Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1906, p. 1

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\ * AVilI occupy his prmlm sari-.75 oillco :ilHi i X dine-uses. VOL. XXIX. “In ssentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libert) “ n XV“, . £tgnl. IS euumsnmnuvnur DH URSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING (In PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHKOND lIILL,ONT. r. r“. McMAIION,i E DXTOR & Pnornmrou . BUSINESS CARDS. J 9.511 ‘iliral. DR. S. J. BGYD. M. B. hi. R. (l. 5.: L. R. (l. 1).. Ella. » (Stooussuu To Du. llqui Riclnuoud iii“ ls propiu'od to do m‘iioiul lll‘ild'1ICu‘ :iiid - ' . mm to (rent, uyw, our, nos-e iiiid throat. n 5432111211. I on. H. iv. ANDERSON, 1, (l (i F I. rwi‘eure ' W liiihiur .\ uu worth Dentist, Cur. Carlton and Youge Sts , Toronto \Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Veil- uusduy of each week. Oifice, next (ill‘H‘ north of Stand- ard Bank. 'Ofice Hoursâ€"K303. in. to 5 p. iii. ‘])r-. '3. J. VVoods DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. _ (mi-:0. hours: Tuesdays, 8~12 a. 11).; I â€"-o‘ p. in. Toronto Office, 4-50 CHURCH ST. \‘.w~ .1 .Q. 7,.,,.\. aluminum R. C AMPBELL’ Danton, Dunn & Boul-tbee~ VETERINARY SURGEON, '1‘ h ornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i"ii SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEJN RICHMOND HILL cwlls by day and night; promptly‘ at.- tended to. J. ll. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Y0 k Gouda sold on consignment General Rules Mac etc promptly 'Ltteuded to at reasonable rates Residence Uuiuuville G I?- Goulilmg. Newton Brook,agent for the above J '1‘ Saigeon. J It Mciw‘en- Hap-e Weston Snigeon st NlcEwen, Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. Balessfiteudedtoonshortestuoticennd a reu- sonable rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLOUGH, License Auctioneer for the County of Yor: re. apecttully cohorts your peuouiige and friendly influence sales Amt/“Mimi on the shunest notice and at. reusouubemtes. P. 0. address King V ad Eas save. \ ou want it. ‘diCL‘lill atte ‘ lark I Bni-ristois. Solicitors, Etc. w Spending has ever been an easier matter than sayingwbut less wise.- \Ve ofi‘er excep- tional inducements and lacilities to help you to Bank of Montreal H. A. FLEURY, hianager King City Branch Pf]. Put your money where you can get it when $1.00 opens an account in Savings EDGELY singer REPORT IVerdict for Dr. Pierce I ¢ ) Mame i “ ""“ A ‘” " " “ A most pleasant, evening was spent i The following is the report for J. 1‘1. I; by the officers, Hu‘lllllt‘l‘S ILIHT friends I Dem-iiiliei': ‘ of \‘xughuii Lidge, No. 54. A. I“. & A. .\I.. (i. R. (3., last. Ii‘riduy o-veniiig, llccviiilmr ill. Ail-r the lodge was Barrister, Solicitor, lute. iichliioiid Hill (lfiil‘c. \‘oiiIIi-onst (‘I'l'- ““I' “f L”““' IEMR-i "“l'l‘y '1‘l1‘ll'5d‘W I dining hull whuic :ilI [pll'llmk of an “fWH‘N'H' l excellent. bouquet, which had ilt'l'll pi'm idrd by the when of tho iiieiiilwrs. 'l‘livspreud \vusmie of the host, and the- lmlil-s rrm-ivod Wt‘ll merited praise this part. of the progruinmi‘. Allogi-tlu-r about UU Indies and gentle- iiil-iisut down to (0:1. The hull was :ippropi'izitely (It'lflll‘illl‘li for the occasion ziiid looked well. After l'l’fl't‘SIlllH‘llI :i most interesting progiuniiiieof (mists, songs, l'rtflléillolh‘ uiid iiistiumentnl music \vus Slicers:- fully roiidrrvd. The present M: ,H-r. \Vor. Bro. J. ll. McLean, prcsilld with grace and dignity, and llt‘nl‘ him sat. the I). I). G. M., R. \Vor. Bro. A. J. Anderson. and :i number of Grand Lodge officers. In a neat. speech Mr. Toronto Ofiivo, 36 Toronto HiH'l‘i. Moqu 'ro 1.0.x»: A'l‘ Loivicsr HATES. _,,..-n4 , . ,/ [W A G S hiridwy ii LL Phone hluiii'ZQS‘l Lindsey. Lawrercc & W adsworth, Bairistersjaiicitors, Notaries, 8.1. Home Life Building (formva Free hold Loon Bldg). Cox. Adelaide & Victoria 81s., Toronto. WILLIAM COOK the visiting bi ethi (-n and other friends, BARRIS‘I‘ICR, Soucrrou, No'mnv. ETC. :iiid e-xpressrd a. hop.» llint :lll Would Toronto 0th..“ 33 Rivhmund St thoroughly enjoy lliciiiselvcs iit._ this \\'\-_»‘I, Voglcv 13mmth ' gfllill'l‘lllg, tho seiiirucnteiiuinl oi the Hizthiiioiid ‘ liill Ugh-'0. Staiidnid I‘lggp' . Bunk Building, “WM, Snmmmulfwr lhe inst i.l|4’"§lr‘[)l()lll’l§l’f~i by the “MHL ‘ ' ~ ‘ cliziiininii was “ lhc [\lllg :iiid thi- Croft.” This was [worthy l'l'pnlldt'd to by all singing the National Anthem. The. D. I). G. M. then proposed “Vaughan Lodge" in MI) able speech in which he (:oiigreirulutmi Mr. MULUHII and his ofiim‘rs on the present prosper- ous condition of the lodge. \Vor. Bio. L. Richardson. iii respond iiig, gave somv iiiteri-sliiig information relative- to the lodge simu- organization. The lodge Was instituted September. 1554. ulidi'i the Grand Lodge of 1H" loud, and numbered 236. Kivns Tully pi'vsidr-d, and the late \Voi‘. Bro. James Woods “'st Pleated and installed itsfii'ut muster. The lodge withdrew from theGruiid Lodge of Ireland in 1856 and iocoivrd its warrant. from the GHUHI Lodge of Cniuidu. Tlll' lute Peter I’uttorsou was Muster ii. 1862. and \V. 0. Patterson in 1306 when lilo Masonic: Hall was erected. Maple, Thursday afternoon, Money to loan at. Five I’r-r Cent (5%). rim). & MORGAI‘I, Barrie-lore :rml Solicitors. Mouev to loan on land undchatte‘. mortgagefiat lowest rates auroranfliiie-Romoved u. the old post cilia.) ono roor “out i in ~ Gumrw Rank 0 the alumnae to the Nowzuarket ofice-Three doors south of the in mi. ui'i‘ice T HERBEB’A‘LENNIIX G S'rV Monmx Aurora. Newmnrhet Muloclz, Lie, Millikan & Dolllx‘lgx BAX]; CHAMBERS, The next, was the “Grand S.'~V\r.C(ll‘ilor'ltillgF£~~Y0llge Streets. Jul-mt“. “Nd “Mild bulge.“ This bioilght, forth ublo Hp(‘;ll‘.llk‘s from Ii. \V. Bro. Anderson, and from H. \V, llro. II. A. Taylor, (il'illld S. “7., ’l‘oil-nto. “Visiéiiig Brethren ” was responded to by ll. ‘y‘ior. Iii-o. 1‘3. .1. B. Duncan, Toronto; It. \V'. Bro. 1‘). M. (lzii-Ii'tiiii, Toronto; R. “'or. Bro. .I. B. Nixon, “7. Bio. Arch. Cuiiipboll, M. 1).; \Vor. Bro. \V. H. Grunt, Toronto; R. \V. Bro. J. E. Francis. ’l‘hoi-uhill; and \V. Bro. \V. \V'ilby, District Secretary. “'or. Bro. Rev. A. P. Bruce and Rev. J. IE. \Vilsoli rssponded for “ The Clergy," and Mayor Smith of Toronto Junction, and V. \\'or. 'Brn. T. F. McMuhoii for “The Ladies." The speeches were interspersed with humorous songs by Brn. Edwards of St. George’s Lodge. Toronto; vocal solos by Miss Keli'er, Toronto: recitu tn ions by Bro. John Alexander of \Vilsmi Lodge, Toronto; and plan“ solos by Mr. (I. Brown of McKL-esport. Mrs. J. B. McLean presided ut the piano for the voculists. One of the most pleasing social events ever held bore was brought to it close by singing “ Auld Lang Syne.” The proceeds of the concert. on Christmas night amounted to $47. Every number on the programme wns \vell render and the drills and marches Were particularly interesting. The ziiiiiual Christmas Tree and I concert in connection with St. Andrew's Suhbuth School will he held I on Friday evening. A good time isI ex PCIt’d. Vhilv siugn-iugr ii fowl lust Sutuidiiy, rs. \V. .‘llauliewsun‘s dress caught. fire. Fortunately, lll‘l‘ husband who was at. the burn heard her sci-e.iiii.~:,‘. TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current rates. Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK Bovr’rnnr‘ JOHN \VALTER MCDON‘ Phono Main 311. I ALD Mr. McDonald will beat THE LIBER- AL Office, Richmond Hill, every Sat lll'dily afternoon. IASNEWTON ISSUEB MARRIAGE LICENSES, E LGIN 3111414933 or. TE E FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC, oomnxaswrznum THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, fie. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Coiivcyzincer, eic. Insurance: Fire and Life. Richmond Hill :ind camio and extinguished the fiuuwu‘, l but. not, before her arm and side were I mdly burned. I Mr. ('hus. Urquhart iiuuinger (if the , Sterliiig‘r Bunk lu-ro left ()ll Suturng to trike charge of the brunch at , lixbridgm Mr. i‘. F. hiillnr, uiniiiiger ' (it 'l‘lioriihill, has been appointed ‘ iiizuiiiger hero. -â€"â€"«-vv-v Reprint, News-llvruld;~“'l"hcrc is sit least om- effectual. safe, and reliable Cough Cureâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s-fithnt we ro- , est child. For years, Dr. Shoop hit- tvrly opposed the use of opiule m- llill‘l’OllCS in lllt'dil’lllt‘, (ifi'oring $ll) poi- drop to any one. iiiidiiig Opium, Chlor- (lfl‘l'lll, or nin poisonous or narcotic igrediuiit in Dr. Shoop‘s Cough (,‘ure. ' And the challenge is :is yet \lllklli$\\'i‘l’- , Here is one lll-‘lllllfiu'tllllllg physi~l Reserve $10,000,000 Capitol $14.4mmol emu, who welcoim-d with much saris. . faction, the Il(‘\\' Govm-iiiiiont Pure 1 Food and Drug: I,iiw. Thz‘ public can now protect iisl-lt‘nt :ill llllH‘S,"l)y in. sistiiig,r on having llr. h'liliop‘s. when a cough reiiwdy is needed. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Mayor Cmiisworth, Mesms. R. B1 NobleJame:LindanziiidJniiirsO‘Huru are the (wiiididnhs for the Toronto Muyorulty. Department ntion given h Farmers’ Sale Humid, tlio bi-t-tlirl-Ii ropnired to the . Locke. lmwi once Kn‘i'for, Russel Robb, Elwood Sid Morton, Grove l’nrtoi‘, 231':ng \'.â€" Gertie Locke. Senior lV.~â€"Ri‘illy Kof’fei‘. Junior IV.â€"â€"(‘vor~.i Jackson, Ross Kef'fvr, Edna. Corn R rod, Albvrt. \Yillinnis, (flow. I‘ll”). V\'illiu.iiis. Senior Iil.-«-Frniik Mmton. Junior Ill.“ \Vui‘ieii \Yhitmorv‘. Smith, Milly \Viiigcr, Loni-:1 Fr:in Locke, “Pull \Vhiiiiioio, .liiii Aiming. Senior II.â€"â€"Edg:ir \Villizniis. .Iimior Il.â€"I{(vss Anderson, Gordon Anderson. Alvin Robb. (’ail “'iiiger, Norman \\'illi:uiis. Ednr Aiming. Part. ll.»a‘.\(i?l. Robb, Roy anfnr, Elsworth Ki-lfer, Lilly Lyon. Part .1 Anne \Viii r‘l‘. Part I. B.â€"â€"All:1n.‘imith, Max Smith, Mnx Smith. Humid \Villiuiiis, [mum Aiming, VVi min: Iii-bl), l‘lilZ'd Morton, A. ~ Joe Krfl’ei', McImui extended a warm welcome to John buidvr, Albert Gibbons. 4.. To have beautiful, perfect. pink, velvet-like lips, :ipply ELL bedtime .1 light routing of Di. Shoop‘s Green Salve. Thou, next morning, iii-tic!- (huefuliy the effect. Dry, cracked, or colorless lips menu fevri'isliiivss, and are as well ill appearing. Ilr. Slinop’s Green Salve is a soft, Cl‘f‘flhly, ointment, that will quickly r-ori'i-i-L :my skin blemish or ailment. (ii-L n free tiinl box at. our store and bi- cou- vincml. Large, Glues Jars, :25 cr-uls. \V. A. Sanderson. â€"‘O Thornhill. On (‘hristiuus eve the annual Sub- hzith School eutertniuim-ui iiiid Christ~ mus tree was hold in the Presbytmi n rhui-ch. The church was well filled and a very enjoyable- time was spent. After ten an excellent programme. Consisting of songs, dialogues, and l'l'L‘ithlhlls, was rendered by the choir and scholars. At. the close of the. pro- griiniuie, Miss Ida. Kirby read an ad- dress to the pastor from the congre- gation and Mr. \Vin. Bruiuwell pre- si-iited him with u well-tilled purse. Mr. Grant, who was tukon completely by surpiise, tliiinkod the congregation for (his~ and other kind expressions of the love niid nod will which this ziiid the Richmond Hill congregation were continually showing to him and his family. «\flerlhe presentation of the beautiful gifts from the tree :i niosci I enjoyable iiieetdiig \VHS brought to a close by singing the (luxology "Praise God from \Vhom :ill Blessings Flow.” The following is the addiess: "Mr. Grout, Drm- I’nstoi'-â€"\Ve, the luv")- hols of the Thoriihill Presbyterian church, wish to extend to you zllld Mrs. Grunt. this Christiims eve, our ilt‘tll'fiest Christiiizis greetings. \Ve (“Ullsidl'l‘ this it most fitting occasion to SIIHW in a. small esteem for you. \Ve llzive E\vl‘ found you faithful and C(itlstrllllt, and by your cheerful and pin-wing iii-inner it his been It great. delight to us to measure our hiinI [Single copies, 3 cts. AGAINST THE Ladies’ Home Journal. Sending truth utter a lie. It. Is an old maxim that. "a. lie wlll travel seven leagues while truth is getting its boots on," and no doubt hundreds of thousands of good people read the Unwarmiitcd and malicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce and his “ Favorite Prescription " published in the May (1904) number of the Ladies” Home Journal, with its great black dis- play headings, who never saw the bumâ€" tile. grovellng retraction. wlth its incon- spicuous heading, published two months later. It. was boldly charged In the slum]- erous and libelous article that. Dr. Plcrce’s Favorite Prescription, for the cure of woman’s Weaknesses and ailments, con- tained alcohol and other harmful ingredi- ents. Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit. against. the publishch of the Ladies’ Home Journal, for 520000030 damages. Dr. Pierce alleged that, Mr. Bok, the editor, maliciously published the article containing uch false and defamatory ' the intent. of lnjuring his busui urthermorc, that, no alcohol, or other. jurious. or habit-forming, drugs are. or er vere, contained in his “Fu- voriie iption "; that. said medicine m native medicinal roots and \v om certl e 1:1 I c mmm- eedl .. esc facts were a so prover] In t - 0 ma - 0 action In the Supreme Court. But, the business of Dr. Pierce was greatly injured by thr- publication of the libelous article wnh iis great. display headings. while hundreds of thousands who read the wickedly defamatory article never saw the humble grovelirig re- traction. set In small type and made as incon- splruous as possible. The matter was, how- ever brought before a jury m the Supreme Court of New York State which promptly rendered a verdict in the Doctor’s favor. Thus his traducers came to grief and their base slanders Were refuted. ++++*Â¥+++~’r+++++++++ ++++++++. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++~l~++++++++++++++++++ Insure Your Life I IN THE iLondon & Lanca- ‘shire Life Ass. 00. have you going in and out amongst, us. \Vc ask you to acrrvpt of this token of our deep regard for you. with our player that. you may be long spur- vd to continue to hl'etlk brand of life. \Ve also hope that our fllLllIt‘. associations may llt‘ equally as happy as the post. of the congregation. -..~â€"-â€"-â€"â€" ws HOPPING Shopping is a. form of cruelty iii- dulgod by married Indies toward their husbands. It is incipient in young szirls, roaches an active condition in brides, and arrives at. its most, virulent betwwu the tenth and the twenty-five year of married life. A small, delicate, slight, nervous, scu< sitive woman, who wuuld faint nway at an empty mousiutrup, will go ithrougll the- shopping district In from two to St:\‘(‘ll lll‘rlll'~‘,‘»jlll(l come out refreshed and sustained by :in liiii‘dltvr- illg trust, if lll'l' husband's credit is gutld, while that gentleman sit the end ot’ fortyâ€"five iiiinutvs has to he curried home on n strolvhvr, Some \voiiis-u are born shoppers, others m-hievo it, but not one of thnm has it thrust upon her. Shopping is extensively practised on week days, lwgiiiiiing on Monday . . . . With a rimli lllld ending on Saturday in Lime for the opera. It promotes industry. \Villiout it. ' lllhl'l‘lo‘tl men Delineutor. RICHMOND LODGE MAKE MERRY The iiieiiibors of Richmond Lodge, A. I“. {C A. M., llaid u. very pleasant time :it their Lodge meeting on Chiist- iiius Eve. After routine llllsllll’h‘? uiid , :Ul initiation the lodge “closed down‘ Mild i‘rl'reshineuts were St‘l'Vl’d. After refreshments, with \V. Bro. Lumoii iii the chair, speeches fullmvwl from nearly all present. Bio. violin. Logge, Thomson. Moodiw .‘llld ('nwir‘. The brethren dispersed slioilly ilfll'l‘ midnight, by all joining in singing Auld Lung Syne and {he Nziiioiml Anthem, Songs were \w-ll rvudrn-d by‘ ' V. \V. Bro. Newton and Bios. “Wight. ‘ to us the, 8a“) "3 Smlm’lv- MP“ 1"“ “I” )‘vung- i would have time to l‘l'Si.â€"â€"Tllt‘ January i I I l I i l I McKee-bids: gave some L‘X'it‘lll’llt selections on [hr-i I I i I l 5N 5. Glass I Signed on behalf 1 The London inncushire has been proven to be one of the best profit paying com- panies doing business. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++»:‘+-:~+++-:-+ ++++++++++++++é+d~{-++++-Z‘%%+ ll laden-takers a Embarlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL Alul'gc stockof Funeral Furnishings kept at, both piuc s. I. ii IW‘IIN Pianist Inst: lll‘iilln iii Plano-i In 'ill" and :7 Theory l’upil of .‘L. ‘.' .‘ilvis. Dun, (I’iniioi, and .I. ll. Aug: 1, I“. it. I ‘oryi.

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