Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jan 1907, p. 2

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_ . it tits 1.. an Sill“ Oniy One Survivor of Family, Saved by Neighbor’s Child was char that she had hit-d to escape from th. house after be it“! lh‘ weal;- ness of appruzu‘lnibrr tit ath t'l'ii'j‘utlf,‘ upon her. lit-r strength was not equal to the task. and she dad on the ill or. 'lhe boy A despalch from Niagara Falls, Ont.. says: \\'i-ilnrsday afternoon at. 4.4.") o'clock a little girl named Campbell hurâ€" ried into the home rt Mr. and Mrs. James Harris. on tiny Street, to gel warm :iiter skatingY in the neighborâ€" and his sister had both been oven-onu- hood. She entered the door, and was b.- tbe deadly s Neighbors agree that the lfairis family was seen about the house as late as 1': attracted by a voice that called to her for help. Looking: about she discovered an lf-ycarâ€"otd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. o‘clock, but uolwty appears to have Harris on the floor. The girl feebly seen any of them after that hour. if the asked to be' taken outside. as she was life of the lt-yirar-oiii daughter is savrd will be lit-cause the Campbell ,L’ll't dragged hei‘ out of the him-e bemre the gas had fully oxerconte hrr. choking. and the Campbell girl helpedit her into the open air. She ruilized that. S(lfll(,"lll§lll.[ “as wrong. and called a man working.r nearby. This man ran to the As the news of the asphyxiation flarris house, and on going inside made spread through the city it. frightened the horrifying diseovery that Mr. and ' Users of natural gas to a reinartuibte (11'- Mrs. llarris, their 13-year-old son and gree. It was ilillirult to understai’id how their 3-year-old (laughter were all dead, this family of live was. so thoroughly ovrrcome as to cause the death of four right in the middle of the day. It is thought. that Mr. lfarris. as he was to go to work at it o‘clock. had been sleep- ing. “and was partially overcome when work at If o'clock, but. he sat. dead in his he sat in the chair where he was found chair near a stove. half clad. Mrs. flarâ€" dead. The Harris family occupied a ris was found dead in the hall, and ii.,flat, and it had but a singl. stove in it. having.r been natural gas. Mr. Harris was ’15 years old, and em- ployed by the Acker I’roeess Company, of this city. lie was to have gone to asphyxiated by escapiin,Y toannsrn NEWS [nitsl ney of the llarris dwelling: at Niagara Falls was completely blocked with soot, which explains how the family were ‘ ~ 1 suffocated. HAI’I"thN(;S FROM ALL OVER '11": A. Ferguson's barn. stock and imple- ments at Southwyn. Main, were burned on Monday. lbs entire faintly were stricken with typhoi-l quiie rrcenlly, and a prairie fire last fall destroyed his hay. Gllf‘iA’l‘ BRITAIN. light flon. Augustine Birrell is men- tioned as a DUSSliItU candidate for the Chief Secretaryship of Ireland. It is expected that the flight lion. James Bryce will be. named head of the delegation to the next ffague l‘eace Conference. L‘NlTEI) S’l‘A'l‘ES. Fifteen persons have been killed in the race war in kits issippi. ' Alexander J. Cassatt. l‘resident of the Penu’ylvania Railroad, died suddenly at l’h'ladelplna on Friday. llev. 'f’. K. Crowley. of St. Patrick‘s Church, Denison. Texas. while putting on his vestments to celebrate lligh Mass, dropped dead on \\'edne<da_,'. Three men were killed and four pro- bably fatally wounded in a fight on Tuesday night between guards employed by the \\'est Kentucky tioal (‘onipany at, Sturgis. Union County, Ky., and the striking miners at that place. GLOBE. Telegraphf't Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of llccent CAN ADA. The ’i‘emiskaining & .‘(orthern Ontario Railway has paid $138,000 into treasury. fire in the business portion of Ninga, 'Man., on Friday, caused a 1055 of 8500, 000. it. is estimated that 115.000 immigrants Settled in Ontario during the year, and that next year the total will be over 000. A Russell Cameron, a wealthy and. hoputar young man, was found dead in ’lll}. room at Ottawa, on Friday. yith a bullet wound in his temple. I A verdict of murder has been returned ' against Frank (Zapallo. the italian, who stabbed Wdliam flow in a quarrel near Snakeskin Lake on Christmas night. A big panther was shot. on the grounds of Senator Macdonald, at Vic- lt’it‘ifl, it. C. Cai'berry. .\fan., is in the pinch of the Earl famine, the town home almost - . D e , ,. i. . . -. .mghnm com. falling into a sponge mmer full of ~\ ~ . . louv'h at the Bliss bakery at Columbus. hailroads in C'mad- 'l‘l’l “. fl“ . . . ‘ d M 0 SH l “Mb iOtllO, on \\ cdnesday. if. D. \ankirk, a year about $62tltl0,’tt ' ,' ' ' » ‘. .. i 4 ‘ U 0 m communion baker, was whirled round and round “mk and Cqu’pment' urtirl ev try bt no in his body was The ffansou (Jonso‘id te Aft-p l. - k , J T ‘ “ J a d ' ‘ I’s‘ mar crushed. \\hen the machine vas stop- lP. rt Arthur, shipped a earload of silver ore, valued at $15,000, to Omaha, Thursday. Manson pcd he was taken out. dead. GENERAL. . A committee has been appointed to re- on 8: Allen of \X’innieeg have been given charge of the Canadian vise the laws 01' (111M. Northern legal business west of the Rebellion in Ecuador has been supâ€" pi‘cssed and a new president. elected. The Dutch troops in the tiast indies have won a vietery over the llajah Lina. Disorders have broken out. in Servia, lakes. The C.P.R. audit department eniployes in Montreal have been granted a 10 per cent. increase in wages. An electric railway running,T through threatening the overthrow of the proscnt 1 .(Zanadian territon from the Detroit. dynasty. Eleven Mexicans and one American were killed near Valencia, Mexico. by a band of Yaqui Indians. Social} is at Lodz, Russia. have threatened that they will compel citizens to feed and lodge the unemployed. hi. l’ichon, Foreign Minister of l’rance, River to Niagara is projected by Michi- gan capitalists. John Dyer was sentenced at Hamilton on Monday to a year in the Central for stealing articles front churches. , Steps are being taken at Hamilton to secure the release of five men sentenced for rioiiin.r in connection with the street. has announced that the policy of his railway strike. (lt’ivernineut is to be “peace and dig- f'lis imperial Highness, General Prince nity." 'l‘iie hidian National Congress has ex- pressed indignation that lfiiidoos are d utert lh: right of citizenship in the ITransvaal. Fushimi, of Japan. will pass through Canada on his way home from a visit to King lidward. It has been discovered that the chim- l Story From the Russian Famine Districts. A despateh from St. l‘etershurg says: th:~ pe i;*l.~ often travellel many \'t‘l'_~1F . . » l t» the iii-own tori-s ltiiifill '1" rm“ t. list If. whi has list phoned , q I _ P U. I 't . . pl... 1; ..<11~1.;.,..1taiiiy annual can bi- lo‘pt (‘1.l\e Ulltti th. from .1 lonib tom .n ..c o.i 11-. t. \ 1 “Wm , __ H” Mich [MILE is ti. regions, gives. in the lti:.~sk:).a \‘t'lw't 't'h.~ maple h:.\-,. my“... a: . a St“... W niosti, a hearttending t:f."llllll (if lashing”; “with; In Hit-i. hip: tho pm“... experiericrs. 11 i~ Hill in HP not! Itiil'diIfwttiit on._\' seven t-ttl of :23: \ii'agrs ’ sense, but in the direct l:i=‘utlill‘,.' of thrtwhith acorn if ur was not ntixt-il es.‘ word that the law are d_\ .nu’. theyE iii rye to make the s "=1in brmd. A0 are actuatlt' thin.â€" rota day to day. from lti‘c'td aton‘ was t'ttlxll suit t.l.<- foal to loaf. \\.tiiout the :‘o’st l- -pe. the .stznie food of Liiiilohs of being altl(A to p‘i‘t'diiltg ltli‘ fitl'llgrlt ti . siipu- Supieiiitr r. Sip-ti . life until the spring. ' is Il“.\tn'l~‘ t i ugh to giro iv in The (1',i'\ hnxe f: ill d e. nub-H . fwd ' "m vii-"l pursuit. i There is thither food 111‘ fun? granaries stunt absilntety v. over a stretch of foot) \"crsts the 1 saw no trace ,of either oa's i.r bu... wh‘at. Cattle and horses or.- .s ill f trittes. Horses are vain: d at the pinto 1. their skills. In the fluzaiti'k \\‘(tl':llh‘ss herb l: fodder, also ut.i{ haves, to \v-n us’::iily this i 1' into a . are .l \xith ll-vl \\a. 'l‘! e “div; ii,. 1:Jl\‘ .zn: on district prick. ' lay-n 1'} "'iiil\'l‘t‘\i "other whicn' merlhs 101‘ r.’ people have a s‘raiigm t Admiral N-iliogaloff and three otheri (tfllu‘(‘j‘\' were condemned to (truth by a Russian court-nuii'tmt fir surrendering {it till) tattle (if lilt‘ SI‘LI til .lhtuil], The cotton lairwst in tirnlral Asia is extremity good. 17,000 rarlodds. lllrtt‘tlll pt th~ usual flown. brim.r available for :-xport. the railroads will l‘t‘tllllt‘i‘ sit:- tt‘at tilt'iiiiit':5 to transport the cotton. ' the French. (iv‘l'llli’tll find lillr.~iilli e\-! pulllwuis have arrived at 'l‘ushkrht.‘ \stotiC lilt>>ltt, to observe the t'ttps‘i- of January 11, in addition to making the usual obse-vations the exprdtiitns \'.‘lt study the t'tilltl.:ltill of the uppi-r air by mums of ballcons and automatic instruâ€" !ltl‘lli:‘.. _.._ _-‘_.___ Fifi-‘3‘. (XOE'RHIZH. Bulletin From the Ontario Agricultural (Iolleue. . For o\rr thirty years the Ontario Ag- ricultural College has provided ro'n‘ses :07 11 1y and practical llt‘ttl work fort lfa. .ezs‘ sons. and thousands of young! min hue taken advantage of it. At ‘lirst the course was two years. This \vtis fwltlld to be too Short, and in 15-3 e thir-t ynar was added. Still lah-r it was found impossible, to do justire to he work in three 5t'\:itill.\‘. and the ir- Igular colltge course. leading to the (le- t‘,""'- of it. 5. .i\. now covers a period of fear years. But. there are many farmers amt fariners' sons who cannot spare the time to take the long (lottegc course, and others who might. find the time. but lave not. the nuans or education sultiâ€"z cienl for matriculation. For the sake of such men we have supplemented ottl‘ re- gular work by adding short courses to meet their sprniat riquiremeuts. A judginrr pavitlion. with a fifty-foot ring. and “till seats all around capable of seatingr comfortably 11:30 persons. has been built especially for the Convenience of ttltist: takinpr the short course in the stock. Into this ring all classes of‘ llOl‘M‘S, beef cattle. sheep and swine are brought for Cl'tllt‘l.’s‘lll. The animals are. judged by the members of the clas: them elves. and finally judgtd by some recognized autho-ity, so that students may have a good opportunify to coinâ€"t pale their judgment with that of others, No money will be spat-ml in bringins in some of the best representalixe-s of all these ctas ' from the .stablis of our trading“r (lutar . breeders. the work wi'l be con Incl-«d by (l. ti. flay. l'rof. at Animal lluslandry; If. S. Arkvtt, Lee- h'rer in Animal Husbandry. and llr. .1. fl flecd. l’rof. of Veterinary Science. with the assistance of other competent stockmcn who are regarded as authori- ties on the lllU‘d valuable, breeds of farm animals. One hour each day will be spent. in lectures on seed Sv‘lt,‘-’:tltlll and the best, methods of cleaning seed. and in the' judging of nuts, barley. wheat. peas and corn: amt of the grasses, clovers, and :various foidt-r crops and in the identi- lllCtllldl of the mad seeds most coup tnionly found in grass and clover seed. -\. This course will be conducted by (‘ Zavitz, l‘rof. of Field lfusbandi; .l. Buchanan. Lefturer in field llusl'anul- try; and J. E. llowilt, Lecturer in Bt‘itfl‘l)’. 111.1110 poultry course. which lasts for one month, instruction Will be given in the fol’owmg branches of the poultry} l.-usine.~:s: Preparation; of plans, speci- tications and estimates of poultry houses for various purptses; location, Ct‘llfitl'llt“ lion, ventilation and furnishings; treeds and varieties of fowls; origin and char- acteristics; principles of breedhn,r and mating: judging; natural and artificial tincubatiini and rearing. feeding. care and management; the production of eggs in winter, deuhnsiralions and practice in fattening. killing. and preparing chickens for home and foreign markets. The demand for trained men in dairy- ing. too, far exceeds the supply. and young men th :rouehly whipped in the ._ie.ue and practice of i)llltl.‘i‘l'litl\'lfl;_' and cfiiesemaoi‘g are in Constant de- .mand. the dairy srltnol welt pre- pared to give a good course in dairying. (The term three months.) A herd of ab vuttu e. os.heil'irs and calves icâ€" prisentiin: hroe dit‘ft-rcnt brirds of dairy Cattle, elves an ixcelli-nt. t!lljt"'t lesson in the handling. f"(‘|tillj£ and caring for a dairy herd. iesides [plying speci~ mens: for classâ€"robin \vwrk. .\ record! l.‘ kept of each Cows mi‘k. that. stuW ldents. may St’l' the importance and sim- pliwity of a We." rivwrd. 'l‘hese coursiis Litt‘ oil} red as was =tatâ€" ed before. for tlhse farmers amt farm- ter's sons who have not the time nor tit: money to take the regular t'ullfgr‘ more and it to be hoped that a large number will avail tilt)!ll5('l\t.’$ 1‘f is, j: . >8 1h.» opportunly to attend dumtg the learning January. _.n- _ 1. GOVERNMENT HUI'SE Bl'iiNl-Zf). Governor \‘fefnnes' Residence at Dawson Completely Destroyed. .\ d 'spatr-h fr n1 llawsou. Y.'l‘.. says: i . . ».f Governor KIA-Innis. of l't'sitli'tlt'l‘ in Ten wry. 1m .\\ii :w tiHthl’fi‘t‘lll flirt-v. ' ' in til..' " flay. .\\itti a'l :‘. ‘lw in. '1; was l1 1‘. as ]l'ttt~t‘id‘ (.1 \‘i‘l‘t‘tltt nt \tilued rt s'u'wl t~ . till-awn. .1‘ (low 'llt the ttiimst lvuzldluj. |l\.il..i of \’.ii. , ' nil-l “.1 h litlmitlllt prope .' inf-ll r to \lr. aid \iis. .\lt:liunts. 'll:e d lu'ft‘l'i' in» in. ii is rilllirtis-d ed 1; u: an ».\piosion hi 'l'h-r‘ "(as no \\.i]d or tip; und ;.'.’.i'l'i>‘. n l‘udding l17i1"‘ teen turn-d. 'l'l;~ 1 is r ll.‘.' 7'l‘u. but the tire- ‘ Its-2 af‘vr llit‘ l‘flll. ' tit-inn; “a; ; quite: ts, ‘ttttti't‘f‘vt. tl’S One Hundred \chis Sank in. this at 3 Cost of $50,000. In. it 11 from Montreal says: Finn lhlr fuels were E't‘t't‘i‘y'i‘tl by Mr. 1.. O. .\r.iv.stia.iig. colonization up at of flu- t: 1’. It.. on \\'uh:i-s.lay. which deal with the disct’ivery of oil in Manitoulin island. Lake Huron. ft. is now but till wells have lawn sunk at a cost .1" ab tut $501 each, and. as a result, the itis‘r‘overers believe that they have, an ivru greater mt ground than Pennsyl- vania had in its greatest (lays. .\ drspa Linus} Minus Toronto. Dec. (ELâ€"Bran-nr-SI? hid. \\‘li ::t~ OntaritF-No. 2 white. '7th ask- ed out ide, (Bite bid; No. '2 red. lib/‘50 bid t.‘..l’.ll.: .\'o. 2 mixed, We asked. 03". tutt- \\/hea \lnnitoba-sNo. l northern. Ste askiit. bulge bid, track, l’oilit lid- ward. l’t‘assgtc asked. 80c hid. Oatsâ€"No. 2 white. She asked, outside. 371521: lvid. main line. (Ternâ€"No. :l ytllow, 49);: asked, '10 routi). to arrive. lliewNo. 2. 7t]e to 711‘. outside. (Zornâ€"va No. 3. flit/lg: to Sue; old. i\‘o. ‘7 51134.3 Toronto rate points. larley No. ll extra. We to fill, ‘ to Ii No. :2. Stir. llranâ€"ch. co and minimally .stu'ul'ts, .Z'IL "1' â€"llttll; Ontario. $2.70 asked for 01 it-‘:' cent. patents for export. larvrs’ bags outside, $2.05 bid: Manitoba first $11.50; seeond, Sit; bakers”. ~. l-7i' ) .I. $18; » 5.:310. CltlUN'l‘llY f’l lODUCE. lutter~'l'he market firm. with a brisk demand. Creamery do solids Dairy prilltis' do pails . . . . . . .. «to tubs Inferior . . . . . . . fin-10131: (Itiers'em 's‘ are holding.r firm at 13km for large and lie. for twins. tings 'N'W-ttlltl me very scarce. Storage. 231:; timed. 22c. New-laid are quotut from 3111' to 35c. f’lltiit!‘_\'~"l‘ilt) market mo:ni..g. Clii< ns, dressed Fowl Ducks (‘lrese Se to [tie ’i'urkt-ys .. . . . . . . ltctoi’ic Potatoelâ€"Ontario quoted at 550 to (it); per big. in car tots here; eastern, is steady and . 23c to 270 2b to in: 2‘16 to “31' Ith' 1020 IS" to : 7c to DC 0:} t0 1th Se lo fut: tlfic to Tie. Rated flayâ€"$11.50 to $12 for i\'o. 1. timo‘hy, and $J for .\'o. :2 in car 1013 here. Baled Strawâ€"Firm at $7 in car lots here. MON'I‘REAI. MARKETS. Montreal, Dec. 3t.~.~\ firm tone pre- Vails in the local market. ltut-kwheatâ€"Stic to 56%0 per bushel, e’x store. Crirn~AmerieaiL No. No. 3 mixed, :3/ic. ex store. Oatsâ€"â€"("'i spot, No. 2 white. time; .\'o. 3 white, tt'/_.c to life: No. 4, tinge to tle per bushel. ex store. 0 ~ l'e: :-â€"lloitiuu peas, $1 in car-toad tots. ,l.hl in jobbiner lots. Flt)ttl'â€"â€"\ltlllltulitl spring; ti H.130; strong i'lillx’t‘l'S‘,’ . to winter wheat patents. .‘tttdtl to . straight rollers, $3.00 to $3.70: (10., bags. $1.05 to SUB; Sta). ktillfetdâ€"Manitoba bran in bags. 820 wheat. extras, $1.50 to ti $22: shorts. to $22; (hilario brrn :n bags, 53 "i to $111; shorts. in ft ‘ milled moiiiile, $21 to straight. grain, $28 to 352‘.) per ton. fll‘illed Oatsâ€"Per lair. $1.05 to ill car lots. $2.10 in jobbing lots. ‘ aerial tit “nit: known ‘ was quiet this yellow. 53c; ' ._...___._._.. I To all to this St. Joseph's Island, which l> of tt-t- same geogmpbleal for- ltlilllttll as Mamlou‘in. is known to Law the same oil qualities. ln l‘enn~ syhanla It tln‘r'tl to rust $1,300 to sink a well. ; s against $500 in Canada to-day. I'l‘here is u ilt‘ili‘f in many t]tltlt".'l'~ that thi.s is the beginning of a print 1. ill to tlhe S‘illltidltl (lit tiompany, wh.h to- ‘day controls the Worlds prodz. is of petiole-um. llav No. 1. $13.50; {\‘0. 3, $12.50: No. fl, $11.50; e'over mixed, $11; pure cloverr $105.0 to Stt per ton in car lots. l‘rovisions Barrels short. cut $22 to $31: half-barrels, $11.25 to $ll.~' '75, clear fat hm k. «"2350: long: cut heat/6' me. 320.511: half-barrels (10.. $10.75;I dry salt tom; clear bacon, 10th to 11%c; barrels plate beef. $13 to $t.l: half-har- rets (10.. $0.20 to $7: barrels heavy liiess tie-2f. $11; half-barrels do.. :50; compound lard, $50 to tie; pure lard, 12!;0 to til: kettle rendertd. tilvtgc to lie; hams. 1m: to Iii/QC. according to Sim: break est. bacon, 150 to ttie: \\‘ind- Soi- bat-on. 17w to ltlr': fresh killed abat- toir dressed hoes. $02.”); alive $13.75. fig sNNew-laid, 3.10., and Some lots a in e mer; select fall eggs. 25,14: to 20-; timed and cold storage, 21c 10‘ 21%;. [31.7 FFA LO hiA l".f\' ET. Buffalo. fire. 31. â€" Flour -~ Steady. \\'he:itw.\'pring nominal; \\‘inter than; Ni). 1 while. we. (loansâ€"Dull; No. 2 yel- low. ’17)“: .\'o. '2 while. l7} Oats-â€" f-‘trm; No. " write. 31),]. .'o. 2 mixed. tarryâ€"Strong at 53 to title. llye â€"L'nse'tled; No. l North-Western, Ttie. Nt-Z\\' YORK \\'fll£.\T MARKET. New Yti-k. Dec, fitâ€"«Wheat -â€" Spot, easy; No. 2 red nominal in elevator and argue t,o.b. afllat: No. 1 northern Du- luth. 'lo-‘r’c e.i.f. fluffalo; No. ‘2 hard win- ts’rtf‘gt' 0.7.1. Buffalo. “.- _., ('I.r\'f"l‘Ll§ MARKET. a Toronto. .lan. .rl ight receipts and a, dull markz't were reported at. thr Wes- tern tia‘tle .‘xlaiket 10-day. Hutch ' tattle were not plentiful. A load \\':1s sold “1.1.10 to Sight; another load bought 5 , and a tight toad sold at $12.10, A load of rough animals and cows brought ' at) par cwt. lixpiirtt‘rs‘ cattle Wi‘l’t.‘ not on sale. The, nominal prices given were $.f.‘25 to $4.110 per cwt. I [logs- sold at $0.15 for issue for lights and fats. Lambs were \\'t‘f'tll $5.50 to $6.35 cwt. 1:: oil owes Sold at :Btfltl to “.853 and bums lrnught $3 to :0 per th. Calves were worth $3 to 50.50 per cwt, selects, and per _...._.â€";â€"â€" h... DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Man and “onion Commit Suicide Jail at Elmira, N. Y. in A dispatch from Elmira, \1. Y.. says: The lilmira county jail was the scene of a double 1111;:ch on “ethics-day night. A woman named Bessie Wells occupied a Cell in the woman’s: dormi- tory awaiting: sentence on January 3 for abducting a )‘Otlltg girl. A nan named Flank Delaney, pox; singr a power of attorney fun. ‘he woman. and who is said to have been her lover. called at, the jail. and. statingr that he wished to obtazn thi woman's signature to some ...:: pagers, \\ as shown to her evll by a guard in ' who st Close by while he conversed 'with her: Suddenly Delaney passed a battle of qai-lnolie arid through the bars and pr. svd a Sea'ulltl one to his own lips. 'l‘h~ guard sprazrcr upon the man. but. was not quick enough. ltoth died ghetto-.- a physician could be called. De- tlaiiey was twenty-nine )‘JtttS old, and 'Xvus a railroad man. He comes from a respected family. snowman Sixteen People Killed in a Scottish Raiiway in a iii- of the .\ dispatch from London >=t\'.<: Zl-l Collision on l"l‘.-l:t“,'_ (quail «"5' by the heaty snt '.v.~trl:‘:n few d'iys. tti lvt‘l'.~lll.‘ haxe l-'i.'l iii-d and our 30 injured. The actgitlrnt tlt'L'tll'f't’t‘l near ;\l‘ltl'!ititll. on the N101 - hit b. Railroad. brtwcin lidailhrgh and \lei-decn. and some distance llul‘ili of Wreck xAn exprtws hain dashed into the rear 0. ililt‘ wait ’1 hi- continuing snowfall has created a jsitazizion the xvoist known in 3|) yo ' it‘lreat Britain and the conddions r I.. ' x ititifi. 11nd lure apparently are ,f_"‘llt fittzrwugjiiunt l'lurore. l-‘ifln all l'Itl'iS of ttirrat llritaui LOIHJ .5.U‘|'l|'.\ of trains tluried in rfl‘ xixdrlfts. 'i.~- \‘.ul':t case be- ‘ing tll‘lt of a 7rain bound from Maudie Dundee. Antoni: the persons miuixd is bi Edinburgh. when .ah into a snow- .\.Li'.‘;ur1d‘r \‘v'mlj black. n .ilicr (if thetdrift a! t} l-v‘luek on than lay night, llouse of (It‘llllztt'flls fit-in llaiiifstiriuith:~-e ll;.t".\ from #1 \ndrew's. and is Srotland. "he 'rtCSlltNtd is littl'iLUll‘d lo,sl.i.l c ihddd. rt 1’ iron st-nt to its the litaiv fall of sh w. to whichEass' use sta'I: ill the tlrit. and 'ii‘. the Ir" L iil‘lltln'i‘. 11" tLit't'ff wrz ‘lt'll'll'i‘ during! ' iht-zn .‘. .‘\f'ttf'\.i .i. . linr \ shot.- inii t’iidag' '1 . : u'itr. and tr. ’ii 1 jipizinlzlj. l'. provisio: I} ~..lml for li‘ ‘ i ‘ i:.-‘ h ‘3' p7: -u’:.‘;:vr~ .. c!" e... 'in-- ' Junction. "" amount... 11 .ie Ilr' .ii ' roasts is h wrri- thou, Wimb- inadequate to deal with the, crin- " ‘ ' " :iir,:n_'.l ions. heir-lofdre almost unknown in u. t with shun. or from country. mess, V/ / /

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