Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1906, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL. 27. 1906 -' l P3533 MgiiiERLESS 9353!. mm omniiw as sax Til I?! A Touching Stcry as Told in a Letter to The Toronto Globe. To the Editor of The Globe : Simâ€"I ask for space in your columns to quote from n. lctlcr rccciw-d at. this office For obvious rcnsons I do not give the . name. The letter l‘(':l.tl32â€"“l have a. sail case to present; to you. Twelve yours ago a. mothcr dird. lcaving six small children, the eldest eight- years old and tho youngest an infant. My mothcr took tho rldmt and ki-pt her until my mother's (loath. Then the young girl went clerkng on small wages. Last. year Slit: contractcd a. cold of which she has "over been free. and Bill! has been unable to work since last January. She. is 'ust nineteen years old. Kindly tel me. how to {It‘llCCPll to got. her into the Muskoka "roe Hospital for Consumptivcs." 'l‘ln‘ sad part of it is this letter is: only one of manyâ€"«like pathetic and np~ poolingâ€"that are being received daily y the. writer. Fifty-live patients nrn in rcsidcnce in the Muskolm I-‘reu llnspitiil U)-d;ly. Seven hundred and thirty-eight have boon cared for since the hospital was opened in April. 1802. In place of fifty we could care for one hundrod if the needed monry for number-.4an was at the disposal of lhe trustees. Perhaps some of your rendors have seen the following earnest statement in Dr. Lawrence F. Flick's valuable book, “Cimmiiiiption. u Preventable nod (hirable I}iseaso":â€"“Couid the consumpl-ives of any givcn community be. 560:! at. one time or pass in p'ino- mum. before the people. public consci- ous‘noss of the magnitude of tho ul‘l‘lic- lion might be aroused. A physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose the sympathy of millions. A few thousand deaths are nothing as com- parml’ with the deaths from Consump- 'ion.‘ The appeal of (he trustees of tho Na- tional .Sinilnrium Association is on behalf of the consumptivos of lhc lTo- minion. fill!) of whom die in Toronto annually, 3,000 in Ontario, 8.000 in the Dominion. This poor, molhcrlcssx girl is one of the many sulfcrcrs of to-ilny. banking you in anticipation for inâ€" sertion of letter. believe me, very truly yours. .T. S. Robcrlson, RF-crrlury N;- tinn-il Sanitarium Asenrizuicn. 29 Adi-hide strroi “‘crt, Toronto. (“onl’rihntion:§ marv hr sum in ‘ ‘Vm. R. Morwlii Kt. Osgood" ‘ Tornp I) or to 2‘ . W ' hug", A; . Front nLill‘Qt \VLJ. .Lk/A\Il1‘.0. MW If “taken at. the Sneeze Sta A" Pro ventics-ar loathsome candy nhlrtâ€" will surely and quickly check an ap- prnnching cold or Lagrippc. When you first catch coldâ€"or feel it coming onâ€"tuki- Dr. Shoop’s Prevrntics. and the prompt (effect will certainly sur- prise and please you. PrrvontiCS, surely supply the proverbial “ounm- of prevention." Sold in 5 nvnt iind 25 cent boxes by \V. A. Sanderson. _ i‘.o_â€"â€"â€" M CULURE‘S FOR 1907. In the Januiu y numhcr of McCluro‘s will begin the lifu of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the history of the Christian Soicnce Movamont. For thc first. (inw a complctc. impiutial and true story of Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science is Lu be hadâ€"it will run throughout the- year. Carl Schurz’s Heiniuiscencos of a long life will he continued. \V'illimn Allcn \Vliitc. Sninurl. Hopkins Admins. Burton J. Hrndrick and Gi-nrgc Kibbo 'l‘uiin-r will also contribute to MrClm-e's powerful Hl‘Lll‘ll‘fi on [)l'cSl-‘lli day topics. conditions and men (If national inlori-st. George Kennnn who \vun his spurs by his rcnn-rluihlr scrim mi Siberia and Russia’s Exile System has been added to Mclllnrc‘s anf’f. Ellen Trt'l y rnntrihnlre an intimate history of the English dranm of our day. This writing Looms with anecdotrs and incidents frl-in the lives of great. actors whom she know intimately. from those dmll. siniusingand intcrrst- ing huppi-nings we can understand why thvse men and Women of genius bo- Cllnlt‘ loved and famous. For the story tenders products of all McClurc'n fiction fuvm-itcs will appear and a lat-gr number of writers who ll:l\‘£‘ "hit" wm-ntlv. Illustrations of nle and llli‘llt will also ciiutiibutu thl'll' share and add to tho :iulhui's produc- tions and enhance llu- writing“ and stories by scores of pictures and illus- trations in evrry iasuo. --.._.â€"_. C:itm'rh of tho ncso and throat s‘iuuld loud you to at least :isk 1r.- fnr . a free trizil hux of Dr. Shonp's Cuttui h l Curr. Nothing so surely pim'cs inci it ‘ as ~i. real, :u‘tuul twatâ€"mid Dr. Slump, . tn prove thia‘, ournrntly (‘ll‘Sll'L‘S illnl i we 19!. you muko that. (rat. Thisi crummy. Snow Whitc hemling l):ilui.§ soutle the throat. and nostrils, and ‘ quickly purifira a foul or fo-vcrish: lurvnth. Call and invcnligutr. \‘v'. A. 5 Sanderson. _ v r __ A _ BUSINESS l'IDUCATI N i “'9 direct the altts‘ntion of our: readers to tho ud\‘(‘l‘lls“ilil‘1:t of lhl‘_ pnpulnr Elliult Business \‘ullt‘qr‘ (-f ’l‘ornntu, a school that is growing groan-r yr-ur by yrar nnd is well‘ worthy of pal-runugv. Principnl. Mr. :ilogue- of his srlmol. The Term opens Jun. 2nd. \Vinter ' l l VVI'iL‘.‘ (0 the l W. J. Ellintt fa r a. cut-f W. H EW I SO N HOUSE PAlh'l‘ER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND llll.L FARMERS TAKE NOTECE Have just nrizingcd with tho Vrti‘r- l‘ inm‘y Specially (In. to $011 the follow. ‘ ing rcnu-dies: Stork Tunic and Blood Purifier. lndigcstinn and (‘olii- (lurc, Spavin Uurc. “'orm l’cwili-rs. (‘nnglil Remedy. Poultry Tonic. IJIHSI' Dmilli Antiscrptic Healing Oil, Spl'nin Emul- siou, Black Oil. llonvo it’lll‘f. Lump Jaw Curr, Aplimdiaiac and Anti-Slur~ ile Powders, Dim-rhomi (Turn for (hulls i and Calves, Leaking NuVul d5 Joint Discasr. Vinizant 8.: \Vnring. Vctminury Sur- 'geons. twrutyvlivc )‘czus of practical experience. A coupon in (Ivory parking» entitling the holder to Fret» Vi-lri-jnni-y Advice. For 52110 F. J. PETITICK 81 SUN. The Live chcrul A gents {a after A Shortlinnd or Divot-strep _ all tho nnnoi you Hlmlt-l nt Culinary. iBook-kcepin-g. the Mn. Invtlniv‘s vnt 'liscovor scusnn. Don't. Army. Egt'iiifiil Emailing! gliifiiucfifi 433911995: You rd Auction Sales. tea'l’nrlivs‘ {xi-Hing: :invlinn \‘ulr hills priniwl :u. ’l‘nr‘. l.inir.i:_\i. (mire will rr- ccivc :i unlit-c. >iniilnr tn ln-luw up in (litll‘ (if szili- fl‘l‘l- of i-hnigv. A rlizirgv (If 50 (7l‘lllS will lw null'lv For nnlim-s when bills are not l31'llll(‘ll :it. this union. \VICDNESDAY. dun. summit horscs. purc-brml Yorkshirc hugs. imphrtcd nnd homo hl’l'(l nl' choir-mt rpmlily. milk rows, rim, lln- prnpclly nl' ll. S: Frisli)‘, Viclnriu Squnio. Sale iii mn- nrlm‘k. .1. ll. l’in-Iilicv. :Hn'lium'cr. \VHDNEHUAY. Jun. 2#Frcsh milk (rows, spiinge-rs. and young culllc, :il Pulmcr lluux‘i- Yards. Richmond Hill. SHIP anZ. Terms, 3 mos. Snigccn & (7f Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Gunrantcrd. ' W325? I 1‘ ii you; GEE? ' . rcid (iii; :4; the err-E pcriences of angleis, illCC‘i- nl sis and campers, or ya. h:â€" 1111; (ll ‘ Adventuro " ‘ Lue lll-E ask your ne‘~,vs..-:;.lcr :1».- . R E “FOREST AND'S : 0 us twentyâ€"five cents I’ for four weeks hial trip. A ‘ i journal of shooting, fishing, min" ll hisâ€" new depart- _- ment has to C o u n t r y Home and its ' Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for _; We send 5 free on re~ catalogue of gt h e b e s t if yru§ “ 0 tercstcl in couner life. Wit ‘ ' STREAM." or send large illustrated Weekly tory and yachting. A do with the i surroundings. six months. quest our books on ould cor life and i'cCrcaiiC-n. adwa y, New York. g3 INTERESTING ' lNSTRUCTlVE. “ain‘tth tinglin- °§nw in 1152 it.” A MONTHLY lilAGAZlNE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGIJSE. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER. Editm. â€"â€"_â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" Partial contents for this Month. Course in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase Sue's Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Should and \Vould: How in use them. l’roiiunciutimH {Century Dictionary) Tori-cut English in the Hume. Correct English in the School. \tht lo my and “'hnt Not to Say. ,; FOREST AND STREAM PUB. coj Mclfiwcn, :iucls. â€"â€"â€"‘4¢‘â€"v~â€"â€"fi Pilm grt quirk rrlirf from Dr. Slump‘a Magic ()inlnwnt. anwinlwr it's made alone for lr‘ilvslwand it works with I'Pt'tuinty and sat infliction. ll( l)- ing, painful, protruding, ul' lulind pilos disappcnr like magic by its usr. Try it and sec! \V. A. Sundvrson. Mb. 2‘ J in ‘. -Ҥ "'6 .- .'. ‘..“.‘(i l. ' . ' . ‘: 'iEu: ' ‘i“. l 2.11‘. 55 . .(-2:~n v il..i1‘. \ ‘ J . *2 1i ‘s'rr .5 i‘ ' ‘ gr .‘r' : tron... - r5 also hm u .= u medicine, ’31-. ‘erlcd to . . 1t. bit heart in: . strung Iii- nil] harp 52mm; Hm _ . i. .. n-zhm (1.9.x; nervcs~r;â€"c:2:.b ': .u 8.3 Laudud. \witii Having purchased the above business from H. \Vinger 81 Son I am prepared )to give every satixfacliou‘to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- 0011150 in Lrtlcr-lVi-iting11nd l’unctu Bred at lowest market price” :iliun. Alphnlu-lic list of .‘ihln‘miutinns. Business lingiixh fur the Business Mun. hunprund \Vl-ids: Hmv li‘. \Yrilc Tin-in. Studies in English Literature. ..__.â€"â€"m- Agents Wanted. SLOO a year Send ll) cents im Sample Copy, CORRECT ENGLISH. Evaiisto a, ll]. HIGH SCHOOL RE - OPEN INC The Richmond ITillâ€"lligh Sci-ml will holiday, Jam. 7, 1907 Fun for thr coming: lot-m $3.0“. (inud luxud c.u‘i ln- laud :u'. l8:l>(‘il.’llli!‘ tales. l‘upilmnr nrgrd to by pron-NJ: on: tho day of ugh-hing. Pan 1.. S: nilr l.r>:i\'iiig Wink will he taken up. ROBT. SllA\V. B. A. l’, GEO. MCDONALD Chaiiinun Board of Education Arum. rn: than wan wrlta :.- Murmur“. Mum work wh"h "I!" vwn do. and lurcAl humeJ man (70!: S" to {i pet ' Sam» tun -= In s 4" Either :rX. yn- cl-l l‘npual ‘ v-r-s'arwd rice 1.»: um Ile‘ n: on“ Jul: for-Lima. A'.‘ a not. - u nu: ‘ \..l' 2vii-id. Maincnfiil mt. v-s ‘ h-u will ;,uy - \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hill Station, G. T. K, every \Vednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. cement. A. B. HALL ; For Sale 1 A quai‘. l'lll n. puit of w i Luslmy: tht' l'l‘lllilllitlk‘l‘ at int 1 con Markham. ‘ Apply to .‘1. R. ELSOX l.:in§z<t:lff i). l). *Logr ., ., ., ..nd lgu l A lilind ling containing a sum of mono}: was lmt on tho lilgin Mills side-line {Markham} on ‘ ' 'iziglit. Tln- lindor will icwnttlcd hv lc;i\ ing “mp 21'. 'THE l.l Bl‘LRAI. OFFI I‘Y.‘ x... l Khan; Tabules: at drugglsu. Rinans 'l‘a bules cure flatulence. Rin'ans Tabulpe. Kipans Tabules cure muses. Got. clitulogua a: (ll)"li mm ntczm. Have just received a car of. 'l‘hoi'nhill P. (}., lily hf building timbrr for1 hich i~‘ alt tln- mill ailv. v In}; Dipllmu noursn wuli uc unvl in l'n» 211‘? HR inn-nthd, Si\\'i u do Riv \Vlilil l’iiilmn Sillii‘llljliJ in'i lilirlt System ((1. “Hr Girls an; Bins m'i'lll l -l 2W luminous 21:. .\Illl:.--s. ll. ialiillillll’Sfil‘l .i 796 EON GA; :m Fur iii A pair of Lady's lv‘ui (Liuntlcls found. Apply :il THE SlNlll‘iil (H'l‘ll‘l‘l {ii-lmumrl Hill 9. 3 l l High St luml. Hiciinmn-l llill ;fni'inntion :ipply in ' .l.\ Ml'ln' Nllf\\"l‘lli‘~l, IB-t f ;M E‘t‘ROPOi .i lDIVISIoN Exlm smvil-n “ill llic tiny lit-flu.“ Kiln-H. l (hirlm [)1'4‘. 223. 21. Hill i Dim. "' lmuing Nwilli J). .-I ll. llw l'ui-nntn l l DWJ. 22, 21, and 235. CHAS. L. \\'ll,\'llN. Skating Rink (\chilhl-r pm milling) Saturday night. “or. LEA-Skating. 'l‘uvsdny, l)vc. :5 morning and :ufti-rnnun. night. skating. Sntuidny night. Doc. 29~Sknling. afternoon, skating. l ADMISSION in.; for skaters from 2 to 5 p. in. mission. 50.; skating at night. mission 100. «yr» v .’.-:v @rilifih glut-rimu igllfilili‘fifi deluge g 33‘". Q3. iii. “giliii, “gang? '» & ‘fgllrditl My. Enrnnlu OlJest from Jun 2. 1907. Enter any time. Excellcnt rcsulls guaran- teed. Catirloguo and lcssons in business writing ft't'O. T. lil. WATSGN, principal ++++++++ ALARli’i CHECKS + +4"? . 'k- + Nickle Alarms,â€"â€" convenient clock 21 and fair timekeeper, will last about eight years and give satis~ +â€"i~+~i-++++++-:~++-i.~z-+++++++-:~i~+++4-4-+~x«i~z~+~l-++4-:-i->;~:-++-2»i~++++ faction. Price 1.10. The genuine ta-too alarm for $2.15 JERRY Shii’i‘i’l PRACTlCAL \l’ATCHfilAl‘LER ++++++++++++++++++ fro 3 $1.58 til gamma 11 x . .‘éii'aifllll‘k. . In). ‘ FBrA'Séie. Rent llwuw :inzl lnl, iinm: liinlvly smith of For in- llilgin Mill“. |)ni\‘iiliul in] mi .len :t lfilhl“ l‘luli~l.‘l)'. :Il. ' 11.30 p. in.: and .1 lull“ l‘nr i'ruln Nl‘\\'- lnul'kvt. lini' 'i‘liilvliltl I‘ll lllc'Sl‘ nights: 'l''li(~ Munngvr. "fiichniéiifi m ' liilii’éai Maurine ((7HlllSTMAS)â€" cmling: 'l'ucsdny, Jun. lstâ€"mnrning, curling: FOR SKATERS, 106. On and after Tuesday, Jun. 8, and ouch Tuesday tln l't’llfit‘l‘. the rink will be upon for hockey from 12.15 [n 2 p. Ad- 100.: also every Saturday evening, ad- . W ++++++++++++++ +++++++1 bléfiéfi? T Lion of choice Christmas gifts lo 8 fo r e p ur- chasin g else- W h e r e. N o trouble to Show you. Dolls and Toys Periumc bragging Sages Manicure. Sets Gold Spectacles Pipes Choice Shocolates Shaving Sets and we (33.11 will be happy to Show you. + i-++++~§-++++++++++++++++++~$ >3¢++++++++++++¢++++++++++++ 'l‘

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