Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1906, p. 5

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-' ‘16 07.. )ackaqe 105cm Fancy 'rtras' . . l ‘ ' ' ' ‘ pl ‘did musical programme. a roll call of @112 iii 12ml. Ricnnoxn II.'1irTcIA(l, lbw l l I I IJOCAIJS. i Miss (‘larii (Iluhiiie spent Sunday at the Parsonage. ‘ Mr. P.1G. Savage is in Toronto, net- I iiig on the Grand Jury. Mm. Thos. Taite of Toronto, visited Mrs. Bruce on Saturday. The \V. o. 'r. U. will int-ct at ins. Hwitzer's next Tuesday evening' at 7.30. Mr. Levi licise near Victoria Square has had a telephone installed in his horrse. Money in ‘aft-er Christ» mas if you buy licre. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. John Slim-y has purchased from Mr. John Curran part of lot. 29, con. 2, Vaughan. “'e regret, to have to announce that Mr. Robert Elliott of .lrll‘erson is seriously ill. Mr. Louis Elliott is clerkinp,r at; the Concrete store during the busy Ulil'lb‘i,» IllilS St‘ilSUll- Mr. J. \V. Osborne is beingâ€"sent by the Standard Bank to Cobalt to open a branch in that town. Mr. J. E. Cluhine of Oak Ridges, spent Tuesday afternoon and evening with Mr. T. F. McMahon. Our store is brim full and overflow- ing with Christmas beauty and happi- ness. Atkinson dz Switz " Mr. “’alterrlienson has rented lots lg; and 35, third con. Vaughan. belong- I ig to tho Uluhiire estate. Miss Creighton 0f Schomherg visited art of the week with her friend Miss aura. Naughton 01 Elgin Mills. The Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance is being held in Urillia this week. Rev. A. 1’. Brace is in at- tendunce. A snap in horse blankets. All wool shaped horse Blankets $3.75 per pair. worth $5.00. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. Rev. A. P. Brace will preach in the Methodist Chlli't'h on Sunday morning on the subject “A Glimpse of the Fut- ure State.” Mr. Murray McLean, who had a severe attack of typhoid, has so far re- covered as to be able to walk around the house. ' Fulness, Freshness, correctnessâ€"all the good qualities and their lowest prices. Atkinson & Switzer. Examine the lined shaped horse blankets that we will sell you for $1.25 and the Athabas knee robe for $7.75. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. N. McDonald. a former principal of the Richmond Hill Public School, has been appointed to a‘ principalship in one of the Toronto schools. Mr. Geo. Cowie, librarian of the \ Public Library, was confined to his 'lhorrse all of last week with la grippe, but. is able to be around again. Mrs. John Woods returned Satur- day from Detroit where she. spent the last few weeks with her mother previous to the latter‘s death. The \V. M. S. will hold their December meeting at the home of Mrs. Sloan this week, (Thursday) at 3 p. in. A good attendance is requested. When you think another house under-sells us in simple fairness com- pare the qualities. Atkinson 8:. Switzer. Mr. J. M. Laing of 36 Toronto St... Toronto, has opened a law oflice in the Lorne Bldg., and will be in Richmond Hill every Thursday afternoon. 21-4 Mr. Barry \Vinipenny, compositor in THE LIBERAL Oflice, was called to his home in Toronto last Thursday. his father having died in the hospital after an operation. The Canadian Alumnaâ€"i; for 1907 will i he issued on the. 15th inst. The book Will contain about 450 pages well filled with useful and interesting infor- mation. The. price has been raised to 50 cents. A meeting of the Curling Club will be held in McDonald‘s shop this (Thursday) evening. at 8 o’clock. The election of skips and other important business will take place. Frill attend. ance requested. Fancy seeded raisins, 16 oz. package, 1150: Fancy seeded Raisins 12’. oz. . package ltlc.; Choice seeded raisins,l cur-rants washed and cleaned 3 lbs. for i "" Atkinson & Switzcr. o.-)l‘. Miss Agnes Teniplernan of St. Johns. Sewfoundland; Miss Alma Carpenter . of Hamilton : and Miss Gvitrude McDonald of Ottawa, all students at Haveigal College, spent over Sunday ' with Misses Olive and llazel Switzer. Mrs. James Hill and son \Villiamj left yesterday for Moonstone to assist in preparing for the Golden \Vrddpig of Mr. Hill's paients on the lath ‘ of this month. All the members of} the families of David Hill and James Hill will follow a few days heft re the event takes places. venierice here. Atkinson and Sn itzer. Miss A. Trench gave an excellent View of the all-round character of Ian Maclarr-n (Rev. Jno. \Vatson) at the It‘pworth League on Monday evening. This, with good music and the good Iliairrnnnshii of Mr. Larnon, tirade a Very enjoyable evening. Solos wore L’lVPn by Miss K. Thompson and Miss \V. Ilunic. Mr. ThusrTioiid. one of the promi- lneut agriculturists of Scarboro, died ‘at. his home near Milliken Corners, Tuesday, after-a short illness. Deceas- ed was very active in many circles, and was a past president of the Con- ai-rratiie Association. He was in his 61th year. Funeral Friday morning to Unionville at 10 o‘clock. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS By a special arrangement with the Globe Printing Company the publisher of this paper is prepared to send Tun LIBERAL and \Veekly Globe. includ- ing the illustrated magazine part. to the end of next year for $1.25. Subâ€" scribe at once. and get the balance of this year free. The \Veeklv Sun is a complete budget of news for the farmer. It contains independent political news. valuable hints on farm topics, houseâ€" hold suggestions etc. If you have produce to sell it. will pay you to read The Sun’s market reports, for accuracy they are unequalled. Subscribe for The Sun, the farmers” business paper. Mr. Holmes Crosby and his friend Mr. Archie Palmer took a trip to Toronto Saturday afternoon by way of the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway. Their expressed opinion is the same as others who have taken the trip that much of the scenery between this place and the city is delightfully picturesque. The coaches are splen- didly equipped. and the officials are courteous and obligiirg. lounty Councillor \V. H. Pugsley was agreeably surprised one. day last week when his Colleagues in council assembled presented him with a. gold mounted pipe and a well-filled pouch, accompanied by a well worded address, in which Mr. Pugsley’s faithful and valuable sei-x ices to the county were freely acknowledged. The recipient thanked his fellow members for their kindly remembrance in appropriate. \vords. EXAMINING THE BEER. F. Trent of Bedford Park, appeared before Magistrate Ellis last Thursday on a charge of breach of the liquor act. The evidence went to Show that the authorities seized a keg of beer that was tapped and found under the bar. The defence claims that it was local option beer and did not contain sufficient alcohol to bring it under the act. The magistrate enlarged the case for a. week to have the beer analyzed by a Government; officer. The charge against \V. Robinson of Eglinton, of selling beer without a. license was also enlarged for a. week. CHRISTMAS FAIR A grand Christmas Fair will be held in the Temperance Hall next VVednes- day, afternoon and evening, under the auspices of the Ladies Guild of St. Mary’s church. A magnifier-ht. assort- ment of Christmas gifts and useful and pretty articles will be for sale. In the evening an entertainment will he presented, embracing several special features, such as The Fish Fund and the Tulip Bi-d. Good prizes will also be giien in guessing contests. Doors open at 2 and 7. Refreshments, afternoon free; evening 10 cents; children 5 cents. Do not miss this rare Christmas treat. To have beautiful. perfect, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at. bedtime a light; coating of Dr. Shoop‘s Green Salve. Then, next morning, notice carefully the effect. Dry, cracked, or colorless lips mean feverishness, and are as well ill appearing. Dr. Shoop’s Green Salve is a soft, creamy, ointment, that will quickly correct any skin blemish or ailment. Get a free trial box at our store and be con- vinced. Large. Glass Jars, 25 cents. \V. A. Sanderson. BEEF RING MEETING. The. annual men-ting of the Rich- mond Hill Beef Ring was held at the Palmer House on Saturday. All re- ports went to show another very suc- Cessful season. Mr. J. N. Boyle “as elected president, and Mr. Geo. Red- ditt secretary-treasurer. The associa- tion has been running 11 years. The members decided on Saturday to pur- chase at the end of next season four additional cattle so as to extend the season four weeks after the regular season of 16 Weeks has ended. Mr. \V. H. (‘luhine, Mr. T. Cook, the president and the secretary were ap- pointed a committee to purchase the cattle. 112mm: RALLY. An I‘priirth League Rally of more than usual interest will be held in the Methodist church on Monday evening next. Dec. 10. There will be a. splen- tlie leagues of the district. and Re\'. Dr. 12. Large of Bella Bella, B. (3.. and Rev. \V. H. Adams, M. 1)., D. D. 8., of \Vesi China, will speak. Everyone should be present and catch the en- thusiasm of this occasion. All are cordially irnitcd, youngr and old. P. G. “'right. Esq.. President of the To« ronto t‘entral District League. will preside. A special car is to bring a. large number of Leaguers from Toron- t0. THE NEEDEET‘OUED. About two months ago little Irene McMahon. while preparing for her bed, ran a needle into the ball of her foot. The Dr. examined the foot but l Every gift arranged for your Con- lcould not locate the needle. l l The { \V'tilultl was quite soie for a few days. 1 but the soreness soon went away. and .‘ she went to school as usual. The pain i returned, lrowe.\ er, and last Saturday, i after putting Irene under the intiuence l of chloroform, the Dr. made an iizcis~ ion, and searched for the lost needle. Fortunately ht' located it without much difficulty. The part of the needle found was a little ovi-r half an inch in length, and it was buried half an inch beneath the skill. The sorc- ness has almost passed auay, and lri-nc hopes to return to School next Monday. Reprint. News-Herald: ~“'i‘liere isat least one t-ll'cctual, safe, and reliable ()ou h Cureâ€" Dr. Shoop‘seâ€"ilru we re- gard;er suitable, even for tlir- youngâ€" est child. For years. Dr. lilioop bit- terly opposed the use of opiates or narcotics in medicine, ()lh‘llllf: $10 per drop to any one finding Opiuiu. (lhlor- oform, or any poisonous or narcotic igredir-nt in Dr. Slioop‘s (louub (lure. And the challenge is as yet unanswerâ€" ed. Here lw‘ one iri:riiuf:rctirru,,: physi- cian, who welcomed with run-ii satis- faction, the new Governnu-iu Pure Food and llrug Law. The public can now protw t. itself at all tiro-i- by in- sisting on Laying Dr, Shoop' -. when a cough i-enr dy is needed. Solii by \V. A. Sandi-i ~oii. WORItYâ€"e'l‘HE DlflEASE “it” THE AGE A fairiou English writer. lir. U. \V. Saleeby, recently finished a series of articles written in a. popular 1min. and entitled “ XVorry~â€"the Disease of the Age.” Tr» first of these apro-ars in the Christmas numberofthu l ‘aiiadiaii Magazine. which has many other attractive and seasonaiili- t‘eatures. One of 1“: first notirealuc things about the ll‘nlfiflZlnP this nlt‘lli in is the front cover which is a reproduction of prize di wring by J. J. Gl"llll. It is entitled “(lur Lady of thi- Knows," and is a nin and pleasrng ('('Trt'r'ptl0n of this clm=miug personality. Other features oi the Christmas t‘auadian Magazine -:re “Jerusalem and its Environriu ots " (illustrated): “t brist- mas (lustrous in England" (illiru rated): reproductsvuis of R. Caton W .mlville‘s famous drawings, “The Dawn of Majuba Day. and “Maiwaiul Having the Guns." and of Jules llieton's painting “‘l he Comrriunicants," There are. several A-ther interesting articles, with short stories by \V. Fraser. Alice Series, and l“. P. Medley. * REM l~l.\lBER THE DATE It has just leaked out that "Ralph Connor‘s” oin story “The Doctor” has been w cured by the Family Herald and \\'eekly Star, of Montreal, and it. will hi'uin on January ‘Jiul. 1907. The. plillelt‘l‘S of the Family Her- ald intend-wt this to be a big t‘hrist‘ mas Sill‘pl'l>i' {or their readers, but the news became known through :- Toron- to paper rlirt expected to land the prize but tiuliul. “Ralph Connor” is a name Canadi'iris are proud of. “The Man from ’.1l>-llgttl'i‘y," “The PM spect- or" and other stories have won him a great nanr; and the Faniilx llerald and \Veekl}; Star is certainly deserv- ing of coma uulations in securing “The Doctor" for their readers. The publication of the opening chapters is put off lllliil January 2nd in order to give all their subscribers ainplt- time to renew In fore that date. how that the news is public, there “ill be a grand rush 1-) get on the liarnily Herald’s imiiiug lists. One dollar a year is the subscription price. Just, think of \\ Mi vou can get for 91 dollar â€"the best rumlv and farm rimvspaper in Aim-rim. the beautiful (zit-mirror gravure er.‘ ‘1 iv :l “ A tug of \Var ” and Ralph Comm": lat-est and hm story "The Doctor." li‘l .‘il-(RIAGES FUDGERV Riiep ard~In Calgary, Alta., on the ’8th of :Noi'oinber. Estella, eldest daughter of i‘harles Sheppard. Fm... io Geo. Fudgvr. Esq., all formerly. or ’l'oronto. DEATHS GRAHAM .‘mv 4. 1906, at 1?; Beech Street, Dt‘liznl, Slit-11.. Agnis i‘Lir-nes Graham. as l 81 years. Funeral \Vednesdar ' . 7. from l‘esiilv one of her son, Jain-‘5‘- l‘f. Barnes, 335 Linsing ave. at '2. p. m. interment at ‘rVood- ' mere cemetery Deceased wzs mother of Mrs. John “foods. W5 : This is one reason why Ayer’s . Cherry Pecioral is so valuaâ€" : ble in consumption. It stops Z § the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it docsmoref â€"it controls the inflammation, .3 f Ask your Castor about this. I The best kind 01 5 testimonialâ€" “Sold for (JV-1' sixty years." .~., s..- . .. .._. awn, er (‘0., Lowell, M353. {notarers of SA RSA PARILIA. We publinh ; modiciuee. Hastn reco= .. .‘ bowels fegulj-r’ Witt: Mfr}? q i» quiets the fez: r,sooihes,heals. f . +++++++<-+++++-P+++$++¢H+-Ht++++++++++' r+++++++++++++++ 1' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++++ riteCliristiiias Store THIS store is regarded as Christmas buying headquarters for all. VViih Christmas only 15 days away, and in anticipation of by iar the largest holiday business in the an- nals of this successful store, departments de- voted to merchandise suitable for holiday gifts have had very special attention. At this early day you can select your presents while our stocks are complete and unbroken much more satisfactorily than when the holi- day rush is on. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ You can now secure many exclusive things that will be exhausted be- fore Christmas. This for months has been selecting merchandise suit- able for giving. organization We have spared~no pains to make this store, as heretofore, Christmas buying headquarters, where trustworthy mer- chandise is sold at absolutely the lowest prices. Beautiful Bargains in Every Department Atkinson & Switzer December 6, 1906 .§..5...;..M..;..§. M.++++++++4u+w+++m++++++++++w++ ++++iti+++++++~l~+++++++%++%++ vÂ¥+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++r+++++m++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++H++++%++~e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ W++W+WM ++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++~ ++%++++++++++++++++++-fi++++ ++++++rt°+++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ é- +++ ++++++*%+++~t~+++++++++++++++ +++++i§0+++ifi°+++++y .3. i ++++++++++++++¢ +++H++++++ ++++++++H++++M+MWM+ @wwwamaswasm 3 Richmond Hill Hardware Stile + +++++++++++++++++++++++++é +6~+++++++i§i++++++++++++++++ Our fall Stock of Ranges, It‘llrnaces and Heaters is now on hand and we invite your inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. g These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. Repairing and Eave- troughing promptly done s C. _ SOULES ’ ‘r V :fâ€"“JV-cc w “’1 -- i-‘n "is-u 'n'fflt’r'fl ':m"'"1';'".‘-lir'\1~". :m-‘rfiusu ~1 ;’:x.::«:*' ‘ OD *2; Q - we "-5 2:.- A (3-0 COMBINATIO‘ THE TWO PAPERS YoU WANT . The Liberal \, BOTH FOR and that Great Weekly l$ E J 089 The Family Herald. and 3 VV eekly' Star, IJcntreal i And with the Family Herald and \Vct-kly Star will be included the ’:' most beautiful picture ever given to newspaper readers. It is a ui-avure "v 22x29inches, entitled. “A TUG OIC \VAR." It is easily Worth a two dol~ lar bill. -,. THE LIBERAL will supply all loCal news, markets, social happenings, " etc., etc., and the Family Herald and \Veekly Star will givo- _\'iil1;l com. bination of the greatest weekly newspaper con-ring l‘Vl‘l y poi iion of the Globe, a great family magazine, far surpassing any of liuulisn r r .\mer- ican magazines in interesting family reading, and \\ itluuit doubt the best farmer‘s paper on the continent. No pqwr priuiml in the lunglish language gives its reader-1 such big value as the Family Herald and “'eekly Star. Sample copies of the beautiful piano may be svcn at this B. (IlIiCQ. i r, l Call or send you subscription to TH E LTRERAL OFFICE or

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