drug, as wil be seen from a glance at the formula printed on each ottle wrapper. They are safe to use and. {)0}?ng m‘curgz. Not only do physicians prescribe the above, non-secret, medicines lar ely. hm the most inwllige t, peophe emp oy them aâ€"people whï¬x Wm 11 not. think 0! using the ordinary patent, or secret medicine-A. Ever Ingredient. entering into the com- gositm of Dr. Pierce’s medicines has he stron est. kind of an endorsement from lea ing medlcal writers of the several schools of practice. No other medicines put. up for like purposes has any such professional endorsement. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Penets cure con! stipacion. Constipation Is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and yen cure the disease. One “Pellet†is a. entle laxative and twoa mild cathartic, mg- gists sel‘l them. and nothing is “just a: good.†Easy to take as candy. N. J. Glass J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. The London & Lancashre WRIGHT BROS, [Singie copies, 3 cts. Agent.