With the exception of Reeve Crosby the present members of the Village Council are again in the ï¬eld for municipal honors. We under- stand that County Councillor Pugsley and ex-Rceve Savage will contest the reeveship, and Mr. D. Sloan has announced his intention to become a candidate for the position of councilâ€" lor. At a Meeting of the Village Council Tuesday evening Reeve Crosby asked for an expression of opinion on the following question: “When a municipal council passes 8. local option by-law is it the dutv of that council to take advantage of the statute and appoint an inspector to see that the law is enforced?†The members in reply didn't all speak at once, but the opinion was expressed that the question would be appropriate at the coming nomination meeting. Outm'rh of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask us for a fn-e trial hnx of Dr. Shoop's Oattzu-h Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual Lestâ€"and Dr. Shnop, m prove this. earnestly desires that we let, you make that test. This crexmy. Snuw \Vhite healing balm. soothes the throat, and nostrils. and quickly pux-iï¬vs a foul or feverish Breath. Call and inventigate. W. A. Sandexson. * The following accounts were pre- sented. which, on motion. the tx-eas. urer was instructed to payâ€"Matthew Mmtson, wnx-k. 60c.: Peter S. Gibson. Surveying. etc., $17; Ontario Lime As- sociation, seWe-r pipe. $8.84: H. Blanchâ€" ard. work on strvets, ego" $9.35; W. The committee appointed to inter- view the property owners on Centre street, east repurth as fullmvmâ€"Lhat W. H. Pugsloy agrees to accept $5): the Parsonage. $10; Mm. Durham, $10; A. Mondie. $230: and Wm. Shep- pmd. L119 cost, of I-Pmoving buildings. etc.; and further that. each ownex IS to be fmnished with a. substantial wire fence nnd necessary gates. The regular meeting of the council was held on Tuesday. Dec. 4 in the Council Chamber. Members plesent: the reeve, and Councilkx‘s Sanderson. Nicholls, Glass, alnd_Tfellcb._' “ A ‘Ml-‘--I»-, vyhfl, _ A letter was lead from Mr. P. G. Savage, tendering his resignation as a member nf the Public Library Board. On motion, Mr. Savage‘s resignation wag accepted. A. Sanderson, formaldehyde. $6.20; Jnu. Cusely. teaming. $1.75; E. J. Cahlv. well drilling, windmill, etc., $242.10. ‘e ,,- ...... A communicatinn was received from Miss L. Hennessvy re injuries sustain- ed by her mother. occasioned by full- ing into a hula. in the sidewalk on Mill street, while engaged in the pursuit, 0f wond thieves. The umtter was refer- red to a onmmitbve composed of the reeve and Councillnr Sandal-sun. "@112 fliheral. SUN-r discussion. the enuncil decided to kevp the manugenu‘nt of the rink in their own hands during the coming win ter season. .7..‘ ‘_,v “n†. , U The commiLtL-Vevï¬as instructed to fomplete the negotiations referred to m Athe allow: yepurt,t The High Schnul Commencement (xercises in the Mnsunic Hall Friday evening was the interesting event of lust week. The hall was crowded, and the pmgrumme presented was‘ much enjoyed. The. stage was taste- fully decorated for the occasion. Mr. Gen. MuDumlld, chairman of the Bunrd of Education. presided with thility. In his opening remarks he Complimenled the teachers and pupils on the success of the school, and the good feeling that exists on all sides. Several chm-uses were well rendered by the. school. Mr. J. H. Sunder-sun act- ingas director. Mr. Elmnre Renmun in his “History of the Gladuacing Class" made Home. excellent. hits. though sulne of the lady student.» thought, it :\ triflle personal. Another interesting feature was the nepurt of the schonl fur the put year by the principal. Mr. Shaw very modestly referred to the success of the schuul. which hud steadily advanced in numbers and eï¬iciency aince the third teacher was engaged three years ago. More than 100 students are in attend. anco, and 21 class of 10 takes up fouxlh form work. The proscntatinn of} certificates wxs made by Rev. J. A. Grant and Rev. A. P. Bruce. mzd lmlh l of these gentleman gave stirring (KL. dresses. expressing appreeintiou furl lhe gend \vurk heng done. by Mini: Shaw and his nlnle ussist,:mts.â€"I\Iisses . Harden and Edwards. Mr. \Vuller} Frishy. at present it student (if the, l i l l i l I l 0 Ontario Normal Chill-g0, g:1\0 nu nble address on lines similmr to those of his fmnur culh-aguu. Mr. Reunmn. Dnring the evening Miss Clara Horn- The council, pursuant to abut ute, ap- pointed Mr. “‘ellington Hall to act as Poll Clexk at the forthcoming muni- CipAal elections. .- A51 J ._:.l-,l C- rn nt of the (ix-vase ‘he Shaw RICHMOND HILL. Our. Council adjoï¬rneq. H. B. ENTERTAINMENT VILLAGE COUNCIL. 21. J. HUME, Clerk. '.. Dec. 6. 1900 THURSDAY. Dec. 13â€"Hnrse.vehicles. im leluents, etc. on pmt, lot, 38, can. 1. aughan (Ynnge swept), propprty of Jnhn VVakeï¬eld. Sale at, 1. Tvrms. 9 mos. Saigeon & McEwen. aucts. SATURDAY, Dec. 8â€"Pine stumps, on lot 31. con. 4, Vaughan. property of James Cameron. Sale at 1. Terms, 10 mos. Snigeun & McEwen. ancts. TUESDAY, Dec. llâ€"Outtle and colts. at Steele's Hotel. Yonge street, prop- erty of H. A. Jifkinn. Sale at, 1. Terms. 10 months. Snigeon & Mc- Ewen, :mcts. TUESDAY, Dec. 11â€"Five acres stand- ing timber. lot, 35. con. 1, Markham. the property (_r_f Munshuw Bros. Sale TUESDAY. Dec. at SM‘PIP‘R Hotel. at 2 u’clbck: Terms. 4 ulonths'. Prentice. auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 12â€"Ux-edit sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 20. con 8. Markham. thv property uf J. H. Pipper. Sale atl o'clock. 10 months" credit. J. H. PrenLice. auctinneer. mParties getting auction sale bills printed at, THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will re- ceive :1 notice similar to below up to date uf sale free of charge. A charge (if 50 cents will be nmde fur notices when bills are not. printed at this otï¬ce. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Slmnp’s Magic Ointment. Remember it’s made alone for Pilesâ€"and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Itch- ing. painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it, and see! “I. A. Sanderson. H+M+++*+++H+~W+H++ 'M+'l°'l'+++ ++++++M+ Particularly attractive are, comb, brush and mirror, case silk lined; military brushes; Shav- ing sets; Ebony manicure sets in silk lined Case, also the many different pieces in silverware. ++4~§+++++++++++++++++$+++Jf ing gnven recitation, and solos were sung by Miss Ethel Switzer and Miss Ida. Glass. Mr. Earle Newton acting as accompanist. A spocinl feature WllS the play “The scheme that failed." in which the following took En: Mr. Archie Palmer, Mr. Clarence innee. Miss Ada Calhoun. Mins Ada Milne. Misc; Edna Alcumbmck and Miss Edwards. The parts were well taken. and the audience thoroughly en{oyed the play. The school has a bu ancu of $30 after paying expenses. The next mee Vaughan. Council TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1908 founc' Fur Mitts Found 5am? 5:5:ssegï¬gziiesg Advemwe ° terested in count; ask your newchaL “FOREST A 0 STREAM,†or us twenty-ï¬ve new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. for four weeks'trial trip. A large illustrated weekly jourml of shooting, ï¬shing, natural hisâ€" toryandyadlling. A E CHRISTMAS In choosing for Christ- mas it is frequently difï¬cult to decide just what is best and mdst suitable to give. I think I can help you. My stnck is varied and well chosen. App! )ply :xb JERRY SMITH iil‘ of Lady's PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER -OF Auction Sales. THE SINGER OFFICE Richmond H ,inuot the Council of the Music )1 Vzughsn wul he held In Town Hall. Veilore. on If you like to read of the ex- ‘eriences oi angles, shoot- rs and campers, or yacht- mg; or; I ‘f ‘ Mme gmyi‘: terested in country life, ask your newchaler {or at 10 u. m “FOREST AND J. 8. “CLEAN. Clerk GIFTS M," or Send :y-ï¬â€˜fe ‘centAs Gauntlets E? Qenegal Banking Business I l Tmaaasted. June 11. 1905 Have just received a car of cement. A. B. HALL Threshora' Coal on hand. Having purchased the above business from H. Winger 81 Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hlll Station, G. T. R., every W'ednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. STï¬NDARfl BANK GUM, W00 AN BEMENT RICHMOND HILL AND MAPLE Received mth Coal and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. HIGEEST CURRENT BATES. Bakod sweet apples. with 5mm movie. bï¬nfl prompt roiicf for Constipation. With others. course all-whmi. bread will have the same nifect. Nature widouhwdlr has a vegetable remedy to relieve every nil‘mnnt known to man. i.‘ physicians can but ï¬nd Nature's way to llC‘ll‘A‘h. And this is strikingly true with regard to Constipation. Thu bark of n certain tree in Paiifomiaâ€"Cas- c1111). Sagmdnâ€"oï¬ers n most excnllcnt aid to thia end. Rimminhinml wnh Egyptian Senna. Slip- pery Elm Bark. Solid Extract of Prunes. etc, this same Cnscnm bark is given its groatvst possible power to correct constipation. A toothsome Candy Tahiut. callod Lax-chi. is now made at the Dr. Shoop laboratories. lrom this ingcnnous and most eï¬cctivc prescription. Its 056% on Consti- pation. Biliousnms. Sour Stomach. Bad Breath. Sallow Complexion. cm. is indeed prompt and satisfying. Notice of withdrawal not neces. sury. All deposits payable on demand. Money Lonnod on Farmers‘ Sal». holes. Blank Note l-‘orms Supplied Free. No griping. no unmeasant after effects are ex- perienced. and Lax-«ts Mo put. up in beautifm Inhongth metal boxes M 5 cents and '25 cont: par box. LIVERY Fur something new. nice. economical and eï¬cctivo. \ry a box of BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. ‘or other particulars call at, the Bank Capital Rests Michael Bras, W. A. SANDERSON ۩E§§§E§E§§§ l‘hornhill P. O. Riclunond El ill ()1 Can ad a in Savings' Bank Depnr and intakes: allowed at 3.1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DE 13-0ng s GOAL E. M. BYRNE. WOOD MAN AGER‘ 22.3 The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hugs. Lot 29. lst (1011.. Vaughan (Thm-uhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred hull and hog kept for service on the premises. Notice is hereby given pursuant. to R. S. 0., 1897. Chapter 129. Section 38, and Amending Acts. that. all persons having any claims against the estate of the said Neil Alexander Smith \Vatsnn who died on m- ahont the 29th day of September 1906, are required on or before the 15th day of December. 1906 to send to John \Vatson. M. 1).. 829 College Street, Toronto. the On a Metropolitan cur on or about the 15th November a silver watch. Ownm- may have. same by proving property and paying expenses. .An .«qvwr. House and lot, immediately south of High School, Richmond Hill. For in- formation npplftp.“ Administrator 01" the said Estate, 3 full statement of their claims, with names and addresses, and the nature of the security if any, buld by them. And take further notice that after the said last mentiuned day the said Administrator will ploceed tn distrib- ute the assesis of the said deceased among the. parties entitled thereto, having regard only to.) the claims of which he shall then have received notice: and the szud Adminish-atur will nut, be liable fur any claims of which he shall not then have received notice, For Sale or Rent l o. bf HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Red and white yearling steer on or about, Nov. 1. 1906. Any person giving information leading to his recovering will be Suitably rewarded. Apply to GILES KERS\VILL Late of the Township of Vaughan in County of York. Farmer, deceased. To purchase or rent a small houseâ€"â€" 3 m' 4 momsâ€"ac reasonable rent. Apply at PLEASANT VIEW FARM NEIL ALEXANDER SMITH WATSON Have just arranged with the Voter- ium-y Specialty ()0. to sell the follow- ing remedies : Stuck Tunic and Bland Puriï¬er, Indigpstinn and Colic Cure, Spnvin Cure. “'m'm Powders. Cough Remedy, Poultry Tunic, Luuse Death Antiseeptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sion. Black Oil, ku‘e Relief, Lump flaw" Cage. Aphurdisiac and Anti-Ster- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE W. HEWESON Cans from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Cults and Calves. Leaking Naval 8: Joint Disease. Vanzant 8.: \Vnring. Veterinary Snr~ geons. twentyï¬vc years of plactical experiencv. A A coupon in every pan-kn the holder to Free Vuterin NUTIUETO CREDITURS FARMERS I TAKE NOTICE i Satisfaction Guaranteed House Wanted 01‘ S‘ 22-3 WILLIAM, COOK 33 Richmond Street; West Toronto Solicitor for Administrator THE L] BERA L OFFICE FDUND F. J. PETHICK JAU'OBHEY'ER The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Lost J' AM ES NEWTON. i). G. GOODERHAM, Richmond Hill Jefferson P. O. Elgin Mills. ge entitling :u‘y Advice. & SON. Proprietor See my selec- tion of choice Christmas gifts b 8 fo r e p ur- ohasin g elseâ€" Wh e r e. N o trouble to ShOW you. Geld Spectacles Pipes Cheice Checeiates Shaving Sets and mm iaqa? Sim Dressing Cases Manicure Sets D0115 and Toys Perfume Hair Brushes Call and we will ‘zbe happy to Show you. Samar Sm} DBUGGIST RICHMOND EEL’L