Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1906, p. 5

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Roulemhur than will be' Skatng in thl- rink every SilLlll'dfly evening. “'9 pleus» {base who want, the lees Alkinsnu $1 Switzer. Munshaw Bms'. auction sulu ( smnding Iimln-r. (unadllclrd by M. J. H. I’n-nLice on Tuesday realize u luqut $200. \Vl‘igh hunks 25 cents, for sake lit. ‘I‘ua LIBERAL 0mm. Mr. Ruln-lt Elliott (if:léff¢i1-son still lies in «critical condition. \Ve are plt-Mvd to iw able to any that Mrs. Stun-y whn has be“) in is impx-nving in hmlth. Quality the xtmng attraction hue. Atkinsun & Switzvr. Mr. John Shem-down hus l‘l'f‘Ct-Nl .1 new set (if \Vils‘uu \Vcigh soulvs at the Canadian Northern stutiun. Those who (mian the Christmas- numht-rut‘ the (51th» will plr‘asn cull fur their copy "L ’l‘x‘m LIBERAL (min-o. Dome in»yuux"re weicmuv. Atkin- mm & Swnzer. The Xmas Tree of the Victoria Squm-c- (-hurvh (S to he on Monday, Dvc. 254th. Great times are expuutrd. Elm éfiihcml. You should call at, THE LIBERAL Office- \\'hile Ult‘l'l‘ is u gOnd supply of Christmas bunks. val-(ls, calendars, etc. Mi; Arch. Cmnphdl. M. P. for (‘outl'v Yka. has lwon vlevtvd chair mun hf the Railway Uuulmittee of the House of (hummus. Sppcinl Cln-ismms svrvices \x‘iH hp held an Lhe Methrdist church on Sun. day 23rd. The prngmmme will lu- givvu next, week. Tho andfurd )h-ledist. t‘hnl'ch inâ€" tend hulding their Annual Uhlislllms Tree nu Snlmduy evening. 22ml insL All interested in Missiwa Study an- invited this evening In the lu-cLul-o lomn of tlw lellndist church at 7.30. Study led by R. b'lmw. Esq. At the E1)“ oth League nvxt; Mon- day evening Mr. Hume will give an nddx-nss, subject: “Angel visit-Minn." Miss Harris will contribute a. sulu. Mr. J. M. Lning «bf 36 Toronto Sn. Tnnmto. has npmwd a law office in Her IAN-we Bldg.. and will he in Richmond Hill every Thursday Mun-noun. 21-4 Many friends are pleased to sen (ion. Huppm- mound again ufts severe attack 0f Lyphuid. Gng still weak. but is improving everv: Atmmhox- of Mr. Edward Barker‘s fliends have asked him m stand ful- municipal humus at Lhc- coming e-lvction, and he has cunse‘nt"d to du S“. The Public Library Ham-d haw, made urraagHm-nts with Mr. Stuhhs of l’eterlmm tu give an entet-tuimm-nt in the Masonic Hull on New Year‘s awning. still weak. but is improving everyday. Blunkvts.-â€"W’hibe and culured mm! blankets to he clean-d at. cast. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. (Flmpiain Ontario. Mr. Robert Rumble who rented the hotel at Muph- lvss than two xnonchs :ngu. to xun it :13 -'l temperance house. reuuwed hack to his own residence. on Monday. The \Vest York Conservative Association will hold their annual meeting at \Veszun an the :Lftemmm nf the 12th of Junuzu-y. A banquet will be hvld in the l-voniug. At the Grand Division uf the Suns of Temperance hvld in OriUEa Inst week, Rev. A. P. Bruce was elected Grand Clmplgxin fur the Grand Division of The :mniw-rsnry of the Presbytnrism Sunday schuul will he he‘ld on Friday m’ening, the 215i nf December. A gund prugrnmnw is being prepared. Further particulars nch \\'9t‘k. 0n Sabbath til-<1. mnrning and evenâ€" ing. the Rev. Mr. Grant condqu unuivuruzu'y servicvs at Brown’s Owners. an. Mr. Anderson preuchce at Richmond Hill and Thm-uhill. Men‘s home-knit, mitts, per pair: men‘s Lump-knit mitts. faced with genuine horse hide, 60c. pilil. Atkinâ€" son & Switzer. The Pmsidout, vs Vice-President cut-1mg match 15 set for next \Vednes- day llffl‘l'nqu and evening. Thug? who purpose jnining will pleuse hand in their names before that dzm . Two pairs nf lend stnnea. 47 lbs. haw: been purchased fmm Runnio 81-413., fur the use of the Richmond Hill club. They are K's red bones, and are fine looking stones. Mr. NxchnIls purchas- vd n. pairsimilau- to the above, but, a little lighter. mnuunxn IIXLL. 0x1. D00. 13. 1906 The membexs of the Gramd jurv now in session in Tumntn p:Lssed through here yesterday by special car to visit. me Industrial Home near Newmarket. The car stopped here fur Mr. P. G. Sewage. The first. car of coal fur Richmond Hill people arrived by Canadian Nul‘tbern Railway lust. Sunday. The car came fmm Lehigh Valley, and Wu»: fur Mr. John Sheardown. The \\':;S viii-HM}: John Sfieardowfi. cm- consumed 54 tons. ]J()(j [£145. :ly. iem'gc is sale nf by M 1'. n-ulized Mr : [‘«lifurniu | pupkugetl I \Vc quote fancy ( ] x-uisins. fun 16“»zipuc! At the Methodist church next. Sun- day mumng Kev. Mr. Manxth will pn-uch. In the evening Rev. A. 1’. Bruce. 8.1).. will take ful‘ his sulvject: “Sm-rounded on all sides! Nu avenue of escape." Tm; LIBERAL and “'«ekly Glnlr, $1.25. Sueudv. Vaughan Lodge. A. F. & A. M., NO. 54. hns issued im ituu'uns fur the semi. cenlwnninl hf thvir ludge, [,0 he hold on Friday evening. the let of De- cember. The lodge \rns institlltud in Srptemher. 18.34. Tho Sunday School of tho Zion E. Luthvnm rhurch hf Shorw-md. intend. (Gad-willing), tn hold their Annual Christmas Entm-Luimnem on thevven- ing pf (by 24th I)£'L‘€‘l11bel', (Xmas Eve). Iisinéfl full 16 oz kinsm & Switzrr. At a. meeting (If the Curling Club Inst!’l‘hursduy evening the following were elected skips: (7. P. “Wiley. H. A. Nicllulls \V. H. Pngsh-y. F. E. Sims. Gem. McDunald. M. Boyle, J. H. Sanderson, E. Barker. Mr. W. H. I’ugsley as a mt-mher ()f LhP Legislnfive Cnmmitu‘e of York ‘Inun‘y Ununcil, accompaniod a depu- tnliun )th waited M) the Attorney Aufwe-will nl‘fering wivll‘ be tukcri. All are \velvnnw. Gmwrul‘s Departman a few days ago, with a view of apprehending horse thieves. The- dvputnlviuu was favor- uhly received. CONCERT AT THORN HILL A puhlfic soluqu cancel-c will he. held in Vimm-ia Hull. Thurnhill. on Friday Honing. the 215i: of December. The prugmunm- will include 50: dialnguos. drills, recitatiuns am Christmas Trev. Admissim. 15 1t! ce-u Chair taken at 8 n‘ulnck. An - arcidvnt which might; have px-m‘e-n vex y serious uccnrn‘d at Gray's camera: numduy m'vning. A load of Epwurth Loaguel-s, nn thr-il‘wuy home [Hill] the rally. were upset on turning th- (rnrm-r. One young lady was so budy injured that she had to hv taken to the I)I-.‘s offix'v. The team ran to Maple. and the ynung men had to hire :4 livery in take the load homo. To have beautiful. pOt'fPCL pink, whet-like: lips, apply at bedtime at light, cuating uf DI. Slump‘s GI‘UPH Salve. The-n, next morning. ImLice canefnlly the effect. Dry. cracked, m- culmless lips mean feverishness, and are as well ill appearing. Dr. Slmnp‘s Green Salve is a soft, creamy, ulntmvnt. that, will quickly current any skin blemish or ailment. Gpt, a free trial box at, our store and be con- \‘lnCl‘d. Large. Glass Jars. 2-5 (mots. \V. A. Sanderson. The fnllowing paragraph. taken from the Nurthcrn Advuncn of Bun-i0. D90. 6, wfm‘s to a former resulent of this llmnlity 2~A fine spvcimen uf black fun: was mken near Churchill by \anlvr Ledgevwond. and the pelt nuw adorns tlw shuw mom nf Mvsa‘s. Simmons & Cu. Mr. Simmons. who. it. is underetlmd, paid a tidy sum for it, valuvs Lhe skin at $500. Thy black fux is now seldnm met with, and the rarity of the fur makes it. a much Sunglxt article- hy fnnciers. The pelt. in quesciun is us lul'ge as a. wolf skin. ASHAKEFFEIL On the 5th of Deomnln-n at; the Lutheran Parsmmgv, ShPl'WnUd, Mr. John Ash. son of Mr. Vaantine Ash. and Miss Ida. Amulia \Vhite. (luughtvl of Mr. Hinun “'hitr, were united in thv hnly hands of \Vt‘dlock. Mr. Alfred Ash and Miss Sarah White were WitnPSScs of the ceremony. Aft-9| the marriage the party retired lo a sumptuous repast, give-n in the hum» of Mr. and Mrs \Vm. Cooper. TIN- uld chums uf John servuuded very heartily, though the suuw somewhat, dilunu-d the suund. (loud wishes to thvm in their paddling through lift-'8 (wean is their friend's dcsiu-~God l l '55 bht m The regular meeting 0f [he Vaughan Ministo-riw] Assodutinn was held an Monday “flu-[mun M the par- sunnge. Tho pupcl' was given by Rev. A. P. Brno», B. 1)., (III “The Frag- ments that Remain re Higher Criti- cism." The members of the Associaâ€" tion were pleased to compliment Mr. Bmce nu ma wry excellent, paper. The visiting brethren were entertain- ed at, tuu 1w Mrs. Brag-v. and many of them stayed fur the Rally in the eve-u- ing. Rev. Mr. \Vis‘nx‘aeswr brought much light. also In the subject taken by Mr. Bram. A shnrt time a n whun Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mcngm-, Vast. of Eigin Mills, returned {mm the burn after doing the evening chm-es they iuuud that some perm“ bud entered the house. and made away wim a. number nf m ticlos. Among articles missed wrre a watch and ch‘uin mxd Mrs. McCugue's engagement ring and \vudning ring. Suspiciuu was Cast, on a person who had worked on the farm during the summer. As Mr. Mtfiague had. the the young man‘s address he went to his stopping place in the city and dis- closyd his suspiciuns. Hi3 trunk was opened. and the watch and chain wcxe found an, the button) of the. trunk. There Was no trace of the rings. The pvrsnn suspected was not. discovers-d. but. Lhe case has been put in the hands of the dun-CtiH-s. The Chrisunas Fair and Entertaim meat. in the Temperance Hall lust M EETING OF MINISTERS. FOR ST. MARY‘S CHURCH. A RARE ANI M AL ARTICLES STOLEN We fum:y California 9:99de 6 uz. puckngt'. Him; fancy mind raisins. fun 12 oz. ; uhnice California seeded 16 oz. packagr._ 110. At- include snngs. l'PCltatiuns and a. Admissxm. 15 and evening under the auspices of St.4 Miwy’s church. was a p‘eua'mg success. The booths cunmined many pretty? and useful articles which found a! ready snk-a The tulip hed was soon i rubbed of its hidden treasures, and for hours enthusiastic anglers continued to haul their shiny victims from the dvpths of the fish pond. The pxcture gallery was nu attraction for those of an artistic nature. and the advextjse. moot contest mom was a popular re- smrL. The Dustor. Rev. J. Gibson, pre- sided at the entertainment. Those who favored the assembly with svch- Liuns wore Miss Swim-u Miss Smart. and Miss Scott. In the adventisement contest Miss Switzer and Miss Ed- wards Wore equnl; Messrs. A. Glass and \V. Hall were also equal. and Mr. \V. Lawson wun the intmmediute prize. Years ago to See :1. hour in the vicmity of Richmond Hill was not, a vt’l'y singular occurrence. But cf late years hruin seldom presean himself in our midst. For several mnuths past, lmwvvm‘. it has '10?!) more than l-umm-td that a. black hour had fre- quently lveen seen within the limits of nur corporation. Last moung tracks Wu-re seen in the snow on the Hupper «stale, and that infm'matiun was mm- voyed to Muse Ransom, the village haxher. with a qunvst that H)? latter snperintend a party to endeavor to shoot. the snngsy quadrupod before__l|e ennld make his esca ,. Mose spvedily got, the loan of sum: Pattvrson's breech loading Smphrn's rifle, and started on hisvx-m “resume task. By this time the animal h'ld heen induced to enter Hoppm-‘s stable which was at once- surI-mlel-d by local sports. After nml‘rF ing a careful sun'Py Muso took deadly aim, the ball untered the head just; below thee-an and black ln-uin fell \vithagl-owl‘ dying in a. few minutes. The animal was one your old and Weighed I80 lhs. It was brougle from the nor-1h last spring when it it was only :1 small cub. The cut-cuss now hangs in Hopper‘s butcher shop. Mr Hopper has sold it, to Puddy 81-03.. and will dt-liw-r it. in Toronto LU-xnon'uw.â€"-English papers please copy. Senior IV.â€"Ethol McQunrx-ie. Eldon \Vude. Gertie Tlmums. Minnie “'at- sun, Annie Huilvs. Annie Jnnes, Myrtle McQuurrio, Florence Nixon. John Crank. Senior III.~EH:1 W'ade. Emma McQunrrie. Elmer Orr. Roy Drunk, Edna \V'utsnu, Hattyi? Nixm), Lvstor \anker. SLanIPy \Vatsnn, \Villie Barry. Junior III~Gertie \Vindns, Edith Clement, \Villia Huilvs. Pickering Mtzngu'I-‘n:L » _ __ _ _ The following is the school report, for Novvmber; names given in order of, “writ: Junior \Vatson, Sidnpy \Valkur. Soninr Junior Sénior \Vilfred Ban-v. Keep the bowels regular wthâ€"ATeY'E Pm. and thus hasten recovery. Nutice is hereby given that a (-‘mn-L will he held pm-su-dut tn the Oncu-iu Voter‘s Lists Act. by His Honor Judge Murgun. Jung of the County 0mm. of the Cnnnty uf Ym k. at the Masunic Hull. Maple. on MONDAY. THE 17TH DAY OF DECEMBER. 1906. at 10 o’clock 3.111.. tn hear and determine the several Complaints of ex rats and mmsuiuns in the Vutpr‘s List of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan. fur the year 1906. All persons having business at the Court are. required to attend at said time and lace. 3. B. MACLEAN. Clerk nf tile said Municipality. Dated this 5th day of December. 1906. 28-2 Court of Revision ADVENTURE W 1TH A BEAR Aycr’s Cherry Pcctoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There: can be no mistake about this. You knowitlstrue. And your own doctor will say so. For Lung Troubles The be» kind of a. testimonial â€" “ Sold to: over smy years." VAUGHAN w- 11;" n. mun! We publluh the formula or ‘11 our acacia". S. S. No.5. VAUGHAN. MUNICIPALITY OF 8340 1.0. A10! 00.. Love has. 2150 manufacturer. of“. IIâ€"John Orr. Maud Jones. \Vindus. Funnie Gray, Alvin II~DP"5L \Vndp. Flossie Bertha Lvecc, Emma Gray, Jones, Ruy Espey, Alvin yer’s SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. um V1008. I 1 ++4.++++++++++++++++++‘H-+++H+++++++++‘ x-+++++++++++++++ 4++++¢+++++++++é +++++++++++ ++4'++++++++H%MWM* WM%&%&R%§22 office. iiiéfiéé,‘ éht’iued “A TU‘G OF W [at hill. And with the Family Herald and most beautiful Eighty? ‘evm- given to "awn an iv ++++++++~H++++H+W++H++ ++++H+++++++++++++4€ ‘24.“. H+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++~1~+++++++ Call or send you subscription to TheChristmasStore THIS store is regarded as Christmas buying headquarters for all. With Christmas only 15 days away, and in anticipation of by lar the largest holiday business in the an- nals at this successful store, departments de- voted to merchandise suitable for holiday gifts have had very special attention. At this early day you can select your presents while our stocks are complete and unbroken much more satisfactorily than when the holi~ day rush is on. You can now secure many exclusive things that will be exhausted be- fore Christmas. This organization for months has been selecting merchandise suit~ able for giving. We have spared no pains to make this store, as heretofore, Christmas buying headquarters, where trustworthy mer- chandise is sold at absolutely the lowest prices. December 6, 1906 Richmund Hill Hardware Siam Atkinson & Switzer likanges. F‘urnaces‘ and Ileaters is now on hand and we invite 3’0ur inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. Our fall Stock of These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. Repairing and ICave- troughing pronnptly done Beautiful Bargains in Every Department SOULES 1'»... “£52?

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