Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1906, p. 5

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X “Ii-ISM r‘y uf (Hm ( 'scnvm-y Lu tlw pr 1\ (Arcivr McMuHe-n has bven "(lde [u thi_' week , th~- gif Bar. \Vill Tlonch Ir“: M‘s \vm-k ull lh day; lhv lullel' h illness. “'1‘ hupe I recover tune after l lion stmin. expect-ed are Alex. and T. H. Lennux (‘mut l' {’1 iduy (-‘H-ctinn will be $0 Christmas (and post curds. ink {UBIIULiH pt-HS. The Thornhill Methodist S. S. are holding their usual oyster supper on New Year’s Day. The entm-L..innwnl will be one of the best, uf the season. The Rev. G. A. Mitchell of Tux-mum will preach the annh ersary svuuun: on December 30. A large and \vnll» marked thz- schmul tree given hy Mr. Thursday evening. fleets on lhtml' u-h ergy intn the work. Bov. A. P. at Kettlehy, mnnster Lor churchvs uni day and (:10 evidenth mu The pupils of tho I Srlmnl pn-svnlvd theix ‘ L. Hfirriwm with ulnln'vllu The‘nunua] nmvting of the Markhaz Township Conservative Asmwiatin will be held at Uniouvillv on Selturda 0f this week. commencing at, 2.3( Alnong the pmminonL Causal-vulin (peeled :u-e Alex. McGowan M. P. P. Our farmer renders and nthvrs who (10 not. take an (121in newspaper should not miss our speciul nfi'er for the \Veekly Globe. That paper. wit-h its illustrated magazine part. will be sent to the end uf 1907 to any «lddl'L‘SS fur 25 cents. Order at, this office. The Xmas Tree Entertainment at Handful-d Methodlst chm-ch un Satur- day evening. was all that could be de- sired. The music. the tree. the en- thusiasm, the presents, the szl'PutS. and Santa Ohms, \verotllere. Grth credit is due to those who Sn ably pro: duced the happy results. Before the close the preacher was introduced to a fine. fut gnsso. LIBERAL every Thlusdny with n. 1907 calendar. As We have a larger number than are required for the. house delivery we slml} be plmsed tn give any of our subscribers a calendar by calling at, the office for 0119, as long as the supply lusts. A hwy; mest-lv night. Hill Ufilco. The closing exercisvs uf Ml: Lk-u'is Nicols’ schnnl, (m the 3111, were rare- fully prepared, and greatly 8|)thde by all. The prultily-dvcm-nled schmrl house, and the unique programme. meant work for some one. Rev. Mr. Gumt- as com‘oner of the General Assembly’s Committee on the disbrihuLiun of pmluLlinuws attended the quarterly lllé'l‘lillg‘ in Hamilton last Thursday. A great nmny Vacant congregations were reported but few men to supply them. The prayer of our people in all our churches should be “Lm-d send more young men into the ministry." Mr. J. H. has hum: l-u: lumlwr fur erected at l 11 Hill. Mrs. Pretty. mother of D. Pretty nf \Vhitchurch. ' pussod to her reward on Monday. in her QIst year, greatly heloved by all who know her. She will be buried m-day (Thursday) at, Aurora cemetery. after service at Bethesda church, alt 12.30 p. 11). Rev. A. P. Bruce, am old fx-mnd 0f the family“ wilAl. by her special request. family. will. I} preach 1161‘ [um Master Gordon Sloan will make his best bow New Year‘s morning, and Eresent those to xflmm he deliygrs TEE On Monday evening next. Slst. the Epwox-th League sex-vice will be com- bined with \Vatch‘night service, Comâ€" mencing at 10.30;). m. and closing at 19.05 a.m.. Jun. 1, 1907. Mr. W. Trench and Mr. R. Shaw will give addresses. Special music is being prepared. The pustnriwilltakcthemeeting. Everyone will be heartily welcmned tn the service “to watch the Old Your out and the New Year in." 3337118 iiiiiamai. s tn be Mr. J. I‘urnntu LnI-lw B RICHMOND Hm \IE Do not nNic 1 By mistake Lhot H. C(mwntinn :m-d inst wen-k h Ln be Fchluux-y (H I; () (7 mt fuil tn 1 Library :19 cvo’ninx P. Brace will spmd Sunday 3y, where he will iUldI'Câ€"‘SS u Local QpLiun Rllly, all the uniting in the «that (m that clusing their sex-vices. They mean business. [In nvw slnLi ’Ilt‘h bunk Re-v. \V. S. u the circuit last Sunâ€" er living ‘prvrouted hy npe Mr. Irwin WM 5001) key the heavy examina- am In t‘lu Lht 1g. Much on who put Sn m ny ‘4 v \v nuls. pl-nc . at THE ate of tho Cu tn he hvld how he Jam 21. MCL M. I 191' speci sermon. .1," ham [[5 h' apt, time. by Ju in fwu \(Ilum 1nd skaters enjnymi rink Chrisunus USIII of the Markham we Assvciatinn i119 on Saturday encing :IL 2.30, HI] Public. Liiza l kind fl'ivm ‘lllgk‘tilfi Puhlh lmrhvr Miss M lickc \inm in ])v( n's sn much an In its first unlnudiu llm' [H h will mm rgrmnme nd Xmas IhHIll on hem! “HI muty [906 ht tnn the Ill The PulilicZLihrmy Entertainment. Committee have secured Mr. J. Stuhhs nf Pfiterhorungl), to given stereopticon entertainment in the Masonic Hall next, Tuesday ovenng (Nt'\V Ymu-’s). The nmnngm- has promised the lwst entertaimnent ever presented to the puhlic. lie has a. large number of movingpictures,andwillgivesolections on thephnnngl aph emhmcing celebrat- ed bands, orchestras, violin. clarinnette :md piccolo solos, qmu-tettes and illustx-atvd songs. The operator will give the story of Evangeline which is highly edlicntivv. He will also give the story uf John Tyson. Mr. Stuhhs will Show many new scmws, includingr some frum Niagara. Admission 25 cents, Children 1-." cents. The annual misxiunm-y services in the Methodist, chm-ch on Sunday will beef exceptional interest. Rev. \V. F. Adams, M. D.. D. D. 8.. fivsh from the important centre of Sz Chuun. \Vest China, will givc vital touch with that work. Ruv. C. E. Perry of Tu- l-nntn. will puma}; at 10.30; at. Patter- son at 2.30; and at Victoria Square at 7. 'Dr. Adams will preach at, Head- fnrd at 10.30; Victuria Square at, 2.15; and here at 7. Subscriptions will be taken on behqu nf missions allrluy. lmL filli HI'. (h ln'rlny vvm his lwd i funvml ye hy l'chlliv and here at 7. Subscriptions will be taken on behalf nf missions allrluy. The chuir will give specially suitable music. PRES BYTERIAN SA BBATH SCHOOL ENTERTAIN MENT A beautiful night and a. good pro- gramme- ln-nught a large gathering to the (lhristums Entertainment of the Presbytm-inu Sabbath School which was held on Friday evening. The school room was beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers, and the Christmas Tree hung with many beautiful gifts. A programme con- sisting of choruses, dialogues, and songs was very pleasantly rendered. The doll song by the infant class .of girls was exceedingly Well done. The pastor gave a. short, address congrat- ulating the teachers and scholars on the work done during the year. In due time an idml Santa Claus stopped on the platform carrying a fine tuikoy which he presempd to Mr. Grant, then with a band of willing workers he gave bags of candies to the scholars and varivus other gifts to old and young. Great. crwiit, reflects on all who did what, they cnuld to g»: up one of the best Suhhzlth School entertain- ments we have had for years. Mr. Pauline made 11 gnod chairman. \V< newxpupe-x account I Unncerb'” l‘l \Vm‘ Kf-iL lw-k plum The-1'me gund citizens shullM not be present. and take part in Ihf‘ proceedings. \Ve would suggest lhnt the cunncil pmvide a larger rnnm than the council cham- bt'l' fur the nomination. HENDnYâ€"Mlx'rnxâ€"At the residence of the bride’s bx‘uthPx‘. vatnn Brook, rm “’ednesday the 26th December by Rev. J. A. Grant, James Hendry to Edn:1,d:mghter of Mr. \\'illium Hinton. KERSWILDâ€"SMITHâ€"AL the residch of the bride‘s parents, Richmund Hill, on Dec. 215. 1906, by the Rev. L. H. Kirkby. Aumrn, Edith Mny, eldest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith to Charles Kurswiil, Elgin Hills. ELLm'rrâ€"A Decemher 2.2 Lieutennm of aged 67 years. In (11 lII [H mi u-k with. fumer resident. \VE «pct-71hth Mi; g next uninutim 111ml trus I. “R w ROBERT ELLIOTT'S DEATH Mr. Rnbvr Ellintt, for mnnv you] spec-[rd I‘v‘s‘idl'llt and wall km k x-vcvnt number nf n. Cmnplxellfm‘d .Vspilpt'l' contains an interesting mum of n succesJul “Switch nuex-L‘” giwn by the Young wmmz‘s Mission Bnnd, of which Miss M). funnerly uf this place, is Psidvnt. “"9 mm! in the same 'wr'lhut Misx Kvilh who has been r-hing in Vmmphellful‘d goes to nfm-w after thv hnlirlnys at a Hillary $400 with annual increase of $25 lore than m-d lbtless lw tukvn lllllb' e are hers n hand RHSSIONARY SERVICES mink-l. NOMINATIU nun-d hurl" NEW YEA R‘S NIG HT fut {Alp their S sh VICTORIA SQUARE .‘ll fi n1 m m-dmnry interest will 0 tukvn in the public meet- Mumlay evening for the I nf rem o. (:nuncillnrs. and UPS. This is as it should 9 no I'Pnsnn why our resi- ers. ;L~ well as :11] other In shnllM not he px'esmlt. in :Smcv, ‘ Gm] fl't Ht MARRIAGES 9 made many a. nlly the minister’s wning will long all present. .msml Lu see that; Olll‘ talking n]an interest. in ir slurp? for Xnms. Mr. lm-ked \ m-y nice indeed lnt (If fnwl and a lovely [0 snld about. 1.200th. of ‘, ducks. and chickens; give Mr. Frank Hopper muting Lbc shop up so (It) t his home at Jelfersnn, Robert. Ellmtt, J. R, the Oak Ridges Trump, DEATHS N MEETING. for m:an yours a and well knmvn Miss B. Redditt, Messrs. E. H. and R. Rvddltt, Toronto. and Messrs. F. R. and E. G. Redditt. Barrie, spent Xmas with Mrs. B. Redditt. Mr. \Valter‘ Frisliy of Victoria Square who is attending the Normal College spent, Christmas afternoon with Mr. Stum- McMahon. . Mrs. Carver who rmnoved here from Victuria Square- a shun; time ago had a paralytic smoke a few days ago. and still lies in :1 very Weak condition. Mr. M. Ransom went. to Newman-lief, yestmduy to see his lvrothmu Mr. Alf. Rnnsnm, who was Severva injured by coming in contact with a live wire. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Smith and little daughter of Leamington are spending an fe_‘\\j_duy§‘in Lowg' the gugstg of My. Mr. Kai-1 Qunntz who had an attack cf typhoid in the North-\Vest recently is t-v‘gnining his strength at the home nf his father, Mr. Arthur Quuntz. near Langsmt‘f. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bmwn spent Christmas with their son. Mr. Mar- shall Brown, in Toronto. Mr. Osmmm \Vright of Buffalo, Miss Marie Dunkirk of Detroit and Mr. Rnscue Campbell of Bi-noklyn, have been making a visit at; Richmond Villa. and Ml‘SjThOlluLS Hoppei the farmer’s sister. Mr. J. J. Kvnnm'sley, Toronto, spout Saturday with his brother, Mr. John Kennm'sley. Mr.& Mrs. A. Thompson and two children also spent Christina day with Mr. Kennersley. ~ Mr. James 'Wx-ight of Regina is home on a visit. Miss L. Harrison of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents. Mr. F. 1". Harrison. 3. student at the Onmn‘in Normal College at, Hamil- ton, is spending the holldav at. home. Ant-um Bannerâ€"Mm. Vunderhurgh. of Richmond Hill, was the guest of Mrs. Birchax-d last Saturday. Mr. \Vill Brace l‘opm‘is heavy \vmk during' the term atTm-unto Medical, and is enjoying a few days well-earn- ed recupyrntinn. Miss Agnes Sibhald, in training at line Px-eshytorian Douconvss Hump. Tmmxtn. fur special work in U)? fmeign field. is spending afewduys with Mr. and Mrs. Brace. The fulluwing teachers are home for their Christmas hnliduys:â€"Mr. J. E. Skeele, Cayuga; Mr. W. Glass, Mid- land: Mr. \V. TI‘PUCh. Arthur; .‘IirS F. M. Brown, Huntsville; Miss G. Grant, Fort Erie; Miss Lorine \Vright, Hamfm'd. Mr. John Mc\Villiams and his cousin, Mrs. Richard Deutsch. of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James McVViHi-ams. the farmer’s parents. Mr. Burnwy McVViliiums of Chehuygan, is also spending the holidays with his relatives hero. Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Stnddnrt of Cunkstuwn are spending a few days with Mrs. Glasa. Miss Annie Cnopm of Toronto. spent Xmas with her sister. Miss 3. Cooper, at the Parsonage. Mr. E. G. Redditt. formerly of THE LIBERAL Smff, has become at p:u~an- in the printing firm of \Vulls 8105., Barrie. Rev. W. H. Anderson preached in Qut-t-nsville lust, thhnlh. HP is spvnding Christmas and the New Yem- ;\L the Manse. Miss Evzt Hill and Miss Cassie Hill are spending their Christmas holidays with friends at. Hillsdnle, Moonstone and other places. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Proctor and Miss Kathleen Proulm- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage oVor Xmas. Miss Jennie Gmingor and Mr. Althm' Graingor of Toronto. spent Xmas with their mother, Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Wily Refer to Doctors BERSONALS. +++~2+++»:«:«:«+»:.++-:Ǥ +++++++++++ +M+++++H~aw+++++++~w+ H-+++++++~z~+++++-:-++-z+++++++r++++++++++- Â¥++ > fiichmend Hill Eardwage Siam Q and that Great \Veekly, The Family Herald and$ E 689 W eekly Star, Monbreal } The Liberal " BOTH FOR H~++ +++++++++++++++MM+++++++++++++++++++~5 +++++++M++++++++++M+++++ ~i~+++++M+++++++++M~Â¥ XMAS IDEAS To reduce our stock we will make genuine re- duction in the price of all lines of Dry Goods, Grocer- ies and Crockery during the month of January, 1907. December 27, 1906 in every line. January Skates, Hockey Sticks Sleighs Guns and Rifles Cutlery, Carving Sets Trays Sweepers and argains Bargains; ' Bargains Atkinsan & Swim? Repairing and Biending SGELES @nucrctc £31352 TWO PAPERS YOU VVAN‘I‘ Cfiearing SaEe Chinese Lanterns Richmond. Hill In 3 IIIY ( will happenings, 2 yuu a com- vl‘Linn of the an or Amer- -ubL the best. the English Herald and 51-011 at; this J. .1. O a +4. Ided the gmvure two do!- +4-+++

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