(Mail Ahrecpc The t ton lk ‘who at yomce. [TERRIBLE RESULT OF BLOOD POISON 'Woman in England Rosiows the b: Station the 105 she hn Afk rewar ence of Mrs. W. E. Rice, of London Junction (Ont.). She. says. ' “For nine years I had been a sufferer ‘ifrom running sores on my legs caused ,by blood-poisoning. I had tried every, lkind of ointment and salve that I had theard of, but none of them seemed equal to my case. Last winter I was jworse than ever, and could not hear to tstand on my feet for five minutes. The tpain was so acute that I could not bear to have my slippers on. “I heard of Zam-Buk, and decided to give_it a fair trial. From ï¬rst com- mencing with it it did me good, and tit has now cured me. Whereas before it: could not stand on my feet for ï¬ve Eminutes at a time, I can now not only island, but walk about. without feeling ‘any pain whatever. I feel like a new ywoman. I have waited to see if the .cure was permanent. before making any statement, and now I am very wil- lling to give my testimony. I shall be lpleased to answer any inquiries, and if any one cares to come and see me, I shall e pleased to tell them what Zam- Buk as done for me." ‘ It is by working such cures as the above that Zam-Buk has made for it- iself its worId-wide reputation. It is a ,certain cure for cuts, burns. bruises. eczema, pimples. running sores, spread- ing scabs, scalp diseases, poisoned lwounds. festering sores. piles. ulcers. CHRONIC ULCICRS ANDIROREQ FOR YEARS â€"-â€" ZMH-Bl'K “'ORKI-ID A MAIKVELLOL‘S CURE. The wonderful value of Zam-Buk, 1M met-bu] balm in cases of chronic ulcers, some, etc., is illustrated by the experi- lence of Mrs. W. E. Rice, of London Junction (Ont). She says. )Un ing sca wounds Lad leg erysipcl blackhe: and all Husbandâ€"“You are not economical.†iWiIoâ€"“Well, if you don’t call a woman economical who saves her wedding-dress .fcr a possible second marriage, I’d like to know what you think economy is." conditions of skin and tissue. Of all druggists at 500 a box, or postpaid from the Zam-Buk Co., Colborne Street, PO- ronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes [or $2.50. An Inheritance of Weak mugs Is a. serum: :handicup, but Allen‘s Lung 1341mm taken at the flush signs of :l c nuz’h will ensure immunit from this dangerous defect. Don‘t trifle with u uown cure~a.lls. Podkinsâ€"“Do you think Peters capable of deceiving a friend?†Dodkinsâ€"“Oh, no; none of his friends believe a word he says.†Death or lunacy seemed the only alter. native for a well-known and highly re- spected lady‘of Wingham, Ont... who had travelled over two continents in a vain search for a cure for nervous debility and dyspepsia. A friend recommended South American Nervine. One bottle helped. six bottles cured. and her own written testimony closes with these words: “It has saved my life."â€"20 $1,200 LOSTâ€"RE\V.\RD 6 CENTS. A Cure for Costlvenoss.â€"Costivcho=.s comes from the refusal of the exccre- tor-y organs to perform their duties regu- larly from contributing causes usually disordered digestion. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, prepared on scientiï¬c prin- ciples, are so compounded that certain ingrcdic-nts in them pass through the stomach and act upon the bowels so as to remove their torpor and arouse ice. From subs and thut the m u lady who h :wton Heath. 1 as to remove their lorpor at them to proper action. Mt sands are prepared to hear in their power in this respect. ‘ The huge guns 0! modern navies can only be ï¬red about seventy-ï¬ve times before they are worn out. di COI‘I‘ J‘ 6“ 1' y Reward L‘pon Honest Lad ‘ until Manch‘ but 0 left he] recovcl :coveriï¬g hot" gold the 1 the ï¬nder with threepcncc festering spi‘es, piles, ulcers. abscewes, boils, ringworm, :, scrotum, barber‘s rash, ls, acne, stiffness, rheumatism, injured, diseased or inflamed s of skin and tissue. or all at 50¢ a box, or posipaid from an lent 1nd who (1 she arrived 21'. She d1 tans. JG gallon l J the losl m inquir was the men on ï¬n th 1y FCpOi' idea wh Munificcnl I‘GW ll Many thou- :r testimony H1 ndy Should the best peasants 23 per land; while holdings ab‘ being over cent. of the tween ï¬ve a per cent. There are many ships which bur from 100 to 300 tons of con] per day, 11‘ lowest consumption being when the ve sel is going at a moderate mic. Bl‘itis men-ofâ€"war do not. cc‘mxmne so much i proportion as swift passenger sicmnei which ply between Europe and Americ.‘ for, unless in an enmrgency, ihey a] not driven at the highest aliainab speed. The ocean passenger steamer often burn from 2,500 to 3,500 ions du ing a passage lasting six to seven day The cutters of the great glove houses m Brussels and in France earn even higher wages than lhe cutters 0f the most fashionable tailors in London and New York. So difï¬cult is this art, at cutting gloves that most of the princi- pal cutlers are known to the trade my name and‘ hy fame, and the peculiar knives which lhey use in the business are so highly prized lhat they are hand- ed down from generation to generation 11 I‘d down I‘m! as heirlooms ciinand she’s :1 f0!‘( me is how I’m to g three holes at wanst M a One trial of Mother Gravcs‘ Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please To Starve Is a Fallacy.â€"The dictum to stop eating because you have indigestion has long since been exploded. Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple Tablets introduced a. new era in the treatment of stomach troubles. It has proved that one may eat his ï¬ll of anything and everything he relishes. ’and one tablet taken after the meal will aid the stomach in doing its work. 60 in a box. 35 centsâ€"24 un h m “There‘s a qunre thing about a cousin r.‘ mine," said Barney O‘Flynn. “He‘s a great habit of walkin’ in his sleep.†“Can he be cured av it, at all?†“Cured av it? Sure ’tis the makin’ av him. He's in the police force." Attorneyâ€"“You qan sue him for breach of promise, madam; but. it seems to me preposterous to claim ï¬lly thou- sand dollars damages.†Fair Clientâ€" “: want lo get so heavy a judgment against him that he'll just have to marry meâ€"the scoundrel!" Up and down the drill-ground, ï¬rst, right and then left, an awkward squad had trumped all the morning; but, no amount of drill seemed to put any smart. ness into their movements. “Stand easy? called their mentor at last, wenrily mopping his brow, and inâ€" wardly abusing the Fates for makino a soldier 0: him. ° “Bullhead,†he said to the warrior who had insisted on turning round three times every time the “about†was by- dared, under the impression probably. Mi “Then a whale Ilun, menu‘s. 4......" m, _.___,, , every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolv ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. dercd. mm. b bride’preferred to ride to and {tom the church. H) "did COAL BURNED BY STEAMSUH Vill ITCH, Mange. Pratirie ï¬c‘l‘nmhes and ,4 L__-_ THE ART OF GLOVE h u] tlynqultc otter to plexity There‘s a quar‘ mine," said 3 great habit of n Irishm t Ofï¬ce fr 1H over of the w ï¬ve and apl you brain‘ Sup YOU n 1ndhold Merr 9‘.) a \VflS hUlU cent BIG SUPPLY NECESSARY. 9H HTY-FOUI _d._" he said to the warrior nsisled on turning round three ry time the “about†was or- der the impression probably, ras playing blind man’s buff, ever hear ï¬sh was good for his Jlliv 01’s Ni undt of the .000 men :m ‘anll‘ Webs twenty 50.000 n! 1051K is is a pm AND! IOLDEI ont iness sake go and eat ill ierulo rule. I :‘msume so m1 passenger stc urope and An mergency, 1m highest alts passenger sle purl‘ “EDS THIRTY such a ho mune so much m ISSCHQ‘CI' steamers mm and America. ergoncy, 1hey are highest aliainable Issonger steamers to 3,500 tons dur- >oard mng ‘x’eign shc nor the an ypl Inl .â€"CUT’TI.\’G I-Ie Old \V 1.†“Faun,†[ty problem. lives in 1110 What beats letter in the “UT the )l‘S OI having New York of mailingT nusod 1' ontainin 9 word was or- probably, an’s buff. good for 1t cle both 3H um 1V in 3rs BRITESH AMERIGAN OVER“: 09. MONTREAL Dinning and Cnrllng and Kid Glen- cloaned Thu. an be um. by post. lo pol 0!. theirâ€. vlwa is r Your]; exploits other 11 horse 5] FEATH ER DYE! N G with it Hard and soft Corns cannot withstand Halloway’s Corn Cure; it. is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and he Clears the Thom; and Lungs; heals .nd allays Inflammation, cures Coughs, Iolds, Hoarscness, Whooping Cough, )roup, by removing the cause. aNothing better for Children. Price 10c. and 2§c. a bottle. Dr. T. A. lo atlacks of cold and pulmonary dis- turbances. The speedy use of Bickle’s Anti Consumptive Syrup will be found a preventative and a protection, strengthening the organs so that they are not so liable to derangement. from exposure or abrupt atmospheric chang- es. Bickle‘s Syrup is cheap and good. “It. is true tr she is also very her you will h :vn'l drinking.†her I’ll have to xr All women know what it is to have violent pain; some take one thing and some another. Our advice is, 1:3 place “'ï¬he D 45 L†Menthol ,Plaster over the seat of the pain : it will do more tu give you comfort than anything. Wiggs~“Y0ung Screecher has a re- markable imagination. He is a great llnnker.†Waggsâ€"“Indoed!†Wiggsâ€" happy. Magistrateâ€"“You say that you not know you were violating the ] Ah, but, my dear sir, ignorance of law is no excuse for any man.†Pri: erâ€"“That‘s rather rough on both of ain‘t it, your worship †Many inherit ase usually a Mirrors are a nuisance in the house of a. man whose face is branded with eczema. His own reflection shames him. Let him unuuint his skin with Weaver's Cents and purify his blood with Weaver’s Syrnp' “I say, boy,†remarked the wouldâ€"be ï¬sherman, “are. there any ï¬sh in' this stream?" “Yes.' “Will they bite?" “Non'e of them ever hit me. mister; but you needn’t go into the water to fish it you’re afraid of them.†Piles cured in 3 to 6 nights.â€"One ap- plication gives relief. Dr. Agnew's Ointr ment is a, boon for Itching Piles. or Blind. Bleeding Piles. .It relieves quickly and permanently. In skin eruptions it stands without a rival. Thousands of testimonials if you want evidence. 35 centsâ€"23 ASTONISHED THE DGGTDR. “There ought to be one head to every household.†shouted the orator. “That’s right," muttered a worried-looking man in the audience. “You agree with me?" shouted the orator, singling him out. "I do; I have just ï¬nished paying for the bonnets of my nine daughters.†Physician Said She Might Drop Dead At Any Time. Mrs. Robert Eaton tile, 5 could to keel feet. WC sort of me. ‘atents Secured Free Procuro “MEWS Gibbs 1g Yenmanry Ofï¬cer (airing is in the late war)â€"“And an things‘ don‘t you know, I h: shot under me.†Fair Ignorn w thing! What was the m smotherin 1 not slee ometimos een from he thinks, he can sin inherit weak lungs, and as mlly aSSails the weakest r .ersons are continually ex; :ks of cold and pulmonary 1N true that sh f you hav Jay for (IT 1111 Ant MET from your druggist 1bness ISSUE NO 53â€"06. g St. James SL, Montreal iat she has money, but exacting. If you marry ave to give up smoking “Well, if I don’t marry give up eating as well." Jromo. 1rt u‘.d have t .ng. My ? E§§=§gE ‘3 “The Doctor told me I had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on the street at any time.†says Mrs. Robert Eaton, of Dufferin, Ont. “I was afraid to draw my breath, it. pained me so. I was nervous, short of breath, had diz- pllCOUOHS U an invention )pinion. 24 PEA! Lï¬ï¬‚i lkin ne 8. new fl? you did the law. :0 of the ’ Prison- mamus matter ha as dis Doim all OSE l I] 8P! Anl and s, rwn 1nd Th CE†A man went to see doctor examined hi with a grave face told in, and asked if he h chomi "What thing _‘ OD! vis Fever the Curse o! the Tropics- In the slow and tedious recoveries from this and all other disease “Ferrovim " is the best tonic. Romain- ber the name, “ FERROVIM." on r Sum abou South American Kldney Cure is the only kidney treatment that has proven equal to correct all the evils that are likely to befall these physical regulators. Hundreds of testimonials to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney spe» ciï¬c in cases of Bright‘s disease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder, inflammation, dropsical tendency. Don'tl delayâ€"22 Smith y to know Small Boyâ€"“Can I have a ride on a donkey, ma?†Milâ€"“N0, dear. Your papa says you are not to have one.†Small Boyâ€"“Why can’t I have a ride on a donkey?†Ma (to her husband)â€" “Oh, for goodness’ sake, James, give him a ride on your back, and see if it‘ll keep him quiet.†“Why, Willie, what about?†“’Cause I do day holiday like {he 01 “Why, Willie, what are you crying about?" “’Cause I don‘t get no Satur- day holiday like the other children does. Boo-1100!" “But why don’t you get out of school on Saturday?†“’Cause I ain’t old enoUgh to go to school yet. Bo.)â€" hoo-hool†In Nature’s Storehouse There are Cures. â€"- Medical experimenls have shown conclusively that. there-are medi- cinal virtues in even ordinary plants growing up around Us which give them a value that cannot be estimated, it is held by some-that Nature provides a cure for every disease which neglect and ignorance have visited upon man. However, this may be, it is well known that Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, distilled from roots and herbs, are a sovereign remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. The next day god a girl b TE’ï¬E Catalogue in addition to describing them all, gives comploto rule- of the game of Hockey. A postal card brings it. mg you can do whe u a bit of advice is DARTKï¬GU 'I'H1 WHAT THE CHEMIST ADVISED And he," the patient continued, “ad 3d me to come to you." )n “ AUTOMOBILE †AND “ CYCLE †SKATES ALUMINUM TOPS- CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR 00., “13., City Store. 151 8)] St 1V ’lfcin 11'] said the and ask( ist!’ the vas [he , Thls Skate is famed for its Symmetrical Design, high quality and great strength. One of the most popular of the 26 patterns made by us. That. was a : men the pars Wonder wha Brownâ€"“Si .lerday, and I your opinion SION A] l(( y w1H prevent and cure r throat, and as a lubri‘ the muscles in good can 5% E [ho Mim man. :1 his Lighter than the lightest, Stronger than the Strongest. Faster than the Fastest. THAT E1 scathing sermon arson gave us last hat Smilh thought STARR Bï¬FE. $9., of that? The best 11 a chemist gives to do exactly the him H] C: IS Iiv Ir: II I went ivice. z Iir 3n it ins. and vent an lir f Dr. Tl M the doctr KILL becom ll‘S arefuny he was nsulted I‘l ble 1110‘ UFO M" [Does it it liCh have; in cutlery DOC SIl’t do metalâ€"l into :nc shrink smnplion. wol- their ios of me- oyond {he i (“‘0 Vt‘l'y lulw‘x‘culm‘j Underwear _ has the soft 1" .cmoq are, warm feel he rule nf _, Q the skm enjoys. ' is an pul‘ J.“ "SNR'NKABK’Q' itch. " ‘l'7jA t,__ w in angrily. The best » :ure is the has proven that are regulators. prove the and heâ€" 1h in re 1115i!) cs en- if helf arried. The and very uny- 1n me1 like The Briti staff under slandingr B men spher there Dear Mather Post Ofï¬ce is among the most prom- able businesses in England. With an outlay of 8450000000. it makes a proï¬t at nearly $20,000,000. Two 2-revolulion Campbell Presses; sizes 40x56 and 43x56. The largest has the patent swing delivery, and both have four inking rollers and plate dis- tribution. They are capable of doing the finest work. These presses will be sold at a very low ï¬gure for quick sale. Wilson Publishing Company, 73-81 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. m ï¬ï¬Ã©'ï¬'im PRESSES F33 $ï¬LE. Your liulc ones are a constant cafe in Fall and Winter weather. Th will catch cold. Do you know about gï¬iloh’n Censum flan Cute. the Lung Tonic. and what it Ea: done for so many ? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. ltis absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. his guaranteed to cure or your money is rammed. The price is 25¢. per bottle. and all clealcra in medicine sell 3“ 1n British SHELQH This CYCLE †SKATES '9“ the skin enjoys. Doesn’t itch. ‘0 Made for men, WO- ~ men and little folks, in a variety of styles, fabrics and prices, sh Postmas ' his contra ritish Army busy from remedyihould be in every household. POSTAL ARMY. i123 Wcï¬ï¬nz‘ton Street West. 1 Army. The pos ' from 170,000 to en, and has wi‘ mans more mm 10 in Sheerness. Lim biggcr than the The postal sys- 70,000 to 190,000 has within “3 mm ofï¬ces than merness. The the most proï¬t- r-Genoral has n