Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1906, p. 7

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\_ «â€" c; 41 .pcnd their thumbâ€"prints to the dean. Penâ€"Angle trade- mark (in red) on every Pen-Angle garment, tells you it will fitand won’t: shrink,â€" your 0 w n d e a1 er so guarantees it. ' 1/ fwd: I70”! Trade marked (hut in a variety of Ilylcl. fabriuand pixie!!! for wiomcn. min mad Underwear thus I: ten. 0 r m ill: . ' l Dealers. are authorized to trad e m 8' rk e d 13 ‘ replace lmlgtlyfindlal our softer, warmer, cost. any cm ac c gel“ ' ‘ men! fully in material m o r e fiexlple’ ‘ or inking. 206 better wearing. -;______-â€"-â€"â€"-_.__-â€"â€"_==4~""""‘___. lB E ’2‘ TE R/n‘ 'UNDERWEAE. ...___..__._.__â€" ...__. FEATHER DYEING meaning and Curling and KM Glou- cleonod The“ «n be sent by post. In :0! u. the tent place in PRIME“ AMERICAN D VEIHG 09¢ NORM Patents Sect: red Free- I prepare patent applications tree oil charge. If you have an invention send sketch to-day for free opinion. 24 years‘ experience. F. u. Gibbs, 52 St. James St. Montreal. intuit PRESSES FOR SALE. Two 2-rcv01ution“ Campbell Presses: .slzes 40x56 and 43x36. The largest has; ‘the patent swing delivery. and both ihave four inking rollers and plate dis- tribution. They are capable of doing the finest w’ork. ’l‘hcse presses will be sold at a very low figure for quick sale. Wilson Publishing Company, 73-81 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. W COAT AND VEST FOR HIM. A man. accompanied by his wife. visi- ted a merchant- tailor to order a suit of f clothes. The couple differed as to the material and manner of making, and the wife lost her temper. “Oh, well.” she said, turning away, “please yourself; I suppose you are the one who will wear the clothes.” “Well,” observed the husband. meek- ly, “I don‘t suppose you’d want to wear «the coat and waistcoat.” ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM is especially intend. red to break up neglected coughs and many hope. Hess cases have been saved by its use. Contains l no opium in any form. One of the things a conceited youth can’t. understand is how any girl can be so foolish as to turn him down for some other chap. Heart relief ‘ln half an nounâ€"A lady in New York State. writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. says: “I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powei'9fu1 treatment. I owe my life to it.”â€" lle had lent her his stylographic pen and she commenced to write a letter. Sheâ€""0h, it writes beautifully. I de- clarc I'm in love with this pen.” lle! â€"“I’m in love with the holder." She saw the point. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway’s Corn Cur. It removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. “A jealous girl. that Elsie." “Ilow i\ that” “I told her four weeks ago in thc strictest confidence that I was Secretly engaged. and up to now she hasn‘t told a single pcrson." TONS OF IRON ~consumed each year in medl. cine. In “I«‘_errovim," the best tonic. it is so cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly get all possible nourishment and benefit from it. RED MAN'S SIGNATURE. Red Indian chiefs treating with the American Government now have to ap. mcnls. instead of ci-os<.niarks as hither- to. The reason is that chiefs have fro- qucntly repudiach the cross-marks and the obligations involved. The first, document has just. been signed by thumb-print. It was a treaty between’ the Government and the Umatilla In- dians of Washington to allow cattle to cross the Indian reservation unharmed. Few men are at to to keep within hail~ lug,r distance of their good intentions. IN COURT. An old sailor was being examined In an assault case by a cute lawyer. who questioned his veracity regarding a unit- UT of tune. “You had no watch. and yet you are postinc that the defendant was only h-n ininuhs absent. I doubt if you are alrlc to estimate ten minutes of thin: correctly." he said. “try me." said the old far. The lawyrr llrn-w his watch front his pocket. and said. “\\'hwn 1 mil out ‘;\'ow.' you allow hin n inutrs to pass. and win-n it is up call out "f‘inic's up.” The Old salt noddrd. and the lawyer cul'cd Iiut “Now.” Slowly the lllllt‘ pi.S>‘.tl. and the lawycr with watch in hand fricd to whcwdic him into an ad- nrssion that time was up. The sailor paid no h ed, and exactly at the cud of the fun minutes shouted “'l‘inn-‘s up.“ The licwildi-ri’wf lawyer turned round CHIllllS d at the t'onrf's loud laughter. and his eyes lighted on the court-room clock behind bun, which had assisted the 01d sailor in his task. AFTER 'I‘l"..\l YEARS. Mi". (1. l,. Stephenson. of l‘cfrrhorouuh, says: “l’or over fcn years I suffered con- sianfly with Piles. first. itching. fhcn Bleeding: pain almost unbearablc; llll' a burden. 'l‘rird cvcryfhing lIl vazn ii" I u~<il Dr. I.conhar:ff's flourlloid. “I had taken but a few doses when l began to n'itico an improvement. Now I hm completely cured." A $t.flfltl guarantee with every box rf IIcm-Roid. $1. All dealers. or The \\'llsonâ€"l’ylc Co., Limited Niagara Falls, Out. Drill-Sergeant (to awkward squad) w “The bullet of our new title will «go right through eighteen inches of solid wood!" Remember that, you block- heads!” Trial Proves its Excellenceâ€"The bcst testimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. 'I‘homas’ licletric, Oil in the treatment. of bodily pains. coughs. Colds and affections of the respiratory organs. is a trial of it. If not, found the sover- eign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may be rejected as useless. and all that has been said in its praise dc- nounccd as untrufhful. Miss Antiqueâ€"“And did he say he re mcmhcrcd me when I was a girl?" l’oiingiiianâ€"“No: he said he remembered you when he was a boy.” LAZY OLD SORE‘R painful and disfiguring. will not liuiiver long after treatment with \l'eavor‘s Comte has won begun: Also, cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. A woman always believes a man when he declares he loves her. even though she doesn't believe anything else he says. Eyes and Nose ran Watchâ€"C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says: “I have had Catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew’s Ca.- tarrhal Powder. and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an at- tack. It relieves in ten minutes." 50 centsâ€"17 First lawyer: in settling: up Second Lawyer: “Ilow did you come out old Gotrox‘s estate?“ “It was a hard strug- gle.” li‘irst Lawyer: “Really?” Second Lawyer: “Yes. I had to work hard to keep the heirs from getting part of the estate.” A Successful Medicine. â€" Everyone “‘i‘llCS to be successful in any under- taking in which he may merge. It is therefore. extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parnielcc‘s Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to comâ€" pound a medicine which would prove a blessing to mankind have been suc- ecsslul beyond their expectations. The endorsation of these Hits by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been pro- duced which will fulfil everything claimed for it. ' “For poodncss’ sake. what‘s that noise?" “The girl next door is havinpy her voice cultivatcd.” “Apparently the process of cultivation has reached the harrowing srason." BF: SI‘RE YOU GET THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD. ,“ ‘lie & I." Menthol Plaster. Fm- rheumatism. neuralgia. etc... nothing is better. Made only by Dans 6‘. Lawrenm Co. There is nothing that. annoys a man more than for his wife to tell him that he has been talking in his sleep and re- fusing to tell him what he said. When Rheumatism doubles a man up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure. but here's the exception. Wm. Form. of Norwood. Ont. says: “I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles of South American Cure and they cured me. t's the quickest acting medicine I ever saw." -18 BUTTONS ACCORDING TO RANK. Ruth-us play an important part in the dl'irxx‘ of the (Ihinvse nmndnrins. 'f‘iioxi- of the first and second class wear a button of coral rcd. suggested, perhaps. [y it clicks comb. since the cock is flit:- bird that adorns their irisasfs. 'l‘hw third mass are gt nx-ous with (l I't'lu‘ on \\'lll‘ll :i poucwck is cmiliizoin-il. \\'h:lc from the udlll'c of the ml fringe of sill,- up. 11 ii." hat rim-s a sapphire button. The liuthin of iii'lpii hd «in the robe is the pelican. A SllVl'l' pheasant on the Him and n (‘1! r» crystal button on the but an: llu‘ ll'flllg iii the fifth class. The ship. cn'ltied to wear an i'nil-rwidr‘rml and a milestone lull. n: «:"255 are .stvirk llll‘ seventh a it n. In the righth the piirtr 'gc l> rod tlllt‘Cil to a qudl, and the guilt l'itiin poppincs plain. white the ninth clogs mandarin has to be content \\i’_:i I't‘ common szil‘rmv for his cmbiuin, with silver for his button. 42;;acliincry. the fourth class is an? opaque. dark purple sh no. and the Lil-ill i ii;- tiuirr‘i y . FALLING 013T OF THE "AIR. Go Bald So Much Sooner Than “omen. “'hy Men A qurntion that often arises and is spidom answered l\\l(‘t‘ III the sann‘ way ..~‘ as to why thi~ hair falls out on the top of the lll'iltl and not at the back or on the sides. The old-fashioned theory 5 [hilt lulilm'ss~ occurs wilhin the lines murkid by a man‘s hat. and as nobody has ever offered roiirltisivc proul to the cintrary. that explanation may be. the t'tit'i'ntjl pin". The case was sluhvd not, so \cry Ion;r ago to two very iiifnlligciif barln-rs‘. One of them thought that the reason why baldnnss occurred at the top of the head was that the brain ramc closrst to the, surface there. and illli bumpV an age in which many brains are kept. going at high tension. the abnormal amount of Mood thus carried to the cranium pro- duced a kind of fl‘vcr in th\ upper scalp. l-‘uvcrs. as is will known, often result in the f‘:illiii;_r out of the hair. The second barber gave variety to the discussion by enlarging: upon the no- tion that he had formed from the obser- yahoo and I'k‘llt‘t'll‘lll of many yours. “You will notice.“ said he, “that. the first hair a baby has comes- on the top of the head, and falls out IR fore the child is many weeks old. The hair that conios l-l stay grows thicker and stronger on the sales and at the back. and I have an idea that the growth on the top of the head is always the weakest from infan- cy to old age.” “But how do you account for the fact that women do not grow bald as men do?” “Account for it! I don't have to ac Count for it," replied the ready-wilted barber. “It isn't so. Why. I used to work in an establishment where they had nine chairs in the men‘s depart- ment. and eleven in the women's, and, I want to tell you that I learnt. some things there that the average manâ€"and the average barber, too. for that mat- tcrfldocsn‘t know. if you know any women who have false hair so arranged that nobody can tell it from their own natural tressas. you wouldn‘t ask why men grow bald and women don't.” ____..¢._..â€"â€" A Carefully Prepared Pill.â€"-Muchfimc and attention were expended in the ex- perimenting with the ingredients that enter into the composition of l’armclcc’s ‘ Vegetable l’ills before they were brought ; t l the state in which they were first «)l- . fired to the public. Whatever other pills may be. l’arnielee‘s Vegetable I’jlls ate the result of much expert study,and no persons suffering from dyspepsia Ll‘ disordered liver and kidneys may con-i fluently accept them as being what they are represented to be. “if Nature had made me an ostrich,” said old Grouch, “I suppose I couldcat your cooking." “That would be very nice," answered his impcrturablc spouso; “then I could get some plumes for my hat.” ITGN. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by .Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. “You poor man.” said the kind lady. “ .‘an't you find anything to do “No. mum," replied l’raycd Franklin. “But 1 got a promise of work yesterday.“ “Ilow nice! \Vhat doing?” “Gatekeeper on a crossing for do first airship line what starts, niuin ” That Cutting Acid that arises from the stomach and almost strangles. is caused by fermentation of the food in the sto- mach. It is a loretaste of indigestion and dyspepsia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple Tablets immediately after eating, and it will prevent this dis: tress and aid digestion. 60 in a box. 3:) center-16 \VIDOVVS NOT SO POPULAR. The British llcgistrar-Gcneral‘s return shows that in every 1000 women led to the altar the proportion of widows has been decreasing during the past thirty years. The actual dt'l'l'CASC has been from 2l.1 in 1870 to 12.5 at the date of the last return. lIrlp your children grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that One great cause (I causes ill-health. disease in Children is worms. Remove them with Mother Gravcs’ Worm Ex- ti,-rniinator. It never fails. METALLIC AFFEC'I‘ION. Glat’lysâ€"â€"“\\'hat type of men do pl'ufnr‘f" Iidifh~“’f‘in types; if he hasn't got the tin I time no use for him." y o u Often what appear to be the most friviiil oo-urri‘nccs of life prove to no the mist nzouicntous. Many are dis- pi .wd to regard it cold as a sillâ€"‘11! thing. dcsbrving of little consideration. and um |]l‘;_'1t‘L‘l, (lion results in Ilf<i>l {st-ii ous~ ailments cilia ling.V years of suffering. llriie out colds and c ughs with Ilirkli-‘s .\n!i~f".tInsuinptivc Mrup. the I'f‘t‘l.|f._'lll/C'tl rcuiwlv for all afftcfions of the throat ant hugs. PII'CliIZD BY .‘\I.»\f'lll.\'lillY. Chickens are new plucked in a whole- mnnncr by the use of pneumatic 'l‘ln’ri- is a receptacle in which the fowl is placid after Icing killnd. and inln this are turned Navel-“1 < i‘lit't‘wnis of air from t-Iixcft‘it'tll fans 2 lvine‘ lit liu; rah- if .‘xJ-I'fi turns pi-r ‘ In iii» twinkling (if on (rye the! End (if i‘> fL-lilhr-rs. oven to .‘iill‘ u‘c. is >ll';{ ' (Ill "Wt‘l‘ pzii‘M-lcs cf down. and the 1 .e is riuily for another. WANTED. r .71. plain and field s-'>'u.'in;_' n in. it rr spzirc Linc: :le mi, stun." ft r Iuil particubis. \zi' .\ (Ltinpiiny. E\l|.lllI‘L‘ul. s ' ‘ w. Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Coughs 0f every description and character, Lung troubles, Asthma, Sore Throats, etc., are all cured by this Safe and permanent remedy. For sale by all dealers. Only 25 cents a Bottle. ‘On all sides we receive thousands of Testimonials from grateful people E Xpressing reciation of â€" is used in the championship loaguo in Canada and 'l'niled Slates. Costs 0 little more than the cheap kinds but isworlh Ml'f'ill MORE. STARR Qtltltil' Tl‘illfilmiilll'. NOTE the Box Centre which is not shown in the Cut. sraaa are ea, Limited, DARTMQUTH, N. 8., an vators, Churches. etc. making them EAVESTROIFGII, Etc. METAL CEILING-S, in 2,000 designs. Write today. l0f0lll0, 0m. 11 Calhoun :2 llDillltlfll, flue. Ullillitl. (lift, 821-3 W Craig St. 428 Sussex st. M. _ , _ THE “UPPER TEN" OF SERVANTS. There is nothing at all to be ashamed of in being.r a donmstic servant of any grade, while certain of the domestic servants in the most palatial houses hold positions which the average bank man- ager and his wife would envy. In many great households the head servants have servants of their own, and their quar- ters are as well arranged, and almost as handsomely furnished as those of their master and mistress. It is quite common. for instance. for the house- keeper in a inilliomiiru's (sthblisiuncnt to have a complete suite of rooms of her own, comprisnnay rut-uplionvroom. drawing-room. dining-room. fin-cc bed- rooms, beautiful ballrroom fitted in marble. and kEfehen-scullcry. and she can entertain friends. men for weeks togrthcr. just as tffinuizh she were living in her own suburban villa. There is men a good slit-full of \vt-li-kcpt gordcn reserved for ln-r use. To all the upper servants in such establishments the barn suggestion of preparing their own meals or doing any of the domestic work attaching to tln'ir iron apartments would be quite horrifying. 'l‘hvy take expensiw suits at theatres. dress lavishly. and rarity condcsccnd to walk ill the streets or oven to ride in a. cheap public conveyance. IIOG'S IIULI.O\\". An old lady living not far from To- ronto retired car'y one Sunday evenâ€" irp. having h~r daughter to entertain t\v:i «Elf: llit‘ll. l7l'i'iili lilih' to time she called (l-inl. “ rw they gone yet?" The was :i'}. ._\'S ‘Xi.” until finally (iii: of the visitors suggested that they til:>\V'L‘l’ “Ye V" and four what she wou'd It was:â€" “\\'a<'i‘t them boys hogs on the but- ter a! supper?" lhi‘n't': “\Viilt-J-l‘. th?C chop i< snidii." Waiter a raw hand): “TITS. fut 3." all find it will t:.l-;>:- a gucd while to eat it." \.e . . .~. l23 Wellington Street West, Made from Painted or Galvanized Sit-cl, at prices varying from $135 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. ering on the market. and is an ideal cow ring for Houses. Barns, Stores.Ele- Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest ecouipzmy of the kind under the British flag. and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, l0!lthll,0fll. 69 Dundas shim Lombard st. Write your Nearest 0Hic0.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Bracket andCombination Ilecl, the rcâ€"cnforccmcnt of WRITE FOR CATALOGUE T083511). This is the most durable cov- “OSHAWA' Shingles. Willnlllfifl. lltlfl. ltlfftltllllitiIBfl. 615 Ponder st. 0:! “Have you any children. limes?" “Oh. yes! You know Robinson:m “Which Robinson?" “Which Robinson â€"â€" \\’if- liam‘!" “Yes.” “Know him very wig'l. \‘v’hat’s that going to tell you. got to do with it?" “I’m lie and I had fifty- one between us.” “What are you talk- ing ab tut? You must be crazy! “but di- you mean?" “It's correct. He lives on one side of the orphan asylum and l on the other!" Somehow the bargains a woman ac- quires seldom look like bargains a few days later. when she has occasion to visit anofhv r store. ,__.__,..__' Your etc Can cure. your Cough or Cold, no question about that, butâ€"- why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH’S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twent -five cent bottle of SHILO will cure you as utckly? by not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor Whenever a Cough or Cold apgears. ‘HILOH will cure you, and all draiggists back up this statement With a positive guarantee. The next time you have 2. Cough or Cold cure it with ISSI‘E NO. 58‘06.

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