Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1906, p. 8

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" wuunuuy u‘uuaus. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services 01: liter- new Sundays aw mm. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist, Churchâ€"Services 11:10.30 3. m.. and 7 p. m. Suede School at 2.30. General preys: meeting Thur 3y. evening. Richmond Lodge, A P and A m -Meeu Mon- dev on or baton full moon GounRiohmond, A 0 F-Moets second and earth Friday Ivy Lodge. A0 U Wâ€"Meets third Wednesday of each month Damp 11:12:11.8 O H ubfeebu second end 10mm WMI‘IBSM’E R '1' a! emperancaâ€"Meels first Wednesday at each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Pubne Library and Bonding Ronny-Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Epwortb Leagueâ€"Mecca evorv Monday Church of Englandâ€"Services at 8 p. m. ht. 9nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at ll 3. m. Pteubyteflau Churchâ€"Barvices a: ll 8.. 1n.. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.80. Prayer meeting 7 . m. Sunday Sch odnesday evqung Until further notice Mum wm be dosed In the Richmond Hill Post Office as 1011mm:â€" MORNING....... ....... . ........ I336 EVENING... .....fl.86 Hours for issuing Money Order? MORNING H.800 EVENING .. 6.00 N. B.â€"â€"Regiatored letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than we above mentioned hours for closing. P. R. Grossing(Tnmntu), Lpave, â€"â€"A. 'M. 6.00, .7.00. 800+, 9.00. 10.00. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00. 4.00, 5.00, 6.00t].00,_0.00. A A- _ n- [\ n.â€" n n- s4] :10 :4! .00 Thornhill A. 111.635. . 2 10.35, 11.35. P. M. 4.35. 5.35. 6.35, 7.35, 9.35. Richmond Hill A. M. 8.50. 7.50. 9.50, 10.50, 11.50. P. M. 12.50. 1. 3.50. 4.50. 5.50. 6.50. 7.50. 9.50. Change in Time Table Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DlVlSlON 0-W. 1.0V. 0. av, \\\\\ , . . u v v . v v . Bond Lake Junction M. 105,835, 9.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05, 1.05.205. 3.05. 4.05. 515. 0.05. 1075,815. 10.05. “EEG-'17.? XI"1§17'~7301' 2;".‘20: “Rid 10.20, 11.20. P. M. 12.20. 120.220.3210. 4.20,, 8.20, 10.20.; > Newmarket (Huron St). Leave. A. M. 5.45, 6.45. 145+. 8.45. 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 4.45. 5.451”. 6.45. 8.45. awn“ . Vuxu‘ u. 4v. Newmurket Station A. M.. 6.00, 8.00, 11.00,- 12.00. P. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 6.00. 6.00, w1111mm A. M. 8.15, 7.15, 8.15. 10.15, 11.15. P. M. 12.15. 1.15. 2.15. 4.15. 15.15, 7.15, 79.15. 'vfibfi'ci'llnrke :Ilmctinu A. M. 8.30, 8.30, 9.30. 10.30, 11.30. P. M.‘] 1.30. 2.3x), 4.30. 5.30. 6.3u.77j§0, Wednesday and Satmdny evenings a. late car leaves 0. P. R. Crossing for Nuwumx-ket and iutetuwdiztte points ut_ll.30 p. m. -‘.- ‘ wn.,) Even-yr “'odnesday and Saturday night A late car will leave Newmnrkec Station fm- Toronto and intermediate ptrilllts at 10.45) p. m. 1 , L A._..-_- TRADE MARKs DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and deacrlguon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention )5 probably puwmnbm. Communimv mom strictly wnfldeminl. Handbook on Patents gent frog. 913193! ggg for} .un‘ng patents. 1. n . PA ramlvn Pat-9'58 filion tfiroukh MI mend {tot/ice, without. charge A handsomely illustrath wookly Lax-zest ck- culntlon of any sclencmc journal. Terms. :3 a four lucimhs. 81. Sold by all-yewadf'ueu. Vfi'ritlh Schomberg & Aurora Railway. 1 EXTRA SERVICE 05' ALL HOLIDAYS. “1'. H. MOORE. Munuger ++~z~+++++++++++++++++++++++ Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 1 year: tour muuun. ‘1. cum u; u... mama“... MUNN & £0.36'Bwadwnvv New Yuri nMnhr. nan-u, {‘05 F R! . “Washington. V). C. +++++w+++++++++++~w 40. .au, 1.4M, 0.“), 1mm. Newmm‘ket (Huyop S_LA.).__K POST OFFICE NOTICE ‘fsff'a‘éfifi‘E‘ié‘méiW Branch omEefc'm F s Here are some of the recode made by the Out of the last 250 ans fmm business films we have filled FIFTEEN of the positions. We had no one else ready to send. \Ve have also had 82 calls for lyusitxuss calnge teachers. 101 (Ix-sin. dents of other business collom-s 0r shnrthand schnoXs were vu- mlled haw during the lust qu ypam. We believe we have the best commercial school In Canada. “’9 Thorougth satisfy our sin- dvnrs. \Vrite Lo-duy for mm- lugue. Village Directory. OFFICE OLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. l’oatmusban Beginning July 30th, [906 GOING NORTH Cor. Yonce and Mexnndor a ELPIOTT ' MONEY ORDERS “ 3112‘“: W. J. ELLIOTT, Print 8L. Wastntixbtm 7 AVI Hyv-‘l-Apa .. ______ 2h Munn & CB. receive huge in the ‘0. ONT 3.15, mmmm 2.38.!“ Steel and cast Ranges, all kinds, sizes and prices. Heaters, Parlor Cooks, etc. We have a, few good second-hand Parlor Cook Stoves; will sell cheap. Jacob Eyer & Son OUR HARNESS and all uthm- horse furnishing'z are nf the best. quality. style, material and finish. “‘9 5911 reliable goods at rensmmble prices. McD NALD, Richmond Hill ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( THE LIBERAL to January I, I908 . “ “ and Weekly Globe to Jan. I, 1908 “ “ “ “ Mail& Empaeto]an.z,1908, including the beautiful pic- ture “Grace” 14 u u a Sun :5 u u “ “ “ Farming \Vorld “ “ “ u u n \Vorld u u u “ “ & Family Herald & Weekly Star, I year, including the beautiful picture “A Tug of War” £13. G. SAVAGE “ “ “ Daily Globe, (York Co.) “ “ 3 30 “ “ “ “ Mail & Empire, (York Co.) “ “ 3 50 u ” a“ Farmers’ Advocate, “ “ 2 50 “ “ “ New Idea 'Woman’s Journal “ “ I 50 Special rates on Toronto Daily Star and Daily News. Subscriptions taken for all magazines. \Vheu sending subscriptions write name and P. 0. address plainly. Enclose postal note or express order and mail to ‘ C++++++++++++++++++++ CLUBBING RATES Representative of the following companies:â€" Confederation Life Ass., with its liberal contracts London Guarantee and Accident Co., policies from $1.00 up; also sickness included Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. «1/ \Vestern Fire Insurance Co. 4y Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. ’Q) York Mutual Fire Insurance Co. & New Williams Sewing Machine Standard Sewing Machine Kam Pianos and Organs All with the best of terms and a guarantee with each. Call and get information on any of these. All kinds 01 Furniture, Paints, Oils, Brushes on hand. F. McMahon, Tm: LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. H HE LIBERAL ” CANADA NATIONAL "W"? +++++++++++~:-+++++++++.:--:-+++ 7' a i FDR MAN 6% BEAST +402- ++++++HH+++++++++H+++++ We have solid comfort, in the way BLANKETS AND ROBES and in fact everything in the line of HARNESS, BLANKETS, ROBES, MI'Z‘TH, COATS. GAUNTLETS, and many othm- :u-Licies necessary fur your 'hur‘m-ss mom, and your comfort whcndriving. is now complete comprising Black and Blue Wmsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, OVercoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pny weekly. Handsome free outfit. \Vrite for terms and catalogue, and sent] 250. in stamps for our POCKET MAGNIEYING GLASS, or 30c. for our HASDY METAL HACK SAW. Christmas Number, selling at The Liberal . Fonlhill Numeries. (Over 800 acres.) TORONTO. ONT. The Greatest Magazine Offer Ever Presented Te 0111‘ Readers Your opportunity to secure the most popular magazines of the day together with a year’s sub« scription to this publication. Reading matter of sterling character and intense interest for every member of the family, from the youngest to the oldest. Three magazines for 12 months con~ taining over 4, 500 pages of reading matter. FALL AND WINTER 1 Cassell’s Magazine, one yr., including Christmas Number, selling at The QUiver, one year, including Christmas Number, selling at . . Little Folks, My Stock oi Woolens for A. J. HUME, STONE AND WELLINGTON @ritis‘h gmerimu Quaiucafi @nlltge its. ’1“. Q1. «3.. 31:19., flange & anteam sis” Eurnntu HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES Oldest Strongest Best from Jun 2, 1907. Enter any time. Excellent results guaran- teed. Catalogue and lessons in business writing free. Tailor, Richmond Hill T. M. WATSON, and surrounding districts. RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL OFFICE Winter Term Here is the Offer At once for lagazine, one yr., including $1.50 lumber, selling at . . . .25 l‘, one year, including . . [.50 lumber, selling at . . . ‘25 S, one year, including . . [.50 lumber, selling at . . - .25 1.00 TOTAL S 6.25 SEND ALL ORDERS TO Principal Notice is hvrley given that, n Cnurt will he held pursuant tn the Ontario; Voter‘s Lists Act. by His Honor Judge Murgnn. Judgn of the Cmmty Cum-h. of the County of York. at the annic Hull. Maple. on MONDAY. THE 17TH DAY OF DECEMBER. 1906. at 10 u’ciuck n.m., tn hear and drier-min» the several complaints vi 1 ell-nrsand omissions in the Voter's List. of the Municipality of the Township } of Vu‘ughan, fur the year 1906. ‘ Ail pex-snus having business at. the i Court are required, to attend at said ’ time and 1311109. Court of Revision 'J. B. MACLEAN. (link of the said Municipality. Datezg Ellis 5Lh duy of December. 1906. “ @nrrert éuglifih- aw in m it. ” Course in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase One’s Vocabulary. The Art. of Conversation. Should and \Vould: How to use them. Pl-nnunciations (Century Dictionary) Currect. English in the Home. Correct English in the Schnm. VthL to say and \Vhat Not to Say. Course in Letter-Writing and Punctu Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year, Send 10 cents for Sample Copy, CORRECT ENGLISH . Evanston, Ill. atinn. Alphabetic fist, nf Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Mun. Compound Words: How to “Trim Them. Studies in English Literature. BEVESEQN - COURT. The N’th Sitting (If Divnsion Court to: No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, HONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE TL‘RCK BAKER. Editor. Partial contents for this Month. VAUGHAN INTERESTING MUNICIPALITY OF RIC CHMUND HILL r)AY, JAN. 26. I907 wncinz at 10 a. m. F. MCMAHON CLERK INSTRUCTIVE. 4.50 All for

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