Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1906, p. 1

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AT THE UBERAL PRINTING 1! PUBLISHING HOUSE BIUHMI)NDHILL,ONT. VOL.XXIX. Is PUBLISHEDEVEM L’HURSL‘AY MORNING 1‘. F. MoMAHON. V ’iH necnpy his prudecesmn-‘s office and i< m-opmwd m (In gellm'nl practice and nL-n In treat vyv, I. r. muse and throat Dfi. H. W. ANDERSON, “NORM Calls by telephone from Richmond mu charged to me. Our. Carlwn and Yonge Ste , Turuntn \Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Vc'l nm‘day (If catch \Vovk. Office. next dmu- north of Stand H.111 Bunk. ‘ Office II()(ll‘Sâ€"~9.3U a. m. to 5 p. m. ~D1913}. J. \Vooa; $ 1 per annum, in advance.) calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Gaunty or Yo 14 Honda sold on consignment Genm’al 8&‘89 she eta promptly intended to at reasonable uqu @93ngch gulouvillg Llaonsed Auotioneers {or the Conveyor York. Sables “sanded no on shorteetuoticesnd a ran- sousma rate» Patronmge solicited (C J 1‘ SJigeon. J K M Hap‘e Wes Sabgeou a: McEwcn. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SAN DERSON. "(I‘ll Gouldufiaé: fihvvtjmifiémok. agent. (or the shove License Anctloueox lo‘: theoonnty 0110!; re- apocctuuy aohcms your patronage and friendly influence sules nttP'Jded on the Shnrce‘t: notice sud at gonsonabotawl. I’. aware“ King Francis Block, THORNIULL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"42 a. 111 â€"â€"‘£ p. m. (Shockssmn TU Du. DEAXT Elichauoud {Jill SavingMaéefEasy VETERINARY SURGEG DR. S. 'I‘m‘uutu 035 BUSINESS CARDS. VETERlNARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. RICHMOND HILL Eamon a Paormm‘on l)enti:~st, J. '1. Pl entice. n. a. 31.090". DENTIST, am ‘dirlll. J. BOYD. M. B. wtteriasary genial. p 4.30 CHURCH ST. Spending has ever been an easier matter than savingâ€"41m: less W156. We offer excep- 11003.1 inducements and iacxhties to help you to save. Bank of Montreal H. A. FLEURY, Manager King City Branch Put your money where you can get it when Vou want it. $1.00 0111? SPEC notes. 5%ch J K McEwen Weston Eng in! attention given to Farmers’ Sale opens an account in} Samngs Department-,3 RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1906 13.x nmsruu, Somcn'un. NOTARY, ETC LENNQX & MORGAN Tmumh) Offim'. 33 Richmuud St» \V‘vst, \Vesk'y Buildings. Richmond Hill ()lficv. Standard Bank Building. excl-y Saturday after- l)kl{7)\. Mon“ to loan (Inland andahsccel mnrtgagesa.‘ lowest rates Aurora oflice~Rcmmen la the old post em“ one door we“. 0! the entrance to the Ontarxo Hunk Nawmarket macaw-Three doors south of the pan 0mm T HERDERTLENNHJ u 81'? Mo):an Maple, Thursday uftm-nmm. Mnnoy ‘0 lnnn at Five Per ()k'nt, (57; . Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark S. \V. Um‘nm- Kiug& l’unge Streets, Private and Trust Funds tn loan at lowest current, rates. Barx‘ist en's. Snlictm‘s, Et c. NATIONAL. TRUST CHA MSERS 20 KING ST. 13.. TO RONTO, Canada. FBAXK BENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. szx}: \V. Mm.ncx 80:11:an Jmm \VAL'J‘ER McDUXALI) Phone Main 311. Mr. McDonald will he ntTHE LIBER- AL Office. Richmond um, every Sat- urday afternoon. ‘lRichmond Hill Richmond Hill Office. south-44.152 4-121-- uer of Lul'ue 31dg., every Thursday afternoon. A G S Lindsey.K C G Gr F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth Moxm' T0 LOAN AT Lou'wa RATES. Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Lot-m Bldg). Cor. Adelaide & Victoria, Sm. Toronto. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN l‘IIIJlJS aoamssxoxxnm um HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Danton. Dunn & Boultbee NOTARY PUBLIC. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. JAS. N EWTON Burrhlors und Solicitors. J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Tm'mxtn Office, 35 Toronto street. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Cnnvoynncm'. etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. WILLIAM COOK RI. '1‘ 131 E 14‘1". Bax-rising. Snlicitm-g, Etc. La:qu G STV MORGAN Aurora. how! TORONTO. $21,121}. “In Essenlialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." Rvserve $10,0(KL000 Capital $14.4(XMXIO Phone Mniu2984 Nowmurkat THE REGULATIONS AEFECTING AGN- CULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES. The New Act Comes into F0rce February I“, As the dates fur the annual Inert- ings of Agritrnhm-nl and HHl‘lchlLul‘al Swiivurs are. “mu: at hand, our remlu-x‘s will (luulntlvss lw interested in lemm- ing Surat-thing nf the Ian's thut. will gun-m the procedure of these organ in” ions. The new laws come imo fnrct‘ on February 1. 1907. hm. the mm: :muuul him-tings «If those. organizations will he held on the dates fixed undr‘r the old Act. \'iz.: Horticultural and Town- ship Sucimies on Jun. 9. and Distrivt Sucieties on Jun. 16; and 111L- usual “‘60 \x‘m‘kg‘ untim- mnst he ghen in local nowapnpom LUgl'tht‘l' with bills posted in places-(bf C(lllllnnn resort. ,_ I,l,-, __ L.‘ In fulln'rp, societies will no longvr be known as “District.” and Township." lmt evm-y SUCH-Ly in the province will be placed on the same husls in regard to the receipt. of Rs guvm'nment grant, and will receivp such grant. in propnr- dun u» its oxpendilm'e fnl' agricultural purposes during the past three years. as shown by Lhu-ir swm-n annual state‘- ment to the Depuz‘tnwnl nf Agricul- lm'P. A definitiun (If what, may he considered “Expenditure fur Agricul- tule Flu-paws? is g‘we-n in_ the Act. Sncieties will he kman by the name and place where they hold their last annual exhibition unless Hwy prefer Snnw other. thml the m-w name must he doteruninml by the moth's there- nf, and approved by the Minister of A l'icultuI-o. 7nder the new )nw it will not. he perm'assahle for Hmt‘mnltxu-al Societies (n «.m-r prizr-s for (‘nlnpotitiun at, ex- hibitiuus hold undor the auspices of Agricultural Societies. These last mum-d (u'gnnimtiuns. huwpvm‘. may use their own funds for thv offering 0i prizes for horticultural exhfl‘yits. . “A J Hm-enfu-r nn prizes can he offered for grade mule stark. Spring stallit-n and cattle shows shun rot-virt- A spw-ial grunt equal to um“ half Hm sum expended. but such smn Qha“ not exceed $50. \Vhere sm-d fairs are lwld thv nmximnm grunt shall he $25. Suciuties in houses, cattle, slump m- swinv, fur the implnveuwnt of slur-k. will met-in} :I. grant, ranging from $50 downward. for end) register- (‘d mule animal in these clnsavg. HIVU‘STKLCIIQLY Shem he enLitled to re- ceivP a grant, cheeding $800t ‘_ Under the new Act. restrictions in regard to the cunducting of gulst nf chance have been made more scrim gent. The annual meetings to be held in January uf District, Township and Horticultural Sncieties. which for H}:- t‘ehu-nnd tn our midst. An engagement will shortly he :nmuunccd that will startle the- gossips. ‘6 ll Were nnly the month uf June We might amt a sprinkle 0f ashes of roses. It spa-ms that. if hnney is plentifulnn the EusLe-rn Hills there is :m uhnn- dnnr-e- of mnlgltefnot on me “'estem Planes. Hendfmd has had rm) ultaclf‘ m" the last time win be convened uudev the (11d Act, win he the most important ones in the history of thew Organiza- tions. All who are interested in Inuk- ing of primal importance the educa- tional features of these societies. uud in improving the quality and quantity uf the products of the farm, factory and garden. should attend these meet- ings on January 9th and 16th. _ th Cnpies of the new not, g0\'el‘uing Ag- her \brother Mr. “'m: \Vatsnn; and x-Icultm'al Sucieties may be had on upâ€" looked lovely in 3 drops of pearl gmy licntinu to Mr. .7. ankie “’ilson. 511- * crepe de chene with lace herthn and pm-intvndc-m. of Agricuhurnl nud‘cm-r’ving a banquet of bridal ruses. Horticultural Such-Lies, Parliaunent The bridesmaid, Miss Jam-t. \Vutfiun, Buildings, Tm-nnm. of Aurora was nttircd in n dainty Mervâ€"F” ‘ cream dress trimmed with touches of u “taken “tum Sum,“ Stag.” pm hing. Her houqumt was nf Rink unr- u‘nticsâ€"AL tootha‘t-me candy 'FaMetâ€"- y “Emu-“u Th“ limo") “’"5 “SSlStl‘d "Y will smer and quivkly check 1m up- i 1‘15 brf'thel’ Mr. Norman Rumble. nrngu-hinu nnlfl m- IJIQI'iDlK'. “’hen bndejs golng {I‘VH'y df'Pss \WPS.& If “taken at the Sneeze Stagn” Pl'e venticsvu tuuthsmne candy 'FaMet-- will smer and quit-My check 1m up- pmnching nnld or Lugrippo. ‘Vhen ym) first can-h midâ€"or fer-l it mining nnftnke Dr. Shunp‘s Pym-antics, and the prompt vfi'vut win certainly sur- prise and please. yuu. Pn‘vemics, surely supply the proverbial "(mm-v nf prevvntjun." Sold in 5 cont and 25 (:an hmms by \V. A. Sandal-sun. A ten-ibh‘ hull fight rugs-d in mu‘ tmvn mm day last “Nick. and it. islikely (hm-e “'0th haw been blond shed. had not our ’vnlizmt Han-y svpul-ntrd lhI- comhntunts with sh-glge luunmm's. The ride and gmum have l'vtm-nnd {mm t-hvir honeymoon uud Scaled down to thv (nmmnu place again. Things have quieted down since the pm]. slacks have been threshwl. \Yundering swine will not now be let: Inns» ut, night to :u‘ouSe the peaceful cifizens. 1-er is still thrvshingund \vhistling‘ " The hell rings nut, fur Sulah." Kinking u cer dm-s not always pay. Yuu might, as well put itasicop in the deep. __ A -.n-s u 1 and and Mrs. 11191 n Hendford W Id an attack of the it has the shingles. McBridu have The aane council met at the Town- ship Him, Vellure, on Tuesday Du cmnber 1L Meuih'egs reevnt: J. N. Buy)». ('oeve; J. A. ‘ameron, I. Davina, D. C. hp}ght»\130, :1: S. McNair. ,1 A1," '"ifi’xfiiié’éé iaéi meeting read and ap~ pl'ggvcd. p a. r,, I.,,__- -~_ I (In motion of Mr. Longhmlse. sec- onded by Mr. Cameron. the treasurer Was mnhuriu‘d and instructed to pay :1 \zu-gv numher of mud accounts. Bylaw 820. to authorize the sale of the land that formed the highway over and ucrnas the east half of 20b 11 in mm. 8, township of Vaughan, was n-ad :1 second and third time and pass- ed. Mr. (i130. Elfiom. being the purchas- er. By-Iaw N0. 825 was passed appoint- ing Polling Booths, Deputy Returnâ€" ing Officers and Poll Clerks for the municipal elections as follows:â€"« Pulling Sub-Div. lâ€"«Victm'iu HRH. Thornhill; D. H. 0., \Vm. M. Bowea Pu” Clark, XV. Cluh'me. ‘ 2â€"43 nhn ' Charles' H muse, D. R. 0., \\’m. S. Rumhle; Wm. V‘Vashingux\\_._jl_'._ "3h‘éh‘i2i-Rfiéé'Hm), Edgelyâ€"D. R. 0.. Jus‘ mmtz; Pull Clerk, “’11:. P. Kmupe. \V. E. Nixnn; Pull (Kerk, J. J. Kaiser. 5-Mrs. \Viggins’ shop. Pine Grove; D. R. 0., John Hugg: Poll Clerk, M. O'Ruurke. ‘ ~1;M:'\8()11ic Hull. Maple: D. E \V. E. Nixnn: Pull (Kerk, J. J. K 6â€"~Mrs. Stnmp’a huuse, Purplevilie; D. R. 0.. Roger Harvey; Pull Clerk, Wm. \Vutsmh 7â€"-Mrs. Fleming‘s house, Int 15. con. 9: D. R, 0., \Vm. \Vuud; Poll Clerk, J as. \and. 8+Lunkin‘s shop, Kieinhnrg; D. RJ 0.. Geo. Kellam; Pull Clerk, E. J. Kurtz. Devins~McNairâ€"â€"Tbut she u'oasm-- 01- he in m1 is hH'Oby mnhurized to pay to Jnnws O'Connor, $50, on accuuuc fur repairing statlyle;-â€"C;«l-1~iv(l. I A very pleasing event tnnk place on Wednesday :IftH-nnnn of lust, week at the home of Mr. John \Vutsnn. the rec lsinn being the marriage of Ethel. ‘hls youngest daughter 20 Mr. Frank Rmnhie of Path-mun. Rev. Francis Dean ufficinted and (he wedd iug match was pluyedhy Miss Elsie Watson uf King. The bride was given away by her brother Mr. \Vm. \Vatsun. and i looked lovely in 3 drops of pearl gmy )crvpe de 011999 with lace hprtha and A petition signed by ratepayers in Maplv and Thm-nhill was laid before Um cumch requesting that, the towu- ship funds be transferred h-mn the Standard Bank to the Sun-ling Bank. MI. Urquhart. and Mr. Miller repre- svlnic'd the Storing Bank, and Mr. Lousenmre and Mr. vae, the Stand- and Bank. The members 0f the C0“! - cil expressed themselves as being satis- fied with the Standard Bank. and de- clined to make the transfer. i cerenmny the guests, munheringuhzmt } fifty sat dmvu tn :\ umgmficent; wedding lu'eukfusr. and the evening was sprint in pleasant social ints-rcmn'se. The i [widt- was the recipient of numemus Useful and heuutifu) prpsems showing the {esteem in which she is held by bar many friends. In the owning the young eunpke lvft, for their new bnmv, necumpunied hy Lho host Wishes of all their friends, for a long. prosperous l and happy lift). “TUE; Vormfinrwirlr Adjourned to mth at. the clerk's nmce, Maple, on Smut-(luv. 15m inst., at 1 p. m. Rubbers and sucks. â€"â€" Men's and hnvs' rubbers and Sucks all sizes. Our prices are light. for you. Naughtun BI’US.. Elgiu MiHs. tailor made éwuwnnof cas'tcr broadcloth, with a tourist cunt and but to match. The grqmn‘s present tn the hfide was “m _ r _ . a pear) Ll't‘scmit. tn the bridesmaid a ps-ur-l pin and m the grumnsmun a. wish-buns: pin. lmnxediatfly after the Juu'mr IV.-Alice Page, Gladys B-dl. Senior [ILâ€"Rubhie Luwnry. Inter. “I. â€"â€" Ntâ€"Hic Pugp, Lizzie Rankin, Irv-m: Chapman. Junior [ILâ€"Stewart Page. \V'en'mg- tun Munkman, Amy Bull. Joe 11-91mm. Sl'niul' ILâ€"Viuleb Cnsely, Nathan Chapman, Kane ghumuup. Jlixxiar II. â€"â€" Esti-urt Kathleen Rankin. I’m-t II.â€"Deunis “'hite. Senior Part, I.~â€"Garl:md Lnngstn Lurnie 'Weldn'ck. Russell Munkum Donnie Dmry, Enid Drury, 191' ‘Veldrick, Dnd‘lvy‘thgtf: School r0 art for Nm-muhrr. Senior I ’.â€"~Emi)y Rankin, Mary nwor)‘, Garland Lanfisfikfi. Junior Part 1.;Ethel Banks. VAUGHAN COUNCIL- LANGSTAFF. Mame EHs si'mih W'eldrick , Patterson; Poll Clerk. That. the leading medlcal wrlwrs am: teachers of all the several schools 0! practice endorse and recommend. ln tho Enron est weth possible, each and every lngr lent. entering into the com .lllon of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medlcal I) acovery {or the cure of weak awninch, dyspe sin. catarrh of stomach, "liver compla nL’ mrpid liver, or billousness chronic bowel affections, and all camrrhal diseases of whatever region. name or nature. It is also a specific remedy (or all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal allow lions and their resulmnts, as bronchial. throat and lung disenscsiexcept consum r tinn) accompanied with sex-ere coughs. ls ls not so good {or acute colds and con ha, bnl. (or lingering. or chronic cases 6 la especially efllcacions in producing pm" {Pct cures. It. contains Block Cherrybarlr. Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root Mandrake root and Queen's roowall 0} which are highly praised as remedies (or all the above mentioned aflections by such eminent. medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Mod. Col- lege; Prof. Hare, of the Univ. 0! P3,; Prof. Finle Ellingwood, M. 1)., of Ben~ nett Med. ‘ollcge, Chicago; Prof. John Klng. M. D., law of Cincinnati; ProL John M. Scndder. M. D.. law of Cincin~ natl'. Prof. Edwin M. Hale M. D.. of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and scores of others equally emlnem. -ln their levernl §chools_n_i anclt‘l‘cc. ~7A_-___n A- oh... READ AND YOU WILL LEARN WVUI HI WMWIQ up ‘WV'I‘vi The "Golden M (fin-a) Discovery " is the only medicine gm. up [or sale through druggists for )i e purposes. mat. has an such profeskitmal 9ndor§emgnt~wort :_....n the“. aux/u nv,w«w...,r more t um any number of ordinary testiâ€" moniuls. Open publicity of its formula. on the bottle wrapper is the best possibie guaranty of its merits. A glance at. this fixbushed formula. wxll show that. “ Golden edical Discovery" contains no poison- (ms or harmful agents and no a\cob01~- chemical) ure, triple-refined glycerino being u nsmad. Glycerine ls entireky nnobjectionable and besides Is a. most. uSefu] ingredient in the cure of an Show» ach as well as bronch'm, throat. and lung affections. There is the hi best. medical authority {or Rs nae in a such cases. The "Discove ”is a concean giyc- eflc extract 0 native, medicinal roots 3nd Is 83}? anq reliable: ~ .___ -_.n......o 4'++++++++++++++++++++++++4~ +++++++++++H++MH++++++4' ‘ RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIU ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mu L3 snub uuu ......... A booklet. of extracts from eminent, medical authorlues. endorsing Its lngre» diems maflpd free on r nest Addxeu Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflalo, . Y. Insure Your Life London & Lama,» shire Life Ass.‘ 60. N. J. Glass has been proven to be one of we best profit paying con:- panies doing business. +M++H+++++++++++++++++~T ++++++++++++~:~+++++++++ . +++ HW+HM++++4~H++++++ Alarge stack/of Funeral Furnishing- lian at both places. Undertaken a: Embalmor»: The London & Lancashre J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist 1.1. ii. Augv'r. Inst: untinn in P {Single copies, 3 cts. WRIGHT BROS, 1.. S. Vngf, Mus. Doc. (Pia Agent. IN THE Theory ‘ianu- No 24 uying :m O. ( Them

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