The clerk rend cmmnunicatiuns from the following: Mr. J. Russ [{uhertsun. asking uia I‘m- the Sli'k Children‘s Hospital; the "Municipal “"mld." asking subscription); the. “Culmdiun Municipal .lmn-nal." which was laid on the Lahlv: Rev. J. A. Grant. asking refund of (lvg tax for 1905: cninmiuee r9 settlement. with Mr. D. Hill, relating to drain in frunt uf his stun-9. A cmn- muuivntiun from the Ontario Muni- cipal Assncintinn was laid nver. Eanderson~Bmkerâ€"Thnt the treas- urer he instructed tn pay the folluw. ing uccount,s.â€"â€"Cnrried. Chas. Suules. acc't. to date . . . . S 6 31 Clerk's account, for election ex- pvnsvs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . S 00 T. F. McMalhuu. printing, etc.... 21 89 Insurance on park buildings 1t) 50 On motion. the treasurer was in- structed tn remit. $5 to the Sick Childn-n's Huspilal: also to slllxscrihe for six cnpivs of the Municipul \Vurld. Rev. Mr. Grant's petition fur refund of dog tax was grnuted. Trenchâ€"INichullsâ€"That 1119 report of the committee In Mr. Hill's drain he acuptml.â€"~Currir=d. The inaugural meeting of the coun- nil was mum in the. Council chamber nu Monday. January 14..“ 11 o'clock, at. In. All the menuhvrs-e]ectâ€"vnz.. Mr. ‘Vm. H. Pugslev. reew. and Messrs. Barker. Treuuh, Saudvrsuu Nichulls. councillorsâ€"were presvut, and hming. pursuant to statute, sub scribed their respeuthe. declaration“ of qualiï¬cation and uf utï¬ue. cuuk (bgir sunta- aud proceeded to businesa Nicholliâ€"Burkenâ€"That the petition refvrre-d to in the communication re- ceived from the Ontario Municipal Association he 8i ned and sent (0 lb? member of the gislature fur East, York for presentatiun to the Govern- man.â€"â€"Cnrri9d. UIT mution the council adjourned until 7.30 p. m. Pursuant to adjournment, the coun- cil_3§u;t, e_I_t, 7.31) p. In. f2]; business. A A The following resolution moved by Councillor Nicholls, seconded by 0mm- cillor Sanderson, was unanimously adopted: "thel‘e-ae it has become known to the council that certain per- sons have been in the habit of playing cards, and indulging in games of chance. on the pmperties belonging to the corporation. (In the Lord's Day: Be it therefore resolved that persons violating the law in this respect will be promoted under the Lord's Day Act, the criminal code with respect to her. -It does not claim-HI curt; a doze: ailnwnti. It's for Group. that‘s all Sold by W. A. Sundt-rsuu. Mr. Baird. Mayor-elect of Toronto Junction, cV'dently thinks I ~ it is his duty to encourage the enforce- mentof loo-l pp mu in tun. v wn. In his inaugural address on Monday he said: “ I shall deem it my duty and your duty to cauperate with the provincial authorities, and to instruct our police in the strict enforcement of the Liquor License Act." Of course ’I‘ommo Junction has the advantage of some other places in having paid constables to enforce the by-law. Other places might have a constable, it is true, but as some of our citizens say “That would cost money." Group can pnsitively he stopped in 20 minutes. No \‘(mniLingâ€"nothing to aickeu lll'diBLl'f-‘SS ynur child. A sweet. leusaut. and snfe Syrup. culled Dr. hnnp’s Omup Gui-v, dues the ka and dues it, quickly. Dr. Shnup's Cruup Cure is fut-Group alum“, renn-mr her. It does not claim to cure a dozen The c‘ny of Kingston, Jamaica. {blinded alitt‘leovertwo hundred years ago, suffered from an (‘ill‘lhquakfl on Monday. Some 300 people lost their lives by the falling of buildings, and more than 900 people injured. Fire broke out after the shock, but despatches state it: is under control. The destruction of property has been very great. It is to be regretted that the council were compelled to take steps to prohibit certain persons from play- ing cards and gambling for money in the skating rink building on the Lord's Day. The guilty parties who read the minutes of the Council on another page will undoubtediy feel ashamed of themselvesâ€"that is if they are not altogether destitute of manhood. The World at" Tuesday published the rumor that T. nersou. Post- master at Toronto, was to be suc- eeded by Dr. Coulcer, Deputy Post- master-General. Dr. - oulwr has given a flat. denial to the story. “(like ï¬iheml. REJï¬Horm HILL. On. Jan. 17, 1907 VILLAGE COUNCIL. If you are constipated. dull. or biliuus. or have a sallmv lifelcs chm- pls-xinu. try Lax-NS just once tn Sue wlmL tlwy will do for you. Lax-eta are litLle touthsnnm (‘undy tablets â€"nive meat, nice in effect. No grip- imz, nu pain. Just. a gentle lam-Live eï¬ect that is plI-asiugly dt-simhle. Handy for the \‘t‘SI pucket, ux- pursm Lax-9L3 meet every dvsiro. Lux-etx cum? to you in beautiful lithograpth uwtal hnxes at 5 cents and 2.5 cents. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Each Tuesday the rink will be open for hockey from 12.15 to 2 p. "1.; for skaters from 2 Lo 5 p. m. Admissinn. 50.: skating at night. 100.: also every Saturday evening, admission lOc. SIR.â€"Yuur issue of the 10th inst. contains a letter from Mr. P. G. Savage, in which he makes a seriuns charge against “an organized hand of l:nlie.~." The only Organized societies of wnmen in our village are the W. (l. T. U. and the \Vunmn's Missinnaly Societies. \Ve are nut sure which of these Mr. Savage intended to charge with supporting “fmnd and slander.“ The W. U. T. U. desires tn ptisitivelv denv the charge. There has hex-n lm meeting of the Union since early in Nm’elnher. and We state emphatically that the, muue nf Mr. Savage was not spuken of as a candidate fur Municipal honors; indeed it. is donhtful whethel lII‘. at. [hut (itne‘ had decided In Miler the ll‘iLH. The W. U. T. U. kept out of the whnle a‘lfair. and did not Mk the views of any candidate in the ï¬eld. either fur reeu- or (-uuncillur. The record nf the W. C. T. U. of this \il- Inge fur the past. twenty years stands before the people. and we. challenge any man to find that we were in any instance connected with “fraud and dander." ViVe have endemured, by the help afoul-great, Master. to work in His mune for the Sllppl‘PSslt-H uf evil in any shape. especially the demon of Lllt' dl'lnk irnf’ï¬t'. Hoping this may hesutisfactm-y to H†cunt-erned, we remain respectfully yours. Richmond Hill, Jan. To the Editor of TH]: LIBERAL Tn stnp a cold with " Preventivs" is BafP!‘ than to let it run and cum it] afterwards. Taken at, the “snupzvl stage" Prewntir‘s will htâ€"md off all (mlds and Grippv, and pm‘haps SHVP' you fran Pnenmr-niu m- Brnnohitiwfl Preventive :II‘P liLthI ((ml‘lismno cunrlv cnld Clll'P tuhlets splling in 5 Hints and 25 cvnt huxes. If yuu are chillv. if ynn lwgin tn snevze. trv Pwventicw. ley will surely vhw‘k thp Fold. and please ynu. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. | ‘ Council apjmn-m-d until the let inst. On motion. the village insporttur‘s salary was ï¬xed at $90 for the current, year. Thé following standing r‘nnuuittres werp struck: Fire and \Vutm‘. ‘u-nn- cillnrs Nit-hullsï¬nndermm and Tronvh: Park and Rink.Cnnm-illnrs Sundprsnn. Bax-kw and Nichulls: By-laws. Reeve Pllgslvy and Cnunx-illm-s Rundvrsnn and Ban-km: Streets and Sideulks. thP Whole mmncil, with supm-vism-s ns fnllmvs: \Vnrd l, Cuum-llllnr Sundc-r- sun: 2. Cnnnr-illm-TI-leh: 3. (lnuncillur Nit‘hnlls: 4. Councillor Barker. It, being nevessm'y tn lmrmw mum-y for pI-Psvnt needs. By-lmv No. 210 was intrnducod by Councillor Snndnrï¬nn fur that purpose. Thu Pouncil dvcidvd tn hmmw $350. and the hy-lnw was du_ly passed to that efTe-nt. By-law No. 209, for the appointment of ofï¬cials fur the cut-lent year. w: 8 introduced hy Cnuncillur Nicholle, and after receiving its third reading. was ï¬nally passed with hl-mks ï¬llvd us ful- luws: Auditors, F. W. Hall and Clar- Pnce Skew-l9; Assessnr, Thus. A. Lamon; High School Trilatpe. Andrvw Nuwtxm: Mt-lnhers of Board of Hvalth. I. Croshv and W. A. \Vrixzht: Mo-diml Hvalth Ofï¬cer. Dr. S. J. Boyd; Public Library. F. G. Savage and \V. A. Sanderson; Inspectnr. J. T. Startup, Fence-Viewms, J. Bvstard. 9. M. Brown. and R. Dicksun: Bpll Ringo-r; M. Rum-mm; Pound-Kpr and High- way-Inspector, H. Blunt-h" rd. Ripans 'l‘abules: for sour stomach. ijans Tabules cure comm/9mm gngnhling.»gr n5 trespassms." Richmond Hill Skating Rink THE CHARGE DENIED. A. J. HUME, Clerk. \V. C. T. U. 3. 1907. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in :1 certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sulv. them will he Miami for snle by Public Auction by Mr. J. T. Saigeon, auctioneer, at, the Pulmm: HUIISR’. 77 Victoria Street, Solicitul' fur the Applicants. Dated at Toronto. 14th December. 1906. Take notice that :in application Will he made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next, Sed- sion. for an Act to incorporate a Uom- pany to he known as “The Al‘teslall \Vnter (30.. Limited,“ with powm- to survey lands in any part or parts oi the (‘ounty of York; to'sink Wells oi tunnels; to dig trenches in or through private or public property: to lay or sink pipes or "wins; to convey water in and through slich pipes from or In :my point or points in the Uounly ol York; to examini- surh wells, tunnels. trenches and pipes and keep them in repair or to take up same: to Heul huililings. machinery. standpipes and reservoirs for Ihe purposes of HIV" Company. and lmild any plant nec- s- 5:“ y to properly (-arrv out the businhss of the Company; to sell such \Viltt'l’ to individuals. ï¬rms. corporations public and prixate, and municipal corpora- tions; to expropriate, purchase or otherwise acquire land or lands requir N] for the foregoing purposes; to emu-1- into contracts for the supply of wmer to the Municipal Corporations of the Villages of Richmond Hill. Markham :md Weston: oi the towns of North Toronto and Toronto Junction. and of the Townships of VVhitclnn't-h. Mark- hnm. Vaughan and York respectively for ï¬re service and di-metic use for a period of twenty years or upwards. and for such further rigth and powm-s us "my he deemed necessary to Lhe pioper and legal can-ying out of the business of the Qompnny. UNABLE PAW Hx-use and lot, immpdiately south uf High SI‘hUul, Richmond Hill. For in- fm-mntion npplyAtn 15-h f Applicabiou to Parliamer g A quantity of sllnnp wood 50, run. 1, Vuug!)_2}p_. For Sale 0r Rem; Pilvs get quick re-lief flw Shoup‘s Magic ()intnwnc. Re it‘s made alone fur l’ilrsâ€"and ‘ with cwtainty and suli<factior ing. painful. protruding, or hli dimppe-urlike nmgiv by its u: it and see! \V. A. Suhdrrsnn. THURSDAY, Jun. 24â€"â€" Crvdit sale, farm stuck. implo-nwnts, furnilurv. etc. on lot 21. con. 4, Vaughan, (Maple) the' pl'nperty of James Oliver. Te-rms. TH) Munths‘. Sulv at 1 o’clock. Suigvuu & McEan. Auctioneers. WPal'ties getting auction saln hills printed at THE LIBERAL Oflice will re- coivv u notice similar tn below up 1:) dub- nf sale five of churgp. A churgv (If 50 cvnts will In» made- for nnt‘im-s when hills aw nut, print 9d at, this amt-e. It's a. pleasuw to tell our readvrs ahnut acunzh Cure- liko Dr. Shnnp's F u' years Dr Sbunp has funghtagainst tu- use of Opnnn, Chlorofnrm. m- uLher unsafe- ingwdirnts commonly fmmd in Cuugh I-vnwdivs. Dr. Shnnp. it. seems. has welcomed thr- Furv Food and Drug Law recently enacted. for he hm worked along similm-lines many yum-s. Fm' nemly 2Uyeurs Dr. Shnnp's Cough Cure mm- tniners have had a Warning printh m. them against Opium and other nannKEc pnismns. He has thus made it pnssihlv- for mnthpxs tn pnrtwl their childrrn by simply insisting rm hzlvin Dr. Shunp‘s Cough Uure. Sold by . A. Sande-won. 27425 FOR SALE w. A. W ERREI‘T, For male. Auctlon Sales. JAM ES NE \VTON. \V M. ROBINSON. re-lief from: Dr annc. Rempmhm- l’ilrsâ€"and it, \\ m-ks s;|li~‘facti0n. In-h- .Hng. m- hlind pilvs iv by its use. Try Elgin Mills 1’. 0. Elgin Mills. on lot Riclunond [Jill June 11. 190.3 Tbleshers’ Coal on hand. Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. ' TEE Liï¬gï¬ï¬‚éa ' TERMS :â€"Ten por cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid to the Vendor’s Solit-it.m-s at the timv of sale and the hululce within 30 days thereafter with- out, interest. For further particulars. terms and conditiups nf $295, :Atprply tn ’l‘hv prnpvrty is lucnted 1% miles north of Richmund Hill and has n fronunge on Yunge Street and Elgin Mills P. 0. is within a. few rods of either farm house. Un the pi-npn-I-ty ï¬rgtly dejscribed is ailunlt-a. lax-g9 brick house and cum- nludinus uuLhuildings. nlnng s.l.«lmlstwi-1y limit, and unnLinlL ntinn Lhm-vnf 26 chains 21 links more 01' less. ‘l‘lianH pastel-[v parallel to the Sn-utln-rly limitnf Int 51. 25 chains 5': links num- “1- less, thence Silutllr‘l‘ly purullvl \vilh the easterly limits of lan 52 and 51. 26 (-hnins 2] links more 01' less to Kim place uf beginning. On 1,110 property\ét-condly dimm'ihed is situate n brick hnuse and outbuild- ings. (Hm-m mum: nt 4 pnint. u) [ha #1 tht-I- lv lim ‘3 ul~ In! 51 :It “In ll‘hUllH!" of [Z l'l]‘|il|~ n'lï¬ links u'eshriy frnm lh» suurh wtx‘wrly anglu lvf «aid in: :1 l‘ho-mrl- n’ewtv-rly nlnng‘ the wuthvrn limit Hf ‘- -iIl Int 5]. 25 chains 63!} links tn lhr- P:ls..t‘l‘l)’ limit, of the land uwnvd hanmvs KPI‘SHII'â€, thence northerly LEVERY COAL pm Ilium Tabulea cure flatulem Rlpuu Tabules. rib Michael Bros.. Solicitors for Vendor. $1.00 IN ABVANGE. DONALD 52' MiLLER. 152-4 Bay Street, Toronto pY‘"NHllL‘ Hlninp Iild< 51.†Y w-I't ‘G‘NSHHI HUT Ind mm foiluw»; ‘uiu “(I WOOD ()1 “)0 Let Me SelE Yam a - Chatham Emï¬aï¬m hu t, MN L19 ‘:‘ Vi!) the: sum uf 1:) (Ir-- January, ‘07. at. the nï¬â€˜irre uf mk Hf Ummuerv-e Bldg†0 "mun Will bu MCCDPU‘d as p HI‘ )6! m- Mutrivularinn U. y-six is pups-r und numv mnuse rrqniwd when \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hlll Station, G. T. R., every \Vednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their owrx coal. Have just received a. car of cement. A. R. HALL UEWILW l Having purchased the above business from H. Winger & Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market price. 38M, W938 AND Thornhill P. O. W. A. SANDERSON Sun at- '5 cent gï¬riï¬ï¬h bf Emma-‘55 BEMEM and cncez'fully recommend tho Briiish Can- Anwr Blunr and :I'rl paymrnl nu a. nuns", ur l'm’ $2.00 $592 mnuliam £12311ch '5 Hood ( »:1y [3 3 " ,ohfl Mop any disL'lbuio t get mad. and QUI‘S. It‘s new i it where pain Canny, ’s mas/J. and so