Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1906, p. 6

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CHANGES .IN THE TARIFF‘LEADING MARKETS A Number of Duties Decreased and Others Increased. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. Fielding delivered his budget speech on Thursday. The new proposition which hr. presented, gives ri ally five tariffs. They are as follows:â€"- First, the general tariff. Second, the intermediate tariff. Third. the British preference. Fourth, the German surtax. Fifth, the French treaty laril'f. Three of those tariffs are figured out, and as a r insequenee we have as a basis of opralions a three column sche- dule. The general tariff, which is ap- plicable to all countries not otherwise provided for, differs from that hitherto in force and as the highest of the three. It decreases a number of duties and iii- Baths, ba'h tubs, incrrased from 30 to ' 3.3 per cent. (Tanned mints 27% per Cent. inereiLscd Beans increased from 1:3 to 25 Cents a bushel. Pens and buckwheat increased It) to 15 Cents per bushel. Pearl barley cent. to Rt) per cent. Vegetabbs increased from 25 per cent. to 3‘.) per cent. Oranges and lemons are made free. Coal stock, now duliable at lie. the short ton in place of varying rates. Hats and caps increased from 30 to 3; per cent. Satchels, purses, from ‘25 to from t increased from 20 per and pocketâ€"books BREADSTIT FFS. Toronto. Dec. 4.â€"\Vhet‘it â€" Ontarioâ€" No. '3 white, Titge. asked outside; No. 2‘ rd, 711.30 asked oiilside. 7tIe bid, P. it; No. 2 mixed, 71c asked, C. I’. \Vlieatâ€"Manltoba â€" No. 1 northern. SUM-f Ioid. traer Point Edward: asked Tic. November sliipiui’nt from Fort, \\‘il- li'lIII. litarleyâ€"No. 3 extra, 500 bid. C. P. It, eas . Peasâ€"No, 2, (Zorn Ric hid. ,\'o. 3 American yellow, 520 ask- ed, tracks Toronto, 51c bid; 51910 asked, to arrive. O h ‘1' prices are:â€" Ityer .71‘4'c to he outside. liiiulv'wlieat»:'i.'>c to Site. Piran~Scarce, $16.50; shorts. 518.5010 310. I<‘loiir~(')ntario offered at $2.70 for “'0 per (ant. patents for export, tuli't‘l‘s’ bags. outside; Manitoba, first, patents, $4.30; steinls, 8/1; bakers', $3.00. COUNTRY PRODUCE. . lYAiiii ENGINE A Fatal Accident A despateh from Winnipeg says: A most. remarkable accident occurred in the Canadian Northern Railway yards on 'l‘liursday evi‘ning. It was more than, remarkable. inasmuch as it cost. two‘ lives, and two more are, fatally injured. while a score of people are more or less hurt. It was a collision between a freight engine. light, and an incoming Northern Pacific passenger train. The. fatalities did not result, however, from, the effects of the collision of these two‘ engines, but from the rebound of the freight. engine. which. with its reversed] innehinery. tore through the railway yards and ripped up a line of freight cars wherein a gang of civic einployes RUNS AMUCK in the Yards at Winnipeg. There were a large number of other l'll~\"ll;1t‘l'.\ on the Northern Pacific ex- press ll'dllt the Twin tiilies, who wel‘t.‘ more ir less cut and injured by being thrown down. but their iiiltiries \\'Ll't‘ liut l'I.“illl_\' bt‘lliitih. II()\\' ACCIDENT HAPPENED. It apprars that the big Mogul engine with its caboose was ll':l‘.'i‘1illlg west~ ward to pick up its train out of the yards in Fort ltooce. and met No. 7, the Northern Pacific express, coming from the south on the main line. They met jpsl west of ripadina Avenue. The pas- senger eliciiier briucht his train to a' standstill, but the engineer and fireman ' i. u , ‘ t’ i ‘1 ' _ i I > _. _ ' ' ' mccascd fiom 3a to 3.) [HP Ctbt weie \voiking. ,ol the freight pimped after reversmg. ‘ creases others. The rinci at ll'ln’CS n ' fr m 35 .. ~ , , _ . are as follows.__ L p p c L E L C???” 3"“ films mLudsw O Butterâ€"the, market. continues to tiold DI‘JAD- ’lhe light t‘llL'llle with reversed gear re. . a . /2 D01 cei . a firm tone. William McNeil. foreman civic con- bounded after colliding, and. with con- chelrydncrensed from 30 to 35 per 35Mp8rllufcaectturets g6 lead, reduced from com (‘Aril-‘muerlyI . eminent: striiclion work, and Michael Mudlow. struttly am'tl‘l'illti-‘il Spirit. We mi“) N!“- x“ c‘ n. 0 per cen . " . . 7 M , (0 so it s . . . _ . , , . _ , , 2a: . ~21 qliorer, are (r‘ilt ; t .( S Ii, ' ‘iee. \\‘hen he swi c iman no icci ie. ‘ Silverwaic, increased from 30 per _Bl‘llslifis of all kinds lnCI‘L‘flatd from Dairy prints . . . l ’ . 222:0) km“me 0:501“ llaljtéijlrlJtzllTB flz‘itiifiyiliflfi Rpm?” had no New “mm was u wild cent. to 35 per cent. 2" m 2'4 P” Cm”- do pails . . . . . . .. 19cm :00 jured. ‘ 1 time in the yards. The wild engine. ..C10Cks and Wmcnc‘sv increased from On me 01‘! {mm “1050 raIOS.\VQr.'C sub‘ do tubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Sc'l02ilc Mrs. M. Buchanan. of Trenton NJ. smashed into a few flatcaI‘S. Where “1" 2-) to 30 Per Cent. left t0 8 dlSt‘mmL “tnflt‘dhtrd ‘f “‘0' Illfrrior . . . . . . 17eto 180 was injured by the effectes of liltl’CfIlf‘I‘: city workmen were loading.r the concrete . Typecastiug and typesetting machines, 81110108 cam? “0m Brltdm- The new Cheeseâ€"Job lots here are 13lgc for ocucy brakes” and jars from the colli- equipment. Two men died and two morons“ from 1” 10 30 Per 99m- SCht‘mE‘ fibUtlSht‘S this fll'l‘ilnf-‘C‘mm‘t and large and tie for twins. gion, and her head is badly cut, She were horribly mangled when those cars provides instead a special rate for each article. Between the British preference and the general tariff there is a half- way schedule called the intermediate tariff. This tariff is for foreign couri- Mowing machines, harvesters, reap- crs,t binders, reduced from 20 to 17%. per cen . Axes. scythes and sickles, from :25 to 22}; per cent. liggs~Slorage are firm timed 21;: to tile. Poultryâ€"ScarCe and prices for good stuff. (thickens, dressed was conveyed to the Empire Hotel. crumpled up from the impact. MM TIIE RAIIAVAYS’ VICTIMS. at 23c and are firm PEdUCCd SIX INDIANS DROW'NED 8c to 100 Shovels and Shades. FBUduced from 35 [PICS that “'i“ “*th their mm” in .mv' Fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . (‘icto Te Were Returning From “fork in the Chicago's Heavy Sacrifice to the Two to 32%. per cent. or of Canada. It does not come into Ducks ' ' ‘ ' ‘ qc‘mnc' Lumber Woods Near Svdmy Bay. “0,, Lines. Telephone and telegraph instruments, operation until agreements have been 01,090 ‘qcm Inc - V. ' I ‘ raised from 25 to 27,14 per cent. reached on both sides. The general re- Turkpys " " l‘zplo 1% A (lespatch from \\iarton says. Ano- A (Ipswich [mm Chlmgo says: A re. ther disaster has occurred on the waters of the Georgian Bay. On Saturday alter-i noon six Indians of the (tape (.roker re-, sult of the tariff as altered is difficult. to estimate, but it is concluded that it. will increase the revenues. Confectionery, specific rate of )5 cent. per-1b,, dropped. Silk for neckties, increased from 10 cord of 132 persons killed and 2.271 in~ jured on the surface and elevated trac- 0f Potatoes-0ntnrio quoted at 55c in (‘03 fr l’l’,’lll car lot' i ‘ 5 ~ ‘ t V _ l H 650 ll?) 7d.“ 5 1pm, en mm, lion lines Lineago since .Iiiiiuaiyp, to a.) per cem’ PmViSion 1‘ Illadi‘i“ mom‘w “m” '0 Baled [lavâ€"Steady "it “ill for No 1 SOHO WW" dr‘m'm‘d m MNGWg‘H' ,“t‘r‘ last {rave inn etus to the crusade against. Silk, manufactures, increased from prevent dumping and also providing rimmihv mg] Qq 50 to ‘ggl‘fm. V0 0 In hor almost in sight of home. Tho-“Ville overcrowding of cars which was/Ibe- 35 t0 37% P0P cent for a surtax on the goods of these na- cm. mfg hm, w" " ‘ ' "’ ‘ Indians. whose names were \V. E. La- gun by the, oilieials of the City on latesâ€" cardboal‘d reduced from 35 to 25 Per tions treating Canada’s products on less ' ‘ In01\nngip|‘o_ Xavier Nilltlk‘me LU“; ' day. The police. afoot and mounted, Rated Strawâ€"$6.50 to ("'4 ‘ . in a l t t . r, . . . . . ccm‘ . . favorable terms than those of other hora w’ Cd 10 stlolniston. .100 Martin, George Mitchill.i“m assume a measure of Iconuoi‘mer Pial'mfl CUl‘dS lllCI’CflSCd from 6 10 8 countries. This means the retention of and Louis Nadjw-on, were toolierintg form,e “pm-nil in: of traction lines.f tiralilit- can 9 a back. H â€" -. C i ' I it ' l- . M u q 1 1 berman of t as own. "(r H 0 expected “perinissimi” rom ie . ie surtax in an man E0015. 1 is a MO ., . J, P. l\i\\ini n. uii . 111:, l ., Glue, mucilage, " ’NTRE‘\L MARKETS It was ttit‘ll‘ CUSWH corporation counsel, the force under etc-i inCI‘CUSC‘d from 5.) provided that a case of conspiracy near Sydney Rat‘- 21} b.) 27% per cent. or combine 10 misc prices 10 “Wimp,” Mimh‘f‘flt. D90; 4-â€"Btl§"‘055 in Mani‘ to sail over a distance of three miles Chief liollins will from Wednesday night Perfumery increased from 30 to 35 treatment of the comumor‘ “,0 1mm tom \YtlFflt Continues Stilef. New Mommy morning and to return undertake the task of preventing the per Cm" barriers may be lowered to an extent B”"“‘,‘““”‘â€"°"C to "ch per DUSIM‘ the followingAStltllI‘tlfly attel‘not‘“< Th“’OM‘I'TI'MVLHKM 0t ‘1” “L” “mm “"d “‘0 Gasoline. formerly dutiable at 2% which will ensure reasonable competi- “SM” “.5th during the past week has leen blwtjkudnlkfi of gin-lace cars. It is planned (tornâ€"American No. 2 yellow, 56,150 to 5'70; No. 3 mixed, sage to 56c, c.2- store. Oatsâ€"~On spot, No. 2 white, li2V._.c; No. 3 while. it‘llgc to tie; No. -i-, 401/20 to 410 per bushel. ex-store. Peasâ€"Boiling. $1 in car lots, 81.10 in 'ol-biiiir lots. Only one sample can be sent to each J 1:10,,I._Mmimm w. n ,1 n 3 applicant. hence if an individual re- , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 5‘ ‘ns “ 1““ “'htalv . 13:5 to $4.00; sin in ,; -w~‘ " l u ccivcs a sample of oats he cannot also u, 10. ,, y, , u ’5 1, “MM 33")” ‘0 _ _ ‘ v _ an. , \vintr wheat patents, $1.10 to I‘C‘CElve one of bailey or potatoes. Lists 8,1,.25. straight mum“ m G, to q, ,0. do of names from one individual. or appli- in mas $165 to $1.757Hexlra rt' cations for more than one sample for $1.35 °’ " ' ’ ‘ ’ ' 0 one household cannot be entertained. The samples will be sent free of charge through the mail. to place uniformed policemen on every‘. station of the loop. Just how many pas- sengers will be permitted on each car has not been decided, but the sugges- tion was made that not more than one and one-half times the seatingr capacity of each car should be acceptable as safe, .__"___¢..,...__.. storinv. and there have been very heavy seas. ‘lt is surmised that a squall struck 1 the boat. when quite near home, and as the ropes were frozen. the Indians were, unable to lower the sails. and the boat' capsized. Three of the Indians clung.T to the boat. but soon perished in the wa- ter. Their bodies, however, drifted to the shore. The bodies of the others have not vet been recovered. There is uniâ€" versal mourning on the Cape Crokcr reserve, as this is one of the saddest accidents in its history. and four of the men were married. W. E. L'unoran- diere. who was drowned, was the Secreâ€" tarv of the band and postmaster of the ctnts a gallon. now free. Building brick and manufactures of clay increased from 20 to 22% per cent. lion. The estimates for the next fiscal year reach the total of $105.6811,519. SAMPLES 0F CHOICE GRAIN. Minister of Agriculture Will Send Them Free of Charge. Prize, Rochester Rose, Money Maker and Late Puritan TO THE KING‘S TASTE. ,.._.__ King Edward‘s Chef Talks of Royar Employer's Menu. A dcspatcli from Ottawa says: By Instruction of the lion. Minister of Agri- culture a distribution will be made this season of samples of superior sorts of grain to Canadian farmers for the im- > g t i I. nlon sa's: Cedar. proveinent of seed. The stock for dis- A deimkh [U m 0 ( 3 I Millfecdâ€"ltfanitoba bran, in bags, 310 . the Prince of \\‘ales’ chef, has given to t) $20; shorts, 821 to $22; Ontario bran, tribmlon {5d OI; .thlev VI?” mist afldllhxast Aplications should be addressed to the in bags, $18.50 to $10; shorts. $21.50 to reserve, havian 1‘90“ Ul'lvltlilltt‘tl ‘0 this a reporter some points I'L‘Sfll‘dtng the bee“ Sefmf Unwind) tom‘tie “(i0 1%.", Director of Experimental Farms, Otta- $22; milled mouille, $21 to 825; straight position about three weeks ago, after the 1.05.01 gustatory preferences. He says ,/ Crops 10C“ y m a L man“ *" wa, and may be sent in any time before grain. $28 to $29 per ton. death of his father. Hm Oysters rank high among,r the favor- ' Perimenml {arms at Indian He‘r‘d‘ 5351‘" the 15m of February, after which the Rolled Oatsâ€"Per barf, $l9.50 to 821, NC (“51195 “f “19 King and Prince 0’ and at Bliffndonl Man‘ ‘The dlsmmlt‘m lists will be closed, so that the samples in car lots, $21 in jobbinn lols_ â€"----+-“"â€" Wales. 1Jerhtll'5 disputing 91300 With “"11 Cons“ of Sm.“P1C> Of Oats" spring asked for may be sent out in good time flayâ€"No. 1. $13 to $13.30: No. 2 8‘12 caviai'e. Both, however, have to pass a v Wheat! Dime)" Indian com (for “15118370 for sowing. Applicants should mention to $12.50: No. 3, $1l to 5811.50- 615,59, (“Teams BILL OF HEALTH. dociorvbcfore they are Served. lie has // 0111)") and Dommff- Tile quantity or the variety they prefer, with a Second mixed, 811; pure clover, $10.56 to $11 ‘ . â€"â€" to satisfy himself that everything is (J “‘5 ‘0 .be 5.09} “‘1 be ‘ 3’5" PM or sort as an alternative. Aiilications will per ton. car lots. Typhoid and Diphtheria Were Most pure before it is placed on the royal-t Wheat 01 Dan") 5 m5" summem m “1011 be filled in the order‘in which they are Provisionsâ€"Barrels short cut moss, prevalent. 2 tables. 5 case to sow one-twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh 3 1135. each. A quantity of each of the following varieties has been secured for this distribution 1â€"- Oals. â€" Banner, Wide-Awake, White Giant, Danish Island. Thousand Dollar, _'â€"â€"_ received, so long as the supply of seed HEAD GROUND AWAY. $22 to $24; half barrels, $11.70 to $12.- 51), clear fat backs, $23.50; long cut heavy mess. $211.50; dry salted long clear pa- Con, 12,350 to 12%c; barrels plate beef, $12 to $13; IlflII-L‘al‘f‘ClS, $6.50 to $7; bar- ' rels heavy mess beef. $11; half-barrels do., 36: compound lard, So to 9%(2; pure A despatch from Toronto says: Accor- ding to the report of the Provincial Board of Health, the total number of deaths from all causes in September was 2,370, out of a population of 2.101.- 2tlo, a death rate of 13.5 a thousand. For the same period last year 2.0/17 Clifford Morin Killed in Runaway at Pon Arthur. A despatch from Port Arthur says. Clifford. the fifteen-yeanold son of Solo 1/ ____'+_.._. BIG OCEAN STEAMERS. Several New Vessels for the Anglo-Can- Improvcd Ligowo (white varieties), and Goldfinder (yellow). Wheatâ€"Red Fife, Preston, Pringle’s Champlain, Percy, Stanley, liuron and adian Route. A despntch from London says: The Liverpool Daily Post-Mercury says that lard, Sc to 0%c; pure lard, 12%(: to 13c; kettle rendered, 13%c to 14c; hams, Me to 15%6. according to size; breakfast bacon. 100 to 10c; Windsor bacon, 15c deaths were reported, a rate of 12.3 in the thousand. Typhoid fever and diph- theria were the most prevalent of con. Of mon Morin, met with a fatal accident on Wednesday. A horse which he was driving ran away on Lincoln street. The boy felt with his head between the the Dominion Line contemplates order- White File. to 10%c; from killed dressed hogs, $9 tngioiis diseases during the period. wagon box and the wheel and sustained Earle“ 'â€" Six'l'o“’t‘-d- *â€" MEHSUI‘Y. mg t‘VO 118W large powerful steamers lo ‘49 ‘75; alive so 75 the former 788 cases were reported in . . _. ,, ‘vd -'tl' fa ~ . s - a -~ - - - ., - uch in uiies that be dis vn im a UN Odessa, Mansfield and Claude. Two- f01 “'9 Canadian SEI‘ICC' The Allan Eggsâ€"Selected, 23c; N0, 1 camped September, among which there were fummest The Fm. was broken to a pulp . v w ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ ' or v -‘ . - r W v' " ~ ‘ rowedâ€"Standwell, memoible, Canadian L108 Intends Plt‘cmo ‘1 new (“In SCIOW and cold storage eggg, 20p 10 an, no- lot deaths, as compared with 330 cases and the whole side of ms head groun/ Thorpe and Sidney. Steamer 0“ “19 _Li"01‘13001’1\’10n11‘081 cei L5 this momma were 1/3 C3515 and 48 dcattis in the same month last , Indian Corn (for enshrich ._ Early route. The C.P.R. will eventually place p _°__ ’ L ' year. There were 376 sufferers from away. sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton's tWO more .new steamers on the trans- BUFFALO MARKET, diphtheria. of whom 41 died. In Sep- | ntlantic service similar to the Empress of Ireland. Another rumor afloat is that the G.T.R. will make a working agree- ment with the existing line. tcniber. 11105, there were 101 cases, and 2‘.) resulted fatally. The prevalence of other contagious diseases may be con- sidered fairly normal. They were as follows: Smallpox, 9 cases and no deaths; scarlet lever, 70 cases and 7 deaths: measles, 11‘.) cases and 1 death: whooping cough, 83 cases and 19 deaths; consumption, 165 cases and 160 The Australian Federal Government is contemplating the prosecution of the Australian branch of the Standard Oit Trust. Japan has decided to connect Mukdcn and Fusan by a bridge across the Yalu. Chinese in the Lianchow district have shown lllCIIIt‘CIVCS hostile to mission- Early and Longfellow; later varieties, Selected Leannng, Early Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. Potatoesâ€"Carmen No. 1, Early White Buffalo, Dec. liâ€"Flour~Steady. Wheat â€"Nothin}_: done. Cornâ€"Steady; No. 2 yellow, f:2}/_.c; .'\'o. 2 corn, Sti‘ficc. Oatsâ€" Only steady; No. 2 white, 3740; Ho. 2 mixed, 35%c. Barlevateady. Ryeâ€" Quiet; No. 1 North-Western, 76c. ESTIMATES FOR 21 MONTHS One Hundred and Fifteen l‘Iillion Dollars Called For. NE\V YORK \\'IIEAT MARKET. New York, Dec. 4.â€"thatâ€"Spot easy; deaths. anes' ,/ No. 2 red, 795/5c elevator; No. 2 red, ’ 81%0 f.0.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du- luth, $3?/,,c c.i.f. Buffalo; i'o. 2 hard win- ter, 77%0 c.i.f. Buffalo. GRAIN EXPORTS IN€REASI2 Review of Season’s Business Through Port of Montreal CATTLE MARKET. Toronto. Dec. li.â€"Hcavier arrivals of cattle. together with an increased num- ber of buyers, made trade in butchers’ Intercolonial Railway. Sisssoo for the classes brisk at the Western Market to- Prince Edward Island Railway, SII).00()._id8}‘. (lot) for the Transciintiiiental Hallway, BUtCh‘r‘rS’ COMIC “'0?!” in Emit demand- aiid for canals 521203473 the grand torn} Choice heifers sold partieularly well. for both periods being Sid}. for). The one single animal going at “.75. Good estimated expenditure on reiuilding theilieifers. in leads. sold at Side to Shit) Concrete piers on the Murray Canal is ‘, per cwt. The fdlnvln;.r were the quota- thistsishoo i,.i~ iconâ€"u? and s3. :00 for 1005;,tionszâ€"Clioicc llittht‘l's'. " to to 32w; to build the retaining \\ all for the \\'e1- ‘ coed loads. 7H to $3.35: Iiif‘dium A despatch from Ottawa says: Esti- mates for the nine months of the fiscal period ending March 31. 1907, and for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1008. were tabled in the House of Commons on Thursday afterno in. The total esti- mated expenditure for the two periods amounts to Of $0.376.3$G.70 is air roiioiiipiion of debt.‘ Summer, the total shipments of grain s‘a .w a taro- increase, being 25.413:'i.713 VI/‘thtlrds', ii ' ".159 bushels last A despatch from Montreal says: Thel last ocean steamship left Montreal in Friday. namely the lle‘aina. of the IZILI’T‘ . r-. 51 li.tlt3;').flii.i_ Id. . . . . v . “y __ ,‘ M t n V H ' '7 . , The exlwndlh“? on ("1“5‘jlt‘tmqq fun“ i limit Cmmt- $90.13!!” for 1906417 and $70.- t heavy bufcliers. who to .sldo: {at CNN“. Deinpster Line. ant the business of the Sc ii. in '.‘. w r»: mane LY for the nine months of 190. is saunaâ€"WW {31‘ long, and up mu“- ,mimncs pm. 543.31) to $3.60: mixed lots and common , port M. 1911,; “m be ,, mum“. U,- rwmvd‘ {whom {ml (,nx's. e rim-ms (,f 090.56. and for the liseal year fans. 8b).- in Maitland. Silooio for 10mm and 311403,”, 33.35 to 33; camel‘s, $1 1301‘ (we. The scrunny of the figures from “W : th’, (“my 3”, H5 Lug, .fi 1pc wls last year. ' 3225.05.72; the total (“ili‘lltll expenditure W. p,- this. The ,._\-Es.,.n.i,nupe on immup, icpemng if navixation up to pre-iaguinst0,1101%l {01‘ 11‘1th mouths. 85.419365: Mid 10H I'rove :uiits to Quebec harbor for little-117i f-‘eeilrrs were slow of sale. Feeders. 1 (cm shows “me large inmcwes, yeti-s exp rt of 11 d were 3.01:3.le lms‘ $3S‘296'MO‘ YT 6““ “A”! at $33”"""': ['V‘Y “'N‘Q- SYN” 535 1” S3533 5““A‘H'k‘7'et’s' film ‘0 SUD: 5‘ while on the o :er hand: thy-re have ‘ ‘ " ' ’ “ t “.I 270.453 bushels The amount asked for under the head , In“. II‘il'li :‘ :inl river i ‘O\’i‘}11Ȥ'its :iiv ‘ to $3.111: coiniiien ‘ 1.0m ‘Smm ,miic,:.ab1e (1,”, 33 in pm. rm Shotxod a crjrl§ii]-*]-f|hlg of railways and (iii “ls during: the _ve: '{t‘:: 1 I’ it \‘\ z.. we.) r cwt. ,MWN of certain ceinuic‘nns, Tm , (lei. . . (flit also'barley. the ship- ll‘i'e amounts to It. tin. \vii lint; s wrre firm. i 10ml shipments if grain and pri‘niure ‘ I'll-fritjl'if 0’135 S‘iif‘H‘It‘i fl slid-ht in-"riaSe. I “Rum is Midi“! m U1" li‘m‘p' V " ""11 "'“I'E‘ $15 1 for Eurolieun por's shows tECJ.Il<ld81'tlI,'-C‘, " truth“? It!” 5 tllm‘rnts of “'1’” ‘0 m“ Him“ F-‘J ‘ '5") INF C‘Vt' advance our last year. though there; w \‘a‘ fill ltit'i‘r’"i.=c of 21,1.ifl mt“ ‘ ‘ -:“""-“‘“" 1“ “~19 - ‘1 m 86"“ ford; a falling iii in some lines. ' B'mt‘f‘ “VINYL? It‘ll Git. wâ€"Aif‘ “m1 “15- la suite. of the fact that the grain Cattle- shipments show a gain. being ' ..:.:t 113,160 head lest year , .. . i 2'.» \\ Jill $15 to $50] busfllgj appealed dull during,1 the lasllliud‘

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