Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1906, p. 4

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E119 fithpml. Piles quick]: with Dr. Sin Its mud») fur I the wm-k survl itching, painf 'pilt‘s disupppm Large. Nickel 'cunm. Soldw A. Sanderson. On Thursday of last week. after a lingering illness. Mr. Neil Mnlloy passed away at. his home. Muplewund. on the 5th cancessinn.‘ in his 701h yum. The funeral tnnk plane on Sut- m‘duy afternoon to King City ceme- tery. the pull beau-era being his fmu- sons. \Villianu, Neil. Charles andJnlm. and twu nephews, \Villiam and Edwale Malloy. The service was con- i’luoted by Rev. \V. G. Back and Rev. Dr. Carmichael. The large euncnurse ’of friends 'who followed the. remains to their last resting place testified to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The sort-owing flunin have u... unnnnlhv of all in their and ‘Irwiu of Richmond nm H: Um Methodist church. Rev. Malcolm McKinnnn of \Vondbridge will occupy “(he pulpit of the latter church in the wvoning. Mn. “.0. Bailey and littledaughter r. .I. Fun.“ 0 visit fi‘iht- “ RICHMOND HILL. ONT 31mg Bunk. -: tnntfxille {Ind Miss H1 “ville- visibed over Su flIqul!1:il-p and Mr. Hew Provoutics, as the name implies. Vprm‘ent all Colds and Gripr when "‘tuken at the sneeze stagku" Preâ€" venlics are tnuthsnme candy tablets. 91‘rm‘entics dissipate all colds quickly. 41nd t-nken earlv, when you first feel that :l cold is coming. they check and rpl-ew-nt, them. Pierontics are thor- w-ughly safe for children. and as (‘i’fc-cbual for adults. Suld and recom- mended in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by \V. A. Sanderson. and arm-ices within the reach “I [he pnnu-bt. Rev. J. A. Grant, M. A... who arth as chairman. ulsn mmle,‘ some appropriate rvmm'ks. At the (alasenf the uddress Mr. Hassald was acvm‘ded :1 hourly vote of thanks on motion of Mr. J. H. Sandel'suu, wounded by Mr. Andrew Newton. A report shnwed (but there were bible;- amd testmuents in the depository [n the :unnunt (sf $33.65, and that the axles since last audit. had been $6.75. The fulluwing “moors. directors and cnlh-ctm-s were nppuintedzâ€" President, Rev. J. A. Grant: Virtu- President. Wm. limes; Secx't‘mz'y- Treasurer. W. A. \Vl'ight; Depositary, T. F. McMahnn. Dll't-ctm-s: A. vahm. J. H. Sunder- F0". T. Newton. J. S 'lzvr, J. H. Fun, '1'. Brvdun. Pauline. ‘rullerl Krillllllll". ‘mllevtolfi. Richmond Hill, west side: Missx-s Switzm‘ and Moudiv. Richmond Hill‘ east side: Miss J. McDonald. Miss J. Graham. Vic‘im‘iu Sqimle: Misses \Villinms and Lunnu; Headfurd: Misses H9111)- kav and Brndie: Patterson: Misses kny and brnme; 1' Rumble and McNuil'. The new Pure Fund and Drug Luw will mark it on the lalml of every laugh Cure Cnnmiuing Opium, Ghlm'ufol'm ,m' any uthur stupifying 01- pui’munus drug. But, it. passe-a Dr. Slmnp‘s Cough Cure as made fnl‘ ‘2!) years, enlirrly free. Dr. Slump all ulnug has lxilcvrly opposed the use of all npinhs m- narontics. Dr. Slmnp‘s Cough Curb is ulDS(~l\ltt‘ly safe. even [m- the youngrst lubeâ€"and it cures, it, does nut simply suppmsi. Get, a safe and reliable Cough (lure). by simply insisting nn halving Dr. Shuup's. Imt the law be yuur pmtectinn. \Yo cheerfully recommend and sell it. \X'. A. Snndm‘sun. ‘IH . 13.3“. 'C. Bailey and little daughter 'gherim returm-d last week from n L to friends in McKePspm‘t. PM. “39 accompanied by her brother 0. Brmvn. rs. Urquhart, and daughter of IfiK ille and Miss Henry, of Beams- I visited Over Sunday \viLh Mr. “ham: and Mr. Henry of the Ster- BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING Apply {IE quickly and positively cured >r. Shoop‘s Magic Ointment. P fur Piles aloneâ€"and it does ‘k surva and with satisfaction. , painful. protruding; 01' blind supppar like magic )5! its use. Nickel ()uppvd glass ijnm. 50 Sold and recommended by \V. Ripaus ’I‘abuies cure dizziness. R‘ 39315 Tnuunes cure bad breath. Hausa Wanted ‘0 pmchaso or x-e‘nt Jr 4 roomsâ€"at, ‘ IlPil)‘;llll;'é".\;;fil preach in "a Church. and Rev. Mr. Richmoud*Hill in the II |,,, A THE LII-1E Maple a, Nov. 29. 1908 e dizziness :21 5mm“ houso u-asmmble rm: S‘fi'ilzvx'. J. H H_ Trench. J AL OFFICE A W‘Pau-ties getting auction sale hills printed at THE LIBERAL Office will ru- ceive a Imtice similar to hL-luw up (I) date (if sale free (If chm-g0. A charge «if '50 cents will he nmdu fur notices when hills ure not printed at, this office. SATURDAY. Dec. lâ€"Amtiun snle of pnny. vehiclvs. househnld furnituru, etc” on lot 25. can. 4. Markham, the pro arty of Mrs. R. 'Curvr-r. Sale at. 2 o'cgnck sharp. Terms. cash. J. H. Prvuticc. auctiuneor. MONDAY, Dec. 3â€"Auctinn sale of standing timber. on Int 5. can. 9, Markham. Lhcgprnpenty nf N. (Jlunton. Sale at 1 o‘clock, 10 Inomhs' credit. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. TUESDAY. Dec. 4â€"Uredit sale of farm stock. implmiwnw. furniture. etc., on lot 25. can. 3. Scurburu. the property of Arch. \Valtun. Sale at 1 o’clock, 10 month's credit. J. H. Prentice. :uxrtinneer. \VEDNESDAY, Dec. 5â€"Fnrm stock, implements, furnitule. (4a., nn lut l-L. con. 1. East, York. York Mills. the. property of James Ryan. Sale at. 11 n'cluck. Ten months credit. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. A. n- IIVIMK‘ uuv-..-..\ . WEDNESDAY. Doc. 5~AucLion sale of fresh milk cows. springvrs and young cattle at the Palmer Hnusv Yards, Richmond Hill. Sale at 2 (m‘luck. Thl't-‘P months‘ credit. Szaigeun & McEme auctiunvers. A â€" v‘ 1 u v‘- ‘ ..__ .» ,J-nn Unuficuu u "my... WW TUESDAY, Dvc. llâ€"Flvc acres stand- ing timber. lot 85, con. 1, Markham. the property of Munshaw Bros. Sale at 2 o'clock. Terms, 4numths’. J. 11. Prentice. auctions-or. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 12â€"Orodit sale of farm stock, implements-etc” on lot 20. cm) 8. Markham, the prnpc-rty of J. H. Pippm‘. Sule at] o’clock. 10 months‘ credit. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. A MONTHLHMGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLHSH. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Edltm. “ fitment Qéugfifih- Efiuw tn n59 it.” Partial contents for this Month. Course in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase One's Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Should and Would: How in use them. Pronunciations (Century Dictionary) Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the Séhmil. What, to say and \Vhat Not to Say. Course in Letter-\Vriting and Punctu ation. Alphabetic list of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Man. Compound \Vords: How tr. "Write The-In. Studies in English Literature. Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year, Send [0 cents is: Sample Copy, CORRECT ENfiLISfi. Evanston, Ill. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. +++++++++++~x~ ;;H.+++++-:-+++++++++++++++++ Lo‘llvl |\ "v A C(Il1[l(;1'!‘in every package entitlin; the holder to Free Veterinary Advice ’1“ mi V - "f g 3 Fur sale I 'F. J. PETBXCK 8; SON. Thu Hm: Gunerul Agents __.______A__ ___â€"-â€"â€".___K CHRISTMAS COMING XNTERESTING 5!. £13. Samgrsan Auction Sales. A specific mommy madiclne {or 1mm to restore and legulnlo tho munsm producxm; frua, )1cu,‘.t.hy null pajuloss damnatng No win-s or pains on ap proach No“ mud by orerfiuflo Indie: Unceused \vmuacnsnin. In icouwx the“ organs. Buy ur your druggisl only those with our signature autos. Immorth Avoid mbsututea. Sealed funicular: mailed ‘Jr slump‘ “)0 at x Andreas. EUREKA CE is“ AL unqun'. Damn. mos. {XYMPAN 1' w+++++~z~+++++++~f firth-ditty. ficfi'Y'm-k. 2y of the BCIEnl fié Athen- s MUNN}; 3Q hymx‘nmo INSTRUCTIVE. h-odit sale To Cattle Owners "The undmsignod is prepared to delmrn cattle by latest impmved melhufi. I On a Motrnpolitun car on or about t‘w 15th Novembai' a silver watch. Ownm- may hive same by proving property am} paying Pvanses. . . "\vx ' nxlln!) scornth heath is but; symptom of. and noi- itrx-li u trun diauaw. We think of Dyspepsia. .-:~.rthum. 11ml Indigestime ma] diseases. yet v am hj'IllIVtOnlS only of a celmin specific ux'vn sicknessâ€"nothing else. 1‘ ma.» mix {a rt that. first. com‘ctly led Dr. Snoop hu Cl‘l'JlLlllll of that now very popular Smuuu-h ‘lf‘cdjfâ€"T‘l'. Fhoop's Restorative. Gninxz direct. .li- \hllilal'h nerves. alum: brought that sucrrosQ E mvm‘ 10 DL Simon and his Resinnxtive. Wish- i that. original and highly Nité’. principle. no icli lusting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress. bloating. biliousness, bud "r‘flih and sallow complexion. try Dr. Slioop's stomtiveâ€"T‘ablots or Liquidâ€"and see for your- ”: what it can and will do. We Iell and cheer- ;Lly recommend t0 a ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;‘++++++++++++++++M+++H Have jukt arranged with the iuary Specialty ()1). tn sell the h ing remedies: Stock Tunic and . Purifier. Indigestion and Colic Spau‘in Cure, \Vm-m Powders. ( Rmupdv. Poultry Tonic, Luuse 1 Spuvin Un Remedy. I Antisce-ptic sicm. Blue! Jaw Ulu‘v. Apmnmsmu auu nun- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure fur and Calves, Leaking Naval & ‘ Disrase. Vamant &: “raring. Veterinary genus. twenty-five years uf pun experieucv. . .__‘,.I.....n nut: In selecting Christmas gifts, the average person is more particular in choosing the best quality than when buying for personal use. My entire stock, (with but a 16W exceptions) is made up of the highest grade of goods. l‘his tact has won confidence with my patrons, and the result is satisfaction every time. W. A. SANDERSON V FARMERS TAKE NOTICE My usual low prices remain unchanged during the holiday season. Satisfaction Guarante QUALITY FERST ’ FQUND FRANK HOPPER Richmond Hf}! JERRY SMETH $2.5m E3 9.537.513 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE JAUDBWEY'ER Richmond Hill ‘. J. PETIHC The Live th nultry Tmm Healing Oil Oil. Heiu‘e Aphurdisiuc d with the Vl-ter- tl» sell the folimv- :1; Tonic and 133an IGvnerul Agents of Richmond Hill Calls from a d ic, Luuse UeaLn 11, Sprain Emul- 0 Relief. Lump 2 and Anti-Ster- a Cure for Cults Naval & Joint mactic "titling Um-v. Dough Death Emul- mep Vaughan. Fm-pmt‘irnlz J. E. (.‘vIJUBi For Sale or Rent lIu-nfie and “Int, inuuvdintvly smith 0' High Selma], Richmond Hill. For in fm nmtiun :1pp1y_tu _. .u. ‘vr‘\“r7l‘f\\Y The pruprivtm' of lesnnt Vicw Herd Holstvin Cattle and Breeder of Improved Ulwstm- \VhiLe Hugs. Lot 29. lst (7mm, \rbxl‘g|\:1n ('l‘hm'nhill) has for sale Sumo good ynung stm-k. Thoroughbred hull and hug kept fur serevice ou the premisvs. D. G. GOODERHAM. PLEASANT VIEW FARM Bud and “7h”? yearling steer on or about, Nuv. l, 1906. Any persun giving informnfiun leading tn his recovering will be Suitath rewarded. Apply to GILES K ERSVVI LL EXECUMORS NUTICETUCfiEDITURS Nntice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897. and amending acts. that all creditors having claims against the estate of the said Henry F. Hopper, whu died ‘01) m- ubuut the 15th day of October. 1906, are required to send or deliver to David Hill (one of ihe executm-s).’ at his ni‘fic'v, Richâ€" mond Hill. (m or before the 5th day of December. 1906. thvii‘ names. ad- dresses and descriptions, and 2:. full stutcmpnt of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And further, that ni‘tm‘ the said 5th day of December, 19%. the executms will proceed to distrihutv the assets nf thv dOCPHSGd aiming tho put-tics en- l‘illed then-9L0. having i'ugui-d only to the claims of which Lht-y shall then have noLicv. Late of the Village of 3 deceased CATHAR‘INE HOPPER} DAVID HILL 19â€"4 IN THE MATTEESOF THE ESTATE F NUTIUETO CREDITURS NEIL ALFXA’NDFR SMITH VVATSUN Late of the Township (If Vaughan in County of York. qu'uwl', (luccuse . Notice is hereby given pursuant, to R. S. 0., 1897, Chapter 129. Section 38. and Amending Acts, that all persons having any claims against the estate of the said Neil Alexander Smith \Vutsnn who died on or about the. 29m day of September 1906, are required (m or before the 15th day of December, 1906 to send to John \Vntson. M. 1)., 829 College Street. Tun-unto. the Administrator of the. said Estate, 3 full statement of their claims, with names and addresses. and the. nature of the security it any, held by them. And take further notice that after the said last mentioned day the said Administrator will pmceed to distrib- ute the assests of the said deceased C: among the parties v havng 1-Pg:u~d mHy to which he shall then notice: and the said \viil nnt'be vliwble fur which l)e-§i‘n\ll1mt the} mike, W. HEWéSON GlaZier, Grainer and Paper- RESIDENCE. 22-3 HENRY F. HDPPE HGUSE ‘PAINTER, “KL! Sulic JAMES NEW El \VM. COOK, ) in the 3111 con itm' IA M COOK bullcitm- fur Executor HELD 3 Richxnnl1II§h-ee a distance promptly ttended to. . RICHMOND IIILL for Adlni Jefferson P. O. for any then hzu 19781". Richmond Hill. NE m1 th: lpply to Pl‘npriutm Executors. TON. zin Mifls. ui ‘9 said 5th executors the assets parties en- L-d only to shall then ministrat {idgt‘ ulnntn tratnr thereto auns m mus eive 'VVc-st RICHMOND H 1 LL A 1\‘ 1) MAPLE Capital 21.000000 Rest. $1,000 000 DE PBEIT s Receive'é HIERE‘S? {it} Genazal Banking Business 1" ans-acted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 103. Money Lu: Sale h 0 l' arm's For other purticul Having purchased the above business from H. Winger & Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand Notice of sun-y. éch‘md supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. \Vill be at the yards, Thqgfm h)“ Station, G. T. l{., elx'lery W'ednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wi$h to draw their own coal. Have just received azcur o‘f cement. A. R. BALL 7/ Kfinual Meeting EAST RIDING OF YORK Emma assamatioa ON MONDAY, DEC. ARCH. C others will good re-prga good 1 pnllin DR. SISLEY. President. Unionville, Nov The Regular Annual Meeting of the LEVERY June 11. 1905 hivm‘. in Savings” uncut-and interml Threshers‘ 'Ehornh i ll ()1 Can 13d :1 Michele Will be held in Victoria. Hall UNIONVILLE a1 and Wood Delivered. Prices Right. OD LI-VE'RY IN CONNECTION. [ichael 51133., 1% iohznon (1 [ii]! Lamas (I Nun-s. withdrn v (lP‘)()N on drum 2'- m: GOAL If «I 9 a: [2!- I Inn's” 5. HIHLK Bolt- m'mni. d F: to. REES :11 on hand. 10, 1906. R. A. STIVER. Secret; W007i? hut MAN A‘G-kal. am nk JP. 0,2.” Hu- Bunk MES. Ile ann! HIP? 21-2.

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