Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. LIBERAL PRINTING II PUBLISHING HCIUSE BICHMONDHILL,ON1‘. Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! Yo I: Goods sold on consignment General sales stoo are promptly ntendedco at. renaonnnlt rates flaiideuce Uniuuviue G R unhhug. Newton Breakagent for the above J '1‘ Stigeon Licensed \uctioneers tor the County of Yurk ï¬nes Itaendedm on shortesmotic (mud n ma tunable rates Patronage Solicited calls by day and night; promptly at- tended to. Lianne Auctioneex for theCouuty of York re- npaesmlly whens your pacrunage and friendly influence sales atnrndod on the shortest notice and at reasonabemtas. P. 0. address ng T. F. McMAHON. IS PUBLISHED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING ‘Vill occupy his prmiccesmr‘s ofï¬ce and is prepared Lu do general practice and alsu to treat, eye, ear, nose and thumb diseases. Da. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, \Vill be J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept alt, both places. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 :1. In 7â€"8 p. In. VOL. XXIX. Undertaken: & Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL Pupil of A. S. Y: and J. H. Angm Dr. E. J. ‘Voods DENTIST, Cor. Carlton and Yunge Sts . Toronto fill be in Richmond Hill on “70:! nesday of Each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. OMCe Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Francis Block J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist ‘4 Toronto Ofï¬ce. 450 CHURCH ST aluans $1 per annum, in advance. Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Richnlond 135i“ DR. S VETERINARY SURGEON 'Phornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. M. R. (‘1. Snlgeou & NicEwcn . (SUCC): WRIGH @5112 ï¬ibmi †an Enxron d‘: Pnornm’ron J. II. P: entice. D. G. BLOE'GII, Wteriuam :‘éflrdicul. J. glam M. :3. 580R k, THORNHILL, Ont. AT flental. T0 Du. DEANi THE T BROS, ï¬n. Doc. (Piano) 3. C. 0. (Theory) J K McEwen Weston l‘lfl.‘ Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. south-east cor- nex- of Lorne Bldg, every Thursday afternoon. A G S Lindsey K C G G F Lawrence W Riduut Wadsworth AL 0“ 11111:. y MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Barristers , 3311: Home Life Build hold Loan Bldg. Monev to loan onland audchansl mortgagenat lowest rates Aururnofï¬ceâ€"Removea to the old post 0mm: one door west of the entrance to the Outarw Bunk Newmurket ofï¬ceâ€"Three docrs south of the pmtolï¬ce ’1‘ HERBEBTLBNNOX G STV Moxmm LENNOX & MORG BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Norm Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richm \Vestr, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ufl‘ice, 5 Bank Building, every Sutnrd DUOâ€. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at, Five Per Cent (5%) NOTA RY PUBLIC Richmond H111 ; RICHMOXT Repairing of all kinds. Sc card at. once. Organs cleaned and tuned. Mason & Risch Pianos. SINGER Sewing Machines N '\'l‘fflN.-Ul TRUST CH AM BERS :0 KING ST. E. TORONTO, Canada. J A N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, El.4(§rIN REEIJLS Pbonn Main 311 rivnt-t HANK I); DGMIN M r RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1907 J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Toronto Ofl‘xce, 36 Toronto street. H. A. NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commission Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. 2N L‘WX & MORGAN, Barristers and gollcllors. Eton, Dunn 84 Boultbee McDonald will hp at THE LIBER- ï¬cp‘ Richmond Hill, every Sal} aftr‘I-nnm). WILLIAM COOK Insurnnt lurx-Vsters VictorinSt ERBICRT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOUL’I‘BEF JOHN WALTER MCDONALD ION r-m-r COMMISSIONER IN THE .stt 1- King & Yunge Streeta‘ TORONTO. Trust Funds tn loan at st current rates. not, x5. Solicitors, Etc. BANK CHAMBERS. £cgal. Aurora. AG ENI‘ citm s. Notaries, 85c. ding (formerly Free 5.). Cor. Adelaide & Sts.. Toronto. Snlictnrs, Etc In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity." Cunveyancor. ete. Fire and Life. TOR, NOTARY, ETC. 33 Richmond St. G STV MORGAN Ofï¬ce, Standard PHICK Phone Main 2984 Send a post Newmarket My after- } â€"uice to eat, nice in iug. no pain. Just- etfuct, that is [Jim Handy for the Vest Lnx-ets meet ewy cume to you in lwul‘ metal boxes at 5 (:e' Sold by “'. A. Sand Le get. Me allu Mcbhllum Councillors Burns . . . . . Deacon . . . McClure « Phillips .. . ‘Vatson . . Local Option By»I'_ For......... .. ‘ Against... .. f The Nigh, Names Reeve OFFICIAL RETURNS FOR TWP. 0F VAUGHAN. Div. No. 493 262 Majority fvr Lnnghonso, 231. Council fur ISO? :13 tolluws: Reeve. Ismlc Devins (AL-(1.); Deputy-Reeve, D. O. Lunghmxse; Cuumï¬llors, James A. Cameron (mun). \Vm. Thomas (ucc.). and Jacob \Viliinms (accu). J. B. MCLEAN, Returning Ofï¬cer. buy Pu-n at than.†Referring to fruit growing a part of Mr. MucNeill’s reuuu-ks is as follows:â€" “A now class has been created. \Vc have now a. fancy class, first, class. second (ï¬ns: and at third class. The thiul class is of no interest, in you. The only province of (‘unadu that can produce apples of the fancy class is British Columbia. And I have come tn the cunclusiun thatthe only district eVen in British Columbia. that can produce them is Kootengty. If you are constipated. dull, or biliuus. or have a. sulluw lifelt-s cum~ plexiun, try Lax-913 just once to see what they will do for you. Lax-ets are little tlmthsumP candy tablets â€"nice to eat, nic: in effect, No grip- ing. no pain. Just H gentle laxative effect, that is pleasingly drsimhle. VVo have received an interesting letter from Mr. Oscar B. Appleton of Nelson, 8.0.. giving am account (if the climate, runditrr-ns in general 'and fruit-growing in particular, of the Kuutenuy District. \\'e are pleased to insert extracts frnm his leLtHI'. as well as :1 paragraph “1' two frnm a clipping taken from the Nelson Daily Canadian in which Mr. A. MarcNt-lll. Dominiun Fruit, luspecturgives much praise to the pruducts of Koutenay above that (if all other districts in \Vt‘SLf‘l‘ll Cunndu. Mr. Appleton “’l'lfL’S HS fulans :â€" “My luvlhel and I came to the district of West Kuntenny ahonL ten years wig“ and took up land and C0!!!- mencvd planting une of the ï¬rst orchalds un the Ktmtenay Luke. Since that time the district, has gune ahead by leaps and huunds until it is now recogmzvd as being one of tlw most fertile valleys in B. 0., and pm- ducing :1 remarkable quality of fruit which has taken the. Gold Medal in London, Eng. in 190.3, and has won ï¬rst place from nezuly all the other districts of B. U. and nf the neighbor- ing state tn the south of us. Thu-e is still plenty of land [U be bud in the wild hush state for $20 to $40 an zit-re. but imprnved land now custs fruni $150 tn $2.50 pt‘X‘acl'O, and is very hard to buy turn at lllnl.†Referring [(1 fruit (II-owing a unit (If "I am not yet sure whether it; is due In your skill as gx-owvrs or to the soil and climutv." If to soil and climate. then I can only say that, your snil and climate are are Wuuderful, unequalled anywhere else in Canada.†Suh- Div. 10 11 .. . ‘76 14 14 8 . .. 27 23 2 7 1907 Council will be zâ€"Reeve, Padget. Morrison. Lapp Pi KING TOWNSHIP MUNlCIPAL RETURNS, 1907‘ 28 30 58 Thornhill Panel-Sun Eme- Grove. Pm-plewlle. Elders Milis Kleinhurg. . Edger All-r1}le MARKHAM TWP. ELECTION RETURNS. 19 Law ngle Buynton i[ pucket ur pul‘SP. 1y desire. Lax-ens uLiful lithograpbed ants and 25 cents. 42 82 3-1» 114: Lung- home 112 54 81 81 95 123 Manir (‘ar- Hager- Morri- luthers man son 93 18 13 1’0}!ng 8‘18 32 99 97 5i) Slater ; The following are among those elected for municipal councils on Monday:â€": To the Electors of Richmond Hill who so ably supported me in the late election:~â€" I am taking my defeat like a man should, but; must, say that the fraud and slander thrown at me to etfect my defeat, were unjust and untruth- ful, and were suppm-Led by an organ- ized band of ladies. who never :lskHl my views on any question pertaining to temperanc». Huwever, I am qu-a Ihe village is lift in the hands of an able and competent man. January 9th, 19 ‘7. Alu‘u‘l‘aâ€"Muym‘, H. \V. Fleur-y (agg); Keefe. JnKnmvleg. 'Roeve: W. H. Pugsley. 105; P. Savage. 83. Councillors: H. A. Nichnlls. 111: H. Trench. 110; E. Barker, 104; J. Sanderson, 100; D. Sloan, 95; J. Glass, 81. ‘Newmnrketâ€"â€"Mayur, R. A. Smith: Roevo, Wm. KPilh. North Torontoâ€"Mayor. John Fisher. VVhitchurchâ€"Reeve, Seneca Baker; Deputy rmve, S. T. Foote: Council- Im-s. W. H. Clark, \Vm. Thompson. T. .T. Spanlding. Kingâ€"Reeve, T. H. Legge: Deputy- I-eeve, A. M (:MUH-hy (not); Councillors, Burns. Doucon. Phillips: Vaughanâ€"Reeve, Isaac Devius (300.); Deputy-Reeve, D. C. Lung- hnuse: Cnuncillm'sâ€"J. A. Cameron, \Vm. Thumns, Jacuh VVillinms. \Vestunâ€"RPH‘G, Dr. E. F. Irwin. Suttonâ€"Even), Arthur E. Pugsh-y. Stuuifvilleâ€"Reevo, R. P. Coulsnn. Markham Villageâ€"Reeve. L. H. Sps'ight. Yurkâ€"-Roev9, S. Henry. Turunto Junctionâ€"uï¬ayor, A. \V. Baild. It’s a. pleasure to tell our readers ahnut n rnugh Cure like Dr. Shunp’s. Fur years Dr Shunp has fnnghtagainst the use uf Opium, Chlm-ofnrin. ur other unsafe- ingI-edients commonly fnund in Cnugh remedies. Dr. S'mmp. it seems, has welcomed thv [‘nrv Food and Drug Law recently enacted. for he has worked along similar-lines many years. Fur nemly 21) years Dr. Slinnp’s Cough Cure unn- tuiners have had a. warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic pnisnns. He has thus made it possible for nintheis to protect, their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shnop‘s Cough Cure. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Unusual interest was shown in the municipal elertiuns here this year. In a duwnpmu uf rain. the largest; vote ever polled for wave und councillan was pull9d Monday. The total num- berof votms polled was 190. and there were 4 rejected haunts. Most, of the ladies on the voters‘ list, exercised their franchise. Mr. Hume, villngu clerk, was returning-omen. and Mr. W. Hall acted as poll-clerk. The vote for cnuncil was cluse us will be seen by the fullmvingz: The council for 1907 will thm-efm'e be: Reeve, \V. H. Pugsley; Onumvil- 101‘s. H. A. NIChUllS. T. H. Trench. E. Barker. J. H. Sanderson. Markhamâ€"Reeve, J. Slater, (ncc.); Deputy-we‘ve. Lapp: Councillors, J. Nigh. G. Pudget, G. Mmrison. 70 Sub-Divisions 5 6 7 27 21 36 ’7 Deputy-Reeve, Lapp; Councillors, 93 l COUNCIL FOR 1907. MONDAY’S ELECTiON CARD 0F THANKS. O. H. STIVER, Clerk. 66 52 (in 62 Meyer Nig‘ 14 28 80 P. G. SAVAGE Padgeb 36â€" 16â€" Totals â€" 211 617 3'38 537 520 441 A TALE OF THE PIONEER NORTH- \VEST The story of the pinnevr is (mo of the ï¬nvst traditions in 0111‘ Ilistm'Vâ€"‘Il Sim-5' more mnvinm nmn' ilnDI‘PSsiVO. niure drnnmtvic lhan the slut-v ni’ war and can “086‘ of the» snldmr. tiw pin-n.9, or HEP m \‘e‘ntm'nr. In " C:1I-l.“hy Add. Melvin in “19 Jnmmry “i('(‘/illll"\‘. w» have mm of thv mrv instances whr-w t‘w spirit, of tho pinnpm' struggle has hven (liven n failhfnl and ndoqu tr (-x- prnssinn. It is th» stnry nf :1 four! won- vvar-nld boy, who, nber thr‘ de-Mh nf his parents. engages in :\ hI-iuic struggle tn hum lhs- hnmo-sh-nd whivh they had taken up in the Nurth» \vestvv-n wilderness, and (‘HX'P fur fnluI ymmgnr ht'lllh(‘l‘< and sisters. 'l'lm nnhlp simplicity «If tho narrative gives it, n distinctinn fur uhuve that, 0f aver- age magazine fit-thin. Deering Farm Em- plements JANUARY CLEARING SAIE‘ ATKENSUN &: S\V l'l‘ZER. Get my rates and prices before {1:0- ing busines: ' Eiseâ€" Where Fire and Life 3211- surance Richmgnd Em N. 3. flags Like a. young bird and gulp down what- ever food or medicine may be offered you ? Or, do you want to know something of the composition and character of that. which you take into your stomach whether as food or medicine ? Most intelligent and sensible people now-a-days insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to imist upon such knowledge. So he publishesrbzamast and on each bottle- am} v ï¬es i hican w ih In redi nts of whicl are made are studied an?! For the cure of woman’s peculiar weak- nesses, irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back- ache, dragging-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region. accom- panied. ofttimes, with a debilitating. pelvic. catarrhal drain and kindred symp- toms of weakness, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a most efï¬cient remedy. It is equally effective in curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing the system of the expectant mother for bab ’s coming. thus rendering childbirth 32. e and com- paratively painless. The “Favorite Pre- scription " is a. most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. It is also a. soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration. neuralgia, hysteria, spasms chorea or St. Vitus’s dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at- tendant upon functional and organic dis- eases of the distinctly feminine organs. _ A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of ractice, recommend each of the several ngredlents of which “Favorite Prescription †is made for the cure of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a. cure. You ma read what they say far yourself by sen ing a. postal card request; for a. free booklet of extracts from the leading authorities. to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel and Sur ical In~ atitqte. Buï¬alo, N, Y., and It. wil come to are made are studied and understood T56 are \VllLiï¬ell' superior curafwe vu-Eue3 Vou bytetum host. T'ngredigE’ts'Br'WhLE Vls mediciï¬ Do You Open Your Mouth hes. dcast and on each bottle- ner, wha Is 'cines are made of mï¬esi This he feelg [Single copies, 3 cts. Agent far Bord £210 m AND understooa :ausg de-Mh nf I hmuic \d whit'h Nurtu-