Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jan 1907, p. 4

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. it-inxosn HILL. 051. Jan. 3, 1007 A MUCH CONGRAT LATED PAPER To have served its country and the public in general with disinterested- nets and zeal for sixtyâ€"one years. to have. behind it a record of stability and integrity reaching back to the early childhood of many of its oldest ieaders, this is an honor not possessed by many nen'spapers to-day. but is due to the Montreal " \Vitness," published by Messrs. John Dougall & Son. Montreal. It must indeed be a source of gratifi- cation to the propiietors of this paper {which has been in the hands of tile. same family for the entire sixty-one years), that all throuin the past years its mails li‘ave. been filled \Vith letters fioni allclasses and conditions froui the Atlantic to the Pacific testifying most heartily to their high regard for the “ \Vitness" and their admiration for its staunch adherence. under all circumstances to the piiuciples for which it has always stood. Premiers. Judges. Lawyers. Finan- ciers, Ministers of the Gospel of all denominations have express-d their views frankly in letters that have been niblished in the. “ “fitness” and have been seen and read. and. more than that. endorsed by many thousands throughout. the Dominion. A large number of people in the adjoining republic and Great Britain and many of the finest; men and women to-day aie proud to boast; :â€"“I was brought up on the. \‘Vituess" Asa sample of the. congratulations received by the “ \‘Vilness” during the past year. we give two that we noticea particularly reproduced in its columns. They need no iiiti oduction orconnnent from us : The Premier, The Hon. Sir \Vilfred Laui-ier. \vrote.â€"-"Personally, it has always been a source of hiin gratifi- cation to me when you have found it: consistent with vour own conception of public duty to support me in the different subjects of public policy with which I have to deal. “On the. other hand. whenever you differed from me. and thought me in the wrong, your criticisms derived all the greater force fioin my intimate conviction that iliey'vvere inspired by that same sense of public duty." Mr. R. L. Borden. K.C.. M.P.. the leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons. Ottawa. wrote, “The iesponsibilities of a piibiic journal are not less than those of a public man. In fulfilling these, the ‘\Vituess’ has manifested. in an eminent degree. the qualities of Courage and sincerity. Moreover. it has alwaysaiined to uplift the standard of journalism in (his country." The “ \Vitness " (Daily and “'eekly) gives all the news that is worthy the attention of the average leader. The “ \Vitness" editorial pages are acknowledged by its readeis on all sides to be both fair and forceful. 'I‘he “\Vitness" Financial Review and Market and Stock Reports are known throughout the Dominion for their reliability. Other interesting departments. such as Literary Review. Legal. Medical and General Queries: Boys' Page; Home Department: Agricultural Ile- pai-tinents. etc. etc, are ably con- ducted by specialists at large expense, offering a most valuable privilege to “ \Vilncss" readers. The new-comer into our fair land makes no mistake when. in addition to his local paper. he subscribes for the “ Montreal lVitness." published by Messrs. Dougall & Son. Indeed such a step places him at once in line witl the best. and able-st. in the Damiuion. 'I‘he “ \Ve.ekly \Vitness and Canadian Hmnestead " is only one dollar a year. The " Daily \Vitness " is three dollars. *H+++++H++++++++++H++++ WANTED A young man of mechanical inclinations as an appren- tice to learn watchmaki n g. Call personally for conditions «tools needed etc. JERRY SMITH PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER +'I'++’f-+'I-++%++'}'+%++4' P+++++40l +++++++++++++++++++*++++++ ib+++++++++H+++++++++++++ \Piles get quick relief from Dr Shoop‘s Magic Ointment. Remember flihcrnld +++++++~I~+++++++++++++++++ +°’r++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ l l I l it's made alone for Pilesâ€"and it works . with certainty and satisfaction. Ili‘li- 1 ing. painful. piotruding, or blind piles ’ disappearlike magic by its use. ’l‘iy it and seel \V. A. Saint: EM)”. If you me constipated. dull, or llllitllh‘. or liavc a sallow lifeli-s coinâ€" plexioii. try Lax-ets just once to see what they will do for you. Lax-ets are little toothsoine candy tablets â€"nice to eat. nice in effect. No grip- ing. no pain. Just a gentle laXatiu- effect that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for the vest pocket or puise. Lax-ets meet cvciy desiie. LIIX-(‘ls come to you in beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 2') cents and 25 cents. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. W Application to Parliament. Take notice that an :ipplit‘nlioti will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next fies- sion. for an Act to incorporate a ('om- pany to be known as "The Artesian \Valer (‘0., Limited." with power to survey lands in any part or parts of the (‘ounty of York: to sink wells or tunnels; to dig trenches in or through private or public property: to lay or sink pipes or mains: to convey water in and through such pipes from or to any point, or points in the t‘ounty of York; to examine such \vells. tunnels, trenches and pipes and keep them in repair or to take, up same: to erect buildings. machinery. standpipes and reservoirs for the purposes of the Company, and build any plant neeis- sary to properly carry out the business of the Company; to sell such water to individuals. firms. corporations public and private, and municipal corpora- tions; to expropriate. purchase or otherwise aeipiireland or lands requir- ed for the. foregoing pin poses; to enter into contracts for the supply of water to the Munimpal Corporations of the Villages of Richmond Hill. Markham and \Veston; of the towns of North Toronto and-Toronto Junction. and of the Townships of \Vliitchurch. Mark~ ham. Vaughan and York respectively for fire service and dometic use for a period of twenty years or upwards. and for such furthrrriglits and powers as may be deemed necessary to the pioper and legal cairyiug out of the business of the Company. \\'. A. \VERREI‘T. 77 Victoria Street. Solicitor for the Applicants. Dated at'l‘orouto, 14th December. 1006. 27-6 It‘s a. pleasure to tell our readers about a cough Cure, like Dr. Shoop‘s. For years Dr Shoop has fouglitagainst the use of Opium. Chloroform. or other unsafe ingredients commonly found in Cough remedies. llr. Hhoop. it seems. has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted. for he has worked along similarliues many years. For neatly 20 years Dr. Slioop's Cough (lure eon- tainers have had a. warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus made it possible for inotheis to protect their children by simply insisting on haiiniz Dr. Shoop's Couin Cure. Sanderson. Sold by \Y. A. gala gunman §1l5l1195§ (6011252 is. 1m. (E. ‘3. guilt]. fittings & aurora Sis" fintnutu Oldest Strongest Best 7 Winter Term from Jan 2. 1907. Enter any time. Excellent results guaran- teed. Catalogue and lessons in business writing free. T. M. WATSON, Principal -'l .-:.-- . .n. -. . , ,~’>V.‘_. . “My... .1“... My Stock of \V'oolens for FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Black and Blue \\ cistcd Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Best. quality. Low prices A. J. UME, Tailor, Richmond Hill S ubscribe for LIBERAL IF Tl... * 5.92 COU adian Business (‘ollnw-V six montlis' Commercial. Hhoitliainl on a three Illltlllll\' i-oinse. (‘ut out coupon. you write for (.‘atalog. M. Familiaran ‘lORONTO Auction Si in Kal’arties getting auction sale lllll> printed at. THE LIBERAL ()l’lire will re- Ceive a notice similar to below up to date of sale free of charge. A rharge of 50 cents will be made for notices \\ hen billsare not printed at this office. \Vnnxicsnav. .lan. 9‘Rmitl houses. pure-bred Yoiksbire hogs. imported and home bred of i-hoiu-st quality, inilk rows. elm. the property of it. S: ITi-isby, Victoria Square. Sale at one oelock. .l. H. Prentice. auctioneer. \VliimlishaY. Jan. Zâ€"I“I'l*.~‘ll milk cows. splingr-i's. and young cattle. at Palmer House Yaids. Richmond llill. Sale at 2. Terms. 3 mos. Saigetn & McEwen. aucts. hank llama? To weak and ailing women. thr-ro Is at least on way to help. But with that way. two treatmwnis must be combined. One is local. on»- is (‘UllStil .‘lâ€" tional. but both are important. both essential Dr. Shoop's Night (‘Iirc is th» Local. Di'. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. Thc formerâ€"Dr. Shoop's Night (\irrâ€"isa topical mucous mc-nibmno suppository remedy. uni!» Dr. Slioop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat ment. The I‘wstomtive reaches throughout U." entire system. seeking the. repair of all nerve. n_.ll tissue. and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure". as its name, implies. does It: work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam- ed mucous surfaces. heals local “mama-=er an 1 discharges, while the, Restorative. eases nf‘I'VU‘..~ excitement. gives renewed vigor and audition builds up wasted tissues. bringing about rench strength. vigor. and energy. Take Dr. Slioop's Restomtivcâ€"hblcts or Liquidâ€"as a general tonic to the system. For positive local help. use as Well W. A. SANDERSON GDAlefiflg‘flT AND Having purchased the above business from H. Winger 8; Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. Will be at the yards, Thorn- hill Station, G. T. R. every \Vednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. Have just received a car of cement. A. B. HALL Thornhill I). 0. Forsaggfign. I’llvllfit“ and lot. immediately South of ‘ Iligli Sclllnll, Richmond Hill. For iii- formation apply to JAMES NIE\VTON. Elgiu Mills. 'For Sale _ ' barn, part of which is at the mill site, Laskay: the remainder at lot 12. Lind 3 con Markham. I Apply to A. B. I‘IISON r 244 Langstaff I’. 0. ‘7 7 "Em A hand bag containing a sum of money was los: on the Iilgiu .‘inlls sidiuline (Markham) on Chiistinas night. The finder wila rcwaided by lea\ ing same at THE LIBERAL OFFICE ' Rtnans Tabules: at druggista. Ripans Tabules cure dlzzmess. ran ssh” ‘ If presented before lllh .lanuar)‘ llaiik of ('oioiiieir't' lilillz.y i'oriiei Yonge Sis” Toronto, this coupon \\' Mention this p cor. Yonge & Bioor :‘ts . A quantity of building timber fill" be suitably . , '07, at the office of the Iii il ish (‘an- liltmi' :tzlil Ill be :ll'Cl'lltt'tl as pail prva in I‘ll .. or .\lalrieiilation l‘oiiisw. or for 5': ("l i apei- and name coiiise It ipiired w“. v. .A. Eigritisltffl‘azmfitzri ftwiutfin e33 tillt‘iit‘ ..i- .i*‘-%’ill3 Municipal ‘ Richmond 1901' 3200\‘0 Your vote and influenci- an reunit- fully SIlliL‘lll‘ll l'ni W. H. Paisley As Reeve for 1907. Your vote and inflnenre are respect- fully solicited for P. G. Savage As Reeve for 1907. 1901' Counvillors Your vote and influence ai-e iespret- fully solicited for Edward Barker As Councillor for 1907. Your vote and influence are rrspect- fully solicited for J. P. 62:: As Councillor for 1007. 3.“! :31. â€"v -. Your \ote and influence are, respect- fully soliciled for H. A. N icholls As Councillor for 1907. Your vote and influence are icspect- fully solicited for J. H. Sanderson As Councillor for 1907. Your vote and influence aic iespect- fully solicited for D. Sloan As Councillor for 1907. Your vote and influence are respect- fully solicited for T. H. Trench As 'Iouncillorfoi 1907. Vaughan Township b‘or Deputy- Reeve Your vote and influence aic respect- full soliCited for D. C. Longhouse As Deputy~Reeve for 1007. Your vote and influence are respect- fully solicited for f 3. Scott Moldair As Deputy-Reeve for 1007. Markham Townslii . 1701' (Jouncillors Your \ote and influencn- are I"~‘P('Ci~ I fully solicited for i Geo. B. Padget A» (.‘oiiiicilloi' for 1907. For Sale " A pine-bred Yoilnliiic I3< nr, IS 1 months old. Cheap. II. R. IIFIIHIC Vietoiia Equare 273.3 $l.0i} IN Alll'ANSE. m In"; See mfg." selec- tion of cl'ioice Chris 1:18.61 gifts b e f( ’j', chasm 3:; Wh e o /'/ f/ pin r- ; seâ€" N o tron bin 13 0 Show you. Dolls and Toys l .3 Perfume Dressing Cases Manicure Sets Gold Spectacles Pipes Choice Chocolates Shaving Sets and Hair Brushes Call and we will be happy to ShOW you. Sandcr= sen DBUGGIST RICHMOND HILL / I

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