nice uuuuuyu an s a. In. um. .‘ m- Methodist Church â€"Sorvicos nt10.30 a. m..and 7 p. :11. Sunday School at 2.30. Geneml prayer mauqu Thpfadpy. evening. a -_.I A \I‘ ,,ll’nntn“nh_ ixiy LodgefA of epch month "Buuumll UVOUIHï¬. Roman éntholio ChurchTServicaa on alter- nstp Sungaygaw P. m. 1030 n. m. .. .0muno m and Richmond Lodge, A F a: day on or before full moon Conflfliohmond. A 0 F ourm‘ Fnday _ Church of En landâ€"Services n! 3 p.’ m. m, '2“ Mid 4th Sun uy. Third Sunday at M a m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"services at'fl I. m., and ’1 p. in Sunday School at. 2.30. Pram meeting Wednesday eyegjng'.“ ,.,,A\_ n--..z-nn nn ulnar. Minnang B '1‘ ofTumparnnoeâ€"Moem ï¬rst Wednesday or each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday 01 every month Public Library and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Snturdnv eveniuga. Epwonh Leagueâ€"Meets every Monday Vntfl furtharnotioe Mails win he closed M. tho Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" M RNINI}.... ........... 3% E ISNING “0.35 Hours fnr issuing Money Orders:« MORNING ...8.00 EVENHG N.B.â€"Registered hater must be handed in It lent Fifteen ninuzes eitriier than the above montioued hours for cloamg. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. 11.0), 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00 5.00. (100+. 7.00. 9.00. Thornhill A. M. 6.35. 7.35. 8.35. 10.35, 11.35. P. M. 12.35.1351. 2.35 4.35. 5.35, 6,35. 9.35. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.50. 7.60. 9.50, 10.50, 11.50. P. M. 12.50. 1.50 3.50, #50. 5.50,_6.50. 7.50. 9. 50. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.50. 7.60. 8.50, 9.50, 10.50. 11.50. P. M. 12.50. 1.50. 2.50. 3.60. 4.50. 5.50, 6.50. 7.50. 9.50. Bond Lake Junction A. M. 7.05. 8.05, 9.05. 1‘0.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05.; 3.05. 4.05. 6.05. 6.05. 7.05. 8.05. 10.05. Alum-a A. M. 7.20. 8.20, 9.20. 10.20. ILZU. P. M. 12.20. 1.20. 2.20, 3.20. 434). 5.20. 6.20. 7:91), 8.20. 10.20. Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Una]. 0.5M, haw, v-uvq “buy. Newmarket (Hmon St). Arrive, A.M. 7.40. 8.40. 9.30. 10.40, 11.40. P. M. 12.40. 1.40, 2.40, 3.40, 4.40. 5.40, 6.40. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. GOING SOUTH. Newmarket (Huron St). Leave, A. M. 5.45, 6.45. 7.451'. 8.45. 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 2. 45. 3.45, 4.45. 5.451; 6.45, 8. 45. A. M.. 6.00, 7.00. 8.00. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 3.00. 4.00. 5.00. 6.00' 7.00. Neviï¬iiyrlriéfSt-atinn 1.00, 2.00, Aumm A. M. 6.15, 7.15 10.15. 11.15. P. M. 12.15, 1. 4.15, 5.15. (5.15, 7.15, 9.15. Bond Laku Junction A. 6.30. I) '1 5 .. , 2.30, 3.30. 4.30. 5. é.36.â€'ib.30. 11.30. P. M. 1230. 30, 6.80. 7.30.939. Lav, 9.00, mw. 1.11". mgâ€, mvu. “m, .. Richmond Hill A. M. 5.45. 7.45. 33.55; 9.45. 10.45. 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 1.45, 2.45. 3.45. 4.45.,‘9.¢15 A P. R. Cruising. Arrive. A. M. . 8.40. 9 40, 10.40. 11.40. P. M. 12.40 2.4-0. 3.40. 4.40. 5.40. 6.40. 7.40. . 10.40. “'ednesdayand Saturday evenings a. late car leaves 0. P. R. Crossing for Newmarket and iutulmedinte points ut,_11.30 p. m. â€"-.. ‘ 1 , 3 n L,__J.__ Is‘meryr “Wednesday and Saturday night a late our will leave Nowmarko-L Station for Toronto and intermediate p‘nigts at, 10.45 p. B]. r ’{Cb‘nï¬Ã©Ã©i wit'h Schomberg 65 Aurora. Railway. EXTRA SERVICE 03‘ ALL HOLIDAYS. VV‘. H. MOORE. Manager ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 g 4++++M++++ 1' Here are some of the recmds :2: fl) ' byithre 7 fl) EL‘LIOT'I’ , + iZZw/ZM% ‘7‘ "- ‘3 nvmn n'xm-l TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. _A"nyone sending n sketch and descriftlon may quickly ascertain our opinion froe w nether nu luvcntlnn ls probably pntentublc. Communica- llonn strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent fren. Oldest agency for sonunng patents. Patents taken through Munn 8; Co. receive woeful notice. without. charge in the r m . R-hnndsomely illustrated weekly Lament cir- culation of any scienmln journal. Terms. $3 I fern-:7 :ggr poyths. 81. Sam by allnpewsdï¬-nen: MDNN; M303 hange in Time Table POST OFFICE NOTICE §Eiéiitiï¬Ã© Emeï¬can, 'T f‘fl‘rflg‘To. V Out of the last 250 calls from business ï¬rms we have ï¬lled PIFTEEN of the positions. We had no one else ready to send. \‘Ve have also hud 82- cnlls fur business college teachm-s. 101 ex-stu- dents of other business cailegee or shorthand schnnls were en- rolled hex-p during the last two years. We belleve we have the best commercial school in Canada. \Ve Thorunghly satist our stu- dents. “'x‘ibe to-day for cata- lngue. Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOING NORTH Village Directory. .3. R. Cx~nssing(Tm-ontn). Leave. M. 6.00. 7.00. 8.00‘r. 9.00, 10.00. 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, (Cor. Youne arm Alexander Sta.) I A 0 U Wâ€"Moets lbir-l Wednesday \S O 8 â€"Meets second and Tenth Duranceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday MONEY ORDERS w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. '15,? F ï¬nd A M â€"Meets Mon- l'3616madway. 625 F “'uhinzmn. D. C. A 0 Fâ€"Xeeta second and H++++++++++++++ l‘Néw'XQrk 7.05. 8.05, 1152.05. 10.05. 9.35, Steel and cast Ranges, all kinds, sizes and prices. Heaters, Parlor Cooks, etc. We have a. few good secondâ€"hand Parlor Cook Stoves; Will sell cheap. Jacob Eyer & $011 GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL to january I, 1908 $5 I oo “ “ and Weekly Globe to Jan. I, 1908 I 75 “ “ “ “ Mail& Empire tojan. I, 1908, including the beautiful pic- ture “Grace†I 75 (I H H (I H ‘l U 1 “ ††Farming \Vorld “ “ “ I 35 u u u world u u u 3 25 “ “ 8: Family Herald & Weekly Star, I year. including the beautiful picture “A Tug of War" I 80 “ “ “ Daily Globe, (York Co.) “ “ 3 50 “ “ “ “ Mail 8: Empire, (York Co.) “ “ 3 50 “ “ “ Farmers’ Advocate, “ “ 2 50 “ “ “ New Idea \Voman’s Journal “ “ I 50 Special rates on Toronto Daily Star and Daily News. Subscriptions taken for all magazines. When sending subscriptions write name and P. 0. address plainly. Enclose postal note or express order and mail to ++++++++++++++++++-:-++++++ hi4-++++++++++++++++++§++-2‘ 4m CLUBBING RATES Representative of the following companies:â€" Confederation Life Ass., with its liberal contracts London Guarantee and Accident Co., policies from $1.00 up; also sickness included Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. «1/! \Vestern Fire Insurance Co. 4 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. ’Q) York Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 3. New Williams Sewing Machine Standard Sewing;r Machine Karn Pianos and Organs All with the best of terms and a guarantee with each. Call and get information on any of these. All kinds 0! Furniture, Paints, Oils, Brushes on hand. . McMahon, Tm: LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. “ THE . SAVAGE } LIBERAL †CANADA NATIONAL H»? ++++++LF+»P-F~F-Â¥ FR MW QR BEQST \Ve have solid comfort, in the way of BLANKETS AND ROBES and in fact; 9v9rything in thv line of HARNESS. BLANKETS, Bonus. Mn'rs, COATS, GAUNTLETS, and many other articles necessary fur ymw harness room, and your comfort when driving. and all other hmse furnishings are of the best, quality, style. materialnnd ï¬nish. \Ve sell reliable goods at reasonable prices. W++H++++++++H+ OUR HARNESS opens m the Centre so that, evvry part of it can he ens- ily cleaned. Squm'éear; 0Ver [25000 in daily use. Machines placed'mn week’s trial frem Easy terms given on all. is now complete comprising Black and Blue Worsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices MELOTTF. SEPARATOR Christmas Number, selling at The Liberal . Your opportunity to secure ‘ the most popular magazines of the day together with a year’s sub- scription to this publication. Reading matter of sterling character and intense interest for every member of the family, from the youngest to the oldest. Three magazines for 12 months con. taining over 4,500 pages of reading matter. ’E misst amiss Wet Em hassmed % gaders FALL AND WINTER The Quiver, Cassell’s Magazine, one yr., including Little Folks, A. J. HUME, My Stock of Woolens for Tailor, Richmond Hill Christmas Number, selling at B QUiver, one year, including Christmas Number, selling at THE LIBERAL OFFICE Here is the Offer Talking Machines, Records and Needles‘ TOTAL $ 6.25 SEND ALL ORDERS TO Only ma- chine with aolfâ€"lmlancing howl. Fl'fll'l' action and few bullâ€"heur- ings than any 0 t. h e 1- m u- chine on the market. Mo- lnltu lmwl is sï¬allnw nmi‘ w i d e a n (1 opens in the one year, including A‘nanutic throw-off uf hull ed'wiLh hull hearings. Full (‘( oï¬'latogt M tnchments.~ Muohi ed ml'tl'ihl New Williams W. C. PETHHCK, Agent A permanent situation for the right. party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free muï¬l. \Vrite for terms and catalogue. and send 250. in stamps for our Pu(‘KI-z'r MAGNIFYING GLASS. or 30c. for nur . HANDY METAL HACK SAW. 11nd rtylind'm' Prices frown Frinit, and Ornamental Stuck gmwn and for sale by LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED Fontbill Nu; TUE - LIBERAL Silent, Simple. Easy-Running: and Strong. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES in STONE AND WELLINGTON HIG H CLASS SPECIALTIES §ubscribe for and surrounding districts. RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL. TORONTO, ONT‘ At once for 'aeries. (Over 800 acres 0 $525 0 '35 1.50 i .00 Sewisg Machine xf ho“. Equip i‘nll (-quipmv-nt Muohim-s plat:- 35 cents up» Ruth dier Cunw nnd‘ hem {ec 4.50 All for 00 up: ‘nrdsfron {Iv-w: