Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1906, p. 4

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Mr. Albert Hislup has been appoint 0d teacher uf the class of boys. in the S. S. furmerly taught by Mr. Guild whn hug depmltodfrom our midst. Miss Laura. Levk spent, a few days with her sister M19. Tripp. Toronto. Miss Maud \Vpl-h. Ketth-hy, spent a few days with her [liend Miss Maud Hvlmkxy. Mrs. '7. Clarke took the topic at the Buttnnville league on Sunday evening. '\Ve me glad to sue flimdly exglmnges such as this being made. Two large sleigh loads of Hvudford Leuguprs enjoyed the treat. given in the. Richmond Hill Methodist. church by: Dr. Rt \‘l’. Large. ‘ 'Ml'.1|nd Mrs. Jh'n. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens. Tm-nntn. spent, Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke. Mr. Frank Burke-r and ‘t‘he Misses Barker Spt‘llt Sunday at Mr. H. Bond's. The cnncert under the auspices of St. Stephen's chumh wus a success. There was a gt-ud utu minute, and u goud programme was given by fm‘eign and local tulvnt. “’e understand that tho temperance hotel has been rmth tn Mr. J. Shunk, nf Edge-1y. who with his fumin will lunye hgre shm Lly. _ st. O'Keefe of New York city and Mrs. Snider. nf l’k-lerbm‘nugh. are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Powu's. The anniversary services in con- nection with ant- church will be held on Sunday. Dec. 301b, at 2.30 and 7 ‘I.lll.. Sermons will he preached by 9v. Dr. Large of Bella Bella. B. U. and the King City choir will have chnrge of the musical part of the services. The children of the Methodist Sabbath School are preparing t4: give a grand entertainment in the chm ch on Christmas night. They are under training by Miss Duty of Lnnduu. ThP prugmmme will consist of drills, chm-uses, dialogues, etc. and a good ting? is expected. Mr. W. Founisky entertained a number of his relatives and friends Saturday evening in honor of [us birthday. The fa§t approaching Xmas makes us think of our Xmas Tree and dear old Santa Claus. The young people haw prepared a most excellent pro~ gramme for the occasion. Do nut fur- get on come and enjny yourself on Sefluyday evening! 22nd._ _ Mrs. T. Caldwell had a number of her lady friends to a quiltng bee. and also a number of gentlemen to tea with them one day last, Week. This Week has Ehanged a lot of pigs to_;_)ork._ The presmxt sleighing makes a sleigh very acceptable going to Sunday School. A number of our good citizens get together those fine evenings for a frifpdly game of Lo_s§ Halli. The old cutter must [flay out to give mom for the new. A ver Eid' accident occurred last week when Mrs. N. Homer slipped on flag ice {Ipd broke her leg. Last Sunday's World has an article on road improvement in York County. That paper points out that York County Council has taken a decided step forward in cmnection with the good roads movement. At the last meeting they introduced a by-law and gave it two readings, so that all that will be necessary for the new council to do will be to give a third reading to the by-law fora liberal scheme of road improvement in the county along the l'nes that the Provincial Government approves of. The World says “Mr. W. II. Pugaley is active in the matter." The lung sought thrasher is wel- comed in our midst once more which will make a. few more of our respected farmers happy. The life of a Finance Minister can scarcely be said to be a happy one. Since the late tariff bill was intro- duced Hon. Mr. Fielding has been urged by the Manufactures Associa- tion to raise the rate of duty, and on Tuesday he was waited upon by representatives of the Furmera' Associ- ation claiming that they are entitled lower duties. In all probability few changes will be made in the bill now before the House. The fuel situation in Brandon and in other parts of the West has become very serious. Some of the schools have been compelled to close, and there are many householders entirely without fuel. \‘\"e are glad to see that Miss Adeliu Rtonuorm HILL. 0m" Dec. 20, Headford HEADFORD Mame Cnunnunicacions were l-Pnd from Messrs. \V. H. Pugsle-v and E. Barker, tendering their resignations respect- iver us momlwr of Bonni of Health and Fence-viewer. On motion the council accepted these resignations. A Iettpr was read from the Fire Underwritexs' Association, calling the attention of the council to [ho advis- ability of keeping the tire fighting :Ip- piiunces in good orer and {we from danger of frost. A letter wns read from Mr. L. Snules requesting the use of the rink on Thursday afternoons. The matter was referred to the Rink Commitlea. The committee which \vusappninted in the matter of Mrs. Hennessey’s in- The council met in the clex-k's office on Saturday, Dec. 15. Present: the reevv. and Councillors Trench, Nichnlls and Sanderson. Minutes uf lust, meet- ing read and continued. The fullnwing :u'cnunts were preâ€" sented: L. Inm-s & Snus.lmnhm-, $5.60; “’11:. l’nlmPl'. work with tvzlm. $1.00. On motion the treasurer was instruct- ed to {my the sinne. Please send contributions to J. Ross Robertson. Chairman, or to Douglas David- son, Sea-Tums , of the Hospital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. Your dollar may somehm‘ly's child. ‘ dividends of health fa iug childhood on every dollar that is paid by friends of little children. If you know of my child in your neighborhnod who is thk or crippled or has club feet send the parent’s name to (he Hos- pital. ' See what can be done for club-foot chilv Iron. There were 36 like cases last year and hundreds in 31 years. d a t i on [he H~spitll has treated 1'2,l20 children. About 5,500 of these were unable to pay and Were treated free. Liont per day, and t- h e r (2 were l38 sick lit- tle ones a day in the Hos- pital. ‘ . u.‘ Since fi its foun- The Hospital is [30% I local insbim. tionâ€"but l’révim cial. The sick child from any plan in Ontario who can't afford to pay has the same privileges as the 19>â€" child living in Tor‘ “HAPPY wrra an onto and is treated DOLL free. Tho Hospital had last year in its beds and cots 858 patients-33! of lliese were from 23l places outside of Toronto. The cost is L37 obs. I m ' I The Hospital for Sick Children, College “root, Toronto, up pools to fathers and mothers of Onbu‘io for funds to maintain Iggy: the thouumd sick children that it nurses within in walls every year. For It Cares for Every Sick Child in Ontario who” Parents Cannot Afl'ord to Pay for Treatment. cou le of weeks with Mrs. C. Brodie. T a Sunday school will hold a Xmas Tree Saturday evening. Dec. 22. a pro- ramme. consisting of fancy drills and ialogues. recitation and singing will be given. Santa will appear at, the close of the pro rurume and make u. distribution 0ft 1e good things on tlw tree. Programme commencing at 7.30 o'clock. Admission chts.. all children free, all welcome. THE HOSPITAL F03 sr a" BECK CHILDREN Sit-s. Merrick, Toronto, spent 11 cogplepf weeks with Mrs. C. Brodie. The Appeal Is To You! Winch has returned to school after being confined to the house for a few da_y_a. SERVING BREAKFAST. BEFORE VILLAGE COUNCIL. (T0 late for last issue) "an PIPTK‘RE 300115, JUST ARRIVED." body'sdoll'nr may be the Friend in N e e d t o Somebody's child. be a door of hope to The Hospital pays out and happiness Loan!- IFAS'I'. TWO CLUB FOOT CAI“ IN PLABTER Your money can put gol- de u hinges on the door Hospital's mejcy. A quantity of building timber for inn-n, part, of which is at the mill sitp. Lnskny: the l‘cuminder at Int 12. 2nd can Markham. Apply to \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hxll Station, G. T. R., every Wednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. Have just received a car of cement. Having purchased the above business from H. \Vinger & Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. GOAL, W088 AND CEMENT Pile: get quick relief from Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Pilesâ€"and it; Works with certainty and satisfaction. Itch- ing. painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see! W. A. Sanderson. In Germanyâ€"with a Chemist in the City of Darmstadt â€"I found the last ingredient with which Dr. Shoop‘s Rheumatic Remedy was made a perfected. dependable prescription. Without that last Ingredient. I successlully created many, many 03.505 of Rheumatism ; but now. at Last. it uni- formly cums all curable cases of this heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granular wastes. found in Rheumatic Blood. seem m dissolve and wsa away under the action of this remedy us thaw found atrial and tested cure for Rheu- matism! Nata remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, not turn bony growths hack to flesh again. That is lmpoasible. But I can now surely kill the palm and ms of this deplorable disease. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 9â€"Road horses. pure-bred Yorkshire hugs. imported and home bred of choicest, quality, milk cows. etc., the propexty of R. S: Frisby, Victoria. Square. Sale at one 0 clock. J. H. Prentica. auctioneer. HPax-ties getting auction sale bills printed at THE LIBERAL Ofiice will re- ceive a notice similar to below up to date of sale free (if charge. A charge of 50 cents will be made for notices when bills are not printed at. this office. Rheumatism ‘z‘ucly as dons sugar when added to pure water \nal thcn. when dissolved. those poisonous waste: rocly was from the system. and the muse o. " 'umuusxn is gone forever. There is now no needâ€"no actual excuse to suffer longer with help. We sell. and in confidence recommend Nichollsâ€"Trenchâ€"Thnt the report of the committee be adopted and that the treasurer be instructed to pay Mrs. Hennessey the above named sum. â€"Cn1‘riod. Pursuant. to Statute the treasurer submitted a statement of the receipts and expenditure of the village. fur the current year up to Dec. 15. On motion the clerk was instructed to have one hundred copies printed for distribu- Lion. juries re nrted that they had inter- viewed Irs. Iiennossey in rpgnrd to her claim for damages. and that she is willing to accept the sum of $25 as compensation: also that the commit- tee recommend the settlement of her claim ut the figure mentioned. Er. Sheep’s éwmafic Remefi W. A. SANDERSON l‘hornhill I). to a Zflritiah afiauudiau For Sale A. n. EL.qu Langstafl‘ P. 0. Auction Sales. HAI A. J. HUME. Clerk. WHY NOT START WORK AT ++++++H++++++H++++++++H 'TZIE LlfiEfiuflé.’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. I from $4.00 to $11-00. ++~§~+++++ §v++‘l‘+++++%++++++++ (Weather '1 mitting) ec. â€"Skating. 25 (U RISTMAS)â€" mornmg d uftt-rnom. curling; night. sk‘ ing. Saturday fight. Dec. 29â€"8 Tuesda , Jun. lstâ€"morning, aft noon, skating. Saturday night, Tuesday. Dec ting. curling; each Tuesday W‘. the rink will be open for hockey from 12.15 to 2 p. m.; for skaters from 2 in 5 p. m. Ad- missinn. 50.; skating at night. 10c.: also every Saturday M and evening. admission 10c. AMIISSION FOR SKATERS, Hulidangr €mme Extra srrvice will he provided for the day hvfure Xmas. and also a. Late Car on Dec. 22. 24. and the Holiday, Dec. 25, leaving North ’l‘orontd at 11.30 p. 111.; and a Late Car from New- market for Tm-outo on these nights: Dec. 22, 24, and 25. House and lot, immediately south of High School, Richmond Hill. For in- formation apply t5! 15-t 7 7_7~_‘_7 _ I METROPOLITAN DIVISION 23-3 For Sale or Rent A pair of Lady's Fur Gauntlets found. Fur Mitts Found warranted for 25 years sells for $14 25. acceptable as a present than a gold watch and chain. A full-jewelled movement in a gold case LADIES from Jun 2, 1907. Ir time. Excellent results teed. Catalogue and in business writing free. is. "fit. G. :3. “131%., image & ‘gfirfim fits... [Toronto Oldest Strongest Best @xitiah gmerimu guaium (130111359 ichmond Hill/ 8 ting Rink T. M. Principal Applmfi. JERRY SMiTH PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Long chains cost Few things are more Winter Term THE SINGER OFFICE CHAS. L. JAA 1907. Inter any WATCHES MES NEWTON, Elgin Mills. WILSON. Traffic Manager. Richmond Hill Illill‘illl BSSOHS DBUGGIST RICEMOND HILL Sander: Sm; Call and we will be happy to ShOW you. Gold Spectacles Pipes Choice Chocolates Shaving Sets and Hair Brushes Dells and Toys Perfume Dressing Cases Manicure Sets See my selec- tion of choice Christmas gifts b 3 fo r e p ur- Chasin g else- W h e r e. N 0 trouble to Show you. mm RWEEF siies and Per= fume

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