| “'il! occupy his [wedcceSsnr‘s ofï¬ce and ï¬' prepared to do general practice and \lsu to treat, rye, ear. nose and thumb (Hummus. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.ONT. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Yurk. Bales “tended no on shortestnoticeand a. res.- lonsbla rates Patronage solicited Licenqe Auctioneex to:- theCounty o! Yon re- Ipeatfully sollcxts your patronage and friendly influence sales attn'zded on the shortest. notice and M reasonnbemtea. P. 0.0.ddress King Licensed Auctioneer {or cue Councy of Y0 k Goods sold on auaalgnment Gauaral sales scoo etc promptly L013!!de to at reasonauk “mes, Residence Uuiuuville J '1' Russell. J K M Mupxe We: Salgean & McEWen. 7 u R Gouhlxug. Newton Brook,agent (or the above J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON IS PUBLISHEDEVERY EHURSDAY MORNING Balls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. VOL.XXIX. \Vill‘bc JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesdn3 7â€"3 p. m. Saviqggade Easy 1115 by day and night promptly at- tended to. .‘. F. McMAHON. ]‘)r. r. J". VVoodS DENTIST, Francis Blm Cur. Carlton and Yunge Sts , Toronto fill-be in Richmond Hill on “70:1 nusday of each Wt‘flk. Ofllce, next dour north of Sand- ard Bunk. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. ‘1’ $1 per annum, in advance.] Toronto Om Richsuond Iâ€"Iill DR. S. J. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Phornhill. RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS CARDS. (Scum Else H. W. ANDERSON, Emron a Pnormmon J. H. [H entice. D. G. BLOUGH. wttertunry 88 OR 3%! k, THORUHI LL, Ont. AT THE 773mm. H. A. FLEURY, Manager King City Branch Put your money where you can get it when Vou want it. notes ‘dituI. Spending has ever been an easier matter than savingâ€"but less wise. \Ve offer excep- tional inducements and iacilities to help you to save. Bank of Montreal 5:532:31" 212:238fl‘f3 $1.00 opens an account in our Savings Department L. R. O. P., Eug‘ t T0 DR. DEAN) BOYD. M. B. 2mm: «L50 CHURCH ST‘ Special attention given to Farmers’ Sale J K McEwen Weston 1n Richmond Hill Money to loan on land nndchauel mortgagesat lowest rates Aux-oranmceâ€"Remoxved to the old pout oï¬ica one door west. of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmnrket nameâ€"Three doors south of the post mï¬ce ’1‘ HEBDEETLENNOX G S'rV MORGAN Aurora Newmarkel LENNQX & MORGAN Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark Barristers, Salictm‘s, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCR BOULTBEF _ ,1 on): WALTER MCDONALD Barristers. Solicitors, Etv. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Cox-nor King & Yungc Streets, ooumssmxnnm rm: HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. A G S Lindsey.K C G G F hwwrauue W Riduut Wadsworth Private Phono Main 311. Mr. McDonald will ho at THE LmERâ€" AL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, every Sat. ux-dny afternoon. Richmond Hill Office. south-vast (-012 net of Lorne Bldg†every Thursday :LfLm-nuon. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. Richmond St. ‘VPSt. \Veslev Buildino‘n “fest, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ufï¬m Bank Building. every Sa num). JAS. N EVVTON MONEY TO I Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 31c. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Lnnn Bldg). 00:. Adelaide & Victoria. 81s.. Toronto. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E IJG’IN “IIIâ€"114$ RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1906 NOTA RY PUBLIC Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Barrister, Solicitor. Toronto Oï¬â€˜icv, 36 Tux-onto street Commissioner, Cnnveyancer. etc Insurance: Fire and Life. Barristers and solicitors. Lindsey. Lawrence 24 W adsworth. 1‘1. r NOTARY PUBLIC . Aw NICHOLLS WILLIAM COOK J. M. LAING and Trust Funds to lowest current rates. '40.â€: AT LOWEST RATES. TORONTO. $23M. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†OHiCP, Standard -y Saturday after- Phone 3595112984 Newmarkel loan at Minules of last, meeting read and Conï¬rmvd. Council in (wommltltee of the whole on Bills. R. J. Deacon in the chair. A large number of hills and accounts were m-dered L0 be paid. MGMm-chyâ€"Nm‘munâ€"Thnt the ful- lnwing sln-ep claims he puirl being ,3 value of snme:â€"Rnberb Elmer $6, Jnhn Lynn $3.34, Henry Graham $8, Frank Davis $6. MOMnrchyâ€"Normzmâ€"Tlmt me fol- lowing persons he paid wire fence hmms :â€" Tlms. Legge $3.52. Isaac Buys $9.08. Bernard McUahe $6.40. C.H. Awhi- hultl $8.20, J. M. O’Brien $2.60, Gen. Lawson $6.40. John O‘Neil $336, Chus. Sturdy $7.52, John Egan $4.88, “7. P. Uruft $3.96. \Vm. Kennedy $3.76, A. D. Campbell $3.20. Michael Hoover $4.24, Jus. Hollin shnad $3.20, Richard Hm-umn$3.20, \ m. Ferguson $4.00, Thus. Hutchinson $6.16, Andrew Harman $2.64, J. L. Ferguson $2.08. \V. 7E. McKee $9.76. Dunch Norman â€" McMm'chy â€" That, the Reeve and Twas. be a cummittee tn invest the sum of $5,000 in the town of Fort \Villium. thirty year debentures hen-ng interest, at, 4; pm- cent., pay- able half yearly. 'McGanm $4.16. E. \Vehstm‘ $1.68. Mrs. Mary Andrews $4.88. Mrs. 0. (ï¬tting $3.20. NOI‘UHlï¬â€"Bll'l'nSâ€"Thflt P. S. Gibson be paid the sum t-f $49.50 fnr sun-vices R0 Ditches and \anvrcnursvs Act, (-11 con. 4. and in nmking an award in rt’gurd to same. ' Ntxnn:1n-â€"â€"M(:Murchyâ€"Thu.t 8. Lume he paid the sum of $75 unipunt of pyiï¬nfiï¬ng 19062;, Council met at. Temperance Hal). KPttlvhy on Saturday. Nov. 24. Mfg-lbvrs all pr‘esent. Nm-lmm-;McMlï¬chyâ€"Thut a of $100 be made to rep:in- north lino,~â€"â€"Jnhn C-nuk cumulissiuum‘ Ou Wudnesdny of last week a. gang of survvyms struck our town. They were surveying for a road from Owen Sound "in. Meuford, Shelburne, etc. Snme would like to sve the mud built, while at hers, wbusa’ prnperty it, crosses, would like to see it go in another dll‘ection. - Normanâ€"MCMurchyâ€"Thut a grant 0f $100 be made to rep:in- north tmvn- lino,~â€"â€"Jnhn C-nuk cumu)isximwrâ€"said grant to be spent between 6th and 7th lines. Bnrnsâ€"Nnrmnnâ€"Thnt 1110 following tux he I‘Pflnldt’d :â€"'l‘. J. MuLaLchlan $2.00, E. F. CnRSun $1.00. Nmmanâ€"MéMmchyâ€"Thnt Reeve and Cnllncillnl‘s Dvncon and Burns he and are hen-by authorized to examine the timber on side-line hetween lots On motion uf Councillin' McMm-chy, Council ndinurned t0 nweet at lich-ide's Hotel, King Station, on Saturday, Dec. 15th. The following is the school report for November. V.â€"â€"GeI-bie Locke Senior IV.~Ruland Keflei‘. Junior lV.â€"Uom Jackson. 00m Locke, Ross Keï¬erand Clam \Villiums eqnnl, Edna. Reed. Albert, \Villiams, Lawrence Keï¬ex; Russell Robb. Senior III.â€"-ank Morton. Junior III.~â€" \Vurren \Vhitmnre, Laura Morton, Sidney Smith. Reuben \Vhitmure and Milly \Vinger equal, Frank Locke. Jim Arming. Gmce Porter. ~ Senior II.â€"Edgar \Villiams. Juninr lI.â€"Gordnn Anderson, Nor- man \K‘illialns and Cal-l \Vingei- equal. Edgar Anuing, Alvin Robb, Ross Anderson. particulars lute-r. ' Mr. \V. W. Anderson has been laid up for a. week or so with a. 801'? band. It was :1 case of blood pnisoning. Mr. Dan “’hiunhre lost a. horse last Bylaw Nu. appuinting Deputy Rotux-ning Ofï¬cers Bun! hsetc., received itggevem! x-vndjpgs ungpnssed. Part, I B.â€"Allzm Smith. Max Smith, Luum Arming and Hazel Morton equal, Hun-01d ‘K’illiums, \VinuieRubb, John Snider, Albert Gibbons. The Epwnrth League is to hold a. fluwor soclal on the Pvmxing of Friday, Dec. 7th, in the hall here. The Maple League will supply the programme. Come and have n. guod time. A congregational meeting was held in the church here on Frlday evening nf last week todiscuss matters pL-x tain- ing to church affairs. Mrs. M. Boynton spent a feW days last week in the Queen City. The Sunday School here purpose hnving :1 Christmas Tree some time during the holidays. \Ve will give 3:0 and 31, can. 6. with power to dispose of the same in the host interests of this tgwnshjp. Part II.â€".Elswm'th Keffer, Roy Keï¬er, Ada. Robb, Lilly Lyon. Part, I A.â€"-Joe Ket’fer, Annie Winger, Boots and shoes. Men‘s English kid boots $2.50, men’s long boots :1. Inn-gain; men’s and buys rubbers and socks; Men’s sucks 30 cts.. \vm-Lh 75cts. Naughlon Br<>s., Elgin Mills. EDGELY SCHOOL REPORT King Council Edgely. H. (H1 The members of St. Stephens chm-ch are preparing for a grand concert to be given In the Mnsonic Hull on \Vednesdny evening, Dec. 12th. The children of St. Andrew 5 sabbath school are prmtising for their annual entertainment between Christmas and New va-‘s. M. Patton's sale of cattle on Saturâ€" dav was wall attended. A number from here attended the High School concert. and were Well pioused with it. Miss 8. Robinson returned on Satur- day from visiting friends in Toronto and Scan-hum. She and her brother Mr. \V. T. Robinson have rented Miss McMurcliy‘sJIOiise for the Winter. Mr. R. S. Thomson nf Scar-born was in the village last. Friday and Satur- day. Mrs. Gen. J. Cook who underwent a. critical operation on Saturday last, although very weak is doing ingot-ably. \Ve (70 not "hear any mor‘é talk nbm'u a. skating rink. Perhaps this cold wgthe‘r \Yill amuse thgjnpgresf. anin. Mr. A. Lungan and bride of Lang- mun. spent. at few days last. week at. the home of Mr. Gen. Gan-ow. Judge Mnrï¬mn will hold a. Court of Revisiun in t‘ 10. Hull here on Monday, the 17th inst. The court. will open at 10 o’clock. Rev. ._Mr. Galloway, the junior pastor of the Methodist, church took part in n dehute in Toronto one even~ ing last week. The debate was be- tween two students from Victoria University and two from \Vyclitfe Collvgv. Subject "Resolved that. the corporation of the city of Toronto should establish suitable hmst for the working clusses.†Victoxia took the afï¬rmative which was decided in their favor. The following is the school report for November. V Cheatâ€"Ethel Mm-tson, 93%; (Bookâ€"kovping and Algebra). Senior IV.â€"Helhie Sanderson. 85%; Stanley Bnynton. 84%. Junior IV.â€"Vm-a Jenning, 90%; Grace Bovnton. 83%: Duncan Read. 82%; Egarl Frisby. 74%; Edgar Sundeb Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P. for Centre ank, was present and gave an inspiring address. He referred to the continued prosperity of the country. the leceutly introduced turifl bill, and other measures to come before Pal-lia- ment. and spoke in glowing terms of the ability, honest and worth of his great leader. Sir \ Ilfrid Lnuriel‘. Befure the meeting adjourned a regulutiun of Conï¬dence. in the Domin- ion Government. and the member for Centre York was unanimously carried. the iesnlntinn being introduced by Mr. L. Aunis and Mr. J. Ley in good speeches. Senior III.- Junior III.â€" Glover. 58%: Olive Glove-r. In m-dm- nf Junior 11.â€" Madilll. Senior Part Junior P:er Seni--1-I.â€":‘. Jnninr I â€"r~ Rev. \V. E. Galloway of this place and Rr-v. W. S. Irwin of Richmond Hill had an exchange of pnlpirs lust Su_nday. Mr. H. :0. Bailey and Thomas, Alfred and John Rumble left Munduy fox :1. “'ka’s hunting in the neighbor- hnnd of Beuverton. They went by way of the James Bay Railway, start- ng frum Richmond Hill station. If "taken at. the Sneeze Stage" Pre venticsâ€"n toothsnme candy Tabletâ€" Will surely and quickly check an ap- pmnching cold 01- Lagrippe. When you ï¬rst catch coldâ€"or feel it coming nnâ€"take Dr. Slnrop’s Preventics, nnd the prom t efl'ect will certainly aur- prise an please you. Preventics, surely supply the proverbial "ounce of px-vvvntinn.†Sold in 5 cent and 25 cent, boxes by \V. A. Sanderson. son, The glection of Lfï¬cers resulted as (allows:â€" Pl'esident. J. F. Russ, East Toronto. Vice-Presidvnts, Max-khan: Twp., A. D. Bruce; Richmond Hill. T. H. Trench; Markham Village. R. A. Mason; East Tm'nntn. F. Abbott; The annual meeting of the East: YUI'k Reform Association was held at Uniom'ille on Monday. In the absence of the President. Dr. Sisley, Vice-President T. H. Trench Look the chair, and the secretary. Mr. R. A. Stiver read the minuLes of last mgeting. Ym-k.â€"Hurrisnn ; Smutfville, O. R. Fitch ; Scarhnm, G. E. Lee: Secy.~ Treats" A. J. Reynolds. Danforth. A resolution was passe-d to hold the next, annual meeting at East Toronto, and aftmrwards alternately at. Union- ville and East Tmnnto. 69% EAST YORK LIBERALS S. S. No. 6. Markham. III.â€"H9rman Mnrtsm), 54%. [ILâ€"Nettie Stnne. 83%; Roy ‘82: Marjorie Jvnnings, 59%; rw-r. 56%: Eva Donnie, 53%. II.â€"Cl m b Mame rit : urence Glover; -â€"\Villis Reynur. â€"E!mel- Buynum. uriP Jnhnsnn. VII Hun-y Alarge stockof Funeral Furnishings kept. s.t both places. Und ertnkers & Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Standing out In bold relief all alone, and as a conspicuous exam is of open, frank and honest dealln w th the sick and afflicted, are Dr. P 1130’: Favorite Prescription for weak, overworked, de- bilitated, nervoush “run-down,†pain- racked women, a Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverg, the famous remedy for weak stomac , Indigestion, or dys- pepsia torpid liver, or hiliousneas, all catarrhai afl'ectiona whether oi the stomach. bowels, kidne a, bladder, nasal paaaages. throat, bronc i=3 or other mu- cous aasages, also as an e ective remedy for ai diseases arising from thin, watery or impure blood, as scroinloua and skin affections. newâ€, and is the beat guaranty of their merits. They cannot. be classed as patent nor secret. medicines (or they are neither â€"Llan1_of knqurp. cqmpqsfldtm. Each bottle of the above medicine. bears upon Its wrn per a bad 0 of hon- esty in the full 113 of in red ents conv Ing itâ€"prtnwd (at p m E H.971. his frank and open public“, paces these mediqlneg 11} a class all _th_em~ ++++++MW+++++ % In‘strurtion in Piano-playing and Theory RnprL-qentative fnx- Rir-hmond Hill a! vivinil v of \‘c‘ “He Firme (If Hui-Hanna Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford to take the aï¬llcted Into hls lull confldenco and In all the Ingredients of his medl- clnes reely before them because these Ingredients are such were endorsed and most strongly praised by scores of the most eminent medlcal wrlters as cures for the diseases for which these medi- cines are recommended. Therefore, the aflilcced do not. have to rely alone upon Dr. Plerce’s recommendetlon as to the curative value of hls medlclnee for oer- mln eeslly recognlwd (llseqsqs. ++++M++M+H+++M++H++H ++++++++++++W+++++++ ++++++H+++H+HH++++++++ has been proven to be one of the best proï¬t paying com- panies doing business. HWWW+H+ 7 A [who at. "the printed tormula on each ttle will show that. no alcohol and no harmful or habitâ€"forming drug‘s enter into Dr. Pierce's medicines, they being wholly compounded oi glycerlc extracts of the roots of native, American forest plants. These are best and safest. for the cure of most lingering, chronic disâ€" easm. Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted gï¬sï¬. by gag-easing hi_m Ayn. Buflalo, Insure Your Life IN THE London & Lanca- shire Life Ass. 00. N. J. Glass N. Y. tind all conï¬nnnlcationa are 11?; gagdcgl a. sacredly qonfldegual. “ It is as easy to be well u! illâ€"3nd much more comfortable. Constipation is the cansa of many forms of Illness. Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets cure constipa- tion. TheÂ¥ are tin an mud an- ules. One lttle'Pe let' a entlo un- uvq,_ tyvo 3 mpg cathartle. dealen In iéa'iéinésiséfl 't'héx'n. H J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist The London & Lancashire They Stand Alone. WRIGHT BROS, ()lll [Single copies, 3 cts ++H++++++++++++++ Agent. M R : FH‘ Jimi thl =+++++++ § No 23 llilll