The committee in charge of Christ» mas entertainment are putting forth every offurt, to make the Chx‘isuuas Tree El success. Between twenty and thirty of the young penple attended the League Rally at, Richmond Hill on Monday night. Mr. Fred Graham of No. 7. has been unable tn attend to his duties the past \x‘ggk. _ \Ve wisp h_it_n speedy rgcpvery: Th9 boys and girls 6f NI». 4 intend holding their Public Examination on Fliduy. 21m, inst. The program will consist of recitatious. dialogues. in- strumental and vocal music and ad- dresses. The pupils expect to be as- sisted by Rev. A. P. Bruce. Rev. Mr. Irwin. Mr. R. E. Snndexson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker. jr.. and others. Ad- dresses are expected from the trustees and other prominent. residents of the soctiun. Program begins at 2 p. m. sharp. Reprint. News-Herald;â€"“There is at least one effectual, safe. and reliable Oough Cureâ€"Dr. Shoop‘sâ€"thnt we re- gard as suitable, even for the young- est child. For years, Dr. Shoup bit- terly opposed the use of opiates m- nzu'cotics in medicine, offering $10 per drop tn any (me ï¬nding Opium. Ghlnr- ufnrm, (u- uny pnisonnus m- mn‘cutic im'edivnt in Dr. Slmnp's Cough Cute. And the challenge is us yet mmnswer~ l‘d. Hem is one nmnnfucturing physi- cian. who welcomed with much antis- i'icliun. the new Guvormnont Pure Fund and Drug Law. The public can nnw mutt-ct itself at all time-s, by in» sisting on having Dr. Shuop'u, win-n a (-uugh remedy is needed. bnld by \V. A. Sanderson. ~ Hellol [a that Vrllore? Yes. How are the old boys of Vellore getting on P are (hey living? Why yes. they 111(- u-ry much Zilth‘. They are going to has-e an oyster supper on the same old dnte, the 17m (If January. The RECH-tury has instructions to get. a ï¬rst-class pI-ugramnw for the concert in connection with the supper. Luuk lur posters. ‘ Senior I‘li:lli0)'d “'hitmnre, Euston Harrison. Leigh Page. Eddie Clarke, Nunmm Bowes. \Ve aw getting a telephone in our lawn. The. win-Pa are up and will anon lu- in operation from \Voodhridge. Branch wines to Mr. Chm-1H; Mcl‘wil and Mr. A. Cameron, also Mr. J. J. Marshall. llï¬per. Mr. Jas O'Connor is able to be mmmd again. he has been on the sick list. for a couple of weeks. The council are etting the stable at 1hr Hall repair and are gulng tn make it comformhle for the Inn-ma At the reg-Mar nnnuul meeting nf the Thnrnhill Council, No. 1:50. Canad- ian Order Chose-n Friends. held in the lodge room. Victoria Hall. on Mond-xy vvening. Dec. 10. the following oflicem wow electedpâ€" Hemy Fisher. Chief Councillnr. J. E. F: ancia, Vice-(hmucillm. D. M. Buylo, Rec. \V. Carleton, Ass't. Rec. “1'. H. Glulrino, Tums. H. B. Schmidt. Pm. ‘5'. Dean. MM. H. Richmfla. Omani. B. Vu’vldl'ick. Ben. Mzs. J. Fiuher. Olgnniat. 111'. Carleton. MvdiCAl Examiner. vv u. l...v..v -V. Senior IV.:H-o_nryr Bowes. Vera R mnmn. Irrne Gmdun, Estella ‘Vitty, Wilfred Keifer. Vanderburgh, Edna Fisher. "Ԥ{-}3i}‘i~'"ii.'â€"Pnrcy Harrison. Ernie Pople.» Lyle_l_VIur_th,_Lily‘ Evans. 11 _‘__ JuniorJ II.â€"â€"}liuzel Page. Helen “’hite. Arthur Buwvs. Howard Baker, Bertie Baker, lsuuc Bnker, Austin Baker. Part, ILâ€"Vera Curl-uthers. l’nrt Lâ€"Hnrry Poole, Melvin “'itty. May Rudd. Ernest Clarke. Charla Our lww blacksmith [ms anived and will lie in shape for work pretty 5mm. His name is Mr. George Mmssny. The following is the report of Conâ€" cogd public aches-‘1 for Nmemhex'. ..-. ‘rrnl iiors. H. Fisher, Reprea. lo Gd. Council J. E. Francis. Alternate Reptcs. RIJEMOND HILL. 031.. Dec. 13, VICTORIA SQUARE OFF-HAND RIFLE CLUB ll) 11 Bmwn Duncan vapr _Fri_shy _ L112 flihcmi. CONCORD SCHOOL REPORT E. Ranch; and Dr. Ozu'lemu, Aud- V ictorla S quare Thornhill. Vellore 12 19 l2 The speaker of the evening was Rev. R. Large. of Bella Bella. B. (3., who with his wife and two children are home tor a six months' holiday. but who has had charge of the Indian mission for the past eight years. Mr. Large stated that his Work as a missionary was not only to preach the gospel to the Indians, hut to teach them to live a broader life. to bring them up to the standard of white people. The Dr. stated that, there are now on the reserve 62 houses. a steam saw mill operated by Indians, a recreation hall, school mission house. hospital. etc. One. of the hundrances to Christianity was the bad example set them by the white men in B. 0., 75 percent. of whom are intemperale and Immoral. But although it. was difï¬cult to judge of the spiritual life of the Indians generally he \vasrertain there were some genuine conversions among them. The picture he drew of a life of vice and shame was enough to sadden the heart. and to make one wonder why humanity is so frail, so selï¬sh and so wicked. Cntarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to at Ions! ask us fur a free trial hnx of Dr. Shunp‘s Cutmrh Cure. Nothing so surely prnves merit as a real, actual testâ€""ml Dr. Shump, to prove this. earnestly desires that we let you make that, test. This creamy, Snow VVhito healing lmlul. soothes the throat and nustrils. and quickly puriï¬rs a foul or feverish breath. Call and inventigate. \V. A. Sandexson. On Friday evening last the Lenng here spent asocial evening in the Hall, the programme being plovided hy the Maple League. There was a good turnout and the programme was being enjoyed by all present, whrn the cry of “ Fire" was heard. All rushed out and Mr. Jas. Rnhh‘s hnusp was seen to he on fire :Irmmd one of the chimneys. \Villing hands were mum at work and in about an hour the ï¬re was put out. but considerable daumge had been done to the building hv hnth ï¬re and watei. The contents were also con- siderably damaged by water, and handlin . as everyehing was taken out. of the Eonse. The cause uf the iirv was a defective chimnPy. After it was over some of the voting people went back to the hall and did ample justice {(1 the good things provided by the young ladies but the programme was left un- ï¬nished. It was a disappointment, as the uumheis given were highly appreciated. After some anummcemvnts by Mr. Might. the President. the mveting was brought to a close by Rev. J. E. VVilsnn pronouncing the benedictionâ€" Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shnnp's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Pilesâ€"and it works with certainty and satisfactinn. Itch- ing. painful. protunding. m- blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it, and sec! \V. A. Sanderson. 'Master Allan Boynttm has accepted a situation with the “T. Eaton Cu." of Toronto. The Christmas Tree with the Sunday schnnl held on the evening of gopfi time is expect-ad. ‘0 Mr. Ernie B-mwn who has had a. situation in the Queen City. has returned home. He had to give it up on account eyv trouble. Mr. Herb Reed is huuw Kgain after spending the summer with Mr. F‘. Dzmby. There was an unusually large gather» ing in the Methodist church Monday evening at the League Rally of the Toronto Central District. Most of the branches in the district were well rep. resentedâ€"namely Maple. Concord, Hope, Edgeley, Cnrrville. Victoria Square, Handful-d. Panel-Sun. Button- ville, and the villages along Yonge street. between this place and the City. After an opening hymn. led by the choir, Rev. A. P. Brace aï¬eer prayer. Rev. J. J. Reddilt of Toronto. made an admirable chairman. He referred to the good work done “lung mission- ary “UPS, and stated thnt the interest in China as a mission ï¬eld was deepen- ingiyeur by year. Butcherinés are the m-dPr of the day nay. lots «if fly-st ‘f saus:1g9."_ +H+++++++++++++H++%+++++ +++++++€ §++é++++++++++++++ Ebony hair brushes, 60; Sterling silver curling tongs, 60c; Ebony hat brushes, $1.10; Sterling sugar shells. I 65; English mode, pearl handle butter knives. $r.7o; Leather hand bags, I 35; Plate- glass ebonv mirror; Small cut glass fruit dish, 2.85. A well chosen Christ- mas gift is something of quality. but not neces- sarily expensive. The tollowing are quite suit- able to those who do not wish costly gOOdS. INEXPENSIVE EPWORTH LEAGUE RALLY JERRY SMITH PRCATICAL WATCHMAKER Edgely. in (‘omwctinn hPl't' Is to be Dec. 26th. A GIFTS GOAL, Wflï¬ï¬‚ AND GEMENT Having purchased the above business from H. Winger & Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. STANDARB BANK \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hlll Station, G. T. R., every Wednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. Have just received a car of cement. A. R. HALL Received in Savings' Baink Dopar ment and interest allowed at RICHMOND HILL AND MAPLE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Money Lonned on Farmers‘ Sale moles. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. Gmezal Banking Engine†Transaeted. 21-1 Fur Mitts Found A pair of Lady's found. €33“; gazéimï¬ys Max’s sémiégs‘ f a Weak Eldncys. surnly point to wash kidney once. The Kidneys. like tho Hum-t. and the cr 1). ï¬nd their weakness. not in the own «if, hxnin the nerves that control and guide «I strl‘nglhen them. Dr. Sheep's Restorative ll ‘muhcfnts speciï¬mny prepared to reach those muolUng norves. Tn doctor the Kidneys alone. futile. It is n waste of time.nnd of woman BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. 'or other particulars call at the Bank f your back achas or is weak. if the urine ..«‘:~:. or is dark and strong. if you haw symptom Brights or other distressing or dangerous kidâ€" -: disease. try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a. month- hluts or Liquidâ€"and see what, it can and will for you Druggist recommend and sell Notice of withdrawal not neces- sau'y. All deposits payable on demand. after a Shorlhnud or Book-keeping Diplnma course with us and in the next six months, ï¬lu‘c all the monev you spend u: (millage. You can do it with Pltman Shorthaud and Bliss System Book-keeping. tha beat methods vet discovered. Our Girls and Boys sucured 200 positions lust salmon. Don't delay. Get. catnlogue at once. Address. ï¬rmwmim H. A. Farquharsan B. A. ï¬nmiueï¬ï¬ (15011ch 796 YONGE sT-v TORONTO Capital Bess Thornhill I). W. A. SANDERSON APPIXM. 01 Canada FRANK GRAHAM ' Richmond Hill 3.1 551,000,000 31,000 000 DEFâ€"(Ems Strayed E. M. BYRNE. SING E R OFFICE Richmond Hill MANAGER WHY NOT START WORK AT Gauntlets Nov. 28, a white On a Metropolitan cm- on or about the 15111 Nnvcmbor n silvvr watch. Owner may have sanm by proving property and paying vxpvnses. JAUOB EVER 22-3 Richmond Hill h {l‘flé-x:x){1g1151féd 111;†and hog kept for service on the BI‘PLlliLif'IS. A quantity of hui!ding timber for harm, part of which is at tho mill site, Laskay: the 1'9muinder at lot 12. 2nd con Markham. Apply_to The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chvster \Vhiu‘ Hogs. Lot 29. lst, (70m, Vaughan ('l‘hurnhill) has for sale snme good young stuck. Red and white- yearling steer on or about Nuv. 1,1906. Any person giving information leading to his recovering will be Suitably rewarded. Apply to GILES KERS\VI[.L House and Int. immediately south of High School, Richmond Hill. For in- formation apply to JAMES NEWTON. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE " Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.. 1897, Chapter 129, Section 38. and Amending Acts. that all pel'SUIlS having any claims against. the estate of the said Neil Alexander Smith \Vutsnn who died on ur about, the 29th day of Sk‘pté’lllhl‘l‘ 19(16. al‘k' requin-d on ur before the 13th (lay of December, 1906 to send to John \Vatsun. M. 1)., 829 College Street, annnto. the Administratnr of the said Estate. 3 full statement of their claims, with names and addresses, and the nature of the security if any, hvld by them. For Sale or Rent 0‘ tf NEIL ALFXX 130sz SMITH WATSON Late of the Township nf Vaughan in County of York, Farmer, deceased. Apply And take further notice that after the said last mentioned day the said Administrator will pinceed to distrib- ute the assests of the said deceased among the parties entitlvd thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall thvn have l-er‘eived notice; and the said Administlatnr will not he liable for any claims of which he slmll not then have received nutice, PLEASANT VIEW FARM NUTIUETUCREDITURS Ripans Tanules cure bad breath. xiiyans Tabules: (or sour stomach. from Jan 2, 1907. Enter any time. Excellent results gum-an- tt-ed. Catalogue and lessons in business writing free. '0 pmchuse or rent :1 smnll houseâ€" 7r 4 roomsâ€"at, reasonable rent. House Wanted 3 T. M. WATSON, Principal WILLIAM COOK at 33 Richumnd Street \Vest Toronto Sulicitor for Administrator TH E LIBERAL OFFICE A. B. ELSON Langstaff P. O. For Sale FOUND Iï¬ost i). G. GOODERHAM, Jefferson P. O. Elgin Mills. Proprietor Geld Spectacles Pipes Choice Chocolates Shaving Sets and and Tï¬Ã©ï¬eé §€QE% mes See my selec- tion of Choice Christmas gifts b 8 fo r e p ur- Chasin g else- W h e r e. N o trouble to Show you. Dressing Cases Manicure Sets Balls and Toys Call and we will be happy to ShOW you. Perfume Pw mam Hair Brushes mm gm DRUGGIST RECHMOND BELL