Keeps your body warm, yet lets your skin breathe ' â€"â€"knit,not \ A g a i nst "\ Shrinkage _ ' ANGLE . Undrwear.~ Tune iyurat .‘ Trade-markedin red. In a j .- variety of styles, fabrics and prices, for women, men and ‘ children, a n d guaranteed. ‘ ‘ "Health and Vigor depend upon the: quality and quantity of the blood."â€" Humanitarian. Dr. Carson’s Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price 50 cents per Bottle. If you are not able to obtain it in your neighborhood, we will send to any ad~ dress two bottles upon receipt of QNE DOLLAR (50c. per bottle) carnage prepaid. Pamphlet sent FREE on applicatlon, The Carson Medicine Company 87 Wellington St. West, - Toronto PRINTING PRESSES FDR SALE. Two 2»revoluti0n Campbell Presses; 'sizes 40x56 and 43x56. The largest has lthe patent swing delivery. and both have four inking rollers and plate dis. ltribution. They are capable of doing lthe ï¬nest work. These presses will be sold at a very low ï¬gure for quick sale. AVilson Publishing Company, 73-81 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. v WE B STER’S inrsmiouiu. " DIG T I ONARY 3' A GRAND FAMILY EDUCATOR. - It not only answers your questions in S oiling, Pronunciation, Deï¬nition. 5': New ords, Em, but also answers'ques‘ ulOflS in Geo raph , Biography. Fiction, Foreign Wot s an Phrases, the Trades, 1 Arts and Sciences. EQOO Illustrations. r. 2380 Pages. A necesstty in every cul- -‘ Cured home. It is the best Christmas gift. wnns'nzn‘s conunsfiï¬â€˜uâ€"nicrioumr. 5': Ida-gut If our Abridgments. Regular and 'Ihin Paper é ‘ editions. llllt pares and 11-0 Illustrations. ,______‘____=________â€":=. ‘_ ROYAL ALPINE H OSTESS. Queen of Italy Shares Ilut With aParly of Tourists. Queen ltlarghcrilu of Italy is stated to have had a novel experience while making an ascent in the Italian Alps recently. accompanied by two guides. Her Majesty was overtaken by a heavy snowstorm and sought shelter in a but already occupied by a large party rf British and Gcrmzm Alpinists, who had l:kewi\e been caught in the storm. The Queen was immediately rt-coif nized by the tourists. who were on the point. of leaving the hut, when her Maâ€" jesty studiâ€"“l’ruy. let me be your hos- tess. gentlemen; we must wait until the storm has passed.†Quccn Illnrghcrila insisted on looking aflcr the fire, and shared the frugal rc- past with the other Alpinists and the guides. llor Majesty sat by the ï¬re all night. while the othch slept on the floor. The tourists departed early the next morning. after thanking' the Qucen for her hocpitulily. and Queen Murpherim descended the Mocugnagu with her guides. -â€"â€"â€"-â€"<k TIIE ARRIVAL OF MICKY. “Winnmugâ€"October. 1006. My Dear Pal. I‘m workin' on the rr‘inds hero in \V‘innipeu. but not. for long. Sure Micky Dungnn. who is here three years come St. l’nlriuk's lluy. has a l'lt'h young lady to drive him round the city will a beautiful span; and he a sillin' up behind an~ his arms folded loikc a tome guitlcman in his own right on- toil'cly.“ RAIL\\'AY 0N MONT BLANC. Plans Perfected for (lhamounix to the Alguille du Midi. Suspension Line, A Serious projcctfln build :1 susva- iSmn railway almost to the summit .vf lhlont Elam: is l'l'iltll‘il'd from licnovu. ::Swixs criixipnily hits Worked out the do- 'l:uls oi the plan and has vam'l‘d the 211+ provnl of tho l’l‘i-nrh (immnmvnl. 'lhc }s::mn company is at pi'osint lJlllltlillgl a ‘s.lnilor 1an to the summit of the \\'ct- ‘lrrhm‘n. ,' Tlo new lino is to run from the van 'o' (ihnnmn' ax to the summit of tho Ai- ‘,:ulll-‘- ilu Alllll‘ a pinnuclc 12.11") Incl high it: the (‘I‘llll‘P (ll Itlt‘ \lt’llll l’altlllC Ql‘mlp uud adj lining the jrincipal >ummil. Ac- ‘Cfll‘il‘llg to tho control-l. on ordinary (‘ullli' Food 15 II) Conlilllh‘ lhc twisting road from lihamouniv as for us the first slolinn. \\Ill('ll to ho nmr linswns glaciu' at. u lu~i;.ht of about 8.0th Incl. .l’mm that. point on a double ilt‘l'lill cubic syslmn is to he uscd. Estimates of tho cost are in the mint]- horhnod or snoonoo. and four years will b“ required to complete it. The ï¬rst and casil‘r hnlf. however. can he cnri'icd out in one your. so that by the end of next summer. it is cxpcctcd. tourists can make the culirc journey to the glacier. The route of tho-now lino passes ovcl‘ n scrim of glucicrs and (IN‘P crovnssos. so that those who palronizc it will l’t‘ aide to realize the thrills of Alpine climh. ing without the slightest danger. in scctions wlwrc avalanches ai‘c'frnqucnt tunnels will lie conslrurlcd so as to ob- vmto Illls‘ peril. Four-fifths of the wily. howcvcr. \\ill be in the open air. In scycral places the road will follow the Waving Contour of the glaciers and the sensation of riding on it will be not unlike that cxpcricnc-cd in a ship in a rolling sea. an illusion which the tints 0f the ice may enhance. The motive power will. of course, he olcctricily. This will he produch all low cost by utilizing: the waters of the River Arvo. A roturn ticket to the sum- mit will cost $I5 at first but it is hop- ed to reduce the tariff soon to $10 and ultimately to $5. is ‘-â€"â€"~â€"â€"..- THE PROP! IET‘S BEARD. Vcneration 0? Ancient Relics of the Sultan of Turkey. The Sultan proceeded recently to the mosque at Top Iv’npu Sorui. in Stnmbul, for the vcncrution of Mohomot‘s beard and part of his cloak. which are kept there. There is always some doubt whether the Sultan will proceed by land or son. The Bosphorus and Golden Ilorn are patrolled by hundreds of launches and bouts. and all lrallic is suspended for hours before his departure and return. On kind some five miles of streets are lined on both sides with trOops stand- ing shouldcr to shoulder. and sand is :laid a foot deep throughout the way. so that the l‘udishah may not be discom- forlcd by the otherwise uneven and bumpy roads. This your his Majesty wr‘nt by sea. leaving \‘ildiz about ten in the morn- ing. his launch, surrounded with in- numerable craft. steaming to Seruglio l‘oint. where the Sultan landed and drove to the mosque. returning again late in the evening. +_... The heat of the TropICS fades r0'_y cheeks. It takes away the energy. “Ferrovim†15 the best tonic to brace you up. It stimulzttes‘ the system. It makes the won t strong. It is pleas- ant to take. All druggists sell it. “One-half of the world doesn't know how the olhor half lives." quoted his wifc. “No.†rejoined her husband. “but it ki-cps about nine-tenths of that half busy trying to ï¬nd out.†As the Oil Rubs in the Pain I‘iuhs Out. â€"Appl;cd to the seal. of a pain in any part of the body the skin absorbs the soiilhing linimcni under brisk friction and lhc pulionl obtains utmost instant r.»l:.f. The results of the use of Dr. 'l‘homas‘ liwlcrlric 011 have surj‘irisml muny who wurc unucquuinlcd with its qualilirs. and once known it will not be I‘t‘jt‘t,‘l0tl. Try it. Angi‘l Child-“Aunt Duix‘y. what is meant by ‘u fictitious cliui‘aclcr‘?†Aunt Daisyâ€"“'I‘hul. means one that is made up, dear." Angel (leild»â€"“Oh. yes! Then you‘re a fictitious character. aren‘t you. my auntie. Imitation; Abound. but insist upon getting the genuine, “The D A: I.†Menthol Plaster. It has stood the test, of yezus 1t cure: aches and pains quicker than any plaster. “You bud boy. you have made it muasc 5p..l on the new Sofa with your brood-nthl-llutln r.†said Mrs. Fizzlclop to her son Johnny. “Xi-vor mind. ma. you can sit on it whtn there is Company in the parlor." PROFESSIONAL “.ASIUZR." Sir ll. Ilarlnclon. at the Dist-urged [\Iui‘;(tllt‘l".\: Altl Slui‘ltdy conference III (hid it. \Va‘cs. told a story of :1 friend “11050 servant left to get marl-mi. IIc l0>l sight of hrr for u Linn time. but m 334 she culled at. his hruso. very well drrw‘d and lmking very prosper- (,ua occanlmn was. She was reticent on the cupid-l. Inf ill after a deal (I pressing. suid l.- was on “uskcr.†which meant a “and lw-ugur. she added mm my hu‘iuuui could go dmyu (limit lad 1-30 streets in the course (I :1 day. mull that it was u very bad Sll'cel that .1;.j not produce a hallj‘cnuy. so that he earned about 5 shillings n (luy. BLIND \\‘.\S D0\\'.\'. The .\Ii<.isâ€".\lar_v Ann. please cvpldn to me how it is that l Suw you kissing a young Iliill'l in the kitchen last night. Tho .\iuidâ€"-Surel I dunno how it is.‘ ma’am. unless yez were leokin “trough the keyhole.†llw asked her what Ilul' husliand's, ANIMALS TI IAT \VI'IEI". Travillrrs through the Syrian desert haw scon Il(li‘Si".\‘ wpr from thirst. a mule has Ilt't'll sr-cn to cry from the pain of on mjurml foot. and comets. it is sold, shod lcors Ill sliomnï¬. A cow Sold by its IlllSll‘t‘S,\ who had lcmlml it from cnlf~ hood \vcpl pitifully. A younpr soko ape \lN‘t‘tl to cry from vnxalion if Livingstone (Iiihl'l nurse it in his arms winn ll usku'tl hon to. \\'onlnlwl opt-s have thud cry- ing. and apps him- wi-pl owr lln'il‘ )'\>tlll;f Ollt‘S slain by hunters, A thinl- punzt'c trained to curry \Vlill‘llllllr's' lnolm t)ll(‘. and It‘ll :lâ€"t'l'yinu. \vhivh )ll‘flVw‘l sorrow. though ll wouldn‘t mcnd the lliil. ‘xéllK. dixcovvi‘ing their young: drr‘me-d. havi- hm‘n mova in Imus of mini. A piiullc which a lnintsnmn'x rillc had ininrld hogan to cry whvn zipâ€" proncht-d. So how often wccp ovcr lhc loss of lhcir young. Gordon Humming ohxcrvcd tum-x lilcklinp down ltu‘ fucc of a dyini.r l'lt‘IlllilllI. And own an orung- outaug wlwn ili'pl'ivt‘d of its mango was 5') vcxcd that it look to wcoping. 'l‘hwrr‘ is litllo doubt. lhrzrr‘lorc. that animals do cry from gricf or wecp from pom or annoyance. l'I AVE YOU I’ll ES? Dr. Leonhardl‘s Ilcm-Itoid is an inter- nal Itmncdy llml cnlircly rcmovcs the cause of l‘ilcs. and euros to .xlny cm‘ml any GINO. no molh'i' how limpV standing. It you have l‘ilcs. and Dr. Leonhzn'dl s llrm-l’loid will not cure you. you got your money hack. A thousand dollar tillarnnlr‘o goes \ylth cvcry bollh‘ of ilom-ltoid Sold. $.01) All tlt‘uk'l‘s. or The \Vils‘on- I~‘yle C0., Limitod. Niagara Falls, Out. A Magic MILâ€"Dyspepsia is :1 Ion with which mm are constantly grappling. but Cunnot cxlm'minntc.‘ Suhduml. and to all appearances vanquishrd in one. it makes its appcnrnncc in nnolhcr di- rection. In many the digestive appara- his is as (lclicah- as tho mechanism of a watch or Sl'lf‘llllllt‘ inslrunwnt in which even a ln‘culh of oir will make a variation. With such persons disord- ers of the stomach ensue from the mmt trivial causes and cause imiin Milly-r- ing. To those I’nrmcloc's V'ogotahlo Pills are rccommendcd as mild and sure. T\\‘O IS COMPANY. Aunt-T0mmyl I’low crucll did you cut that worm in two! Tommyâ€"It seemed so tom-1y. why A Veteran's Stormâ€"George Lewis, of Shamokin. Pa... writes: "I am eighty years of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh for ï¬fty years. and in my time have used a. great many catturrh cures, but never had any relief until I used Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder. One box cured me completely." 50 centsâ€"25 Miss Gobbleâ€"“And she ucruscd me of retailing gossip about the neiglihor- llOOt." Miss Sharpn~“'l‘ho idea!" Miss Gzibbleâ€"“POsilive-ly insulting. isn’t she?" Miss Sharpeâ€"“Yes, for you‘re really a wholesaler.†ITCH. Henge. Prairie Scratches nut! every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by _Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It, never fails. A gentleman bought. a ncw variety if palleCS. and told his gardcncr to he sure and plant them far enough apart. “\Vcll. Sam, did you plant the potatoes far apart. as l told you?†Sillllv" I did sir; I planted some in your gmdn-n and Some in mine, so they are four mile aparL" A lady writes: “I was enabled to re- movo the cams. root and branch. by the 11:8 of I’lolloway's Corn (Iurofl Others who have tried ~it have the some experience. Johnâ€"“Was ltlnhcl offended when you called on hcrwilhyourlaceuushuvcn?" Jinnâ€"“Yes; she said she fclt if. very much.†Helpless as a Babyï¬Sonth American Rheumatic Cure strikes the root. of the ailment and strikes it qtlll'k. R. W. Wright, 10 Daniel stro‘sf. Bror-ltville, Ont... for twelve years a great suift'ror from rheumatism. couldn't wash himself. food himself or dress himself. After using six bottles was able to go to work, and says: "I think pain has left me forever."â€"26 “A man always gets on eax‘ior hy ink. ing his wife’s advice." "Yes." answered Mr. hicckton. “\\'hcn things turn out badly there isn't so much talk about it." Yes. It Is humiliating to have a. skin covered with foul eruptions. It is painful. too. \! hy not end the trouble and restore your skin to its not- urad {Ail-noes with Weaver's Genital _._â€"â€"- WORSE 'l‘i IAN LANG L'AGE. i “My husland is u brutc,’ Said the ex. cituhlc woman. “llu\'c you been scalding him?†“Of course I have, “Ah! I stlpp1~0 he lotto-d back and mod harsh language?" ' “Worse thuii 1h: “ Ill; yuwucd‘." Under the Nerve Loco. â€"T}w torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostra- ‘tion and nervous dchility no one can {richtly estimate who has not been under lure rutlilos: lush of thew relentless hu. man foes. .\I. ‘A‘llllilmi, of Fordwirh, l 0111,, was for (our years a nervous wreck. - lsix bottles of South American bonnie ',worked a miracle. and his doctor con- ‘ï¬rmcd itr 28 11L»: _\Ic>thnrrâ€luu will assume 0. grave ll‘t-~lwii<il-iiil'.' \VllV-ll _\iiu lln‘tl‘i'y my Id .ugli‘l‘l'. †'ur in the lop of luxury. Ilu‘ A‘ll:,;v‘ill__. “Uh. she's prvtty weil used to my lap now." .__.â€" I \\' 1mg]: awnings. the whole system. l_\li'.lhnr lil':1\«‘_'\" \\crm I'..\lt-i‘m:nali<1' dcâ€" ronzcs \Vui’llS and giyi-s riwt to the suf- a .‘-_ and Lung troubies. Your druggtst not only keep» it Price, w sâ€"i EX? E - . [mg . A REVE Neatest .__,. km...“ CANADA CYCLE 8c MOTOR (10., H. "mm; mm." dike ti, hwlp honest men in trouble. M «in ~c ~ to on lillll. . It \\.i., brodhht . w†3,qu Wm†10 du_ You don’t require to be an expert .. and the imitation. The genuine has the murkï¬slamped on the runner. The highest. medical knowledge In the world has produced CQLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT Thousands of sufferers have been fut remedy and thankfully write to tell us so. Colds. Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma and all Tang :5 cents. For sale by prominent Hardware Deniers. . v.17! I .. i ‘ i .. permanently cured by this wondeix Keep it. In the house and use it for but recommends it. THE ALUMHNUM TOPPED LATBON In Lightness, Durablity, Speed and this on Ice. Limited. Toronto Junction, Ont. r.“;‘ arm "#1- r,_:.;. to tell the difference between the word “Acmeâ€â€"â€"our registered trade Beware of immitations. Illi Silllll lift, till- tliilitl'l, Dillllitlll, itS. BRANCH OFFICES: I26 Wellington Street West TORONTO. ONT. A postal card brings our Catalogue the game of Hockey. “G,†which contains complete rules of TAKES OU'l‘ Johnnyâ€"Isn‘t futhwi-s queer," IN TRADE. ' l pa hc (lip-Slit get unylhing, but if an-1 oihcr muu's boy does it he gets a cop- per. Her Heart like a Poiluted Springahirs. James Hriglcy. Pt‘lt‘t? Island. Ont.. pepsin. constipation. heart. disease and nervous prostratiou. l cured the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for tho Heart. and the other ailments vanished like mist. Hod relief in half an hour after the first dosc."~27 “\Vcll. it's just this way." said the spmlonnn. “the man who can go out hunting day ulter day and not care whether he pots anything or not has the right. stuff in him.†The DII‘IIOII. Dyspepsia. â€" In olden times it was :1 popular luciicf that do. mons moth lll\l>lllly through the um- bicnt air. scokillg to outer into men and trouble them. At the present day the demon. d}'5fl"]l~lil. is at large in the some \A'Ily. sci-king huhilution in those who by careless or 11::\Vl>~C living invite him. And once he writers (1 mun it Is dillll‘llll to dislodge llllll. 110 that linds hms'clf so posscsxud should know that a valiant friend to do battle for him with tho unseen foo is l‘armclcr's Vegetable Pills. which are ever ready for the trial. SMART LAWYER. The young: lawyer was Consulting in the jail with his unfortunate client. chin-god with stealing a lelVC. “No. no.†lll‘ Siilt] St’itlllllllgllyi “I. know. of Cour-9c. you oldn't I‘tftlly' stealI the slow. If I thought for a minute that you w-“re guilty. I wouldnt defend you. The cynich' may say wnut lhvy like. but there are some crmsciwntious im-n among us lawyers. Yes. of course. the real dililculty hes in proving that you didn’t steal the MOVE. but l'll manage it now that you have (ISSlll‘xd me of your innocence. Leave it all to me, and don't say a word. You can hand oycr‘ u guinm now. and pay me the rest †“.\ guinea. boss ‘1†repeated the oc- cnsvd mail. in a hoarse voice. “\Vhy ‘don'l you make it ten thousand guim-ns‘.’ [ could pay ye jest ez easy. I uin't got no money." “No money i" dignant. “Nowâ€"1'16? know whch I kin git any, Clillt‘l‘.“ The youan lawyer seemed plunged in glnmn. Suddenly he brightened. “\\‘r-ll." he said. more cheerfully. The lawycl‘ leoked inâ€" “I I'll I’ll get you out of lhi> scrape. and we'll call it square- if you‘ll send the stove round to my office. I need one." There is this difference bo‘weon n lwise man and a foolithe wise man learns something from everyone he ‘fcrx-i'. It only msls ‘25 cents to try it meets. while the fool tries to teach some- lund be convulced. thing to everyone he meets. l Nollie [\llnlllL\\hyi “hills the moltrr now‘Hnighls are sometimes xix n onlhs Iona. J.â€"\\'lu~n :1 boy docs anything for his'} \VIIA'I BRAND. I MEAN ADVANTAGE. (agnd 7)â€"in Greenland the .Ioh' ny (aged tilâ€"ch. and I'll bet the old folks sit. up lhroc or four weeks at- t r they send the kids to bed. Sudden transition from a hot to a cold says. i l. mpuratnre. exposure to rain. sitting in "I was for five yours afflicted with dys-' .i draught. unscasonable substitution of .l::_:hl for heavy clothing. are fruitful vollws oi colds and the resultant cough ‘50 o r l-IllS to pl-rsons of weak lungs. Among the numy nztdiwint-s for bron- chial disoiuln-s .er hl'ls‘lllg. thcrc is none holler than Bicklc's Aiiti-(Zonsumptive Syrup. Try it and become convinced. l'i'icc 2.3 cents. Mr. Plant (who is fond of dogs)â€"“\Iiss While. don't you think you ought. to how on intelligent annnnl about. the house that would protect you and " lliss \\llllL'â€"“Oh, Mr. Dluntl This is so Stlddulll†Loss of Flesh. cough, and pain on the chest may not mo in consumption. but are bad signs. Allen's Lung Balsam loosezu and heal: til. cough: Not a. grain of opium in it. FROM A CHILD'S DICTIONARY. “Dustâ€"Mud with out of it.†“Snoriiigmlclting oil sloop.†“Bookbitci'â€"A mosquito." “Funâ€"A thini,r to brush the warm off with.†“Iceâ€"Water that went to sleep in the cold." “Apples blow.†the juice sq ucczcd 'I'he bubbles that apple trees on Doctor Can cure your Cough 01' Cold, no question about: that, butâ€"â€" why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription ï¬lled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH’S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to ï¬ve dollars when a. twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you asauickly ? hy not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Gold ap ears. HILOH will cure you, and all druggista back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with ISSUE NO. 50â€"06.