Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1906, p. 3

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,___ ._- _ ‘ REGIMENT ADOPTS BABY. V MACNIFH‘ENT CALIFOHNIA TRAINS. a PLIYCKY SCHOOLMISTRESS. Bgfore you get 'â€" Via the Chicago‘ L'liinn l‘ucilic and A “'" Penâ€"Angle ’ “'as Found Asleep in Sentry BOX. NM.“ “(Mun “WI The “IIOS Ann!” Courageous Little School Marni Tackles “'m‘ Now From "5 Parem‘ le:~ implied" to Southern (Iiililnrniiialiiil a “031‘ Singleâ€"handed. garments 3“ the shrink ' The soldielw ot the Sixty-third Flint the “(irirkintl l.iii.i‘.id” to Sam l’i'aiicis- The heroine of the little village of Regiment. at Saint Milivl, l’l‘illli'N “W” C“ m": C‘HISHM'U-l M‘ “'11VU1WS “5 m“ a Si'lwal'. .\liiine\ola. SllYS the Minlii-ahoâ€" ‘5 taken ‘ ' ' o u t. (pk-mm] 3 baby which was liilill'1I8>l\?*‘l7 lilii‘sl tlriiils lea mg (tint-ago. l.If'.‘\§ than ll» Journal. is pr-ltv 31153 “a”. Mm_ ii; a sentry-box (in a ream IHUI‘Hva “ HHQL‘ llillv'o‘ l“ ('Iliilil'l‘mil- [)1‘i"\\’1”tâ€"'1’0Um \'Zlni‘_\'. Ii Si'llillilllllSll'i">S. who. sinsâ€"'icA had a \vomdcn horse, cliispid in llS arms and compartment slut-pet's, bullet. Oll‘ liuniliil, toenail a ram- Mmi, mm m. and ilined to his jacket was a note saiy- M‘l‘lfllltill and (lining curs. 'l‘i'aim 3 o nce vailr-l til.» ('lll‘~'l‘(ll)lll_ iiigzul’lrasc look alter my little Jacques. cliclric ligzliird throughout, The “(Zliiua She Th‘nk" of the conseque 5 ML... “MUN”. “.115 3mm“: I,“ We whom i am unable to sulIll)IUl‘l.’: I I (llIlll .laliinu" lI'a.~It Mail (‘tIll‘l‘lx‘S PIillniaIiI â€"â€"croup, Whooping Cough blacklharil when it rrv Hf terror from i 'l llt‘S was l lt‘l‘r‘UDOll tliCYl in 0 Bar- 8 illll al'i (llll "ifiiul‘is Si‘ept‘l‘s ll a one (if hm- \ “photos op... .. Willi} null llil‘ llll‘ll PI‘OHIDUY (lei‘llll‘ll ('nlilltf'niil midst Willir- lllll-‘il'flil‘ll or Lung Trouble' in turn towards "the door. L'll‘llit‘i‘lt‘.h"iili wig: bifalilseatlie that he should remain. lie will wear (inlitui-irn lleratiii‘e. liililirs iiiiil ialis 0pm tit. may, slow] a hug.) pint-l.- pmy‘. Short’ fibmq that a [title suit ol i‘epiineiilals, and the sol- ii: to hail «in liliplii‘nilun to ll. ll. lleu~ with head ioi-ked t-iirioii'slr sitimyaw. makesoméundor- (l:('l's will lake it in turn to look aller lll‘ll. tieiirral Agent. 2 King 5L, 'l‘oroir n she is a “.150 math”. Sm. Wm have laud nugp grmmy sump”: .10\\-”IWIS i1“. _ wearitchare taken llllll. ll1,(ll\l,. the “Cyppfaiiing nimody at hum-1.â€" .closcl where the teacher and children out; of Pen- â€"â€"“+.â€"- ll' ‘7 "\l M? i ‘n 1 . C01Lt‘luull' lixpecloralit. ‘l‘clrl llw‘n‘ limrh lmkels. There- was . N lvnw 1:;1iilll..«I,(jnl-.ifiIi liks- lill' not; on l li’llll- . I fly ) instant ,‘nllll' among the 111 M15. non? t. “'11, If \Onems “i “mm-plug ltllS. ll ii ki-ens (in I'll soon be bald.“ it 15 u“ b‘SL “1'” sales“ we mos" of whim] “a”. “(HIP Hm) 1011):}; ,1 . ,1 0 MTV“ 0“ “ ‘0 - ‘ , ‘ Wong-N ,.,_C‘n\.r. -I it 1...”. m . u reliable and positive cure for all forms i I. ‘ L _ ‘ - “f ‘” ' Vegetable l‘ills has slinwn that they all \ I- - 1 \ ll> ‘ 3“ of Cuughs, colds, croup. whooping inial paid it. attention In the Clllldl‘i"ll Angle wool. . .t - . . . s can l'li‘Vl‘l‘ in) Mid.” - ~ " I‘ "‘ " ' " “llllll'dliIllOly or; the dIisIféisIcId IItIiriInginIfmrIl ‘ ~ CmmhI bow HIWMI bmmhmsI asthma ,IIIiIiIiil lIiIiIiIid dIsIIIIlileiIt liilIllIlS liiiIiIh clIris- I “I I d ‘9 533‘" 01“ in“ S"‘““‘ “f 1‘ ' . .. , i - i and" hill lrrulile. “to harmful dl‘ll’S. " O " ‘ "33* W "" ‘V‘l‘ vie ‘ In a Varifiy o a tics, sires an riccs, A Piililv \epelahlc l‘ill.â€"â€"l"armelees ‘ g ’ ‘ f" others. lhrtw a chalk eraser at the hear, 1,, all .izes (or women, men Pond lliy action. There may be cascs in I II which the (“some has been long sealed \Pfil‘mml‘ [111* im‘ (‘rinmouurlml from and dr-cs not easily yield to medicine. "WIS. lu‘l‘h< and solid extracts of known but even iii such cases these Pills have "it‘llll‘ in ill" lTONlnu‘ul of liver and The most delicate child. the weakest. I1_II I I I II II I stomach. welcmnvs it. it is pleasant to i“ 1”" “'1‘”! WWW “till it” (mill? ,childlen. and guaranteed by your own dealer. mm H is the most reliable housmold iin-onI-l andIIs‘IlarlIhtl lowm-ds the terrified ., c. __ _ V_ ‘ . Cllil ren wi l rziws Spread out menae- u ~- . . -. r. . - . ~ r a known to medical acimce . . - Health and \l or de cnd u on he been known to bring relief when_ all I‘Idn‘y W‘ill‘lmmj “lid 1“ Filling 10110 chl‘a’g romarkame our“ every (18:, ‘ iligly. Mrs Mulvuney thereupon seized Iquamv and quagmy 0:) me good}. other screwed WHICde have [may t-. thc Slhlmll whether (‘llltft’lllUl by ' ’ ‘ ' a slick. sprout: forward. and smote Humanitarian. . ~ . . . - . i - ovm'w ill 0" (Impurian [tr-m 1h 9; gqx; "Having used your Coltsfoote Expectomnt I -. . . . . i'lhcse ilSsClllOllS can be substantiated ‘ \ i i a l t t. \CC‘ 5 considerin“plenummedicine{Newman my Bum on lll\ 'ciidciesl spolâ€" HCPOS> the ..__.â€" by mum, who have USN] the pmSI and living. IThey ri-iiiiire no testimonial. “In,” “I, I‘m,“ “WM... Would not um 1,0 be bridge at the nose. This lurka seem. , . medical men Speak highly 0‘ than. qum IlllDllI‘ICI\Ilfi(‘Lllll'll IqllilIllltos i‘tl‘e I\xitI~Ill lmownI Wltbtlutltlutlie house," MM I, “mm M m dis,“an H“. mmmlI m. H tum Dr. S I t. a me W10 liive iisct. iem am >. . _, oil tal and sram mred iit ll He won - lilits. “WWW 0’“- r "' ’ ‘ ' ' Stomach and Constipation Bitters ~ they eiiliiiiiond themselves to dyspep- The danger iner. Miss Miilvanev faint- ,_‘â€"â€"- .. tics anl ll ose suh'ect. it ll 5 - Thougflnds have Mme Similar tasli- I I I I Jflhht‘rsl”l tell 3'0“. 01d Tim. 115 I3 are mtquést of a]hm“ficgéllofiggxigffin‘ého many to the wonderful curative properâ€" ISSIVIOIII‘HI \Ia QUII‘I‘IJIC‘ :‘IlI’F’thJILI‘leIII‘ ('I'iIIdUEII: A purely vegetable Tonic and mood tc"'l,l thin when 'our wt 0 uarres ' 1g _. . . I ; I an . i r i_ . 1 n ‘ :t 1» , ll] 1 e g 3 (l 105 or Coltslooto Expcelorinl At Soon bmugm her around ngflmI Purifier. Price 50 coins per Bottle. with her mother andlhe old lady lives mom”, HOMOFJPNMI mndnmI ls druggisls, 250. per bottle. No other “you”, not “M. to ohm“ "inn" With you. \VhiCh Side do you WW?” . - - . Cou h Medicine "Just ’15 00d" as . . . . hh h od 'u i od- "K’rely ‘1 "hmm‘l- find It 15 “0t Nl‘l‘ll- g ‘ g 'lhe bee L? an artistic llphOlSlf‘l‘t‘l‘. ll 2325;,(1:01...t;;.;,‘onsf;§.i§;t‘fl,m “aversâ€"“Neither. I reserve an alarm- , .. , V . n . w mummy]: p S'IIW. Mls. Ncwrichâ€" Ah! '10 be had lines it; must wilh the leaves of flowers, DOLL/m (500. ii“ Mills) carriage Sill-“'11), 1 SUPPOSC- 0‘ FOUYSP- Chmmo always choosing such as have bright pr‘mu‘ ‘5 “ wry Obscure “rush and “mm” Colors. They are invariably cut in cirâ€" mm“ "M “5‘ °“ “’“ufl‘m- cles. so cxncl that no compass would The Carson Msdioino Company make them more true. 87 Wellington St. West. - Toronto W Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablels.â€"â€" . . ,, Medical science by accident, discovered the comnmnd h‘gh Prices- n potency of the pineapple as a panacea â€"-â€"-â€" lor stomach troubles. The immense peIr- The aackache Stage may be just, that centnge of vegetable pepsin contained in incipient farm of kidney disease which the fruit makes it an almost, indispeDS~ if neglected. will develop into stubborn ble remedy in cases of dysnensia and and distreasiug disorder that will mile ndlEeStiOR one tablet finer i‘flf‘h meal long tedious treatment. to cure, Don't Middle-nil; Thllllllvlolllly with me will cure most chronic cases. 60 in a. box. neglect, the whackache Sump». 0‘ the most Barns“ AMER|OAN DYE'NG 00. 55 Gem's-’32 insidious of diseases. South American 3.“ "may." “ml.” '°.,.n,“°w.m, I _ Kidney Cure stops the ache in six hours m '“M In...“ \ Little Girl (innocently to new reclor)â€"â€" and cures.~30 - 'Will you plcme see how many times I _.I....I A ., . cm- ., ., #77 II you can run round the garden?” Rector S11"â€""\7‘v'0rnen may gossm sometimes, ".SOldlCI‘S miisl be learlully dishonest, “.tsurprisedlâ€"“I couldn‘t, my child. Bill 13‘” “10y hale better control oi their says Mrs. Countryside, "as it seems to why do you ask?“ Lillie Girlâ€"“Obi tongue-Q thfm men have.” lieâ€"“You be a nightly occurrence loIr a sentry to merely because dad said you were 50 are right. Men hflvc no control whatâ€" be relieved oi his watch. hug-winded.” ever of women’s tongues." ‘41 The uey All!) BST for p-to-Dato Players Pains Disappear Before lt.â€"No one am when they have avaib ' A Ore-t Gambia-lion. “Ferrovim " the best Dld you notice that oldimrm limping along a need Sum" p I‘m-c i; u should 1,. mile? it? allIIsiuvilitliiIiIs..Itg daiyhorfio‘laio?“ WeiIi, In] {Ie will put. on Iiiig has}: able Dr. 'l‘homas’ Ecleclric Oil. it not d oaor. “1 "‘e ' "l l. ’ Le,‘ a 6‘“ v ' - ' . . . :gIzgggggyghf" 0’ 0“ “1k “straighfg‘s guy 0:; r “1” ° 1.1 the house “hen IrIinlIiIm I“ I1} CflIn 1“: mm the dislrlbllllon of weight by means of the Double Standards. “0011M “L “‘0 “0‘11"” ‘0‘“ ‘15 “‘ NOTE [he Combination Brackeled Heel. ._._â€" . i - u ~ , .A , merchants keep it for sale. Rheumatism “ONES ADM‘RATXON wprent 50“ mgh (med Whm your and all bodily pains disappear when it , .. . - r' Iver missed lire?" "NO’ my wife . . ‘ Tommy Twaddlesâ€" Oah, 1 dont want {9‘0 I . ‘ . . IS applied, and should they at any lime to go to school." “'cm H“ burgh” 0“ w‘m a hat pm Whlle return. experience teaches the user cf NOTE the Unbreakable Front Bracket. NOTE the Shape of Runner and Quality 0! Steel used therein en- sures a keen edge and increased speed or velocity, hence the name Pa Twaddlesâ€"“But don‘t you won’t I ’Cl‘md‘d' the Oil how to deal wiiii iiicm. V E I.- O x i good education?” H . . â€"-- - ., o -- v- ' .' -\ ll. 1 lb Tommy Twaddles__.iN0I pa; lid rather IIIIICIlIrie Inl IIlIliIrI‘hIIinugtlofinéileiflgxf: lE‘IliIinI’ Hix__uAn acquaimdnce of mine pat “am: postage brings Commune G, which camainsouupe o ru as o t 9 row 11 to be just like you.” ' . ‘ j ' ’ ,' ' V a :- ' exited an appliance to enable a girl in , , DAM-110mm, N.5,_ .nd 3 pi mmalm. ll elfL‘mmily OWNS “0mg play two pianos at one time. Dixâ€"“Did THE STARR M f g., 00-, umrzn. m Wellington strut w.. Toronto. .4.i d and gives health in a marvellous man- he make anvlhmg out ofIit‘Z" Hixâ€"“Wgtl “or to me “me one‘ he made a 'move out oi the lowli. llis lc battle with effects alter the disease , neighbors threatened to mob him.” hasc secured a lodgcincnl is the chief \EILS FOR FIREMEN' aim of the medical man. and Bickle's "Uiie‘b'f' the gravest perils which the _ Antiâ€"Consumptive .Syl'up is the result L‘l men of the tire brigade are. constantly To discern and deal immediately with causes and overcome them, rather than palil‘nl. study along this particular line. lacing is the fierce, overpowering heat - - - At the first appearance of a cold the in which llll'y are compelled to work. Eff“affix;'gefimifinmfifi‘fifi I so [light and Yet so Strong" 53'1‘112) Will be found a “lOSl efficient “9' This lJBI'iL hOWCVCI‘. iI W0 may believe and, cold Do 0“ know'abouzslldoh’. l .7009 0‘ Aluminum. Blades of Nickel Steal nicdy. arresting development. and recent ililariiiation to hand from Ger- Comm, [50,, Cu: me Lung'ronic and speedily healing the allccted parts, :0 many. has ceased to exist. Alter suc- Wham“ ,doncfo} so many; 1”;ng “mi m0 alumni disappcal‘s- cesslul trials, the newly-invented “heat- .0 be the only reliable much, for all â€"â€"â€"-- veil” has been introduced into practice disease, of the “if puma” in childrcn. only the Sucwssml man 35 in 0 9051' at Cologne. where 2th men have been his absolutgly harmlm and plasma to _. lion to value the world’s praise at. its supplied with the appliance. The veil take. hisguarantccdtocureoryommoney » m ll ue worth. i; made alter tin principle of a safety iammmed. The pficeis 25c.pcr bottle, ' m"E â€"â€"- lamp. with double Windows. It is com- andalldcalcrsinmcdicme sc 3.4 II . ., .. . ,.- Salt Rheum. ITetter, Echemafl'I‘hesie dis- posed of fibres of cane. which, as is I u H AND u CYCLE H tressing skin diseases TeIlleVeId by one_ an- known. possesses the peculiar property ' plication. Dr. Agnews Ointment. is a. m retaining “.m”. In]. a considerable Manufactured and guaranteed by potent cure for all eruptions of the skin. , t _ . _ . Jas. Gaston. Wilkesharre, says: “For length 01 lime. The \cil is made damp 30., leltod, Toronto Junction nine years i was disfigured with Tettcr l‘ielori‘ being fastened to the tireinan’s on my hands. Dr. Agnow’s Ointment . . v r. \- , I cured “I” 35 catfish“ OldJldI‘) bias: helmet. This remedy shouldbe in every household. The canada Cycle and otcr u' .. Deafness of 12 Year's Standingâ€"Pro. ba‘c‘ x mug yo‘u‘ I saw mat traded Catari‘h produces deafness in policeman pill his dllll louiid you and many cams, Cam. Ben. Connor. of To. .kiss you." "I couldn‘t help that, ma'om.” route, Canada. was deaf for 12 years from ."Bul you didn't seem to object" “Not Catnrrh. All treatments failed to relieve. . , d I .T.‘ ~ y 1 Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him moi an bi“ ha up or “513m” he [30' relief in one day, and iii a very short. lice." while the deafness left him entirely. It ’ I will do as much for you. 50 cents.â€"35 Man Thanks are duo from the roprlobors o! . 'â€""" . . “Vernal-V's Cerate to friends wlin bane written to H“ llfll i‘i lOVCly C(illt ('llOll of odd CllDSl’ .tell of the Gerabe‘s good word inIcui-liiig scrotulaus oxplmmpd a guest. peel-mg into the mum‘s-scam 1”“ “d “war sk‘“ ‘5““5‘ china Cahiiiel. “llid it take you long to . â€" not so many?" “Oh. no." said the hos- BulfipL‘FfWthz. m,” d” for yous Elsi. who suffers by the servant proliâ€" Slam“ I My"? vmilkflpmfvo“; an? hm" hm, “iliise are Mlllllill’s (ll liie sols i‘L‘ “ a“ G “ \‘ ‘Nm. U“ 1mm“ \\'c vc liiid iii the last two years.” (ll lieel sausage, but without buiie. please.“ ‘ ITOH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and , . V every form of contagious Itch on human There is one remarkable peculiarity or animals cured in 30 minutes by wot. about railinls. They are the only am. lord's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. mills that Gaunt-l swim. Eahmnmmi §lEEL Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s shears,â€"-can’t go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and water- shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steel~only one quality used and that the bestâ€" bent cold ‘and double-galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily- Borll ronoor. : Allen's Lun Balsam. in “'llielithere is no I , I . I opium, cures gore throat anal gore lungs as it MOHWIFFO‘nmyi “hat (“‘1 I 53y la allay: the inflammation finl this you of the do [0 you if you iOUCllL‘d Illfll jam inuc me that steps up the airvas sages. 23c., 50c., “Hume $1.00 battlui '7. ' . . , lomsiiyâ€"Why. its funny, ma. that mu >lliilllll forget, loo. l'm blamed it i can reimliibcrl .....___. ; who have liiid experience lean tell the l(.>l‘lllll,‘ coriis Cilllii‘. Pain with Viilll' bouts llll. lllllll with them painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost; far cheaper in the long run. ” Oshawa ” Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it With the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question'tells some things you may not know. An old lady. traveling for the first time ill a large city. saw a glaring Sign on tho ll‘xllll til :\ liLgJi lilllltllll'l. which I ._.. . . , .. . Oliiv llio: read. llie Ninth .\l.uiul:itiiiliii;: (our ‘ pally.“ As she repeated it aloud slow- ly she remark d to her nephew: “Laws I ' ’.i lliel‘cy! \\'i~ii, l'\'e liellrd tell ti Siliillh~ all my life. bill I never kin-u" before where they liltith 'rlli!" llllfi-plllll night and day; but relief is >lll'l‘ to “10:0 \\llU use lloiiou'iiys Cui‘ii Llure. 1T 15 '1'0 SMILE. Til ll\'C liiil lihl LS :llM'i 1|! (lit? lLH‘i ille [‘l'uxlil‘ilhv‘ liars arc u>ii;i‘i_v glad to \\v :ii‘ tit-ail liirliB all! t". The \vi l‘lu r imlli lll'.‘ iizi >l <‘lllxl uni-:1- l_\' l\ til. lll‘J lii l’ill‘i‘ the dint, in li., “lies llk'illl l5 lilll‘ll ‘lii: iliilllt’~ I. II I” . , Mm: WI {UL Shingles are GUARANTEED in I ll TI :iuIv If .i- I.‘lil\llfiI llIil\ IiivIn lll iliIe every way for Twenty-Five Years ml 1. ~ I. ,:~, _'i;i v.1; Li iy \\..>.l Ought to Last 3. Century ir )illllll llllill finds a - - » ~ '* >-- -â€" ~~~'----~ ’ at: l2: :3. i. all iU and ‘4‘“ ‘»-»MW‘* v ' s '31" ’7'“ “WV” ' £3: ~ Send for FREE Bookâ€"“Rooihi Rt lit” u . £31.. ‘ li'gllllllg'ilirs may l‘ei Get Our Otter Before You Root 2 Thing .4657 . a! in. llli iii'iial i 1-. v tt=l’ll.1lg lif‘v i‘. m "A". ll. l'll.ll£ llil'y hair till:. all min “P -. ‘ amadn. 'l‘liey ~.iv . l .1 him f5 1m l‘. ii i g 1 % i< nilv ii: ‘. a “ ital she >1; .l~l tiliil ill lx-i‘. :i ii.t: - li-it v. in l: ~i:-' Address our 10301410 b’JEâ€"TI‘H‘PEG VAHCOUVER Ln; “XI-“w” “Mun! m lus beamâ€"success l Nearest Warehouse: 11Cclbcriie ‘15:. 60 Dun 1rd Ft. 615 Fender St. l king-pinup; II“ I__‘V:I._II_I;I_._I>‘_ I _ I n - V- filâ€"‘ys.¢h'é‘r~ ; . . . . 'oIp-‘a‘, . . I- .

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