Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1907, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. t rx‘mn lll‘L‘ umtin Mrs. J. Hill. JANUARY CLEAR}? ATKINSON & SW’ITZI‘JK Mr. and M Etigvly Kiuuee. The High and Pub} opened Muuduy with u «nee. Some of the old cnum-illm's “run so well on vlemiun day that it said they now think it wmnld be good idea tn erect, another wind-mill. The Junior Epwm'th Lvaguv of Christmu Endeavor. which bean on Monday so entlmsiasticnlly in spitv uf the weather. wild tweet each Monday afternoon at, 4.15. JANUARY CLEARING SALE. ATKINSON 3L S“'ITZER. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. 81 Ehnvale are spending a. we Mrs. James Hill. \Vood‘s 1 at 40c. “m: 3 ,‘c., at 27c. The Annual Mm-{i ank Lilwrnl i\.\‘\'(l(‘i;l at \Vcston (m Mum uury. Pure CMIIP Extra Grunulnt 22 lbs. fm~$l.UU; (-ur I'vgulurf Tea, for 2713.: regular 2.30,. J 2250. Atkinsun & Swilzr-r. JANUARY CLEARING SALE ATKINSON & S\Vl'l'ZER. Hullaud Landing electiun on Monday of candidates. Ev council had nut 21m business. JANUARY CLEARING SALE ATKINSON & S\\'I'J‘ZER. \Vonmu‘s Hygeian Vests and Dl‘aWt-l'al, 40% “Hull. regulzu 30c., fur 250.; \Vmua-n’s Blark Cashmere Hnse. regular 25c... for 22%.; Ivgulzu' 35c., fut 31c. Atkinson & Switzer. Ruhhels and Socksâ€"Men’s and boys’ rubbers of all kinds. Men’s and buys socks, at great snap. Men’s long rubber boots .1“ sizm‘ in stock. Naughlun 81-05., Elgin Mills. MISS Muggiv MrrCnnnghy huq been making a week’s visit, in the city. Redputh‘s extra Granulnlvvd Sugm 21 lbs.f0:- $1: Rt-dpnth‘s exu-n indm ed Sugar. 20 lbs. fur $1. Atkinsml é Switzrr. Miss Alice Cameron spent a few days with dunald, ln-t‘me enlming College in Toronto. Rev. A. P. Brace will Methodist church next ing. Subject: “RI-'pl'e: represented,-â€"whi(zh? The burn and contvnts of Mr. Ruhvl‘t Monknmn, 5th con. Markham. nem- Buttmn'ille. were dvsn'nyed by the Monday. The m-gin of the fir:- seems to be a mystery. Mr. Jesse BI-echloill uf Dammit, Kan, and bride are-.spe'nding part of lbe‘il' honeymoon visiting friends in Mal-kâ€" ham. Mls. Brm-hhill is :1 niece of Mr. Ulimenhegu (If Duiryluwn. Mrs. E. McMahon uf Aurora, a Mrs. T. Snlnpsnn and litlb- duught Edie of Bvlnmnt, Mum, am making visit with Miss L. MCMHIMIII. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kline and little daughter Edith and son George, of Torontn Junction. spent over Sunday with Mrs. Kline's father and sister, Mr. R. Kinnee and Miss Kinnee. Mr. E. M. Byrnel manager of the Staudurd Bunk here. attende the wedding of u brother banker. Mr. Grant of the» Head Office, to Miss Bell, dun hter of Judge Bell of Chatham. on ew Year‘s Day. Next Sunday will be wank-offering services at Victoria Square. both after- noon and evening. Special sermons will be preached by the pastors at 2.15 and 7. Offering will be given in aid of the running expenses of the church Leave your suhscriptlon at THE LID- ERAL Office for the “'eekly Globe and Canada Funnel with Illustrated Mag- azine Section. Will he sent to any address for 250, to the end of 1907. Hr. Geo. H. Pingle died at his home near Unimn‘illv on Sunday last. in his 715i: year. Deceased leaves a widow, a son and five daughters. He was a brother of Mr. Alex Plugle, ex-Couuty Councillor. it will pay you to anticipate Your wants and buy freely now at Atkin- snn & Switzm-‘s. Prunes. Figs. Dates. Raisins. Currants. Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Canned Tuxnumes, Com, ?e:w, Salm- on, Syrups. Next Monday evening will he missionary night at the Epworth League. Mrs. Switzer and Mrs. Amns \Vright. delegatm to the Intel-denom- inatiunal Missionary Institute, will give their report. RICHMHND he @ilfim’sfi. 40(3‘A11S‘5â€" Mrs. Jnc Qunnbz and baby. , spout Sunday with Miss inslon Unfit-es. u gnlm regular 4Uc.. at, 3.6mm; re Atkinmu 8.: Switzer. HILL, ONT” Jun. II), 1907 we will pram-h in MN :11 next, Sunday even- Rypresenu-d or Mis‘ g held no municipal y owing to a dearth vidvntly lust yvnr’s ue into the wind~mill Strong (If Sasknt a. visit with 311'. a 19; 0f (1w \Vc )inn will he ht my, 2415!. of J: Mrs. B. Mm St. Margaret s. Sunk“, (' l. woe-k wit schunls lo- )Ud uttvnd- Edmnntm), M Sugar, inc. Japan npan Tea, SALE ll 1} ulur (-h ll) “" er. “1 pal-é Jofl’el‘sull Mr. Junulhnn Brillingvr, lot 40, lst can. Mmkhmu, near this vilIagv has shown us :1 sumpk‘ nf Northern Spy upplu grown in his orchard in 1905. The prnpm-Lnr evidently understands m-t only how to gruw gnud apples, lmL ulsu how tn pX'r‘SUIVU (ht-m. fm A freight. cur gniug mm? cvcnings :Lgn. shortly afte'x' (1: inn: :1 (lxm'e 0f catlle which Patton was driving hume. two nf the numlnq su llml the he killed. The ilCCldt‘llt occur RUV. A of th (E tt'ndrd, ( umny of “wills at in St. John‘s Sunday next, when uddrosse anm-ahle A:- nugh and the Japan. All it? .he Vaughan Ministerial Assoriatiun will meet at Kle-inburg in [he Mvthn- dist church on Monday, Jan. l4lh at 2.30 p. m. The business nf the- day is the vler-xion uf officers for 1907. Also the Rev. \V. E. Galloway of Maple will read a paper on “The Message of Amos.” Thi- va. Gen. K. Kitvhing of Woudlaidge will lead in the discus- sxon. \V for Thu) Annual Mes-ting ()f the Rich- mnnd Hill and Yunge Stu-wt, Agricul- tural Slmipty will he held in the ane Hull. MI Saturday m-xt. Jan. 12. at 2.30. The (*lpclinn 0f Officm-s and nther important husinpss will be trans- ar-tod._ All inn-rested are requested to CI-nup ("an pnsitively be stoppé-d in 2‘) minutes. No vomitingâ€"nothing to sicker)nrdistressyum-child. Aswm‘t. plensnnt. and safe Syrup, called Ur. Shaun's Group Crux-e, dues the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shmup‘s Group Cure is furGrnup alone, x-exm'm- her. It dues not claim to cure a damn ailments. It‘s for Group, that’s all. Suld by \V’. A. Sander-sun. Last Friday onning the quiet; home of Miss Ltwk was invaded by a jnlly surprise pal'ly. After due explana- Linns. the freedom of the establish- ment was conferred upon the invad- ers, after which all proceeded to make merry by indulging in game-s. songs, and \‘al'iuus other amusements ’I'llp visitors departed in the "Wee snm” hours of the morning. after having done ample justice to a delightful 1‘?- past. and a hearty vote “that, old friends shall not be forgot." JANUARY CLEARING SALE ATKlNSUN & S\\'ITZER. at 2.30. The nther import acted. Alli] attend. AtaJneotingnf the Richmond Hill Methodist Sabbath School held at the home of Mrs. G. \Viley, Dec. 28, the following officers were appointh fur the year 1907 :â€"-Supt., J. A. E. Switzer; Sec’y, ClaI-kson McDonald; Treas., A. J. Hume; Librarian. W. A. Sanderson; Leader of Singing. A Wright: Organist, Miss Wiley; Assistant, Organist, Miss Barker. Bl fm' ( Sunny return THANKS CONVEYED The family hf t.h9 lute Mrs. wish to crmwy their thanks many {rivuds huth here and at V Square fur thr- kindness and syt shown during the illness of n mnIvht-I. and also for the ass x-eudeled in their hm'vnvvmvnt. Last, F1 iday evening a surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones of this place, when about, fifty of their friends gathered from Toronto. Orange Valley, Juifex-snn. TesLon and Richmond Hill, and spent 2|. pleasant time. Lunch, with ull the delicacies of the season, was Served at 12 o’cluck. Interesting games and amusements were indulged in. and all present thoroughly enjoyed then» selves. The largest mail ever received by one firm in the bi City of Montreal was that for the 14amin Hemld and \Veekly Star on the closing day of the year. It is said the suhacriptions for the Family Herald and Weekly Star on that day alone would exceed all the subscriptions for any other paper in Canada. for the whole month uf De. eeuiher. A day and a night staff are at, work all the time entering renewals and new subscriptions. The increase in the Family Herald’s subscriptiun business is phenomenal. It is said their picture this year and Ralph C-(m- nur’s new story “The Doctor.” have won them thousands of new renders, hut the Family Herald and \Veekly Star alone at one dollar per yeur is big value, and its wonderful success is well deserwd. ST. JOHN‘S C ll )l' va. A. P. nruco. Grand Chaplain I'Llw Grand Divisiuu nf Ontario, at- -ndrd, (In 'l‘ursduy t-vvning. the cere- mny of dvdiuuinn of :4. [NW suite 0f mms at Conn-1' (If Cullt-ge and Bruns- ick Ava. 'l‘mnnm. fur the (.‘mld- I'Pulu Diwishm of the Sons of Tem- ‘mncv. MPn‘s n & Swiliér Mr. ' 22y :ulzu' [H'IH u i\‘t'S miss“ 2k .-u- 2()c.. fur 1%.: rshiI-Ls and Drawn 'nl‘nnh f. E. S. Suvagv. lwnd salesman Rathhmw, rotuil lumber don]- nntn. spn-nt Mnnduy with his and litrlv daughtr-r Edith, at Hill Farm. Mr. Savage just lnfn-r :1 (Wu \vovks' visit with s in va Yurk and Now ENORMOUS MAILS. Elumwknit Mitts. rPgnlur 26c” l‘l‘gllhl‘ 352., fnl‘ 316.: Men's ‘lshlllt‘l‘t‘ Hus". Iogulur 250., ANNL S. S. OFFICERS. M on ELGIN MILLS. ly hf tvh9 lute Mrs. Curvm' nmy their thanks In thv Gs huth here and at Victoria tlw kindness and sympathy HIURCH JEFFERSON y mr’eting will he held Church. Jeffersmm, on 13th Inst. at 2.30 p.111. ‘5 will he gin-n hy the: whdeucun uf P9t(‘ll)ul‘- Rev. J. M. Baldwin of f‘ cordially invited. A L going north :1 fewl rrlly afu-r dark. ram Hula which Mr. M. ‘ing lmme. injuring x su that they had In ‘L‘ldt‘llt occurred near 3rillingm-, lht 40, Ist, lem- this village hast lc uf Nm-lliem Spy his urclmrd in 1905. I To stop a. cold with “Preventlcs” is safer than to let it run nnd cme it. afterwards. Taken at, Ihe "sneeze Sta 8" Preventics will head off all gen] 9 and Grippe. and perhaps szu'e yun from Pueumnnm 01- Bronchitis. Preventics are little toothsome candy cnld cure tablets selling in 5 cents and 25 cent huxes. If you are chilly. if ynu begin to sneeze. try Pi-eventics. They will surely check the cold. 11ml please you. Suld by \V. A. Sanderson. illness of 'nf' L114 in for the assist-(inc:- nwnvvmvnt. MEETING u. Iogulur 250., r. & R. Gullah-4. : Mvn's \le JI‘S, regular E')U(:., fur 67c. Axkin- Having a. complete X-ruy and static electricity apparatus. I am able to lncnte foreign bodies in the body, and examine fractures of hunos. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, ,Momnu GROWTHS, such as Cancers. etc. Being a graduate of Moorfield‘s Eye Hospital. England, I am prepared Ln examine the interior of the u-yes for DON‘T LET YOUR PAST SPOIL YOUR FUTURE There is nothing more. depressing than dwelling upon lost. opportunites or a misspeut life. “’hatever your past hm; been, forget it. If it, throws :l shadow upon the present. or causes melancholy or despondency, there is nothing in it which helps you. there is not a. single reason why you should retnin it in your memory and there are. a thousand reasons why you should bury it so deeply that it czm never be. resurrected. Nothing is more foolish. more positively wicked than to drug the, skeletons of the past. the hideou: images. the. foolish deeds. the unfortunate experiences of the anl. into to-druy’s Work to mar and spoil it. There are plenty of people who have been failures up to the pt-eSent, moment who could do Wonders in the future if they could only forget the post. if they only had the ability to eut it; off. to close the door on it forever and start, anew. DALZIELâ€"At \Voodhl-ihge. on Tues- day manning. Janunly 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Dalzivl, a sun. The Next Sitting of DiVIsion Court to: No. 3, Count-y of York. will be held in the Court Room, â€"HUSB.\ND AND CHILDREN. THOMPSONâ€"At Dollar. Markhmn, January 9. Charles, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Thmnpson. aged 1 month. To the municipal electors of the Villugu of Richmond Hill: PermiL me to thank my friends for the hearty support artcm-dI-d me an Monday, 7th inqu by r-lmttinp; me to the pnsilirm nf reeve of this: mnnivi- pnlitv. A~x in tho, pznt I shall endvuvm to merit your confidence, and shall always \vm-k fm' what I buliew- tu he for the best interests of our village. \Vith best, wishes, and again thanking V011. A er's Firilé keep the bowels regugar. A vegetable and gently laxative. IUCHMOND HILL _0N_ SATURDAY,JAN.2& Being a gut Hospital. En examine the disease, and In Memmiam. KINNEEâ€"ln loving nwmory of Mary Ann Kinm-e, below-d wifv of Roht-rt Kinm-o, \vhn entered into Rest Jun. 7. 1906. A yvar has gone. but, still we miss her. vam' shall her mmunry fade: Lm-ing t‘hnughts will always linger Around the grave where n)uLl)01"S laid. MSW?! - EQURT. WWW '1 DR. S. J. BOYD RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Cnmmeucinq at 10 :1. m. CARD 0F THANKS nm Yuma tru!y W. H. PUGSLEY T. F. MCMAHON CLERK DEATHS. BIRTHS ’ I907 4“!-+++W++++++M++++++++H++++M%+' $++++++++++++~HÂ¥ 4‘+++++++M+++++’§ +++++++++++ ++++MW+++++++++W And with the. Family Herald and must beautiful picture eve-r given to 22x29inches, entitled “A TUG OF W lzu' hill. THE LIBERAL will supply all local THE LIBERAL will supply all local news. markets, snciul happenings, etc. etc.. and the Family Herald and \Veekly Star will give yun a. cum- liinatinn (if the greatest weekly newspaper cm‘ei-ing every portion of the Globe. a great family magazine, far surpassing any of English or Amer- ican magazines in interesting family reading, and without doubt, the best farmer’s paper an the continent. No paper printed in- the English language gives its readers such hip; value as the Family Herald and \Veekly Star. Sample copies of the beautiful picture may be Seen at, this office. +N+++++M+++++++W++ H4++HH+++++H++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++H+++++++++++++++++++++ ,4" January To reduce our stock we will make genuine re- duction in the price of all lines of Dry Goods, Grocer- ies and Crockery during the month of January, 1907. in every line. December 27, 1906 Bargains Bargains Baxng Atkinson & Switm' After the holiday season we have a few Heaters to Clear at reduced prices. Richmond Hil Hardware Sim BARGAINS IN RANGES ' G. SGULES (if/untrue gimme Clearing Sale Richmond Hill m++ 'r 'i'

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