Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1906, p. 5

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MN. 3. l‘.\'(‘l'k with Tomntu. Esrai. 9&5 w@@ e h EU Mr. M Ptuht‘ll, fnrmvfly ‘qu Toronto. is the new station agmt at, the U. N. 0. R. R. staum here. Mr. Osnmnd \Vright of Buffalo tank advantage uf :1 (hemp (-xvmwiun um] spout, (IVt‘l‘ Sunday alt his humv, “The Villa.” "first. ‘W’. l). Atkinson gum an Mommy» HILL. Omn. Nov. 29, 1906 :llltlHNS I St-luml. Bk ndny ( All Fruits, Ends and Spicvs fl Christnnm Puddings and Cakes sm-nrvd frnm 115 at, luwvst figlu-t kiuson &, Switzer. Mrs. Barker has rx-turned from SLnufl'viIlP whore she spunt 15 WNW; nursing her son Mr. Morley Barker Ldm'ing an attack of mumps. \ Mr. \Vill Duncan has north purl, uf 'Mr. Sundm house. and will n‘mow- Bulmy Beach in a Week on Mr. \V. II. Pugslvy rvfurnvd from Indian Hmu], Assn” on Fridny. and is :lttmlding tlw. Nm-emhvr sossiun vi the County Council this \Vuvk. The stmnnm ivurgiu n Buy Tho Epwm't held their soci day “hen a. \‘I was wrjuyed h; mlngi'kn‘tnr. Ralph Connor’s lutvst twosz S. I). Gordon’s Quiet Talks on Prayer. vavr. etc. and othm- hunks just arrival «at THE LIBERAL Office. The‘Lengue next Monday evening will he in charge of the Literary Department. Miss Trench will give a paper 01) Ian Muclm-en. Mr. Lalunn ‘will preside. If you comparn our quotations with film prices churgt-d hy the Toronto De- partmental stores and consider quality yhu will find it will be to your advant- age to deal with us and thus support your own town. Atkinson & Switzer. We will make to your measure and guarantee everything first-class. u very fine Scotch Tweed Suit, in laws: style for $15.90, money back if not, suited. Atkinson & Switzer. Aurora Public Lihlnry put $47.75 in the treasury after paying all expenses of an entertainnmnt n Shm't time ago. Our Public Lihrmy Board might, take a hint from the above and give our people a treat. Fulmdâ€"A pair uf child's mitts. ‘nll at thisufiice. M'. At the auction sale this week Mr. G00. Drnrv nf Car-rville pm-chasvd the farm of Mr. A. B. Elson for the sum of $5.485. Mr. Dx-ury will take full possession in the spring. NextSunday Rev.\VlE.Gallmvnywill preach in the morning at th9 Mutlmd» ist church. In the evening Rev. A. P. Brace will take- as his subject "Men of 30 Centuries ago who could win Rich- mond Hill for Christ, if Lhey were liv- ing toâ€"dny." The news of the day. fresh and up‘ toAdute. is Wth the “’eekly Sun (mn- tzlins. There is nothing stale in it. It- is just what the busy farmer needs to kevp pace with the Limos. If yml do not, take it already. you are miss- ing at guod thing. The. Rev. G. \V. Robinson of Creemnre has nevepted an invitation to the Thm'nhill circuit at the ensuing conference. The members of the con- gi‘egutiuns comprising the circuit are to be congratulntm'l as Mr. Robin- son stands well in the estimation of his church. st 'l‘hm-hduy ‘ll'kt'l'. Mrs. Switzer. Mrs. Amns “’right. Mrs. Shaw, Rev. and Mrs. Brace from the Epwm-th League attended the Missionary Conference hfld (m Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday afixast week in Central Presbyterizzn church. Toronto and report that ‘bhe proceed- ing were very inspiring. Mr. and Mrs The ladies of the'Victoriu. Square church met on Tuesday in the church basement. and over twenty of tlwm worked well all day making quilts for the needy. They lunrlwd at noon and atG p. 111., together working Lil] after 9 o‘clock. ,The \V. M. S. are doing an excellent. work at this point. Mr. JesseWVingcr of (‘urrville has been awarded the contract. fur the concrete work fur the abutmentsfor the new steel bridge m-m- [the River Rougeatthe snuLhern 9nd of Markth Village. The new bridge ~when comâ€" pleth will be 196 feet long. and 34 feet, above the level-of the water. By all accounts tlm-o‘ will not, he a ‘urlh nf candldntus 'fnr municipal vmu's in the vxlldge on nmuinntiun LOTS SOLD Mr. H. A. Niclinlls has sold lots six and seven of the Crosby plan of build- ing lots tn Mr. H. B. Sterling of Turmiw. Mr. Sterling intends build- ing immediately. Mr. Sterling has also secured an uplion on lot. five for a friend also fwm the city. '1. Brydmn is spvndinz a. Mrs. Gum. Trcnch in East l). Atkinson gave an Missions in the Sabbath the Epwm‘th League 11h League of Heudfm'd «:iul evening «In \Vcdnes- very intern-sting evvning by all who pur‘Licipatt-d. mefl Wont. tn pivres in with n'inssfif 30 lives. BrUWn nme'nnm spout, with Mr. and 11:5. E. sun‘s ln-ick lwre f1 um two. taken the s fur your (924 can hp ures. At.- The 28th nnnual meeting of the On- tario Agricultural and Experimental Uninn will hr lwld at the Ontario Ag- ricultural Cullegv. Guelph. on Mon- day, TueHlny'nml ‘7 ’m‘lnrsdny.-Dec«m- hm 10, 11 and 12. Gnml px-ugranmle such day nud evening. Tht-re- is )l tremonmms pmvo'r in character when added in ufiilifiy~ A grvat. many yuut ha think that. A'fi'ility ism-erybhing. that if :1 mam has brain power hv can zlctmnplish mmt uny- ‘thing: but be is -a light-Weight, man. no matter how nhle. if he dues not, add t:h:ll‘-'N‘tc=r't(n his ability. â€"-“Success -M¢:X:uiine." A lmzrull‘ and suli- nf gin-(ls will he ln-ltl in connection with the Church nf Englan on the 12m of Docvmlwr. Open afternoon :1 ml m‘ening. Articleâ€"s inf rlnthirg for children, dolls and mnnv Christmas gifts will he plucud on sale. Good enlt-rluinmcnt. in the evening. Special allmctiuns will include at fish [mud and a tulip bod. Cam‘e Bun-1d Ré‘l FM: on. 15c. Lin (this is first Brand (flat, tin). Fmse] 2 this for tins, 23c tins, 2%.: Golden 22-50.; Budgvmw Vinegar. Very fi kinsun & Switzm An oxuhzmge says :â€"â€"â€"“Thero are two ways uf spending a. dollar. You can spend il at, home, gain an weasy cun- science. make unnlhvr friend. and per- haps got the dollar hark tu-mm-mw; m- ynu may send it away. feel that you have sinned. offended the home merchant. and forever lose the dull».- and the influonco for good to yourself and neighbor." Josvph T. Slut/91', principal-0f Bolton Avenue Srhnnl. Tun-ant”, dil'd at, the VVf‘StPln Hospital. Sunday mm'ning, following an operation nu Thursday lust. Deceusvd was a past master of St Andrew’s Lndgv‘ A. F. & ‘itx.M.. and was buried under the auspice-s of that. Lodge Tuesday afternoon. The late Mr. Slater was initiated in Richmond Lodge. this Village. He was a brother of Jonathan Slater, reeve of Markham township. Men‘s Leather Coat, tweed lined. Kent wrist, $6; Men‘s Duck Coat. sheepskin lined, Kq-nL wrist, $4.95; Men‘s hand-knit, \Voni Mitts. black and red, 250.: Men’s hand-knit \Vool Mitt. very heavy. 35m; Men’s hand- knit \Vnnl Mitts. covered with him)- ('hn leather, 50s.; Men’s hand-knit, W001 Mitts, cuvu-ed with guud lvutrher. 40px; Men's hand-knit lKVeml Mitts. covered genuine horsehide. $1. Atkinson & Switzer. The fullnwing new books ~Will :be‘ laced on the shvlves at the Public ihml-y this week :â€" The Doutnr, Ralph Connor Sir Nigel. A. Conan Doyle The Tronsm'v‘ of Heaven, MnCorelli The White Plumes of Navarre, S. R. Crockett Fenwick‘s Career. Mrs. Humphrey Ward The- Jungle. Upton Sinclair \Vheu it. was Balk, Guy Thnme “71191) the tip of a dug-"s nose is cold and moist, that, dog is not. sick. A feverish dl-y nuse means sickness with a dog. And 8:) with the human lips. Dry. cracked and colorlesslips mean feverishness, and are- as Wellill appear- ing. To have beautiful, pink. velvet- like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shnop’s Green SulvP. It will soften and heal my skin ailment. (:‘reL a free. trial box, at our store and be convinced. Large nickel cap ed glass jars, 25 cents. “I. A. San er- sun. In these goods the Quality is on top, the prices alt-she bottom :â€" Famcy Cnlifm‘nia seeded raisins, full 16 0L package 1113c. package; Choice Cali- fornia seeded raisins 16 oz. package. 10331:. Fancy Califm'nia. sfieded raisins. 12 oz. package, 950. Victm cum-ants, washed and cleaned. 3 lbs. for 250. Very fine new Cumadl-a cook- ing figs, 50. lb. The Princess parlor match, 1,000 cuunL. very fine, 50. hot. Extra selected Valencia. raisins, 100. 11». Star window glass, 14x30, 1550. a. pane. Atkinson & Switzer. The Ontario vaincial \Vinter Fair will beheld in Guelph on December 10th In .14th, 7 i1}clusive_. Re‘pm‘ts >1A-‘e- coived would indicate that, the exhib- itsnf Be»! and Dairy Cattle, Sheep. Swine. Puult,yy~and Seeds will be larg- er and lu-ttrr bhun ever before. Lec~ turos will he delivered in {he Lecture Room of the Fair Building ‘euch day during tho Fair, starting an Tuesday evmiing. The tupics dealt. with will relznu Ln questinnsuf interest tn breed- ers and fwedvrs of the VHl'iUlls kinds uf Live Stuck. Poultry and St-eds, and will be discussed by practical experts. Qnr uwl) hrand Baking Powder. ex- n gund quality. 150. for 1 lb. tin; mue Brand Red Fraser Rivux'Sahn- 1. 15¢. Lin (this is first-class): Hm'luck mme (flat tin), Fraser River Salmon. this for 250.: Maple Sylup. in quart ns, 2%.: Golden Syrup, in 5-H). pniis. BRITISH AMER. BUS. COLLEGE. Those whn intend tn prepare for a. business life will pinfib by referring to the advertisement of the above, insti- tution. Certainly, there is no institu- tion in Canada where 2i inure practical education is imparted to its students; its locutinn is a. most excellent, one, be- ing in the Y. M. C. A. building in the heart of the City, and its faculty is composed of experienced and capable specialists. To each young man who enrolls and pays for a. six-months” course, a free. ticket, conferring all privileges of the Yuiuig Men’s Christ- izui Association, is given. For all par- tit-ulnrs address the college. Yonge & McGill Sts., Tin-onto. School Ie-npeus on \Vednesday, Jun. 2. ' com-so, a tree privileges of it iun Associatim tit-ulnrs addlp: McGill Sts., Tt on \Vednesdu)‘ ST. N A RY‘S ( TAK E YOUR CHOICE. MR. 8.! 21nd evening. TO FARMERS. “’INTER FAIR. NEW BOOKS. ATERS DEATH Di'xmf Golden Syrup fine. 300. gallon. At- EHURCH SMITH-In Richmnnd Hill. Thursday. Nov. 2!). to Mr. and Mus. Jun'y Smith, a daughter. vELLSTONâ€"DesLaminâ€"On the 22nd (pf November. at 114 Pembroke St.. by the Rev. Cunun Baldwin. John A. Ellstun, to Mrs. Nina. DesLam-ia. bath of Toronto. Burnhnm. Remember the High School concvrt in the Ma50nic Hall. Fridfuy evening? Nov. 30. The programme is as f( lows: I.â€"~Ulmrns by the pupils. ILâ€"Chairmzm‘s address, Mr. Mc- Donald. III.â€"â€"“Histm-y of the Graduating Class,” by Mr. Elmore Reaman. lV.â€"Soln, by Miss Glass. V.»â€"â€"â€"Rep0rt of School, by the Prin- cipal. VI.-Chorus. "Om-High School,” by the pupil’s: _-._ . .. . 11 I ‘r, ViI.â€"Valedictory address. by Mr. ‘Vultm' Fx-ishy, of the Ontario Normal College, Hamilton. VllI.-Snlu. lay Miss Switzvr. lX.-Recitation, by Miss {Clara Hnming. X.~â€"AddreSSos and presentation of‘ certificates by Rev. ‘Mr. Grant and flew. Mr. Exam. 5 XL-Uhm‘us by the pupils. XI_I.~â€",Pluy, entitle-d “The Scheme” that, Faik-d," .in which the actors are Mr. Archie Palmer of Toronto. Mr. Clarence Kinnee of Velim'e, Miss Adai Calhoun of Newtun Brook, Miss Ada. Milne of Ularemont, Miss Edna Alcom- brack of Richnmnd Hill, Miss Edwards of Richmond‘Hili. WWVVW ‘ Arer's Pills keep the bowels regular. A l vegetable and gently , Eaxative. A young married couple receive word that a college trimd and his mother are coming to pav them a short Visit). â€"VVhile the wife is on: pi e- pm-ing for khe guests. his sister ar- rives. Hearing {ha-t aristocratic com- pany is coming. she refuses to stay unless she is allowed to take the place‘ of :L muchmeedod waiting maid. As her sister-in-law has nex 91- seen her, the scheme seems practical. Bridget, soon discovprs the srheme hub is per- suaded not torhetruy them. But the college friend proves to be the new nmid’s low-r, and of course recognizes her immediately. \Vhile she is trying to persuade. him not to give the Scheme away, his mother Pnbers and is greatly shocked. In order to ex- plain to her. the scheme has to be told. Later all theinpla‘ns are discov- ered and the brother and sister find that all their scheming was in vain. Accompanist, Mr. Earle Newton. Chair taken at. 7.45 o‘clock. Admis- sion, 20 cents; children, 10 cents. BURNHAMâ€"On. the 3rd cum, East 01 k, on \Vednosday, Nov. 28, Edwin MSEEE - SEEM. Tho N0): N0. ,- We mvn no secrets! We publilh the formulas of an our medicines. Made J. O. Ayer 00.. Lowell. l A Do manuacturera o! 9 SARSAPARILLA‘ er PiLLS. ‘l mm mm. WEali Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, \weak lungs, bronchitis, .con- sumption. You can trust 3 medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. ATURDAY, NOV. The best kind of a testimonialâ€"- “Sold for over sixty years.” DIVISION COURT 5):,unmencinz at. 10 a. m. {CHMOND HILL .__()N_. t Sitting of Dinsinn Court for County of York, will be held -iu the Court, Room. H. S. CONCERT. Synopsis of Play. MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTHS T. F. MCMAHON CLERK +++++++++++++++++++++++++~Â¥++++++++++® $+++++Â¥W+Â¥W++$ $++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++< ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++-§+++++++++++++++++ é+++ HH+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Concrete We aim to secure your confidence and our prices are calculated to make us good marksmen. Sensible Servioeable Satisfying Goods at equally Right Prices Ladies’ Lace Collars, regular 30c. value, for 24c.; Bed Comforters, large, regular $2.25, for $2; Men’s Initial Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c.; Men’s Excelsior Hem- Stitched Handkerchiefs, 150. Here is Where Good Things are Cheap And Cheap Things Men’s Ready-Made Suits from $4.50 up; very fine Blac‘k Worsted, made-to‘measure with best trimmings, in latest style, $17.75â€" this is special $20 value; Men’s solid Wool Mitts; covered with good leather, 400. pair; Men’s Mitts, H B K Bionke. 50c. pair; Men's heavy wool Mitts, covered with water- proothorsehide, $I per pair; Men’s {unlined Winter Caps, 50c., 75c., 850., $1 and $1.25. November 15. 1906 Atkinson & Swifizer image Are Good

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